Dune Part 2 is Amazing and here's why - A Review

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we are drowning in a world of adaptations sequels prequels remakes and redos Hollywood currently seems to be at its peak laziness especially when it comes to creating new original ideas for film and television yet there is a remake that has recently come out in cinemas and has shown us how it should be done and as you guess by the title in the thumbnail I am talking about June part [Music] two let's talk about it things that I enjoyed June part two picks up exactly where the last film left off there was no time Jump or anything which could have felt potentially jarring we started off with Paul carrying the dead body of jamus that he had just killed in the jewel in the previous film June part one and two felt so cohesive to be honest it felt as if they were the same film and it doesn't really give the impression that June part 2 was a sequel the transition between the two films was so smooth it felt as if they were shot together reminiscent of how the original Lord of the Rings trilogy was shot Den V I'm just going to call him Dennis nothing fancy I understand nothing fancy so Dennis and Co handled a notoriously difficult Source material and managed to bottle it and make it consumable to fanatical bookworms and the regular movie goer alike Frank Herbert gives a lot of introspection with his characters but not always a huge amount of detail in other areas and Dennis did such a good job at filling in those blanks with this movie I know this adaptation isn't 100% true to the book but you can tell that Dennis genuinely loves the source material by showing us things that only the fans of the books would know such as how the friendman bury their dead or gurnie playing his ballet whilst performing his poem or the blue scarf that channy wraps around before she fought son know when the actor who played gie performed with the baliset it felt very similar to Johnny Cash's performance of hert and I wonder if that was intentional let me know in the comments below I will make you you can tell in these moments that he really does have an appreciation for Frank Herbert's writing yeah he still manages to make the film his own thing you know you know what was so well captured within this movie was the scale of the story it felt Grand it felt massive it felt like it was the Sci-Fi epic it was supposed to be mission accomplished the other thing I want to talk about is the cinematography and the editing and the visuals were all stunning and cohesive and worked so well together there was a shot that really stuck out to me and it was when Paul was walking through this crowd of fan and it reminded me of the Game of Thrones scene where Dany has freed Marine from the slavers it was stunning and I just wanted to mention it all right the music was amazing epic perfect it's hand Zimmer what else do you expect I did miss the bank pipes though I know why they didn't use it because Paul and Jessica are now becoming a part of the fman culture but there was just something that those bag PES just did to me you know you know characters and stuff the Benny jeser in this adaptation felt nefarious they felt conniving and Dennis did a great job at showing how they literally have their fingers in all the pies ooh what kind of pie and how that they as a group are inevitable I am the one who knocks speaking of the Benny jaz's Jessica was awesome and from her performance you've got the sense that the atres aren't the good guys Rebecca Ferguson did an amazing job at portraying that I love the fact that her character initially wanted to manipulate the freman for survival and then after becoming a reverend mother the manipulation was to make the prophecy come to fruition Rebecca Ferguson has this down to a te her performance from stoic mother to telepathic all- knowing Reverend mother was excellent she is such a Powerhouse also watch her in Silo she's brilliant in that it feels like everything she touches just turns to Gold she's such a good actress I love [Music] you Fade's addition to the film was great I love how he was betrayed he was scary unrelenting unhinged and an actual threat to Paul and the life on arus the Harkin's black and white binary World felt like it was the embodiment with how they think about life and their morals there's winners and there's losers and that's it the her I also love how the film portrays princess uran's historical excerpts in Frank Herbert's book it is littered with them and is used to break up the story and how this is achieved in the film is she uses the June equivalent of a voice memo and it doesn't feel like it's an exposition dump it doesn't feel forced it's part of her character and didn't really filled who on the nose oh yeah it's all coming together another character thing that I really enjoyed was the helplessness Paul and Jessica had during their time with the fan Jessica had to become the Reverend mother or she would die Paul had to take the Water of Life to save oracus this feeling of desperation as well as admiration for the fman it wasn't this Disney poah haunted sort of story there was tension and that was so interesting to watch on the big screen this movie is good Paul's one of the best parts of the film for me he wasn't shown as this great savior but rather as a reluctant participant his transition from being a likable vengeful Lord to this new fanatical Prophet who sees this power us using the Fan's fear and emotions for his benefit was envisioned brilliantly he wants to save oracus and turn it into a paradise but he also wants revenge and as we all know this comes at a cost he is shown to be no hero but rather a flawed tortured Soul who has to make some very difficult decisions and hope that they are right Paul's character in this film shows us The Perils of fanaticism and the effects of the choices we make Dennis and Mr chamay captured the essence of what makes Paul L tradies such an interesting character to follow this is the closest representation to the book that we have so far but Dennis still got to put his spin on Paul and on the rest of the story which I really do appreciate Timothy shamay please just take a bow for your performance as Paul muad ursul at trades it was Bloody brilliant he encaptured the character so well you really felt his conflict whether it was with his mother his burdens or with channy well done where did you get this stuff I don't know it just comes to me I have a gift changes that I life a big change that I really really enjoyed was channy she has way more self- autonomy and Power in this film which I really loved she didn't just blindly accept Paul as muad or as lisan alib or follow him around like a little puppy dog puppy power channy showed him the femine way because she genuinely saw him as a trustworthy sincere person she isn't just loyally following Paul and his decisions and accepting them she's not fighting for the prophet muad but for the liberation of her people and her home World Paul is just a byproduct of that not the reason why Paul is in everything to her she's not this bitable wife constantly at Paul's heels having his babies and saying yes that's a good idea Paulie she has her own opinions of him and doesn't accept everything that he does an example of this would be Paul marrying the princess Ura and she doesn't accept that she goes no [ __ ] you see you [Music] later I also loved how tragic their relationship was they were starcross lovers reminiscing of Romeo and Juliet wait a minute Julet they cannot be with one another due to the circumstances outside of their control and what they both deem as the right thing to do I really really enjoyed channy and well bloody done to Senda it seems to be a theme with you lately that everything you're in is awesome and hey two thumbs way way up for our Leading Lady another change that I liked was Aria Aria is supposed to be this omnipotent toddler but Dennis depict her as this preent all- knowing fetus that telepathically communicates to her mother and uses her to converse with her brother which I thought was so creepy and off-putting and somehow Sinister but it didn't feel out of place it felt right well that worked out nicely I also preferred the fact that Paul got his revenge rather than this all powerful psychic baby having the last laugh on the baron it felt way more rewarding because he had to live through the hardship and the trauma of losing his loved ones so him killing the baron was just more of a payoff in my eyes I understand why you prefer the other way but it's just my personal taste oh this cookies I got to get the r r from L put that cookie down now the friend north south divide was another addition that I did really like it made them feel more of a Nuance diverse group of people and not this homogeneous blob that agreed on everything so again this addition was a welcome changed in my opinion o o that's good what I didn't like honestly nothing really struggling to think here um the lack of backpain and where were the [Music] pugs Are We There Yet yes oh finally final thoughts this film genuinely has restored my faith in the current film climate the way the film ended it felt like they were teeing up for more films down the line but we'll have to wait and see I personally felt the same way I did when I watched Lord of the Rings for the first time I truly do believe we have a classic on on our hands and I understand I might be riding the current hype train however I haven't felt this way when watching a film for a long long time and I believe that time will cement the way I feel about it thank you Dennis and the rest of the cast and everyone who helped create this masterpiece just go watch this film and let me know what you think you won't regret it I give this film a chamay out of 10 thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye lately feel my days all and Rain St hottest part of the day is the wake up trying to keep my eyes shut my butterflies feel more like a stomach bug
Channel: BaggyTwoShoes
Views: 1,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, dune part two, zendaya, denis villenueve, Timothée Chalamet, review
Id: DfpF43hycG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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