DUNE Part 3: What's Next & Book Changes - Dune: MESSIAH Explained!

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[Music] this prophecy is how they enslave us hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so Dune part two ends on a dark Cliffhanger Hall defeats all of his enemies and he unleashes a holy war on the universe a war that will cause the deaths of billions this makes Chie leave Paul setting up the story for the next chapter and yes there will be a dune part 3 the nille Anu confirmed that the movie is in the works and will adapt the second book in Frank Herbert's epic series Dune Messiah a very complicated and trippy sequel that subverts Paul's story and explores the terrible consequences of the first book you are not prepared for what is to come but chny leaving Paul in part two is a major departure from the book so we're going to explore what's going to happen in the next movie how the changes from the book will influence part three like CH story and what would they do with aiyah and how different Dune Messiah is going to be with this new Direction but that's not all we're also going to explain what's next for the Dune universe beyond the third movie like the upcoming prequel show and other projects that could happen in the future and guys I just want to let you know we have this awesome spice Krispy shirt for sale at our merch store screencrush merch.com where we design all the merch ourselves I freaking love the detail in this shirt notice it says a racus instead of Kelloggs at the top toasted spice the sand worm coming out of the cereal you can get yours at our merch store link which is below I am Paul Diva trades Duke of arus okay first we need to explain when we're actually getting Dune part 3 according to den villanu the script is nearly finished however it's unclear when exactly the movie is going to be coming out but I want it now but part two is doing very well and it is an incredible movie so I'm sure we're not going to have to wait that long although the director said he doesn't want to rush Dune Messiah they want to get it right and yes please take your time den please take your time give us another Epic movie to cap off this Trilogy because adapting Dune Messiah is going to be a major challenge the book subverts Paul's story and it explores the consequences of the choices made by people who believe that they can shape the entire universe and it is a very dense and complex story filled with political schemes betrayals and some very trippy ideas such as clones and even shape shifters hey person please don't spoil the book for me oh no don't worry we're going to keep the spoilers to a minimum so to explain how we get to part three let's explain how the ending of part two sets up Dune Messiah part two ends with Paul starting the holy war why did I do that well Paul was conflicted about his visions and he actively tried to prevent them however everything changed after fed rotha attacked C Taber Paul sees visions of ch's death and he understands that if he doesn't Embrace his Destiny the heinens will Massacre all the fmen this puts Paul on the path of fulfilling the fan prophecy these people have waited for centuries for the lizen AL it's their name for messiah and after Paul drinks the Water of Life he fully awakens to squit its Tarak Powers now he sees many Futures all at once and the One path that will lead him to Victory and dune Messiah this calculation of the perfect future is called the Golden path a path that will save Humanity but it will come with a terrible price the holy war a small price to pay for salvation from the moment Paul's ability to foresee the future is fully awakened he must follow a set path with no deviation this is why Paul's entire personality changes he weaponizes the Fan's prophecy controlling them through dangerous religious extremism and at the end of the movie Paul defeats all of his enemies and claims the title of Emperor however the other great houses reject his Ascension and this forces Paul to unleash the Fran on the universe and wage the holy war that he saw in his Visions so while Paul can see the future clearly he's also completely blinded by it he is trapped in a paradox he must follow the predetermined path from his Visions no matter what you said one out of 14 million we win yeah tell me this is it if I tell you what happens it won't happen and according to what he's seen the holy war is a far less terrible outcome than the other Futures that could have happened and this is what Dune Messiah explores Paul's conflicts with the golden path however part two has two major departures from the book which change everything going into the third movie the first is channie's choice in the end the second is the role that Aaliyah plays in this film but let's start with Chie first in the book chny stays with Paul and she doesn't really protest the holy war and while Paul marries iron she's his wife only in name Chie is Paul's unofficial wife but in part two chani leaves Paul after what he's done to her people so why did CH leave Paul well part two explores the complexity of the fan culture something that ties into Dune Messiah the fman from the south like sgar are fully devoted to the Lan Alay prophecy and we see that sgar and these other fmen are kind of religious Fanatics who are willing to do anything for Paul and contrast younger fmen from the north such as chani do not believe in the prophecy in fact it seems like they don't follow any religion and instead they fight for their freedom chani doesn't see Paul as a savior she and the others respect him because of his actions she even tells him that you will never lose me as long as you stay who you are meaning the man she fell in love with and not some mythical Messiah and this is why Chi cannnot stand by Paul after what he does to her people he doesn't free them he turns them into a weapon in his War it is the ultimate Betrayal on top of that Paul takes iron as his wife right in front of chny and again you're breaking my heart and I mean just look at the framing of this shot everyone in the room bows down before Paul with him standing between Chie and irulan and now there is a visual Chasm between Paul and Chie afterwards Chie leaves refusing to join his holy war and this sets a conflict between these two lovers and while this is a departure from the book it's a really smart change going into the next movie from the moment Paul Embraces the prophecy our perspective as the audience shifts from Paul to Chie seeing the perspective of an anti-hero is always fascinating however Frank Herbert intended Paul to represent a warning against charismatic leaders and hero worship the dangers of powerful individuals who gain absolute power over the minds of their Believers wasn't I chosen to save you is it not my god-given purpose to protect the United States of America and based on part two villanu clearly intends to see Herbert's Vision through the people closest to Paul like Jessica and gurnie fully support him Jessica even incentivizes Paul to follow this dark golden path and most of the fen now see Paul as their space Jesus so it makes sense that the hero role will shift to chny in the third film since it is her people that Paul is going to be abusing now we should mention that after Paul drinks the Water of Life he tells Jessica that he saw that chaani will come to understand what he's doing but it's unclear what that actually means did Paul see a future where chani will forgive him or was he talking about CH joining the battle at the end of this movie and the question is what will she do about the holy war after all we don't know if all the fman join Paul or if it's only the people from the South it is possible that the younger fman from the north the ones who don't believe in the prophecy will reject this holy war and Chie could unite them to stop Paul and stop his holy war across the Galaxy now in the book Chie has a very different story and part two might have already teased that with ch's blue scarf but this is something we're going to talk about in our spoiler portion later in the video but without spoiling any major plot details in the second book some fmen become disillusioned with Paul these Fen believed that Paul's ways had caused the assimilation of their culture some of these fmen even joined a conspiracy to bring down Paul this plot against Paul is a major plot point of Dune messiah in the movie Chie could take the role of a leader among the friendman who reject the prophecy and then she might even lead them against Paul after seeing the horrors of the holy war because in the book the holy war led to the deaths of 60 billion people oh that's a lot of people this Paul guy is not a hero he's a Darth Vader exactly Paul's story parallels Anakin falling to the dark side so in a way Chie could be a mixture of Padme and Obi-Wan like if Padme had led the rebels against Vader in the Empire and that's what we see happening in part three chny leading her people against Paul and The Fanatic fman but rather than trying to kill him chani will try to save him from himself but Chie might represent something that Paul has lost hope she might be the key to stopping the madness and helping Paul find Hope and a better path for the future and this will create a conflict for Paul because chani might pull him away from the path that he saw in his visions and in fact there might be forces in play by other factions that deliberately incite this conflict to bring down Paul but more on that in a moment the other departure from the books in part two is the role of Aaliyah Paul's unborn sister you see in the first book there is a 2-year time Jump after Paul and Jessica join the fan in that time Jessica gives birth to Aaliyah however Aaliyah is born fully conscious she's like an adult in a child's body right how did that happened because Jessica drank the water of Life while carrying aiyah in her womb get out of my mind until you tell them both who I really am now in this movie there's no time Jump so Jessica is still pregnant with Aaliyah at the end of the film but Aaliyah communicates with her mother with telepathy from the womb and she seems to be a really snarky baby Paul sees an adult Aaliyah in his vision played by Ana Taylor Joy now the second book takes place 12 years after after the events of the first but it's unclear if there's going to be that much of a Time jump in the next movie I mean Aliah is clearly older than 12 in this Vision this might indicate that there won't be a huge time Jump after part two and the third film will have two versions of Aaliyah a creepy child Aaliyah and an adult Aaliyah who will appear in Paul's Visions this way Aaliyah will be a constant reminder of Paul's future so basically A visual representation of his struggles with the path that he is on in fact Aaliyah could take the role that jamus had in Paul's Visions he's the fman that Paul had to kill in part one one that duel put Paul on the path of joining the fman and eventually fulfilling the prophecy jamus has been appearing in Paul's Visions even before his death he was sort of like his guide like a force cirst something like that so now Paul sees the future clearly Aaliyah will replace jamus in his visions and she will try to push him to follow the golden path whenever he doubts it along the golden path the standing right in front of you but you must decide in that case there doesn't need to be a huge time Jump in part three and this way we could see the holy war actually happening because you see by the start of Dune Messiah the holy war is mostly finished and that was what Frank Herbert was going for he wasn't so much interested in Big Space Battles he wanted to explore the consequences of Paul's decision but for the movie we need to see the horror of what Paul has Unleashed on the universe this will be important when Chie leads her own faction of fman to stop this war where she can now lead the Fran into a better fate than the one Paul has prepared for them now earlier we have spoken about forces who will incite the fit against Paul and this this is a major plot point in the book multiple factions joined forces to create a conspiracy to overthrow and kill Paul the Benny Jr and Princess iron were part of this Alliance but person didn't the space riches want to create their one so why are they mad about Paul that is true the many J plann to create the quit hatak for centuries however they wanted to control the one they cannot control Paul so in the second book the Benny jesset want to remove Paul from power but they need Paul and iron to make a baby and then create a new quitch cataract that they can control they're joined by the spacing Guild who held full control over space travel for a long time and now their Monopoly is at risk and the other faction is the biggest addition to the Dune universe and they're the tle lexu so there are aliens in Dune now no they're not aliens the TXU or the Benet TXU are genetically modified humans but they are so far removed from Humanity they might actually be aliens some TXU are genetically modified to be shape shifters called face dancers they're basically like The Faceless Men from Game of Thrones V also the texu can bring people back from the dead with clones they even bring back somebody who died in part one to trick Paul and we might have already gotten a tease to the texu in the movies remember that spider Creature from the first film oh I don't like that it's too creepy yeah so freaky but it gets worse because the Reverend mother uses the voice on the spider get out it understands it understands because it used to be human so it was likely Modified by the texu anyway all the factions work against Paul and dune Messiah and the TXU are a key to finding a way to negate Paul's ability to see the future all of this sets up a really epic part three considering the ending of part two I do believe the film will focus on the fman conflict and the horrible consequences of Paul's actions now before we talk Major Spoilers for the future of Dune there is another Dune project that is coming out this year and it's the Dune prophecy show which is set to air on Max later this year what's this show about person well dun prophecy is a prequel show that takes place 10,000 years before the events of part 1 and it will follow two Harkin and sisters as they fight the forces that threaten the future of humanity and they established the Benny jesset the show is based on Sisterhood of Dune a book that was written by Frank Herbert's son Brian and Kevin J Anderson this story takes place at a chaotic time when the Galactic Civil War was raging this was the era that led to the formation of the Imperium and the Benny jesset and it also was the beginning of the spacing Guild who monopolized space travel with the help of the spice so this is a really fascinating era in the Dune Universe the concept of the early Ben jesser dealing with the chaotic era for Humanity parallels the uncertain times that follow Dune part two also since part two is the end of the Corino Empire it's fitting that the prequel will explore how it all began now we should mention that the show had a very Rocky production with multiple showrunners and directors leaving the project due to creative differences and the entire production was overhauled after filming had already begun ER that's never a good sign no it's not but fingers crossed that this prequel show will be what house of the Dragon is for Game of Thrones The Dune universe is so fascinating and there is a gold mine of Storytelling for future movies and shows yes and then we could also have the Dune MCU well I don't think we have to do that but this does lead us to the future of Dune Deni villanu said that he is interested in ending his Trilogy with Dune Messiah but there are four sequels to the second book at least the ones written by Frank Herbert part three should be the end for villanu story but we do think that Dune should continue with Children of Dune and God emperor of Dune those books are about Paul's Legacy and we believe that they could be adapted into a TV show and so this brings us to some Major Spoilers for the book so you guys have been warned the sequels to Dune Messiah follow Paul and ch's children lato II and ghama and dune part two might have given us a hint that shaie is pregnant she wears a blue scarf on her head but right before the final battle she wraps it around her arm now this scarf is very important because in fman culture it means pregnancy and motherhood in the first book Paul and shaie have a child ler the second but he was killed by the sarda car so the blue scarf might be a hint to Chie being pregnant but if she is they will likely skip right into ghma and later the second right another Le yep different boys same name oh like Aon yes like aegon in the second book after years of struggles Chie gives birth to twins L II and Gama lato grows up to be even more powerful than Paul and he's the one who fulfills his father's golden path leading to thousands of years of humanity suffering all to eventually save it so I have chosen to make a world where humankind can create its own future from moment to moment and free of future predetermined also ler sort of becomes a human sandworm oh me n I'm just a worb oh this story needs to be told but I think that the long form of a TV show will be a better adaptation for Children of Dune and God emperor of Dune so that's what we think is next for Dune but what do you guys think is going to happen in part 3 and should there be more Dune after the third film and what stories do you hope to see adapted big shout out to the writer and editor of this video Mr Pavel T you can find his links Below guys let us know what you think down in the comments or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary a
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Views: 215,889
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Keywords: dune part 3, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, dune part 3 trailer, dune part 3 trailer reaction, dune part 3 reaction, dune part 3 messiah, dune part 3 confirmed, dune part 3 trailer music, dune part 3 audiobook, dune part 3 story, dune part 3 malayalam explanation, dune entombed fecundity part 3, dune part 2 trailer 3 breakdown, dune part 2 trailer 3 song, dune part 3 sotry
Id: kKMB6HgZmM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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