The FIND OF OUR DREAMS in the TRASH! Garbage Picking

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oh my goodness cute we can't fit anym in this car guys look at that oh my God Jacko guys I'm like kind of freaking out cuz we have filled the car to its Max we've got a pile here now this pile is one that I found some vintage Ceramics in before but um I'm not sure if I'm seeing that type of stuff here today it looks more like Construction and stuff like just materials and bags there's a hat ooh vintage giant hat take a look in there oh yeah look at this guys giant C that's cool nashille oh are dirty Shippensburg University New Jersey Devils naville Tennesse Temple Westport that's cool and some straw hats I think I'm just go take the Giants and the New Jersey Devils or I'm going to ask jene about these she knows more about hats that's pretty cool back up an old Sears catalog from 1992 that's pretty cool too look at that lawn furniture wow oh Maps mason jars wow I think that's all we're going to take from this pile this is pretty cool I'm excited to show Janina a little a little dirty but um I think she will be excited roll down that window buddy look what I found wow vintage for sure right yeah it's a little like the embroider the little scuffed but I think it would wash up really nicely it's a sports Specialties too yeah I don't know what that means Shake It Up Sports Specialties is usually like of one of the like Brands you want to look for in vintage oh it's a she that's a little messed up but a little snipping maybe but I think it'll clean up it's like not super like dirty you know and then I found a Jersey Devil's one Fox Sports News so I'm going to throw these in the back cool we shiny bre Doo and on this channel what do we do Laura we do a lot of things we go thrifting we go trash picking we go to the flea markets all in the hopes of vintage treasure or just treasure overall cool things funky things things that catch our eyeballs well well can I say hopefully like vintage holiday cuz what are we Laura we are vintage holiday collectors enthusiasts that's what we love and enjoy Also things from the ' 80s and '90s um but when we go garbage picking it's it's a fun time guys which I don't know if we mentioned but we're going garbage picking today we're actually in the midst of garbage picking as we speak we decided to pull over and invite you guys on in and uh hopefully you'll you'll stick through and see what we found because we just went and found yeah we found like a pile of stuff and we took a whole bag of stuff we didn't look through all of it so hopefully there are some hidden gems inside of there yep and if you guys know the whole trash picking feel feel free to skip ahead but for those of you who are new our trash picking Adventures take place about an hour away from where we live we travel in my BR 4 so we don't have a huge van and we pick up what makes sense to us we are not full-time resellers we don't do this for a living we just do this for the fun of it all so we'll pick up what makes sense for us either to resell to donate to make sure it doesn't end up in the landfill but there are a ton of other Pickers and even families People Like Us who are just doing it to see what's out there um so a lot of it gets picked up be rest assured um it is not our sole responsibility to pick up everything we SE in the curb but we do what we can and we have a fun time doing it so I think that that's the feel yeah I think we're ready to go and you guys the camera is about to fall so let's go go it would just take some glue do you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about this Tre it's pretty cool look at this this Tito's vodka sign this part is broken but what broken too oh I didn't even notice the neon a that would have been so cool rest RP Tito bye Tito I didn't even realize that I was like oh we could just glue it together yeah we're coming up on this pile this Christmas this Christmas there's Christmas um this is interesting wow look at that that's intense is it broken there might have been something there yeah this is broken wow and like a um church that's cool though what else do we have oh yeah the um the big sort of lawn snowman are cute you know yeah yeah now if you're new to watching our trash picking videos we try to do a good job in rying things up putting things back where this is definitely a TR where we found them um to rip open bags try yeah try not to rip open the bags and put things back how we found it if you don't see it on camera we're usually doing it after we sto filming um I might poke around maybe try to open a bag or like what if it's Christmas stuff yeah this is a pine cone I don't know know what to say also also noticed that this air mattress was never opened it still has the tape on it so probably take that these are really tied up so we're not going to rip them open and we don't need another Christmas tree I don't think well we have three aluminum and one green so I don't think we need cool this is cool though I can't carry with one hand okay thank you oh and while we're looking at this Janine looked this up on eBay oh yeah and there's a sold comp for this hat for $56 on eBay wild I mean obviously this one has some little bit of condition but you know yeah maybe 30 bucks and out of the trash really can't beat that mhm what'd you spot Christmas look nice costumes hello costumes aluminum tins no Scream masks in there I mean there's stuff in here Janine oh it's a clown show like what if there's like Halloween decorations put on this like that like these hello you can't you can't just sometimes it's like you see a little bit of a costume and you're like I got to check it out you know there might be something else yeah but you just walked away look what I found oh yeah I know I want to I want to scope up the whole situation you know these are good those are vintage that's nice um clown shoes though I was going to say like what if there's stuff at the bottom of this and there s of is but the rest are like um bags oh my God it's very 90s yeah that like foil shiny foil yeah I do like those bags but I'm not sure they're a little yeah I think this might be a little like wet yeah feels a little damp so I don't think we'll take that but those are plastic so yeah those can be washed these came out in the 7s all the way through the ' 80s I'd say oh I think some in the early '90s too early '90s so cool this is great we had these in the collection but I mean never going to pass them by especially if they came out of the garbage Fedora I thought they were purple pumpkin string lights and I got really excited no I don't think those are purple pumpkin string lights sine and some lawn chairs but I think that's it wow Halloween oh nebulizer oh what's that yellow thing Janine it's a poker oh poker for Janine oh does isn't this like a walking stick oh maybe walking pole or something oh oh what is that what is that what is this you do a little song and dance with it Janine a little lady hello my honey um Janine spotted this tiny pile with her eagle eyes and we very intrigued I was like what is this little box is it a maybe it it's for like a those humidity things maybe they're from like cigars oh yeah I think it may have I don't know I don't smoke cigars but tell me is this like a cigar box I don't know I don't think so doesn't that look like this is humidity humidity things and like de humidifier no not quite a jewelry box but I mean you never know one time we found a like a vintage looking jewelry box and there was some old jewelry in it um if you're interested watching that we have a playlist of all of our trash picking videos so um I don't know which one it was but long definitely check out our uh older videos find some cool stuff and maybe we'll find some more today so I don't know if that was like a cigar box or if people like put cigars in there or if those humidity things were for cigars um I don't smoke cigars I don't know anything about them so I'm sure some of you in the comments will let us know if you do know um or if I just made an assumption out of nowhere about that I don't know why I'm assuming like I don't why would I think that that's cigars I I don't know jeny I don't know um yeah let us know if you know what that is please let us it could just be a box quite honestly but it could be yeah I spotted these from the car out of the corner of my little eyes they might be more modern you know we're cool for Halloween we really are those are teddy bear no they are cool though I mean I don't know I'm not one to pass by Halloween you got to take them you know she says we got to take them if we don't use them we will donate them or break a leg or break a leg and there's this thing in here Janine I'm going to move this so we can see a little bit better but there is um there's like a figure in there like a horse or something it's heavy oh it's a mousse with a broken Aller I have to leave that no mousse for me today oh look at this I don't know what that is fabric I think we're just going to take the Spidey was there any other legs uh not that I can see but I can take another look I think that's it though oh my gosh look Janine Squish and it's an axel it's an AEL oh my goodness cute and the big guy he's huge oh my God we can't leave him oh wow new in the box oh there like nail polish maybe we should take yeah let's take a whole bag and let's like um also see over here there's a bunch of like headbands and stuff wow here's stuff new with the tag what do you meme oh I sort of wanted that it's a game my God I'm having crazy thoughts Janine should we just like should we take it all or should we lose some behind for some the I didn't see a lot of like families out picking today I don't know I just would hate to see this go to the trash you know there a lot of good plush in here wow with the tags I mean I don't know about the I don't know the books giant pencils us stuff a lot of like kids stuff and look Jane there's like um dog toys with the tag oh there also a b pride flag h g you're not answering me what do you think letters I think somebody cleaned out their bedro room you know yeah lavender and Sage never burned should we just like take some of the bags yeah plush maybe leave behind the the head headbands but wait I want to put this some of the other stuff in there Kelly toy yeah there's some new I don't know should we just help I don't know what to do all right let's take some stuff yeah put that in there we'll go through everything but we're just going to grab a good amount of it um and then stick around guys you'll see exactly what we took and if we if we we got the big the big squish stick around the homeowners came out they were really nice and they brought out a whole box of books the C dog I mean Zoe we met Zoe the little she was um she was a terrier right J B Jones she was a Yorkie oh actually yeah she's cute all these um ya right mainly like some good stuff you know yeah wow and then we grabbed a bunch of stuff in these boxes and stuff some like stuff that hasn't even been used but um did you check what's in this I didn't check what's in that no so there may be something in the trunk can't really not really sure um what exactly we grabbed engineering textbooks I doubt that they're still like you know like used do they look like older ones I don't know I'm not an engineer shocking I know um little ball there's a lot of books here and C curiosity got to Laura when she came out I know I was like I'm not going to go out she's like I'm not going to go out oh look at that cute little it's new it's cute it's a little bent in it's broken actually clothes some clothes kids clothes kids clothes and I want to look into this box there engineering textbooks but I don't think they're probably like additions that are still used you know but you know textbooks do resell really well when you have textbooks that are like up to date or like the newest edition even some older editions they can like resell really well there's literally a situation right now someone was putting a blow mold out to the curb and I guess someone in the family family is like they're like having an argument over whether they want to keep it or not it's still and and he's like bringing it out to the curb and then like and then like he was like oh wait where else so someone I guess wants to keep it and the and then and then like someone's also like no get rid of it I don't want it so like they brought they brought it to the curb wait they brought it to the curb and then they took it back it's sitting in the cor and it's sitting in the garage just like staring at us and we're like do they if they want to throw it out we'll take it you know cuz like it's oh it's a blow mold a Christmas blow mold what do we do do we just I don't know if we just like ask or like it's sitting in it's sitting in the doorway of the drive it's sting of the garage yeah it's sitting in the in like sitting in the garage so I don't know could offer them $20 also we have this blow mold that's true we'll keep you guys updated updating on the uh on the blow mold um I asked takes a lot of courage to ask at least for me ites does I'm not I I got a lot of social anxiety so um thanks um he said no it's going to my brother so I guess that answers that's it that answers the question of uh this close I think uhu I think Mom wanted to throw it away but the brother wanted to keep it so I don't blame I don't blame the brother for wanting to keep it so yeah but you ask that's what counts ask if you can but I understand why you can't worst that can happen is that we get a no the best that can happen is that we get a yes is that the best though when you already have it should we grab that vesa for beu our dog it's so cute how cute would that be oh oh it's so cute I want it there's also a giant be o I want it let's get it look how cute I wonder if it works [Music] it do oh my god get on it can I get on it no okay wow how cute that is so cute there's a big bumblebee behind you that's really cute that's really cute wow look at that be oh my goodness I want it should we take it it's so cute if you think about it too hard you might as well do it that's true right speaking of doing things yes think speaking of thinking about doing something long enough that you do it if you're not subscribed to our Channel and uh you know you're watching this video at least to this point why don't you think about subscribing and you know what we say Laura if you think about it long enough you might as well do it um just like if we think about this long enough we might take it put our dog on it take a picture and then donate it but I think we'll leave it here for a family to find and get a kid a local kid will have fun with it yeah not our dogs not our dogs now make that my size oh yeah real that it would be going we'd just be driving away with it yeah exactly what what what did you find there's money in here what there's money there's actual money just joking you know that's that's that's real that's not cool trying to clickbait me in on my own video but like not clickbait like just get me hyped oh oh ew e it's coming near me in in floating in the air so silly guys probably can't understand but that was really funny it just flew away it just floated away oh I landed what are the chances it's on Janine wow all right I'm going to go put that on a tree or something that's wild oh my god there it goes you think it's the same one do you think it's the same one who uhoh like a piece of paper um I have a straw do you think that was the same one yeah maybe that was weird bye little guy guys look at that oh my God there's there's there's a pale right there I got to find out I got to find out if this is ultra I don't think so I don't know oh my God no this is like so cool the noses is this all going for trash it's like in their yard it's a bunch of Halloween stuff Janine do I ask do I bring their doorbell it's like in their yard though ask was there a yard soon I don't know but it's all in their front yard let me let me see if I can ask guys there's Jacko win turns oh my God so we just talked to the homeowner and he said it's all for grabs Casper we got to take all of it God oh my God guys look at that this is like attached to something homemade wow um I think we should just like take some B sh you like these J I think we should just take some bins okay yeah would you help me yeah okay we're just going to take take this are you guys we're trying to clean up clean out so this here um that's going um and then that so that sits in a garden and it's a hexagon it goes all the way around yep both together all that's going thanks nice ornaments any La stuff La stuff no um we had some but I don't think any more any what uh yeah I'm I'm going to be posting all the blow molds probably like closer to Christmas oh wow yeah wow the Santa is so the big one that's a great one that's amazing wow yeah mid early mid wow actually really [Applause] so it's just how much you do on this guy this little ghost guy you want both of them um you want maybe do you want both of them maybe um you I have more space that's for sure a lot of space you want to do 20 for both 30 for both M go that with like some of the paints coming off mhm where did Janine go oh my gosh um hi I got like two potentially really good blow molds um I don't think we had the cash for it but he said he would do PayPal so I just want to see my wallet do you want to come in the back with me sure I didn't know where you went I didn't want to start walking and like yeah no I um they lot us into the backyard the car is on and open all right let me shut off the car I don't really know how we ended up here but I'm not upset about it at all a little oh yeah he's cracked but when you're not paying anything for it so we have I don't even know if I filmed the ghost but we'll tell you guys in the car we uh this is definitely one for the books wouldn't you say Janine oh yeah the cord just fell out look at him he's good wow it's been a while I'm so excited this is crazy okay we're going to get him in the car this is a trunk shot for the books print it out and paste it into trash picking photo album scores of 2024 wow pardon the appearance we were just haul and blow molds out of this backyard I don't know what I actually don't know what I CT I'm like sunburn I don't know what um we captured or I Capt a little debrief in the car cuz we're like excited oh my goodness so they had stuff out in the bins and I was going through them I was like oh my God Halloween like J we we saw the Witch and then I saw the bins and there was like there's like a blinky in there like there are pales there's like no pumpkin Left Behind PS so like Laura Laura goes in there and like and she starts like looking through stuff and I come over and we're we're like looking in the bin and then all of a sudden like three cars pull up oh my God and people like hop out of their cars and everyone's like looking through the bins and stuff it was like State like the state tail all of a sudden so it was it was one of those situ actually I've never had this happen to this extent while we been while we've been garbage picking before it's usually like one person pulls up with like you know maybe two but like these were like three cars there was like six people there was at one point like six people and they're like all grabbing stuff at once we had these bins I don't even know if you showed the bins no cuz they couldn't cuz we had to I closed them up and I was like Janine let's get them out of here and we get over there and then all of a sudden there's like three four five six you know people just start streaming in we lost a bin of Halloween somebody took a bin of Halloween but but it was the costume it was the costumes which is totally cool which is actually a bin I had already looked through fantastic and I was like we don't need costumes and we're not going to do anything with these costumes I was really looking to see if there was any hidden blow mold or like you saw earlier in the video uh we found the plastic glasses underneath some costumes like I was looking to see if there was anything like you never know you might come across like a Halloween toy no at the bottom of the bin but I do want to say that in one of those bins was that Casper mask I don't know how old that is maybe it's brand new I don't know but we did get that and so then all the frenzy started happening and then people left cuz like basically we cleared out that front lawn yeah I went up I went to the homeowner I asked like is this stuff like free and he was like yeah and then all those people appeared and then after they all cleared out I was like do you have any more holiday and the homeowner I don't know if it the homeowner but his sister was in the back pulling out all those blow molds from the shed and I was like oh my God are you selling these cuz there's two ghosties that I know Janine and I would be really in interested Jane wasn't with me there was pumpkin back there too did you see the pumpkin yeah the big the big one yeah he's a little faded and so we made an offer on the ghost somehow we got the free Santa and deer I don't know what happened can I just say J we were on our way home I don't know whether we just like passed this house like I don't know I don't know we've like already gone through all these roads so sometimes you know people are just putting stuff out later than you you know are trash picking and it's just literally like time place situation because if we were like a minute later all that stuff would have been gone so you never know um and uh you know what else I don't know Janine what what's like in those bins we like didn't look at them I know there's a lot in there we're excited to show you guys this is why we trash pick for moments like this they don't happen often but when they do it makes your head spin in such a wonderful way okay guys so we've uh' calmed down a little bit and we're going to head back because we can't fit anymore in this car we have filled the car to its Max almost Max potential um and we're going to show you what we got everything we got you might see it split into a few different areas because like we said we're an hour away from home there's a lot in the trunk but we're so excited to show you all right guys here are the blow molds we got we actually paid $30 for the two ghosts which is an incredible score and then they let us have Santa for free and I don't know if like we captured what like how this happened but you asked if there was more Halloween H any holiday items and uh they were cleaning out a shed shed and you went back there I wasn't with you so you went back there and um I don't know what even saw all the blow molds I asked how much for these two cuz I we love this one it's been on our like yes we want we have been wanting to him and he okay perfect size yep what's not to love about him it's made by is it made by Empire empire yeah it's got that Empire marking on it even has its original calor sticker of $10.99 this is a great one it's really really hard to find so when I saw this I was like oh my gosh I couldn't believe it asked how much for these two and uh she said 30 and I was like yeah that works um and yeah Janine the condition on these condition is fantastic there's no cracks there's like no fading a little scuffing on his Jacko Lantern but you know there's no cracks which that's ultimately the best thing this guy's a little bit more common I feel like you do come across at flea markets and such more often he's a quite a bit bigger too but we don't have him in the collection this one is made by a general foam Plastics his ja Lantern is INF faded this should come off with a magic eraser these should definitely clean up really well so yeah we we did pay for something on garbage picking day which is a you know a first for us and that made $30 made these two $15 each which is a fantastic deal if we were at a flea market or something they'd be a lot more and then they were so nice there and they were like you guys can have this it's a little busted yeah just you guys they to us for free because I think mostly because he is bust it also first off the bat this is a very rare very um highly sought after piece it goes for in good condition I think I've seen it go for like $400 yes crazy but it's a harder to find piece but this one is um a bit busted like Janine said mainly because of the railing of the I don't know if that's what we'd call it but this plastic part of the sled but we can glue it we can reinforce it it does have some cracks um there's another pretty major one in the front here yeah but you know from a distance once we have our house and we display this in the front yard you won't see it we found the Santa on the train years ago that was crazy I don't know I don't think we wereing YouTube videos back then but one day we'll have to show everyone our Christmas blow mold collection cuz you guys haven't seen it and um pretty good this is so cool and I I know some of you out there might be thinking like why in the world did you guys pick this up up but I think it's so awesome the way I slammed on my brakes when I saw this and backed up the car this is so cool guys it's made of plywood we talked to the guy who was like outside and you know I guess it was mostly his belongings he said he painted this when he was 10 years old and we just can't see it go to the trash it's hand painted it's that's fantastic for a 10-year-old I mean come on it is this has to be probably from like the 70s that's think in 80s yeah early 80s right it is so cool it's probably about 3 and a half 4 feet almost and um we just we had to save it there was no way that this was going to go to the trash a lot of people like the Christmas a lot of people painted um plywood Santas that was really big in the 60s and the 70s there are some condition issues you know like the nose is broken off broom is broken too the broom is broken and like she's a little dirty and maybe she needs to be repainted maybe someone will do that maybe we'll do it I don't know touch it up this is just something we had to save from the trash even if we don't keep it for ourselves we know that there are people out there who would love this even if we just pass it along for free to somebody else it's just a piece that could not end up getting trashed a little change in scenery guys it's the next day cuz there's just so much to show you now we're going to go through the squish mow I guess haul that we got and after that we'll show you everything in these bins we haven't even looked in them I'm so excited it's a cheetah I don't know what that is a cat this is one of the huge ones that is so big yeah she smells okay we'll throw her in the wash and donate her probably keep her I don't know but she's in great condition and a lot of these squish have all the tags so I can't believe she's just like there waiting for us incredible we got this whole entire bag um I say we grabbed about there's a lot of Squish Mellows in there there's a lot of Squish I say we grabbed about like 80% of what was like at that house a lot of it was stuff that was brand new so we've got this friends chapstick I guess this Ulta lip gloss I don't know if this has been used but it looks like pretty new we got what do you meme I've actually been wanting to get this game um it's sort of like a card game similar to Cards Against Humanity I don't know if all the pieces are in there but judging by the rest of this and the condition of a lot of things I bet it is little cell phone that's so cute little cell phone little like octopus we've got a cute little reindeer a pineapple a little uh shrimp Sushi couldn't bear to see these go to the trash Oh My Gosh Look Janine how cute what is that maxella she's a macaron maybe and then look at this one I was excited to see the Axel Janine like collects don't you collect the Axel yeah I have a couple of them I don't have like all of them or or anything like that but out of all the squish mows I've kind of held on to just like the uh Axel this was so cute sort of smells nice too actually what is that one I don't know a little dragon or something a griffin oh maybe a Griffin Griffin this one's so cute got that one a classic little cat oh my gosh look at all this squish I think that's all the squish this and then the giant wow that is a lot and we do have another bag from that house I don't know if there's any in that I don't know here are some other like little small things that we threw in that bag um this is a brand new candle lavender AG wow used so that's great some more things we grabb this nice little bag that still has the tags on it some books we didn't grab all of the books but we grabbed some there is a new in the box office figurine I really want to open that and find out what character we have should we do it um we also have I guess I I've never seen friends I've never watched it I don't know any of the references going to get a lot of people I know going to get a lot of people up upset that you've never watched Friends all so I think this is a friends reference yes it is cuz it says cool TV props friends so I don't know I guess it's for friends there's two oh look at that one for each of us how funny so there's two of them yeah there's a um there's a there's a tag on it I thought it was just the case it says uh airpod case uh series 1 and two by anthropology and I opened it up and there's the most kind of disgusting airpods I've ever seen in there but they're actually in there they're actually airpods so there are airpod like actual Apple airpods yeah you see on the back there yeah it says apple and um they're really gross like I don't know what I'm going to do with them but we this is like the second Apple product we found the trash right yep we've uh a few two years ago maybe a year ago we found a MacBook Pro in the garbage and for a while like we used that to like edit our videos so very interesting I don't know what would you guys do with this Fe it and sell it TOS it I don't know donate it I don't know um but yeah airpods in the garbage oh Janine look at this oh there's money in here what why that's like a dollar bill in there and like I don't know if the bank is vintage or not but there's money in there and you can't there's no like thing on the bottom so they threw it out rather than opening it up they didn't want the money do you think there's more than a dollar in here I mean definitely well more than but you think that's the only dollar bill in there this is so this is interesting interesting doesn't it look like it looks like an older bank but I don't know if it's like a reproduction right cut the bottom open and see what's in there actually there's a few it may be like $22 or $3 what and some change so that's a first for for us well we found gift cards in the trash before yes but I don't and change we found loose change but never a dollar bill or two before we have to like cut into the bottom yeah we'll also have to see like if the bank is actually vintage or reproduction yeah I don't know I mean it's not marked I think it's newer nail polish kits oh wow these look like Five Below to me but I don't know for sure mhm like a a gift kit you probably get around the holidays yeah Crystal lemon what is that ooh look at that what what an act can I Simon designs wait like they literally meant oh it's it's it's a bit Dusty I wish I was wearing the gloves um it's from like um HomeGoods yeah it's an actual like cut glass or Crystal whatever lemon originally $12.99 probably from HomeGoods or TJ Maxx or something like that that's different that was I think everything from that squish mow house a lot of fun like girl stuff obviously a lot of it if not most of it will be donated but great stuff doesn't need to go to the trash especially all the squish now it's the moment we've all been waiting for what are in those bins we have two and we have an idea of what's in them but we didn't like look through them you guys got to see this look at this bin look at this bin and then tell me what that is I do think that that might be your good friend J I think this might be the Friendly Ghost right I think this is a Casper mask no yes Casper 19 wow 95 wow Casper 199 wow it's like a rubber latex s yeah it's like a latex Casper mask wow I have never seen this before how would you breathe wearing this he's in great condition he's not like super bent or you know like no smooshed or that's incredible I don't know that could be worth some money I don't know I don't know I know that some latex mask can be worth money I don't know but I don't know anything about them we'll put some and throughout this whole thing we'll put up some comps if we are able to find any but I mean that's incredible wow so cool if we find any comps we'll try to put it on the on the screen right here um and again if you know anything about this or anything that we pull out cuz there seems to be other masks in here please let us know um we're going to try and I guess we'll be doing some some homework tonight what is that his thing is ripped uh it's ripped there I don't see him a a maker or anything on this right now but we'll give it a closer look we'll do like a Google Lens search I've never seen this before is it open on both ends yeah it must have like screwed into something or I've never seen that one before path lights or something like that that's cool ooh oh my gosh creepy again there's like these things but I don't is that ripped is that intentional I don't know those are like do you see the do you see the eyes Janine yeah they're like that holographic eyes $ 1995 paper magic group interesting paper magic group makes some really interesting stuff look at they have a they have something in the eyes too yeah that's what I was saying they're like those types of like eyes where you could see yeah where you can see a picture that's cool wow it's a skull I that's a skull in the in the yeah the glasses interesting that is that's pretty cool another one that like that that picture in the eyes what is it I want to see this is uh can you see it yeah oh it's a sneak oh yeah that's creepy so I'm thinking this must be paper magic group as well no this is a Ruby's costume so this one is Ruby's costume mhm wow ew I really don't like that ew what is this [Laughter] oh my God that's like disgusting and it looks like fall kind of falling apart stuck I wonder if people restore these things I'm sure like no maker down there I don't know what the maker was on this mask um that's wild though don't know if something like this is like desirable it seems like it's kind of disintegrated over the years wow I don't know what character this is what it's supposed to be if it's just like a creepy character but wow there's a strong smell of latex right now I then this is just a cape yep oh my god oh is it makeup what what oh my God if this is like from the same guys I'm like kind of freaking out cuz I was kind of wondering I was kind of wondering but I was like I'm not going to say it cuz like I'm not going to say it I was like Casper from 95 these masks that seem all '90s what else could be in here that's like a very popular mask from the 9s is it a scream mask there's a ghost face mask in here guys and if you're new to the channel a couple years ago I found one of the like original '90s ghost face mask that they use in Scream and I sold it online for like $900 if you can find like generation one masks they can sell for like a few hundred up to like $1,000 if in really good shape so I don't know this could be this could be from last year or this could be from 1996 let's let's find out just look take a peek take a peek take a peek wow oh it's a scream mask okay so excited guys oh my God guys okay so this doesn't just from what I've learned this isn't like a a gen one it has like a poly shroud this black thing right yeah this is like the Shroud it's like made of polyester so the original ones are made of cotton MH and um wow this is an older one though it's marked on the bottom Easter unlimited so they um Easter unlimited made made the mask um older ones as well would be marked Fun World on the bottom wow it's in good condition though it's in pretty good shape considering and there's some of these like little black spots on it but maybe those can be washed off I wow is this like a '90s or early 2000s you think I think this is from the 9s mhm I I'm pretty sure wow we'll have to do more research on on it um just like you can like identify it through the the markings on the bottom that having a t there might help and then there's also like websites that talk about literal like imperfections like little dots and stuff in the mold the original mold that these are made from and that's like the way you'll identify it if you're um if you have one you're wondering this is exciting W this is amazing guys wow all right we're continuing after that very exciting find oh wow W look at this mask wow wow that is so cool this kind of reminded me of the pumpkin Patrol for a minute here is this marked on the bottom it says by y by by y yeah byebye wow look at that again we'll do more research on this stuff that is so cool let's see there's more in here I can't believe how much is in here I know there's so many masks this uh I don't know not marked made in China oh this is so creepy his nose is kind of crushed uh not sure about that yeah but that's a creepy looking mask that is everything in this in this tote Ah Holy Smokes that mask might be like a couple hundred dollars the ghost face um and then who knows with some of these other masks like the Casper I don't know I don't know like you know some of them are kind of they're falling apart but uh we don't know if that's like something that people still are you know still want in their collection so wow how incredible I can't believe how many you pulled out of there I know wow all right let's move on to the next tote this is so exciting I can't believe that Janine I know this one says decorations lights skeletons pumpkins I know there's a lot of orange in this bin I peaked in I saw some pales and we grabbed it so here it is oo these spiders came from uh oh yeah we threw the spiders in from that uh one of our first stops but this pil right here is one of the first thing I spotted oh wow this is a great pale wow we had this one in the collection it's an older pale probably from the ' 7s um he's a little faded he's missing his uh handle I guess and he's not in the best condition but he's a cool one some more of these uh pumpkins so I guess they wore maybe like Pathway lights or something mhm few scarecrows these are from the90s or actually really early 2000s now this this one's exciting oh my goodness a blinky a blinky a blinky Blinky is like a brand of um or a company that came out with a specific look of um pumpkin or jack-o'-lantern plastic decorations um and this is like the smaller little version fantastic and these are great we love them they don't sell for huge you know amounts of dollars but they're just a classic Halloween that's not what it's about no you know what's about Janine no pumpkin left behind and uh we're certain certainly not leaving this one behind so this is a great find that's like a 4ft skeleton yeah this was at the bottom of the bin his leg broke off but we might be able to drill that hole back into this you know yeah we could probably fix that this is cool this is probably from the '90s I bet it glows in the dark that'd be cool I bet he does I wonder if he has a maker on him anywhere this ISS made in China I don't see a maker's mark but he is pretty cool and I think the last thing here to talk about are the hats that I found in the beginning of today's video um Janine said this is maybe a $50 hat depending on you know the condition which this isn't in the greatest condition but still a really cool find yeah it might sell for like 30 yeah I'll take it from what I saw online I think this was called a shadow so I don't know great company to look for is sports Specialties those hats seem to be sought after and uh the best sellers and we found one in the trash can you believe it that I think wraps up today's crazy crazy haul crazy garbage picking and Venture oh my goodness if you guys are still here and still watching we appreciate you thank you for watching I just can't believe it it's been a while since we've had such a good garbage pick wouldn't you say Janine yeah this is definitely one for the books I tell you that quite a few keeps in uh today's haul definitely but it was a lot of fun if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell we do a lot of garbage picking content we go to flea markets All In Search of cool and amazing things like we found today thank you guys so much for joining us see you next time bye
Channel: Shiny Brite Doggo
Views: 44,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage thrifting, vintage christmas, estate sale, vintage, thrifting, halloween, vintage halloween, 90s halloween, garbage picking, trash picking, dumpster diving
Id: h6KSfqduCdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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