Dynamic Full Body Flexibility Routine | Day 2 [At Home Program]

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[Music] what is up warriors and welcome back to another video this is day 2 of that quarantine workout program yesterday we had the full body strength workout if you want to check that one out it'll be linked in the description down below in the playlist today we're gonna be going over a full body more very dynamic moving flexibility routine because there may be a little bit of Dom's from yesterday we're gonna try and brush off the rust use that range of motion spend 20 minutes moving around and then that is it that is the workout done let's jump straight into it about the only thing you're gonna need for today's session is potentially a couple of yoga blocks but equally you could use some books or just chairs or whatever you have lying around to complete these drills let's begin the routine we're gonna start with the neck and the head moving the spine we're gonna start with this one you can be seated you can be standing be on the sofa it doesn't really matter I'm just seeing me kneeling for the moment as it's easiest a demo we're gonna just start off with moving our head with the the breath that we're taking so as we breathing they're gonna go into extension so we're gonna breathe in look up at the sky you breathe out and just look down I'll just try to keep the torso pretty fixed when we're doing this and then just get used to bringing it with the rhythm of the breath so maybe five of these so breathe in [Music] shoulder blades down can I think about lifting the sternum up so I think in sort of that good posture we're not gonna doing this slouched over nice big inhale nice full exhale it's gonna be one more so before we're just isolating out the neck this time we're gonna try and think about bring it in to the chest as well so on this has this thing the movement point we're gonna make this the movement point so we're gonna breathe in we're also gonna arch lifting that hands up arch the back lift the chest expand the ribcage as you breathe in let's move out we're just gonna come into a more rounded position again really five [Music] it's three I need to try to open the chest here feel the back fill those muscles on the traps contracting and you breathe out feel yourself really rounding and over arching that back last one so now you're going to need to come on to your knees if you're not already if you're standing you're sitting count on your knees we're gonna come down to the mat wherever you're doing it so we're gonna go into a child's pose so it's gonna widen the knees slightly sink the hips back I'm gonna cover the front just going to sit back down as this we can move about slightly if we need to feel a little bit of a stretch in potentially the groin area that lower back and also the lats when it come up slightly and we're just gonna take the right hand I'm gonna thread it through underneath the left arm hold for a few seconds actually come back out of it again put it through gonna try and reach as far to our left as we can bring the right shoulder down and come back up so we're gonna breathe out reach come out we're gonna do five of these and tell us that's three reach here we're looking for like a rotation throughout the lower back and into the spine last one I'm just gonna hold it for 10 seconds [Music] take a breath or so and then come back up you're gonna do the other side I'm just gonna flip myself around so you can see a little bit easier you have a side again Child's Pose you can have reached that left arm through now this time underneath that right arm feel that rotation of the lower back come back up the more you sink the back down the hips down the more intense the stretches is gonna be on this one that's three four last one we hold for a few seconds or just a breath at that last one perfect now we're gonna come back up bring the knees in to stay in that kneeling position what a handsome oh we're gonna come into what would be a cat position so got me stretching down I'm gonna try and do is going to go from this position we're arching the back around the back as much as possible so you know that cat cow but instead of our hands being underneath our shoulders this sort of normal cat cow position we're gonna do it with the hands okay so I'm gonna arch the back as much as we can extend the spine breathe out around the spotlight as much do you five of these [Music] and you breathing in trying to push the chest down to the ground breathe out round the hips round the lower back one last one [Music] and from there I'm just switch around we're gonna move from what would be in that cap position I'm gonna come forward into an upward dog position now from here we're just going to do a McKenzie push-up so we're gonna breathe in as we go down and as we blow back out as we exhale we're gonna lift up and go as far as you can I'm gonna try to keep the hips connected with the ground so if you can't quite extend the arms all the way and your hips can come off and just come back down to a point in which you can keep those hips connected with the ground [Music] so remember breathe out as you come up downs breathe in there's gonna be five of these again [Music] and that's five we're gonna do one more for good luck [Music] I'm just gonna hold this top position all right 10 seconds we go fine I feel like you're putting your shoulder blades back and down lifting the chest up from here which can twist over onto the front and we go to a good old-fashioned tabletop position so that's this one we're gonna do a sort of a double whammy so we're gonna come onto the tabletop we're also gonna push our right foot forward so we're gonna get like a stretch over the quads but we're also gonna get a stretch through the chest and the biceps here by supporting ourselves so it's going to lift ourselves up and try and push that knee to the ground and we're gonna also try and extend through the hip so it's going to chill here move around rock from side to side all the time you're pulling the shoulder blades back lifting the chest up so you feel the stretch from both areas I'm gonna come back I'm just gonna push to the other side left hand side right side you might just need to move the feet position around to find a way that it's comfortable that assisting lady's gonna have to go forward I'm gonna hold for a few seconds come back up this thing like it's forward stretching leg goes backwards it's gonna be one more on each side of this this one you should feel a nice intense stretch over that quad right over the cord into the hip potentially as well also in the ankle last one on the upside just push that hit forward try and touch that knee to the ground if you can't touch the knee to the ground it's a little bit more up here also fine you can just walk the hands in closer and that's going to make this a little bit easier all right we're gonna switch around now into what would be a downward dog position but this time we're not so focused on the hampshire's you're gonna think about the calf's like you so you can come up however feels comfortable if you need to have your hands on elevated surface to get into a downward dog position that's fine we want to think about keeping the heels flat on the ground and we're gonna try and walk our feet pausing for a second with a focus on get feeling a stretch over the calf as I said not so worried about the hamstring so you need to elevate the feet to get that focus or the hands even needs to be up here so you can walk the feet out that's fine obviously the hands and the floors gonna make it harder so we're gonna try and straighten those legs that's possibly us take a walk from side to side for a second [Music] if you notice one feels tighter they have it just spend a little bit of time on that tight side you can twist around you can try and feel where where if it was tight just gonna pause on this right side you can bend the knee a little bit try to stretch out that ankle just generally get a chill get a little bit of a stretch on that calf that we saw ten seconds I'm gonna swap to that left side again can bend the knee prove some that dorsiflexion just generally feel a stretch and then from here we're gonna do is basically come forward into give a squat I go down into a seated position I'm gonna have our feet nice and wide and we gonna do the good old-fashion things we like to start a lot of a flexibility routines off and that has the hips also in a drop initially then you go to the right hand side drop into that 9090 position right knee down lay down and then reverse that motion over as much as possible try to keep the chest up try keep the torso facing directly forward we need you ten in total five on each side pause for just a few seconds you know we should feel a little bit of a stretch in external rotation on the outside leg internal rotation on the inside leg another couple on each side so on this last one we're just gonna do a very brief brief glute stretch I'm going to keep this front leg this angle open at 90 degrees you don't let it close it's gonna reduce the amount stretch so we're gonna get I'm going to keep it nice and open it's going to lean that chest over forward I'm just going to move gently in and out the stretch so we're gonna try and think about that hip hinge into the stretch I'm not gonna sit here and round my back that's not what we're after if by the way if you can't sit in this position get your block get cushion elevate those hips up so we're just going to do some reps five second five reps is going to go down feel that stretch from the glute with that front leg keep that chest high roll the hips over it's one more on the side to hold this last one for 510 seconds [Music] I'm gonna flip that over to the other side set it back to that 9090 position back to the center back over to this side again leg out this a 90 roll that hip over keep that chest keep that back neutral keep the chest high it's a point stretch [Music] [Music] it's another one more on the side so hold it get in for like sort of breath at the bottom and come back up now max that sense of position and actually a twist for the right-hand side now I'm gonna come up into a kneeling sort of hamstring stretch where it's a lunge position this will be where you're gonna want to grab your yoga blocks if you're less flexible because when we're gonna go back into these hamstring rock-and-rollers are going to need the higher up you're the last stretch you have lower down you are the more stretch you can have so adjust as you need two of those we're just going to start in a lunge position we're gonna have the thigh connected with the chest what we're gonna do here is just going to keep our hands in the same position we push the hips backwards try and keep that chest connection with the fly as much as you can keep extending until the leg straightens pull the toes towards you hold for a few seconds let me get back into that lunge position so pull the toes towards you pulling those toes backwards at the ends just gonna add that little extra bit of flavor to the stretch that's three and toe we're going to do ten of these pausing for two three seconds in that bottom position the real focus here though is keeping that connection matter you got a piece of paper between your thigh and chest you don't try and pull all that chest down remember ten of these in total two seconds pause two more and we're gonna pause on this last one for about ten seconds so first a kind of one nice deep inhale exhale come forward they come into a lunge position so you should feel a nice stretch on the hip flexor from here you can have some support if you want it again so as yoga BOTS come in we're just going to try and straighten the leg and then we're gonna relax again when we straighten the leg here we want to try and avoid the hips coming up as we straighten I'm gonna think about keeping the hips nice and sunk down sitting into this front leg and just trying to straighten the leg behind us which should feel like this stretch goes from a 4 out of 10 to a 7 or an 8 out of 10 so again we need attendees when we're doing it we wanna think about squeezing the glue on this back leg a few Morsi and last ones gonna hold all that was ten seconds that's it to come down a bit more of a stretch from here we're just gonna sit back onto our backs keeping those neat feet nice and close to our knees we're just gonna do some knee drops we're gonna let the knees drop to the left hand side just as it feels relaxed pause for a second and drop the other side this one's too are looking for a little bit of stretching the gluts and the lower back just kind of releasing any tension try and keep the shoulder blades nice and down so if you notice like a shoulders coming up or something I'm trying to feel like we're gonna pin that shoulder down towards the ground and then you're gonna think about pulling the knees down to the ground as well so we need 10 and toes will these sit for five minutes [Music] six-foot-two more on each side see if you're enjoying this follow along by the way if you're enjoying the series make sure you hit that thumbs up on support the channel support that YouTube algorithm if you do as well if you know some friends who are stuck inside as the UK is now on lockdown then please feel free to share this with them helps on the hours I said this program is completely free at the point of it is to help people keep their sanity or less stuck inside and do something productive I'm a good time so last wrap on each side one last time I'm gonna tuck the knees up to the chest you come back out and this time we're gonna take a step back with that right leg so again I'm going to come into that lunge position we're gonna do another set of those hamstring rock-and-roll so if you needed that yoga box or the blocks last time make sure you get them this time same thing again fill that connection between the thigh and the chest and then from here just push the hips backwards straightening the leg pulling the toes back for the nice stretch hamstring into the calf ten of these again [Music] [Music] now misses a sliding scale if you can only get up here absolutely fine if you can get down here even better but it's just going to improve with time and with consistency completely lost count I think we've got a few more left more isn't gonna hurt so you have two more and then we're gonna go into those lunges again the same thing but this time we're going to be live that left foot forward so last rep or used to hold that ten seconds really trying to sink down keep that connection with the chest pull yourself into the stretch suffer embrace the suck shift on forward grab your yoga block if you need to lean on into this front leg and then we're gonna try and straighten that back leg keeping the hips down gazing that glute and relax so you tell these keep that chest up nice and high as well I don't feel like you're gonna round over that's gonna ruin the stretch over the hip tourneys remember and hold that last one for 10 seconds you did it in your own time of course just follow along a couple more that last one 10-second hold if you try to push those hips forward feel that stretch opening up on the hip from here we're going to stand up into a pancake position for me I'm gonna have to flip around but for you you should just be able just to stand up so you end up in a nice split leg position go as wide as the legs feel comfortable so for that view is up here actually fine there's a little with our route also fine you just need about a foot feel like you can comfortably support your own body weight from here I'm just going to twist around to the left-hand side try and reach that foot as hard as you can and with that twist around the other side again this is the same thing if you a little bit more up here then that is fine if you need you yoga blocks also fine just go into deep as the strategy can I'm just gonna do six of these and Hill so you come on to that left side again pull yourself into if you can grab the foot and grab the calf [Music] last one this side last one right hand side if you want you can just chill a little bit out in this position or we can just walk the feet in see where would be a comfortable squat position and we're gonna sink down and just go if you can't sit in a squat you can feel free to take a Pew on an object or the so fetus can use been a rough squatting position and from here it's gonna make a prayer of the hands I'm just going to push the elbows inside of the knees and I try and push the knees out feel a little bit stretch more in the adductors over a few seconds and back was gonna be five of these so press in lifted chest up you know and one more for that and that basically the routine now is the end of day 2 for this routine the coursing workout yes there we got the full body today as a stretching routine tomorrow will be another strength training session so make sure you stay tuned for that one if you do want to not miss out on any of these future videos this follow lungs make sure you hit that subscribe button join the body weight or a tribe Ella said if you have any friends who you know a stuck inside as well and they want to get fit they want to start moving they want to start using the what their body is capable of feel free to to share this video of them I highly appreciate it and just help people out help people stay sane in this situation but that's basically been it for this week guys I'll catch you in the next episode tomorrow have a strong week [Music]
Channel: Tom Merrick
Views: 315,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flexibility follow along, tom merrick flexibility, tom merrick flexibility follow along, dynamic flexibility follow along, beginner flexibility routines, dynamic flexibility routines, at home flexibility workout, at home flexibility exercises, bodyweight warrior stretch, bodyweight warrior flexibility, full body flexibility stretches, full body flexible exercise, full body flexibility tom merrick, full body flexibility workout
Id: rI2452VQjMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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