Dune Imperium Rise of Ix - Leader Tier List

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so starting out with our ft we're really only gonna have one character by themselves in the f tier and it's gonna be this guy prince romber vernius absolute trashcan character we'll start out with the base ability heavy laskan cannons and it gives your dreadnoughts one extra strength so they'll have four instead of a three this ability is useless i'm almost never buying dreadnoughts during the game because like i've talked about before bending the three solari to get a dreadnought puts you really far behind in the race to try and get your swordmaster and eye cancel think about it would you rather have a dreadnought that'll give you three extra combat every other turn if you're winning combats because remember that dreadnought has to leave and go to sit on a spot if it wins or would you rather have a swordmaster that's giving you an extra action every single round or a high council seat that's giving you two extra persuasion every single reveal and enabling you to buy spices flows swordmaster and high council are so much better than dreadnoughts that you usually don't end up getting dreadnoughts by the end of the game and if you do get the dreadnoughts you're paying such a heavy opportunity cost that it's just not worth it and even then if you invest into this you're only getting one extra combat strength that's really not that relevant and then looking at the signet ring ability it's ixion technology and it either lets you buy a tech or discount a future tech so let's think about the tech discount version of this the tech discount is actually a strictly worse version of memnon's ability he gets one spice that he can use on a highliners he can use it to buy text he can use it to go to a bunch of different faction spaces it's way more versatile getting the one tech discount is like getting a spice voucher that's only good for buying techs it's strictly worse i guess the only real value of the signet ring is the ability to buy a tech without going to tech negotiation and realistically tech negotiation isn't that bad of a spot you're getting an extra persuasion you're getting the tech discount it just doesn't feel that good getting to buy a tech without going to the tech spot i think the coolest use of it would be getting that entry card that gives you some extra troops and going to a combat space so you can immediately send them in but that's such a specific scenario and you have to spend five spice to do it it just isn't worth it at all and realistically if you're picking this character for the dreadnought ability you're gonna be going to the dreadnought space anyway and you can buy a tech that way making this ring that much more useless overall this feels like a blank leader the abilities have almost no impact on gameplay they provide very little benefit and the only way it would even remotely feel worth it is with detonation devices the tech that gives you one extra point if you win a combat with a dreadnought but even then the other heroes can buy dreadnoughts and use detonation devices as well while having way better abilities the one extra combat strength for dreadnoughts is a joke and has a little bearing on the outcome of fights prince ron bevernius is a joke character and that's why he deserves f tier all by himself next up on our tier list is going to be the earl memnon thorvald his base ability is called connections and when you take a high council c you get one extra bump with a faction this isn't a bad reward generally speaking the one-time use base abilities are gonna be worse and unfortunately you're usually not getting high counsel seat until later of the game and you usually want to get the sword match there first so getting one bump with one faction very late in the game doesn't seem super relevant compare that to the duke leto or the baron who can get multiple faction bumps earlier in the game and you start to realize how lackluster this ability is it doesn't even get you early shipping so while the base ability isn't bad it's really not that useful either and it's more of a bonus on top of getting your high council c the signal ring ability is called spice horde and it gives you one spice when you use it it's pretty straightforward the main benefit of playing this character is going to be getting the extra spice and throughout the course of the entire game you're going to get about three to four extra spice think about it you have a 10 card deck you're drawing five per turn so you'll get the signet ring ability about every other round assuming you play it every time you draw it that combined with the increasing deck size as the game goes on will dilute the ring down further and usually games only go six to eight rounds the entire time thus three to four extra spice really not that groundbreaking especially considering that this is a slow drip of spice throughout the game you're not getting that three to four extra spice up front there's one or two extra spice in the early game really make that big of a difference probably not usually you're gonna want solari earlier in the game so you can get the high council and the swordmaster overall this is an easy to play character the rewards are just a bonus that doesn't require a lot of skill or extra expertise to know how to use you're pretty much just picking this character for some extra spice if you need super early spice to get a two cost tech just go with the beast they start with that extra spice instead so not a great character we'll give you some extra spice we'll give you a bonus bump but that's about it next up we have the count ilbon rachis and this is going to be a surprising pick because i've seen other tier lists that have him a lot higher and i'm honestly not that impressed the base ability is called a ruthless negotiator and whenever you pay solari to go to a board space you get to draw one extra card fine usually you'll take advantage of this ability by going to the menta gaining an extra action and two card draws not a bad value and it can set up for some bigger buys from the imperium row early in the game however it does tempt you to use more salary spending on the mentor will delay the swordmaster and the high council seat and you're giving up long-term value for a short-term burst unless you're saving up for a high-value expensive card that extra card draw isn't going to do much for you especially early in the game compare that to two persuasion every round by getting the high council seat or an extra action every round extra actions and persuasion are critical at the end of the game and going to the menta over and over again just to get that one extra action and two card draw doesn't seem worth it especially considering the fact that at the end of the game people are going to try and take the mentat away from you so even if your plan was to get the menta every single round so you effectively get a swordmaster throughout the game people are going to take that away a lot of people want to menta at the end of the game a lot of people have extra solari at the end of the game so now you end up playing with one less action compared to everybody else and you don't have the persuasion needed to buy late game splices flows and don't even get me started if there's a duke letter in the game he'll be denying you the mentat over and over again and it'll be a really frustrating experience now let's look at the signet ring ability it's called manufacturing and it gives you one extra salary every time you play your ring logically you would think okay i'm getting the extra solari that will enable me to go to the mint more kind of paying for itself but like i said you don't really want to be going mentab when you can use that extra solar to save up for swordmaster high capsule but you have to think it's going to be similar to the memnon's ability where you're really only getting three to four solari throughout the entire game because you're only drawing and playing your stigma ring three or four times is getting three to four slurry slowly drip throughout the entire game that good i think it's better than nemnon because it will enable you to get the high council or the swordmaster slightly faster than everyone else but compare this character to princess yuna who can get way more solari much earlier if you want to go the extra solari game to get an early high council or swordmaster princess unit just does it better and has a better signal ring pretty unimpressed with count ilbon and that's why he sits in the d tier with uh nem non because they're pretty much just both giving you three to four extra of a resource throughout the entire game the main value of this guy is gonna come from getting a turn two sword master if they can hit smuggling twice in the first two turns and play their signet ring for the eighth salary this is far from a guarantee because smuggling is such a valuable space and people are going to be racing to get there so ilban and nemnan both accomplish similar things that's why they both end up in the d tier together they'll slowly give you three to four of an extra resource throughout the entire game with their signal ring do you value the spice more or the salary more would you rather draw two to four extra cards throughout the entire game or get a one-time bump with a faction track i think the solari is more valuable early in the game that's why i'm putting obama a little bit higher and i think that extra card draws a little bit more valuable than a one-time bump with a faction but that's just me i think they're pretty close our last member of the dt i don't think will be too surprising it's going to be alicia kaz and her base ability is called one step ahead at the beginning of the round you set aside a card from your hand and at the start of the second turn in the round you reveal that card and return it to your hand if it has one agent icon on it you get a spice if it has multiple you get a solari this base ability is where all of her value comes from if il-bon or nemnon can get you three to four spice or solari throughout the entire game through their rings elisa is straight up more valuable because she can get it every single turret that's six to eight spice or solari over the course of an entire game and she's way more flexible in that she can choose which resource he acquires she can get solari because it's more valuable in the early game and then later she can transition to getting spice from that ability so when compared to ilbon or nemnon in their ability to get extra resources she just gets twice as much the signature ring ability is called guild contracts and unless you pay one salary to get one full base card honestly this ability is almost entirely useless you don't want to use it you want to be saving up that salary like i said for high council or swordmaster and most of the time you're going to be going fold space early anyway to get access to interstellar shipping nobody wants to have three or four fold space cards in their deck because they don't have any persuasion on reveal so it feels really bad to draw into them and not play them and it makes it a lot harder to build that early engine because you're missing out on that persuasion overall she's not a great hero but she gets twice the resource benefit of mednon or ulban and has the flexibility to choose between spice or solari unfortunately she effectively doesn't have a ring ability i would never use it okay our first member of the c tier is going to be archduke montice and this is probably a surprising pick because when the expansion first came out everyone was playing this character they thought he was so good they were playing him in the first tournament and the results just weren't there playing this character they do feel really weak let's start out with the base ability the base abilities called coordination and on reveal if you have at least two agents on a green blue or orange board space you can trash one of your cards in play this is a solid ability trashing isn't the best ability in the game but it's still valuable the only thing is the condition is really rough because early in the game when you only have two actions it necessitates having to give up faction access to trash cards and that will result in a cavs missing out on a lot of those cheap two influence vps and this is also why akas wants to get a swordmaster super early if they have three agent actions that means they can go to the faction track and still hit one of the regular board spaces to trash cards from their deck they also obviously make great use of spy satellites if a cash doesn't have to worry about going to those faction spaces they can just keep on pumping cards out of their deck and acquiring new higher value cards so while the coordination ability is good you usually don't end up getting to use it enough if you're going to the faction spaces which you generally should be doing now let's talk about the signal ring ability it's called conscript and it lets you acquire a card that costs three persuasion or less this is a great ability allows pulling of high value three cost cards before everyone else and you'll usually want to pick a cash when there's some great three cost cards in the opening row because you're guaranteed to get some decent value the issue that comes up is that acquiring a ton of cards between reveals and the rings can really thicken up the deck and if you're not getting the trash ability because you want to go to the faction access you can end up with a really fat clunky debt which dilutes doubt your better cards overall i would say he's better than the previous heroes but the base ability and the significant abilities are useful and and it allows you to play a pretty unique game especially if you can get your swordmaster going early so you can be acquiring extra cards and trashing cards every single round unfortunately you just need to be very careful with deck size and that's something that gets out of control with the cat is a lot i think of a more as a very average hero that people overestimate a lot and that's why he's going into the sea tier our other cto leader is going to be paul atreides their base ability is called prescience and they get to look at the top part of their deck at any time this is a lot better than you think you often end up in situations where you're trying to decide whether or not you should draw from your deck for example early in the game when you're trying to decide between karthag versus eric keane to draw an extra card you really don't want to be drawing into your faction access cards if you can't play them that turn so it makes that decision a little bit easier additionally later in the game you don't want to be drawing into cards that you want to play for their action abilities like you wouldn't want to draw smuggler stoppers your last action that's going gonna feel terrible so it really helps with making big decisions later in the game and earlier in the game the stigma ring ability is called discipline and it's pretty straightforward it lets you draw a card it's a solid ability and it synergizes very well with the base ability because you're gonna know what card you're drawing with the signet ring and you can decide whether or not it's worth to play your signet ring given you know what the top card is and like i said in my tutorial video drawing cards is very powerful in this game but let's be honest you're pretty much just getting to start out with a benejester initiate which is an okay card overall he's a very flexible leader he doesn't do anything unfair but he can adapt to all the most strategies getting the extra card draws nice for buying slightly more expensive cards earlier in the game but that's about it he's also a pretty average leader that doesn't do anything too unfair that's why he goes in c tier with a kez okay next up we're going to be moving to the beat here and this is where we're gonna see mr hundra moritani the base ability is called intelligence and at the start of the game you get to look at the top two cards of the intrigue deck keep one and put the other one back on top this base ability isn't insane but it's really solid starting out with a choice between two entry cards can give you a really strong early advantage you can pick up end game cards that will allow you to guide a strategy around getting extra points or you can get combat cards that can give you an early victory heck even the entry cards that give you extra influence can enable you to get an extra victory point by securing an earlier alliance it's also nice because you get to know the intrigue card of whoever picks up the next intrigue and heck if you get two great entry cards you know you can head to karthag earlier and take the second one if you want it's surprisingly good despite being a one-and-done mechanic unfortunately it is a bit more luck based so if you end up with two bad entry cards you're gonna feel bad about this ability but i'd say more often than not getting the two entry cards does minimize that risk of bad luck and a lot of the entry cards are pretty good so you're gonna end up happy more often than not next up is the signet ring it's called couriers and it lets you pay one spice to get one movement on the shipping track and this is the best thing that ring ability we've seen so far the shipping track is so good in the rise of x expansion and getting to pay one spice to go to smuggling as an extra accident is insane think about it if you sign that ring to smuggling you're getting a free interstellar shipping if you signet ring to interstellar shipping you get to go up to and collect all of those juicy rewards in one single action that's awesome value additionally if you're already sitting at two or three bumps on the shipping track you can send your signet ring to a combat space pay the spice and then collect all those rewards and send the troops in immediately it's a super flexible signaling ability and it's where things start to get a little unfair with these leaders that's why he's up in the b tier b a and s can all do things slightly unfair to put themselves ahead overall my opinion has really turned around on this leader when i first started playing i thought this guy was trash i thought the base ability was okay and the signal ring ability was whatever but as you play this game more and more you really start to realize how valuable that shipping track is and getting an extra bump three to four times a game is huge one thing you have to think about though is the other leaders your opponents are picking if a duke leto or baron arconan or tessie is going immediately before you that's kind of bad news because they're gonna be able to get influenced with the guild super fast and they'll be blocking you on interstellar shipping the whole game but despite that he's still a very solid hero and he makes great use of troop transport tax and the imperium road cars that gave extra shipping access i've seen more and more people playing this character getting good results and it makes a lot of sense he's a good leader next up to complete the b tier also known as the mortani tier will be princess una mortani sitting together in this beautiful beat here her base ability is called smuggling operation and unfortunately she doesn't get to start with any water but whenever you gain solari on your turn you get to increase the amount gained by one that base ability is absolutely insane sure it sucks missing out on the water but it's not the end of the world if you go to smuggling twice that's four solari plus six salary for the actual collection if you decide to collect early that's enough for a turn two swordmaster and it puts you well on your way to getting your high council seat princess unimortani is the solari queen and she gets solari way more effectively than cal ilbon compare how ilbon's three to four salary drip throughout the entire game to princess una moritani who can get an extra 2-3 solari in the first two turns it feels broken at times and getting that extra action or that extra two persuasion that earlier in the game can really propel our engine forward next up her signaling abilities called final delivery and it lets you pay seven salary to get a rank up with a faction a troop and a spice so this signaling ability is usually going to be an end of game ability it's a valuable use of solari but you're gonna wanna get your swordmaster and your high council first if i said that enough this tier list i don't think so the nice thing is that when you're playing it at the end of the game you're still getting a rank up with a faction when playing to a non-faction spot that's really good value especially if you're going to the shipping track if you signet ring to the shipping track collect all the rewards including the bump you can spend the slurry to get a second bump getting a double bump in a single turn with a faction is insane because it really allows for the stealing of alliances overall like i said she's a solari machine and she does what count ilbon does but better you can just smash smuggling and wealth over and over again and get super early swordmaster in high council which is an extremely valuable situation to be in and her ring ability is solid she also has some great synergy cards that she can buy like appropriate opulence bounty hunter and i'll show them all on the screen the biggest issue is that she can be blocked if you have smart opponents in the game if you get denied smuggling in wealth early it's gonna feel bad but overall she's a really good character that affords a really unique playstyle and i love playing as her if you're enjoying the content please consider subscribing it really helps the channel out a lot and it enables me to keep bringing new videos like this one okay now we're moving up into our a tier and our first member of the a tier is going to be the beast his base ability is called iraq's fiefdom and you start the game with an extra spice and an extra salary this doesn't seem like much but it's actually really significant in the early game it allows you to go to tech negotiation early and acquire a two cost tech card for example a super early mimic film can really get the beast engine going it enables better reveal turns and will allow for late game spice most float cards additionally if you're going early in the round order you can go to full space with your first action and then go to tech negotiation with your second action to pick up memo quarters for super fast interstellar shipping access this can really screw up the second place player especially if they went with the baron harkonnen because now you can deny them interstellar shipping access the one solar is alright it might enable a slightly earlier swordmaster but it's just alright next up the signet ring brutality the signal ring ability is called brutality and it gives you one extra troop when you play the ring it'll give you two extra troops if you have at least one faction alliance this is extremely powerful in the early game it turns karthag and air keen into hearty warrior spaces with upside and getting early vps from combats is insanely strong that's one less spices flow you have to buy or one less alliance you have to get in late game i see a lot of beast players cost themselves a lot of victory points by fighting for an alliance when they don't really have to that one extra troop while valuable isn't worth a lot of wasted effort if you're racing with someone else at one of the faction alliance tracks and going all the way to the tippy top there's an opportunity to cost to that you're probably missing out on a lot of the extra two influence victory points and that'll hurt you in the long run those are hard points to make up that being said getting alliance is better than not getting alliance of course and the emperor track can be a good one to fight for because it's usually not heavily fought over it'll give you the solar needed to get early swordmaster high council and if you actually cross into the alliance territory it'll give you some extra troops as well so overall solid one i'd say overall the beast is a very well balanced leader with many different strategic lines which makes him fun to play even though he is the best combat leader you don't have to force it you still want to be going for consistent points by getting the two influence victory points by getting spice must flows and you have to remember that conflicts can be a risky way to get points at the end sometimes you just won't be able to flip over the combats that get victory points or other people will be fighting you really hard for those victory points and you won't be able to win them so just remember to stay balanced then don't fall into the alliance trap or the i have to go combat every single round trap that you can with the beast also just remember he does make really good use of spy satellites getting those victory points for nothing and being able to race up to an alliance is just insane with the beast okay next up in a tier is going to be tessia vernius tessia vernius is definitely the most complicated character in the game and her base ability is pretty confusing so how it works is you're gonna start out with a snooper token at two influence on every influence track and whenever you get the two influence you're gonna collect that snooper token and move it to the top most uncovered space on the reward track so for level one you'll get the discarded card to gain a spice level two you get the bonus from the influence track level three you get an extra bump on the track and level four you get the combination of level two and three where you get the bonus on the track and you get an extra bump so with tessia you have to get a ton of faction access and you have to go to those tracks a lot you need to get four faction influence before you even get a decent reward from the base ability and you need eight total faction influence to get maximum value from the entire base ability now let's think about what that maximum value is it's gonna be one spice two of the faction bonuses usually you'll aim for that to be water and an entry card and you get two extra bumps on two tracks that's a lot of work for some kind of man rewards in my opinion that and you'll have to heavily invest in fashion access which can be an opportunity cost of buying some better cards of course that extra investment will also be rewarded by four victory points so it's not the worst thing in the world and you usually try to get those victory points anyway so there's extra words or more of a cherry on top to what you're normally doing with other characters anyway generally the ideal order for snooper token collection you're going to want to go to the guild first and that's because you want to get interstellar shipping access really early then you want to go to the fremen because generally getting that extra water will be great and the extra bump won't be as valuable with them because usually the fretment alliance can be pretty hotly contested next up you'll want to go to the emperor alliance for the extra bump because usually the emperor alliance isn't really hotly contested and lastly you want to collect your two-point snooper token with the benejester it get an extra bump there because it's not a hotly consistent alliance and getting the intrigue card is great as a bonus the issue i find with playing tessia is if you're playing with good players there are going to be a lot of people fighting for the less common alliances and usually it takes a lot of time to get all of these faction rewards and at the end of the game if other good players are fighting for all the alliances those extra bumps aren't going to mean anything because those alliances have already been taken but while you're playing her remember choem directorship is absolutely insane with tessia and can enable super early victories if you're able to collect all of those faction rewards that fast and can easily enable you to get six points really quickly from the faction tracks also remember that power play and treachery are so good with tessia especially if you're using it when you have one influence with that faction think about it if you have one influence with the ben and jesuit you play your power play collecting the snooper token so you move up the three and then you get the bonus bump that automatically puts you up to four that's an alliance super quickly additionally memo quarters shuttle fleet are good as well just anything that gives you extra bumps with the traction is going to be so important because you're racing to get all their snooper tokens as quickly as possible next up we have the signet ring ability known as duplicity and this allows you to drop down with one faction to gain influence with a faction where you have a snooper token it's a weird signet ring ability but it's good and the reason it's so good is because it allows for super early to influence with the guild if you're going first this tessia it lets you go full space with your first turn and then second turn you can go to hardy warriors or the framing spot or any of the other spots really and shift that reward to the guild and it can be a really solid counter if you're playing against a second turn baron harkoden because now you're gonna be able to deny them interstellar shipping the entire game so it's good in that enables you to visit the higher value faction spaces and shunt them towards the ones you don't really want to go to unfortunately the ring ability does shut down if you don't have the snooper token so it doesn't allow you to steal alliances or anything like that but it is solid and lets you get influence where that you might not be able to otherwise overall i'd say she's a good character because she can get super early shipping accesses which is very powerful in this game and she can be insanely powerful and finish games super early if she's able to get the right cards and texts that give extra faction influence unfortunately she can feel a little bit useless if other players are fighting for a lot of alliances across the board because then those late game bumps don't really mean anything but you'll usually be able to get extra lines as if the other players aren't pushing for them and additionally memo quarters has a little bit of bonus value not only because it gives you that extra faction bump but it's a little bit easier with tessia to get the three influence with all the tracks so she'll usually be able to get the extra victory point in the end game our last member of a tier is going to be a little bit controversial but i think it's countess ariana thorvald what a great undervalued leader let's start out with the base ability spice addict whenever you harvest spiced you gain one less spice and you get the draw card this is a good ability most of the triangle access cards you start with have low persuasion and allows you to cycle them out for better cards and the one spice cost isn't that big of a deal it's effectively count ilbon's ability but it costs one spice instead of two solari by having to go to the mint and especially in the rise of x expansion there is a lot more spice building up on the triangle spaces so losing out on one spice isn't that costly also going to collect spice can feel bad normally when you go there you get to collect the spice you can send in garrison troops if you have them and that's about it but this card draw gives you a little bit extra value from going there it effectively makes collecting spice into a arachine without the troop and you'll actually end up getting more spice throughout the entire game because it doesn't feel so bad collecting the spice that and the signet ring ability will give you water to afford going to the great flat in the hakka basin more often speaking of the signet ring it's called hidden reservoir and it gives you an extra water every time you play your ring this is such insane value getting water in this game is annoying still suits and stitch table are pretty low value spaces and less people are going to get water in this expansion because there are other so many high value spaces early on so first of all getting this extra water enables multiple trips to hardy warriors in the early game to get more early game victory points this is huge it gives ariana thorvald a lot more flexibility to be an early combat character additionally getting that extra water getting up too pretty quickly can enable you to hostage the great flat and collect a very large chunk of spice lastly even if you aren't using the waters when you collect them it can set up for multiple research station turns in the end game allowing you to buy a lot more spice misflows so overall ariana thorvald is a very powerful character she has early and late game combat potential because early on she has the water to spend on hearty warriors and late games she's able to collect more spice than everyone else so she's able to go to highliners if people are leaving a lot of spice up for grabs which people generally tend to do in this expansion additionally she also has a very powerful spice must flow strategy because she can go to research station over and over again in the end game if she's not spending the water to collect spice and obviously cyan is going to be a game breaking card with ariana just because she's able to get that three water to buy the victory point so easily she's a very flexible leader she's a very powerful leader and that's why she's at the top of a tier for me so now we're jumping up into the s tier and this is the tier where both the base ability and the signaturing abilities are truly insane and border on unfair we're going to start out with helen over cheese her base ability is called eyes everywhere and enemy agents don't block her on agents at green or blue spaces this ability is absolutely nuts not being blocked on green can get swordmaster high council whenever you want and it can always turn a dagger into a tech negotiation to buy better cards in the early game and not being blocked on blue is also super powerful it enables the visiting of city spaces whenever you want so you can get early entries or you can try to buy better cards by drawing cards or you can get extra water for late game research stations not being blocked on their spaces enables her to have so much flexibility and gives her options that none of the other leaders have she can always value going to a faction space first because she knows the other spaces she wants to go to likely won't be blocked her signal ring ability is called manipulate and allows her to remove and replace a card in the imperium row and during her reveal turn she can acquire that card for one less if she doesn't acquire it it goes in the trash and in my opinion this is where helen over cheese really becomes an s tier character if there is an s tier card in the opening row it's an easy helena pick if you can get an early lady jessica or elia kinds or quiz hatarak her engine becomes game breaking and she can pick off other powerful cards as well so as a leader she has the best time of building an insane engine because she can get all the powerful cards and if she can't afford it she's not blocked on green so she can go to tech negotiation whenever she wants turning that dagger into an extra persuasion to buy an already discount card that she reserved for herself also the signature ability is awesome because it can deny great cards from other players let's say there's another leader with three texts and um ac an engineer comes off the top ixy an engineer would suck in your deck especially if you don't have any text but you can use your signature ring to scoop it out of the row and trash it at the end of the round it really enables her to block other characters much easier overall she's an s tier character because she has this insane engine building ability and can acquire our cards before anyone else also her ability to be unblocked makes her even more flexible just don't forget you can go to the blocked areas like i do every time i play her our next steer leader is going to be the duke leto tradies we'll start out with the base ability known as landsrad popularity and when sending an agent to a green board space he has to pay one less salary you know how count ilbon wants to go and get the mentap but they shouldn't the duke leto wants to get the mentat and should one solari for an extra action and a car that is insane value and the swordmaster in the high council seat are discounted so you can get them even earlier even if you're getting the mentet hell you can even get dreadnoughts if you want they only cost two solari after all it's actually kind of annoying how robber's whole thing is dreadnoughts and duke letter is able to build a better dreadnought strategy right out of the gate because the dreadnoughts are discounted this large discount is awesome value and in a way makes him the second best solari leader right after princess yuna think about it the duke leto can get the mentat three rounds in a row saving three solari that's basically all the solari the ilbon's going to get out of his signature ring throughout the entire game and duke leto can do that in the first three turns he saves even more salary when he goes to get his high council seat in a swordmaster such a powerful solari economy with duke leto additionally his signet ring is insane the signal ring ability is called prudent diplomacy and it lets you pay one spice to gain one influence with a faction where an opponent has more influence than you this is a super high value signaturing ability it's actually insane it allows him to easily get all four of the victory points from the two influenced faction levels throughout the course of the game and he can even chase down alliances and pass people with a signet ring if you play your signet ring to shipping that's a two influence bump if you play your signet ring and an entry card in the same turn that's another two point bump it is so easy for duke leto to steal alliances in my opinion he's the best alliance dealer in the game and when you're playing against him you have to be very careful with your alliances because it's just so easy for him to take it away from you overall he's a super powerful leader and i think there's an argument to be made that he's the best leader he has super strong faction influence he can take men hats gain extra actions and card draws non-stop while still being able to easily afford the swordmaster and the high council he's a very consistent leader with a game plan that can be repeated over and over again for the win very powerful super consistent win win win win win last up the most powerful leader in the game the baron vladimir harkonnen his base ability is called master stroke and at the start of the game you get to secretly choose two factions when he's able to deploy four troops in a single turn you reveal them both and you get a bonus with each of the tracks this ability is so good you get two bonus influence when you deploy four troops if you can go full space and hardy warriors early in the game that's instant access to interstellar shipping and also instant access to siege tabor additionally because you're playing hardy warriors you're also winning that combat so in one turn you're deploying four troops winning a combat and you're getting two influence with two different factions that is insane value the duke will realistically get three to four uses of the ring max throughout the entire game but they also have to pay spice for each bump and they have to catch up to somebody else they can't pass them with the ring compare that to the baron's base ability that gives him two bumps early in the game doesn't cost him anything and they can shoot ahead of other players with it it's such a super high value base ability next up the signet ring is called scheme pretty straightforward it lets you pay one salary to get one entry card entry cards are absolutely busted in this game sure they have the highest luck factor but they can easily grant bonus victory points via extra influence combat cards to get combat victory points and even straight up victory points through getting the end game cards getting an extra entry card for once larry is sick value and getting an extra three to four entry cards per game if you're playing the signer ring often super valuable additionally you don't have to be as worried about how much solar you're spending because in theory if you're the baron and you get early access to interstellar shipping you can go there over and over again and get all the solar you need for your swordmaster for your high council seat all while still being able to forward the solari for these intrigue cards overall he's the best hero in the game especially when going second when they can get off in early fold space into hari warriors combo like i talked about that master stroke ability giving two bonus faction access for free is absolutely insane and match it with a signature ability that gives you extra intrigues makes him into a truly game-breaking leader i think duke leto and the baron arconan are very powerful and honestly i think i'm splitting hairs putting one above the other they could both be equally as their leaders but this is how i currently rank everybody let me know in the comments if you disagree with anything i'm definitely down to talk about all this and thanks for watching
Channel: Orski
Views: 35,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9sZIAEu8OqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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