I Crush Highest Stakes I've Ever Played!! Risking It All In 10/20/40 NL! Poker Vlog Ep 153

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it's common to dream big and poker to wonder how your skill set might match up against some of the toughest players in the world in the highest stakes game that runs regularly in las vegas at bellagio poker center of the universe i can't tell you how many times i've walked in for a 5 10 session glance at the high stakes area that secluded from the rest of the poker room and thought that's where i wish i was battling well today there's no more dreaming wandering or wishing two 10 20 games that have a 20 big blind annie added on drastically affects the stakes today is the day that i push myself to the limit and test my skills in the biggest game that i've ever played i can feel the adrenaline pumping through my body because i buy in for a rack and a stack they used to mean a thousand dollars worth of chips today instead of a rack of five dollar chips it's a rack of 20s instead of a stack of 25 chips it's a stack of hundreds run for 4 000 it's the most that i've ever bought in for once i'm done at the cashier i don't go my normal route to take a seat i pause for a second to look at these two steps they may not seem like much but they would separate those who are the best in the world from those who are just very good separates those who make up to six figures playing poker from those who can make up to seven figures or more trying not to let my fear be visible as i get settled but it's tough because this must move is six-handed it's not my specialty there's nowhere to run or hide you may remember in the previous session that i didn't run well i got torch playing short in 510 just a couple days prior to this my opponents consist of four other pros and one recreational player that's one more wreck than is usually in the game plus i'm in it so it's quite a bit softer than normal ideally i'd like to have several easy folds right away so i can get a little more comfortable and see how the table plays fade has something different in store for me after posting the big blind and the annie i'm dealt my very first hand and it's ace queen offsuit to make things more interesting the player on my left is straddled to 40. before anyone has a chance to make a decision there's 90 dollars in the pot that's six times more than a 510 game only two stairs away from us starts out with my anxiety increases it's the first player to act raises it to 110. it's on me i have a lot going on in my head right now i know what i'm supposed to do but it's the exact opposite way i was hoping to begin the session i don't want to play a big pot out of position get immediately stacked i just have to pretend that this is a normal game and play my best i reach for my stack assemble some black and orange chips then three bets of 380. internally i'm pleading with the poker gods to please just let me take this down pre-flop i promise never say jiggety's again if you don't want me to i'm showing no mercy the hijack calls the 380. he's a very good player right off the bat we're thrown into the wolves the first hand i play has 830 dollars in the middle pre-flop and we're playing out of position my heart is pounding through my chest i'm completely regretting my decision to play this highest stakes then the dealer puts out ace queen nine rainbow we flop top two pair in the most stressful start to any session that i've ever had i can breathe again perhaps the poker gods don't have it out for me after all contemplating the best way to extract the maximum value i down bet to 240. this is a flop that as you can see is going to crush my three bet range my opponent knows that i don't want to give him a free card but i don't want to scare him off when he could be drawn close to dead he's getting great odds apparently they're not good enough the hijack immediately folds would have been amazing to get more value there but i can't even explain how important it was for my mindset to sit down and have a pot push our direction right away a few minutes later we're dealt 9 8 suited on the button this one's five-handed the only rec player here opens 80 from under the gun he's the guy that i'm most focused on getting involved in hands with i call a pretty standard sized open for this game it's still more than the entire amount that i'd buy in for when i was playing three six women at casinos as an 18 year old in college the big blind also calls we're going three ways to the flop it's 10-7-6 rainbow we bought the absolute nuts i can't even remember the last time i flopped the street seems like everything is aligned for us today the big bond checks i almost go into shock it's the pre-flop razer bets 300. it's difficult for me to even fathom this real life right now this guy is betting more than the pot and i have the best hand possible raising seems a bit ridiculous flatting will look incredibly strong as well typically i don't slow play straights here it seems like by far the best option to set the trap i call the big blind folds we're heads up the turn is to fight the clubs it's safe we still have the nuts and pick up a flush draw that i've never wanted to hit less in my life after over betting previously under the gun bets 400 it's less than half the size of the pot i'm not going to let him off the hook that easily no more slow playing it's time to make a move i raised to 1100. i can't tell you how good this feeling is at the moment i'm still kind of in disbelief that i put 1100 out there and still have piles of chips behind i'm hoping that the player will jam for 1700 on top i've got him covered he's very deep in the tank finally he makes the call there's over 3000 in the middle the opponent has just over half a pot sized bet left in the stack this would be the perfect time for the deuce of hearts to come instead the river is another seven pairs the board we no longer have the nuts under the gun checks if you had two pair better on the turn he probably wouldn't have bet less than half the pot feels like he has an over pair something like ace 10. i'm certainly not checking back there's only one move to make mullen owen you're all in man i'm shocked that he lays down pocket king's face up after getting almost three to one on a call it's actually super impressive and i give him some credit for letting it go but he's not having it nice interesting that he doesn't believe that i had a strong hand yet somehow he made the right play a massive pot for a normal day in my life it's pushed towards us this is going infinitely better than i imagined we have almost 6 000 in front of us we're up about 2 000 in 20 minutes it's tough to do better than that i'm so excited and caught up in trying to write notes and film that i accidentally straddled for 40 under the gun i thought that i was the big blind had to post the additional 20 annie the good news is that i pick up pocket threes small blind who doesn't believe that i had limps in for 30 more i feel like that i should be the rightful owner of his chips that he somehow managed to hold on to i raised a 140 in order to get one step closer to absorbing his stack into mine he calls for 100 more heads up the flop comes eight five deuce with two hearts component checks there's a decent chance that i have the best hand i take a stab at it for 160. a small blind folds another pot is ours we don't lose a single pot that we voluntarily put money into at this time there's a seat open in the main game that looks super tough one by one players from my table get called over and several opt to join a 510 game rather than play at the other 10 20 tables after 30 minutes of playing it's just me sitting by myself because the main game got filled by only one of our players and everyone else left i'm up over 2000 and i'm okay with the result eventually another seat becomes available in the main game i figure i'm winning and i came here to play 10 20. i may as well continue taking my shot table that i'm headed to looks ridiculously challenging most of the players are sitting with 40 to 100 000 in front of them as soon as i set my chips down i look around everyone else is licking their chops when they see me these really are some of the best players in the world there's no need to press my luck against seven people that i know are better than me i do what everyone else from the previous table did except the guy who stack you see on my left and i pass on one of the toughest games that's currently running on the planet [Music] wow that was uh that was nuts i played for a half hour i played i paid time one time and i won two thousand one hundred and twenty very first hand i just three bet and flop top two pair and then uh every hand i played i won actually so second hand it plays nine eight of clubs and i just i flopped the straight the guy makes pretty sick lay down actually so uh that kind of i don't know how he did that but uh and then i played pocket threes and that was it i didn't see any other flops i don't think so um that was nuts i'm gonna super excited but uh i'm gonna brag what's up dude hey brother i hope i get on the vlog i really do what's your name my name is peter i've been watching you for the last couple years all right i actually came here just to see you i'm from seattle very cool man yeah well in some of those bradley dollars nice to meet you what are you playing i'm playing 510. all right dude i'm gonna hop into 510 now actually i just made a stupid call and i won a 3 000 pot i had three four spades that's how you do it the guy kept bullying me around so i made the call for 800 bucks and i'm right i flopped it so nice job man i'll see you in there i hope i get on with you bro all right so uh like i just said we're now gonna jump into 510 and see how that goes i'm in for 1500 looking to add on to what's already a great day for me i pick up eight seven suited in the big blind four players limp in i check five of us are in the mix the flop is ten six deuce rainbow i've got a gutter and that's it all of us check the turn is the eight of spades we pick up a pair if anyone had a 10 or better on the flop they likely would have bet so i'm guessing my second pair is best unless someone turned two pair or a better eight i don't want any of my opponents to see a free card i bet 50. i can potentially get even stronger hands to fold since i'm the big one i can have all the straight two pair combinations i'll also have all the set combinations in my range except for possibly pocket tens under the gun plus one in the hijack fold cut off calls it's very likely that he has a draw of some sort perhaps something like jack nine or spades the button folds it's heads up the river is the deuce of clubs all the draws miss my opponent has what i think he has he won't be able to call a bed of mine therefore there's no reason to make one i check to allow my opponent the opportunity to bluff at it the player bets 150. it's a pot-sized bet it doesn't make any sense to me that he all of a sudden has a strong hand he would have raised pre-flop with pocket tens he would have bet flop with a set of deuces sixes or any hand containing a 10 he would have raised turn with two pair better and there's no way that he should be holding a deuce in his hand after calling on the turn he also wouldn't be betting pot with an eight that's better than mine that rules out every hand that's beating us i snap call it turns out our read on the situation is correct the player turns over seven six of diamonds he had third pair and a gutter on the turn then turn it into a bluff on the river there's a little bit of paperwork that has to be done but we are now the new owners of the cut-off soul he should have never tried to bluff a beluga we win the pot then a viewer comes over you chop this for me please nice to meet you nice to meet you man how's it going good what's your name sloane sloane picked a great time to say hello i'm usually pretty happy to meet people who watch the channel especially when i'm dragging you in a pot a while later we have ace jack of hearts under the gun always nice to look down at suited broadway cards i raised a 30. small blind three bets to 130 is the same player that we beat in the hand we just went over he shouldn't be three betting me from this position unless he has something good i call for a hundred more we're heads up in position flop comes jack 5'4 with two clubs we pop top pair top kicker the opponent checks when you're out of position in these situations you're actually supposed to check a lot more than people tend to you can still potentially have strong hands like over pairs but there's a good chance he has something like ace king i check back for paw control and deception there aren't many cards that i need to be worried about coming out except for cards like a queen or we're downgraded to second pair and the king smashes my opponent's range small blind bets 160. the fact that this guy just saw me calm down light three about my early position raise checked flop and bet turn on a board that could still be good for me since i can have strong hands like king jack maybe even jax makes me believe that he has me beat folding after i check back top pair on the flop is certainly exploitable in this situation i get the sense it's the right thing to do i go with that read and fold it's not something that i do often at all particularly in position i could definitely be up against something like ace queen i just didn't like the spot and chose to avoid it next we pick up ten nine offsuit in the big blind we're playing six handed with five good regulars including two people i was playing 1020 with earlier and another one or two pros that occasionally play 1020 as well not a great game i'm hoping the seats will eventually fill up with less talented players where the good players will cash out anyway the cutoff opens at 30. once again we're up against the same opponent i call for 20 more we're heads up the flop comes queen eight for rainbow we have a gut shot straight draw i check the cutoff bet's 40. calling and playing out of position isn't ideal i took a very passive line in the previous hand i played against him i'm taking an aggressive approach in this one i raised a 150. folding is better in the long run i'd like my check raise much better if i was suited and had a backdoor flush draw to fall back on that would allow me to barrel turns if my suit comes as far as strong hands go that i'd make this play with i could potentially have all the suit of two pair and set combos except for pocket queens the opponent calls this is getting interesting the turn is a six giving us a double gutter we pick up four more outs of the nuts i'm definitely continuing i want to give myself the best opportunity to win this pot now without actually having to make a hand that means i'll be betting large i may get 400. it's over a pot sized bed to put a ton of pressure on the opponent he goes into the tank it's looking like we may be kissing those bradley dollars goodbye unless we drill the river the cutoff actually folds we played like a monkey and coincidentally got a donkey kong sized barrel through it's fantastic that we won because i was winding up for something special on the river i'm glad that it wasn't necessary i'm also glad that we pick up pocket aces in the big blind a good pro who i was in the 10 20 with earlier opens the 30 on the button i make it 120. there's nothing like being at the very top of my range in a short-handed game when i should have tons of light three bets and the opponent is good enough to know that everything that has a tint of red in this chart is what upswing says that i should be three betting with in this situation there's all kinds of suited connectors even worse garbage hands like six five and five four off suit that can theoretically mix in as a consequence of that you'll see top players four bet from the button with a relatively wide range that might be what's going on here the opponent four bets to 290 every time that i think to myself that this day can't get any better the day says hold my beer the opponent has 1800 i want to get all of it i announce a five bet of 750 i didn't need to make it too large the opponent is getting almost two and a half to one if he calls he'll have two thirds of a pot size bet left in his stack and he won't be able to fold on almost any flop when i jam i'm hoping that he's thinking ahead and will rip it in himself right now to save us all some time that's what happens he six bet shoves for piles i call we're about to play a 3 600 pot i take a deep breath just hoping it'll go our way and we both signify to run it once for all of it there will be pain for one of us and glory for the other the dealer puts out six five deuce with two hearts it's great that there are no high cards but we don't have the ace of hearts it's scary for that reason the turn is the four of clubs that's not great because even if we're ahead the opponent will have chop outs it's all going to come down to the river it's not that often that i feel more alive than this the last card is the seven of hearts the button shows that he has ace king offsuit we haven't beat to win another massive pot tonight this is one of the most exciting cash game sessions of my life we get a final count just to make sure that i have them covered i've got him by about 150 i'm literally shaking because i'm so excited that i'm running this well the yellow chip comes our way i love acquiring those we've got 37.50 in front of us and are up 22.50 and 510 after already winning over 2000 and 1020. the best part is that it's not over i've got ace king offsuit in the big blind small blind raises to 35 his name is mark he's perhaps the best player at the table he flush over flushed me and stacked me in a vlog that i uploaded a couple months ago i put in a standard 3-bet to 120. there's another situation where i'll have lots of light 3-bets in my range small blind 4 bets to 335. he only has 1550 in his stack he's certainly capable of 4-betting me with a variety of worse aces especially when spline versus blind i consider shoving on him at the last hand fresh in my mind in which the opponent got it in with ace king offsuit after lots of re-raising pre-flop and that obviously didn't work out well for him i call to keep my opponent's bluffs in and see a flop in position it comes king jack eight all spades we fought top pair but it's a very dangerous board small blind can have sets and flushes that we'll be drawing near dead against will also be near dead if he has pocket aces with or without a spade in his hand even if he has queens with a spade he'll be in decent shape if he has ace king with ace of spades he'll be free rolling against us small blind down that's 200 it's small in relation to the size of the pot could be doing this with the nuts to keep me in potentially something weak as a probe bet doing anything other than calling doesn't make a lot of sense to me i call not loving the situation all that much i'm almost hoping for a spade to come out to make my life a lot easier the turn is the six of diamonds it's a complete blank surprisingly small bun checks i have a huge decision my opponent essentially has a pot-sized bet left in his stack if i believe i have him beat i need to bet for equity denial in case he's holding a spade even if he's not holding a spade i don't want to check have a spade come out then allow him an opportunity to bluff me there's some small chance he has the ace high flush already and check the trap i have no idea how likely that is though if he flopped a set he might have bet larger on the flop and likely would have continued betting on the turn with all things considered he probably would have bet again if he had me beat there's a strong possibility it could also be up against ace king and if i bet it'll put him in a very difficult position i can potentially get him off a chop close my eyes then announce i should find out immediately whether or not i'm beat there's no snap call very very good sign he doesn't fold immediately either so you must have a hand with some value it's got to be a one pair hand likely with no spade like aces or ace king i'm feeling somewhat relieved after 20 seconds go by the player folds i'm pumped up because i didn't want to see a river that 1k chip comes back to us the orange and black chips followed their more valuable leader we're up all the dollars today mark and i have been friendly with each other talking about previous hands we've played together he asked me if we're going to compare notes on this one i tell him i had ace king and he agrees to tell you guys what he had mark lush overflushed me before but uh i got him this time what'd you have mark i had a east game no no spade no spade you got me off the top all right thanks dude super cool to mark to agree to go on camera and admit that he folded a chop i know firsthand how difficult talking about that kind of thing can be now we're up just under 5k on the entire session i want to push myself to win at least over 5200 which is the biggest win that i've ever had i pick up pocket dates under the gun and raised at 30. under the gun plus one calls the small blind who i stacked earlier with aces three bets to 160. i call expecting to flop quads the way that i've been running seems very likely that's gonna happen under the gun plus one folds it's heads up the flop is a seven six all spades we've got a pair a flush draw and a backdoor straight draw small blind down bets to a hundred you can have top set and some ace king and ace queen hands but he shouldn't be three betting my under the gun range with almost any other suited combos because the ace of spades is accounted for aside from him having top set he's mostly only gonna have one pair of hands he shouldn't ever have the nuts and will either never or very rarely have a flush i on the other hand have more flush combos i have a set of sevens in my range that won't be in his and i can still have some ace kings all together this board is just as good or perhaps slightly better for me than it is for the small blind i call to see what develops the turn is the ten of diamonds giving me a gutter to go along with everything else set of tens is one more big hand in my range that won't be in his small blind checks my sense is that he has something like queens with no spade my actual hand is about the worst one that i'll have on this board after calling a three bed and calling a flop bat so at some potential though i fire for 220 it's a small sizing to make it look like i'm going for value i want to keep my opponent in he has kings or queens especially without a spade he's gonna have to fold even if he has ace king or ace queen without a spade he's not going to love it because in his mind he could already be drawing dead or i could be free rolling against him if he calls with those types of hands or plenty of outs the opponent reluctantly lets it go looks like we get another bluff through we're up well over 5k and 510 and 10 20 combined if i leave right now it'll be my biggest win ever by a small margin but we're staying to extend it we're dealt queen 9 suited in the small blind to cut off who we battled with earlier in the 10 9 offsuit hand and a few other ones raises to 30. i should be three bettinger folding instead i call we're heads up the flop comes queen seven deuce rainbow we've got top pair not much of a kicker i check cut off down bets to 20. that's reasonable i call a likely check call the whole way the turn is the nine of spades we've got top two pair i likely won't be check calling anymore i check rooting for the opponent to bet he fires for 50. this is getting good i raised a 200. i did this with 109 offsuit in a similar situation against this guy here i get to do it for value the player calls may have an over pair ace queen flush draw or a straight draw the river is the six of spades not great the backdoor flush draw gets there so does 10 8 i check for paw control that folding is probably the best route the cut-off says what the hell is paw control then vets 550. my hand is slightly under wrapped if i call and win i'll be up about 6k on the session if i call and lose i'll be up closer to 4 500. this guy already got caught bluffing me for a pot size bet on the river before i gather some chips and call no bluff this time cut off has a set of deuces which is kind of sick because my hand is the next best one and he got all the value from me i wonder if he makes a similar bet if he had nine seven for a worse two pair or if he had pocket aces i lose a big pot that's what i get for calling with queen nine suited out of the small blind i play for quite a while longer but don't get into any interesting hands before racking up and booking a huge win 4 400 all together on the day [Music] [Music] yeah that was one of the most fun sessions that i've ever played hopped into the 10 20 and uh ran amazing so that was awesome i mean that could have easily gone the other way and i just get stacked or lose like uh you know 4k or 6k or something which happened to me another time that i played 10 20 in la but yeah ran great and then i won i think even more money in the 510 which was nuts so i was up over 5k at one point uh if i'd cashed out before that queen 9 suited hand in the small blind then uh would have been my biggest win ever unfortunately i decided to play it and i got punished so that's unfortunate but ran great and uh it's it's gonna be a probably one of my favorite episodes to make we played through the night it's morning time in las vegas i get breakfast with my buddy who doesn't play poker but he's originally from the bay area just like me it always makes me happy to see people from around where i'm from gabe what's up brother what's up dude go dubs yep i like to i like the outfit man thank you very very nice that's how we do it the breakfast is delicious i'm extremely excited after the win i have to contain it i tell gabe that i lost big in order to get him to pay for breakfast if you thought the poker was over you're wrong my friends i take a nap then in the afternoon i fire in this charity tournament that i helped organize with andrew nimi in order to raise money for junior achievement of southern nevada andrew's streaming the whole thing on a five minute delay he's also on my direct right we both make it to the final table i have a big chip lead there were 19 players who entered with 24 rebuys and 13 add-ons the top three players get paid it's tough to navigate through the field but your boys persevere all the way to the end me and andrew heads up for the title just knocked out uh someone else this is a pretty good flop for us all right we've got a commanding lead here 310 to andrews get a 10-1 lead essentially andrew doesn't have many options other than to jam it's not long before we get it all in all right no spade no spade no spade we did it we won it we took it down charity tournament uh big day of the day pretty awesome all right i played the uh the session earlier i had a 5k day today i just realized that uh i didn't think i was going to do it but i just won you guys have always been asking for it here it is andrew on the stream he's on a delay but uh heads up man so it's pretty awesome and i had a 5k day uh i woke up at 1 45 15 minutes before this uh this tournament started and that's why my hair is all messed up and stuff but uh so awesome and we raised some money for junior achievement in southern nevada which is really really cool i got 7.75 for the victory andrew i think you got 465 or something around there so uh what an awesome awesome day and so cool that it ended with andrew and i heads up with andrew streaming the whole thing it was great to win andrew raised a lot of money with a live stream chat both him and i donated all of our prize money to the junior achievement in southern nevada as well huge cash game win early on then a tournament victory with my friend and i heads up today couldn't have gone any better that's it for this one guys i hope you enjoyed it if you did please remember to hit the like and subscribe buttons because it helps out the channel quite a bit and hit that notification bell that way you're notified every time i put out a new video if you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know in the comments section and i'm happy to get back to you this was one of my favorite days of poker ever obviously did well in the cash game and then got the tournament victory so that was really really cool uh there's kind of a misconception about moving up in stake so i wanted to talk about that a little bit sometimes if you're a 2-5 player for instance people believe that you know at some point you just decide you're a 510 player and then you never move down in stakes and that's not really a very good mindset to have typically you want to play the stakes where you're going to make the most money occasionally you're going to want to challenge yourself and just get the experience of playing higher stakes and that's fine too i suppose but you should definitely be paying attention to the higher stakes game and see who the regulars are if they're not there if you see some new faces chances are the game is a little bit better or if there's two games usually and then a third game starts that third game is probably going to be pretty good in my case there were two 10 20 games usually there's only one so that second 1020 game was great and then i didn't go to the main game because those guys were all superstars and i didn't need to test my luck against them but luckily everything worked out for me also it's okay to play shorter sessions and hit and run if you need to build up that confidence and have a positive experience that way you feel a little bit more comfortable maybe the next time you play at that level hope you guys are all doing well hope you're staying safe good luck at the tables thanks for watching this episode and i'll see you next time so far we have 2400 raised uh in the chat that andrew's doing right now he's just wrapping up 775 oh that's me what is happening yeah i accidentally i accidentally donated anonymously you know i don't need to mention your actual name yeah actual name is brad owen i feel like i shouldn't hang up the stream now shouldn't uh close it out yeah let's see 775 i mean i don't know if that was brad or if somebody matched brad's uh brad's uh first place prize that's pretty sick though 775 or something up to 2.4k oh okay that was brad okay that was bradley he donated all his winnings so first place and second place 100 of those winnings are going to go to the junior achievements of southern nevada that's really cool brad nice work congrats on the tourney win and uh thanks to everybody who tuned in clicked all the buttons click donation and uh that's about it
Channel: Brad Owen
Views: 716,499
Rating: 4.9566908 out of 5
Keywords: Poker Vlog, Best Poker Vlog, High Stakes Poker, Huge Poker Hand, Huge Poker Bluff, Life of Poker Pro, Bellagio Poker, Las Vegas Poker, Las Vegas Vlog, Best Poker Content, Beset Poker Blog, Poker Blog, How To Play Poker, Poker For Beginners, Best Poker Tips, Best Poker Training, Best Poker Advice, No Limit Texas Holdem Tips, No Limit Texas Holdem Training, Cash Game Vlog, Cash Game Poker Vlog, High Stakes Poker Hand
Id: LQsDo6M3QXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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