Duplicacy: Cloud Backups Done Right! Should You Dump Duplicati?

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That worked well. However I see prune options on the duplicacy website but can't figure out if they are needed or how to add them to the options field for a backup.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/salzgablah 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and welcome back to another hebrew  court video it's a beautiful sunday down here   in melbourne australia and i hope it's beautiful  wherever you are in the world thanks for joining   us for another week with ibra core it's been  an exciting week we've posted a link to the   last podcast we did with the unread guys so if  you haven't seen that be sure to check that one   out it was really nice time we really enjoyed  our podcast session with john over at unraid   if you haven't subscribed to the uncast podcast i  suggest you do we'll post a link to their youtube   channel down below it's a really good podcast john  goes through every week and puts up an episode   discussing multiple different things that you  might enjoy so be sure to check that one out   so in today's video a long requested topic  backups we're going to be looking at duplicacy   and duplicacy is a awesome backup tool that really  surpasses all the other competitors that we found   out there at the moment and being such a hot  topic a lot of people really want to know how   to back up their content which is of course  very very important so today like i said we're   going to show you duplicacy it's going to be on  unraid but you can also use it on anywhere that   you can use docker it has both a paid and  free option for those who don't want to pay   and we'll go through all that throughout the video  so if you're looking to back up your content you   want to back up some of your important files and  documents either to the cloud or to another system   then this is the video for you so stick  around and let's get stuck into it so guys here we are on duplicacy.com now duplicacy  was a app that has been sitting in the sidelines   for a while when it first came out and then  started to pick up a little bit of steam once   people started seeing it in the community app  store i was one of them and i actually was told   about it by disc duck over in our community on  discord so i decided to check it out quite a   while ago and i really enjoyed it the app itself  works perfectly it does exactly what it says on   the box the only issue i had was trying to back  up to google which is obviously throttled so i   didn't know that at the time and i started looking  at some other options of places to back up too   so i'm actually revisiting this topic myself on a  personal level because i haven't actually deployed   anything that's taking up backups away from my  server now anyone that understands the principles   of backups it's obviously really important that  you have your core vital information and data   stored somewhere that is external to the location  of your server and there's many reasons for that   one is if your server dies all your backups that  are stored on that server are gone so they're kind   of useless at that point and on top of that if  something was to happen in your home or wherever   your server is stored you want a off-site backup  somewhere that is completely isolated from your   environment there so if something happens  like a fire god forbid whatever it might be   that backup survey somewhere else and can't be  affected so then you have that redundancy factor   which kind of the point of having backups i think  so let's look into duplicacy so here we are on   the website like i said and as it describes  itself it's a new generation cross-platform   cloud backup tool backs up your files to many  cloud storages with client-side encryption and   the highest level of deduplication so how do they  implement this if we have a look here they're lock   free deduplication is what they've noted and it  works by relying on the basic file system api   to manage deduplicated chunks without using  any locks so what they call a two-step fossil   collection algorithm it's designed to solve that  fundamental problem of deleting unreferenced   chunks under the lock free condition making  deletion of old backups possible without using a   centralized chunk database now it's a whole bunch  of jargon and if i was to translate that for you   especially with this image here it's quite  helpful basically you've got a persistent level in   the middle and the two duplication will work  without having to actually lock the files in order   for it to perform the backup until completion  it'll use these fossil chunks instead and using   that algorithm it can mean that the chunks are not  locked they're basically in free drive the entire   time as it backs up those pieces to the cloud  then we've got extensive cloud support so as you   can see they support many different providers for  your backups to store to in the cloud from google   drive google cloud dropbox you know you name it it  basically has that built-in support now the thing   i found with using a lot of these backup tools is  sometimes you have to jerry rig things in order   for it to work with the tool that you're using  or with something like backblaze you're paying   to get your content back so you know they might  offer really cheap incentives to get you in and   back your content up to them before you realize  that if you actually wanted to get that data back   to restore it it's going to cost you an arm and a  leg and we only have two arms and two legs guys so   one arm and one leg that's gonna be you  know half a body gone now they also have a   web-based gui now i love gooeys guys you know  this i love gooeys i don't know what you want   to call it i just have an addiction to them i  love looking at graphs and all sorts of stuff   you know as much as command line gives you power  power to you if you're using it but i just love a   good gui so it is really nice and clean and  we'll show you that once we install it and   then for those who do love the command line they  have a powerful command line interface as well   and we'll discuss that in a minute when we look  at the pricing options their source code is open   source so you can have a look at their source code  gain insights into how it works and what it does   and of course that is a very very important  thing for us here that we like to advocate   so good on them for doing that now as i mentioned  just before the command line version is free   and the commercial license can be purchased at  about 50 bucks per machine now if you're using   it for personal reasons it's even cheaper again  however if you want the gui version it's paid   okay so let's make that clear i'll go through  the pricing in a second as well and it's fully   customizable so you can customize everything if  you're one that's using it for commercial purposes   you can also do that as well so really helpful  for your business obviously if you want to have   an in-house system set up to take backups let's  have a look at their pricing if we go to buy   here's what the pricing looks like and the  license types that they offer they've got a   personal one a commercial one and a cli license so  let's say we want to go personal you can install   only on one home computer to backup personal  files so not for business reasons and the   pricing starts at twenty twenty dollars for the  first computer and ten dollars for each one after   then each year it's actually cheaper so it goes  down to five dollars per computer and two dollars   for each additional license now if you're going  to be using it for home and you don't want to pay   anything at all then you can run the cli version  which is completely free so as it says here the   cli version is free for personal use in addition  if the operation is to restore or manage existing   backups the cli version can be run by anyone  on any computer without a cli license the rest   of them are subscription based okay but i think  honestly guys it's a reasonable price all right   first year 20 bucks after that five dollars i  mean you can't really complain with that i know we   really you know i've noticed in the community that  people like to save money fair enough we all like   to save money free and open source is fantastic  but if you can support a developer for as little   as five dollars a year and you're having a very  powerful tool that's doing exactly what it says   it's going to do not some sort of beta thing then  that's pretty good price and i think you should   support developers like that so then you've got  some other information about the licensing here   you've got some faqs we're not going to really  bother going with that you can check it out if you   like duplicacy.com and it's under the banner of  acrosync llc for anyone that wanted to know that   they also have a forum link here as well so you  can go check out their forum if you're interested   and that's pretty much it so i at first at  this point in the video i need to let you   know that we're going to be installing the gui  version we're going to be using the gui version   i think it's a better option for me personally  and i think other people that like gui versions   will enjoy it once you've decided on  a license go ahead and click licenses   and choose a license for yourself once you've  done that then you can join us for the install   so we've jumped into our unread server we've gone  into the app store and we've looked up duplicacy   and today we're going to be going with mr hoshio's  repository we like mr hoshio he's a very valuable   member of our community he's also a very good  template provider and provides great docker images   so thank you mr hoshio we realize you're a  bit hot-headed sometimes but you're a good   bloke nevertheless nothing against here as well  if you guys want to try the self-hostess unraid   no problem there at all but we're just going to  be going with this one today so once you click   to install click default and you'll get to the  template page now in the template page we've added   a couple of paths we've added one path and edited  a couple of others so you also probably look a   little bit different so let's just make it the  same we want our custom docker network we always   pick our custom docker network that's it there  if you don't know how to do that we made a one   minute video on how to create that go ahead and  check that out the port we don't need to change   the config path is pretty much the same whether  you want to if you want to change it you can   for the cache now in my scenario duplicacy is in  updater and appdata is set on my shares to always   be on the case regardless so that's somewhere  where i would want it to stay on the cache anyway   by having it under the duplicacy folder and having  a cache roller under that i know it's still going   to always be on the cache so i'm just going to  leave it at that if for some reason your app   data isn't on the case you might consider having a  share that's just cache only or changing this from   mnt user to mnt cache same goes for logs i don't  mind it being under there that's fine now the one   we've added is this path here okay we've added  a share ourself now if i go to shares real quick   i have a share called backups and in this share  we've got our folders that are created by the   backup tool so if i go to settings real quick go  to backup and restore app data that's where my   backups for app data are stored so that's really  for me what i want to back up now if you have   something else that you want to back up that's  not part of this you just want to make sure that   you've got the folder mapped so that it can show  in the gui of duplicacy so again like i said this   is where my backups are stored so that's what i  want to show in the gui and be able to map to it   so once you're happy with that there's nothing  else you need to do it's pretty straightforward   it's just a couple of fields then you can go  ahead and click apply and start up the container   now when you first start up it's going to ask you  to set a password and confirm it go ahead and do   that and it'll bring you to the dashboard so this  is what the dashboard looks like it's pretty nice   and clean there's not much clutter there which is  what you want and there's a few options down the   side so we'll go through each one but the first  thing we'll start with is settings okay typically   settings has a lot of things that will help us set  things up later so we'll go to settings first now   in here we can set things like an external domain  address if that's something you want to do so you   can go ahead and put like your domain address if  you're going to reverse proxy it whatever the case   might be and that allows you to make sure it works  when you want to access it remotely we don't need   to change the directory or the logs we've already  mapped those in our container template so we know   where they're going if you want to change any of  your passwords so there's an encryption password   here and your admin password as well so going  down the sidebar again we'll go into storage   so clicking on storage it gives you a couple  of different options here you can backup the   items to another directory for example so if  you wanted to actually backup something from   one directory to another you can use this tool as  well so if it's something like an unassigned drive   that's on a different system you could map that  into your container template and then bring it up   in this directory here so you can then select it  and then have that backing up to another computer   i've also got sftp so if you've got an ftp server  somewhere you can use that instead you've got s3   b2 gcs so google cloud azure and google drive if  we click more you've got a whole bunch of other   ones here as well so dropbox webdav onedrive etc  etc there's so many options here there's no way we   could cover every single option but it's pretty  straightforward so it even gives you a quick   example of how to set it up and i think that's all  you really need but if you needed more they've got   their guides written out as well so let's look  at google drive so an access token is issued   by google in order to in order for duplicacy to  back up to it so it'll give you a link here we   click this to authorize it access files under  our google drive account so we'll click that   basically it took me to a google login page  and i picked the google account that i want to   backup stuff to and then it let me download a  json file now oddly enough it doesn't let you   pick stuff from your computer through this  field so it only lets me pick stuff from a   drive or share that's been pathed to the container  so what i've had to do is copy that json file that   google downloaded and i put it in the backup  share which we've mapped to the to the container   so if we select that and we click backups  there's our json token there so we'll click that   and then click on this now what it's doing  here is it's reading that json file and it's   picking up folders that are in our g drive so  we'll click on that and that's our shared drive   then under directory we can pick a directory that  we want to backup so let's say disk test video for   example click select and click continue i'll show  you what that looks like in drive so looking at   this in google drive you can see here's our shared  drive so ibracorp we go into that and then we've   got our disc.test video so it's a folder within  that again so what you would need to do is create   a shared drive all right pretty easy right click  new shared drive and then if you want to create a   folder under that called perhaps you know backups  or duplicacy or something like that so then once   you've got all that set and you're happy with it  go ahead and click continue so now it's going to   say we're going to initialize the storage so you  can choose to encrypt the storage by entering a   password below if you don't want a storage to be  encrypted just leave the password empty so storage   name i'm going to call it duplicacy i'm going  to go without encryption and click add now if   you do put a password in you want rsa encryption  so then you'll have to select that and put one in   i'm going to click add without a password that's  fine and so now we have a storage location set up   and it tells me exactly where it is in our google  drive what folder it's going to how much we've got   chunks and the status so we've set our storage  up now this is the beautiful of it it sets it up   as a separate thing so we've got storage and then  you go to backup so let's go to backup and in here   we'll click the plus again in the directory we're  going to say backups click select if you want to   give it a backup id you can or you can select  an existing one that's already in your storage   and we don't have one set up so we don't  need to worry about it but i can just put one   click save and there you go now in here is where  you have more options so you can click to include   certain folders within the folder that you've  mapped all right so if you wanted updater don't   want update or whatever the case might be so we're  going to go ahead and click all this we want these   to be backed up click save you can also exclude  stuff so the stuff you don't want will exclude   all right we don't want that json backed up click  save done under options if you click on this here   you've got the option to run some commands  now there's multiple different commands and   they do different things one thing i'll note  to you though is just bumping these numbers   up doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get  good performance there's many different factors   to consider for example if you're backing up to  google drive there are actually throttle limits   in place so you'll find that even if you're  bumping up the number you know exponentially   google drive will only allow you to back up a  certain amount a day and at a certain bandwidth   so it's probably not going to be the best option  you should really trial things as you go you find   all the commands on their website and in their  forums so i recommend you go through those because   it's a little bit too much for us to  go through in one video so now what   we've done is we've said we've set up a backup  location a place that we want to backup from   in storage we've set up a place you want to back  up to okay then you work yourself down to schedule   so in the schedule we'll say we'll call it  backups and i want it to start at 12 a.m   you know daily every day at 12 a.m run this  back up but then i can say all right well i   don't want it every single day of the week i  probably only want it this many days a week   whatever the case might be you then set a  maximum run time so let's say if it starts at 12   you probably want it to stop before the morning  if you know you're going to be using your server   or your bandwidth in the morning people wake up so  we can say maximum run time you know seven hours   click save so now we've created a schedule  we have a storage backup and a schedule   so now is where we create the actual job so click  add a job to this schedule and here you'll find   all the options that we set previously so the  type okay we want it to back up which backup do   we want to use we've already created our backups  id1 the path is going to be going from backups   and the storage is to our google  storage which we call duplicacy   any other options that you want to run and  then you can check whether to run this in   parallel with other jobs so you can say and i want  three different backups running at the same time   otherwise it's only going to run this by  itself and nothing else go ahead and click save   done so we've created a backup it's scheduled to  run in a day and nine hours we can even set an   email to send afterwards now once you check that  it's going to ask you to put in your smtp settings   i'm not going to bother doing that here but we've  gone through smtp many times if you want to see   our google gmail video it'll give you an example  of what you could use if you want to use gmail   so that's our backup schedule done how easy was  that it's really simple it's broken down into   several steps so it's not like you have to set up  one giant job and have all these settings in it   you actually break it down into multiple  levels and then you just pick those items   as you create the job which i think is a really  smart way to do it then the all important restore   function so if we click restore here we want to  restore our data which storage are we going to use   okay the one we call duplicacy it's gone and read  it it's come back and says we've got none in here   alright makes sense we haven't actually  backed up anything to it then you can pick   the revision and then you can pick where you want  to restore it to so for example you maybe want to   have a share called restored or have a folder  under backups called restored and have stuff   you know back up into there as well and  then you basically just click restore   now the one thing i haven't showed you yet is  applying our license now at the moment it's set   up it's a trial right off the bat so it expires in  29 days so go into any of these options here and   you'll see the trial options we'll just click  that and you pretty much paste your license   code so the license code that you got once you  purchased it paste it in here click activate done   don't have to worry about it anymore it will  automatically check for you now hazy was that   guys that's pretty straightforward i know we  don't have a backup actually running right now   but my app data is quite big so it's going  to take a while before we can do that   and as you know having two babies in the house  it's pretty hard to find that time sometimes   i hope you guys enjoyed that i hope it's a tool  that you might use for your backups and your   solutions at home or at work uh be sure to support  the developers like i said if it's a commercial   reason get the right license and you know support  them even 50 bucks a year that's pretty good   stay tuned guys as well soon we'll have our  ibracast coming out something that we will   announce separately at a later point in time we've  been thinking about doing a podcast for a while   and i think it's time that we start kicking it  into gear and we've already started working on   it now and it will allow us to have developers  and other community members join us on there   so that we can have a nice frank conversation  and just chill out i think it's going to be a   really really fun project to do so again i hope  you enjoyed that if you did please remember to   like and subscribe we really appreciate it we also  appreciate if you wanted to become a member on our   website ibra corp the io really helps us continue  the work we're doing and supporting us in our work   please also make sure you check our  docs page docs dot ibrocco io d-o-c-s   that means you can always get the written guides  up to date along with our videos where relevant   because obviously updating video format is really  really hard whereas updating our docs page is   really easy thank you guys i hope you enjoyed  that and we'll see you in the next apricorp video it
Views: 4,599
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Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, duplicacy, duplicacy vs duplicati, ibracorp 6.9.1, ibracorp unraid, unraid backup, selfhosted, nginx proxy manager, cloud backup solutions, cloud backup, google drive backup, duplicati unraid, duplicacy unraid, backup unraid, open-source, opensource, unraid tutorial, spaceinvader one, free backup, backup to amazon, backup to dropbox, encrypted backup, encrypted cloud backup, online backup, docker, duplicati, online backup comparison, disaster recovery
Id: yEr15Pms-IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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