DSM 7.2 Finally Released - New Features!

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all right let's go Neil So it finally happened Synology has finally released DSM 7.2 full release full ready for everybody basically the full version no longer release candidate you now should feel safe for most people upgrading DSM 7.2 so DSM 7.2 has finally been announced and this is the latest version of synology's disk station it isn't been in beta and then a release candidate since probably about three months maybe two months and now it is finally released full live so release versions are pretty much now for everybody safer Mission critical setups where you are doing High availability it's got to be on all the time probably wait a year before upgrading but for pretty much any home or small business users absolutely you should feel comfortable updating this if you are kind of one of the more cautious person you can obviously wait a week or two and make sure nothing crazy comes out but I have been testing the version since the beta and have yet to find a real issue that is in the actual version that has not already been fixed so this is awesome this update is incredibly similar to the release candidate there is a very little difference between them but there actually are a couple of things that I found that I'm going to go ahead and show here too all right so first let's talk about how do you upgrade your Nas to DSM 7.2 so now that DSM 7.2 is full release you should start being able to see it in the DSM update section of control panel that being said I have not seen a single unit that has found the update no matter what I have tried so I've not seen anything that's found it manually I think they're probably doing a very slow rollout so probably for the next couple of days it's not going to show up in here and instead you just need to go into the download Center select your operating system and then just hit download right here and then you can do a manual update I have yet to see it here but you can always just do this manual update right here or obviously just wait for it to come though for some people it is not going to come in here at least not in any short time frame if you look at the release notes for DSM 7.2 you'll see that a lot of units mostly the 17 and previous units though there is a 18 unit on right here and even a 19 unit right here most of these are not going to be receiving the actual notification anytime soon and that is by design that is not saying that these are kind of getting eol'd though it looks like they're getting pushed that way it can also just be that they have not had enough testing on these older units and you'll see there's a ton with the XS unit and they're like you know what we were not going to push this update out to everybody they tend to be very cautious with those kinds of things so that may be why you never see it in your update Center though in general at least from my experience you probably should search your unit online but in my experience it actually has not been a big deal at all to do the manual update I've not had any issues that have not tried any really old units in which case you just go into the download Center and download your specific model and do the manual DSM update like I just talked about I have so far updated multiple units DSM 7.2 and had zero issues the update took only seven minutes and it flew through even with a real pool here and everything carried over very very very nicely there are a ton of features DSM 7.2 is bringing to the table and only one of them is kind of unavailable for people unless you really start with DSM 7.2 as your first install and that is encrypted volumes and that is what this video is on so these two videos are going to be coming out at very similar times but the one thing that most users will not get a benefit from from just upgrading DSM 7.2 are the encrypted volumes which I know is disappointing to a lot of people there's just no way to migrate at least no way that Synology is designed there's no way to migrate a unencrypted volume to an encrypted volume and so unfortunately you're either not going to be able to use encrypted volumes or you're going to have to blow away your pool or create a new pool and add an encrypted volume on top and restore your data for that but other than that all the features should be available for you and there are a few really awesome ones that I really have found that I think I'm just going to start putting in my setup for most home and small business users and honestly most people one of the ones that kind of is slid by the radar for me are the immutable snapshots DSM 7.2 brings about a ton of immutable options you have immutable folders which are right once read mini these are folders that you can only write data to and you can not actually delete or modify after a specific time those are really only useful for kind of Corporations and legal environments and archival stuff because most people want to be able to delete stuff but another great immutable thing is immutable snapshots and these have absolutely flown to the radar for me but are a brilliant idea so immutable snapshots are kind of what they sound like their snapshots that are not deletable even if you have admin access for X number of days so for example I can come in here to this active backer for business folder and set up a snapshot schedule gotta love the UI glitch and let's add immutable snapshots for seven days I just don't want to show how that's going to work so I just added immutable snapshots and I'm going to go ahead and take a snapshot and I'm going to make it immutable I could wait for the regular ones to happen that will be immutable but we're just going to take it and do it automatically and we're going to do one that is not immutable so now I want to do snapshot list I have no way of editing this immutable snapshot but I can remove this one okay why is that so useful that seems really annoying and not useful at all the reason this is so awesome is ransomware and I'm not talking about that ransomware where one computer on the network gets a virus I'm talking about your entire domain controller has gotten full admin access to it the attacker has got everything they have full root access to your Synology this can protect you which is absolutely insane so if I'm an attacker and I want to encrypt somebody's files and I get full admin access to this Nas I am not going to be able to modify these snapshots I've not found a way around this yet so I'm thinking it will work as a brilliant workflow but that means that no matter what I do I am not going to be able to modify the good version of the files even if I were to have full admin access for example previously on DSM 7.1 and before there was no such thing as the immutable snapshots and so an attacker who had full admin access to the Nas and once again that is a very very very rare and only in like very large attacks generally is where they have full admin access and that but an attacker could come in here and first encrypt all the shared folders on the nas and then come in and delete all previous snapshots of that data but with DSM 7.2 they're immutable and so that means that I have seven days where I cannot change these snapshots I cannot go in and remove them and so that means the attacker cannot delete the good copy of the data that being said you should always have a backup and everything but this allows you such faster restore so this is a huge deal that is absolutely flown on the radar and for that specific case is going to be awesome I think another thing that's actually brand new in DSM 7.2 I do not think it was in the release candidate even is now logs and analytics for SMB so if we go into file service SMB advanced and other we can see there's this enable performance analysis right here there's also our good old SMB V3 multi-channel which is awesome but now enable performance analysis allows you to come in here and just like NFS had we can start seeing our utilization and our commands and everything so I'm just going to go ahead and start dumping some data to this via SMB and we can kind of see what it looks like all right so I'm done bringing a ton of data here and we can start seeing utilization once again I'm I've not gone over this enough to really tell I don't think utilization is going to be ads useful because I don't think you really saturate SMB but these are the things that you're going to be able to start debugging and understanding what's going on you also have what kind of SMB commands are going on which are going to be really useful for some people who are at the extreme levels of performance so you can see right here I am just dumping data to NAS so we're having X number of commands per second and we're also looking at the response time which is going to be really useful for true true optimization you're going to be able to do a lot of stuff so for example we can see right here that we are doing more rights per second but the creates are taking much longer and so just like that things are going to be able to start debugging though I do think this does have a significant performance impact I'm not sure how much it's going to be but it is not enabled by default and it does give you a warning but it's going to be very nice being able to see what is going on especially in just a debugging mode and then also packet length which I assume is mostly focused on jumbo frames though once again I've not had enough to delve into this but I really think this is going to be absolutely awesome and super useful to have the release notes for DSM 7.2 are essentially identical to the DSM 7.2 release candidate for all intents and purposes there's really not much of anything I think the only interesting part was this one right here they fixed an issue nothing really there but I'm still looking through and finding everything so far I've really not had any issues updating I've not even had issues when I updated my box to the actual beta it was actually a very stable beta and so far DSM 7.2 has been a very stable release it is a minor update and so it really has just honed in and not been a huge mover or Shaker but really just added really solid features and so I definitely say that the vast majority of people probably should feel totally fine updating from DSM 7.1 to DSM 7.2 it's got a lot of really great features in there and it just kind of happens one of the really nice things they've really focused on is multi-factor authentication but using Synology as well so instead of having to use an authenticator phone app or anything like that it now has the ability to just enroll in a hey is this a weird login if so use synology.com to send you an email just like you would if you were signing into Google or your bank account and say hey this is at odd IP address did you just move across the country or are you in Siberia who knows is that you and it's in that exact same one there's a lot of little things like that that is really making this a very great update the last thing I do want to mention for people and this is really important for especially people who are not as versed on NASA's no follow-up of this as much Docker has been re-named to container manager and I think it was wondertech said this really really accurately that is going to be a huge pain for people like us who make tutorials for people because we always say go ahead and open up Docker well now open up container manager so it's a really annoying rename so if you come down here we are going to see container manager right here if I tell you in a previous tutorial or anybody else tells you in a previous tutorial to open up Docker and do something you're pretty much going to do it with this app instead of Docker they are almost identical of an interface it was really way more of a reskin with a tweak down underneath rather than just having a fundamentally new app like you would expect when they renamed it from Docker to container manager but I wanted to make that very clear for anybody who's kind of only half following up with this if you are following past tutorials and you see them talking about Docker you're just going to want to use the container manager app and I will be doing a ton more videos I've got the DSM 7.2 encryption video coming out probably Wednesday now I don't know who knows when I'm gonna get this edited anyway but sometime this week so check that out I'll leave a link to that in description below and I will be having a lot more in-depth videos on all the different features now now I can start performance testing it if you have any other questions or want to hire for me project there's a link for that down in the description below and I have over on the forums please if you find any quirks when it comes to DSM 7.2 I'll leave a link to this post right here add it because I really want to know what people's issues are because it's hard to track all that stuff down it'd be awesome and it really helped me out if you could put that stuff in there all right thanks for watching the video have a good one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 47,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wp6X4Juf71M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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