DUNE Part 2 Official Trailer Breakdown | New Characters Explained, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed

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it's breathtaking when you see sand here imagine water if you dive in you can't reach the bottle you dive in yes it's called swimming I don't I don't believe you Shadows of Iraqis lie many secrets it's the darkest of them all may remain the end of House of treaties the father didn't believe in Revenge okay so the new trailer for June part 2 is here and throughout this video we're going to be going through everything in it and talking about the new characters Easter eggs and how things relate to the book we start off with Paula trades and Cheney sat on a June which A promise is the best Easter egg that you're gonna get we're starting off strong and this is an affectionate moment between the pair in which he explains his home on Caledon and how it differs from Life on arrakis in case you need a quick ketchup on the events of the Past movie then in that we join the atrates on kaladan which was made up of Paul his father the Duke leader and his mother slash fathers concubine known as lady Jessica Empress Dom IV via trades as being a threat to his Rule and thus he gave them power of the desolate planet of Iraqis says way to knock them down the ladder Jessica is also part of a group known as the Benny Jesuit who are a coven of Jedi like nuns that have their hands in both politics and also religion of the Millennia they can ingested spice to imbue them with psychic-like abilities and this gives them powers to the point that they're even able to control the gender of their child before it's born Jessica was instructed to have a daughter but Judah her love to the Duke she went against this and instead gave him the Sun that he'd always wanted originally Jessica's daughter was supposed to be wet to fade who he ended up meeting in this first look played by Austin Butler the pair were going to unite the hawk Conan and arthritis house which would have hurt the war and rivalry that they've had for centuries fade is very much Paul's doppelganger as both are powerful Sons within their own houses that will take over rule one day have you seen the original David Lynch movie then this is the guy who was played by Sting I even see a clip of the final knife either the pair have in the film come the end of the teaser I love the way that some of the scenes with him are shot and we see them in high contrast black and white which really makes them jump off the screen this could potentially be a flashback that explains a character we'll talk about later on whilst also giving us everything we need to know about fade now Butler is of course coming off the back of Elvis and he's a great look to have in the film stinging that first movie he was memorable yeah but he did just kind of stand around smirking and didn't really do much I don't think they've hammered home enough how much he was supposed to be a dark version of Paul but in this teaser I get that idea instantly now I'm gonna try and stay away from spoilers as much as possible as there are some things that will probably ruin the movie if I talk about them too much how about we are going over things that I know the outcome of so it's a bit difficult to dress them up as being theories when I'm well aware of what happens so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna avoid talking about the fates of characters but I think anything beyond that like their backstory is stuff you can know without ruining the movie for you so that's what I'm just gonna stick to anyway we begin with Cheney and Paul discussing calendar backed it back to that intro shot now in the prior film she appeared mostly in dreams with Paul prophesizing that the pair would end up together she's clearly taken in by Paul all and no it's just things we take for granted like water Cheney sees them as being incredible this makes Paul seem almost magical even though it's very straightforward now this is something that's laced throughout the subtext of June and even how Paul's character is portrayed you see Paul is also supposed to be a messiah known as the quizzes hadarak always the pronunciation of that but to be fair it's quite a difficult thing to say but a good way to remember it is um it was a quiz that had a Raj give a dog a bone anyway ruin the video there but Paul is prophesized to be this Messiah and throughout the teaser we see the fremin becoming swept up in this however that's a lie and in case you missed the subtext in the first film the betting Jesuit was simply using religion to manipulate people they felt they could control the masses by saying someone was the Messiah now over time people would start to believe it themselves and fall in line in following him that's why when still God sees him doing incredible things he's caught up in the belief too and it's is also a reason why so many people follow Paul in the end now Cheney Falls victim to it as well and I'm sure you can guess that the pair are falling in love without me putting a spoiler warning over it well that's made Complicated by the voiceover we get by Florence Pugh he's actually playing princess Airline who will be acting as a sort of narrator in the movie This ties in with the book and almost every chapter is headed up by some narration from her which has been carried across the air it's also how the 84 films started with her monologuing all the backstories of the characters in the beginning Airline is the emperor's daughter and she somewhat acts as a way to avert the war which shall not spoil see I'm nice like that now whilst all this is going on we see Lady Jessica being escort across the desert with bright blue eyes this shows that she's ingested a lot of spice and I think this is taking place after the ritual shinjiers that turns into a reverend mother she has the markings on her face and also seems similar the vision that Paul had of her in the cave in the first movie it's a complete opposite to how she was treated in the first film and in that stelgar refused to take her in at first until she demonstrated the weirding way here though she's being escort almost like she's in a Royal Carriage which is shaped to look like a cocoon huge it out to things story for putting out that she has a crown and this cocoon could also be a metaphor for her upcoming rebirth he noticed that the Cocoon itself has almost snake-like skin to it and it's possibly hinting that this is made of a worm anyway in the book she ingests something called The Water of Life which rapidly expands the minds of those that consume it it allows one to reach across the Galaxy mentally and make someone become almost like a god later on in the teaser we see her gasping for air with her eyes open and this comes off the back of several moments with the Benny Jesuit amongst these shots is Margo fenring who's going to be played by Leah Sido and she's a high-ranking member of the group and she's also Married To The Man Tad has Amir fenring in case you don't know men tats are basically human computers and they often act as aids to houses people ended up shying away from using artificial intelligence and instead these are people who've ingested so much spice that it makes them like math wizards they have brains to advance that they're almost like computers and can carry a complex calculations in seconds which makes them very valuable again lots of law to talk about and not much time to do it now calling back to that first film we also get a picture of the Duke burning which is a similar one to the Israelis ancestor that we saw hanging up on kaladan he was wearing a bullfighter's uniform and as we learn in that movie it very much tied in with their history this shows that the harkonans are destroying every trace of the atriotes and that they believe they wiped out the entire line what if Paula treaties were still alive foreign questioning whether Paul is still alive this could potentially be to her father who we know is going to be played by Christopher Walken a Christopher Walken and talking and I think her asking if he's still alive could be her seeing if there's a way to avert the war spice is the most valuable asset in the universe because it allows for Interstellar travel and also because it's used as a drug rakis is the only place it can be formed from and because of this it's very sought after Paul and Co having an army there could mean that they rise up and put an end to the emperor's rules so Airline will probably be a key piece in the film that will try and put a peaceful end of the conflict seems like she's got way more agency than she did in the 84 film which I think is probably a better way to handle things among CIS we get a shot of Gurney confirming that he survived the attack in the first film I'm guessing that this movie is going to cover the major time span that the first book does due to the length of his hair at this point compared with the prior movie Paul and Co were out in the desert for years but eventually they came across Gurney during a battle turned out that he'd hooked up with some Smugglers and that he'd actually ended up becoming the leader of them still God was attempting to take them out I think it it is quite complicated and then Paul saw Gurney on the battle and the pair put their weapons aside this gave Paul a much stronger Army and he's gonna need it for the hakonans that we see in the next shot along with fade we also get Rabanne who once was played by Dave Batista he's shown by the baron and judging by this shot I think that the family is now back to ruling over arakis raban is one of The Baron's key team members and he's someone at the framing Clash against which may be hinted at in the next shot and we see some knife fights on both sides clearly foreshadowing the big one that comes between fate and Paul have you ever had a dream about your first ride [Music] you're brave we all know that be simple be direct nothing fancy I understand nothing fancy [Music] so yeah I mean now this bit's pretty straightforward and here we catch Paul riding a sand worm for the first time he attracts Us by using a thumb power which we also saw popping up in that first movie I think the scene is important though as it shows that he too has self-belief and that he started to bind to this prophecy this gives him the confidence to go above and beyond what others would and it also makes him believe that he's right now one of the key plot points in June is about how damning that prophecy can actually be if he believes something is morally Justin right then it enables you to do Terrible Things June eventually evolves into a story about genocide and it makes you question whether Paul was actually a good man or not because of everything that happens due to him it's really thought provoking stuff with it showing how evil is often done in the name of good which we know from our own histories several religions have murdered people on mass because they believe that they were right and doing it in the name of God which Paul also embodies anyway it's a nice heroic moment so sorry for putting such a downer on it mate it looks good and he gets to ride a giant worm yay now this of course calls back to what he saw at the end of the first film and it also clearly shows the framing that he's special [Music] we gave them something to hope for that's not hope May thy knife chip and shatter [Applause] and we end the teaser with several shots of the characters ramping up to this big final moment that teases at the incoming War we get ships closing in fade continuing to clash in the Gladiator Arena Margo watching on and also a moment of sexual tension between the pair later on as I mentioned though she's known for being married to hasimir who will be played by Tim Blake Nelson now we learn in the book that she's somewhat playing both sides with things and she's actually revealed to be a spy I could see her possibly pretending to love fade so that she can get in fun things and the black and white stuff being a flashback could fill in some blacks Margot tried to warn the Israelis about the attack in the first movie which we may see being said appear that stuff being in black and white and then this being in color could show that Fades suspects her and that in this moment he's questioning whether she's a spy or not could be wrong with that but the pair don't kiss or as we see this happening with Chaney and Paul he promises he'll never lose her which we'll see and we also see the captured fremin leadership she's surrounded by hakon and soldiers and we can see on the ground that there's two dead birds these are actually used as Messengers by the fremin and them being dead here could show that they were killed to stop Communications getting out now we then get a sunset or moon set with a Ruckus is certain and two of its moons almost eclipsing it arrakis has three moons in tunnel and these are known as krielen Avon and also one now we close out with Paul clearly leading a vast Army and also get a tease towards that final Knife Fight although the fremin were thought to be smaller numbers they actually have them in the tens of thousands then it leads to poor wielding an almost Unstoppable Force we see his cloak blowing in the wind which I'm guessing is building off the back of this shot in what looks like him wandering through the desert Paul says may thy knife shift and Shadow which is something that Gemma said to him in the prior movie it's sort of Lawrence of Arabia's story and I love how big that this trailer feels shot fully in IMAX we even get the expanded aspect ratio for this teaser and every single thing about it feels like it's epic it's an incredible new look at the upcoming movie and I was blown away by just how Grand this feels really can't wait to sink my teeth into it and I've been going back through the book The First movie and that 84 version to get myself back up to speed with Everything feels like they're really gonna knock it out of the park with this and we know that June Messiah is possibly on the horizon too hope that gets made as I think there's so much to love about this universe I can't wait to see what's in store as we get down the line anyway that wraps up the video lots of things to unpack and make sure you leave your comments on it below we are in a competition right now giving away the quantumania steel Buck the three subscribers on the 15th of May and all you have to do to be on the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts on the teaser you pick the comments at random on the 15th and the winners of the last one are on screen right now so that's you then message me on Twitter at heavy spoilers if you want something else to watch guess what we've just done a big video on the Guardians post credit scene so head over there right after this if you've seen that movie let lots of things to talk about about where things can go in the future so yeah hopefully you watch that after this and if not you know what have a good day I'm just going to end it nicely and you take care yourself mate peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 188,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, dune part 2, dune part two, dune 2, dune 2 trailer, dune part 2 trailer, dune part two trailer, trailer, dune sequel, denis villeneuve, dune movie, dune film, timothee chalamet, dune trailer, dune review, dune 2 trailer 2023, cinemacon 2023, dune part 2 footage, dune denis villeneuve, dune part 2 denis villeneuve, austin butler, florence pugh, christopher walken, dune 2 movie, part 2, dune trailer breakdown, dune part 2 trailer breakdown, dune part 2 spoilers
Id: DkZt25ZJOok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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