DW's Brisket Chili Recipe

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hey y'all hey today it's uh getting pretty chilly it's cold outside it's around i don't know 40 something degrees for the high so what better time than to make what did i say chili i got some brisket left over from my fall barbecue bash and uh we're gonna use a couple two and a half pounds or so with that and make us some chili uh my son and one of my sons is having a housewarming party so i'm gonna take over a big old pot of chili help warm everybody up so what i want to do everybody is i want to show you what all i got here to cook with today i'll just go over something with you there we go i don't know you can see anything or not i wrote me up a recipe here uh i did brisket chili before i never did in the video we're going to use about two and a half pounds of that brisket uh there and uh got a large onion there we're gonna saute saute down with some bell pepper and we're going to have to spice it up too of course i got some chili powder i haven't got out here yet i'll show it to you when i get it out just use you know salt pepper round cloves thyme uh oregano cumin along with that uh chili powder and here look what a tango juice gave me yeah this is uh i guess a special spicy makes it i guess i don't guess it's for retail um anyhow it's chili pecan pecan pecan i think that's how you pronounce it but anyway that's pretty hot pretty hot stuff i'm gonna just use a little bit of that instead of using cayenne and uh we got beans of course we're gonna put in it i know you guys in texas don't like beans when you chill we're going to use some we got some diced tomatoes and some tomato paste and even gonna put some stewed tomatoes in there along with some sauce and some beef broth so what i'm going to use um for a liquid and i might need some more i don't know and i'm going to use some olive oil a few tablespoons of that and of course uh we might need some other things like i'm not i'm like throwing a couple bay leaves um paprika i didn't mention that uh uh see cider vinegar maybe let's uh let me get everything here together and uh we're going to start it off over there in that pot i'll saute the onions and the bell pepper down let me chop all that up and get her in the pot all right i got that onion chopped up and then bell pepper got a little the red little orange i'm gonna start off with this six quart cooker here i'm gonna put about three tablespoons of olive oil get it going get the heat up on it dump all these that was a whole big medal yeah you could use yellow and i just that's what i had so and it goes that's a lot of onion in there and yeah yeah that'll work though you don't hurt to have a lot of onion in your chili so i'm gonna saute that down there a little bit put some fresh cracked black in there i was like putting salt and pepper on my vegetables kosher salt all right let them go for a minute or two and i'm gonna dump the bell pepper in there what i did on the bell pepper i had a red and an orange i used about half a little over half of each one i saved the rest of i'm gonna dump that in there in a minute yeah and then i could put some liquid in there trigger these uh sweat it down a little bit here i like sweating down a little bit stir it in there real good get that oil i'm gonna cover oil real good and go to bell pepper put a little more pepper on the pepper more kosher salt almost up on the salt on the salt whatever you know i don't know what dee does you're saying yeah you could use whatever color bell pepper you want i just thought red and orange would be fine it's got a little more vitamins in it the green but they cost more so you just use the green if you want to all right i'll let that go a few more minutes too and we'll get some more good stuff in there all right it's been another five minutes or so and uh i've got the bell pepper and onion sweated down real nice they're starting to soften up and start putting some liquid in there i'm not worried about cooking my meat early in a cook because it's already been cooked so what we'll do is tomato sauce we're going to put some of that in there 15 ounces go ahead and just dump that in there and i'll get the rest out of there with some water some beef broth anyway now get that incorporated turn up the fire a little bit that cooled things off didn't yeah seems like you cook that sauce a little bit and then it sweetens it up so let that go for a few minutes before i put that beef broth in there all right i've been cooking this sauce down here for about five minutes or so so yeah you want to cook that in there real good let it cook turn the heat back up i'm getting ready to put the part of this beef broth in there i'm gonna put half of it in there for now and half of it there yeah that'd be fine for now get that stirred up in there yeah i got still got stewed tomatoes diced tomatoes and some tomato paste i'm gonna stick in there and then all the good spices so stick around all right over here i got my tomato paste in a pan that's why i cook my bacon i had some bacon grease in there from breakfast so what i'm doing is i'm kind of cooking this uh paste like i said when you cook this uh sauce or paste it gets sweeter so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna lay it out in this pan a little bit and just cook it down cook the sweetness out of it and uh about five minutes or so keep stirring it you don't want to burn the crap out of it so and then over here i still got my spaghetti sauce and my vegetables in there and beef broth but here about five minutes i'll go ahead and get that over here in this little pot over here okay all righty i got this tomato paste cooked down over here get it all in the pot about five minutes you can start smelling it when it starts cooking a little bit that's all i want to do is cook it a little bit you got that sweeter taste to it all right get that in there now it's gonna need some more liquid man it's really thick let me just go ahead and dump the rest of that beef broth in there oh look maybe not all of it just enough to wet end up a little bit i still got a quarter of the container left bring it back to a bowl shouldn't take much though and boiling pretty good gonna put them diced tomatoes in there that's got a little bit of liquid in there it's gonna need it so get all that in there and stewed tomatoes stewed tomatoes are they're sweeter than the regular diced tomatoes that's gonna add a little sweetness to it i'm gonna cut them up a little bit they're pretty good size so i'll do that here a little later just for now just stir it in stir it in that pot we're filling up that potting and get that back to a boil and yeah probably the rest of that beef broth in there let's see what else we need to put in there come on get ready and chop up that brisket too all right it's been cooking a few more minutes i'm gonna rest this beef broth in there because it's thick thick and i'm gonna get that brisket here and uh chop it up show it to you get it all in there all right all right there's about two and a half pounds that brisket i guess is about two and a half pounds so might be more i'll see i'm gonna cube it all up start pitching it in the pot over here see right there the pot look good it look better with this brisket in there and all them spices mixed together all right i got that brisket cubed up uh i'd say i got about two and a half pounds here a little over two pounds anyhow uh i probably won't need no more no i got more if i have to whoops escapee and get all that stuff and there's spices and all kinds of stuff off that meat there you go get in the all right i'll stir that all in there and see if i got enough meat if not we'll put a little bit more i don't know that's i didn't weigh that meat out could be closer to two pounds or we'll see see the tomatoes there you gotta do whack them up go back in there let's get that cooking i'm gonna get my spices together my garlic net put my beans in last they don't need cook they're already cooked all right i got some garlic chopped up now i put a little bit more brisket in there than i showed you and then here's about three to four cloves of garlic depending how you look at it let's one of them was kind of small so say three and a half and get that all cooking down in gotta there to pieces all right we still got a little ways to go i'm getting the spices together right now and we get the spices in the pot it's been cooking for a little while i put some bay leaves on there since i've seen you or you've seen me almost forgot to put the bay leaves in i should put them in earlier probably see look at the bay leaves on in there i'm gonna go over uh my ingredients here if i can remember what i got here let's see you can see can you see all that let's see this is tur banana sugar right here um it's one tablespoon i was going to use brown sugar but turbine was sitting right in front of my face so i used turbinator okay but say you use one tablespoon of brown sugar one and a half tablespoons of fresh berry fine ground coffee and we got one teaspoon of paprika and we got two tablespoons of uh chili powder try to use a real good chili powder and right here can you see this right here that spice right there that is tango joe spice this is some good stuff here really is and uh see what else we got here we got cumin we got one and a half tablespoon of cumin we got a half let's see half a teaspoon of oregano half a teaspoon of thyme and we got some black pepper pepper black pepper right there and i think that's a tablespoon and that right there would be a quarter teaspoon of cloves ground can you see all that i don't know if you could tell that right there anyhow it's all going in the pot right here can you see that all down in there it is pretty it's gonna be some good chili too stir it all in the pot real good then we're gonna let it cook it at least another hour and a half probably all that goodness going down in there yeah i use coffee and you know i always use it in my chili you should try it really adds an extra flavor dimension to it and you don't get to it ain't like you get coffee grounds all in your teeth or nothing like that and ain't that and uh even if you don't like coffee you you won't even notice you just notice there's extra bit of flavor there or something look at that ain't that pretty how you like that there yeah i'm gonna get some cajun powder spicy garlic pepper sauce in there i love this stuff right here let's see how much am i going to use i wrote down how much i used to put in one tablespoon so we get the one tablespoon right here yeah just make sure about one tablespoon there just dump some in there yeah that's not real that's not hot stuff that's full of garlic though and we already got our garlic in there so we got that in there and we need one tablespoon of what you call that key what's this here sauce what's your sour sauce all right we're gonna use some of that one tablespoon of that that which sour sauce is always good with beef you got to remember that so there you go i believe i got everything covered if not i'll come back and i was going to put some cider vinegar in that i don't know i'm going to give it a taste i don't know if i want to add anything like that i had never tried it before but i hear it's good in there so i did have that on my recipe but we'll see i'm gonna give her a taste here in a minute oh yeah you want to put the lid on cook it with the lid cooks a little better the lid on all right well all right this chili's coming coming right along uh i taste it tastes pretty good but i'm gonna add let's see a half a tablespoon of the side apple cider vinegar that's some good stuff right there so that'll add extra little bit of something there too um so let me stir that in there real quick now i'm putting the beans in now too right here the dark red kidney beans i strained these got all the crap out of them or got all the stuff whatever they put in them you know a lot of salt and stuff so we won't get all that in there polluting our chili so there's that i got some black beans too i wrenched them out too real good i think i got them all that's enough in here so in there go i know some people if they do use beans they just use the red kidney beans usually but i like the black beans in there i'm gonna add something to her so uh get her stir it up here real good and keep her cooking well maybe for another hour it's probably a total of three hours all together so put the lid back on and uh show you what it's like when it's done hey everybody hey uh it's the next day uh after i made that uh brisket chili um had a good housewarming party my son did and uh everybody enjoyed the chili really well so uh i wanted to show you some of it didn't get to show it to you when i made it much to say but uh here it is uh that's the brisket chili air it's pretty fine chili and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come on over here and show you ah i usually like my chili with some cheese you put your favorite cheese on it put a little bit of cheese on it don't need a whole lot just like that there i like crackers on mine too so i'm going to put some cracker right there hang on see yeah that chili feels good um i got some crackers here on it there um usually serving oyster crackers i don't have anything anyhow i'm gonna try this out here big old bat yeah that's good i don't think there's anything better than brisket beef brisket in your chili huh wow where i go no man coffee good and chili but anyway y'all y'all try this try some brisket chili you know just save you some when you get done with your barbecue freeze it for another day and make some chili on it man you're gonna drop but anyhow i'm gonna get on off here now i got some other videos coming up i got work on and i appreciate everybody stopping by and all my friends out there and all my new subscribers old subscribers yeah thanks a lot y'all take care now we'll see y'all soon so you
Channel: DW's Southern Cooking & BBQ
Views: 7,653
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: DW, Brisket, Beef Brisket, beef brisket, brisket, beef, Chili, chili, chilli, Texas, hearty, recipe, Recipe, recipes, Chili Recipes, chili recipe, cooking, kitchen, peppers, Tango Joe, Chile, chile, Chile Piquin, paquin, spice, spices, mix, food, comfort food, Tailgate party, football, Chili Pepper (Ingredient), Cook, Restaurant, Cook (Profession), DW's Southern Cooking, Southern Cooking, Texas Chili, Texas Style Chili, DarylCincy, JB, style, texas, bbq, bbq brisket, best, chili powder, making, google
Id: do3Lv8MPWhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 15 2014
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