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welcome to a beautiful day in the Berg are y'all ready to go do some dumpster diving because I so am like I am beyond ready I have been dying to go it is super warm out today it is like 65° here so I'm in a T-shirt and I'm sweating already and don't worry I have a scrunchie my hair will go up I don't want no dumpster juice in muff okay I keep hitting bumps and this thing keeps falling so let's get to these dumpsters and do the dang thing first dumpster of the day is a DG but of course and there's stuff all right let's get this party started I just bought paper plates can you even believe it every happy m baby wash I've got some nasty so we'll leave that BR out that's it the cat food's open so I can't get that out little too shabby for the first dumpster there was definitely some nastiness in that dumpster and it's all over my shoe man all right on to the next we are at home goods there's not much in here but I seen some pretty fake flowers like that tree right there definitely want that and don't know if those glasses are in there but we'll check yeah we'll definitely take those flowers hopefully I don't drop y'all in here oh no they're in there no they are not dang it all right everything else was trash Oh got foot stuck all right we are all we got a big Nerf gun is that broken or does that work that sucker looks like it's good we got some trays are they broken are those not broken they're broken on the corner dang it um I don't know if that rug scrubber is in there but we will grab it after I get this gun then is one heck of a Nerf gun man holy freaking cow we'll take that bad boy you of course need to get the Nerf um Whatchamacallit what are the things these things shoot Nerf bullets that is a cool Nerf gun some little boy would love that all right let's see what else we get I don't know if I'm guessing that chair is broken all right let me Shut y'all off so I can see if that carpet scrubber in there nope it's not in there all right on to the next town we go haven't had much luck anywhere we're at a DG see if there's any goodies so she empty all right this town has been a bust on to the nexts we are at rid guys doesn't look like a bunch but we'll take what we can get haven't had the best luck today we got some cookies and it looks like some Kit Kats see if I can grab them without falling head first in in some vanilla waers I go grab my Grabber that way I don't have to get in okay got the Grabber got some of these butter cookies those are good oh we got Lifesaver gummies M&M's not a lot but we'll take it many hours later all right guys this is the last one of the day I think I'm just going to have better lock tomorrow this one hasn't thrown away anything good in a very long time we got milk garbage oh got a lampshade oh and it's connected to the lamp no the lamp's broken but I'll take the lamp shade oh God is there scat food in here yes it is oh yachi guys we got a box look at all this all kinds of medicine okay not so bad we got some mystery boxes and some mason jars heck yeah I'm going to go put that in my car drive the car up cuz my car is all the way over there cuz I was shopping in the store almost forgot my lamp shade all right let's see if there's anything else if I missed anything oh there's a bottle of soft soap over there got it the rest is looking like a lot of trash it never fails the last dumpster every time never fails but anyway obviously I didn't find that much so I guess I'll see y'all tomorrow and we're going to do this all over again it is the next day it is pouring outside let me show you literally dumping and we're going to go dumpster diving in it anyways this stuff that you just seen me bring out is everything for the free co-op store which I'm going to take you to today uh hopefully I don't look like a drowned rat when I go there they don't open until 2 p.m. and it's 11:00 a.m. so we're going to go do some diving first then we'll drop all this off to her I have been driving for a long time it stopped raining that's the good thing this is a DG and it's all looking like a [Music] Trish trash and milk ooh that looks yummy next DG will there be anything God I help thank you to the DG employee that left the potting soil next to the dumpster hey guys we are at another DG oh looks like there's stuff in here oh look at that big bag of dog food oh there's little totes there's boxes let's get this party started now the sun's out and I'm pouring sweat cuz I got three layers on oh my gosh why don't you see what's in this bag check it out did you guys see me get smacked in the face with that green wire thing smacked myself right in the's see if there's anything in here tell me there's stuff in these boxes in these bags tell me tell me tell me okay those are all soaked oh well these ones are okay we'll take these bags this stuff's all broken is the coffee pot good and is there stuff in those bags and is that soap in there oh no this is garbage look at all that La is totally awesome there's no lid on this so we can't take that it's unfortunately let's go see what else we got hopefully there's something in these bags okay see if there's anything in this bag go figure guys the last dumpsters right never fails all right that's all [Music] empty that's broken glass oh yeah we got a winner winter winter chicken dinner oh God guys look at that we got oh maybe if I show you what's in it we got all kinds of sve men shampoo hex to the yeah finally finding stuff it's only taking two days and I was just here yesterday guys that's the kicker the think a new coffee maker here yes and thank you don't mind if I [Music] do look at that they're not even wet whole case of Cheetos flamin' Hot minis last DG of the day same stuff that's been in it hey at least we had luck at the last now I'm looking like a hot mess but we're going to go to that free store and drop off this box of we are at the free op community store let me take you in and show you [Music] around [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh she has done such an amazing job and I even bought a little t-shirt how cute is that dog Mom just wanted to give you guys like a little tour to let you know that this place is here and if you're local um she does have a Facebook page and like all of the wants and needs that she has are on that Facebook page her website is still in the making when I find people that have the same passion as me and are doing so much to help their Community I want to get the word out so she is a cute little store she has lots of stuff she has tons of baby clothes shoes I mean jewelry everything you can think of and I told her from now on anytime I find anything that has a broken lid or a broken top or whatever the case may be I'm going to set it aside and bring it to her that way I don't have to take it to Tara and then Tara has to bring it here you know what I mean and we can swing by cuz she's still doing so much more with this store so we can see like as it grows which I think will be totally cool hundreds of dollars worth of items is in just one of those grab EGS just one and we have all of this of course this was a two-day dive and it wasn't that great I'm not going to lie but in my defense it was the day after Easter that I went out and not thinking a lot of places were closed on Easter so they weren't throwing away too much so that was why I had to go out the second day I only had a few hours the second day so that's why I didn't find a ton more either way I still found some cool stuff so let me stop flapping my gums let me flip you around and show you everything I got we have a whole case of these super cute Fourth of July coffee mugs there is one broken in here which you know when you're dumpster diving one out of six ain't too bad two of the variety pack food storage containers both of the large containers are broken but everything on the inside it's falling apart as I pick it up is perfectly good we have mason jars a belt Solo cups kitkats a little bit more candy soft soap little boy zies socks a Gillette razor which it's in there no idea why they always throw those away baby washcloths hair ties a whole package of paper plates which I'm so mad because I just bought some we have a SPAC making drying rack a whole case of flaming hot Cheeto Minis cat litter children's allergy meds we have sponges hairspray shampoo and look at the price of these bad boys $855 they are out there dag on mine we have Kit Kat Duos we have a few different gift bags allergy meds and mucus meds and pyus Echo TC a mystery box which we will open shortly we have a whole case of LA's totally awesome cleaner nothing wrong with it pat food potting soil a brand new coffee maker and and some Maxwell House Coffee the lid is broken but this is completely sealed no holes so that is still very much donatable is that even a word I don't know we have a lampshade massive Nerf gun and those two little totes now let's find out what's in these mystery bags and this Mystery Box it does sound a little broken so hopefully not everything's broken but we shall see how cute are those organ Croc and it was $8 I don't know what the heck you would put in it but they're cute three out of four yep we got one broken so again not too bad of odds bag number one we have tons of peanut butter crackers Ferrero rochet stuff marshmallows some sparkling ice caffeine drinks Chocolate Wafers Twix more crack some pink grapefruit Sparkling Ice drinks more Twix crackers some mounds and more of the sugar Wafers and more Crafters not too bad I will take that in bag number two we have tons of this sve men's energizing sport body and face wash five of those holy freaking cow light up spinning bunny a whole soft soap body scrub and and that smells dag on good Glade refill spray Miracle curls mousse it's just missing the top but I always have tons of those lip oil lastly we have some zest moisturizing body wash wait till you guys see this I mean this bag seriously weighs 50 lbs I'm just going to pick it up and dump it out oh my God I can't even pick it up look at all of that candy guys can you even believe it Reesey sounds Kinder blanos nerd clusters oh my God lindors a bunch of these different flavor literacy Foundation candy bars Snicker almond more Mounds nerds Ferrero rochet some pecon logs I mean this this is hundreds of dollars worth of candy that is so insane to me and that my friends is everything I hope you guys enjoyed going to the free op community store I wanted to show you guys how much work she's put into it and the good that she's doing in that community that is also the same town where we donate to the school district children I just think it's wonderful what she's doing and I wanted to share that with you guys if you are local please go check out her store I will put the address on the screen for you guys but that is going to do it for me thank you so very much for hanging out with me at the dumpsters and today in the reveal I of course will talk to you all in those comments down below and until next time happy [Music] diving
Channel: Dumpster Diving Momma of 2
Views: 77,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UJ_O91jCViY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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