DTI - Sunday Morning Service 9-19-21

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[Music] show me [Music] is is [Music] [Music] a victory [Music] [Music] show me one [Music] show me one thing show me [Music] [Music] is [Music] that's what we believe for this conference that god will reign and god will do whatever he wants in my life in your life that anything is possible with him oh god you said with all things are possible with you [Music] show me [Music] when anything is [Music] is [Music] we are believing it i tell you i need it i need to be reminded again that anything is possible you know leo has taught me that sometimes we can believe things that we don't know sometimes i believe that my car will start on sunday morning like last sunday morning when i was getting ready to go to church and i had a we had a two-hour drive but it didn't start i didn't know it but i believed it but you cannot know something that you don't believe and as christians i sometimes think that we say i know that anything is possible when in reality i think we just believe it but i want to believe it and i want to know it i want to know that it's okay to ask god to put his blessing up on my life to put his healing in my life to let the dreams that i have come to pass i want to know it amen [Music] show me one thing my god cannot do show me a mountain he cannot move [Music] you serve a god and anything is possible [Music] he's the god is possible [Music] [Music] [Music] i know you're able to come through again [Music] [Music] no you never lost [Music] [Music] never lost the battle no you never lost [Applause] [Music] everything's possible by the power of the holy ghost a new wind is blowing right now [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] you can do [Music] no you never lost a battle and i know i know [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i know i know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] never lost [Music] you can do [Music] no you never lost [Music] you can no you never lost the battle and i know [Music] you can do all you things lost the battle no you never lost the battle and i know i know and i know oh [Music] oh god you've never lost a battle [Music] i felt like i was losing some of the battles in my life because i wasn't letting you fight on me but you've never lost the battle yes thank you lord [Music] distinguish the battles that you were fighting and the ones that god was fighting yes [Music] my life didn't look like it always won but when i let god fight the battles he always yet won because he's never lost a battle god give us a fresh wind say fresh wind give us a fresh wind a fresh wind we don't want something from yesterday i want something for today i want a fresh win come on breathe on us we pray [Music] into flames the fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] looking for hearts that burn with holy fear purified in faith [Music] the is of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] holy [Music] verse 2 again [Music] for your spirit [Music] we can [Music] sons and daughters we can hear the wind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with [Music] oh [Music] let's do it again we need a fresh wind we need a fresh [Music] i [Music] where your people are [Music] come on lift your hands say pour it out on me [Music] [Music] [Music] the praise [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what a powerful name it is [Music] what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus [Music] what a powerful name it is [Music] what a powerful name it is [Music] so we need a fresh wind fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out the power of your presence [Music] now [Music] [Music] you are worthy of it all lord you are worthy of it all [Music] or from you are all things and to you are all things for you you you you deserve the glory [Music] you are worthy [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Music] things you deserve the glory [Music] you are worthy you are [Applause] it to him worthy morning [Music] you deserve the glory come on lift him up lift him up you are worthy of [Applause] [Music] you deserve the glory come on church one more time let's lift you are worthy of it you are worthy [Applause] [Music] you deserve the glory i i'm standing there and i just feel that there is such a need in this place and some of your lives i feel like some of you are facing things that seem overwhelming [Music] and unsolvable you know there is a place where sometimes we just don't know what to do but i want you to know that through the name of the lord jesus christ there's a change for you there's a change for you and i just feel right now just to declare to you that right now is the time for that change to take place i feel the lord is just saying you don't need to carry this through the next few days or the next few weeks i believe right now the holy spirit is wanting to break that thing from off of you he's going to lift it off of you almost like you would take a garment or a coat that was on somebody and lift it off of them i know what that feels like i know what the lord can do there and we're going to sing that again and i just want right now i just want you to lift your hearts open your heart right there where you stand right where you are the holy spirit is going to lift that load off of you that that thickness off of you that oppression that wound sometimes people have been literally they've been wounded in their spirit and they're carrying it they don't even know why they don't even know what's behind it anymore it's been so covered up by so many different things but i feel like right now the holy spirit is just wanting to lift that we'll just we just lift your hands to the lord right now and just yield your heart and paul would you just continue that and i want you during while they're singing this would you just receive that in the name of the lord [Music] yes [Music] come on receive it right now in the name of the lord be free from that be free be free from that you are worthy of it [Music] you deserve the glory you are worthy of it all come on [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve [Music] to know [Music] oh [Music] father we lift our hearts to you today [Music] holy spirit you are the helper help us [Music] help us with our weaknesses with our infirmities with our inabilities to produce what needs to be done help us holy spirit fill our hearts today lord we just yield to you we just pray let your will and your purpose be accomplished we'll just ask for that right now just say lord let your will and your purpose be accomplished in me let it be done in me lord let it be done in me i pray in the name of the lord jesus and everybody say amen you just turn to somebody tell them say i want you to know i love you come on just turn to just turn to one or two people tell them say i want you to know how much i love and i appreciate you i love and i appreciate you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord there's really something very special that's going to take place this week i hope you're ready for that of course we've got so many wonderful things prepared i i don't always know what to expect in this i've worked with brother mccorkle in this for a long time and it's like we always come even to the first service and we go oh it's going to take place i don't have a clue but you know that's really there's a safety net in that because we're really trusting the lord to do something how many of you know we need the lord to do something in the services we do that's why we come it's an experience that's why our conferences are not really as geared toward classes and things like that you can go online and get a lot of that stuff we need a church service where the holy spirit moves in our life and touches people we need a time of laying hands on people i'm just telling you something there's been times in my life when i just need somebody lay hands on me and pray for me that's what this conference is about and i just believe that we're going to see that take place all this week i do want to take this moment and release our children for children's church but would all the kids come and line up here all of the kids come and line up here we're going to release you guys to children's church but they're going to take part in our missions giving we do this every sunday morning and we've been doing it for so long but it's a very strong important part of their life i want them to know what it is to be givers i want our children to know what it is to be able to sow to those that are in need i want that to be a part of their life you know i've mentioned this before but i what's really big in me is i want it to be to where when they get older and somebody says how long have you been given to missions i want their answer to be i don't know i've done it all my life and that's what we're doing this morning is we're taking the time to celebrate our kids as they're going to children's church rebecca price is going to be teaching our children this morning and she is amazing with these kids just ministers to them but they're going to take time this morning and minister and we're going to release them we'll just reach our hands toward them and let's just bless them right now father we are so grateful that you've given us the privilege of raising the next generation we don't take this lightly this is something that from the core of our being lord we embrace this responsibility and father we bless them right now we declare the favor and the blessing of god upon them and even as they grow upon their children and their children's children lord let your blessings be upon them let that blessing of covenant cover them we pray in jesus name and everybody say amen all right kids we're given the missions this morning would you come and we're just going to release you guys and we're going to bless the lord through our giving this morning good morning good morning good morning good morning [Music] [Music] [Music] good job good job praise the lord love our kids we do love our kids thank you lord for being so good to our families amen you know this morning as we as we embrace our lives also we give and minister to the lord through our tithing and through our offering i want you just to bow your head with me for just a moment father we we know you blessed us you've blessed our homes our families our businesses times when we didn't know we could even make it and you look what you did look what you did we are so grateful and we are so thankful father we are so thankful well look what you did and i'm just asking father that as we bring the first fruit of our increase to worship you i just pray that that would be received bless the businesses the families the efforts the visions the dreams of every person in this place and in the midst of a world that is speaking cursing father we just declare blessing over our families in the name of jesus we're blessed coming in we're blessed going out we're blessed in the store we're blessed in the field we're blessed in everything we put our hands to and we thank you for it in jesus name i want you to prepare your tithing your offering those of you that want to bring it now if you want to give electronically you can do in the back those of you that have the phone app you can certainly use that there's so many different ways that you can give this morning but would you all stand with me this morning and let's just come and let's just honor the lord with our giving today [Music] i see you are my all in all yes seeking you as a precious jew [Music] your name jesus [Music] come on when i fall down when i fall down you pick me up when i am [Music] rising again i bless your name jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody sing jesus lamb of god jesus [Music] jesus [Music] we'll just reach your hands this way right now father we thank you for blessing this represents the time the talent the energy of every person that's in this place now father this is our worship to you this is our worship in an additional way and i'm just asking father that the seed plant harvest principle would just blow wide open in every person's life and father we ask it in jesus name i bless this offering this time this family in jesus name and everybody say amen amen thank you so much i appreciate all of the giving and the things that you have done participation i want to encourage you family worship center to please be involved in this conference it's going to be powerful i'm just telling you we are very strongly believing that this is going to be a a season of healing and restoration seems like over the last year and a half there's been such a everything's been bogged down it's been something spiritual that's happening much of what you see isn't natural that it's spiritual but this is a time for the church to begin to rise up and and break that to a breakthrough a breakthrough as they were singing that earlier and and uh is is powerful such a powerful word appreciate all the all of these choir that sang and also paula pretty incredible tim tim came in also where did you come from tim north carolina that's a long walk i'm glad [Laughter] i'm so glad tim tim just adds so much to this we're so thankful for these all these ministers that come in and minister and uh there's gonna be people coming from all over and i just want you to take time this week to fellowship we're going to have a golf tournament tomorrow those that are those that are truly sincere and honest and energetic about life we have a golf tournament for you in the morning curtis courtney is would you stand up just so everybody can see if you have any questions this man has something to say to you and so he will let you know we're going to meet in the morning please be there at the golf course at 8 o'clock in the morning and he will if you need a map he tried to get one to everybody but he'll make sure that also we're going to have our ladies meeting is going to be cheryl that's going to be at 10 o'clock in the morning and that is always fantastic they've got it set up so beautiful and the food and the and it's a it's a wonderful time ladies listen to me you need to be there call a friend have them come to that because i really believe that this is going to be such an anointed time cheryl pace is going to be ministering and and she's she's old school anointed is all i can just tell you she is just i never cease to be amazed course that's just her whole family is is just that but i'm telling you i love i love what takes place there and then we're gonna have service is going to be this evening at seven o'clock all of our evening services are at seven o'clock and our morning services are at ten o'clock all right uh i'm gonna ask brother mccorkle to come and i want him just to just god he's going to introduce our speaker you don't know him but uh brother mccorkle is going to come and he's going to introduce our speaker but i just want him to just say a few things just concerning conference this conference has been generational and it's been something that brother mccorkle has carried the banner with such grace and and such honor and i'd like you to give brother mccorkle a hand of appreciation would you he says it all and then want me to come and finish it i do want to remind you that tomorrow a tuesday evening we also have the round table it's a minister's time to come together and we have a lovely meal and then it gives me time to blow v8 a few minutes and i'll be speaking at the round table and i feel like god has given me something special it's dealing with the current events that are happening in the world today and uh it's not not a prophecy it's not just be here that's at five o'clock on tuesday evening and then after that we'll come right on over here for the seven o'clock service i want to thank everyone that's come in from quite a distance seems like when people come in from a distance or some of our own people stay home they think well they'll be there so i don't need to be i want to thank you for being here we're going to have a wonderful time [Music] brother tim asked me yesterday said how long you been doing these conferences here and to the best of my memory it's either 29 or 30 years and we have had a wonderful time many people call it their vacation they come in and the church helps them with their lodging and you know all preachers don't make a lot of money maybe some of you didn't know that i think all they do is get up there and preach two services a week and pull in the money there's many churches and many pastors don't have two knuckles to rub together and when an opportunity has given them that they can go and bask in the presence of the lord without it costing them we try to feed you good too [Music] you know it's a great time it's a time of rejoicing if i can be a blessing to you what kind of a fool would i be not to pass the blessing on to you we're quick to tell you when you make a mistake but are we quick to bless sometimes we need more than just an empty hand on an empty head we need the presence of the lord i said told someone this morning i said what a privilege it was to wake up this morning with a stirring of the holy ghost [Music] not everyone has that it is available to all but not all have been able to enjoy the blessings of the lord to the extent most of us have here i just want to thank you for being here and i told brother leo he's going to speak here in a few minutes i said take the cork out of that thing and let it rip i don't some of you come a long ways not to hear a sermonette because that's for christian ants what we need is a time of experience the blessing of the lord if god hasn't done anything for you don't worry about it because we're gonna get in on it right right here in the middle of it god's done so much for me i don't even have enough time in my lifetime to tell him thank you enough wow i know you can follow me you know most of you folks are younger than i am so you probably don't know these songs but i was sitting there a while ago and an old song came to me it said got any rivers [Music] that you think are impossible [Music] got any mountains [Music] god specializes in the things thought impossible [Music] and he will do what no other power can do got any rivers that you think are uncrossable hallelujah got any mountains that you can't tunnel through [Music] my god specializes in the things thought impossible and he will do what no other power can do i want you to stand to your feet and sing that with me got that you think are uncrossable got any mountains got any mountains that you can't turn through my god specializes in the things thought impossible and he will do what no other power can do god in a river [Music] got any mountains that you can't tell through [Music] my god specializes in the things [Music] and he will do what no other [Music] [Music] mountains that you can't turn through god specializes in the things you thought impossible yes and he will do what no other power can do it's called jesus is the one yes he's the only one if you'll let him have his way until the day is done [Music] when he speaks dark clouds have to go and it's just because he loves [Music] maybe that's a new song to you but sing sing jesus [Music] till the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dark clouds will have to go just because he loves you so brother leo price god bless you [Music] give bishop mccorkle a great b hand of appreciation come on amen to god jesus truly is the one turn to somebody and say i'm glad you came this morning i'm glad you came this morning now turn to somebody else act like you really mean it at this time amen to god it's an honor to be here with bishop mccorkle and pastor jerry and angie they're such a blessing to our lives and we've been so honored and i've got to say this choir and worship team did a phenomenal job this morning my goodness i'm going to join the choir next time i come down after this one i don't know no kidding okay well that clear dead up right there for us so good to be in the house of the lord thank you for trusting us with your time this morning and being in the house of the lord can you say amen i felt like everything that went on in the service and the songs and and the things that were being said were a precursor to what i was going to talk to you about today and share some thoughts with you out of god's word i promise to be brief no matter how long it takes me i was in my office recently and i every morning i go up to my office and i do it personal devotion and prayer time and the lord began to speak some things into my heart and two sections of scripture came out to me that just grabbed my attention i i don't know how it is when you do your devotion i trust that you do one but when i do my devotion in the morning i i try to leave time and and say to god speak to me for your servant heareth it's one thing to do all the talking but it's entirely different to do listening and and jesus said in one time he said your ears are heavy that you cannot hear and i've i pray lord don't let my ears be heavy i've discovered in singing in worship and in my devotion in my prayer that as soon as you get done praying out loud and telling and asking god for the things out loud that you need from him that if you're not careful the enemy will flood your mind with other things the devil is no respecter of persons either he will occupy your time and anything that he can to dissuade you the scripture that came out of me and i i thought about this and i uh my mind went to different places as i began to watch these young children march across the front give the missionary offering and then go to the sunday the sunday school room wherever that is and the young people in that are in this room i was 18 when i started in the ministry i was sharp enough to stick in the ground and green enough to grow my daddy always said you don't know come here from sicum only the older generation will catch on to that but uh having needing to hear from god needing to hear from god i i wondered and as soon as i wondered this thought that i'm going to share with you the moment that it came to my mind i realized that that there was not an opportunity for ruth who went back with naomi to israel to conceive what was going to lie ahead had no idea she'd been a pagan most of her life but suddenly she's connected with a woman who's going back to the god of her fathers boy you need to grasp that when you read about ruth she was not going back just to a nation she was going back to the god of her fathers because that was the prevalent and important thing to her and something in naomi's life regardless of the losses regardless of the pain regardless of her and her husband elimelech who left the land of promise we've got a lot of christians today who have left the land of promise because the grass looked greener on the other side and he went there and he had no idea that the losses were going to be greater than the gains because he lost two sons in his own life naomi has been ripped she's been stripped she's been everything taken from her and now she said i'm going back to the god of my fathers because the god of my fathers doesn't live here god lives places but there's some places he doesn't live he doesn't live in idolatry doesn't live in idolatry and so naomi said i'm going back and and the two daughter-in-laws went with her and oprah went a part of the way she says but i can't because i'm too connected to my past and to my resemblance of what i used to be and what lies ahead is too much of a change for me and so she went back but ruth said i'm going to go with you and the god of your fathers will be my god boy there's a good place to shout right there because she's still in the land of the idolaters but she's making a choice right in the middle of adversity she's making a choice in the middle of everything that has happened around her and she's watched naomi's life we do not know who's watching us we do not know who's watching us but god sees everything we do ruth didn't have any idea when she was going back to the uh to with naomi to the god of naomi's father says she was receiving that god and then and there she met boaz and boaz and ruth got married she had no idea that god was preparing things and they had no idea they was going to have a son by the name of obed they had no idea they hadn't seen the future they hadn't seen that far but they were coming back to the land of the god of their fathers and then there was obed he who had no idea that he was going to have a son when he got married by the name of jesse three generations have now elapsed and now obed has had jesse now jesse has another generation and he had no idea when he married that he was about to have a son called david and david didn't realize that his ancestry was going to reach down into jerusalem into bethlehem and he was going to have a son by the name of jesus you have no idea when i saw these children cross through here in the sunday school teachers i hope they hear some of this you don't know what you're teaching what this may be in the next generation you have no idea what we saw walk across front of us neither do you have any idea what lies ahead for you tomorrow but you may be just about to change history for a generation of people psalms 42 and verse 5 david says why art thou cast down o my soul and why art thou disquieted in me hope thou in god for i shall yet praise him and then this leaped off the page for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance you know what that means that means god was looking down he was listening to david and he smiled on david and the countenance of god smiled david understood he saw it he related to it and it encouraged him some of us need to trade in our well never mind have a good smile all right thou cast down on my soul when i thought he squatted within me hope thou and god for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance now they tell me scientifically that a child a baby in an arms can tell the difference in a mother or a father's countenance whether they're smiling or angry they can tell they see that difference i've seen a lot of people met a lot of people in my lifetime that looked at me and they didn't have a smile on her face but there was something resonating on the inside that came out that encouraged me sometimes we don't know who we're blessing and encouragement i'm just testifying now i'll tell you what i'm preaching and then the words of isaiah on top of that came in flooding behind me isaiah chapter 61 just three verses isaiah is prophesying he's talking to them he's telling them the experience he's having at a given moment i'm i'm listening to what he says is happening at a given moment the spirit of the lord is upon me because the lord hath anointed me he's experienced something and he's experienced something of such magnitude and such power that the only thing he can relate it says the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel ah man why would he say such a thing and then he continues to the messages that i'm gonna embark upon here to preach good tidings unto the meek he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in zion to give unto them beauty for ashes their oil joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of happiness that they might be called the trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified out of those three verses out of the psalms that i read the line that caused me to push my chair back and stand up from my desk is the words to give unto them beauty for ashes ever built a bomb ever built a fire ever burnt anything when you got done you kind of stirred the ashes flickering ember maybe here but then there was nothing but smoke and there was nothing growing in the ashes a woman by the name of tina was living in grand rapids michigan she had a heart for god something got into her spirit and she had this bizarre wild imagination that the lord was calling her to go to amoy china which is an island off of the coast of west china she went there left her home left everything behind and began to teach children in a girls school about jesus and math educating him she saw it as a mission on one occasion on one occasion she heard about a young man uh preaching in in that whole area down there for the youth for christ ministry anybody ever heard a youth group of christ you remember the ministry and so she heard that bob was there and she went to him and said bob come and talk to my my my students in my school and he was glad to do it he was doing that before missionaries all around the in asia and he came and ministered to her student students and at the end of the message he said to them now we're going to pray the prayer and accept christ and he says when you get done and when you go home you go back and you tell your mom and dad i'm a christian i'm serving jesus christ he's the lord and savior and there's only one true god he was excited it was a blessing the children went home the next day bob came back to the orphanage to the to the school where she taught when he walked through the door tina had a baby a young baby in her arm a young girl in her arms and she came up to bob and she shoved this child into his arms and said she did what you told her to do she accepted christ she went home and told her mom and dad that she was a believer that god was the true god and she's going to serve jesus and her dad became so enraged and so filled with anger that she had dishonored his heritage that he beat her with an inch of her life her back was bloody and bleeding and tina shoved her in his arms and said what are you going to do about this now she did everything you told her what are you going to do bob was distraught he didn't know what to do he reached down in his pocket pulled out all the money he had and gave it to that young lady to help her survive and when he gave her that money something happened to him a man's name was bob pierce he and a friend of his dr franklin phillips started world vision you're bored sometimes i get it but be careful who you bored around because you might be planting a vision so intense and so strong you don't know what's going to come of it bob retired in 1998 they read they had fed over 300 million children they had ultimately around the world supported orphanages and people when bob retired he retired for about two years don't let me bore you he retired for about two years and then was called from another organization if he would come and help them it was called the samaritan purse franklin graham you never know who's walking across in front of you you never know who's in the house beside you you never know who you're meeting on the street that might need just one moment of your time of encouragement it may be just a word you know we have never understood as christians the difference between rebellion and resistance so let me expound just for a moment if i may and articulate it rebellion the bible says it says the sin of witchcraft tonight and stubbornness is as idolatry and iniquity but paul says resist the devil you see rebellion is a natural phenomenon to people who are angry but resisting the devil is a spiritual warfare you're never going to win the rebellion but you can win on the resistance against the powers of darkness let me tell you today the church is not dead it's not it's not dissipated it's not it's not handicapped we've been shoved and pushed back and put over here in the corner but you can't put god in a box you can't dissuade people at him just because you don't like him somebody's going to hear the message somebody's going to hear the mercy cry somebody's going to understand let me tell you what i feel this in my spirit i want you to grab this if you get nothing else of what i say mercy in his mercy he forgave me in his grace he redeemed me we need to understand that distinction he said i'm going to give you beauty for your ashes wow beauty for your ashes some of us got a lot of ashes in our lives i like history in case some of you didn't know culture's past had a mythology they believed in it was called the phoenix the phoenix was a bird and every 500 years the phoenix would burst into flames become ashes the chinese the native americans of our country people around the world even early christians used the phoenix as a symbol of immortality and resurrection but every 500 years it would burst into a flame and completely disintegrate and then immediately when that happened a brand new phoenix rose up he'll give you beauty for your ashes oh somebody's gonna get this you got you've gone through some things things have been difficult there's been hardships there's been labor you you have felt like you were part of those ashes you you had no longer had any viability you no longer had any unction you no longer had any strength to carry on and you felt like you were the burning and embers and ashes that were in the pit and you were you were losing your light but god said that's all right when you're completely burned out when the answers are nothing but just a flame there i will cause beauty to come out of those ashes we feel useless we feel ineffective we feel inadequate we feel like we no longer have that same intensity we feel like the the inspiration that we once had has been annihilated has been beaten down has been cast aside but god said that's all right when those things become ashes i'll call something beautiful arise out of the ashes some of you in this church service this morning and some that are streaming have felt like in the last couple of years i i've heard it from churches and and pastors and and and people in the church i don't know what to do i don't know how to get get with this and i say to them just maybe just maybe god is trying to burn some things up in you that it needs to be done into the ashes so he can make something that has never been there before out of those ashes he wants to give you beauty for your ashes so you've been hurt get healed so you've been cast down stand up so you've been pushed aside get back in the war zone you're not finished yet it's not over not everybody's gonna like you might as well get used to that wow my life my life at times has felt like the david o'sellsnick old movie gone with the wind felt like i was atlanta burning up burnt up burnt out and burnt down and i told god i said i'm done i'm finished and god said well that's about time because now i can do something with you you've done it on your own this far look what that's accomplished you've done it on your own this far look what has that done now if you'll let me out of the ashes of what you were there have been times in my life when people with good intentions had made me feel as if i was not worthy to be even in the pulpit or hardly in church but i still kept going and they're not here no longer i i had some people in my lifetime who were so spiritually minded they were no earthly good i had some people in my life that that they were so holier than thou that they didn't even leave tracks and i had a hard time following that kind of ideology but i found a man named jesus who humbled himself on a cross came down he like i i still after all these years wrapped my mind around jesus who left his throne in glory he did not have to come down here but he came down here for lil c price that was a bad move i wouldn't have done it but god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son young people remember jesus died for you david was 17 when he killed goliath if that helps wow so beautiful ashes see everything has to go to nothing for it to become something i'm working on an ending san francis uh some friskin uh university in steubenville ohio they did a post on facebook and when they did the post on facebook the monitors of facebook told them send them a message that they could not post it because of its violence but the franciscan university was very clever they reposted indeed the crucifixion of christ was all those things it was the most sensational action in history man executed his god shocking yes god damn god stooped down take on flesh was obedient unto death even the death of the cross it was certainly excessive violence a man scourged to within an inch of his life nailed naked to a cross and left to die all that hate and sin in the world poured out on wrath on his upon his humanity then they went on to say if it wasn't it wasn't the nails that jesus died on it wasn't the cross that killed him but it's his love for mankind and facebook didn't know what to do with that you see we need to understand jesus didn't die a simple nice kind of uh death where we all gathered around and we paid homage to him he died on a cross it was violent it was ugly it was mean and sometimes we need to understand that not everything that we end in is going to be nice or looked at really well it may cost some of us but it will cost all of us eventually to come to the cross can you say amen paul sings a song through the storm this is why i'm not in the choir through the night i'll still worship when i'm alone in a crowd i'll still worship well that's my motto now i don't care where i go or what i do when i go to a restaurant i bow my head and i pray over my food i do not care whether they're like it or not i'm not praying hard or out loud or mean and asking god to forgive these reprobates because i was one of them i understand that but i pray god thank you for what you laid before me in this food the hands that prepared it you don't know who's watching what's taking place close with this bill fray in the book the dance of hope bill fray was a professor at the university of colorado and he was tutoring a young man who was blind and he said to john one day john what happened how did you become blind he said well it was a tragic accident when i was a kid and it just one of those things and it i went blind and then he continued he said and when that happened i was so angry at god i was so angry at my family i was so angry at everybody around me that i just made up my mind that i was not going to do anything ever again to help myself or do anything he said i expected everybody to wait on me and do things for me bring me my food and then when we bring them with my food i would take it in my room slam the door shut did not want anybody to bother me i was mad and angry and he just said one day my dad came to me in my room pounded the door open looked down at me and said john winter is coming i want you to get up and get out of your bed and get down to the garage i want you to find those windows and put them up and he said you better do it before i get back home and slam the door shut john was shocked then he got mad cursed cursed his mom and dad and cursed his friends and family and cursed god but he made it down the stairs went out to the garage and found those storm windows and cursing and cussing and mad and found the tools and went around the house and he finally got all the storm windows on he said i discovered something right there i was not handicapped and bill fry looked and said but you were all that angry that's not the person that i'm seeing now he said what happened he said when i learned that i could do other things he said several years passed i'm wanting to shout right now he said several years passed before i discovered that all the time i was going around the house cursing and cussing and rebelling and putting the windows up my dad was never more than four or five feet from me i will never leave you nor forsake you lo i am with you to the end of the world you may feel like ashes this morning but god's about to pull something up out of those ashes that you couldn't even begin to realize and believe possible your age is not a limit to god god has something in store for you let the ashes be stirred because god can reach his hands down acids to ashes and dust to dust god can reach his hand down in those ashes and he can begin to form something you never thought possible quit crying and start shouting somebody needs to shout in this house i'm as mad at the devil as i can be and i want to shout to my top of my voice he's alive he's alive he's alive you you need to get come on i'm closing get on your feet that you just headed there anyhow don't stop now stand up with me all across this room brother price you don't know what i've been through you're absolutely right and i don't want to know we used to have prayer lines and we'd go by and ask them what was wrong and they'd tell us by the time i got to the end i was depressed [Music] because what you tell me you may may not even be able to describe that i could even grasp it but his ear is not heavy that he cannot hear i said his ear is not heavy that he cannot hear he can hear what you have to say and when i read that scripture i'll give you beauty for your ashes i'm going to give you beauty for your ashes don't know what you're going through don't know where you've been don't know where you're headed i don't have any idea about your future i can't tell you about tomorrow unless god would give me a word of knowledge he's not done that but i can tell you one thing when you get up in the morning he'll steal he'll still be there when you lay your head down tonight he'll still be there and he's doing something in those ashes today let me tell you this listen to me carefully right today in this church god is reigniting the ashes and he's beginning to form something brand new but not only here in family christian senate but he's doing it all across the nation in churches that are releasing their faith in god why is because we're looking for souls from the north from the south from the east and from the west that's what revival is all about are you ready for god to move in your life are you ready for god to move in your life jesus be the lord of all jesus be the lord of all the kingdoms of my life is there anybody that needs jesus to be lord of your life [Music] can we do that okay see jesus be the lord of all jesus be the lord of all jesus be the lord of all the kingdoms of my life come on together now jesus be the lord of all jesus [Music] jesus be the lord of all the kingdoms of my life one more time together jesus speak the lord of all jesus be [Music] jesus [Music] take somebody [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus i want you to do me a favor i want you i was going to say reach over take somebody's hand beside you i don't want to do anything that would infringe upon your personal rights but give them an elbow but make contact with somebody just for a minute or two would you do that i promise to be brief in this the only way you're going to get god to do something for you is for you to do something for somebody else that's how this works i'm going to lead you in the most unselfish prayer i can even imagine to pray i'm going to pray with you i'm going to pray it out loud i want you to repeat when i pray what i pray together with you and when that happens when we get done we're going to rejoice because god's going to change some things in your life today and today is the first day of the rest of your life are you ready for that to happen say this with me say father god in the name of your son jesus not asking for myself not praying for myself but the hand that i'm holding the person standing beside me i'm praying for them father i ask you right now raise them out of the ashes give them beauty for their ashes change everything in their life raise them up in you jesus and from the top of their head to the soles of their feet i'm not praying for me god i'm not praying for myself not asking for myself but the person on either side of me let your power and your spirit and your grace come on their lives right now in jesus name in jesus name amen and amen throw your hands up in praise in jesus me the lord of all jesus be the lord of all [Music] lord jesus
Channel: Family Worship Center Elgin
Views: 56
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 14sec (5294 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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