Dwarf Fortress Short Forts: A Fort on the Sea #1

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Love this music and sounds in this. Really immersing

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/vulcant 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

This short-fort has the potential to be royally awesome.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/se05239 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I recently had the idea to build a fort on a lake. A necromancer and two zombies came and ate my dwarves alive. Have to wait until after work to watch this, I hope he succeeds.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Kiesiecki 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

What happens to player made forts when you stop playing them and start a new fort in the world?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Gartenschlauch 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sphalerite, God of Dwarven !SCIENCE! did a crazy fort like this years ago. He drained the ocean, set up rows of traps, then used chained war dogs to wooden platforms over the water to scare the whales and such into traps. Re-drained the ocean, and hauled out the captive critters (don't ask how a wooden cage holds a live whale and can be hand-carried by a single dorf). Butchering whales gives you TONS of meat, but he was mostly screwing around with shooting the whales, suspended in water columns by a series of pumps, with ballistae. The result? Whales are too fat for wooden ballistae to deal much damage too XD

Here is the link: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=101795.0

Sadly the pictures don't seem to load anymore :/ but worth the read! Most of this should still apply to future versions, too.

I think another fort had him set up a sea-serpent breeding program under a similar scheme which included war dogs behind windows scaring baby sea serpents away from a chained (and submerged) mama serpent. In this one, he came up with a better method of trapping the ocean floor for critters. Mainly, he noticed that sea-creatures tend to hug the shoreline. So he made channels away from the shore, built bridges/pumps, filled the rest with traps, THEN channeled the final strip of shore so it opened into the sea. When the bridges where then lowered, the water rushed in, and with it, the whales, serpents, and such swimming right up to the traps. These could then be easily drained and recovered.

And this one! http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=75780.0

He had to do a quick edit of the .ini files so the serpents would breed, but otherwise very dwarfy.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Niddhoger 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's a pretty clever idea for fishing, I like it!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Dadrick42 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone taking bets? I'm guessing 20 episodes for this fort

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/krackbaby9 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm kind of disappointed by this community today. All this work and you can only think of using it for fishing???

Come on, a big drowning chamber for visiting armies is what this technology should be used for!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ZenEngineer 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Literally just yesterday finished Honeystoker and already I have new content to watch? Fantastic!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/premature_eulogy 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello you bearded bastards and allow me to welcome you to our n the land of Legends and today we're over at the eastern edge of the continent of spiralling on the sprawling coastline of this seas of circumstance now then here we can see a small group of dwarves seven of them who have come from a nearby dwarven civilization known as the glad lash now these dwarves here call themselves attached to phone get Carr McGraw the brave deep fissure of oceans and their fortress will be called a railgun a skilled mcgrill ro sarna gate car or water island the wet ocean kingdom of fishers and what may you ask do these dwarves take as their symbol the symbol of their mighty home well you see it's a great way shark of course and the great white shark is screaming it is terrifying anywho now these dwarves are a fairly crafty Bunch and they have for themselves an idea for a fortress a fortress with a bit of a strange layout and what they would need to do is to make a fortress out here in the water wouldn't that be wild and very well protected too yes if this ends up working out for the dwarves they stand to have one of the best protected fortresses around but let's not get too ahead of ourselves and actually first things first because I notice those waves washing in over our wagon I'm going to put a pile up here away from the water and just like that because we really don't want our food and drinks washing away out into the sea that would be a pretty crappy start now that anyways our plan is to make a fortress out here in the water and you may say well cluck smash dwarves can't swim what you're saying is craziness and yes it might well be but our plan is to wait until winter and assuming we have a nice cold long winter then the doors can come out here and actually walk across the ice and carve through it to build some supports underneath the water and I will note too that this water really isn't that deep in some areas there's only one Z level down and I think it's in that area we'll be making our fortress but first we're gonna have to wait till winter to see if we can even do this so we have a ways to go which is good because we have a lot to do now in our wagon here we have a bunch of wood and stuff would because I wasn't too sure if we'd have a lot of trees here which we do so that's a waste and stone because there is an aquifer here we are right next to the ocean and so it's to be expected but we're going to need to use a lot of stone a lot of stone and so what we're going to do is build a couple of Mason's workshops just right over here because we're gonna want to start turning that stone into blocks which will help stretch out our resources a bit that's gonna be necessary I don't know how far down the aquifer isn't so we might very well be able to get down there and get some stone but just in case I'm gonna set those dwarves to the task and they're just gonna keep turning rocks into blocks all year long and let's see what else do we have to do well actually taking a look at the map here you can see that there are some giant crows in the area which shouldn't give us too much trouble but I will know that we are in a savage area elven territory in both this forest and the sea next to us are known to be savage regions and so we can expect to see a whole bunch of giant creatures and maybe even animal people which is a little bit spooky button we'll cross bridges when we get to them also another thing we're going to be doing is building a farm plot here on the surface in which we're going to be growing grapes and spinach and then down underground we're also carving out some small quarters for our dwarves nothing too flashy it's just going to be a temporary sort of thing but we're going to need somewhere to shake the salt water out of our beards very important and now that we have some projects queued up I thought we'd take a quick look at our expedition later named a Sai Breck site back to galas Tesh a woodcutter no sai Breck here seems like an odd one first off she is a very thin has a jutting chin has a clean-shaven hair like all of these dwarves every single one of these dwarves has a clean shaven head as well as aquamarine eyes golden hair when they do have hair and they all have tan skin as well but as for cyrex mindset in particular well she never deliberates before acting to the point of being considered thoughtless which isn't the best trait for a leader I don't think but also says she has a low self-esteem and is intellectually stubborn also not the best traits although that being said she's not envious of others presents herself modestly which I can respect oh and she also easily develops positive sentiments and is friendly well that's good at least yeah it also says she's quick to anger and it doesn't handle stress well okay well I'm not too sure what to make you a sister but I suppose we'll see how things play out very shortly and actually while we're on the subject of shortly this is intended to be a short fort as you saw in the intro and so this project here should not extend farther than this one episode okay I've got a little bit of a problem where I get attached to the dwarves and make a big old thing out of these but that's not going to happen this time okay all right anywho let's move on now we're gonna have to spend some time nice thing this place up a little bit it's all carved out but we have to get some furniture in there and I would also like to dig down to see if we can't actually access stone so let's get to it we'll start by digging a little tunnel down this way here just like that there we go and we'll keep that going down a little bit well no such luck we hit damp soil down here and we're still in a layer of sand so we're not gonna have any access to new stone for a while a damn shame but it's fine back up here in the actual fortress you can see things are coming right along we have the dwarves making some nice wooden floors here so I don't have to walk on the dirt and also we do now have some doors in place as well some tables and chairs and I did actually designate this meeting hall here as an inn as well and in that is open to visitors from outside and in known as the yellow candies it's not very well appointed for the time being but we're still getting it all set up I'm excited to see what sort of visitors we end up getting it should be pretty interesting now then having a look at the day it is the 19th of hematite currently early summer so we still have a bit to go before winter and so I think I'm gonna keep things running for a little bit just so we can progress a bit farther I shall return when the weather cools my friends will be right back alright in there we are you bearded bastards we've had some time go by and now the frosty winds are blowing in off the sea and I believe arel gonna is ready for the winter ahead I sure as hell hope so anyways having a look at the date it is now the 3rd of moonstone early winter and so I am anticipating a freeze coming up shortly and before it does happen I suppose we could have a quick look at the fortress you can see it's pretty much good to go it's a small end highly functional fortress with plenty of storage because well we've had a bunch of giant Kia's in the area but not the time being thankfully they stole some of our stuff but nothing very important so I figured it best if we stored our stuff inside also you can see here that we do have a couple of visitors here now including a ban a mark store MoMA is a maze dwarf and gabot a human bard all kind of just relaxing here in the yellow candies having some nice and grape wine and enjoying a spinach rose too perhaps sounds good to me now if you have looked down this way you can see all of our rock blocks we do have a ton of them now as well as some corkscrew down this way and some pipe sections as well as a ton of mechanisms because I've got some plans some crazy plans and I'm very excited to see them in play and to really know and would you look at that yeah it looks like everything has just frozen up at the 10th of moonstone alright now then we can get right down to it and this is going to be a bit treacherous I think because it's kind of a gambling game really at some point this water is all going to unfreeze and if the dwarfs are still working on our structure then they will all drown which won't be great for anybody certainly not the dwarves and so we're gonna have to pull the dwarves out before it gets too late in a year but that's the thing because it could unthaw before that even there's not a specified day where everything's going to turn back into water and so let's get straight to it I do have the game pause right now I'm just a heads up on that and we're going to start planning our structure out in this featureless icy wasteland now let's see alright there we go the start of it is all planned out you can see here we're going to have four main support columns in the actual platform is going to be kind of a skewed Square and it's going to kind of angle upwards at the top here now at these four corners if you have looked down we're going to channel through the ice to this level and this is where we're going to build the supports right above the earth which is just below now I am also intending to make this entire structure raised up from the water as well just so that when the winter comes and everything freezes up goblins or other creatures can't just walk across the ice over to the fortress just an extra motive protection no pun intended really and also over this way here I'm going to start building a bridge one that can reach that's going to be kind of important if we wanted want to get over to the platform after everything thaws you know alright so there we have it this is how we're going to get started get to add wharves we have no time to spare I am a super paranoid about this right now honestly we have so much to do and the ocean could thaw out at any time okay alright things are coming along just gonna kind of keep skipping forward like this in little chunks still moving quickly here I have linked up all these support pillars with this tunnel through the ice you know I do intend on building a little bit of a passage through there for a specific purpose we'll get to that a little bit Bridge is coming along nicely very good the second level of some of the support columns are finished now excellent and up here we're going to start building a walkway between them it'll be a simple start on the second level and we are making out of wood to just because we are sort of low on stone all right in back down underneath the ice those tunnels are being dug out very good and you can see I do have some bridges planned up as well it's gonna take a lot of doing to get those things all set but we're gonna try our best having a look at the day it is the 10th of opal midwinter so it's been about a month already that's a little terrifying we still have a bunch I would like to get done a lot of the bridges underwater are almost completed about a third of them anyways at least a quarter excellent very good keep it up dwarves and then up here on the top of the platform I kind of had this little suspended room in which we're going to have levers that will be used to control the drawbridge and the bridge is under the ice had to get those in place before we could link anything up and we aren't going to get right to that although I'm starting to get a little bit spooked as we can see here it is now the 9th of obsidian late winter so it's already been almost two months I don't know playing a risky game here we'll go a little bit longer but I don't want to be foolish with this certainly yeah things are coming along but mmm yeah I don't know I think I'm gonna pull him out of here if I'm pause and they'll all die and that that that would be just terribly foolish all right dwarves let's get to it everyone out all right here they go back up to the surface fantastic it is the fourteenth of obsidian right now yeah and it looks like they're all returning to the fortress nice and safe and sound although I am noticing that we have to upset dwarves here which is a little asinine what the hell's wrong with you guys this is a fine fortress you damned ninnies it looks like the most upset about not being able to pray to certain gods recently which is a load of malarkey because we have a temple right here go on get in there you idiot no and would you look at that everything just thought out and it is xx of obsidian so we just barely made out of there Yanks okay well good and having a quick look yep nobody's drowning fantastic but now unfortunately we have to wait till next winter to continue our project which really really stinks but oh well actually you know I suppose we can come up here and continue work on the top of the platform the dwarfs can get over just fine now yeah let's get to it why the hell not come on dwarves do not tarry there we are very good just be careful around those waves alright it can get a bit treacherous on that walkway and you know because we have so much to do in a long time to wait I'm just going to advance time once more again I would really like to cram all this stuff into a single episode and so that's what we're going to do I shall return when the hoarfrost coats the rocky shore just a moment okay we're back a little bit early here because we've run into a problem a very serious problem a problem named a DES Li u Kappa bat a we're horse a large horse twisted into humanoid form it is crazed for blood and flesh its eyes glow amber and it's black hair is long and straight ohyeah okay well not a good news not at all alright now let's have a look the horse appears to be over here to the north of our fortress down on the rocky beach and if we have a look around well doesn't look like anybody is very very close to it we have a few dwarves out here working on the fields so I think if I just order all the dwarves into the fortress then we can be safe in there so I guess that's how we're going to do it also I will know too that the elves are here currently trading at our Depot we haven't even looked at their wares and worst comes to worst they will help slow down that wear horse which is excellent all righty let's go do orbs get the hell into the fortress and as they work their way there I'm going to keep an eye on this where horse let's see what happens all right here it comes moving swiftly across the beach down towards the fortress we do have a small pasture filled with animals - and those are very likely to slow down this horse big time yeah here it goes attacking a mule right now wonderful much better than killing one of our dwarves or infecting an elf for that matter yeah it's really letting this poor mule have it and it killed it and is now moving on southward towards the other animals it's now ripping through a water buffalo and it looks like the elves are trying to move away from the depot now with their animals couldn't have picked a worse time really when this water buffalo dies it's gonna go straight for them yeah then here it goes moving in attacking an elf an elf who's unconscious and dead and now it's moving in at the other lufia where horse is a tough customer all right I killed one of their yaks and I believe the other elf died too now it appears just to be sitting here looming over its quarry oh but it has spotted one of our dwarves and is moving in towards the fortress now hmm I thought anyways I don't know it's killing an alpaca all right well that works for me yeah just now it's moving down the slope over here oh oh and it's not the second entrance man oh man I forgot that was there I guess I'll Lock this door real quick oh that could've been so bad following the horse once more it appears to be ripping the door off the hinges come on you damn thing turn back into your normal form and get the hell out of here will ya okay there we go thankfully it has turned back into a human and is now running away but I would absolutely love it my dwarfs can get out there and stop her from getting away so I made a couple squads and I'm going to send them out although I doubt they'll be able to catch er well Oh almost come on okay she's panicking she's over oh she just fell in the water this is very dangerous right here okay dwarves don't go after her anymore she's down in the water let's uh just cool it I'm gonna disband your squads and everyone get back to the fortress please and there you go very good and as for our ware horse friend down in the water fantastic taken by the sea serves you right you bastard you you did very good work fair there was only one attack in that whole combat and it was this mechanic pushing the ware horse into the water good on you play why you deserve a nickname you Dib from this day forward you shall be known as horse breaker quite apt now that okay dwarves what's more we shall relax and just uh try to get some stuff done before next winter it's still the fourth of slate mid spring so we have a ways to go but I'm hoping we all have any more interruptions we will be right back ok and we have returned once more and as you can see things are going just as swimmingly right now it is the 3rd of moonstone early winter so things should be freezing up very shortly and before it does as opposed we'll go over a few things that happened over the course of the year things that were not shown at one point we had a giant cougar pop-up in the area and its avidly mauled one of our planters but they survived and their nest still hanging in there wherever the hell they are also if you have a look at our tavern here you'll notice that there aren't a ton of poets and bards all over the place currently I think it's an entertainment group and so I imagine the dwarves are quite enjoying their stories very interesting also you can see the slasher over here a human named Kotak a renowned adventurer actually and she has with her an artifact silver whip that she had used to slay a Hydra very cool right it should be noted to us she is wearing a Hydra nail bracelet on her wrist from that creature which is pretty damn badass well also you can see here that we do have a black bear in the fortress to a tame black bear that was left here by the elves after they were destroyed by that we're horse it makes for a pretty good fortress pet its presence is greatly appreciated and that pretty much does it for fortress nose now and would you look at that looks like everything just froze up yes it most certainly has and I have made sure to pause the game as well okay dwarves ready for winter number two this time we have to be sure to finish our project no dilly-dallying dwarves let's get to it alright now the first thing we're going to do is dig some channels down through the ice so it can access the bridges underneath very important there we go and I imagine now they'll be heading down to finish their work and yes it does look like they are fantastic and be quick about it dwarves we still have a lot to do here alright we're doing pretty well I have a different construction going on over here for another project I know this is all very confusing but just bear with me it'll be revealed in time my friends looking at the date in it is already the 9th of opal midwinter and I feel like we're not getting a whole hell of a lot done unfortunately I hadn't taken into account but water had frozen over all these bridges down here and we have to read them out one do any work on them and that's taking a lot longer than I thought it would of course alright it's still going we have our mechanic working away or rather eating now come on you got to work faster than that we're almost out of time we have to tug out many of those bridges now but not nearly enough I don't want to have to wait another year damn it is the 12th of obsidian right now so we only have about eight more days assuming everything thaws out on the same exact day might be foolish to think that though we will let it go a little bit farther though come on almost there get as much work as we can done all right no it's the 17th all right we shouldn't put it off anymore come on dwarves everyone out of the water get back to the fortress just disappointing really I really thought we had it this year no well oh boy and all just turn back - that was a close call yikes and yes everyone looks to be safe and sound once more for the most part actually the dwarves over here seem to be in pretty foul moods now for a variety of reasons first off seeing those elf corpses outside did not do them any good plus we also had a strange mood dwarf at one point just recently and they went berserk and killed a human and then were killed themselves which only worsened to their moods well I really hope we can make it till next year but I suppose we'll see soon enough now before we skip ahead any farther I would like to go over my plan here I've left you guys in the dark long enough well you see this is our four here kind of a rough l-shaped design and down below at the base of these support columns are those bridges not my plan is to link up those bridges to a lever up in this room here and then when this lever is pulled the area within these bridges is going to be locked up away from everything outside and so hopefully if anything swims into this middle region here like some fish or other creatures then we could just trap them in there and once that happens we can use these screw pumps here to pump the water out from in between those bridges and back out into the ocean and then the dwarfs can come down and harvest the fish that are down on the sea floor now I've never done anything like this before and I don't know how it's going to work but I had a good feeling about it anyways we're pushing up on the end of the episode here so I am going to just skip ahead to the next winter and we'll also try to finish up the top of this platform that would be excellent my friends I shall return once more when gig ins hammers strikes the anvil of autumn see you in just a moment alright and we are back once more and winter has just arrived currently is the 2nd of moonstone in our third year which is kind of crazy when you think about it and this past year has been punishing ly painful for the dwarves big time we had another wear horse attack and this time it seemed to be a different strain of the curse it was a brown ware horse with green eyes and this attack was much much worse we unfortunately lost about you know six dorbz I think and so down underneath here you can see we have a new tomb built and in it we have a bunch of coffins and slabs just to memorialize those poor lost dwarves quite a damn shame and also if you look over here you can see our new bedrooms as well we have a whole bunch of them oh and hmm up over this way we can see a well-aware tortoise one of our dwarves was bit by one this past year and was in turn cursed and so now they're locked up in this room here with another dwarf who was accidentally locked in there with them and who was just killed but another bit of good news is that you can see all this stone here that we managed to find yet turns out there's actually a ton of stone here at the coastline which is just dandy and this past year's been quite a roller coaster know what you have look at that looks like everything just froze up okay we're gonna do it this time no doubt about it we have to okay dwarves let's get to it all right now first things first we're gonna have to get a dwarf out there to carve out those bridges once more such a pain and unfortunately we still only have one mining pick rather I guess we started with two but one of them was stolen by a giant Kia along the way damn things shouldn't be a problem though I don't think I'm telling you we're gonna do it this year all right here's our mechanic hooking up those bridges it's horse breaker go figure good job my bastard keep it up just need somebody to get up here and mine out these bridges come on dwarves hurry it up hurry it up already the twenty-seventh of moonstone time passes so fast that's crazy all right we are getting there I think we only have two more bridges left to be linked up that's pretty darn good and as such I would like to build another little something down here as well we're gonna need a way for the dwarfs to get down to the sea floor when it's all drained out in here and so we're going to build something right here there's got a channel away this ice first I'm very excited to see how this works actually this past year we saw a basking shark out in the water a huge sea beast man oh man if we managed to hunt one of those things down we could feed our dwarves for a year so exciting all right and I'm having a look at our bridges here and it appears they're all linked up now fan tastic so exciting and you can see I'm getting a bit overexcited this way here cuz now I've got all sorts of other crazy plans going on not sure if we'll have enough time to complete them but I suppose we'll see you soon enough looking over this way you can see the stairway down to the sea floor is completed very good we also have a lever there that will be used to control this bridge here at the bottom just to prevent water from coming in on the stairway can never be too safe all right looking back down here and we are completed very good I figured I'd put some wooden supports down here completely unnecessary mechanically speaking but I like them alright I'm happy to say I believe we're all set here which is just absolutely thrilling and it is currently the 11th of obsidian is we managed to do it really just in time an excellent very good job dwarves now then let's watch he's always so entertaining to watch the spring thaw Oh wonderful just gotta love it alright adorbs what do you say how about we test out these bridges that would be excellent don't you think let's give it a try if someone could be kind enough to pull this lever please thank you very much alright here comes a dwarf pulling the lever and the bridges are up beautiful except I don't know why they're red why would that be puzzling author cover with mud okay well that'll do it I suppose anyways now that this whole interior area is blocked away from the outer ocean how about we get some dwarves into this pump room here to see how fast we can drain it out that should be pretty entertaining okay and here we go water is already being pumped out very quickly that's only one pump there when here come the rest oh wow yeah it appears to be working very rapidly down here but I suppose we'll wait and see really hoping at this plant and leave any gaps oh it'd be terribly stupid but I think we're good actually it looks like most those water here is actually pretty shallow already very very good yeah in fact that'll about do it Moses water here you can see it's only about two units deep which is basically nothing and it should start evaporating very quickly in fact how about we get this lever pulled and take a little walkabout down on the sea floor there we go bridge is open oh and there's a dwarf just nonchalantly strolling around down there fantastic well that really worked very well actually extremely exciting think of the possibilities here we'll get this little walkway closed up again and we'll pull this lever here too just to get those bridge reopened I'm excited to see that water rush back in she'll be pretty cool okay there we go so cool oh yeah that really is something such possibilities yeah I've never done anything like that before and now that we could see it's working as I had intended we'll just have to keep our eyes open to see if we could find any giant sea life and then of course I suppose we'll have to hope it swims into this area here which a bit of a limiting factor kind of stinks but oh well well you know I guess that about does it for the fortress we have proved now we can make a fortress out here on the water or something I've not done before and secondarily we have also figured out a way to trap ocean life down here underneath the fortress and so I guess the only thing left to do was just to wrap this blaze up although I'm gonna be frank with you my bastards I am left wanting I mean you gotta admit it would be pretty difficult to leave the fortress right now well you haven't even seen it in action yet and I would have dearly loved to catch something down underneath on top of that I mean we did make a fortress platform out here in the water but there's no actual fortress here yet and don't you think we should really accomplish something in that direction I certainly do yeah you know I think we're looking at one more episode of a rail gol na skiff the big row row starting to get car cuz I mean I think we just have to you know I am seeing these fish down here Oh herring and it is tempting to close up the bridges and see if we can trap them but they are considered to vermin in the game and they act a little bit different than normal animals and so I don't think we can actually trap them in here but that is another thing I would dearly love to try because I believe we can use fissure dwarves to actually just catch them in animal traps and then after we do that I think we might be able to do something with them either put your arm up or possibly put them in aquarium which could be very interesting in any event I'm looking at toy around with that a bit farther and also has some further tantalize Asian if you have a look up here on our platform you could see a future farm plot up on this a suspended Terrace it's filled with water currently fed by these dwarves using buckets up top and now that it's nice and muddy we can actually grow crops here and will no longer need access to land very cool right in short order we should have a fully contained fortress out here on the ocean and I do greatly anticipate seeing it in its completed form next episode the final episode of a realm ghoul Nausicaa film agrerro Sarna gate car water island the wet ocean kingdom of fishers and no I do not intend on letting this go any farther than the next episode that's gonna be it gonna cut it off okay thank you so much for watching and until next time my bearded bastard [Music]
Channel: Kruggsmash
Views: 245,241
Rating: 4.9586048 out of 5
Keywords: dwarf, fortress, gameplay, letsplay, series, tutorial, support, help, adventure, dwarves, fantasy, simulation, management, game, survival, roguelike, drawing, artwork, show, roleplay, rp, story, sea, water, ocean, fishing, bridge, trap, capture, whale, test, experiment, science
Id: i21O-W4BmpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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