Pro Footballer's Full Lower Body Yoga Routine | 25 Minute Deep Stretch and Mobility

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what's going on guys welcome to another become lead stretching video I have a 25-minute routine really deep stretch long holds and pretty much all lower body so it should be perfect for footballers and the off day um just start my timer and let's hop into it shall we okay so the first one we're going to do is we're going to get into a really deep squat so just have your legs just more than shoulder width apart and just work on getting as deep as you can it's okay if your heels come up a little bit but just really work on both the ankle Mobility as well as those hips so just work into it and feel free with all of these stretches to really move around to a place where you feel tight whether that's your lower back or your hips or it's your ankles wherever feels like it's it needs a little bit extra attention just kind of focus in that area okay about 15 seconds to get into every different stretch that was the first one got 21 stretches for today like I said pretty much all lower bodies we're going to go crisscross I have my left foot in front and just forward fold right here if any of these really hurt too you can modify it adjust it skip it chill you don't have to do every single one if you feel any sharp pain you should definitely feel a little discomfort because we want to uh to push our bodies to a place where it's not comfortable but you shouldn't be feeling sharp pain let's just come up and switch the legs so now I have my right leg in front [Music] and now we're going to do downward dog so it's going to come up to tabletop while we're on all fours push our butt back and just try to keep our arms straight As we do [Music] this I'm going to go 15 seconds of this and then we're going to go into seal stretch then back up to downward dog then back to seal stretch so let come through and up I really almost like squeeze my glutes and push forward with my hips to really get that stretch in my abdominals hip flexors let's come back up [Music] [Music] and then back down okay now we're going to do a deep lunge so I'm going to bring my left foot right outside of my left hand I'm going to come up so my back leg is straight and I'm just going to try to push my hips down to the ground while trying to keep my back leg as straight as possible another thing I try to do is like bring my left elbow down to my ankle I don't know how I look on camera but I feel extremely comfortable because I'm in this amazing theom top I just made these actually I haven't even really talked about too much of the process but I I worked with Icarus FC to build a training top and uh just came out with it and I love it it's linked in the description if you want to check it out but a lot of little details and work went into [Music] it again every like 5 seconds or so I'm just trying to like when I breathe out just move a little bit deeper into the stretch okay I'm going drop my back knee and to come up into a couch stretch so I'm going to bring my right leg on my left knee reach back with my left arm I'm going to grab my back leg this one I feel like is probably one of the best things you can do as a footballer because you're constantly kind of Crouch down in that athletic stance constantly running and most like this is going to be a really really tight area on your body so it's really good to do it this kind of stretch or where you actually have a couch behind you and you do this on a couch or a wall open up the hip flexor it's going to be fantastic for athletes just focus on taking deep breaths every time and breathe out go a little bit deeper and try to hold that position okay let's bring that down we're going to come back this way bring our right arm down to the ground and this time what you're going to do is kind of come on the outside part of your foot and push your leg away from you you should really feel that opening up the side of your hip hopefully I know or hopefully it sounds like I know what I'm talking about um because I'm not a certified yoga instructor I haven't taken any courses on this at all I've just done a lot of yoga and stretching throughout my 10-year professional career and collegiate career and just playing footy for the last 20 how many years have I been playing 28 years I've just been stretching and doing this a lot and watched a lot of yoga videos on YouTube and I kind of have my own routine and my favorite stuff now so uh hopefully I sound pretty knowledgeable even though I might not be I just know what I like when it comes to Mobility routines [Music] now almost done okay now we're just going to with that left leg coming in its pigeon so move across the mat come down so you're on your shin and then just come straight down forward with your onto your forearms if that's too intense you can come up a little bit you can sit back I ideally would have my my shin like parallel but I'm still working I'm a little tight there but ideally this would be look like a 90° angle with your thigh to your your calf I just can't do it Gucci you want to come on camera Gucci can you want to come here hey immediate appearance and couple of the other stretching videos [Music] [Music] okay let's go Gucci is sitting on my computer get out of here all right now we're just going to go to the opposite side so all the way from the beginning so we're going to do that deep lunge again bring out the right leg outside of your hand hands back leg is straight and I'm just going to bring my right elbow down to my right ankle while trying to keep my back leg as straight as possible [Music] [Music] okay let's drop that back leg go back into a couch stretch so with my left hand put on my right knee reach back with my right arm pull up my left leg what's crazy is I'm 31 years old now and uh I've been stretching pretty regularly for the last six seven years but when I started I was so tight especially in this one and the crisscross stretch that I couldn't even grab my back leg at all same thing on the crisscross I couldn't even sit like that I had to go up with my back against the wall cuz I was so inflexible and tight Gucci is I have my notepad right here with all the list of stretches I want to do and Gucci is just loving my computer right now Gucci can can you not do that thank you okay same thing now we're going to push out that leg so we're going to come out on the outside part of our foot bring your left foot down and I'm just with my right hand pushing the inside of my knee away from my body again I feel it the inside part of my hip it can be uncomfortable if you have really really tight hips so just just a gentle push we don't want you uh dislocating anything here and then suing me [Music] Gucci come here come here guc come here go say hi I think I talked about it in one of my last stretching videos too but I filmed the very first stretching video in Tulsa Oklahoma when I was playing for FC Tulsa then I filmed the second one in Charleston I was playing for Charleston battery then I moved up to Connecticut and I filmed the uh third video in Connecticut and now I am currently in Detroit for the fourth video so it'll be interesting to see where this fifth video is hopefully it's still in Detroit cuz I love it here but hopefully video number five will have a little bit of a what's it called stability so now just uh pigeon stretch again with the right again this ideally would be like that if I was really flexible but I'm not I'm come forward and just let my hips and my glute just kind of drop with the weight of my body down to the ground relax I always time I start the stretch I'm just tense and I'm holding it and I'm like Contracting my muscles and it takes me about 10 seconds to relax and let my body sink into the stretch okay about halfway done very good we're going to come back up into downward dog but this time we're going to have a focus on one calf so I'm going to put my left foot on the ground and then with my right toes I'm just helping push my heel to the ground and feeling a really really deep stretch in my left calf hold this for 30 seconds move over the right [Music] [Music] switch legs [Music] all right let's move on we'll go to uh little forward fold a seated forward fold just legs straight out in front of you little hamstring stretch it's going to go straight down try to grab our toes feet and just lean forward Gucci hey please stop hanging out my computer you're going to break going to break the keyboard [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we're going to lean back going to grab our left ankle into a little quad stretch and just lean back I've heard that this quad stretch this version of the Quad stretch could be really irritating for some people's knees if you do feel that sharp pain in your knee from this this stretch just stand up and do the normal quad stretch or do a quad do a couch stretch again do something um but this has never bothered my knees knock on wood but uh if it does be smart you don't have to push through unnecessary pain like that [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there you come Gucci finally you hung just outside of the camera and messed with my computer all right now switch slides Gucci come here come here come here remember when we filmed this in tlsa you ravaged my uh apartment caus the Ruckus [Music] [Music] [Music] okay getting to the end now we're going do a little groin stretch I'm going to put out my left leg out to the side come pretty far out to the side with my right knee and once I get to a place where I'm starting to feel that stretch in my adductor just going to sit back and try to come all the way where I'm just sitting on my heel and relaxing you should feel a really really deep stretch in your adductor and maybe as well even in the glute quad on this leg [Music] [Music] [Music] we go let's switch [Music] sides ooh this side's tighter not [Music] right yeah it's way tighter that's normal from what I understand especially as a a footballer where you're using one side more than the other for kicking crossing shooting um one side's get to tighten up whether that's whatever muscle group it is so it's good to do this just kind of balance it out yeah side's really tight I can't even go all the way like sit back on my heel here [Music] couple more [Music] seconds okay let's come up okay now we're going to go into a uh hamstring stretch again but this time in the v their legs spread the corners of our mat we're just going to go and pick one side we'll start with the right side and I'm going to take my right arm I'm going to tuck it underneath my right calf like this and then with my left arm try to reach as much over my head as possible but even for me this is tough and try to come down and touch your toes and for me not only do I feel this in my hamstring and my groin on my right leg but I also really feel this in my left lower back which gets really tight on me um just from running around and playing and working out but also sitting down and editing and being on my computer a lot my lower back tightens up really really fast and this is like one of my favorite stretches to uh loosen that lower back up just a few more stretches left after this all right let's come up opposite take your left arm tuck it underneath your left calf and the right arm over the right ear try to come down and touch the [Music] toes so for this uh this jersey that I'm wearing on the right sleeve right here there's my favorite quote it's the man in the arena quote where it says the uh the credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena it's right on this right sleeve the pattern is designed by Icarus but it's just my logo and like a cool geometric shape and then um it just has like the colors that I try to use for become aite a lot like that red white and black so it's pretty cool I'm looking really I'm really looking forward to uh training with this this next off seasoned wearing it a lot of the uh training sessions because the material is super like you can just tell it's a good material to train and Icarus did a really really good job with the materials and and everything with it I'm really stoked about it okay last couple ones I know this is uh seems to be people's I guess least favorite favorite I don't know I'd say most intense it's a good way to describe it but what we're going to do is we're going to take our feet we're just going to sit right back down lay our feet so the tops of our feet are on the ground and just sit back on our heels if you want you can come even forward and lean all the way back and lift up your knees for even more deeper intense stretch this is really good for the ankle Mobility I struggled a lot with a ton of ankle sprains because they were weak and immobile and as a terrible combination because when they didn't have that much range of motion and when they went through the extremes of the motion they weren't strong enough to basically hold where they needed to hold and I would sprain my ankle just so many times so painful and it wasn't until I started really stretching it stretching them and improving the range of motion like doing stuff like this as well as strengthening them through a lot of band work and exercises to strengthen the ankles that um that I don't want to say that problem's gone I don't want to jinx myself but uh I haven't sprained my ankle in decent amount of time few ear okay last one all we're going to do is just flip the toes underneath and stretch out the feet I try to really spread my toes for this one and I'm just going to sit back put all my weight on my heels your feet get cramped and they go through so much in Boots and cleats and wearing those especially if you're on artificial ground and Turf and harder surfaces it's really good and they've been cramped up so much and tight in those tiny tiny super narrow boots to be able to do stuff like this where you spread them out stretch them and relieve a lot of the pressure and stuff that's just built up over training every single day and then after this we're done I want to congratulate you on making it through the uh through another become Elite stretching video I really appreciate it guys um again let me know if you want any other thing anything specific whether you want an hourong stretching video whether you want a specific part of the body whether you want um longer holds if you want you know shorter more movement just let me know okay that's it there we go all done but I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please hit the Thumbs Up Button subscribe and again let me know in the comment section if you want anything else that I haven't been doing if you love what it is you just want different routines you want to spice it up just uh let me know I'll read all the comments as many comments as I can appreciate it have a good one guys peace [Music]
Channel: Become Elite
Views: 40,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, football, sports, vlog, matt, sheldon, become, elite, professional, pro, footballer, athlete, workout, weight, lift, train, training, saint, louis, fc
Id: ya_UK_0dvkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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