Dwarf Fortress - "The Goblin Attack"

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all right so let's play us into a fortress um this is a game of this is uh week three now of of of dwarf fortress lands and uh or day three i suppose we should say um uh and we are uh we're like we're in a like a chasm or a canyon is the word um where we've uh we've had a rather peaceful day we had a bit of a bit of an instance with our fishermen do village who kind of lost his mind a little bit but other than that everything's kind of nice um it's been a peaceful day here in into a fortress land uh i'm happy with fermi paradox so far i liked it all right so i think we had not really too exciting happening just at the end of the last last time actually oh we did have something very exciting happen actually um do a big bit of a run down here we got 56 56 dwarves now a bunch of them a bunch of them just now showed up um i have a bit of a military we've got the depths of fortifying and the pointy ends these are my melee and mark's dwarves there's a few of them uh really have weapons or anything yet but that was about to change because down here did i mark a spot for it no what's happening oh sparring way down here in uh in the caves way down here in the case way down here in the caves we found actually we found we found we found tetrahedrites which is copper uh in these ca in this cave uh and then if you keep going further we discovered all the way down um oh do we run out of room oh wait we ran out of the room anyway well all the way down here we'll go a little further um we yeah we gotta fix that we discovered that there is gold in in these walls and there's also uh where is this there's silver around here somewhere somewhere sort of in the same same sort of area here there's some silver around which i forget what is that over there is it that's quartzite where's the silver at somewhere around here there's silver and silver make some nice nice warhammers nice silver warhammers it's good for the good for the beaten it's a big cavern the big cavern where's that silver at i know i saw it uh there's a lot of gold though that's nice i don't know what's i'm not sure what this is that lingers house i don't know i don't remember what silver looks like in in this tile set but i promise we saw it gold there what's the blue stuff let microcline zoom out a bit anybody see any let me let's speak up if you see some silver so that's where our so we hit there and then we run out of space there the planet core uh kind of yeah go go right ahead and try it let me know how it goes direct and i know we saw silver down here is it do we saw the reports last time hello here we go uh we struck things it's gold gold gold i know i saw silver i don't even see silver am i blind look at all that stuff we should be struck because it's a massive cavern we have down here one of these days i've always wanted to try this i've never done it on these days i went there it is i want to try doing a um i want to try doing a dwarf fortress day where i go in and i just immediately dig down and build our fortress in the cavern i think it'd be a very cool playthrough one of these days there's a silver where's it at um zoom where is it up there that's that's it right there okay okay there's a bunch of it over there is it silver also yeah this is silver okay okay we found it how do we get to that we can get to that one probably okay okay that's overall over here too yeah there's a lot of silver but it's like just sort of um i'm sure we can find it once we dig over there we could we could get getting over this wouldn't be a problem we could go like because the silver is only on that level on that layer i think well there's more of it i don't see any more silver at this point so i think it's just in these layers here so we find a way we gotta find a way to get over there and get that silver to finally get some weapons and i think so there's the silver i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna dig it's gonna be a digging day today okay i'll do a tour of the fortress here in a minute those of you that weren't here for the last live stream um but we'll get out we'll get a look and what else happened here we're gonna do a quick dig over to there and then we'll go this way and we're gonna get on this side of the cavern and we go down i think to the silver which is right there that level okay okay so let's go here uh let's dig in and up downstairs from there and just go on up okay okay so we'll just start that for now um let me let's let's tour the cavern real quick i'm gonna mark this though as uh as f3 okay so here's the fortress we'll give a bit of a rundown so welcome to the welcome to the ma the mountain we are at a uh we're at a a cavern right now so this is our side mountain over here we got a little mountain on this side and carving through the middle of it is a uh is a river um some of my animals are outside there and this sort of trudges through here where all the water is um that way there's our fishing spot down there we have dew village who's going to get buried in the wall there um and uh and and uh what is that okay sir um but where our fortresses over here on the left side is where the main area is we've got all our shops and uh um most stuff is sort of in this little roundabout area here we've got our finished good stock pile which which goes a few levels a couple levels up one level up uh with all of our uh step ladders we made a few extra ones of those oh on that spot there in our workshops all around here we have the uh the dining area in this spot we got the kitchen over on the side we got a uh um a barrack there med bay somebody got hurt looks like skull do you hurt everybody what's wrong scold what happened to you oh you probably oh you probably got to fight yeah dude village went mad and he's punching things um this is the the military barracks is actually there that's dormitory uh we have a temple over here to the certain is our our god um we've been digging things out here we have a mayor who we're working on that for the left side over there and these were our offices on this down here am i zooming in enough can you guys see this uh and then we had things like a furnace forge all this stuff is built on this this side over here um and then this guy goes i think that's my stairs down to all the uh all the nonsense down there in fact speaking of nonsense let's get some doors put in here just in case there's a little too much nonsense okay so uh understood if we go up a level we've got farms and uh that's it farms and bar storage that's all that goes up if you go down one more level you've got all the bedrooms and which i need to make a lot more of because what was that all about more sparring uh because a lot of new dwarfs just showed up so let's build some while i'm thinking about it we're gonna do some digging and we're going to make some bedrooms and i think i want to go i'm going to do this it's the most uh effective way of getting these bedrooms in i think we can do is like a door or a room a road to there and maybe it may be a bit of an aisle or something let's do um try the old record thing again and then go back to this one and then we turn it off and play it so there's a few bedrooms there and there's a row there's the aisle uh and then we'll do something over on this side there's a few more bedrooms it's gonna be kind of kind of packed in here um but we can do the same thing over on this way like uh we can go ways over this way so let's try oh make all our rooms over here come on line up hey look at that almost like i knew what i was doing okay and then we're gonna do something we're gonna do ctrl r and then ctrl r control b hey ben how's it going welcome to the uh welcome to the stream uh you know we can make this go and we can do more bedrooms on this side too let's do it like that and then if all goes well i can put it like that there we go um it's digging time so we have more bedrooms there so we'll have one i'm going to do in an empty space and then one two three and over here oh there's this wall there's stairs there i'll be doing this right oh whoops it doesn't help when you hit enter okay yeah what a hit there we go okay okay it wasn't quite as good as the last ones ignore that one all right um we want to go like that for the road and then we'll put more on this side okay it's just bedroom making time today don't worry about it let's try to do another little bit of a bedroom thing okay there we go okay so that's that's that's a sizeable amount of rooms i think they'll be busy for a while for that uh i'm more interested in in the uh in the gold and silver and sparring is annoying um but down this way so we we have to change this a bit because we gotta get that gold and that goal is a little bit further down but we hit with the cabin roof let me dig over this way i think it's safe to go about there and then let's go down to here and then oh no it's not good it's not good where are we safe here no we're not there's the level right let's get let's go to there um let's go i think it's safe to go here and then just go straight down yeah and then we and then we we come out right right over yeah yeah here okay we are digging greedily because there's a lot of gold and uh and we want it okay so take that out we'll go grab much gold uh and uh and we will be in great shape something over there somebody had a meal left behind you dang dirty dwarves get that out of here we have a we have a trash can outside take it out there okay um as far as the military i'm a little concerned about the military because i don't want to have do i have my garden i don't uh oh yeah max wants a place smash this is your your bedroom now buddy this is where the mayor lives it's going to sign this to mash the mayor uh mash and uh and they were there their spouse ism you can live there uh this is your office and your uh your your your study your your mayor's office is here sign that to mash as well and spouse and uh you get your own dining table too buddy that's that's what we do with our mayors uh let's resize here we go and then assign it to ole mash okay there we go we'll make it better we'll we'll don it you know it'll be gold we'll have a real uh throne you know and all that kind of stuff it'll be great um i don't know the name of someone i apologize and i just missed it i'm not sure what that one is uh that die was part of the time no no no one the only person who's died so far is uh is due village so you're still in here so there you are steg you're sparring at the moment as we speak you are you're sparring watching some wrestling demonstrations yeah a big busy guy or girl dwarf whatever whatever you are um putting in a couple more i need some doors made so let's go back to mason here mason you make what are you making making doors right now do more of it i'm gonna go ahead and keep on uh building it not attached i want a door put these over here for the for the mayor we'll get this smooth and maybe we should smooth the stone around smooth his stone um or you know maybe he doesn't care about smooth zone maybe he wants he wants golden floors i think if uh maybe that's what he wants is uh is some smooth what am i doing [Music] smooth don't we're gonna smooth his walls first he'll like that okay okay let's get to meet you uh mash where are you at let's let's say hello to match let's meet the mash the mash mayor all right so you want us to make some amulets i forgot about that we'll we'll get to work on it must always be loyal to the cause and the ones they serve says mash i like the sound of that i didn't feel anything about uh talking with an acquaintance felt pleasure near a fine door he likes doors apparently he's bitter after remembering an argument unless he kind of disgusted after wretching on miasma yeah we should clean that out a bit i guess he likes watching a performance um married to easem one child dumats tool battles he's the son of ming dubies worshiper of arab we should be worshiping the certain um member of the mountain whiskers that's us three uh 100 103 years old it's durable very agile you're like sandstone pig iron do you like gold the color cream he likes amy that's not for sure he likes ducks for their quacks who doesn't harpies for their leathery wings feathery wings the words of the honey of hounds and the sight of the fortuitous fortuitous luxuries when possible he presumes to consume bumblebee and papaya wine he detests purring maggots purring maggots are the worst he works all right does he have multiple where's it at first oh yeah arab amal sporo uh dish mob yeah just he kinda you know he just takes care of all of them raoul al ron what about the certain he has an apprentice am school emzy mountain scorpion he used to be a apprentice under urus there all right maybe a parking bag i think our trash pile is is too full we gotta get rid of this what is it is this the stinky stuff what is it hamster remains can we clean that stuff up dump those things get that out of here um do village oh do village some of his body parts are there yeah that's that's a bit of a problem is do village in here also no he shouldn't he shouldn't well maybe he is yeah let's dispose of him uh right we were making a there you go he's working on it okay we made a slab and i failed to actually put the slab in the right spot hey christian how's it going all right about hammering when you played it let's let's update quickly becoming a dwarf version of oxygen included it was very um yeah it was very it was very oxygen not included before remember i played the last time it um i'm trying to remember it um it came out did it come out full release recently or is it early access okay so they're working on that one still billy's being annoying this time okay get over here dig over that way we're still working on that i guess we got a lot of digging going on down down here which is slowing them down but good news we um we now have the ability to make all kinds of stuff so um what we do with our copper copper isn't the best of things but it's something we could always use it for for um weapon copper is sharp right it's dense but it's sharp so it makes a good um it makes a good sharp metal i think it's no iron but it's something so we can make some like copper short swords just to have some things around i think we've got um some bits these refined coal uh yeah we were doing that we dealt with that last time which i don't know what really i can do i have this setup to just make charcoal which seems like a bit of a i'll do this some restraints um let me of coal we'll do it this way and just make sure we've got those set up so five to ten bars of charcoal we have coal everywhere bituminous coal i don't remember what we need to do to fix that let's look that up and i didn't i thought we could use bituminous coal maybe we need to refine it somehow first getting uh or still early access getting automation and fleshed out a lot of bugs good i'll check it out i have to check that out again random name name is is a spar now lots of sparring going on you guys better be getting good some of you actually came in pretty good these are are these copper bars these are copper bars okay so we got the bars i need to get you know maybe i should set up like a spot here more digging i know um just for like um bar land a door there and like a door over here and we'll just stash a lot of our um these things in there obsidian makes a nice nice one how was that sound i don't know you want anyone oh it's rain so we got an owl we got a peddler we don't see anything actually that's downstairs yet which i'm kind of surprised by oh anyone come in with the new animals i should check that um i guess i got i guess i got it okay okay the military service is over so they're all going to take off we have a lot of bolts so the uh the more magnets really but what if i don't want more migrants how many of you coming in here now and i don't need more kids so many kids i'm supposed to do with all of them who's going to be a process of smelter with pre-existing fuel of some sort okay okay so at a so here we tell them where do i set it at though how do i do that let me cope from bituminous do we need a accessible fuel takes place at a smelter or magnus filter i'm going to use it as fuel for forges and as flux for making steel okay well this is a forge okay uh the hall of planks craft a crafts dwarf guild has been established oh yeah look at all these new dwarves coming in i'm just 73 now we got like 20 more dwarves all right um that was a crafts dwarf guild the hall of planks they want so they're gonna they're gonna want a spot to hang out um i'm really good i guess we could like squeeze them in here i think it's safe that's where the certain states maybe put them over on here on this side or they go i'm going to go more we have to go to add some more z levels in here with the mayor over that way i suppose we could sort of build them off this way we'll keep them we'll keep them at one z level for an hour mostly one and we'll build them a spot over here so that'll be a big room for them coke at a wood burner so like over here i can make charcoal or ash um okay waiting for that see what happens with that uh are we digging down this way yeah oh that's not we want to go we missed the silver again i can't do it i just can't that's not it is it it was i see something right there let's go to there and they'll sort of just dig around a little bit we'll find some we see some there's some right there so we'll get that we start more gold where's that at you know what you guys can't find in the past are getting real annoying whoa heaven fine path did you get stuck somewhere somebody stuck who's my hunter oh there we go we got it okay that's just finding things as as we dig okay that's fine oh ah some somebody fell through who are you eat him did you fall did you fall through are you in with all these reports no not eat them but you clearly don't belong down there what happened how'd that happen how do we get you out of there it's like a big rat down there um [Music] how do i get you out of there where's my uh my my dig look at all is this all gold okay so that's there where'd you fall through are you over here where you are i lost you again um i mean we'll be down there in a minute just just hang on buddy we'll be there a minute it'll be all right we'll get to digging it'd be all right okay we finally we're finding all this stuff as as we dig this this path over here okay that's cool what's over there i mean this is a massive man it's a giant cavern okay so there's that digging over that way he's also discovering things just by being there okay so that'll get us eventually to nope and then that one's gonna go that one goes up up there then we go down this one is oh is it working okay we got it we got it and there's an animal in there what is this a large rat it's okay what what's the ragged dude and then and then we have we are in the gold as we speak okay so we're there now um i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna say uh let's get some gold yeah it's gold around is that silver right there it is excellent okay so let's just dig a little suit off from here over to the uh over to the silver and we'll grab some of that while we're at it was it control z control v there it is there's some silver i'll take some of that please and then i will take some gold please go ahead and just dig that one out real quick and then once we get down the bottom here we're gonna dig some more i want all the gold yep more gold take it all out come on back down even further we've got all this stuff we got gold everywhere an endless supply of gold down here excellent anything scary down there uh just a rat oh there's a gorilla down there where you at buddy i think i've seen you before with battling are you looking kind of funny don't eat don't eat them wherever they are okay more gold excellent okay so that's happening um i'm going to get a bunch of stuff right in here it might be worthwhile this is my usual system this is just like you know just run down and just start getting some some magma forges up and running it makes it nice and easy sort of streamlines the process we have to deal with all this uh charcoal nonsense more refined coal maybe made one you made one though that's nice one's cool um oh that's all dug it already okay cool so let's set that up as our uh our spot for our crafts dwarves they can come in here and hang out you know whatever they want to do this is a meeting area for um a guild hall is a crafts dwarf hall there we go the metal of cloistering that's a good name for this guys yeah perfect okay uh what do you guys want in there you want like fancy things so i'll smooth your stone in a minute but we got other things we gotta deal with first so you just calm down over there i think they want boxes or whatever in here so i'll give them a couple boxes and leave some chairs you uh you want you want a bag there you go it's a bag uh mr where are you do you oh i have these on your workflow anything i want i don't so i want um maybe 50 to 100 drinks at all times what are we doing how are we doing now we've got what we have zero drinks or what are we doing what what oops lots of palm helmets let's pump plum pump seeds no drinks we have a lot of muscles okay okay what do you want guildhall for the haul of flanks uh has many members in drumstack and now requires a guildhall location she must be able to finish yeah i have proof of it favorite pizza uh veggie with jalapenos my favorite what is this i used to be a um meat lovers pepperoni jalapeno that kind of thing that's that was always my thing and that gorilla is in my base okay um i've worked at a pizza place for a long time and um my boss would make a veggie pizza i know i would make a meat lover's pizza every day for everyone to eat i'm so tired of it and i can't handle meat lovers anymore because i got old come on right there eight go get that go get that gorilla there's a there's a new pizza place that it's been about my house forever and um i just i just never went there but i went there just um a few weeks ago and it's pretty good stuff just a little mom and pop place pretty good but yeah i i could eat pizza's the one thing i could eat every day of the week i could eat pizza that's that's my uh that's my food that's everybody's food i think though okay let's go let's put some chairs i think they want chairs in here i forget what they want i guess we can look over here what do you want in this place i agree built yeah i agreed it's a meeting place it needs to be a oh something better than that okay um we'll have to find some put some stuff in there to make it nice papa john's my favorite i do like papa john's a lot um the the bread it's good stuff i haven't had it a long time though nice work there spawn we have a bunch of pom-poms what do you mind about plenty of seats we probably do some more oh we did we did do more i said i didn't actually get set to do anything yeah so we wanted to do um i think i wanted some pigtails maybe we'll do a little bit of variety here let's get some let me get some sweet pods i think the girl here i don't know which ones graw here um we'll do a little bit big pigtails and maybe some quarry bushes just for some variety i'm not sure i think we have seeds for all that adroltha where flying bolt strikes the dolphin in the head nice steel bolt who brought steel bolts who are you a tear nice good job buddy did you just kill a whole bunch of them look do all the blood no just moss draw the blood and some fungus okay okay okay good job buddy there's three of them out there somewhere another one over there yeah we'll go take them out i used to work at pizza too i worked pizza a long time um so we made this place nice i suppose there's an easy way doing that and that is just to smooth these these walls here um smooth everything just let's just get to smoothing over here and make that nice we've got um make sure everyone has jobs here let's go take a look at the uh the old job list um this one and i want dwarf therapist that is anybody ever played with dramatic dwarf um portrait anyone seen that one before weird stuff i'm not really messed with it before did it open there it is all right um so i'm gonna make sure people are doing my jobs that i want uh mostly stone detailing i need more than one person which is what's happening stone crafting masonry i don't care about messing me so much but stone detailing i need a lot of people doing that so if you're not doing anything else how about this you go and you and your stone um detail yeah i got what one person on it all right so let's get some of these new people that came in we had what 17 new people showed up let's go and you're a 15 uh stone crafter wow nice able and also that let me take those off you just sit there and you just crash some stone buddy weapon smith you got a two in weaponsmithing i could use that cog over there we got these guys doing what plant gathering leather working anyone can do that yeah we got someone else gonna handle that okay you are gonna be now a uh stone detailer and um that's basically i think it's all i want you to do i should just detail some things you too i'm not doing anything sarah you're weaponsmithing i'm gonna leave you is that your armors armoring attempt to just give it to a bunch of people okay we don't need two weaponsmiths so you forget about it lorbam and uh and you can you can stone craft a little bit while you're at it just you know for fun uh you're my farmer i like it the taste another weaponsmith i don't need weaponsmith i just need you to come in here and just look at that stone and admire it i reckon i don't need so many leather workers cyril okay chen and billy look at this 16 bone carving 15 bone carving you guys are like man impressive so zero south is a minor reminder we got some good miners too 13 with uh clean-o here and 10 with shipment to start let's do that for now that that should be a nice a nice uh arrangement i think i have two level 15 animal tamers yeah you know it's important stuff now what's going on chan is fighting what where are you can you clean this thing out let's go clean this place out there's some nonsense around here we got a couple drothos around where are you at drawtha i'm gonna go with two there's three of them right there okay yeah yeah let's go let's get them so let's get uh you guys a and b let's kill some drothas um that one and uh oh here let's just do this way a and b kill from a list dnf get out get all of them okay give you guys some work some some practice maybe a little extra drop of blood on the place it's fine how do i tell them i need to pick up their ammunition which is oh gather is it under for forbidden yeah that one claim you used any munition and claiming the other death items as well uh i don't care about ignoring them outside you can get out of stuff your vermin remains get them out of here from outside um yeah that's fine okay did you guys get there yet here they come here they come there's some shooting going on someone's got the coughs drought is fighting oh he's over there yeah he's he's done for him what is that a shrub you guys taking a beating so i figure if we get enough weapons rounded up i don't care what kind of we get we're getting silver coming in now i think we'll be in good shape i would i think i just want to go and just find some magma because it's just easier to just deal with you know rather than have to keep on making charcoal and um where we're finding the bituminous coal whatever we get magma it's easy just pop it down there and we got a got ourselves a ford so i think it's probably the best way of doing it a bit of a walk but uh we don't mind walks we have to go down a bit further i think what we can do is we can take this we have to go over that one i'm just getting through this this place it's gonna be a trouble why'd you stop the production of the coal bars maybe we have enough okay i was going to set this up um let me go and smooth uh i want to mark this as a bar and block stockpile but actually i want to be custom i want um do i want just the metal i think i think i do is with the metal oars over on part of this metal wars can go over there maybe a little bit more over here and then we'll set up what's that d mean and then we're on this side is that a dead draw maybe put a bars over on this side we'll set up we'll get rid of that and put in the bars and blocks and i want just metal ones there debatable i think i went cold air too okay will fill in the rest of this spot here it's not very big but it it's something we're doing a draw pad you can eat it are we still fighting nothing punches punches punches yeah we need some weapons okay uh look buddy what do you got here i mean can you give me a give me something we i know we have copper laying around let's make some more copper um let's make a few swords what we can do is we'll get this these swords set up and then once the once we start getting some iron things or some you know silver warhammers whatever we get um then we'll we'll just move those over to like trapped or something there's a lot of whacking going on on that uh that portrolatha there we go we finally got him there's a goose walking around my base who has an idea this guy no he's just hungry who zolbin are you right buddy fight follows open zoom yeah where is he you're here annie he's a little he's a little kid the kid is withdrawn what's he gonna do you there i'm building an artifact in the workshop but i was just about to give me the workshop get some wood let's make something good i want wood junk billy is gonna text to uh attached to a yak battle axe yak bone battle axe who brought that uh what are you missing buddy tell me something good you wanna cut gems you know see i don't i don't have that uh mechanic uh we don't have a jeweler at all i don't think so let's go bill i guess we're gonna dig out a jeweler like that and we'll just put him in there look at our jeweler set up okay the the mayor's look a little bit fancier all right uh goose oh don't need to go out there goose and that's it i guess just those two giant bat is that what i said my pee hen is fighting he's fighting what do villages fighting is that old where a giant bat what else is down there okay i have i will let him be i want to see my arm my military in but i need weapons first there's gold getting rolled up here that's good it's good we want more gold and you know what can i let's let's say we wanted to look um let's say we wanted to do um like like a floor of of gold you know just let's just say how much gold do i have is the question do i have any yets how many gold bars yet can i do anything with it yet no i have nine copper bars i have eight charcoal so we're getting somewhere so there's the gold up there we need to turn this gold into some blocks which is what he's going to do um i'd like you to make me some let's do the silver first there's the coke from bituminous let's do that now can we have some work if caravan has arrived this is this is the dwarf one right the elves came before yeah i'd like to see a dwarf carry and that'd be nice we could we could get some trade with them um we've been making so many perfect death gave gave birth to a baby excellent 760 is what it's at once we get this stuff smooth we can we can carve it out and be real nice i'll put something nice in there also yeah what you guys want okay new stuff to share uh i don't care about any of this uh yep yep strong bonds okay um you would like backpacks blocks tanned hides crowns i could probably whip a couple couple crowns up but let's go see what what you guys want so let's call the old trader on over here and move some goods over so um i have some things um let's see i have one pick a bunch of bolts what are those blocks i have some instruments that i made um i have a million stepladders do you like stepladders because i got a lot of those camera wheelbarrows you can have one of them let's get rid of all these those are buckets barrels um let's see what they'll give us for that i got some fish barrels i could give them as well you want some prepared rat intestines some draw off the bones maybe we got 33 of the 33 bones out of that drop though so if i want to give them anything else look at me i don't know what they'll give me for that uh that instrument was easy to make i think it's it's sitting in the place we want um we kind of need it in our our temple so i'm not gonna okay let's do that that's fine uh we'll see some some step ladders we got a lot of those to give you right i don't think i have any cancer right i don't think so i don't remember that one popping up oh as soon as we get there with our stop ladders we'll have a chat with them uh eltman will and we'll see if we can buy something from these guys i don't know what we want um i guess a gem would be nice since since we have issues here a jeweler which is a g if that's oh it's all backwards isn't it they can't get through there really okay that's and let's dig okay so that'll get some jewels we do have plenty of gems we can like you get these over here there's tiger irons or white opals so we can get we could that we can deal with that that's right for tin is that what we use cast right for tins we can make some bronze is the rat fighting again what are you doing up here all right we gotta kill that rat get it right out of here that's quick how's our stocks doing now 82 drinks okay looking better we still haven't any fish we do have meat around um does i guess oh the drop of meat we are eating them okay good these raw mussels i'm not really sure what we do with those we should have it set up to make i'll meals back in a second i think i have this set up right you're working on it yeah yeah he's got it he's rendering some fat right now um these are set up right there i think i've got him set up as uh yeah what's up is it eight of those 24. yeah we're good we're good finally bump them up a little bit raw muscles yeah okay let's trade all right uh i'll give you all this stuff you want it all um yep you can have all those for how much for a little bit of cash um i could buy some bits some some uh bars which i was gonna do before but now that i've got uh basically a lot of my own i'm happy what i got i'm gonna buy a couple ropes though because i always don't have those and you get a lot of ropes sure i'll buy four ropes bronze is barely worse than iron really but for death i don't know if you were here earlier did you see that you had a baby very exciting water skins are always good to have i'll pick up a couple of those uh there's some instruments toy boats puzzle box what did we make a bunch of crafts i think i thought we didn't water buffalo there's a boar there's a you obama for some for some wool okay i have a llama i think what else you got you got some good weapons or something iron pick i'll take one of those steal battle axe good stuff boy we're going to make a bunch of those i'm tempted to buy some things but i mean we can we can make all this stuff in just a minute so i'm not so concerned about it oh yep still pick you're right i think it will pick up i think i'll pick up a few things just to like you know just kind of fill us up for now while we get things going because if i attack like right now i'm host so we'll give ourselves a little bit of armor some fox leather that sounds cool bronze smail shirts um i don't need steel boots those are just shoes a couple hats i should make some buckles anything about that um anything steel i suppose would be a wise purchase this is so expensive let's see if they have any um any instruments or anything anything any put books cloth maybe a bad idea to buy a thing a cloth what else you got more cloth bins no we kind of made him mad last time we offered him some wood things and they took off um yeah elves do that but they didn't have anything good anyway let's see iron bolts yeah we make those we don't make iron ones uh and well we got those we've got mandrel uh we can pick up a bit of meat i suppose but we have meat we have actually we're good now a bunch of turtles around okay grapes iron greaves spider trousers oh yeah i'll take those i'll take a few of these things i'll take some pants someone someone will love to have those pants quiver oh yeah probably i should always forget about quivers let's make some let's just buy some quivers they'll save me some some leather and making backpacks those are cool reindeer cheese yeah sure that's fine now before i get too far the the faith falter i'll take it a couple codexes is that the only book you have ah come on now one more books i'll take your sheets i'll take your codex we can make mix of our own cheaper than that there we go that's cheap mine carts okay i'm happy with that i'll take um i'll take care of the parchment sheet that's like a 493 profit that's good right see what do you say come on now fine you can have that one back you happy with that fine you can have your cheese back too okay trade there we go okay i hope you enjoy your stepladders those are the finest made stepladders you've ever seen the highest grass dropship craftsmanship uh okay so we got over here okay so let's go and do some some things let's just cut some gems uh i want those i want to cut some just tight rounds i think that's right there right do that and we'll we won't encross anything with jim's chair just get those done real quick so that's uh pipsqueak over there can get some things made what's your name over there zolbin it's all but let me give you a name buddy uh i want to uh yeah yeah um zollben uh you may be dying soon but just in case you're not uh i want how do i change the name from here is it under g no preference is it a child does is it's please please it doesn't there we go uh who wants to be this kid who wants to be a kid um merrick are you in here yet i may have you in here if i do apologize for having you in here twice i think i do have you in here don't i are you marcus with an h okay i mean i mean in the fortress if not you're here again i didn't see you mr no arms right mr no arms how's that uh how's that looking now what are you at 1200 oh we're getting somewhere okay uh well let's put some things in there we can put in we can build some statues we can cross some things with gems actually america's is pictures of force he wants some wood he wants stacked cloth which we've got now it'll get hauled in here in a minute you can go grab it i should have a stockpile up up top here i have so many beds okay pop some beds in here uh hey thanks thanks gordon that was really loud and terrifying thank you very much why didn't it pop up on oh there it is there it is thanks gordon okay we're gonna go we're gonna go big crazy here because i've got a lot more dwarves and i have beds i still even with all these new beds i have a lot more dwarves in beds okay and more over here okay is that that good enough yeah how many is that two four six eight or 16 32 plus another seven so 39 we added 39 beds in here probably not enough still maybe maybe because you know married folks will share at least clear out our stockpile buddy did you get your uh your cloth yet we brought some in go get it i hope you brought something in let me make sure we've got a spot for cloth what do you finished goods uh i'm going to adjust you i'm going to say you that stop that and you're going to be a cloth stockpile there you go so hopefully he will go in there without losing his mind uh did you guys do your job did you do your job peddler was visiting anything in here say he didn't do it i think we're good okay where'd you put them where do we jams go are they underneath the shop yeah they're right there okay i would like uh i would like to like encrust some things with some gems that's kind of neat and crust do we have anything cool we have a furniture you know we have a throne we need to make yeah sure do that once let's see what it does once you start getting starts getting uh engraved that should give you give us our value we need let's do this back wall for now something like this yeah we'll go into all of it so that that'll help the value also as long as we're good at it we're learning i don't need to smooth all this stuff in fact let's just set it up you know what just just get too smooth and there's no excuses smooth there you go no longer on d live no no one was ever there and so i uh i just stopped i had some internet issues a while back as usual and so i i cropped away a few a few bits no one was on d live anyway so yeah i abandoned d live uh my mayor how's my mayor looking buddy what do you what do you want what's wrong with you you want two chests cabinet weapon rack all right let me get those chests made chests a cabinet and armor rack she don't make that here do you no that's that's that's for you but it's busy yeah we're smoothing everything it would be great we have some folks we got a few folks that's all they do that's their job it's just a smooth so they're going to get to work smoothing some things how did uh how does it look now 1940 we're so close and that that'll do it those last two bits i think we'll we'll take it over 2020 there we go we're at guild hall now um done right only members can visit if guild established so it should be kicking in if i remember right how that works never know much of the justice menu like interrogating visitors to detect plots i haven't messed with it uh much like that i've i've done like i have found like murderers and things but that's about it guildhall agreement with paul of planks has been satisfied excellent hooray uh so we'll get some visitors out of that but yeah i've never really messed with it too much um you know what's this kid want i know i brought i bought cloth i know i bought some where is it hmm it's in a bin i guess but he should stability what what do you want what else what could you want where are you pictures of a quarry that's stone we got stone cut gems we got those wood cloth on that stone i got all that stuff hey thanks stone thank you very much there's a claw stockpile right here um if i remove there's not issues with bins still is there maybe it's because this this isn't in the stockpile let me see if that was gonna fix it for me let's get rid of a couple spots there i'm going to make this into a gym stockpile and hopefully it will work like we want so i think that's actually a gym model there too but maybe the cut ones will go there i hope let me show what else to do with this guy can try doing a bit more stuff um no i don't across i want to cut uh some what do we have around here that one and i know we've got some i got gold around here whoops whoops whoops gold and silver and um some of that nice nice jet actually micro clients kind of nice let's do some of that too i do do some of that gold right now there's a gem right there that is that a good one it's rough is that possibly it that it's not a um because it's not in stockpile i forget how this works so let's do a custom [Music] this one i want only cut gems hopefully that'll work yeah that's what those work okay okay he's gonna go grab it pop it in there and he's still sitting there if i tell him well they take that out of the bin could it be the the bins and the cloth this is something else that he wants let's see well we can see what he's got also hit her here right he's got coal he's got logs he's got he's got the acacia bolts that's what the craft store thing he's got so he's got the cold and the logs i guess don't have any rough stone i must there's stone everywhere rough stone everywhere um i don't know what else to do with this guy there's wood right there which we saw him go grab he hasn't grabbed any gems yet that's certainly what he wants okay making you use some things uh i think i've got enough i should have some silver in here now so let's make a silver warhammer how many can i do i'd like a few of those please no silver bars oh yeah uh we're making gold weren't we so go and give me some silver or let's do this first okay let's get those done it could be glass you're right those guys are leaving now i'm not going to get that we gonna have are we gonna have another mad little kid i guess i could we can maybe whip up the sand but we're gonna make it in time where's that stand out is this it that's clay so we make it that's all he wants and there's the sand uh it's my asthma we got some something nasty over here what's this oh there's a there's a rat head there you know another day into a fortress just some just some rat heads laying around we'll toss them off this is our trash can they'll toss them off the edge there into the water let me get a bigger refuse stockpile also would throw it over down here by our buyer wood there we go you got trash throw it down there whoops you get trash try that again you put it down there okay all right so bye merchants a little kid so he don't he doesn't have like a uh sometimes you can tell what they like i guess we could still see that can we sit with with kids what's his name oh it's merrick of course um why can't people be so clumsy so glum annoyed doing one con rain you got long hair he likes opal brass nice webinar acceptors oysters don't know what he wants i don't want him to die because then people are gonna get mad what's his mom and dad are gonna get mad mom's the ranger brothers or sisters are here buddy look giving you all you need rocks which you don't have we haven't grabbed your rocks yet but that's not necessarily doesn't mean you necessarily don't have it just unless you grab the coal for that reason actually the coal the rocks we got the logs so he doesn't he hasn't grabbed the what was it there's rocks he hasn't grabbed the cut gems or the cloth yet and the cloth i'm worried about because it's because it's in a box surely you can grab it out of there maybe it's a um maybe he needs like a like a thread maybe he wants a thread instead of instead of a whole thing um like what if we do um [Music] what if we come over here let's dig out before we get before we cut this all off uh how do we cancel cancel that jump okay dig that out who's visiting us a prophet again it's got a lot a lot of profits um i'm not trying to do about this kid we'll try getting this done and then that will give us we're going to loom in there i think the rocks are rocks are covered because they've got the um yeah there goes merrick gone mad where's he going he's going into the seat you know what migrants i was busy there's a mad kid he's running all around the place he's in there he's going up here where is he going maybe he'll snap out of it we can just put him down now but that would just make people mad why does it keep de-selecting my screen the hall of cats the ranger guild has been established excellent uh let's go and big make me one of those i'm gonna do over here too so the hall of cats is gonna be right over this way there we go the cat's going to live over that way the t context menu um oh yeah instead of just having this to scroll through there yeah interesting we got okay so the sony hall they uh they want a guild hall to be built and furnished for farmers all right i thought we had a what was the other one that we just came in ranger killed oh there it is farmer gill also okay so we need two of these things can you guys like share a spot or something you know the ranger guild needs to be outside that just makes sense let's put it down here at the bottom some walls in here we're gonna go uh box select and let's throw it uh like you like over here in the trees rangers like trees like that hopefully they'll like this we'll make it out of some stone like some nice jet blocks there we go um i'll give him a door put over it this way okay put a door right there as soon as we can we'll give him a roof underground farming of course how else do you farm kog's now a fisher dwarf uh you know what uh actually let me let me mind this a little bit more sweet because we can really use a bit more fish land okay do that and oh yeah you know what i completely forgot um look at all those mussels put em somewhere uh this lab needs to get moved so can we i guess we'll just dump it doesn't need to be there we need the one that has due village's name on it to go down there since i've been on d-live don't know much about cryptocurrency nah not much um i know that's um yeah i don't i don't know basically the answer put a floor on this thing make that out of jet as well that's cool there are rangers they might like a little bit of wood we'll give them some um we have a lot of wood of some some avocado floors yeah that's very hipster of us that's cool what's happening oh billion six uh so we'll set this thing up this will be our ranger hut meeting uh we needed to add a new one uh guild hall for the for the rangers the plane jungles they call themselves of course they do and then the other one over here which is probably got now right yeah this will be the one for the farmers which you know what i say that the farmers need to be here where the farmer farming is happening so let's dig a little spot over here this will this will work there we go i can't oh that's practicing can you guys keep it down a little bit did i ever get a note about i didn't get a um a note about the ranger guild we'll make it see what they do about it what do we have in here this is all charcoal and copper bars in here we filled it up pretty quick didn't we i mean let's expand this when they're done with that let's expand i guess maybe i've gone a little overboard on all that let's dig out that's we need a big a big bar land over here for our forges which is right in the base not organized at all i got 82 now tom there is a why is he still here can we get rid of this guy do village all right just toss him up just get him in the water is merrick still alive what's he doing i mean he's gonna die he's gonna die pretty soon he just loses his mind running around there he goes a 200 200 layer story skyscraper it certainly is yeah sorry merrick um you were a good dwarf for the uh the year we had you or whatever okay i wanna i wanna copy this way um should i just throw bars and blocks down there now because we put stone in there too so we'll keep it this way and i want not gems i want bars blocks and i want it just metal yeah all that okay metal bars uh i've done one i mean it wasn't that big i've done a tower before um it was how big do we end up making it oops it was maybe four or five stories tall something like that and then we went down a little bit okay and then the other one i went i would forbid that i want uh i want metal wars okay fill the rest of this up there we go oh what is all this this is all silver oh nice okay so um let's go in here and make us some some warhammers is i'm not sure what slick metal is i want some silver or hammers i want to make a bunch of those on my squad to be all silver silver war hammered up oh you know you can go up you can go down um yeah you can have a big big old tower this place is not really defensible at all what's happening a little just like it's great and all but it certainly isn't a uh a very defensible place so hopefully we'll get i mean sort of we're like on a you know a big chasm so it's kind of defensible but all right so the farmer's going to be over here probably this is going to be dirt so it'd be tough to make this look too nice we'll do our best meeting area location for add one guild hall for the farmers who are where farm farm farm there it is okay we have twelve of them here that one the one that's the sweet flax yeah yeah uh but we want to put in some nice flooring in here i think we could do we can probably get away with silver i think oops can i get a nice doesn't make sense a silver floor for my rangers that might be a bit much 14 bars we certainly could at some point it'd be pretty cool let's just start with jet for now but we'll we'll get there what was this little room for the dead shrub in there would i do that for you i need to turn down turn off this i need to figure out how to get the sparring noise to turn off okay so those war hammers should go into here i forgot about my mayor again uh he wants some boxes so we'll give him we'll give him some chests you have a chest there and you can have a chest over here there uh he wanted an armor rack do i have any of those no do i have a weapon rack armor stand no um and you wanted a cabinet put it overbite's bed i'll put it right there nah that looks good thrown right there okay he needs a new throne we should figure out how maybe we should we should get a golden throne made i don't think we have any gold smelted yet though so let's get a let's get a silver throne for now i want a silver throne there okay do that now so we can get that out of the way now my dwarves my fighters should go and automatically grab some uh some more hammers as they want so we've got some of that we'll get our i'm tempted oh yeah i've heard the amulet sorry mayor i i should make maybe a few of these salt these forges and we can really crank some stuff out okay the once that one is it should be done probably it's probably done already i'm sure we can we will spot it whenever it comes it comes in here let's see a cool looking chair is that right there it's a cabinet jet thrown oh there's do villages thing okay see that thrown yet mayor wants something new so we'll get we'll get to work on that but let's get villages is uh his slab put out he was a fisherman he loved to fish that slab is still there all right let's go put his slab in we'll put somewhere else uh it's gonna go in right over here and it's gonna put right there yep that one right there it's it's with do village's name on it um you know remember that guy he was a good guy do i have a um i want that off my silver throw and they move this over a little bit i'd like it to be in the middle like there yeah silver thrown that's what i want we're gonna rearrange some things you know he needs like a chair get these rocks out of here put some fancy pillars in there it's always made of masterpiece silver war hammer that's nice i like the sound of that are these all getting stored over here um there it is i'm not sure where my weapons are going are they getting stashed underneath here i've got a few already over here but let's put it up put a proper stockpile in of of weapons there's one right there isn't it warhammer right there and a car so it's already already in there but make sure they have them actually stashed in there this throne seems fancier than the ones from last night uh i'm not i'm not catching on what am i missing america is starving and dehydrated sorry america sorry buddy i can just put you down but that makes people even more mad so that one's good jungles needs a lot of work so flax is the one we agreed to so we have to get flax up to 2 000. um and we can do that we got the oh the floor's already in there the bee keeper he's wearing a little hat if we remove the walls we can change them out and put in something cool in there um what can we build in here to make it nice can we have any statues let's make some statues what are farmers like farmers love statues everyone knows this there we go there's some statues that'll be nice um i think we care about these walls and we just replace them with something else so let's let's dig um dig these out and we'll replace them with with a with a better wall we'll put a nice door in here also um i see a nice door i mean a door that's all i really mean oh yeah soap production that's a good point sorry it's been a little bit it's played for fortress i've forgotten some things um yeah we need some soap don't we we have a hospital i don't have any soap um i was going to put in a i don't think i don't have a fishery okay like i said it's been a while since i played i don't have a fishery that's like the first thing whoops okay there's the there's the loom let's get a fishery down here where the fish people live uh i'm just gonna stick it in outside here you know if they uh they get eaten by things it's fine but it seems like it should be right in here it's the fishery over there um if they can do the fish things i may not have a fishery already uh h oh i didn't finish that okay there we go all right winter has arrived thanks cosmic hunter uh how's everyone feeling over here we're looking all right we got one person a little happy that's probably merrick the one down there everyone else is pretty good am i in the way of this i am so i'm looking at those numbers down there most people are pretty happy can i put myself like on top of that and not really not really not an important thing to look at so it's okay all right fishery uh yeah once you prepare those raw fish process those things yeah yeah do all that stuff all right what won't work what do you want about these pump pump spawn uh we've got em i think that should fix i think that'll fix our fish thing it says i have no armor or garb made we can't really mess with that i have no jewelers apparently 24 kids 13 farmers in this place look at animals let's go deal our animals too um i want some we'll get a hunting dog and you can be a war dog anything else when i get trained is that all we got yeah oh yeah just those two dogs is all we have all right um if you guys want some owners you cats you know oh you know cats don't wanna what am i thinking this horse can have can have someone wants the um someone wants the rooster you can have it there you go okay i'll train a couple of dogs up that's right cats are the owners of course okay so that's those are taken out let's go build some walls in here i'd like some cool walls if we can find them i don't think we're gonna get any so let's just put what we can in here got limestone blocks um i don't know that it matters too much am i i suppose but i don't think it does there's a snapping option in streamlabs obs is it really stone i didn't know i had no idea that's pretty handy blocks there and we'll do double doors so it lines all up and then let's build a door there and oh yeah a vile divorce of darkness has arrived okay what do we got what do we have we have some goblins filthy goblins all right all right all right so let's do some things we should do a long time ago uh like prepare for this um those doors are good we could we can actually lock these doors just fine um what was the pet how do you change it to pet passable is shifting what do we do shape for four pet that one okay okay there we go so close those doors off because we can get in the base we can get in here from this side because that reached that comes down here so that's fine uh they're gonna come in through these doors over here i think i'm not sure we just it's gonna be a siege we could try to hide out inside like cowards they're gonna eat all our animals i never built a wall around them um or we just run out and we meet them um we've got some weapons probably don't die if we do that so let's not do too much of that let's make sure we get everyone that's filled in here uh so if anyone else wants to fight uh a bond wants to so there you go you can have that i need a um captain here you're good oh you're a bond you're good at everything yeah let's do this over on dwarf therapist over here i haven't burrows yet now this is the first attack um all right so we know who's good at fighting so if you're good at holding an axe or maybe just build up a whole new squad here marcus is pretty good he's got five kills already well yeah he looks pretty good um any of you new guys so this a bond are you when it's in the um yeah you're already in there what is that maze dwarf i'm gonna i'm gonna put you in also three bow dwarf i want you to be in in that one and then who's this down here dumas domes you can be in the pointy end as well as a tear are you in you're in there let's get well cog cog you join up with the uh those guys okay so there's there's 20. get that going and i think we could probably do we could probably go for another squad let's go look at um let's look at the strong guys um sort this by nothing so strong guys like if you're strong i think i'm gonna give you an axe is that the way to do this or should we do some people actually have skill right your name's got some kills i think um let's go see about oh yeah here's what i gotta go in here first let's make a captain of the guard i don't have one of these yet who wants to fight i think cleno's pretty good who's is anyone that's like noticeably like a good a good fighter we got a five there with zero south the others got some skills i i think like kepler i need to have some good teaching skills what you do 74 is good you're good on all that stuff um yeah i think i think zero south is going to be our our captain of the guard [Music] where are they oh he's a music commander okay um yeah he's doing that so let's put someone else in there not sure you should be commanding the squad so uh here let's do this so in this spot i want random name to do that one and then tulin you can do that spot okay now back cap of the guard now let's get uh what's his face over there on captain garden there he is okay zero south you captain the guard i need you to go and uh keep us alive please dungeon master what that's not a skill i'm familiar with um is that him there there he is he looks fancy now all right now let's give you uh let's give you a a group of folks to follow you so it's great squad under your name you're going to be a uh a metal armor group the wines of oiling you call yourselves i like it uh as far as who's going to go in there we're going to settle it with with um for therapists because it's easier so if you're not in a squad i need to go where is it by squad there we go okay so if you're not in the squad then i'll look at you able here has three kills you're hired uh so able you are in more ables got too many ables around here abel um who's a kid let's grab uh asked looks all right you know how to use a whip okay what was that that was a three in uh in spirit dwarf i like a bird go get uh the wines of oil and go wilson folks anyone else enod knows how to handle axe i don't really have any axes but where's the hammers at no one knows how to handle a hammer you have to use a knife [Music] okay okay let's go with that and anyone else want to uh join up here you know how to use a bow [Music] let's get a little eat them grab that one and we can eat it let's grab you know if if you know what a weapon is then you're uh then you're part of the team here erdom you ever heard a weapon before okay good you're hired you guys are your swords dwarves that's fine we got some swords laying around uh you got some skills there there we go okay so we have three squads now uh let's go ahead and get them positioned i think we're gonna go ahead and call them in and we're gonna move them to stand like here come on over here let's see what happens let's zoom out a little bit what are these goblins doing is there things happening already it's fighting what are you fighting what what are you fighting spirit or punches stop punching each other we got goblins what do you do hey thanks merrick two months all right um that was terrifying the left that being is too loud uh okay where you guys at okay surely this isn't all it's here actually surely there will be more i can smash you guys quick that's all we got yeah i think we're going to smash you quick what are you chasing here are you a goblin yeah you're a goblin alright you know what um let's get him you guys ready to fight do you uh i know some of you are new and you probably don't have any weapons yet but um you don't think this is a good experience right here okay run them out here let's stay in as a big group and then smash some goblins okay so we'll try to get a zoom in so we can see what's happening over here we've got um oh you guys are attacking the dingoes there's a goblin right there they kind of look like me i'm the taller one the dwarf uh and then there's a goblin over there we've got goblins that are coming in from the north up this way i think what we might do is let's take let's try to be all strategic here the pointy end you're my archers why don't you guys move and stand like back this way sort of in the trees you know back over here and then we'll put the wines they can move to like right in front of you and then the depths we're gonna let them just do what they think they're doing worry about the goblins kill that goblin over there okay some goblin arrows flying in we got that guy we we killed him in the water excellent okay so hey you guys have got it you killed my puppy how dare you what is wrong with you you filth you're filthy filthy goblins okay b i want you to attack um these goblins over here because they killed our puppy and see if you're not doing that yet go get those goblins okay that's the spirit dwarf there got the guy with the guy with the hair who's the guy with the hair where is he he lost him where'd he go did he die uh we got a few more out here can we go get the rest of these guys uh okay abc kill from a list get the rest of these goblins what where'd they go chocolate knights there go get em i don't know where they are let's follow them i want to zoom in on you and follow you okay so they're bouncing around over here here we come there's some dying happening okay we're good are we good i know we lost we lost a few we lost a few um okay okay um we lost marcus um basically we lost the new guys that didn't have a chance to get anywhere any gear because we me oh jimbo's dead oh jimbo my cook come on jimbo where were you at what were you doing are you the guy with cool hair all right well i do believe i was going well you know it was successful sort of we got him take that as take that as a win all right let's go and make more st yeah so those more statues oh yeah armistead you knew that and weaponrack all right all right oh w all right cancel nope nope nope stop oh yeah rack okay armor stand weapon rack this is hard uh and statues catches oh statue is you isn't it that's a problem okay all right so that was a little ugly um and we're gonna have to have some graves now so um yeah uh let's take a look let's see let's let's take a look and see what happens old jimbo here jimbo so quick collides with the with the uh crossbowmen bounces backwards um anything else flying iron bolt strikes to click the uh upper leg yeah you got taken out but they had those crossbows that was pretty nasty bash the goblin you did have actually a silver warhammer the cook latches on firmly and the uh the goblin breaks the grip you you bit him okay he kicks the cook in the left hand bruising the muscle what what killed you hearing about the fat left elbow cook kicks cook attacks my bolt misses what killed you she must be found dead but what what killed you jimbo pulls out and drops the copper arrow stuck in him good job buddy jimbo is dead i'm not feeling sad right now oh poor jimbo i don't know what happened to jimbo there's stegs stegs reports what were you doing so steg is stabbing with his he has a copper short sword he's doing some stabbing stag jimbo is dead i'm not feeling sad right now i guess no one liked him uh jimbo i guess he must yeah i'm thinking he must have bled out i kept the guard uh hacksome with his copper battle axe oh he came with a battle axe nice found one of those anywhere um and he stuck it in in the wound already been opened by the attack uh speaking of arteries we probably need to get a bigger med bay than what we have because we have four beds i wasn't really prepared for this uh actually you know what we're gonna do we're gonna change this we're just gonna expand this by should i just remove it and then let's just remove it start over and then let's do this all will be a hospital and hospital uh we'll get some stuff moved over there we do a splints and crust uh crutches oh there already we don't have any soap or powder for casts which i think we can probably do pretty easily attraction bench is probably gonna be useful let me get one of those in here can i attraction badges i guess i gotta make them first um so so um where's the soap man gonna be which i really should have built before we got fat coming in that's all we need right it's just animal fat animal fat makes soap animal fat and some sort of a um like a chalk or something right what else what else is needed with it at the end of the morning exciting ben dig a little bit here um let's just throw it in over here do that out cancel those designations there and dig we'll make a soap man over there tallow uh lie right lie uh ash we need ash ash and fat basically is all we need right that gets us our soap maker yeah and this guy's rendering the fat for us what i just do yeah so that's that's all working okay workshop and we need a soap maker which is an s there hopefully we get that done pretty quick i need some soap i think we do have a doctor set up right uh we might actually have a better uh better doctor what is a dungeon master is that is that part of the hammer job i don't know that i'm not familiar with that one so chen is doing the job here is anyone better than that than chad as doing dwarf things uh no one knows what to do with with doctor things it's chin or nothing all right so chin um i'm hope you're gonna be busy buddy hopefully someone was there is coming here to work on this yeah he's got it i thought i thought i need soap making anyone have still making uh turned on soap making um let's refresh who wants to make some soap um why making yeah you do cyril do that um i got other other weapon smiths i think yeah i got a 15 weapon smith no one else needs to touch that okay so that was there so there's the lie is that all we need or is there a separate one for it's tiny soaping there it is soaping okay that should do it okay doesn't matter there's flavor and fortress mode now it used to be exotic taming stuff really i don't know i don't remember that i don't remember that there's no way that was in there before i certainly would have caught that huh [Music] merrick's merrick's dead little kid merrick sorry buddy you're a good one okay so a doctor should be in there taking care of this stuff um is he gonna make you grab those rocks somebody come in here make this make this thing already okay to get that soap that oil moved over okay i'm getting these statues made hopefully what's the uh what's the quality of this place not good good actually we're gonna have a little cut there which is kind of annoying um i think maybe sarah which one was it is it you i guess could be the guys in the military i think it's this one though yeah this is the guy it's gotta be making fly making yeah this is the one uh do you have that on there you go go do that um i know this is a busy time right now for this but please don't do that right now actually yeah keep doing that don't just don't do the other stuff um yeah that should do it what was he doing right now no job he does have a job go go do your job buddy my stream die huh what happened oh it did what happened um yeah just refresh i don't think i i didn't drop any frame i didn't say that about any frames weird um oh no i did drop some frames all right all right well we're just playing around this soap man trying to get him to work to work i don't know what i can do about that though wait why is it suspended you making that now this is um i don't know what this is this this is um the newest one whatever it is how about i wear whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on my base what was that report you killed my dog uh dang dang troglodytes all right uh i'm not gonna send well yeah i'll send him uh just kill all these chocolates some of them are not let's just kill that one i suppose yeah let's just kill the one that one here's a name now did you kill another dog you killed two dogs okay over here i would like you to make some soap from tallow you have it uh it'll pop up in a minute hopefully this should be a uh oh i need ash i need ash uh you make me some ash let's do a bunch for right now and then i'm gonna set up a let's go down to this one and make it one of these uh fighting bars is probably fine i know that that was i only had a couple dogs is that all my dogs that i had i had a couple puppies yeah they killed both of my dogs i got cats i don't have any i don't have any puppies now that's not nice we got a lot of uh a lot of engraving things to do for the folks that died how many did we lose there we lost those are all goblins so we lost one two three four well five six seven eight nine ten eleven we lost eleven how many do we kill we didn't kill eleven eight nine ten we lost okay so we we we're down one but but merrick doesn't really count because america was so we even odds uh against goblins which is kind of embarrassing so uh we'll we'll get there let me go so make that ash yet make the ash did you do it yet now okay make that ash yep that's my silver throne that just hunk a rock there come on now we can do better than that i think this will auto like continue but they'll make the lie uh they make the ash which then goes they do it do they do it here they render the fat is that something to do here i have an idea all right we got a fey mood a little deep quantus here now we've had two fey moods so far this this game and both of them have failed so uh hopefully we can do this without without you know everyone dying where'd you go crafts dwarf of course all right buddy uh i'm watching you this time you want metal bars i got those you want bones i got plenty of those you want tanned hides i think i might have some of those okay okay okay yep yep i'm watching you he's going outside to get something probably tan hi we'll come back we'll keep an eye on them hopefully get some soap made eventually maybe if i uh i thought that was an order oh you know what is lie made at the farm maybe lies made somewhere else am i thinking right i don't remember i like is the ashrae that does it maybe that's what i need let's do that i do need an ashrae i forgot why an epic drinking horn we'll see where'd he go the farmer's workshop that does it that's what i was thinking too but that's that's up here and they're they're not doing that making the cheese but that's it [Music] there you go must be carrying a big rock around after he's done that's quick make lie okay that's it okay okay um and by the time we get this done you know assuming no need for it because there's gonna be no one left in the hospital actually that's pretty full so some soap would be good to have around here ashley's correct thanks ben yeah uh man no more um no more year breaks from door fortress time hopefully we'll get a steam release eventually a baby hey good job good job i'll laugh well done oh deep qantas is making something what are you making make something nice you got silver bars you got some drawful leather okay okay something silver some bone in there somewhere another baby i don't need any more kids this is my ranger deep qantas see this is able to do this thing now there we go uh yeah and just do that uh i'm gonna do it this way because i like this way that's fine five to ten bars of soap is plenty stash it up in the uh maybe more than that actually for now it's good oops let me bring a yak a yak calf in and not tell me about it where is it oh all kinds of things okay you those are all cats okay so get them over there making some roasts everything else is okay though right we got fish we got meat we got drinks we got seeds fixed a lot of problems that i uh dumb things that i did today so i'm feeling a little better the the mayor is not quite happy but he'll be all right um metal smith i need to make some things i've got i got two things of silver that i see over there and a troglodyte actually that i see over there hang on let me go kill this there's two chocolates did you guys kill um both of these please thank you how'd they get in there are they walking through the door we opened the door for him did they walk through the doors if they're not locked all right anal caretakers created uh eric tague's casa lunos a drop a bone door a door he claims it doesn't heirloom in the theme of the family ancestor irvad maroon work that's a nice looking door buddy i like it i like it a lot um in fact i got a use for that door go put that door somewhere and i got a good place for it it's gonna go here with for the farmers they can look at it every day can i do it right now yeah that one right there yeah there we go perfect and that counts that's in the room so that'll count perfect to close off hill with some doors just open for that dwarf oh casey all right what do you think of that you uh you sweet flax oh you think it's oh it's a grand guild hall now because of that it's worth 24 000 now because of that door [Laughter] excellent i kind of want to put it in my temple now i got this this janky uh temple down here and then the farmer's guild is immaculate because of that door oh man okay we got we got soap in the uh the old doctor's office yet where are you at here hospital information we got soap we have we have soap we have 150 soap excellent we need some powder um and powder is something that i'm sure we have some stuff we can use for powder uh what was i needed crutches oh yeah yeah yeah uh there we go oh yeah i forgot about the battle axe where they come from the oakland clash the angelic justice all right this is called church leaps the sensual whale [Music] if you want to know where the door is it's a barrier that covers a hole this is a draw of the bone door all craftsmanship is at the high school it's decorated with draw for leather and encircled with bands of draw the bone object menaces with spikes of silver okay okay i like it very nice images of doors opening what are you yak bone battle axe got one kill band's a yak bone all right that's cool can we see it from up here if i go over here and look oh yeah the draw the bone door there it is that's cool i never looked at the map and see if there's anything new that we supposed to look at there are some things um there's elves the force of artifacts is right next to us that's new right that wasn't there before i would have seen that right holly with those guys there's some uh those goblins come from about attack us you suppose there was a goblin tower nearby there's the goblin fort over that way of fly stars or peace with them though who attacked us river guild over there where was that castle of battle pine i'm curious about these castles i don't recognize that term being used castle i mean hmm [Music] tell the story of maricopa tour where do i see this is that that's that's all the description there was right i'm forgetting something i thought there was more to it usually [Music] in the description that's all there is to it right yeah not much i thought oh somebody's thinking maybe other things have more more details i know books are uh i control speaking of books actually we need to get some books in i think my abby do you want books you don't we could use a light we could put a library in if i could um stare down and put a library downstairs here yeah let's do that down there and then we'll go down here we'll go with an up down stair okay and then we'll dig and it's sort of just just like this guy but mirroring it we will have a um a library because we got we bought a book we got weekend and we have we have things we can describe we got all that stuff and i never put it in that would be our library we'll get to work on um you know bookcases and all that is there an artifact called the human my love um i want a bookcase there we go so i said i think it's worth so much grand guild hall for all farmers from all around the realm can come take a look at my guild hall it's gonna increase the value of my created wealth here it's going to bump up the amount of folks coming to get us we're at 73 now which is 80 still the the mark for like proper sieges how's the mayor looking weaponrack and go there armor stand can go over there never built a chest buddy sorry make those chests i need a you know the bookies here what are you been doing over here okay or uh cabinets hey alexander good uh good evening or uh good early morning from from oklahoma this is stuff that's from lazy new pack um most of it is um the simon swirrer is is is some of the stuff what's the other stuff from uh i don't remember now um i don't remember you guys are collecting webs good good um weave the [Music] wait make me some silk cloth are you already doing that okay yeah keep doing that make me plenty of cloth um i need someone i do we do need a clothing i suppose let's build that something else we never made we'll go over here next to the ash guy which is just everything sort of organized and that's not organized but just to get it in there uh you need a bit thirsty buddy places is mostly getting cleaned out now though oh master work chest nice we just smooth these uh these tiger irons in the wall there in the world view there was one nice that one didn't care that was the oh yeah that was my um that's that's the crafts dwarf one what does it do for us having that it's just i'm assuming it increases people coming to visit elephants what fight what what are you fighting flying avocado wood bolt strikes the elephant oh my hunter's hiding uh fighting it oh yeah he's going to get it wow okay don't make him too mad easy on the elephants buddy they can be kind of scary from what i hear um how's my uh how's this going what's let's uh let's deal with this i'm gonna go ahead and smooth it out because it's if i can actually this doesn't look very smooth yeah some of it is uh build a bookcase which i know we made a couple hopefully they're done i've got how many how did i make a couple anyway four okay okay so our bookcases will go there and that'll give us a nice place to put our our jump my junk i mean books uh i need to get a table and chair there too so we'll mark this as a meeting place and we're gonna add a new location as a library the library of doors okay speaking of doors we got a nice one around here uh can you team elephants in this game i thought you'd been found dead did the elephant kill him elephants vomiting all over mason punches elements become enraged elephant kicks the hunter in the head with her left front foot all right all right you know what duh all right let's deal with the elephants because they're now murderers please how many how many this is going to be bad where is he where's the elephant i don't see him there he is uh yeah um raisin kade made me one um that let that let me tame anything so i had like i could had war cats and uh all kind everything was attainable away so basically i prefer you guys to go one on one oh he got good job buddy okay uh next commander's on that one got him got him all right next this is the murderer that guy watch his foot he kicks he's tough we got him we got there's even a little baby potato in there too we got him somebody died okay no they just left their axe on the ground go pick your axe up you dang dwarves okay so that is now officially yeah are you reading a book right now i think he is so that's officially a library and he is reading the dolomite bound codex there's nothing in it it's just a codex good so we got that going what else does the library need library doors needs uh some scholarly scribes and we need boxes bags writing material tables and chairs and i am dropping frames so i can't think of a better time to wrap it up here so we're going to do that because i am dropping some frames here so let's do that we'll deal with our library next time um so um yeah i i need to end this so perfect timing uh internet we'll call it a day here um i will be back tomorrow night playing something and uh and and we'll wrap it up with this we'll maybe we'll come back with more of this i don't know what we'll do uh we had we i'm excited we had a successful is a bit of a stretch but we we killed some some things um we only lost a few things uh anyway thanks for watching thanks for hanging out uh we'll wrap this up and we'll come back to it sometime later but um if you have any ideas what to play uh what you want to see tomorrow let me know and we'll try to find something there's not a lot of new stuff coming out it's you know no one's releasing things during summer sales so um we'll find something old to play or something old maybe it's a new oh no we gotta play dungeon man we'll play a new dungeon man's update that that we're talking about earlier on that's what we got to play um yeah we can have a pet chicken i think we may have to do some of that anyway thanks for watching everybody and i will see you next time thanks for hanging out and uh and um withstanding the uh the the the great attack of the ten goblins what a day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 10,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, youtube live, live stream, nookrium gameplay, live, city builder, dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress 2021, df nookrium, colony builder, rimworld, bay12 games
Id: xruKd8Mt9JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 1sec (8041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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