E1 Autodesk Inventor 2021 - Basics Tutorial for Beginners w/Training Guide

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hi my name is chris sakora and i'm going to step you through an introduction to inventor 2021 uh this is actually a college-based course so it's not like your typical tips and tricks video that only lasts a few minutes so beware it is a bit longer it's more in depth and also there's things that i'm going to talk about that are going to help make you better as an industry professional whereas many of the tutorials out there are for hobbyists this one is actually for academic use so plan on it being a bit longer and having more content than a typical youtube video on this okay what you can see here actually is the part that we're going to build today and we're going to go through the interface as well a bit but we're going to learn the foundations of the software so first of all what i would recommend doing is if you want you could go to the website v is in victor e r t is in tom a n is in nancy u x is an x-ray one don't forget the one dot com and this is a web page here that you can actually access the exams the videos the part files the instructional manual in this case we're looking for the instructional main so you click on that and inventor is always going to be in the green button so anywhere you look here like part files are in green the videos the link to the videos there is in green and the exams are in green so let's go ahead and we don't we just want the instructional manual so go to autodesk inventor and you'll see here the training guide instructional manual now those of you who are taking my course at elgin community college essentially this is a truncated version of your syllabus there's actually more information on the syllabus i'm going to send you through d2l but you can still use this as your guide there's really not that many changes between the two what you see here there's a link to the software so you can download inventor professional 2021 the way you can do that i'm going to show you really quickly you just go to autodesk.com and then down below here keep scrolling down you'll see free software for students now if you've never registered before you have to like here get started if you already have signed in previously you have a login use your elgin email address okay for this and basically you can download all these different softwares like inventor professionals right there but first you gotta get started and set up an account use your lg email address and then you could grab it down here download it and get the 2021 version if you can and that you need a 64-bit operating system to run it by the way so windows 10. all right so going back to the training guide here as you can see i also have a broken down those of you my inventor class at ecc you are where it's actually only an eight week course so that's this is actually bi-weekly so multiply this like one and two will be the first week three four second week so on and so forth and then i do give you the date for the midterm here this is this might actually change a little bit here and there for my class since it is online this semester and down below here the finishing date might be off a little bit i haven't uh actually matched this up yet with you'll actually have the real dates on your syllabus somebody sent to you so that's just a roundabout okay and these are all the different things we're going to cover in this class we're going to cover by modeling parts assemblies and drawings and then near the tail end of the class we're going to take a look at a little bit of cnc programming as well as some other entities those of you who want you can fast forward or speed this up down in the lower right when you go to like the resolution there's also you could actually set it to 1.5 if i talk a little slow for you or you can slow it down vice versa all right so that's the training guide but let's see how we're going to build this part first of all once you get this software installed you just go up here to new or you could go to file new and just hit you'll see there's part drawing and assembly you could go here um that's this is from a list of templates so like for example if you wanted english versus metric you could flip-flop those of you who download this in the united states i believe it automatically defaults it to english units so go ahead and click on part here the first four classes we're actually going to focus on just part modeling the fifth class we're going to take a look at assemblies and the sixth class i should say week we'll actually look at creating 2d drawings and then we review for the fine midterm exam and then you take the midterm that that week okay so now let's go over here you'll see on the left here they used to call this the browser now it's just the model bar but basically these other systems called like a feature manager design tree or things like that and what this does is it's a it's a road map of everything that you have done or well that that you have done once it's completed as well as it contains these planes and the planes are very important the x y x z and y z for example the x y plane we're going to sketch on probably for the first four classes so just be aware for our parts and these are paper essentially that we sketch on they're infinite even though you see a little square there you don't have to just focus on drawing inside of it they're infinite it's just there as a visual so here's what i want to do click on that xy plane and then you'll see right in the center here you have this little button create sketch go ahead and select create sketch now your setup might be a little different mine has a white background as for presentation purposes you don't have to set it like mine but you might want to and let me show you where that's located right now that's the options menu so you just go to file and go to options and then go to color and right here select presentation and then background color set it to one color and then go to display and turn on use application settings and again these are just preferences you don't have to do this if you don't want to but it will help because when i say click on that green point it might be orange in your screen so if you don't set up exactly like mine just have to note that the colors might be a little different so anyhow here we could go to the settings and my favorite is to actually go with shaded with edges right here and one color i like to see the edges as black you're going to be able to see it a little bit better that's why i like having that on and if you have a very a decent graphics card by all means feel free to turn some of these on the ground shadows object shadows ambient shadows ground reflection i'm not big on the ground plane but some people like that if you want you can turn that on and and that's about it go ahead and hit okay but this is really the heart of inventor where you could change and adjust all these settings when you're ready just go ahead and hit apply or okay and that's all we're going to look at for right now and there but we'll take a look later on other classes okay so what we've already started sketching and your background might look just like mine now so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the rectangle tool and hit the little arrow underneath rectangle you see there's a lot of different options there's polygon slots there's rectangle three point two point things like that we're just looking for two point we're gonna keep it really simple today move your pointer now to the origin you get that feedback x and y and should be zero for both of those and you'll get that little green dot in the center that means you're snapping to center and that's good so that's your origin in space your zero marker per se go ahead and click and then release the mouse button now move your mouse up to the upper right here and you'll see some dimensions up here notice mine is highlighted up at the top there it says 0.539 yours might be a little different and that's fine what we're going to do is we're going to plug in some numbers while that's up now you could do it now or you could do it later i'm going to do it now just to show you how easy it is it's really nice this one is going to be three inches wide so you don't have to hit backspace or delete or anything like that just type in three that's it and i'm using my little keypad so hit your number locks key if you like to use that that's going to make you look really professional out there now go ahead and move your pointer over to this box or hit the tab key on your keyboard the tab key will automatically go to the next one there oops and now go ahead and type in 5 and hit enter and then hit escape on your keyboard escape will take you out of the tool the rectangle to that drain so escapes in the upper left corner now to zoom to fit you could do one of two things i like clicking on front here and that will automatically zoom to fit and you can see the dimensions are there you could grab those and drag them if you have a wrong dimension now is the time you can just double click on it and type in a new value and hit the green check mark if you need to change them but you can change them at any time actually you just have to double click on surfaces or the feature in the tree to edit it also here this little front box will fit in and then home if you ever hear me say go home i'm referring to click on this little button right here and this brings you into an isometric view it's very nice for 3d modeling okay let's go ahead and now go to the 3d model tab up here and go to extrude now we want to extrude this a half inch you can see right here mindset to one inch but look at that little arrow get over that little arrow and it allows you to if you click on it you could drag to a specific depth like try and get to 0.5 if you can and then release it if not you can just click in there and type in 0.5 or you can actually type in 0.5 in there and then over here you can hit ok now there's more options we're going to go through those another time in this lesson just a little later hit ok and now you have your solemn model now what you can do is right up here you have the cube that allows you to click on and you can select like if you want to see the right face you could also hit the little arrows and they'll rotate 90 degree increments and they'll tell you what you're looking at you could go back home again go to front and notice there's also these little arrows for clockwise and counterclockwise rotation or you could actually click on this with your pointer and hold it down now when i say click i'm always referring to the left mouse button that's when we use ninety percent of the time in this class now if i'm gonna have you to click on the right mouse button i'll say it twice usually just so you recognize that that's the button okay now the wheel zooms in and out now you can notice you can focus your pointer over a specific area like let's say that corner i want to zoom up to it you just keep it focused as you scroll on the wheel on your mouse and it will zoom up to that region and you could go back home now there's these other tools here we don't need to use those but there's pan there's zoom to area and things like that there's rotation you could tinker with those ones um what i want to show you are some of the most common ways here okay now notice if you move your pointer to the center here and hold your middle mouse button down you could pan left right up and down that's that's the middle and i refer to the middle mouse button as the wheel and you're just pushing it down like it's actually a button and holding it and then you move your mouse left right up and down to pan now to rotate it's a little a little extra you have to hold shift so find the shift key on your keyboard either one of them will work and now hold the middle wheel down and move left right up and down and you'll see it will rotate dynamically so shift and the wheel okay let's go back home and let's continue on now we want to sketch on the surface you could sketch on planes like we did earlier we selected that x y plane now you can actually click on a flat surface as long as it's flat you can sketch on it so i'm going to click on this face and then over here notice we have some options we have create sketch and that's what we want actually but let's just look at some of the other options look at that one make sketch visible so if you wanted to you could bring up those dimensions and double click on them and change them you also have share sketch so if you want to send it off to another there's also edit sketch that will actually edit it'll keep bring the dimensions back and it'll still go back into the edit mode where you could sketch additional geometry or change it if you want and then there's edit extrude that will bring you back to where we have that little box in the upper left that allowed us to give the depth and such how far we wanted to extrude so those are some of the options there let's just go to create sketch though and click on front again now take your rectangle tool again the same rectangle tool we used before and hover over this lower left corner and click now drag this to the right now we could put in dimensions here we could type in three it's actually snapping to it now there's two layers of dimensioning slash constraints that you have here you have the ability to use dimensions and you have the ability to use relationships which are constraints like a coincidence tangent perpendicular parallel things like that now if we were just to click on this edge it's going to default to the coincident relationship to the right edge so it's locked in so it doesn't need that three inch length but because i clicked there it negated the dimension to the right for how high we wanted it now we could have gotten it to the midpoint but that's not what we want so here's what i want you to do hit escape and now find the dimension tool now this is when you need to add dimensions on a more normal basis notice d is the fast key for it if you ever want to get there because it's used very commonly now go ahead and select this bottom line here and then click on move your pointer up and click on this top line now drag it over to the right now those of you who are new to making drawings here's some advice think of it like this isn't the detailing class but i do want you to know a little bit about the rules think of it you want to try and make the dimension as easily readable as possible so think of it as a field goal and if you want to make sure that field goal makes it you're going to try for center especially if there's no blockage so find the center here and get that dimension right in the middle and a little bit away from the line so it doesn't overlap like i about where i have it click now go ahead and type in 1.5 and either hit enter or the green check mark and so now notice it either squeezed it down or made maybe made a little bit bigger depending upon where you dropped the sketch initially but now it's locked down okay so now we could go to 3d model the tab notice the sketch tab is all two-dimensional tools pretty much the 3d model is just that it's to bring your 2d sketches into the 3d world so go to extrude and notice it automatically picked up on that profile if it doesn't just click inside that profile and it will start to it'll start to pull itself out now we do actually want it at 0.5 and you have the drag handle you could change it if you'd like but i'd like my students to keep it at 0.5 right now later on you can tinker with them i definitely encourage you to have a little fun with it but anyhow 0.5 is what we wanted it remember that from the last time we extruded it let's go ahead and just hit ok notice it merged the two bodies there was an option and there we'll see that where you could actually make them separate bodies too but we're good the way it is now we want to put a hole right about here now there is a hole tool now the whole tool is really nice it actually has a library of countersinks kind of bores general type some holes we're going to learn that the fourth class so exercise four so it's uh we don't need to see it right now instead i want to show you how to use just the standard extrusion tools again so go ahead and click on this face and create sketch and click on front the box up here and now go to the circle tool if you have a little arrow under circle you'll see there's a center point tangent ellipse just go with center point move your pointer to the upper left quadrant of this rectangle here and click now drag out a circle and go ahead and before you click again remember you could use the keypad or the numbers on top type in 0.75 that's for the diameter hit enter now we need to locate that so we need to locate it off of edges that are readily available so go to the dimension tool and we locate it typically from center that's so because when you measure something you're not typically measuring to the outside of the edge that does it's not usually what you want you want to give someone a direct line of how to locate where to drill so to mention from this point here in the middle to this left edge imagine just like if you had to build this part you would take your tape measure and measure from center to the edge so go ahead and select that drag this up and get it centered between the goal posts remember that little rule and type in one for one inch now i have students who i've seen type in 1.000 or they backspace and they type one point now if you ever get a job using inventor or any cad system that's one of those big no-nos i would recommend you don't do because it makes you look amateur part of this class some of you say it's too much fluff when i give these recommendations it's 23 years of working in this industry and recognizing i was actually a manager and basically if i sat down and watched gave someone a test i might want to hire that those would be some of the things i would look at and i'd say oh looks like they're a bit maybe they don't know the software as well perhaps so that's why i give those recommendations okay go ahead and select that center point there to the top edge drag it over here to the left center it click and that's one inch so it's one inch off the top one inch off the left now go to 3d model and extrude now again if we were lucky it picked our circle but if it didn't just click in that circle or click on the circle boundary now we want to cut this so we want to flip it so let's use this little properties box over here for a moment we could use a drag handle but i want to show you this so you see the behavior first of all the direction let's go with the flipped direction now not only did it flip but it went to cut it there's some ai built in here and artificial intelligence that knows it had a volume behind it so you wouldn't typically want to extrude volume over volume so it knew to just remove the material which is really nice but note it doesn't always do that depending upon the conditions behind it so just always double check make sure it looks like a hole now we want that not only just to go at 0.5 that's being a little bit short-sighted in industry typically when you're working in the design and engineering field when you make a design the first design is a conceptual design a lot of times it has to be modified and changed let's say this is some sort of mounting bracket and we had a half inch thick and then we realized later on you know that's not strong enough we need to make it thicker perhaps maybe three quarters of an inch if you left this thickness at point five then you change the main bulk of the the rectangle thickness to 0.75 you'd have to go back to this feature too and edit it and change it you can have a whole array of features that were done that way so there's something called design intent and design intent crosses over all cad systems it's your plan on how you want things to update if changes do occur so in this case it's always going to be a through-hole so let's make sure so no one has to go back and just change this hole so instead of 0.5 find this little one through all and hit okay now if it's not cutting by the way right here you have to select cut notice there's join and cut so go ahead and hit ok and there's our cut now if you want to test this hold shift and the wheel push the wheel down like it's a button move your mouse left right up and down and you can see now how it's cut through let's go back to the home button now let's take a look at some of the really fun things to do here let's make it a little bit better looking go to the fillet tool the fillet is just like if you took a file and you wanted to round off something edge made it nice and rounded so let's set the radius we'll keep it at 0.125 that's fine we'll change it as we click on the edge now what you do is you tap the edge where you would hit it with a file if you're filing it down so click on this edge right here oops i have to click in this little box here zero slack because i was tinkering inside there so i'm going to click on this edge now i see a little preview and there's a drag handle go ahead and grab it push it in okay so you can actually get and it tells you over here the feedback like get it to one inch or click in there and type in one inch now go ahead and click back on one selected there and i'll hold ctrl and select this edge here i'm not even sure you have to hold ctrl these days um now if let's say you select this edge oh you don't have to hold control here um you do have to hold control though i think to deactivate it so yeah if you hold ctrl like that edge i don't want so i want you to turn it off so get on that edge when it turns red hold the control click on it and it will remove that feature so it's like a light switch click on it once turn it on hold ctrl click on it a second time it'll turn on go ahead and hit okay so you can see those nice rounds that we have now um what i want to try next is let's try chamfer now chamfer's a little bit different chamfer is actually an angle and you get to put in how many degrees you want it typically or at what points the angle is supposed to start in n so in this case let's keep it at 0.125 now you'll notice there's distance to distance and on a 90 degree edge that's going to make if as long as they're both distances are equal it's going to make a 45 degree angle or if you wanted you can actually go two distances varying distances distance and angle where you could type in 45 degrees 30 degrees whatever angle you might want for the chamfer but let's keep a distance the distance and just keep this the way it is and select this edge and you'll see it will give you a nice preview that looks good but we'll keep that one click on this edge right here now go ahead and hit ok and now we've just dressed up a very ordinary part okay let's um hold shift and your wheel move your mouse left until you rotate it like that now notice sometimes little circular motions can help you position it either forward or backwards clockwise or counterclockwise and so let's say you wanted to get this back corner and there really wasn't much of an option there we could click on this back bottom and left center and that gives us a nice little back area there so if you wanted exactly like mine feel free to do that on that little box there click on that corner and it gives us an isometric view from that perspective now we want to shell this out make it a thin walled part this is usually more of an advanced feature that we see later on but i like putting it in the very beginning to show you some of this cool stuff so go to shell and now if you just leave it as is it's going to shell it all out on the inside but in this case we want some openings here so what you do leave it at point one for the that's the typical wall thickness click on this backside face now go ahead and select this side face and this bottom face and notice the faces you click on get removed go ahead and hit ok and now we're really done with that let's go back home there's your model now let's add a little color to it so up here you'll see that there's says generic and you could pick out like all types of really neat things here materials now when you pick out these materials actually it's putting in the weight of that material so you could look up how much it weighs and do all types of really neat things okay but what we'll do instead let's just go with the aesthetics here click on the default there and here you can actually see what they look like what i'm going to go with here let's see i think i'm going to go with the chrome polish go ahead and try that just click on chrome polish and you'll see it should look kind of like a chrome finish now let's go ahead and control hold ctrl and select the chamfers these surfaces here and then select that surface of the hole let's say you want to change the color of that now you could go over here and let's go with dark green and now you've applied that to those surfaces so you could apply it to surfaces or the whole body it's up to you okay now that completes that exercise make sure those of you who are in my class what you want to do make sure you save these because at the end of the semester i collect the portfolio from you and i really encourage you to do this if you have a portfolio you could go into a company and show them what you've done over the course of the course so that's what i'd recommend doing and there's actually some labs that you have to do next but hold on for the labs a second i just want to show you here so you could go over here to file and you have save as and if you do a save as here that's not what i was looking for let's see here export there we go um there's 3d pdf or pdf i'm actually fine if you give me like an isometric or a home view as i call it like this and you just go to export files pdf i'll be able to open it up and i could give you a grade now when you collect all those different pdfs there you could combine them later and you have a nice portfolio that you can print out and such so either way you can send them to me individually i typically do like them in a in a word document or if you don't have word there's a free software here let me show you this libre office you could google that the libreoffice is free and let me just bring it up over here so you can see it it's very similar to the microsoft products and again free so let's say you wanted to grab that image as is first of all if you want to really dress it up here's some neat things you could go to view and go to orthographic and go to perspective and see what that does perspective gives you a vanishing point just like when you take a photograph things get smaller the further they are away from you that's what this is doing notice how this is now smaller down below here than it is up there set that now go to shadows and turn on all shadows reflections make sure that's on two and uh and i think this is pretty good you have these different backgrounds like empty lab let's see what that looks like [Music] kind of weird let's see dark sky oh that's too dark for me uh again whatever you like let's see i wanted the default ibl okay now you could actually go over here to visual style and go to realistic and look at how it enhances the image even more and if you really want a smooth image go to ray tracing and click on ray tracing and wait uh and the faster processor you have the faster this is going to render the more it actually utilizes your multiple cores so it can be very fast okay so as you can see there we have our rendering and i'm going to move my pointer out of the way and this is what you do you hold alt on your keyboard and there's a print screen key up at the top right hand print screen now you could go back to libre or microsoft office click on here and this is going to be e1 for exercise one and if you want you could put a little statement down of the different things like we've covered extrudes both boss extrude and cut extrude okay we've covered chamfers phillips shelling so if we want we can put those down let's summarize that so we'll do extrudes fill it chamfer and a shell and you can select those and up here you can put down bullet points enter a couple times to get past it now to bring the image in go hold control and hit v as in victor and that will paste your image now to crop this you can just click on this and let's see i think there's crop right there crop image and i'll grab these corners and drag them in to get rid of the excess of the interface unless you want that i've had students leave it in and it's then it's kind of like proof that it was done in that software it's entirely up to you now you can click here drag this right over here and make it big it's really nice if you get add more than one i'm going to hit enter several times here get that above it there we go and now i'm going to prepare for exercise 2 or lab 1 lab 1b and you could add those in there and now you have beginning of a wonderful little portfolio okay so in the training guide that we were looking at earlier as we go down here as you can see i give you step-by-step instructions on how to use that here i have the labs now the labs start on page 20 and 21 there's two of them now what i recommend my students do i'm still going to show you a video on how to do it but i would recommend pausing and trying to use what you've learned to create this geometry we haven't gone through individual lines yet so you might want to watch this first one and get an idea how it works but i really i strongly encourage my students to actually try these on your own and then go back and watch the video once you're done or if you get stuck watch the video to help you through it because with every exercise exercise is like your chapter so there's exercise one for the first day exercise two for the second day e3 e4 and five and the labs are right after the exercises in the training guide and also in these videos so um not every video some of them i might refrain from having the lab because i want to test my students to see where they're at if they can they're capable of doing it and give them additional help if they need it but in this case you can see here it is i'm going to hit download and what download does is it will bring it up in the bottom left i can click on it and now i have the ability to go back to that page 20 and i you could rotate now so right here there's the rotation now i'm doing this in firefox so firefox is the browser i'm just using here all the browsers are a little bit different but most of them will have a rotate if it's not there you could just right click usually you'll see rotate so it depends on the browser okay so here we have this it's like the letter f that's flipped on its side we can see the overall dimensions are two by three and a half and then we have this one one seven five two things like that now what i recommend and i have dual screens i'm going to do this is i'm going to drag my drawing over and so that way i could just model it so you guys can see it right away so i'm going to go new up here now when i went to the little new button there this is where the templates are so look at this if you wanted some additional templates there's metric okay there's even mold design too for those of you who are in that industry but let's go with the standard ipt we're not a metric we're actually using english by the way so standard ipt and hit create now again on the left here select the little plus symbol next to origin and i would recommend just drawing these on the xy plane typically maybe have a little fun try it on the uh yz which is like the top this is the front plane top that's fine too so click right here on the xy plane now the logic behind like what plane to draw on i tell my students because over the 23 years i've been teaching if i was too stern on making them think it through on which view to draw first it takes them forever to get started so i want you to just dive in and start modeling and then you could think of how it works later because quite honestly once you get to a higher level it really doesn't matter too much what plane you sketch on it does help it makes things a lot better once you understand the logic but it doesn't hurt too much initially so um just try and select the plane and draw it like i said typically we'll be using x y for the midterm there will be a reason to do it on the x z or the y z plane but that's uh and i'll explain that reason later on okay so here we are with this now we're going to use the line tool so if you hit the little arrow underlying you'll see there's line splines equation driven curves bridge curves we're just going to use line now move your pointer over here the first dimension will just go straight up from the origin so i'm going to click here when i get that green dot drag it up but i'm not going to click instead i'm going to type in 2 and hit enter all right so now i'm just using the wheel to zoom out a little bit i'm going to go to the right here and this next one is just supposed to be one to the right make sure you get 90 degrees below it one enter now go down this next one is actually supposed to be one but don't type it in because i'm going to show you um a different route the way we want to try and follow what the drawing shows us so just get it down close to one and click now drag it across here now this one again we're not gonna we're gonna put in the dimension according to the print so just get it to about three quarters like around point seven or point eight ish click drag it up and see that alignment that you get there if you got that that's good go ahead and click drag this across and again it's going to be like a half inch or so um just around there click now drag this next one down but it's going to go a little lower than halfway so look at like 1.1 1.2 is pretty good make sure you get the 90 degrees there click now drag to the right and again we're not too worried about this dimension just maybe around a half inch or so click drag down make sure it's you get 90 degrees click and i'll connect it here to the very end click now those of you who know autocad can be using like to see for clothes and things like that if i recall correctly it has many of the same common keyboard commands that you're used to with autocad so be aware there's that whole area there that you can use those of you who have autocad experience all right let's go to dimension now click on this bottom line drag this down center it 3.5 now we want baseline dimensions baseline dimensions have a base for their zero and then you just keep moving across so right here is the first one click that's our base now click on this edge right here drag that up click and that's going to be 1.75 again use our base click here to this area here and drop that up there notice how i'm staggering them and that's again you want to make it as easy as possible for the next person to read now also there is logic behind laying it out like how you'd want to see it on a drawing i'm going to hit escape here and i'll drag that one out a little bit now the reason you might want to make it look like it's going to go into drawing because many times drawings are still used not all the time there are companies that have gone paperless but if many companies still make drawings and we're going to learn how to do that on this in the sixth class period or exercise six if you want to watch that e6 video just type in e6 inventor and you can see it how we make drawings in here okay so we have that now let's go to 3d model go to extrude let's go to home just so we can see the isometric view and let's type in let's see this was supposed to be 0.5 thick and there it is what i encourage you to do i've been called the bob ross of cad sometimes i encourage you to dress it up enhance the image this is a very boring part but you can make it look really pretty special by adding fillets as well as chamfers and shelling and it's great experience for yourself to feel comfortable with using this you're going to learn actually more by tinkering with it then you'll probably learn in my class so go to fill it if you want to do this just for fun i'm going to type in here i'm going to go with 0.25 and hit enter now you can go ahead and select some of these edges and look at this you have some x-ray vision right there you can see through the part to get that back edge click on this one here and let's say we just want to keep those we can hit okay let's try out the chamfer tool find chamfer and we've used this before 0.125 on that edge that looks pretty good we'll put this edge on there too okay and let's say we want some other fillets let's go on this edge here that one there and shift and the middle mouse button get that one there too hit okay all right now let's go ahead and shell it click on this face go to shell and it will automatically hollow out that face and if you want you can actually click on this face too to hollow that out look at that interesting ramp you get there and hit ok and so now you've just made a much more complex part from a very basic part you could even add rounds after it but you got to be careful with fillets i should say keep them small if you're going to add them after like i'm going to add a 0.06 like along that edge there and that edge there okay okay so at that point again you could add you could enhance the appearance let's just go here let's say if i picked one of these materials like um for example let's go with silver and it grabs the properties of that and now you can actually see it all right and then and then remember you could also go in here and select like let's say i want just that face to change color you could go to the color wheel select a different color or pick a different material so let's go with um let's see here go with red and then get it in some sort of position that looks good and feel free to go to the view turn on perspective and turn the visual style to realistic and bingo now you have a pretty impressive looking part for your portfolio we're again alt and hold print hold on hit print screen let's go back to our portfolio here this one actually is lab 1 so i'm going to enter l1 enter ctrl v click on it go to crop and we can make it a bit smaller if we want there we go and it depends on how you want to lay them out this is fine actually that goes kind of well you can kind of put them in different view orientations you could probably even put the l1 up here e1 l1 whatever you want to do those of you this isn't a microsoft office class or but definitely do some neat stuff with that all right let's get to the next part now the next part is this one here lab 1b so you can see its overall thickness is one and a half inches it's three by five has four holes positioned three quarters of an inch off each corner it's symmetric on all four sides and the through holes are half inch deep and then there's this cut out in the center of a half inch so here let's go ahead and model that now try it try it on your own first and then you could go ahead and watch my video i'm gonna hit create here i'm gonna show you probably uh there's a dozen ways by the way you come all this don't feel bad if you didn't model exactly like mine the key is is you're learning and you're learning different methods all right mine aren't always the best or fastest there's there's some that are better out there so okay so i'm going to hit origin i'm going to select let's go ahead just for the kick for for kicks today let's go with the x z plane for this one and click on sketch now instead of the two point rectangle this is a symmetric part so we could actually try two point center whenever something symmetric think of using the center tools so two point center get it right on the origin click and drag this out and remember it's five hit tab by three enter now go to the home button there we are now actually let's go to top and let's put in the holes we're going to actually draw the holes into the solid sometimes this is beneficial sometimes could be drawbacks because they're not their own feature but that's okay let's uh first of all draw the circle right here and don't touch those lines stay away from the lines because you want free floating for the time being until we position it so click drag this out make it 0.5 you could put all four in if you like but i'm going to show you a shortcut i definitely recommend shortcuts when you can it's good practice though to do them individually if you want but the shortcut i'll show you in just a moment okay we have the 0.5 and i go to dimension click on the center point to the left edge the order really doesn't matter left or top and it's going to be 0.75 center point of that drill hole to this top edge drag it over here 0.75 hit escape get those dimensions laid out so they're not overlapping you want to make it look nice okay now i want to show you how to bring it over to the other side we're doing this a whole class period earlier than normal but this is really cool we're going to use the mirror tool mirrors and patterns speed things up in the process of sketching so it also reduces having to dimension everything especially if it's symmetric so here's what i want you to do in order to get this to work go to the line tool now we're going to make lines so that we can mirror across them and they have to be like center lines okay and so over here you'll see center line so we have the line and center line for this now there's other ways to do this you could do it afterwards too you don't have to do it right now but watch this i'm going to click on here drag up a vertical center line notice i keep it centered i'm going to hit escape and then go back you could also right click you get this wheel here you could go back to line it remembers the last option so right click will bring up the wheel and also look at that there's all these other options which we'll look at later but at the 12 o'clock there's crate lines so it actually goes back to our line so we don't have to click on the icon again if you want that all right now go back to the origin right there and you get the green dot click and drag up horizontally click now hit escape now it's important to turn off the center line tool because as you start sketching if it's stuck on your lines aren't looked at by inventor to extrude it's just construction geometry it's it's inaccurate so let's turn that off okay now watch this we're going to look at the mirror tool a whole week early click uh first i'll just go to the mirror tool icon right up here mirror now notice this there's a select button and a mirror line now notice the select is blue it's been pushed in already for us so that's what you want to mirror so click on the outside of the circle because that's what we want to mirror now go back here and this is first select the mirror line notice it's singular it's not plural so you can't do both sides at once at least as far as i know uh go ahead and select the vertical center line and then hit apply and there it is mirrored it over and notice these little symbols indicate symmetry so if this ever changes its location this one will update relative to it as though with the mirrored symmetric capability now let's do something more here we're still in select try this click and drag a fence from left to right to just create an envelope around those two circles release it they should both be highlighted now go to mirror line and let's try the horizontal center line now click and hit apply and hit done there you go now we have our circles let's go to 3d model notice i'm not putting the cut out in the center that is um it's not really a mistake it's just not necessary yet okay so i just don't want to waste my time putting it in go to extrude let's go to the home button up here and now you have to select sometimes to help along these profiles we're going to set it to we could either click in here or here so it's a 1.5 and hit enter now click on this face we want to make the cutout that's centered start a sketch go back to the center rectangle click at the center drag this out and snap it to this edge and we'll use the dimension tool again to dimension so go to dimension dimension from this edge to this edge now it's centered so we don't need to locate it with the dimension because it's all symmetric click drop it up there this can be 1.5 hit enter now i go to 3 model extrude now notice this time it's it's going above we actually want it to go down so you could grab the arrow and drag it down and it knew to flip it to cut right there which is nice sometimes it's not going to do that for you so just always double check i'll make sure it looks right and let's set it it's only supposed to go one inch thick and actually i got lucky i just got to one inch go ahead and hit okay done again i encourage you have some fun with this it'll make this class a lot more interesting to play with the software go to fill it uh click on this edge here push that in like three quarters of an inch that looks pretty good click on this edge massage here use your superman x-ray vision click on this back edge hit okay go to the chamfer tool select this edge here it's .125 by the default on mine um also think of this what if you wanted countersinks click on these edges now there is actually in the whole tool real countersink so rather than putting them in like this you could you just have to specify exactly what the countersink parameters are but that's another way of doing it hit okay let's go back to fill it click on here that's a little bit big let's drag it down to maybe 0.25 type that in and then get this corner here hit okay and let's go to the fillet tool let's put a small 0.125 fill it on that edge that edge there all right flip it around the back side now go to shell select that face let's we can leave it at point one sometimes the shell will fail by the way if you put fillets that were smaller than the actual shell wall thickness inventory is a pretty good modeler it could sometimes compensate for it but sometimes it'll say it's too small for conditions but go ahead and keep there hit okay now look at that and again feel free to enhance the image let's go to over here i'm gonna go with let's see have fun with something let's click um yeah let's go clear green all right now i know that doesn't look all that great just yet but once we go over to view let's turn on perspective again and visual style realistic still maybe not all that great let's try the ray tracing array tracing gives you a much more realistic appearance and there now you can actually see it looks like clear plastic so again adding a new level of enhancement once you got that the way you like it um you could add additional colors and things like that if you want but i'm going to go ahead and hit alt print screen i'm going to turn off ray tracing because it does soak up resources now i'm going to go over here to my area here control v and i'm going to crop bring that in and look at that now i've got the whole chapter exercise one lab one lab one b done so every week those of you who are my students i hope you do this it's really great to to learn and i hope you enjoy this class another thing some of you might discover let me go back to shade with edges sometimes this happens to you someone clicks on this little button up here and all of a sudden it's like whoa all my my toolbars have disappeared it's just this little button up here show full ribbon keep clicking on it it'll cycle through okay that's one thing that could be annoying so just be aware of that also there's the user interface now if you don't want some of these on you can turn off like the view cube that's this little guy right over here the navigation bar turn that off if you don't want that mini toolbar actually where's that popping up status bar down below you might not want that documents tab marking menu model browser that takes away your model tree there okay but we do want that that's important this for this class so notice you can turn those on or off all right that concludes exercise one
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 7,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Inventor, 2021, CAD, Beginners, Tutorial, Inventor
Id: 5aHulvtaiKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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