Blocked Drain 885

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thought dress what that block drain and it looks like it's well and surely blocked these are just the smaller size Roots they' only exposed this now they're going to be putting a garden bed in here we think it runs down underneath this wall down through here and out here but we're not certain but if you have a look at the size roots that are in there that's my finger that's one of the roots they're massive I might just throw some uh tracing Dy down there just to make sure it does come out here that we're on the right track from there it runs out to the street but uh I don't like our chances of getting through this so they'll probably end up having to replace that pipe cuz it's just uh it's chockers maybe so we use some Ninja Turtle blood all right we'll pour the juice down there see if it comes out the other end it does flow which is a good sign nothing coming through yet we want to see a bit of green that way we know we're on the right track [Music] my [Music] there yeah there we go there's a bit of green we're on the right track no beautiful all right so we might be able to just clear those roots or those logs whatever you want to call them always up for a challenge all right let's get started pressure [Music] [Music] up oh all right we Choice the penetrator see how we go make sure if she's working that she's working puffer down turn her on okay we're making a bit of progress on the count of three one two [Music] three would you believe four oh [Music] St [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right well that's good we poed it [Music] all right I think we got to work it from the other end now we'll drag all those roots back and out okay sor it's a bit of a problem this water here maybe we can try and pop this line so that it takes this water away at least maybe with the small axe this well it's G somewhere which is good maybe it's taking that water away yeah see if we can see that out the street doesn't come here it must run underneath the road that's enough to take the water out of this pit to stop us from drowning thanks to the little axe pressure up okay we use the gy to get rid of these logs to begin [Music] [Music] with [Music] there we go we got one out like a whip very good see this other one Falls snap now it's doing pretty good there a bit water log which is good they're not as hard the big ones still in there though [Music] release pressure going to put ready up the line ready the nozle with that big one that's a size there that's still all the way up there with a few others all right pressure [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy it's pretty stuck I have something on the end of it though which is always good come on let's have a look what do we got oh yeah some Roots big one's still up there [Music] [Music] the therey we [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] going [Music] all h [Music] getting there just got to get a few more Roots up the top we might be able to get down from the top now oh [Music] yeah put that one out little tree all right we'll try and blast everything back up towards us here and we go pressure on [Music] [Music] oh I can just get it with my fingernails and it's loose is [Music] [Music] Co [Music] [Music] all right try the goly grabs all right here's the gly grabs there I got one it's a little offcut Goa one way get out of there one more down there [Music] yep I think there's that one little twig left we might have to get it from the other side we might have to go in again through this pipe down here and try and pop it to let this water go we're ring turning her on electricity and water not [Music] good all right I think we [ __ ] it which is good we'll take the water away from here all right we're going to pull that little Branch back out now and we're done we [Music] go well it wasn't such a little Branch there more spel put it out and in [Music] sh I managed to pop it that way but that's about it they're so thick what you that way yeah so that it's it's slightly flowing it's taking that water away but not very fast okay so you shot into that big I shot in I got maybe 15 M down that way all right with your hose yeah but only with the smaller he positive thinking meate positive thinking I went in with this little one yeah okay so you like there's still some roots in it but there is a pathway that's at least as big as that exactly but then I'm only getting to 15 M Mark and then I can't get further than that so could it be a bend that you get stuck up it could be a Bend yeah hey get a tape measure 50 m is a way I'll stick a camera down here you probably go through a couple bends and then you get stuck in it I'd say so yeah I'll stick a camera through here and just see if there's anything left in the line right and if that turns down yeah could your camera fit down that way and we'll see what it won't no still chalkers with those big fat Roots can you can you uh chop into them anymore oh maybe a little bit can give it a go you need any of that [ __ ] cleaned up there's some of the roots I think they grown in through the bit of look so I bet you that on like I you'll find out now I bet you when you camera that you're going to see a drop down from this L box coming down in the top of it okay well that's what I'm assuming I I reckon you'll be right have a look all right all right camera down let's see what we're dealing with there's a junction there that must be for the other the other um Planet box looks good light at the end of the tunnel there's another Junction servicing another planter box there's Baby R what's he doing down there get out of there baby R I won't push you into the abyss oh all right well that's good so that planner box iio is about a meter back I might locate that for him let's go [Music] hunting [Music] [Applause] baby right Master spot on baby right thank you Jeff this is where your uh other planter box is where the dra is where the other uh Inlet is that you were talking about just there so that drops down there comes along here there's another Junction on its back right there yeah right and then there's another one that drops in half way down this shaft drops in into that shaft so that goes into this vertical sha from the side yeah oh I can see one there too a 50 mil Junction into it so there might be two and then halfway down here there's another Junction from which direction or can you tell Oh Yeah from here so there's a 50 and then that much further down there's 100 what the f wind they coming from over here who knows maybe EG line so now there's a 50 there as well 50 50 100 yeah right and now 50 looks like it's got so there's here we are out there that's us out there all the way oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] you're from Canada yeah where abouts briia oh yeah nice you speak French no that's the other side is it w they lost uh-huh I I spoke it in I learned it in elementary school did you all right so okay well that one think about is yeah that's as good as we're going to get it I mean even if I dig down there I probably that out you could yeah but I don't I don't want to get into that b box if we don't have to we're going to get this one so that is a plza box yeah right yeah it must be it is yeah the only thing that worries me is it's get the bloody building exactly right at the windows this waterproofing failed so thats me this might but we haven't seen any evidence of any water Ingress so okay so maybe it does work to a degree yeah it's not a problem now I'm not going to M with it so do you want to have another shot down there yeah it'd be good man um you want me to you don't have a here I don't know you want me to get some uh you'll be able to get out with three buckets it's not it's not much yeah Jacks Jacks here can give you hand it up all right Jacks can you just help them Buck it out that water so you can get access to that bike nicely and try and cut some more [Applause] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you want some new gloves I can go grab you some oh I got something in the van there if you can just grab from the back of my van you'll see a box of gloves there just where the jedar is thanks [Music] [Music] Mike niw one thanks [Music] mik only about 12 me away okay about 12 me maybe that's where we're dropping down probably going down to the bottom and then getting stuck maybe could be that's about the that's about the distance we're going yeah right okay then it drops down so you might you can give this one to go too that looks clear and you could hear air coming out of there yeah I just heard it for a second okay I'm was going to put put a different nozzle on there this will just uh tell me if the line between here and there is clear sounds good that's pretty good but you sure you could hear hear the water in there when I was going through there yeah I heard a little bit sound coming up out of there okay so then maybe you just need to replace it from here to there how far down is that down there yeah the horizontal line it just about 500 M down the only way we can tell is how I'll put the camera down we might see the water trickling fast all right Jeff I've just gone around the base just a few leaves there and that's definitely going that direction there um I can't say definitively but I can tell you it's running this way oh yeah but I can't see the T Junction maybe it no that's direct okay so this is this is the only Line running that way I can't see that line there so I I would have thought we'd see I hear that it must be connected at some point maybe further down see any Junctions up yeah maybe further down how far is 5 about 5 m and uh you just hit a corner there hit a corner another corner and uh another Corner no not yet 10 me yeah where mil mate I think that goes to that pit out the front yeah but I can't see any other Junction from this line just just below the surface here is is that like a y Junction down in the same line as this one no you can't see that line This is the end of the line here really yeah but what you could possibly do is if you've got enough fall that might be a little bit too high but it could be a slightly charged system and you could maybe run that into that run a whole new line underneath to there I think that's your best option did you get a camera in this this way no you can't get a camera in there too tight you can only get a little hole like that and you don't reckon you can cut any more out there no no no they might draw oh yeah say son of a [ __ ] and I am thinking positive can you just humor me and um let me dig down here and cut the pipe right at that sandstone and let's just have a quick look and see if that major stuff goes okay much further yep y so Jackson just quickly dig this stuff out right down all right you don't want to be more back on I reckon that's all right [Music] there [Music] [Music] yeah I just wanted to see the roots maybe we got a hold of them you can pull them out yeah right okay how good the grip all right you want to take it a bit further even that's I was think you cut through the plas but not yeah just in case we can actually I doubt there to twist them and break their neck never PL pus that all over [ __ ] find the pipe and destroy it drawing everywhere and you night Dr proba well then there's a possibility if I can get my head down and cut it down there we might pull that in one block it's almost worth you know I guess cuz you can't get a camera down you don't know where what direction that pipe goes but I imagine it's going to be straight at least to here and then it might you would think so so if we down right here we can cut it at the other end and find it and then we can repair both ends without have to pull up all this concrete all right shut in is that the cam or the water no that's the water out everybody what yeah so it looks like that thing runs across that first pad of sandstone on the left hand side and [Music] [Music] it [Music] look at that for a cake [Music] f thing here this is take these off that off take that [Music] off [Music] 10 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh paral if we need to and just open up a spot here let's do that okay yeah what we need to do just open up that bit and I'll cut through the part uh through the roots and then we can pull them out and then we can service the rest of the lawn pipe yeah cut up here and then I I'm going to try and pull that pipe out too I'll cut it both end hopefully it's not beautiful you work with I'm always trying to get him to but come out problem that's the LG y by the by the fifth or sixth time I asked him and say could we do this can we do that then usually comes up with a you have to do that especially with Aussie tries yeah I got to work my Canadian charm on you guys beautiful now I should be able to P that out look at that oh [ __ ] yeah here wait wait wait wait stop there get a pH that's a beauty was that in the that's just a bit of it bik is for you don't FL is Fus don't plant Fus Roots okay so we got a bit ahead of ourselves too now we might have some of that left down there oh we do we do um but it's not too bad if I can jet down fast there and cut it at the bottom we won't be able to pull the whole lot out yeah so you want us just to extend this back do the same thing that we did before and grab a hold of it yeah yeah I think so it out well I don't we can make yank this bit cuz it's planted in around the corner so I need to go to the corner cut it at the corner and then pull it [Music] out [Music] thanks night oh yeah W well if we were able to reverse up to it we could pull out with chains CH see if I can sneak that fast my theory is I'll jet down to wherever I can cut it and then we can pull that bit out okay [Music] we coming out over there does it come out over there yeah yeah yeah there's a great here yeah yeah yeah okay good that's good that's us say the CL thickens didn't see that there you know what I think it's growing from here what's that it's growing from here so it's growing from the base of the pot it's coming up and into the pot so if I cut it here we'll be able to pull it out the Bakers one what [Music] all right I'm going to have to pull my nuzzle off so I can pull my hose out there we go now we're going to cut the root from the uh the pit end and then pull out this massive bit of root that's stuck in there [Applause] [Music] got all right I cut through but there's a big um bul at the B at the end of it like a b mhm I just got to yeah I got to hit that group ball don't order to do it R wish me luck all right with the pinch FL get water out with the bucket no it's all right and then it'll pull out thanks Jackson [Music] theend there you go out my head sorry sorry good just that hey mate wait wait wait yep you can push that back to me yeah pushing back and then we we might be able to get that cuz there's still a bit of a ball at the end of it that might be hard for you to drag out okay maybe it is the ball it any further to me yeah I'll try and push it [Music] [Music] further ready [Music] not yet is it coming no for I swear there's something where the yeah same oh yeah I cut it off with the jet so the jet head cut it off there which isn't real good to us now we got nothing to pull not good not really might just have to renew it it's not very [Music] deep yeah I can't feel it this end either no anymore must have pushed it up through this P more this way I'm taking my nozzle off but I can't pull my hose out want to dig another bit no you're going to have to just replace it it's not far this is just a rubble pit that just goes into the Earth there's nothing at the V of that pit I got my head stuck in there now there's not even a nozzle on the end f got it bit damaged all right oh oh yeah um so that there needs to be replaced from here to to there that's just a soak way yeah so at the bottom of the Trap of that pit it just goes into the Earth [Music] yeah you see all that water coming out here yeah that's not good no is old made around you might want to show him what it is that there is a pit um at the bottom it's all cut out it goes into the Earth what's occurring yeah I know yeah yeah water coming through poorly doneit yeah yeah yeah and it's all electrical though I don't know if it's dead or alive it's not alive at the moment it's all um Craig's going to have to replace from there to there yeah well I don't see why we can't dig another hole here I I might just give that a go so I don't have to dig up all this but also look at possibly if you've got enough fall seeing it into this existing downpipe here at the base there yeah right cuz that's right in line with it yeah and then leave that no dispersing wait for that to go if it can just go down there that's 100 Mil pipe the whole way right and that was yeah and that's all clear yeah that that's all ran you yeah we might do that nice one thanks Jeff yeah what was your name again Oliver Oliver thanks Jackson might be might not be the last time you come to this oh it'll be the last time be the wor time oh well half of it good 3/4 is good I just check out the view here that's the harbor there's the city in the distance all good Sydney oh good sort of got 3/4 of it done Craig just has to renew that last little bit hello hello for you guys
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 283,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: evrtPsp3eaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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