Scientist think THIS is Alien?!

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a group of astrophysicists think they may have just discovered proof of alien life and what they may have found is something that previously only existed in science fiction and they don't think that they just found one of these things they think that they found seven and they're in our own [Applause] Galaxy this is a Dyson Sphere the idea of these alien mega structures was first mentioned in 1937 by British philosopher and science fiction author Olaf Stapleton in his book called star maker where he described a civilization becoming so Advanced they could build impossibly giant structures around an entire star to harness its energy 23 years later physicist Freeman Dyson published a paper detailing not only how these alien mega structures would theoretically work but he also detailed how to find them in the universe this is what a group of astrophysicists working on a project called project heus think that they may have found right in our own Galactic backyard so is this true Did they really find seven examples of Dyson spheres or did they simply find seven unexplained phenomena in our galaxy and these astronomers just want them to be Dyson spheres so let's talk all things Dyson spheres and how the idea of them actually being discovered and existing might not be as science fiction as you think and a special thanks to brilliant for sponsoring a portion of this video so in order to figure out if if Dyson spheres exist in the universe let's start with how any civilization would build one in the first place and more importantly how they would get enough material to build one at all throughout history technological advancements have been strongly tied to access to energy this has been true for all civilizations here on Earth the more civilization can create or harness energy the more advanced That civilization can become we currently exhibit this on a small scale with three major categories fossil fuels nuclear energy and renewable energy as we have gained greater control over each energy source we've seen our own civilization progress if all goes well and you know we don't destroy ourselves along the way Humanity will reach a point where we have complete control over our planet's resources at this point Humanity would have reached the first of three levels in something called the kardashi scale this scale categorizes civilizations based on what type of control they have over the energy available to them a type 1 civilization has complete control over its planet's resources even being able to manipulate and control the planet's weather patterns and even harness things like volcanoes storms and earthquake to convert it all to usable energy a type 2 civilization has the ability to control the energy from its own host star if Humanity were to reach this scale we would easily be able to travel around our own solar system freely to other parts of the Galaxy or even be able to travel to other galaxies with things like warp drives or wormholes energy would be so abundant that Humanity would no longer be restricted on where we could explore and finally a Type 3 civilization has the ability to control the energy from every Star in its host galaxy The Milky Way alone has around a 100 billion stars so imagining what a Type 3 civilization could do with that power is really hard to grasp and keep in mind for context Humanity isn't even a type one civilization yet we're still considered a type zero but if you really want to put a number behind it as to where we are we're about a 7 civiliz ation on the Kardashian [Music] scale all right so now knowing that where did Dyson spheres come in with all of this well we would expect to see type two civilizations capable of constructing a Dyson Sphere harnessing all the power available from its host star and there have been multiple proposed versions of Dyson spheres from both astrophysicists and sci-fi authors alike some that encased the entire star Gathering 100% of its energy output although this design would be very vulnerable to destabilization collisions and just possibly falling into the host star itself however the other option would be a Dyson swarm which is placing trillions or quadrillions of solar panels all around the star like Rings or satellites capturing energy with those giant solar panels in all directions around the star but no matter which version is built the amount of material that's needed to build such a superstructure would be beyond anything that the civilization's planet would be able to provide alone one solution would be for a civilization to take materials from another planet within its system if Humanity were to do this then the best candidate would be Mercury and I'm not talking about just going there and Mining large amounts of materials from Mercury itself no we would need to dismantle and mine nearly the entire planet down to its core in order to have enough material just to build a Dyson swarm around our sun not even a Dyson Sphere so how would we go about detecting such giant alien superstructures well that's exactly Freeman Dyson asked over 60 years ago he proposed two major ways to detect the existence of a Dyson Sphere the first is that if you were observing a star at a point in our galaxy you would see that star slowly dim and eventually disappear as a type two civilization built the sphere around the star the second way would be to detect the infrared light still shining brightly where the star's visible light once was showing that the star is still there but now only admitting infrared light at a brightness that no other star does naturally this would be because while the Dyson Sphere is gathering energy from its star the sphere or swarm itself is heating up and giving off excess heat in the form of infrared light and this is exactly what the group of astrophysicists think that they have detected in our own Galaxy two different teams conducted separate studies each using different data and equipment like the Gaia telescope and the Weiss telescope surveying millions of stars and together coming up with seven candidate stars that may have Dyson spheres surrounding them but did they actually discover Dyson spheres or something else entirely but real quick before I answer that question if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that I cover a wide variety of space topics whether it's about black holes potential habitable planets lightyears away or even Dyson spheres like we're discussing today it's important to keep my mind sharp so I can effectively communicate complex topics to you in a digestible form the main way that I do this is with this video sponsor brilliant brilliant is website to where you learn by doing it contains thousands of interactive lessons designed specifically for your own learning style you get access to interactive lessons in math data analysis programming science and a ton more and what I like about brilliant is that it's really great for visual Learners like myself it provides lessons for all levels of expertise from basic to intermediate to Advanced whether you're just trying to build your critical thinking skills from the ground up or brush up on your special relativity brilliant is perfect for you and if all that sounds good but you're not sure where to start don't worry when you sign up you'll be asked a few quick questions and Brilliant will select the perfect lessons just for you in fact while I was researching this video I came back to complete the lessons on exploring data visually which is meant to build and sharpen your data analysis and statistic probability skills so I can better make predictions on the probability of you know whether or not Dyson spheres actually exist it made complex theorems like Bay's law feel so much more approachable than any other college class ever did for me after that I'll be moving on to thinking in code AS learning to program models I think will be a really great move for my career development and I've legitimately been using brilliant for years and I believe that this is one of the best ways to learn either on your computer or on the go with your phone because of their first principal learning methods that are proven to be six times more effective than simply listening to lectures online and listen science communication and ultimately the creation of interstellar news has been a dream of mine for a very long time and Brilliant is a first sponsor to support this channel if you've been enjoying my content or if you're just a lifelong learner like me it would really mean a lot if you could support us by clicking the link in the description or go to Interstellar with that you'll get to try brilliant free for yourself for 30 days and get 20% off of your annual premium subscription and again a very special thanks to brilliant for sponsoring this portion of the [Music] [Applause] video These may just look like little black dots on a piece of paper but in reality they're actually pretty strange many of the Dyson Sphere candidates surveyed by one of the teams are classified as red dwarf stars one of the smaller and certainly the most abundant type of star in the universe but these red dwarf stars are sitting anywhere around 500 to 900 light years away from Earth and are admitting 60 times the amount of infrared light as they should be the second team surveyed stars of varying size not just red dwarf stars and some of those stars were even close in size to our own Sun but these stars on average were a lot further away around 6,500 Lighty years from Earth and on top of all that it was predicted that if a Dyson swarm were to exist around the star the excess infrared brightness would sit around 25° C and according to these studies this is exactly what we're seeing so on the surface it would seem that if these seven candidates are actually alien superstructures they wouldn't be Dyson spheres they would more likely beat Dyson swarms which is that series of satellite like objects surrounding a star not fully encompassing an entire star but you know how the universe can be it typically doesn't give answers like this so easily it's always a good idea to approach any potential discoveries like this with a heavy dose of skepticism it's really important to remember that any findings in these papers are extremely preliminary and to the credit of both of these papers they openly admit that natural explanations could sufficiently explain these strange findings but I'll touch on all that in just a moment first I wanted to highlight how this whole thing is a really great example of one of science's dirty little secrets unlimited power obviously search for signs of intelligent life there's a new study that may suggest we are not alone what space is so crazy I wish I understood it better science as a whole and probably to the surprise of no one has a huge communication problem especially when it comes to space topics often times a subject matter is so complex that scientists simply can't find a way to effectively explain it in an approachable manner and scientists know very well that if they can't make it approachable it's not likely that the public will take much of an interest in it and without public interest investors and companies funding their research might not find it as valuable or profitable to continue to support their research efforts sunsetting the hopes and dreams of these research teams doing genuinely important work but you know what the public does respond to aliens and the potential for the discovery of alien life so these scientists in this case astronomers and astrophysicists will adjust how they present their research to reflect those public interests The Playbook is pretty simple you make the headline about an alien super structure something that will capture the Curiosity of sci-fi and non- sci-fi fans alike in hopes that the research will hit enough Publications make their rounds on social media and create a public demand for further answers thus ensuring that companies and investors will continue to fund their research now you may interpret that as all scientific papers are purposefully being turned into clickbait and while that's sometimes true that's not really what's happening here in the instance of these two papers about Dyson spheres the science being conducted is actually good science that's producing genuinely fascinating results and insights into the universe but you know researchers know that alien superstructures is a catchier and sexier headline think of it as the scientists just trying to put really good cover art on their books I mean how many incredible books have you read in your life that have terrible cover art most people have probably just passed over some of your favorite books at the bookstore for that reason alone and are simply missing out on endless incredible novels just because the pictures on the cover of the book aren't necessarily as interesting as the next that's sort of what's going on here these astrophysicists are trying to give you a pretty dust cover to look at and hope that you will read the content and become interested in the mindblowing absolutely awesome realities of the Universe on its own and the possible natural explanations of these seven potential Dyson swarms are great examples of this for example all of these could just be hot planetary discs producing extra missions the dim visible light signatures could be caused by dust and clouds blocking the Stars light and the infrared signatures could be produced as a result of the same dust and clouds simply heating up another example could be that huge collisions are happening in these planetary systems producing large enough clouds of planetary debris to create these results or you know it could just be simply that these stars are naturally behaving in ways that we haven't seen before and we're getting to see new types of stages in a star's life cycle all of these are just is likely if not more so than the possibility of Dyson spheres or Dyson swarms further studies are going to be absolutely required from something like the James Webb Telescope in order to be certain about any of these possibilities in fact since the original papers have come out about project hias new studies have already been conducted that have explained three of the seven possible Dyson spheres candidates a different team of astronomers used the very large array Sky survey or vas which is an array of radio wave telescopes and they found through through those radio waves that the heat admissions being detected are not coming from the Stars themselves in three out of the seven candidates so what does that mean well it means that at least three of these are almost certainly not Dyson spheres they are more likely hot dog galaxies wait nope not that kind of hot dog a hot dust obscured Galaxy and while these are very common phenomena in the universe they are notoriously difficult to find a hot dog galaxy in the universe is a quazar with a massive amount of dust swirling around and active black hole in the center giving off tons of radiation and producing a lot of heat in turn making the Galaxy glow brightly in the infrared you might be sitting there thinking well if Hot Dog galaxies are known within the astrophysics Community why did they immediately assume Dyson spheres at all well it's likely two reasons one being what I mentioned earlier you know aliens will grab people's attention the other one is that we've only known about hot dog Galaxies for about 14 years this is pretty new information in finding seven hot dog galaxies all at once is extremely rare on its own so it wasn't immediately assumed to be the explanation now that's not saying that the other four candidates aren't Dyson spheres or Dyson swarms because the truth is we still have absolutely no idea what they are so all possibilities are welcome to the table but even if they do turn out to all be hot dog galaxies that's still really cool I mean we're talking about the process of a very rare ancient active black hole consuming and clearing out a Galaxy sized amount of dust and we're getting to watch the lights signatures of it happening in our very own Galaxy that's crazy and if I'm being honest black holes quazars specifically are far cooler and far more interesting than any other alien topic that you can present to me and all this is sort of my point about this particular story and these particular findings about Dyson spheres the scientists put forward a more tantalizing version of the results to gain public interest where I don't think they necessarily had to hot galaxies are interesting enough on their own and in my opinion also have a very attention grabbing name because in the end I think the likelihood of any of these candidates turning out to be any alien super structure is extremely low not zero but just very very low but only time will tell we need a lot more time for astronomers to continue surveys and studies on these objects and telescopes like the James web will go a long way in getting those answers faster but in the meantime we can all continue to look up at the night sky and dream of what may be out there waiting to to be discovered and if you're anything like me you feel that aliens are abundant in the universe and one day will stumble across them but for now it doesn't seem that that day has come
Channel: Interstellar News
Views: 42,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASA, aliens, alien, UAP, UFO, alien spaceship, alien life, dyson sphere, dyson, dyson swarm, superstructure, 7 candidates, space, space news, astronomy, astrophysicists, science, physics, star, hotdog, hotdog galaxy, galaxy, black hole, megastructure, mega structure
Id: fKpxvqSAFoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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