Cop Raid at Flea Market

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they're raiding the hotel right next to the bar grading the hotel right next to the bar we gotta leave hey guys this morning we head out to some yard sales despite waking up a little bit late and at the end of the video cops end up showing up to our local flea market good morning how you doing it's okay my glasses fogged up I couldn't see anybody here would you happen to have any like video games like Nintendo Game Boy stuff only thing that I the only thing that I have that we would have that's anything related like that would be like Pokemon cards oh okay interested um yeah I gotta take a look at them yeah three dollars so this is the only Pokemon yeah these are cards I had she says 15 anything for Salinas 50 cents a pack you want three dollars in this one you want three dollars it's just three dollars okay cool though excuse me how much are the the toys the little toys I didn't see that you had this here eight dollars yeah you have the original Nintendo all the games yeah that's not that's what I look for what I'm looking for we're keeping it all that's cool yeah and all the guitars oh yeah so this is like the whole set I think it's all complete yes it has the screen and then this has the screen with the CD um I'll take five dollars for that okay it works do you have any more video game stuff like Super Nintendo Game Boy stuff anything oh yeah yeah that's cool how much you want on this I'll take this three okay it's cool eight and then how much is the 8.0 how much in this sorry sorry I got one here you go sir appreciate it yes sir thank you um yeah it's gonna be uh I have some videos on there it's doxy games I don't see what goes on there yeah yeah really Clips yeah that's him that's me how much on the PS1 oh man I'll do 40 40. I test it I just have a smart TV so can you do 30 on the lot uh yeah that's good all right so I'm gonna be taking that to him how much in the calculator five okay okay yeah I take them oh eight eight what oh shoot oh I recorded something is that SWAT going in that building my car's in front of the bar oh bro it's right there yeah I don't know what happened though I'm gonna get out of here it goes down charge uh five dollars now for entertainment yeah all right so here's everything I got today um I did all the numbers on everything um today I spent about 116 and all this stuff um on these Sonic figures um I should be able to get out about eighty dollars um really the one that's worth a lot is this one right here this one's worth about fifty dollars by itself it's a werewolf Sonic um this other one potentially could give me fifty dollars um there's not any of these posted on eBay just a sealed one and it's supposed to come with another toy and it's sealed and it's posted for about 150 I can post it for like 50 bucks and take offers on it um so 80 on those I found this diagnostic thing I got it for 20 bucks it's going for about 90 to 120 on eBay um these cards I picked up these Pokemon cards I'm not sure what they're worth I paid thirty dollars but I figure I just throw them in my whatnot I uh Pokemon cards always do pretty good for me on there so I'm hoping to get maybe another 30 on them so that would give me about 60. not too sure what we got in here but I will post my what not Link in the description um these empty tins here I got it for a buck each I don't know I'm gonna throw my whatnot I'm hoping to get about three dollars each for them if not we'll see uh what happens uh there's PS1 oh if it's working it should be able to get maybe 50 to 60 bucks for it I might be able to part out this controller right here it's a dark gray Pac-Man 2 is about ten dollars on eBay this Olympus T100 goes for about 35 to 40 bucks um TI 84 calculators are always a big hit that's an instant 40 to 50 on eBay um this Legends flashback system if working we should get about 35 for it this Godzilla goes for about 35 to 40. got him for three bucks uh Pac-Man handheld those are pretty cool I like collecting those I set them up at my desk at work those go for about that one goes for about 15. it's not too much but I'm probably just gonna set that up on my desk I'll probably end up keeping it the DVD player should give me about 40 bucks so all together we spent about um 116 um profits looking at when we subtract how much I spent about 438 dollars on all this uh but if you enjoyed uh the video If you enjoyed my if you enjoyed the video If you enjoyed my channel um please subscribe and click like um also follow my whatnot link a lot some of the stuff that you see here we'll be going up on whatnot um but you have a good one thank you for watching
Channel: Doxi Games
Views: 905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game hunting resale ebay police raid flea market goodwill
Id: 0qFpslKv7qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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