Dynamic Delay in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you how to create dynamic delays in Reaper now the idea of a dynamic delay is a delay that comes in and out based on dynamics so you can trigger it by certain sounds it'll only hear the delay when those sounds aren't happening let me give you a few examples I'm vocal in front of me right here and there's some spaces in the phrases that I want to fill up with delay now I could do this by automating a delay to take up too much time on to this a bit quicker and dynamic delays will make this process automatically so till we have don't throw from the interstage fell asleep and feel this day when it crossed to the other line so in filling spaces right here with delay right on a mask the vocal while you're singing in these spaces want the delay to turn on and off while the singer is singing and we could do that with dynamic delays so we'll start off by making a new track right here will name it delay then what's in our vocal tract to the delay track by grabbing right here in the routing and dropping it on the delay track bring it down a bit now let's put it away on this track I'll go to the reaper effects and choose the Rida lay right here turn off the dry sound because the dry sound is coming from this track in the wet sound will come from this track I'm going to change this to two eighth notes Lay's which is the quarter note some feedback so repeats go through it a bit the thinner so now it's here what it sounds like throw from the interstate never sleep and feel distaste when he crossed you yellow line sounds pretty good in spaces for the big cloudy or cluttered while he's actually singing so now we had a compressor to kind of duct the delay whenever he's singing so add a compressor after the delay and we'll use the reaper one right here we come then I'm going to trigger this delay or sidechain it from the vocal we could do that by going to the routing and drag and dropping it on to the compressor set up for you 1 & 2 goes into audio 3 & 4 on this track so then we can go into a compressor and change the detective input to auxilary inputs which is three and four that we just sent from the vocal going to be triggered from this track becoming singing the delay is going to be compressed so it's that the attack as fast as possible the release as fast as possible bring the ratio up as high as possible so it's really compress and then bring down the threshold so we don't hear the delay while he's actually singing we're going to hear it in the spaces throw from the interspace fell asleep and steal this same thing when he crossed to the other line it's a pretty cool effect if you wanted to sound more subtle with a slowly come in we can make the release a bit longer and a fade in stone throw from the interstage let us sleep and feel this face when he crossed to the other line but most times we can keep the release as fast as possible you don't throw from the interstage fell asleep and feel this face when he crossed to the other line it's a nice effect and it can set it up to automatically work without writing automation let me show you another example this track here I've a synth but playing along with a pet let's hear it [Music] so I want to add a delay to it and have it delay set up on this track already right over here and it's a pretty similar to the one I showed you before quarter notes a bit of feedback and social filtered so it's send some of this to the delay bring down a bit [Music] again it creates a nice effect but it's kind of muddying up or cluttering when the synth is playing it sounds good in two spaces but not while the synth is actually playing the notes when the plane on top of each other so this is the perfect use for dynamic delay a compressor after the delay right here set it up with you tack as fast as possible and release bring the ratio up all the way and then we'll send the synth to the compressor as a side chain again 1 2 go 2 3 & 4 so we'll change it right over here your inputs justice to taste notice we're here in the de way in these spaces it's being docked by the compressor right over here [Music] this is a great example where you can use the release to make it come in a bit smoother [Music] and notice how it fades in so hearing a fading and delay that's the synth stops playing well they could have it come in immediately [Music] neither way it's a lot quicker than automating this delay so I use dynamic delays in Reaper vocals since guitar solos or any sound we have spaces you want to fill in with delay so I hope you learn something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks you [Music] Oh
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 18,752
Rating: 4.9849434 out of 5
Id: Ui9jc8GITjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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