Dumpster Diving Aldi #405

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welcome back everyone Fortune finders aisle here right now we're at Aldi's and I've actually never been to this Aldi's it probably looks like I have cuz these things all look the same but nope I have never been to this one so let's check it out oh what's this oh look at that there's a rose for you guys there's a ha on it ew I actually saw a couple over here look at look at all these roses yay all right let's get into this ooh cauliflower pizza uh looks perfectly good to me some nice dju I'm pretty sure those are peirs but I could be wrong oh seven up lemon lime cake I have found these before but it's been years since I have found them that's awesome there's another one look at that a doesn't that look delicious scrumptious right there wow I'm already liking this Aldi I really am actually there's another one that they're putting in um right down the road from this one so there's going to be like three Aldi right next to each other pretty sweet if you ask me sliced Brios loaf with chocolate chips um uh mini Nan breads awesome check all those out got a whole box full of them take them grab the rest there can throw those his bread it's not going to hurt it um got a big thing of meat there oh it's open nope oh here we go first things first we got some pretzels there pretzel sticks not even usually the oh I lied okay well those are going to the chickens and check these out tilapia filets $492 for that one that's the other one 365 for that one and then we got a couple more down there awesome yep we are taking those it is cold out right now so we can take we can take anything we want as long as it's not super out of date or recall what are those pumpkin P pumpkin cupcakes pumpkin spice cupcakes yes yes I think I will take those yes thank you so much oh my God look at this look at all those cupcakes oh man look at all those cupcakes now it's kind of concerning that they're wrapped in caution tape but whatever whatever there's more look at this and let's get the last one in there that is amazing look at that not even touched no one ever even bought one of those that's a whole box of cupcakes what I'm happy I am a happy camper right now I'll tell you we got some bananas we will be taking those B ones must have fallen off of that bunch gra these are no good these on are good those others are bag so were just disgusting see that one's bad but the rest of them are fine what's this Ah that's awesome what is snow why did they let it go why did they Cho this thing what look at that why would they even throw that away this is this Aldi is is amazing yes this seriously looks just like the other one we go to there's this thing and everything so s oh what are these Sierra boots they are ladies faux fur linen rain boots booties they're booties check them out that's a nice pair of booties right there oh look at the insides I'm trying to like there we go see that that looks so comfy I'm putting those on I don't care that they're women's look at this same size as my foot I am trying them on oh they're perfect I'm wearing them they're mine I don't care if it says women's ah and break that and we are ready to go let it snow I'm ready for the snow cuz I got my booties on let's go I feel like 12 feet taller too what the heck that is so cool look at all those bananas it's a whole box full look how fresh they look like look at this they're barely even there's barely even a spot them what this is just insane look at all of that salad what's under this ooh green beans oh man oh more green beans very nice we got some uh pikalo I have no idea how to say that but that's what I'm going with tomato all right we got us a cucumber or a zucchini I don't not sure what that is because it's so shriveled cucumbers I knew it more green beans very nice tons of cauliflower it's a little brown but that's fine with me hey they it's a little brown so they throw it out I'll take it and cook that up yes I will I'll cook that up and then throw some of it to the chickens more green beans oh some more salad stuff look at that beautiful get that whole box oh look at this look at that bad boy tomato juice that's huge we will be taking that oh look at all these apples down here kind of these Autumn Glory whoa I've never heard of those but they look delicious don't they look how nice they look what oh another bag of them Autumn Glory beautifully delicious these ones look better Gala we got some gala apples oh look at that we got another tomato juice awesome and another one actually tons of tomato juice what we got more apples these are Macintosh so we got Gala Autumn glory and Macintosh I don't know if Autumn glory is the brand or what but I I'm not really sure to be honest but either way got tons and tons of apples you can make an apple pie you can make apple juice you could make apple cider you could make apple sauce it just it just goes on oh here we go some celery is this celery yes it is that's some big celery put that in that box there's some more big celery holy some more big celery beautiful oh look at that bad boy we got butternut squash spaghetti squash okay well that is gigantic it's just a little rubbed off on the back what that's just where it laid on the ground and was growing why would they throw it away cuz I don't they realize that they grow on the ground what okay well hey you know what I'm not going to complain because that's going home with me let's get some more bananas nice oh more apples more macintoshes oh one of these ones honey crisp we got some honey crisps awesome there we go we got some more beautiful more Macintosh what's your guys favorite type of apple we'll check this out dang it Artisan lettuce yeah nice pop that there oh look at more bananas Awesome by the way I'm going to get those bananas out of there I just I'm not going to do it right now on video cuz I need both both hands to do that oh what's this oh good oh more Autumn Glory waa I don't even understand why they throw a bag of apples away way there's literally nothing wrong with these even if it says it's out of date that shouldn't matter check these out Brios Brios is the best these should just be named renamed to the best bread instead of Brios look at all that Brios oh man wow that must be all they threw them out cuz look they got a little squished what's this oh I got some Tide look at that it leaked a little bit as you can see but it's like still full that's awesome what is this holy crap look at all this cereal what the it's all still good it's a little wet but that's just the boxes obviously cereals and bags holy crap that's a lot of cereal man there we go all right let's see here we got some blackberries there those look so good we got a bunch of apples tons of apples in here oh we got some potatoes I can't get them those blackberries came out uh some of those don't look too good as you can tell wors oh nice found a bunch of these the other day H we got even more now oh crap got to get there we go oh look at all that squash oh that moldy that is super moldy yuck we got all this brw we got one there we got a bunch here look at all those look at all that brat worst oh oh we got some ke some mighties nice those are perfectly good nothing wrong with this um what about this meat is the meat open it is not open uh what date what date what date where's the date 127 2021 that's today we can take that we can absolutely take that oh and there's some oranges right there as you can see oh and some more of those awesome what is this this looks like perfectly good something it is ginger and sesame or maybe not what is that disgustingness is that supposed to be in there oh there's more of that cereal that out and we got some milk to go with it nice got all this milk there's another one vitamin D whole milk that's my favorite milk right there we got the t% there we got some more down in there awesome what is it here cranberries and flour which each one of these are always opened up in some way huh these aren't open but there's holes in there's flower all over it but that's fine can wash those cranberries right off oh see no look at that see there's always some cranberries opened up but the rest of these are n so I will be taking those three um seeing as how this thing's so full right now I can't obviously I'm not going to be taking everything and putting it outside the dumpster like that's pretty far down there that would take forever for me to do so I'm going to do all that after I do the video got pineapple there nice o look at those strawberries those are ready to eat let me tell you look at those those are beauties look at those oh those are actually really nice why' they even throw that one out well we'll keep that oh that's why they threw it out one of them broke off didn't even know um be honest this thing is so loaded I'm not really seeing yeah um I think that's about it that's all I'm be a really get to yeah all right well I'll cut this video short here um I'll add this onto it or I'll add another video onto this one anyway hope you guys enjoyed welcome back everyone Fortune finders here right now we're at Aldi's let's see what we got what the heck are those things oh is that a Christmas tree 5 foot flocked potted tree what look at that thing that's freaking awesome what are those inflatable outdoor movie projection screen what what no way how do we get those I can't get it so heavy maybe uh you you're going to hurt yourself here let me do that take my phone oh oh my God got holy crap oh my God is it heavy oh my God look at that thing why would they throw it out it's literally a movie theater this is damaged on it huh it says damag on it does it oh dang I mean I guess it could be popped but why why would there be two I feel like it says damaged because look at the Box the box is damaged oh look how pretty that is I know that's what I was saying that's awesome looking what all that's going in my room no get the bag look the other one I could have done that I got it I got it oh sorry oh I'm sorry oh God I'm sorry you can throw it in my face I'm sorry oh there's another one what there's another one oh my God there's no way that these are damaged the boxes are Dam yeah that's why cuz the boxes they're not even open that's what I mean is the boxes are damaged let me get this one you got it yeah here have a rat fly out of me or something oh my God three of them got three of I got three of them who wants to come over for movie night oh my God look at this oh my we're going to have so many movies that we can watch how big is it that's what I want to know4 in holy crap oh my God includes the blower it even what what oh my God that is amazing what the best part is that the blower is included like you never get that all right well there's Tomatoes down here there's yeah it stinks in here we got a lot of flowers but they're all destroyed got asparagus there got strawberries over there but yeah there's not out of the container we have some squash nice yellow squash this is freaking amazing wow Merry Christmas to us
Channel: Fortune Finders
Views: 6,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SIElyoJ6KcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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