Dying soon, but REMATCH Anyway! - Wheel of Fortune

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That poop edit was clean as hell

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gds15 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any word: *exists*

Arin: https://i.imgflip.com/5jsbat.jpg

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rouge_means_red πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tiny edits are really making it for me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spudmonk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Apparently Clash Royale is a mobile game?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trainercatlady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If I had a million guesses I never would have thought "Robots" for that last clue.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RogueNine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really REALLY hope they do bring Ross in next time they play. I've missed hearing him in Grump videos, and having the three of them get tortured by the constant bankrupts together would be so much fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CharginChuck42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was some legit annoyance from Dan about how annoying Arin is while playing this game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnTHarmon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So we’re just ignoring all the bugs in this game that just randomly alters their scores?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnTHarmon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else notice a Switch user named Dan start watching Harmontown around 44:49?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seedraw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
last time on game grumps yeah i killed it look at this look at this 58 thousand dollars i'm gonna retire [Music] i'm gonna move to ohio where land price and house price is only slightly worse than the rest of america and live out my days rematch rematch okay let's do the rematch okay i mean you're you're asking for it man we'll waste 2 400 pounds yeah yeah i can bench that [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the game hello we weren't going to do a second episode of wheel of fortune but then aaron said do you want to do another one because i slaughtered you last time i was like yeah that's not true at all that what we always do another episode that happened eight seconds ago i know well that did happen but the point is we always do a second episode of wheel of fortune so i wouldn't say we weren't going to do another episode of wheel of fortune oh okay you assumed that okay well the point is i did slaughter you yeah the point is you sassed me and i'm feeling very hurt about yes of course so let's do this all right yeah we're doing local mode of course um i'm gonna destroy you this time too [ __ ] up your whole family was that the first minute did we pass a minute mark yeah okay cool all right classic here we go what is family version i don't know who cares okay great let's do it uh do you want to change your guy no it's too late what do you mean it's too late this is the guy who needs revenge oh that's right yeah same guy yeah it's too late we control the show this is our thing now all i can think about is that [ __ ] song it's like it's too late to apologize [Applause] oh man i'll [ __ ] kick you in the desk dude you're making excuse after excuse it's too late to apologize yeah he didn't even go into a falsetto for that man that's pretty impressive she looks like me but not time anyway my character she looks like kind of oh i don't know all right i got it wednesday afternoon wednesday uh stop saying things wednesday wednesday sorry ah liberty yeah man check this out what's the what's the middle word this is gonna blow your mind dude you ready for this uh-huh oh yeah uh-huh yeah i didn't have that looks like the slaughter has already started boy you got you turned into a cocky [ __ ] i win one wheel of fortune yeah really fancy yeah well maybe you just got to uh take me down a peg you know e verizon wireless stop saying things pizza contestant number two go ahead good god is it is it what the [ __ ] it's vegetable pizza oh yeah i was like vietnamese that's how you spell vietnamese no also why is there a vienna is there vietnamese pizza i don't know i guess there could be why are there so many vegetables on it no aaron you're confused [Laughter] i didn't know they put so many vegetables on their pizza all right here we go wow i've never seen an exclamation point on there before what do you what do you mean did you notice there's an exclamation point already like filled out oh screen oh that's pretty cool 550. wow always showing new things phrase uh gary's [Music] b b be it do it just do it randall do it what could it be am in at me at me don't at me i'm sunday chilling wow wow possibly what it is otters oh no it fits it does that's probably what it is then yeah you know pat sajak comes up with all these 500. all right [Applause] dude always got to go for the end man that's that's the underrated champion of wheel of fortune um on get on off on aaron you are way too full of beans right now this is the first episode of a new session we just woke up ten minutes ago look man sometimes you just gotta own it you're extremely bean filled right now no i should go for vowels i have a thousand dollars i could have bought us four vowels that's almost all of them and sometimes not it was a sometimes wide joke i i did the smile version of the laugh you know what i mean [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you're batting zero right now it's hurting my soul oh she could lose a turn nope that's my that's my never mind ah yes the heart a i just picked a cue all right i'm going hi yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh bananan banana what banana banana not a word uh it's been no i still got 16 seconds to figure it out banana sure you can buy a vowel wow that's helpful i would have thought there was many oats i'd see that was good that i did that then as a favor to my bro i did it for you deuce is wild dude you're going wild right now i'm wildin all right let's see what you got here uh congo congo in ugh god any of these sticky pudding no stop please be in the thing all right let's see what she oh oh sorry whoops you've lost all your no money what a bummer nora i feel so bad for you i love that they dropped fat stacks even though she has no money oh here's what it would have looked like we should we should send her some flowers or something she can't afford them no we can buy her 500 we can buy great flowers with um [Music] i'm sorry though what is this in russian i don't know is there a backwards r we need to be choosing yeah it's i don't know it's cyrillic dan cyrillic jeez is the name of what the written russian language is that right yeah kill me oh thank god let's see what other letter i could choose that's not in here uh j j j x go for x stop saying words i didn't say words i said letters i hate i'm sorry i'm filled with hate this is one of those ones that like literally has like an x and a z in it yeah it's a must it's like zach's on is my favorite arcade game [Music] oh my god oh my god what about one you what language is this i don't know it in but it's not but what could it be un uh what other vowels are there such a fool yeah there we go nope it's not up well that's a healthy amount of penis penis go in all right i gotta get the howl man what would be the hey of course wow i don't know i'd love to buy a vowel but i haven't gotten one consonant right b or it could be b it could be an e b it could be he he in it can't be b what letters are left look there's like a thousand letters on the screen you got x y and z v j all kinds of great letters this is this is freaking me out i got it unfortunately i got it well good for you well i just wanted you to know just wanted to rub it in your face everyone at home to know yeah [Music] don't get it don't get it don't do it yeah contestant number three oh come on wow wow a thousand dollars we don't use pencils anymore we use iphones yeah freaking what is this wheel of fortune from 1998 pencils what do you think we know how to read [Laughter] oh my god it's way too many letters it's like the first chapter of war and peace how did she pick a vowel oh how did she pick a vowel what the hell oh did she get like a free spin or whatever yeah she must have i wasn't paying attention me neither it was i was thinking of tolstoy obviously unfortunately of course of course how are there no ds there has to be at least one of every letter in the english language up there it's the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog yeah no no you got to be [ __ ] kidding me lose a turn yeah oh man fortunately there weren't that many letters left on the board so the opportunities were slim yeah you're so right well this is bankrupt [Music] though yeah boy look at all the way she has to walk why didn't she flip the one that was over there first you know vanna that's bad distribution yeah just wasting time i think i'll spin uh cassio cassio is the first word oh my god there have to be some s's and t's in here right yes oh my god you got two s's on 3 500 that's seven thousand dollars what word is that it's serious oh my gosh yeah what what the hell it's it's sir it's oh it's a free play it is very cool what the frick em [Music] um yes we have some tea oh yeah there you go um probably should have gone oh my god wish i'd done that on the 3500 congratulations for winning the game well i guess you'll be paying for dinner tonight okay [Applause] i got it what i got it i know it what are you doing i'm just i'm just i'm just gonna do it it's following instructions to the letter oh my god oh my god what the hell is wrong with you i don't know i'm a savant beautiful mind over here like all the equations i'm like letters this is w this is gonna take so long i know it's not this hard in the show you have to spell it out you have to spell it out using these archaic controllers don't say it ah dude oh my god spell it out to the letter man yeah okay oh my god yeah yeah amazing you got 11 000 from that i know you could put that into bitcoin and then have 5 000. [Laughter] i could put i could put that 11 000 into bitcoin have elon musk send out one [ __ ] shitty ass tweet and then boom 300. what are you doing that's you holmes oh okay well i gotta go for the n and the g that that's like a gimme i don't know why they do that that's so unfair [Applause] it is look and i even got multiple ends god i'm amazing [Music] it's my curse why did you get to start this round i don't know maybe because i was the worst and and nobody likes nora oh that's probably what it is wild wild wild wild card i'm gonna save it till the end my inevitable win [Music] some [Music] uh going fast no that's four letters going bad uh bad in bed fast would you like to solve it sounds like you got it i'm gonna go with the i because i know it's there and then i'm gonna go with the oh because i know it's there [Applause] and then you're gonna be like oh when it's revealed what the word is yes look at that i'm going to the moon wait is that what it is no going [Applause] going hot going pot going going going pot going you kids going pot with your reefer madness go in the smoke of hell going mole what is that word what is there's nothing there's nothing in the entire english language that that could be it's so clearly obvious what it is is it yeah you know it of course i do how do you know it because it's obvious [Music] it's fine because i know it anyway uh well i actually don't but um [Music] in the pool got it please give me bankrupt nope oh man come on 500. sweet that's a waste well i'm gonna go with a one letter one then uh r yeah one r so give me a 30 million and then i'll go for the p not another 500 are you kidding me that's awesome all right i'll go for the l then is there anybody that's actually on the tv show that like does that no they'd be kicked off the show oh express express oh my god kill me throw me off a cliff uh let's go for the p then [Applause] i need more money how am i gonna beat you if i don't have enough money i don't know maybe maybe it doesn't really matter it does it 100 matters maybe we're just grown men that don't need to win at wheel of fortune what else do we have when you're children it doesn't matter because you have life ahead of you but we don't have that anymore that's the secret we're dying never said at any point that's the saddest [ __ ] we're dying well you know it's true no lose a turn i'm dying soon oh a free play awesome this sucks you've got a second chance at this i don't all right i'll just go with the h and then solve it [Laughter] [Music] meanwhile you're [ __ ] spin once it gets one letter and you get eleven thousand dollars yeah yeah i want to go to egypt we're basically tied now the amount is three thousand dollars oh [ __ ] we are wait how did that happen i don't know this game just kind of gives you whatever it wants oh uh trident shut up gum stop talking potable oh mustard mustard potatoes stop oh it's mashed it was so clearly mustard it was missing a letter but it was pretty clear to me [Music] you're one of the worst people to play real fortunate against i could ever possibly imagine oh man you talk over everything you talk [ __ ] constantly you're pain in the ass when you lose you're paying the ass when you win [Laughter] oh my god yeah well why don't you why don't you uh look in the mirror okay there's a handsome fellow [Laughter] hey there sailor you're the one who's always telling me i'm a bad wheeler oh my god [ __ ] oh it's on baby i've always wanted to see what would happen oh my god 6 000 per oh sweet don't guess em you better believe it you [ __ ] i am gonna stab you in everyone you love ten thousand dollars holy [ __ ] that was my letter oh i can't solve el nino a stitch in time saves nine no what are you doing oh my god anyone can anyone could win this now this is ridiculous we need to kill nora [Music] there we go i love to see that 12 foul right in the bank baby oh i know this uh [Applause] wait yes it's like co-signing loans no it's clearly not that go on take it [Applause] that didn't give you any money doesn't matter anyone who assigns the i mean anyone who guesses this wins you were you were thinking it in your head what that's why you said signs it's pretty cool how that happened it's just interesting what if i took all 60 seconds to just sound it out right now would you be mad no it's [ __ ] great okay you should do it i want to see what your brain does resigning checks can't be no all right pass yes [Music] yeah because you're a robot that's ridiculous oh sick i win you still win though yeah oh thank god i know you were gonna solve this one you can't [ __ ] that was cheating i was not close to designing robots is that just something people do yeah designing robots seems a little strange building robots maybe what are you doing you have to design it oh you know i'm designing robots oh cool what do you think i'm doing it's friday i thought that was more of a sunday thing the triple stars come with me now so do it i'm gonna ask you to design some robots oh my god oh my god uh just give him the whole [ __ ] word white actually rupal's pooples [Music] oh ah oh what is it close rupal i think the second word is riddle oh could be um wow you made that look easy yeah i guess it's oh okay close nope it's what it's not close we only have a few moments to solve oh my god clasp cl uh what the [ __ ] what in the world clash see isn't it fun aaron this is i have to do this work with me uh oh um awesome rifle club clothes clothes rubble royale cl clash royale something royale um casino royale james bond clash royale it's probably clash royale i don't know what that is but i don't think it's a thing time is running low only 10 seconds okay you sure about this why not yeah we picked words that exist they could go next to each other based on the usage of them what the hell is clash royale that's amazing well done aaron well hey you got one win over my two wins so if you win again then we're tied which means we have to do a third round what are you talking about because i won both rounds last time we played wow so you've won one round in this episode and we're not done with the episode so we have to do another round okay i mean we could just say it's cool and move on with our lives what is wrong with you where's your fighting spirit we've played wheel fortune eight thousand times you've changed i've arbitrarily decided that our grand total of head to head it started with me winning three games ago well it's been a while who is this oh wow emma they keep telling us we can't have new avatars and then they throw random people we've never seen before talking about new avatars like they always give us the choice of the same four faces yeah that's the second girl face is it really yeah they just did a good job making it look like a different person a haircut really changes everything that's what's saying avril lavigne that's not well she is a living thing but it looks like it's not their answer uh allowing agave no what contestant number one it's blooming oh that could be wow well done she broke for a second like you don't need to allow a cactus it'll just happen no stop um and turd uh contestant number two go ahead and solve what's the first word bad yeah uh uh they can't put that that's a brand name for don't get sued uh thing uh [ __ ] i know right what is the first word big i'm just gonna put red oh that's that's absolutely what it is you think so yeah okay that's a word well what other word is it i don't know ted oh it's gotta be something oh my god that's what i would have guessed oh it's rolled dude is it the old eeyore pickup truck just go just go just no not piotr ah the only i'm [ __ ] smart dude you are you do have the gift thanks glad you finally noticed things after nine years we've known each other longer than that oh 500. how about my favorite letter boom there we go oh i got to spin again yes i forgot the rules of the game i was like you know how to play real quick all right forget 550 we're going 600 baby r i'm sorry oh are you sorry boy once you get out of that safety nest at the end all bets are off that's my one letter oh my god wow well now i just need a an actual you better make this count got the runs funny runs yes oh my god [Laughter] look at his face he was like oh whoa what okay uh foul i don't like to buy a vowel you've got the cash so what would you like um nervous yeah so what's the first one i was like pino pineo [Music] i'm just spinning maybe yeah oh here we go yeah 550 baby that's 50 bucks above the lowest one thank you it's amazing great good job okay and with that i purchased more vowels pinch lessons oh it is p it is pineal that's it what radio [Music] no i don't want pinio lessons um yeah eye is more common than a is it i think so i don't think that's right no oh god can't decide brain aneurysm [ __ ] oh no i'm sorry contestant number three what banjo oh my god wow she wasn't [ __ ] around she was like you idiot what are you not from the south did you not grow up in a bayou did you say that she had twelve thousand dollars and then turn it into one thousand dollars did you see that yes i did yeah shall we yes that's very strange what happened something what happened was i lost eight thousand dollars well that's okay it's your turn okay you get to start us off yeah with some fresh pinot lessons no oh and here we go it begins yeah it doesn't stand quite as much when you have zero yeah i like how he does the courtesy clap at the end she's like well it'll be fine it's fine okay here we go come on aaron complete the trifecta i'm gonna i'm gonna make it happen as long as it could be lose a turn it could be bankrupt i don't know [Laughter] wow that's the holy trinity that's something and we're back we've officially wasted one minute of our lives that none of us can get back that's the end of it man oh here you go making up for never mind [Applause] and god damn it but that's the one letter i do i feel so confident about it that's my thing because it's the one because everyone's like t and r and s and whatever but it's like ends in there too i always forget about that one you just reminded me about rst damn it wow [ __ ] no tea well i don't want to watch this youtube channel then what will i spill what could possibly be spilled no there's not there's not certainly about go back to harry potter emma god that's the emma watson yeah i got it did you get it cause she also cut her hair short like that once i know her she plays her benign she plays harmony [Laughter] free play you ready for this yeah there you are um yeah i'm gonna buy a vowel peen haver god the eye is the best one though you get to go again oh it's our free play yeah dog after you mocked it i didn't mock it you were like free play what the [ __ ] ever sweet ah check this out peen haver wow [Music] i'm going to go ahead and spin all right [Music] that sax player is going nuts dude like this is my spot to shine that's probably what it is what the frick i don't know do you not know i don't or are you just goofing no i i would tell you if i knew [Music] yeah when you're missing like the first three letters of both words it's so hard like it could be so many things noodle 700 so close to the noodle um [ __ ] dry no ds why for is there no ds now you're going to get it you're going to win and i'm going to like yes what that what no no i i do not know [Music] look at my girls just like not even paying attention i know i love it when you catch them kind of looking off into the distance this is wild this is another language designing robots sick all right why didn't she get them she didn't why didn't she get twelve thousand dollars which is so weird um [Music] love spin odor you just solved it for me did i no no shut up oh here we go a chance at 10 thou i have no idea [Laughter] uh whoa uh m oh my god [Applause] okay what the [ __ ] there is a mystery of course i'm gonna flip it yeah [ __ ] me yeah do the pose [Music] no [Music] i know do you do you know you do i do how do you know because it just occurred to me what do you mean how do you know how do you know anything all right i'll spin for the h then [Music] bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt here we go bankrupt here it is here comes god damn it you're gonna solve it now yeah of course i am no i mean you really will yes i know i know oh okay i figured it out that doesn't make no sense though oh you won way too much undeserved money undeserved what does that mean means you're a piece of [ __ ] no no i'm just kidding number three you're up first oh just look at that like the problem is i don't care enough anymore and i'm trying to like like force it i'm trying to like pretend like i'm angry so i could like it might turn into real anger but it's just not happening oh well he doesn't have to oh okay i could play off of your not anger okay that's why i'm going to like the tried and true ones like hopefully someone in your family does you know like stuff that's like where the top let home go away let low high okay spins before it spins 650 650 that's how he says it it's just stuck in my winery low brow humors low low brow shortening low brow it's not low brow yes it is oh she's gonna get it low brow popsicles popsicles has two s's [Music] says you watch i'm gonna pick the b and you're gonna be [ __ ] crying okay but i'm gonna go for the r just to be safe all right oh oh really i mean spoilers the w and brow would have shown up [Music] you don't know that they could be japing us there could be some kind of goof or a gaff i don't know man it could still be brown see the r low power low court systems low low you can certainly let's see let's see what happens unfortunately dude it's not it's not [Laughter] [Music] is that a word [Music] [Applause] oh there's an n yes god i'm the king wow good job hang on tight could be yours it's not it's not gonna be you can i'm gonna go for the a yes [Music] fantasia law what the [ __ ] is what is this what is it what is it i'm going for the other vowel i don't care e no okay so it's an i oh jeez field of fortune you have screwed me this time you're winning with 18 000 uh just on this moment not overall it's been great to me so far um pancreas pancreas it's pancreas pain say what the [ __ ] oh yes you got it yes i do i think i'll just hang out yeah look who's not actually mad now i'll be right back i'm gonna deflate all that tires in your car oh god that looks good that looks good man i don't even need this [ __ ] it's your chance just to go for it baby please do yeah it will not help you live one minute longer you're going to die i know but you might as well hey if patch adams said it's not it prolongs spoilers i didn't see pet shadows i really want to wait what yeah is it good is that a real thing that you just said yeah i've never seen patchouli well it's great first of all rob williams is best he's a treasure second of all yeah it's it's fanciful and it's wonderful yeah it's a great movie i forgot what we were talking about but he's a real guy so you don't know what he's all about that's the whole thing mimi's gonna go mimi's gonna go mimmy's gonna go if memories of danny's gone by well you don't need to show off hurry back what's uh yeah man he says in the movie he's like where it's not about prolonging it's not about delaying death it's improving the quality of life that's what he said it's time to start because he was a doctor but he was like he was like a funny doctor ah so you know it's like there would be like kids and they're like gonna die tomorrow but he's like i'm a clown and then they're like wow oh man it sounds like an easy movie to watch it's so it's so good and easy get out of there what was that movie he was in that was like what dreams may come oh god that was pretty upsetting yeah it sounds upsetting it's just like that there's a lot of upsetting uh things in it but it's like feel good at the end of the day it's like i could be a better person because of him am i talking to a wall right now and hmm [Laughter] yeah no i'll have to i'll have to watch that yeah dude that's that's the one about the afterlife and what dreams may come yeah we haven't seen that either no bro you're missing out on like and now you're gonna tell me you haven't seen goodwill hunting i haven't what ah jeez i'm right next to you that was all robin williams good stuff yeah late 90s early 2000s i didn't watch a lot of movies i was too busy watching phantom menace 80 times [Music] uh i will try that r incredible hunting is great so you've never seen you've never seen [ __ ] do you like apples guys like yeah i've heard that a million times and he's like i got a number how do you like them apples no aaron man that's like that's like public lexicon [ __ ] all right i'm gonna go with a d i knew it you've got quite a what is that syrup syrups and drenched syrups i'm gonna pass oh my god unfortunately that's not what we need well it's not sorbet oh sorbet god that fits you're a genius thank you i just shoot in the dark man you're like already coming up with words and [ __ ] b unfortunately i thought it was brain dead it doesn't fit but that's what i thought it was brain dead drenched sorbet in the past [Laughter] yes we have some help oh grilled yes aaron well i just wanted to make sure you know your chance to solve it could be brawled crawled i asked krilled yeah i could be a whale looking for a meal there you go yeah don't give me that thumbs up she's gonna guess it contestant number three oh she guess oh she's so close um oh you gotta be bunking me i believe oh god i'm gonna call my dad after this no don't call your dad i think it's grilled shrimp yeah great job that takes out marlin from the first one the most delicate fish of all [Music] shrimp shrimp contestant you know what the past sense of shrimp is no shrimp bar farley gar garlic garlic chicken and grilled shrimp yeah yeah that's it yes we have some cheese oh my i had it i had it and i'm dying inside no you didn't have it i had it you're so smart no as soon as as soon as chicken became clear but why would you serve chicken with shrimp i guess it goes they both go good with white wine okay now now i'm angry what it's just like when you have it you're like oh please don't guess it as long as you don't guess it i'll get it and then like then it's like garlic yes i rule oh in your [ __ ] face you know [Laughter] dude who's that impression and some guy i don't know [Laughter] all right help me with this one you're smarter than i am stop these are awkward the the really small ones let's see what shows up polish and a sausage or it's not relish let me go with the h yeah now all we can think of is food core corn corn corn corn doesn't fit it could have been corn though polish tiger i have a wild card i just want to remind you that you have a chance to use your while um i'm gonna go with m i was pretty sure you were gonna get that one wow oh pull it it's not it's not polish okay time is limited oh that polish charm oh charm as in like charm that you like southern charm yes delicious charm delish charm bowl there's only an o o and a u but it's not h either so it's not ish it's not something-ish ist could be c like sy ghoulsy ballsy charm ballsy charm that does fit throw it in there there's no it's two l's oh you're right but i know it wouldn't be ballsy charm aaron just want to make sure you were in your right mind dude okay dull dull i don't know man this is i don't know wow full last vo last whoa folksy charm damn i was right though it was sy did you know it yeah sorry we uh we got someone here working on uh technical things for us and i could hear him like hmm [Applause] [Laughter] hey 32. well well done aaron congratulations well you knew chicken and cheese or whatever it was so you no technically won this one that's not how they get that's not how anything in life works i don't want to be look i'm in the position now where you just made fun of me for gloating so now i'm in a i'm like oh well you know uh great i won that's awesome let's just listen i my friendship with you is more important than winning at wheel of fortune as that being said it feels really great to win at wheel of fortune as you and i both know whenever we play competitive games on game grumps like the second the game ends we're always like that was silly and that is just how we live and everything's cool and i'm sure that everyone at home watching will be cool too and not freak out and think oh my god do they hate each other now and say that for the next 10 years there's no way that would happen no but we do though of course this is just for the cloud are you kidding me we the second game grumps episodes end we put on our sunglasses we get in our separate limousines and we go our separate ways no words are exchanged i i upgraded to my helicopter thing anymore yeah it's too hard to get out i wondered why you were having that helipad installed on the top of that yeah it was just too difficult to get out of the gold encrusted driveway yeah yeah as soon as i had the diamond wheels put on the limo it just didn't have the traction i needed yeah i wasn't it was it was a rough ride yeah so i decided i had putting the headphones on in the helicopter was much more comfortable situation to be in well business partner slash former friend [Laughter] it was a good round of wheel of fortune yeah man that was good that was enjoyable yeah i i had fun and uh you know i gotta say the hard ai is not very good no no it's terrible they never seem to end up with more than one thousand dollars this is what i recommend for the next one okay the next time we play wheel of fortune i say i get in the middle because you've always been in the middle and what happens is if you miss something it goes to the dumb ass ai who doesn't know [ __ ] and always misses and it goes to me hmm so then it would be opposite where if you mess up then i get a chance and then if i'd mess up then it go you know what do you got what i'm saying i i think i did it's just a different dynamic i think we should just get ross in here whoa have him be player three he doesn't know anything who the [ __ ] is ross what do you think ross would be good at wheel of fortune he doesn't even know how to spell go on i didn't play in this bit ahead of time and now i've waited too long and now i have to come up with the perfect word i can still save it i could still save it uh florig oh thank god crushed it can he not spell words i don't know anyway next time on game grumps okay have a wonderful day goodbye thanks for joining us aaron wins just so everyone remembers yes just to make sure everyone knows aaron wins aaron is the most important so so go ahead and post in your comments god aaron's instructable when he wins go ahead just do it it's fine and make sure to post dance insufferable when he loses because uh is that a thing no but it could be quite easily let's start it anything can be a thing on the internet if you want it to be hey let's start the thing where everyone's really nice in the comments let's do that start that right now boom done oh anything except that started possible except that all right bye no but really though they are both the worst people in the world i don't know why i watch them every day
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 359,248
Rating: 4.9664178 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: 5ZAs1ZWuPlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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