How I backup my Synology NAS for PERFECT data protection.

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hey everyone and welcome to a new video on bite of geek today i'm going to be taking you through what i do to back up my file securely on my synology nas unit so let's get into it [Music] so if your idea of a backup is well you don't have one really you know you just spin around in your chair and hope that everything's going to be okay when you've saved it on your computer um you know this really isn't good enough in this day and age certainly with a lot of the cyber attacks that you get and uh you know your precious files being encrypted in order to extract money from you from evil hackers um you know what you need to do is use something like a nas unit you know they're especially good at storing lots of files uh securely you could still use things like you know dvds right or dvds something like that but i'm going to go through now is basically you know what you can do to help protect yourself when you've got your new synology nas unit and protect those files so the way i've got my system set up um you know i've got my nice new ds920 plus and basically you know i've i've set that up as a a raid configuration uh in the software on the on the dsm software and as we all know you know raid is not a backup solution raiders a way to protect uh the redundancy i guess you know resilience of the drives whilst they're in the uh in the nash unit so you know the drive fails you've potentially you've got the ability to recover some of that however you know what if you have a natural disaster something like that you know your house goes up in flames or you know you have an earthquake or you know somebody comes in and comes and steals your nas unit from where you've got it stored you've lost everything then so the the there are multiple ways you can do this and you know there's you can go beyond what i've got set up here um but you know i think this is a fairly easy one for most people to get set up and i must say there is a a small cost involved on this uh you know if you if you do go down this route but i'll show you how much uh it's actually cost me on a on a monthly basis so far so what i do is i have for all the important stuff on my computer including things like the content i produce for youtube i have a one-way synchronization process between my computer and the nas unit this is all free it's all part of the software that you get with this knowledge nas and we'll go through that in just a minute i'll show you how to get that all set up and then in addition to that i then have a synchronization process between my synology nas and a cloud storage provider in this instance it's backblaze and um you know that is costing me uh pennies per month really to store the really important uh things that you know i'll never get back things like photographs uh and documents and things like that so um that's what i'm doing in terms of a in terms of a backup plan and it's a really simple process to set up and we'll go through that now okay so because this is a two-stage process you um you can either just have it set so you're going to sync your files from your computer to your nes unit or you could go that one step further and then have that synchronized with a cloud storage service in this instance i'm going to go through back blaze but you can apply all of these steps or you can just do the first half or you could do the second half if you're going to if you're going to um just copy files onto your nas uh inaudible unit by yourself okay so to synchronize your computer to your nas unit what you need to do you need to go into dsm and go into your package center and you want to install an application called synology drive server so just click on install just let that get downloaded and installed on your system after a few seconds what you get you just get this little prompt here about the firewall notification so you want to allow that to go through if you then you then get a prompt security enhancements for newly installed packages better supported after you've refreshed the web page so if you just say yes for that and your dsm will just quickly refresh and then you can go back into your package center your install packages and just open up the synology drive server again so we'll just open that and uh you just read these three screens if you uh if you need to um they're just you know basically some additional functionality you can set up um but basically what you'll get to then is you'll get to this page in the admin console which is your team folders so i'm going to basically enable the synchronization on my youtube and my photographs folders so we'll just click on that and you get some version control settings here um you know it's these are entirely up to you you have to think about you know how many iterations back you want to be able to you know recover files if you need to so i'm just going to leave these as the default and you might need to go into your control panel to go and set up user privileges on this but you know that really depends upon what account you've actually gone and used for for this this whole process and then just enable it on my photographs as well okay so they're the the main bits there the other pages basically you've got some information there um you know with regards to uh the the synchronization server itself uh which you can look at and you've also got your client list as well so so i have no client software installed at the moment so this is the next step that you need to do and you need to go to the synology download center there is actually a link in the in the dsm help for this and you select which unit you are using and but what you want to do you want to download the synology drive client so you just download that we'll download the exe and we will run that and i'm just going to install that to default locations default settings and then to run it so click on finish basically once that's installed you'll then get a pop-up screen and you need to put in your nas name or ip address so then you just need to use your an account with the appropriate permissions and uh click on the next button and so it's just asking me if i want to use the quick connect well you know i'm not planning on moving this computer around or anything like that so just say no to that i get a warning about ssl certificates we'll just say proceed through with that and then it checks the username and password so then what you get is you get two options a sync task and a backup task well i'm syncing the files here so we'll choose sync task um so i'm going to select the folders uh that i've enabled under nas so i'm going to specify the youtube folder and then um the folders that we want on the um the actual computer itself so in this instance i am specifying the whole of a drive because that's all my youtube content is in there so and the other thing to do really um what what i've done is i've unticked create an empty synology drive folder okay so basically what i've got set here is um on my nas the youtube folder is going to have a synchronization with everything called drive h so i'm leaving the on-demand sync enabled so basically whenever i modify any of the files or add a new one or something like that that will get shoved off onto the synology nas so click on done and then it's just going to apply some changes the only other thing here is so this is running at the moment what i want to do is i want to change the sync rules so i'm just pause that and i go into sync rules and the sync mode so at the moment this is a two-way sync and what i want is i want uh that to be upload the data to the synology drive server only um but to keep any files that i delete locally i want those uh going on to the server now you could have a two-way sync um you could have them only coming in from your nas server so you know if you've got other people loading files on d7 you want them to go on your computer it's entirely up to you your workflow this is what i'm setting up this is not um you know necessarily what you need to set up so and then when i've done that i will resume that if we just go back into client list and i've refreshed that now i've got my client showing there so we can close that and we can close that there what will actually happen is you just get this little pop up here as it starts synchronizing files uh from my machine uh onto the nas and that's what it's doing is its initial task and then after that anything that i change will then automatically get uploaded to the nas and it's as straightforward as that there's lots of other settings that you can play around with you know you can change how much bandwidth it uses and things like that and how many files it does and and whatnot um so you can configure it to how much or how little you want to overload your network or not um but you know i think it's a great tool for synchronizing uh your your files from your local computer onto your nas okay so the the next bit that you want to do then is you're going to want to synchronize your files from your nas unit to some kind of cloud storage now um what i'm going to do i'm going to go through the setting up so i'm using back blaze for this so i'm going to go through the setup for back blaze at first because it's just a little bit easier to show you there so um with backblaze so you're using the b2 cloud storage and um you i think you can get 10 gigabytes free before you start getting charged so um you know 10 gig might be sufficient for you but um you know it is a um you know you need to look at the pricing to see whether that is something that's going to work for what your needs are so um i'm predominantly using it just to keep an additional storage of files and documents so what you need to do set up your account i won't go through that process because it is fairly straightforward and then when you get in there you get this screen where you get to create a storage bucket so uh this is not your um this is not a folder this is just basically um you know a an area of cloud storage that you've got that you can actually then put things into so i'm going to create a bucket and i'm going to give it a name and i'm going to set this as being private i'm not putting any encryption on on this um but you know i think if you've got um you know sensitive information you probably want to consider encryption on that and um you know you've also got this object lock as well so um you know you may want to enable or disable that i'm leaving it as disabled at the moment so i'm going to create the bucket so now you've got your bucket set up the other thing that you need to do is you need to create a kind of like an application key so this is uh to allow your nas unit to be able to talk to backblaze so uh you know there will be different things on different cloud storage uh services but on this instance here i just need to create a new application key and so i need to set it it's got read and write permissions and uh you know we'll leave everything else as default there so you know i'll be giving a key id there the thing to to note is there is some private information it only appears once so you need to copy that to your clipboard so that you've got that available and you're going to need that for when you set up the application in your synology now so you go back into your dsm and you go back into package manager and what you're looking for then is the cloud sync so you install that okay and then you can open it so what you get then you get to choose from a list of providers as you can see there there's uh google cloud shared drive there's uh azure there's dropbox onedrive all kinds of stuff there so you may already have an account set up with somebody else somebody on this list there so you know you can you know hook your unit up to one of those uh say i'm using backlash so um so then what it's it's then asking for are those uh parameters um that was specified in the uh in the uh in the previous page so the first one it needs is the key id and then it needs the application key as well and then when you put those in you can click on the bucket name and it will have connected to backblaze and it will give you your bucket name you put that in you then need to say you know what is it that is your your local stuff that you're going to be uh taking so in this instance i'm only taking the content of the photographs folder so this is uh kind of all of the the stuff that i'm really interested in uh keeping a a an external copy of the files and then the remote path um well you know you can just stick it in the root folder if you wanted to or if you've got another folder there and then sync directional um sync direction is uh well so you can either have bi-directional um or you know download remote changes or upload local changes only so i'm going to have this as upload local changes only because i want this just going up into backblaze so you can then set a schedule and basically any any of the blue blocks is going to run and you know anything that's not being marked as blue it will be suspended so we'll just set that like that and then click on next and click on apply and that's it so that is now uh syncing one file it says and there you go so it's it's counting up 9999 files now obviously prior to this i've already had this set up so i've actually deleted those files and this is resyncing those again but to give you an idea of what the cost is on that okay so for a month's worth of storage um was 65 cents to keep a copy of all those uh all those files so that would have been 65 gigabytes there so take off the 10 gig that you get free so 55 gigabytes of uh of data photographs etc was costing 65 cents to store those for a month so quite cheap actually for for an entire year so once you've got that set there you can you can close that and um and that is it you know that will go away and start syncing all your files so what's your backup plan for all your documents and your precious family photos and you know emails and things like that if you've got something similar to what i've gone through today or have you got something even more advanced than what i've already gone and described when you share it down below in the comments i'd love to hear what your thoughts are on this video and you know maybe what you're doing yourself um but you know if you've enjoyed this video guys you know hit that like button and you know if you're new here and you're not a subscriber then hit the subscribe button for more content like this however as always thanks for watching the video and i'll see you in the next one bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Byte of Geek
Views: 597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology nas, how to, synology diskstation backup, synology nas backup, synology drive, synology nas setup, synology nas apps, synology nas backup computer, synology nas backup software, synology nas backup options, synology nas backup pc, synology drive server, synology drive client setup, synology drive setup, synology backup to backblaze b2, synology nas cloud backup, synology nas offsite backup, synology backblaze, synology backblaze b2, synology backblaze backup
Id: 8QR9LEr5F0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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