15 Minute Morning Flexibility Routine! (FOLLOW ALONG)

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[Music] what's up boyote warriors and welcome back to another video another morning flexibility routine for this one you're not going to need anything just need some time some space for us to jump straight into it you don't have to be sat how i'm sat on my knees you can be standing you can be seated in another way whatever feels comfortable at this point we're just going to start to bring attention to the breath so you're going to inhale through the nose and you're going to exhale through the mouth now we're going to do a few of these just to get going nothing more than that and think about breathing from your diaphragm to drawing into your belly and then pulling your belly button in as you exhale just a few of these to get started with nice or five seconds in five seconds out on this last one i want you to start bringing in a little bit of motion so then as we inhale this time it's gonna look up at this guy as we exhale look down and try and tuck our chin towards our chest so after this one i need to start bringing in some movement to the spine as well so as we look up i'm also going to think about pulling my sternum up and arching through my back and as i go forward i'm going to try and round my shoulders as well as looking down and finally we can begin to bring the arms into it so as i inhale i can bring my hands backwards as i exhale i cannot allow them to come forward and around the shoulders just another couple of these so we should have a good little bit of movement going there but now i'm just gonna stay in a similar sort of position i'm gonna lift the arms up in front of us it's about shoulder height you're gonna try and reach as far forward as you can with your hands but you're also gonna try and pull your shoulders back together lifting a thumbs up we're going to do some joint rotation so you're going to try and rotate your thumbs as far down as they can go but you're going to try and keep your shoulders down and away from you so you're not going to let the shoulders stroke up yeah i'm going to do the opposite side rotate them as far out as you can again the same thing feel the shoulder blades always or the shoulders themselves always pulling down i'm just going to do ten of these so rotate basically rotating the arm within the socket as far as you can in each direction ten of these and one counts as one fully internal and fully external so focus here is always reaching outwards but always keeping the shoulders down and the shoulder blades back is a bit of a weird sensation to get but you should get this kind of flossing throughout the arm it's nice and slow consistent movement pausing each of those end ones and really trying to just turn those thumbs as far as you can in the direction you're rotating so a few more here keep reaching away keep the shoulders pulled down away from the ears and then the last one exactly the same thing i'm just going to bring the arms out to the side not fully inside of the body slightly in front going to reach outwards so out to the side same thing pull the shoulder blades down and try and rotate the thumbs as far as we can downwards without the shoulders rolling over keeping shoulders down and away from the ears and same thing we're going to rotate them up towards the sky just try and keep your breathing consistent as well you're doing this one reaching out always reaching out with the hands always pulling the shoulder blades down this one you might get a little bit more flossy around the sort of elbow bicep as well with the nerve it's all good it's really just like warm in our shoulders we'll move the shoulders through full rotation without really doing anything too stretchy 10 again so we've got a couple more last one you can shake it off and we're actually going to come forward now so we're going to come into just an upward dog position nice and gently just easing out bringing some weight onto the hands and we can rock kind of from side to side we can just feel the hips want to sink down i'm just gonna hold this for about 20 seconds again let's keep breathing relatively consistent chest nice and upright i'm going to press up into a downward dog initially we're just going to focus on the shoulder so i need to try and think about pushing the ground away pushing the sternum or the shoulder blades down and having a slight bend in in the knees so we take a little bit of the hamstrings i'm just going to try and pull our left foot in our left shoulder down so i'm going to try and pull the shot down towards the ground pause for a few seconds come back pull my right shoulder down right shoulder right knee in back to the start so some reps only five per side so left knee bends left shoulder comes down towards the ground right knee bends right shoulder comes down a couple more per side should feel just like an increased stretch through the lat through the shoulder we're gonna lean into this one a bit one more per side and then we're going to stay here we're going to try and walk or begin to walk our hands in bringing the feet into a flat position we can bring the feet as well so we can start walking so end up in a pike position we're just going to let the legs bend slightly so our stomach can begin to sizzle and relax onto the top of our thighs so we're in not quite a full pipe position and we're going to do some elephant walks so i'm going to rotate around to the right hand side as i do i'm going to try and straighten this left leg i'll get it as close to straight as i can keeping my hands in contact with the ground so supporting me rotate rounds the other side the left hand side try to straighten the right leg pause for a few seconds and then i'm just going to do five of these per side nice and slowly since you rotate to the right keep the right leg bent straight in that left leg the other side we're going to work to get them either more straight or if you can get them straight to get further down to try to get their palms down towards the ground i'll take it back to the other side [Music] one more plus side here so rotate to the right straight in the left leg straight on the right leg i'm just going to hold this middle positions for about 10 seconds here it doesn't have to be completely locked legs you can bend slightly it's just not like gravity that's thing it's going to pull you down i'm going to take a step forward with our right leg and we come into a lunge position um i would stay on the toes for this one so he's somewhat active when we can just push back and then we're just going to try and shift down forward into the lunge let the knee go forward keep the chest up keep this glute engaged on the back leg as we do so it's going to reach up and breathe in and exhale and come back to that starting position so inhale shift down breathe in reach up back to that if you struggle to balance a little bit of that one we can do this like assisted you know holding on to something towards your side whatever works for you so five of these inhale forward reach up pause for a few seconds come back to that starting position squeeze that glute on that back leg i'm just gonna do five of these so a few more and inhale as you go down and lift up now we can just pause on this last one don't keep the arms overhead just feeling a stretch over the hip flexor and then we can drop down move this right leg forward out to the side and we're gonna try and drop down as close we can do down towards sort of elmo's elbows onto the floor so let that knee push out to the side you can lift up so hand is support and we try to keep the chest low still and then we're going to rotate to the right hand side reach the right hand up towards the sky pause for a second come back down as you're coming down i want you to try and reach that right shoulder down towards the ground and again we need five of these so rotate reach up to the top back down right shoulder comes down towards the ground that knee can push out as well nice inhale in the top position nice exhale in the bottom position so one more here right shoulder down gonna press up right leg goes back left leg goes forward same thing so this lunge will reach so make sure that glute's engaged on that right leg left leg's pulling back shift down and forward reaching the hands up and then come back feels a little bit tight if you don't have to reach up completely as you come down like even just trying to think about bringing the chest up it's going to increase that stretch if you can do lift those hands up overhead that's three so two more five here last one coming back and come down to that bottom position so again try to get elbows down onto the floor let this knee drop out to the side then from here supporting yourself your right hand side it's going to reach up rotate round with that left arm reach up towards the sky as you inhale exhale rotate around try and get the left shoulder down towards the ground it's two seconds five here i'm inhaling into that top position reaching up towards the sky exhale bring that right that left shoulder down this time last one here beautiful i'm just going to hop back and i'm going to come and try and sit into the deepest squat position that we can do so if scott's not particularly comfortable for you here you can sit onto the edge of a sofa the edge of a chair if you can sit in a squat absolutely fantastic if you need to you can come slightly onto the toes or raise the heels that's absolutely fine we're gonna just bring our elbows push them into the inside of the knees we're just gonna do a prescott's gonna try and press the hands together push the knees outwards keep the chest up should feel an additional stretch on the inside of the thigh hold for a few seconds let the hands come forward i'm just going to do five of these then you can sing this with your breath if you want to so actually press the hands inwards pressing these out we're going to inhale exhale actually down it's the last one here it's really one more good luck [Music] it's the last one bring the hands in press the knees out keep the chest up if you can do and that is basically a nice quick simple morning flexibility routine have a great day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tom Merrick
Views: 250,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morning stretch, morning stretching exercises, morning stretches for beginners, morning stretches for flexibility, flexibility, morning flexibility stretches, morning flexibility, morning flexibility workout, morning flexibility yoga, 15 minute flexibility, quick flexibility stretches, morning mobility routine, morning mobility routines, morning mobility flow
Id: 5abdqQztF7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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