Timothée Chalamet & Zendaya on 'Dune' | MTV News

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- [Josh] The nature of this production - and it's a weighty project - it has a lot of big themes and intensity to it. Is it an easy one to kind of decompress from? Like, is there karaoke in the middle of the desert during the making of 'Dune?' What do you guys do to kind of- - Wait, when- - When I was there, yes. - Thank god, when Zendaya was there, then we had a lot of fun, and with the whole cast. We had Polaroids of Javier [Bardem] that we'd blackmail him with, of him dancing with us. Not that it was, like, some heavy shoot when Zendaya wasn't there, but you know, it was a long shoot, and the material isn't dark per se, but you know. - It's not easy. - It's not easy, and also my lesson with the sci-fi stuff, and I kinda saw Chris Nolan and [Matthew] McConaughey with this attitude on 'Interstellar' too, is you gotta treat it, you know, without being self-important, but like it's the most grounded material, and I can go on a tangent here, but, like, that communication boot scene that McConaughey does in 'Interstellar' where he's seeing his kids talk to him, he's not, you know, he wasn't taking that lightly, so. - Right. - But we had fun though. We all had fun. - We had a great time. - Yeah, yeah. - [Josh] Hey guys! Two of my favorite people. How you guys doing? - What's up, man? - How you doing? - [Josh] I can't believe we're here. Congratulations, guys, on this epic film. Let's talk about how you guys got here because the journeys you guys have taken to this point are much different, fair to say. Zendaya, maybe you had a bit of a head start in terms of the career really kinda getting going. Timmy, you've made up for lost time the last few years. Were you watching from afar your buddy Zendaya years ago, saying, where's my 'Shake It Up!'? Where's my Disney series? What's going on? (Zendaya and Timothy laugh) - Absolutely. - He was like, where's my Oscar? - Having seen Zendaya already for years on TV, and then as I've said before, was up for Spider-Man, and then watched it and loved it, and then it was a dream come true to finally get a chance to work on a project of this size, and not only with this incredible cast, but also with Denis [Villeneuve], and I'm stoked to talk to you, Josh, too, 'cause I know we've been talking about this for, like, years for this to come out, so. (Zendaya laughs) - Beyond surreal to see this on the big screen where it belongs and as only Denis can do it. But yeah, we have talked about this, and we have talked about Spider-Man in the past. Zendaya, in this age of the multi-verse, could you imagine a multi-verse where this guy was playing Spider-Man, where he was running around in spandex- - Nah, well, nah, that's your question to answer, but let me say nah, because man, Tom is perfect in that role. He like- - I think everybody was made for roles that they have. - When I saw that, I was like, oh yeah, they got the right guy. - Like, you know, like you are Paul, you know what I'm saying? He is Peter. Like, they just, they were meant for these moments, and they both equally deserve these beautiful works of, you know, of art, you know? They work so hard. So yeah, I'm lucky to be a part of both. They're super different. (laughs) But equally have been such an incredible time. You know, this film in particular, I didn't get as much time as I wish I could with the characters or being there, but with the time that I did have, you know, I learned so much from Denis. Literally every day, I was just like, "This is like the coolest thing ever," you know? We're in these beautiful, you know, kind of rock structures in the middle of the desert, you know, wearing these like dope-ass- - Stillsuits! - Stillsuits, you know? And then this guy was just so welcoming and brought so much to every scene that we had together, and so I was like, oh, this is gonna be fun. You know, like this'll be a good time. So I really do hope that we get the chance to live with these characters some more, 'cause I think we would have even more fun. - With 'em. - Selfishly. (laughs) - And the audience agrees, trust me. Obviously, the most important question for the two of you: not who's the better actor, but who's the bigger fashion icon? Who has more- - Are you kidding me? No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. - You saw the suit? You saw the suit? - Oh yeah! - Let's be real here. Come on. This is- - The world didn't get to see enough of the pink suit. Listen. - I'm gonna sound less like a serious actor. - We've been talking about this press tour and our clothes for this for a long time. - Have you been tipping each other off? Like, I've got this in mind. I got this in mind. What do you think? - Oh, of course. - I'm like an amateur. I'm having a little fun, like with random stuff, but Zendaya for years before, as you said, before I was in anything. When I was watching the awards show at home, she's been killing it forever, so. - Well, thanks, man. - No disrespect to any other women out there. They're doing a good job, too, but she's the best. She's literally the best. - Is it time for our buddy Timmy here to go by one name? Is it time for him to just go by Timmy? - But here's the thing: He's got the full, the whole name sounds good. You know what I'm saying? Like, the whole thing is this, whatever this is, it gives this. - [Josh] There's a poetry to it. - Honestly, my name was like - not to shame my own name - Coleman's a great last name, but I'm just saying, it's like, Zendaya! Coleman, you know? It just, there's not- - No! - It doesn't have a mm! To it. - Do you have a middle name? - Yes. I have two middle names. So. - Care to share, no? - Maree. - Maree. - Maree and Stoermer, which is my mom's last name. - Nice. - So, Maree's cool. I like the name Maree, you know? - Yeah! - But it's not Chalamet, you know what I mean? It's not giving- - If you've got the Chalamet, you don't give up that Chalamet. - Right. I'm also not bilingual, so that sucks. (laughing) - Yeah, that's been a little - - When we were on set, and I'd just watch you and Denis like communicate, I'm just like- (laughs) - Ugh! It's not fair! - Are they talking about me? What are they talking about? - Talking about catering or, like, how far the porta potties were. (laughing) - I wish so badly that I could be in on your fun French conversations. - Maybe between now and the next film, you can take, you know- - Yeah, Duolingo. - [Josh] Rosetta Stone and figure it all out. - Rosetta Stone. Somehow I don't see- (laughing) - Wow. - No, no, no! No, I mean, just time-wise! You're busy. 'Euphoria.' 'Spider-Man''s coming out. - (laughs) Zendaya, are you hurt at all that Timmy doesn't follow you on Instagram? - OK, Josh coming with the heaters today. - You don't? - No, I- - You don't follow anyone, right? - I did my, yeah, I did my- - Yeah! That's fair. - I did my bougie wash. - Yeah. That's fine. If there's nobody then that's all right. - I know. He did the Rock thing. The Rock did that for a while. - (laughs) Oh my god! - Those are the cool kids, you know? - I'm not The Rock. I'm not The Rock. (Zendaya laughs) - I think The Rock could snap me in (trails off). (Zendaya laughs) - Nah, it's cool- - At some point, you gotta do the first follow. - Instagram, shminstagram. We're friends in real life, you know? - [Josh] As we know, that's not as important as being friends on Instagram. That's really the mark of a true friendship. - That's all I care about. (Josh and Zendaya laugh) - Do you follow me? - Yeah. - Are you a true friend? Do you follow me? - Do you like my pictures? - [Josh] When you look at each other's illustrious careers, what's a role that you would have liked to have a crack at that the other has played? - Ooh, I got an honest answer to this. How can I say this? - Here's the thing, is like, I'm really looking forward to a lot of things that are coming forward for you. So, I'm excited to see, 'cause you've like, that's the thing is he's done so much already at such a high level that it's like, well, I wanna do all of it! You don't have a bad role that I wouldn't wanna do, you know? Like, you have such a beautiful body of work that you've created for yourself. So, that's a very hard question, but I'm also very excited for the things that you're gonna continue to do. So there might be some other (bleep) that I might wanna steal as well. (Josh laughs) - Well, and hopefully on this too. I hope we get another one of these. I gotta say- - You can be Chani. I'll be Paul. - Exactly. Like, what is going on? You know, what Zendaya and Sam Levinson have done with 'Euphoria,' you know, and obviously the character Rue is, you know, literally won awards for it, is amazing, but I think something about the tone of that show, every time I watch it, I'm so inspired, and I've done, you know, I did 'Miss Stevens' and 'Beautiful Boy,' and movies that are in a contemporary setting, too, where you have young characters that are (bleep) up, or messing up rather, but something about 'Euphoria,' and I think it's really Zendaya and Sam, something just gets it, and I'm really inspired by that, because I think it's... I think it's accurate, and that's the best kind of art. Not accurate, I'm not- (laughs) No, no no. But you know what I'm saying. (laughs) - And ending on this note, I was looking ahead to hopefully the part two of this. Paul goes on a hell of a journey on this one, but it's just getting started, as Chani kinda teases. Are you ready to go on even more of a transformation? I mean, are you gonna physically transform for part two? - Oh, absolutely. I called Denis right before I started the prep on the 'Wonka' film I'm doing in London right now because they generously got us trainers there, a wonderful trainer named David Kingsbury that Tom [Holland] has actually worked with a lot, and I was gonna make a joke about what I'm able to lift, as opposed to Tom, and you know, but I'd be calling Denis just saying like, you know, if we're gonna shoot this in a year, if you let me know now, because I don't if he knows, maybe he does, if we're picking up right where this one ends, or if we're picking up with a time jump, and obviously if we did a time jump, then there would be the room to, you know, do something new, but that would require starting now, and if it is to be done in a healthy way, as opposed to doing an 'American Psycho' or something. - Right. (screams) - Sorry! Sorry. - That's a sneak peek of the next one. - Swole.
Channel: MTV News
Views: 326,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Dune, Dune David Lynch, Dune 2021, Denis Villeneuve, Frank Herbert, worm, spice, Paul Atreides, Lady Jessica, Chani, Duke Leto Atreides, Dunca Idaho, Baron Vladimir, Gurney Halleck, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momoa, Stellan Skarsgard, Josh Brolin, Javier Barden, Liet Kynes, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, dune trailer 2021, dune trailer, dune trailer 2020, dune trailer reaction, dune soundtrack, dune review, dune 2021, dune explained, Harkonnen
Id: W-B3C51-QJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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