no wonder everyone prefers part two

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this is the first line from the first dune movie my planet oracus is so beautiful when the sun is low and it's a good opening line it establishes the setting it's got that sort of dreamy atmosphere that's important to the film and has some gorgeous cinematography you can see Spice in the air but that's not all it does because well look at this scene from part two look right there spice maracus is so beautiful when the sun is low this link between the two films is subtle but when you notice it they seem more interconnected and fought out and it was the first time that I had the chance to revisit a world I had done part one and now I had the chance to go back on arus this is the spice effect in Paul in part one I recognize your footsteps old man and this is Paul reuniting with gurny in part two I recognize your footsteps old man do you always make uh your moving reaction from the last one you've made so Paul can see the future and these recurring motifs make this precence part of the films themselves helping us experience what Paul is feeling I say you can see the Future Part one begins with foreigners invading iraist to mine for spice but part two ends of the exact opposite fall and the F and leaving araus to fight the great houses the holy war begins there's plenty of videos on YouTube celebrating dun it's cinematography sound design and World building now that's interesting because in the film books I've studied but for today's video we're not going to explore what makes Dune part two a great film The Anthropologist say in order to properly sound like you actually have but rather what makes Dune part two a great sequel never mind please keep going I don't think it's take too much to say that you know if June part one was Star Wars this to me was very much The Empire Strikes Back there's lots of things that make a great sequel some of them sort of act as a secondary story to the original film I'm not wearing hockey man the first movie is clearly ended and the sequel brings a new conflict I want that ship typically a new villain how about a magic trick and might reveal an extra Dimension to this world I'm going to make this pencil just appear but the first story is finished and the sequel is sort of a separate extension to it rather than a direct continuation of it it's it's gone this is The Dark Night in The Godfather Part Two it applies to my family but it's not Dune part two I know where your father head the family atomics which continues he already established an unfinished story of the first film this is only the beginning and now with d Messiah confirmed we know this will just be the second part of a Trilogy if we do dun Messiah I want to make the best movie ever so I I I want to just take my time and in my mind the gold standard for onscreen trilogies is Lord of the [Music] [Applause] Rings on the surface there's a lot of similarities between Dune and Lord of the Rings they both have an epic scope with large worlds and intricate cultures what about second breakfast and there's lots of characters in moving Parts they work on both a huge scale you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor and more intimate level don't think he knows about second breakfast pip but while the first film sets up the characters world and conflict Sauron was destroyed it's a job of the second film to build upon this and introduce something new without losing any Focus San has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands The Two Towers has every reason to be the awkward middle child of the franchise we already know most of the characters and it has none of the Fun World building of the first movie The shards of Nar or the grand finale of The Last foro The Two Towers was always regarded as a difficult one but what it does have is a compelling story that expands the world of the first film because you know it's the middle it's the it's the bridge film is what they call it it raises the stakes and brings this pre-existing conflict into a new chapter which means it doesn't have a beginning and doesn't have an end it keeps the momentum of the trilogy and to top this off as one of the best battle sequences ever filmed looks like meat back on the menu boys I mean the two towers is actually my favorite of the three movies we're given a sort of semi- resolution which leaves all the parts in place for the conflict to end in the final film The Battle for Helm's Deep is over while still leaving just enough plot FRS in the air to carry the story forward the Battle for Middle Earth is about to begin and it's the same with Dune part two most of the characters have already been introduced the world is established and the conflicts already in motion so how do you keep the story fresh and engaging you introduce new characters you bring extra Dimensions to the existing locations he's psychotic and you raise the stakes of the conflict that's irrelevant would fade Ralph will work if he was introduced in part one not really there's no natural place for him in the first story and we already have an enforcer character how but his introduction in the sequel is one of the best parts of the movie he serves as our link back to gady Prime which is reinvented in part two substract color from their world will say something about their way of thinking sure the planet is technically introduced in the first movie but with the infrared sequence it's given a whole new identity Greg frer of course loved the idea and he he brought himself the idea of a infrared cameras before it was quite a generic dark planet ruled by bad guys now our traitors were live but now we see more of its culture and Society while at the same time reintroducing the hinin into the story in a natural way happy birthday dear nephew all of the Visions in the first movie are paid off and it's in the second movie that Paul's AR goes from a simple hero's journey into a more nuanced and unique story that warns against these types of heroes that's an order gy how go south Lord of the Rings celebrates this kind of mythical savior who lives up to family name and Saves the World from Evil and I shall die as one of them it's Frodo it's Gandalf it's Aragon I made some stew all of the characters in toen story are clearly good or clearly bad we must join with him but what if Aron was evil good really sure bullar has all the traditional beasts you'd expect he has a call to Adventure when he arrives on oracus how does it feel to walk on a new world he has multiple Mentor figures you fight when the necessity arises no matter the move he eventually crosses a threshold into a completely new one world where he's tested and forced to prove himself and he's literally reborn before he returns to fight and ultimately defeat his enemies because I wanted to be faithful to Frank Herbert initial intention but with part two the entire framework we view this journey and changes leaders amplify the mistakes their mistakes are Amplified by the Numbers who follow them without question we're setting Thumpers I'm moving everyone to the South because of the holy war and because we know what will happen if Paul succeeds I'll stay behind and cover your treat his journey isn't a Triumph but a tragedy what are you talking about Johnny I can't go with you he wanted to make a cautionary deal instead of a a celebration you know why and charismatic leaders tend to build up followings power structures and those power structures tend to be taken over by people who are corruptible part one sets up PA to go on a traditional hero's journey I found my own way to it maybe you'll find yours but the sequel both celebrates and subverts this Arc father I found my way he goes from a hero in part one fman speak of to end in as an anti-hero in part [Music] two and for him he was an anti-hero he was a dark figure the sequel has all the tried and tested conventions but puts a unique spin on them my Lord the great houses have answered the book was a warning for him about a Messi Messianic figure elevating pulse transformation from a typical savior figure we await your orders into a fated cautionary tail against idolizing these figures lead them to Paradise Paul ultimately succeeds in defeating his enemies May th knife chip and shatter but fails at resisting the Primal urges he was initially trying so hard to avoid if I go south I may lose you you will never lose me Lord of the Rings is a classic story of good versus evil what are we holding on to Sam Noble heroes must endure Temptation and despair as they fight to reserve everything that's good there's something good in this world Mr F but in Dune the characters aren't really motivated by doing what's right and it's worth fighting for by religious fanaticism or Revenge My Duke Paul gives into the power offered to him by the Benes propaganda in the freman it's not a prophecy but in Lord of the Rings the characters resist the power offered to them by the ring don't temp me photo both stories explore the hero figure but from two different directions it's a story that you keep telling but it's not their story it's yours tol Keen celebrates it but Frank Herbert warns against it we gave them something to hope for uh don't trust leaders to always be right that's not hope what if Aragon used a ring and in the process was corrupted and became a new dark lord what if Aragon was evil where is the ring stay away well Dune part two gives us the answer you die like an anal and it seems like dun Messiah will make sure this is as clear as possible a general rule of a good sequel is that you have to do something new just studying a new course it's Schwarzenegger becoming a good guy in terminated to baby and alien's becoming an action movie while alien was a straight up horror it's why The Hangover 2 felt like a lazy rerun of the original oh this time we really [ __ ] up and why the force awakens felt so similar to a new hope that's not how the force works so what new elements does dune part 2 introduce well we've already talked about how it muddles the morality of the story what the hell but it also introduces us to a whole new culture shulu decides to live you become F in part one the fan are kind of in the background the most we get of Chan is through visions and we only get a handful of scenes with SAR that's very honorable we learn more about them through F books rather than seeing their society itself the fman share the Deep desert with the giant sand worms but in part two we're fully immerse of their culture no no we are in the Deep desert only fman can survive here they go from quite a basic native population these people have waited for centuries for the lizen AL to a threedimensional society with different factions some are skeptical of Paul you don't believe in all this while some welcome him as Al Al Southern tribes believe a messiah will come to Deliver Us from Evil we see their IES like harvesting every drop of moisture from killed enemies filthy water their Battle Tactics and perhaps best of all we learn more about the wors which leads on to the second rule of a good sequel resolve the promises set up in the first film You've Won you want to wipe everybody out I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out Tom just my enemies that's all it's actually seeing Michael Kone as a Godfather in cop's second film it was himman Roth that tried to have me kill or learn about Ray's Heritage in The Last Jedi you come from nothing you're nothing as Paul goes into the desert at the end of part one he sees a freman riding a worm desert power there's an implicit expectation that in part two he'll ride a worm himself and of course in the sequel he does exactly that the first film is full of Visions we get a lot of channy and obviously in part two we actually see her relationship with Paul maybe I'll show you the way we see Jessica holding a baby and in the second movie her unborn baby plays a big role and she reminds you that you must reserve your hand for the most strategic Alliance and most importantly we see visions of the holy war of a burning pile of bodies and a feminine battle a warrior religion that waves the atres banner in my father's name but these are just the visions that come true we also see channy stabbing Paul and we see Jamis acting as a mentor to him I will show you the ways of the desert these aren't necessarily visions of the future I see possible Futures but visions of a future all at once in doing this Paul's fate becomes less deterministic our enemies are all around us kill in Jamis proves that Paul has agency over his future which makes his decision to start the holy war all the more tragic I do see a way there is a narrow way through another important rule for sequels is that they should either resolve or build upon the existing character Arts it's simple we uh kill the Batman in Batman Begins Bruce Wayne learns to become a symbol of Hope and justice for Gotham it's a symbol that can be Incorruptible but in the dark night he sacrifices this symbol I killed those people that's what I can be no no you can't you're not taking the blame for Harvey dense crimes in order to preserve dense reputation as Gotham's white KN whatever Gotham needs me to be the Dark Knight builds upon Bruce Wayne's journey by adding more development to his character and testing the lessons he learned in the first film you're the symbol of hope I could never be if you're watching this video you're probably familiar with Paul's Ark visually he transforms from this to this I was very moved and proud of ultimate uh uh Embrace Paul's Journey he goes from being silenced by the Reverend mother silence to silencing the Reverend mother consider what you're about to do Paul TR Sil he was a boy in part one and then uh uh bringing this boy to being a a man to become that charismatic dark figure to become this power that is the i amul traes in on screen it was like for me I thought Simo did a fun fantastic job Duke of arachis when he first arrives on arachis the sand blows into the atres ship a metaphor for this new unknown environment they're entering my lungs taste the air of time B past Fallen sand but in part two when Paul and the fman attack the emperor's Court he surrounded by the sand he's become part of the environment fully adapted to Aus and fully part of the freman Vil nerve also shows a journey through the colors of the two films part one begins with the desert being quite washed out and beige what would you do if you're on a went down out here it's an unfamiliar and inhospitable environment so the muted colors match this uncaring place you wouldn't want to go down out there it's worm territory but in part two when Paul becomes more familiar with oracus the colors become more vibrant warmer and more inviting hey and finally once Paul drinks the Water of Life we return to the washed out Grays and muted colors so this is how all survive right after Paul learns his part harken and the visuals become darker by being AR but what's perhaps most important for a sequel especially the middle entry of a planned franchise is that it needs to have a satisfying conclusion in and of itself exactly it should simultaneously progress the overarching story while still having its own self-contained conflicts and arts The Empire Strikes Back starts with the Empire attacking the rebel base on H then Luke trains with Yoda do oh do not there is no try against Yoda's advice he goes to help his friends acting on impulse and leaving his training early must complete the training lukee arrives and fights Dara he gets his hand cut off Han is frozen in carbonite and the film ultimately ends on a loss he told me you killed it still leaves some questions in the air and gets us excited for the next film no I am your father but everything is self-contained character ARs and plot PHS are set up and resolved within the film The Journey is complete and the ending is satisfying and sure Dune 2 starts where part one left off but it still has a self-contained narrative that works within the wider framework of the plan's Trilogy that if someone had not seen part one he will still enjoy part two that part two will be autonomous movie and what this comes down to ultimately what makes a good sequel is it it needs to be a good movie first and foremost make sure that you can enjoy part two without having seen part one The Dark Knight Godfather part two the two towers and The Empire Strikes Back they are all great films in their own right are you stuck up half-witted scruffy looking Nerf hurter if the experience watching it isn't satisfying it's not going to work either as a good movie or a good sequel well hello beautiful and is the experience watching do part two satisfying you f tra I'd certainly say so you f tra it Dune part two follows all the rules of a good sequel it does something new it resolves the promises of the first film and builds upon the character ARS it puts a unique spin on the hero's journey in line with the source material I'm pointing the way while still celebrating the Cinematic tradition of the Trope there a of the Imperium you will now at my feet and all of this is supported by worldclass film making and impressive performances all around your feet you'll be lucky to keep your head all of the great things about part one are elevated it's somehow larger scale and more intim I'd very much like to be equal to you but most importantly despite being the middle part of a plan Trilogy Dune part two stands on its own two feet as a gray film this prophecy is how they enslave us it stands as a testament to the power of sequels when done right I'd rather we talked about this when we were alone it expands upon the rich World building and complex characters of its predecessors listen Al it introduces something new and resolves the promises of the first film voice from the outer World while also delivering a thrilling and emotionally resonant narrative it's their name for messiah Dune part two not only honors the source material but surpasses expectations they see you they see the signs it might be a bit early to call it one of the greatest sequels of all time but it's certainly heading in that direction you see what they've been told to see [Music]
Channel: Archer Green
Views: 499,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, dune part two, dune: part two, villeneuve, denis villeneuve, denis villeneuve dune, dune messiah, dune part three, dune 2, what is the best sequel of all time, what makes dune so good, dune lore, dune worldbuilding, the dark knight, the empire strikes back, the godfather part two, lord of the rings, lord of the rings the two towers, next dune movie, will there be dune 3, Feyd Rautha, Timothee chalamet, zendaya, next timothee chalament movie, will there be a dune 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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