DS2 Magic Randomizer Mod

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I hope it doesn't crash oh okay it didn't good okay sweet this will be fun I actually had it's it's really cool that a lot of people keep making new mods and stuff so it's neat all right guys nice let's do some Dark Souls 2 I'm gonna eat my burger I'm gonna eat my burger while I'm doing them on I just I don't want to I don't want to have to eat in the middle of a run where I get a bkh because you're not allowed to take breaks during during speedruns and Dark Souls one perhaps you've seen it maybe in a dream a murky forgotten land yeah I'm gonna cheat in the staff because you need the lizard staff I'll give it to myself a place where Souls runs again after Berger I don't know if this mod is fun I might just do a full run with this but we'll see I might go back to Dark Souls 1 the symbol of the curse Olvia of darkness your past your future your very light [Music] none will have meaning and you won't even care by then you'll be something other than human a thing that feeds on Souls are Hollow [Music] long ago in a walled-off land far to the north a great king built a great Kingdom I believe they called it drag lake perhaps you're familiar how could you be but one day you will stand before it's decrepit gate without really knowing why [Music] both drawn to a flame yeah the dark souls2 cinematic is sweet but it's like not representative of the game really only the armor that you're wearing meet the fate of the coast you mm-hmm oh [ __ ] hold on I need to change something got a whole tab hope this doesn't crash my stream I have to turn on the afterburner okay you spoke to that kind of deer didn't you your game sounds low yes you will become one of them Collins preyed upon men feast upon their soul this is the fate of the cast what is your name [Music] you guys ready for the most beautiful character you've ever [ __ ] seen [Music] did you not do yellow ramen your PB 80 not yet gotcha yet Dark Souls 2 has this nice feature where you don't get to see your creation until you stop randomizing so I'm just randomizing for like a minute or two and we'll see what we get ah perfect [Music] Jesus it's a good face oh yeah dude a nameless Nolan thank you for the 21 months recent and weary thank you for the two months and stripe al thank you for the form on three seven thank you guys okay I have to give myself two lizard staff because apparently I don't think the mob gives it to you so [Music] [Music] I don't know if items swap works for scholar what the hell how do I give myself an item maybe have to try [Music] [Music] okay the stats ten faith Jesus this [ __ ] character yeah Wow okay nice [Music] thought it was intentionally added death working back to the start prepaying is sad bottoms a what because I'm playing scholar my souls back to what are these junks [ __ ] it's so cast with it probably kill Mullin that's sweet armor need to see myself the urine spell oh I thought I would I was just gonna go to flexile and grab it I don't even have the stats to use the spell yet so I'm just gonna make dragon write or fall off the ledge and then go by urine I guess I'll grab these bones they don't know what what's up with those baby gems weird feels weird moving around in this game you get the spelling no man's for toxic and that Pater thing it's worth the loss of viewers all right what are the what are the stat requirements for urine can anybody check for me it's like 19-inch or something right fight dragonrider legit yeah I guess I could have maybe I could I could come with the soul arrows I'm not sure it's probably enough you haven't even seen this mod yet gnomes maybe it's great oh yeah there's Hollow sleeping in the water on scholar the HD versions of Dark Souls wanted to alright let's level up right now Oh mrs. urine cost it's like 3,000 you metric so I didn't really need to use a bone but it's fine I know you can ring the bell with the projectile yeah I'll be back in just a sec don't grab my burger okay let's try this out on on flex all see how it goes swish - oh yeah names abused you while I was gone than them [Music] I don't know what that did oh man I got the firestorm you well I don't know I don't know how common that is but that's kind of annoying metronome is the spell that's it just gives you a random cast every time and that was the dark lurker AoE what was that that the Sentinel shield that was a very effective oh wow what is that spell the GU spell can destroyed yeah as far as I know you can get like any I think it gives you like all the boss spells and enemy spells and stuff so it's that cool stuff oh my god what is my character look I don't know why I even bothered going this way but whatever okay so it says that it says that it scales with stats but does that mean like does doesn't mean all of your stats this is weird it has massive amounts of bonuses or is it just instant faith well I guess we could check by so okay how's the more ads coming along I've been uh I've been playing some ads when I go afk occasionally it's fun I don't know I mean I guess there's no reason not to it's not like anything's exciting is exciting on the stream so might as well make some extra money hae-sun Rock thank you man hey come 'ln thank you for the three-month resub welcome back man thank you very much ice cream for $300 what must be some [ __ ] delicious ice cream I don't want to kill Malena dude Hey curious peanut thanks for gifting us up to KC summer thank you dude what does that spell do it lets me cast any spell on the game some of which instantly kill me alright let's open up the shortcut and since we definitely might die here yeah and that's thanks for gifting a sub to give me my money welcome to give me my money what thanks nubs [Music] yeah Casey Smurf what was that Oh what is going on with the lock on Oh nice huh that's why we got the shortcut whoa whoa what games running so fast there was nothing I survived that one it's not like you die every time nd fire got him I'll do that spell that's a good spell yeah I need to get the opu puddle true distortion flame yeah it might be rata thorny puke although it's not like very it's not a big AoE when you cast it yourself Maronites players summon maybe [Applause] Wow that was a good cast it that was trashed all right good fight at first cast me I was quite good - I played demon souls yep I was doing some all treatments friend lately or recently I can cast boss magic yep [Applause] I wonder if I can upgrade the lizard staff all right we have to level up or if it's non upper upgradable he slaughtered everyone in majula with the random spell okay let's not do that maybe Lt okay it does you [Music] it's gonna increase damage on myself yeah that's probably true all right let's go for the jump we got this nice speed strats the door skip oh yeah mom good barrel oh you know I guess I didn't need to buy those shards since there's five here all right nice we'll go a la Hornstein we have to get enough souls for the cat ring all buses including DLC yeah I'll probably do all bosses we'll see I mainly started doing Dark Souls 2 because I wanted to be able to eat my food and not have to afk in the middle of a run oh god I have to fill the [ __ ] that was homeward he just used homeward [ __ ] all right come on dinner holy [ __ ] that just it's so much Oh in demolish dude [ __ ] I don't know why the lock on constantly switches I guess I just shouldn't lock on dude I'm doing so much damage these spells are Hopi as [ __ ] I don't know I guess he like made them scale stronger or something oh man this but smart is silly I like it though I like casting and just doing and nothing happens it's great yeah Oh [Music] do something mom big damage dude he's like afk right now [Music] who please Oh oh [ __ ] that's bad what am i doing what do you mean playing Dark Souls 2 an ad destroy that moment for you there shouldn't be any ads playing right now I don't play ads while I'm playing mana if I'm playing the game ever so you joined the stream yeah yeah you could ads when you join the streams and to can't do anything about that that's just how it goes well there's a homeward bone there yet ads every 15 minutes while watching a past broadcast really I wonder it does do those ads go I guess they support the streamer if you're watching a past broadcast I didn't know that every 15 minutes yeah it's have you ever tried watching like a TV show on Hulu you have to watch like [ __ ] for ads god it's terrible Hulu premium yeah I mean same thing goes with well actually I'm not sure about the past broadcast you if you're watching past broadcasts on twitch and you have like Prime do you not get ads I guess you don't same with if you're subbed I guess you know what I need to go back and buy those bright bugs actually bright bugs probably don't do [ __ ] for me but I'll get them anyways yeah that's how I've always viewed it myself Larsa but at this point I guess it's probably worthwhile for me to play ads occasionally incoming ads every five minutes now man oh why am I even unlocking this student oh hello oh woodland child died it's [ __ ] free effigy not bad shop office controller vibrated when I casted that spell it's not doing anything it's not working it looks there's just like a ball of flame on the ground can I bring them into the ball come here Oh whoo that was a good one I'm just waiting to like die right on the final pass to kill a boss it's gonna happen one of these times I'm sure [Music] yeah Dark Souls 2 bosses just moved pretty slow in general throughout down my staff is like glowing I don't think that's gonna happen pager I think the most annoying boss in this run would have to be ivory king because if you die I don't know I feel like you just have to cast oh right Oh God scholar [ __ ] how's it gonna noobist you ready for Mario Party on Friday it's gonna be great am I ready for the beam race tomorrow I'll try I'm trying to be ready it's going to be uh it's going to be rough I thing yeah I think we're gonna do Mario Party every Friday oh no it's a lot of fun and I think people think people have been enjoying the streams so of will I ever do mario party would chat yeah I could do it with like subs or something if people wanted to there is enough interest holy [ __ ] what was that spell nice yeah you can get any spell in the game as far as I know [ __ ] would then child goalie [Applause] not really sure what half of these effects are well that actually does damage that's the one that did a lots of rotten I think this is brutal Oh whoa please don't die now come on yes we have to go kill woodland goalie though you go right what come here goalie I tried to knock them off it didn't really work okay you got to go back to medulla now and go get the go get the key yeah I couldn't melee with my staff if I wanted to like cheese it that way but I'm not going to do that and I've got a lot of refugees yeah if it applies a resin or a buff I guess I could Mele I get that I mean there's not really any point in getting the Flynn's ring I think I might actually just go to nacho I guess yeah well actually go to skeleton Lords he killed the old lady who sells it yeah I was worried about that happening so I I'm a late that the dude who attacked me waste of souls yak wasted three hundred Souls what am I gonna do I gotta say I don't want to start doing more runs at Dark Souls 2 I want to do I don't know I like running all the souls games Dark Souls 2 runs are fun though no pkh [ __ ] it runs going way more often I'm having fun with Dark Souls 1 but the bkh grind is pretty shitty why don't I practice with the bkh mod well because I mean what's the point like I already well I already know that I'm capable I don't know why this guy's and Jimmy down but there he is I already know that I'm capable of getting a good time so think that okay if I if I did a practice run and got like a 112 it's like well I should have just farmed it then you know like you really only want the only point of practicing there's a few like SEC a few like fights and segments and stuff that could be improved a little bit but I know how to do the whole run you know pretty pretty well now I just got a deathless run earlier so I'm using lizard staff because it's like the lizard staff works specifically with the mod then what the hell's that spell oh yeah this is scholar of the [ __ ] million skeleton spawner naive cast we did it yeah its effects too it's like anything that has a projectile ID yeah there's a few bosses with that this mod might be super annoying on if you get unlucky like on double cats right having to run back there every time because your character just keeps instantly dying to the spell cast I wonder if it's actually like insta death or if it just does a lot of damage and you could actually survive it with like a bright bug in like 40 bits yeah if you get lucky though Draco you could probably kill like every enemy at once Wow and very first spell cast just died see letter 3d read all right don't die you didn't Oh this might take a while guys I don't know I wondered did the mod creator add these random spell cat like the instant incident just for fun or like I guess maybe he just didn't even realize I assume it's randomizing from like a list really I need a big AoE goddammit this takes so many spellcaster if I if I got really lucky and I got like a big AoE spell I could have killed everything in one cast but there's not too many that do them that are huge a ohi's mm maybe caste gar one of these attempts will get good RNG yeah I don't know a new bist it probably is well I'm guessing the two of the two of the instant deaths are probably ancient dragon attacks if I had to guess every time I cast a spell I get scared man if I really wanted to I could just melee with the staff that's not fun Oh oh [ __ ] time to die now oh oh don't do it don't do it to me not like this not like this Oh No get over here okay hmm I was gonna mail eight but I didn't people were gonna call me a cheater if I'm a lid so we gotta we gotta comb with the spells ivory king will be fun yeah I mean if I have a lot of stats though and a +10 staff if I get lucky I could probably kill ivory king in like one or two casts yeah I know noobist I mean I'm not I'm not not disagreeing with you ivory king is gonna stock pretty surprised I survived there I gotta say no skips skip doesn't save much time anyways doing at this come here covetous goddammit [Music] he wins by doing absolutely nothing what a [ __ ] champion Arnie's going down this time huh poor guy yeah I'm gonna try to get more HP noobest I guess I can also get dark or no resonant flesh to give my myself even more HP I think some of the attacks you can survive but other of the others will just kill you instantly I believe this four times your HP I don't know about that I mean you can get up to like over 2,000 health and Dark Souls 2 so you might be able to survive it's hard to say what I had just cast on them I have no idea hmmm I wonder if blue tears Sun works or blue Clearstone I mean not tear stone am I freaking lost you rip souls yeah my 1500 Souls what will I ever do all right well now that we're over here we should have an easier time getting this then dude they are [ __ ] after me where's their [ __ ] statue I'm not even sure if those are the same items yeah I could get the lion mage set was my character doing yeah you can get on her back it's the it's the strap for bow only runs just get on her back and shoot her over and over again she doesn't do anything it's always fun to ride knotch guy it's good meme you know I'll actually be back in a minute I'm kinda thirsty I go get some water hopefully she doesn't wake up [Music] [Music] okay I'm back stop where does one get this mod from somebody linked it in chat earlier somebody might be able to find the link for you now it's not on the Nexus yeah it's the Patriot that patreon thing it would be cool if the creator of this made it so like I'm okay with the spells doing damage to you but if just like instantly dying is kind of lame I mean it's it is what it is but yeah then the boss kill me no [Music] that was good nice got scraps something else I don't know what I don't even know what that spell was did a lot of damage though I also have like a miracle effect on right now that like a heel is slow okay these enemies dude holy crap what does that means to command my favorite good old before long [Music] you you yeah curse isn't isn't really a big deal in this game if you get curses that comes a death for a note a throne no don't think so All Right see you later MP bye bye oh yeah the [ __ ] bonfires out here now this is such a meme why did they there used to be a bonfire in this like hut but they've moved it outside because people were missing it I think I'm surprised they didn't make it to the door oh god that's going off the ledge maybe it'll still work if we get lucky here we could probably kill all of them in one cast [Music] here we go I mean it's not bad Oh that was a nice one come on come on every time I have to press this button it scares me [Music] oh my god please Russian Roulette OVA spells yeah pretty much I get one more chunk hopefully we get lucky on trail but I'd try to get lucky oh my god there's so many enemies Jesus [Applause] oh that's snipe though Wow that damage though [Music] what was that firebomb come on get them oh please think that was well start spell [Music] I don't know if I should even bother buying all these right bugs I think I'm just gonna die instantly no matter what it's no hey Pliska thank you for the prime sub man welcome polĂ­tica hey young Toby what's going on next [Music] damn Duda I don't have anything like an I don't have anything that can cast resin flush you you get a chime okay do not skip back a Mogar thank you for the three-month resub thank you man here we go come on big spell oh this is actually good this is good whoosh doesn't do anything Oh No what's happening so many rats oh the [ __ ] mirror night lightning dude nice do you think you're doing rap get out of here them what is that just like very easy strong fire and I didn't think they would climb the ladder all right I should have went to the top of the ladder doesn't matter big deal straight about [ __ ] me man okay [ __ ] No it's got one nice cast well I didn't even grab the other bonfire probably should have grabbed that I guess although I still use a torch I don't know if I have a torch actually I forgot to pick one up I have one anyways I didn't die there because of the poison like I was doing fine it's not like meth is a hard boss it's just just cuz I got that bad luck under percent all item pickup run I don't think that would be very very exciting there's just so many useless items oh wow throwing her head back at her oh I survived hell yeah dude Dave carpet leizerman thank you for the three-month reset yeah I don't know what attack that was did a lot of damage soon you you I've got 31 castes of resonant flesh spells sick [Music] I think I'm at 24 24 intan faith resident flush increases your max HP by like 20% [Music] we're gonna have to kill them Darby oh my gosh that damage holy [ __ ] do we break him somebody clipped that damn I didn't know his smelter demon had to knock back animation that was weird I wonder what caused that can I do damage during install oh okay I don't know what happened there hey effing worm thank you for the 14 month or so [Music] okay I get it please stop what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god is iron flesh in this game guys where do you get art and flesh oh it's from Rasmus [Music] it's part socks [Music] you know souls dude it's like this is so far I don't even know what I can do like there's no way to rush the fog gate so it's like I just have to kill them what if I just keep getting spells that don't do anything there's nothing nothing I can do take the bridge route it's good hopefully we don't here we can still damage him why bond this boss this section is just so [ __ ] I pretty much only died - the suicide spells it's not like a bit saw it's not hard to like not die - the boss [Music] you well the guy asked if I've died two bosses and that's what I'm what I'm answering [Music] this mod is so stupid yeah these spells do so much damage like there's there's no way for you to survive them pretty much dude this [ __ ] area man and I have to I have to get through this [ __ ] every time - this is just so [ __ ] I can't even use the HP buff thing and no like even if I had [ __ ] 10000 health I would still die it does so much damage I want to use too many of my effigies it's not gonna always give myself more effigies if I really need to but I really want to I mean look at how like if I don't make it an attack that doesn t thing these guys just destroy me another down here and now I have nothing [Music] yeah the staff does decent damage on its own I could kill them with just the staff I guess does a lot of physical should probably just suit up because this is [ __ ] ass smelter died no it doesn't work that way in this game unfortunately I wish it did I'm in great shape this tax oh my god I was Bob napping ban because I love Bob going through so many [ __ ] life gems will this be the one guys Oh No stop stop No Oh why should he use an Estes [ __ ] why am I getting so unlucky I've killed myself like six or seven times now on this boss fight [ __ ] running out of life gems look at this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] okay holy [ __ ] man I need more freaking life Jones you and that was some [ __ ] terrible rng i out there Dan kill the pursuer that spawns in the smeltery not there's not any reason to hey rights thank you for the 14 month resub this was normal Dark Souls 2 would be fine but scholar scholar iron keep is just [ __ ] cancerous man [Music] god oh Jesus yes I did verbal it's fine guys yes almost got him 3000 Oh God Oh No No every boss takes like ten attempts dude now every boss is possible you just have to get lucky enough like some of the spells do like [ __ ] 5,000 damage I'm surprised I didn't die [ __ ] [ __ ] skeleton Lords obviously like all it takes is one good spell come on Oh No one more I don't have the DLC to keep I don't even think I should bother with bread bugs you [Music] I didn't realize I could just survive the fall yeah there's not many enemies you can plunge attack all right big damage oh the Lightning attack nice come on [Music] they fail Sammy thank you for the prime sup man what a good game that was a nice cast whatever that was they're poisoning [Music] I mean hit by everything I'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay time for the moment of truth yes first one come on oh that was good one oh my god come on big money [ __ ] shooting water at people come on nah dude oh my god my final time is 150 1445 what percentage of castes have been the suicide spell I don't know I'd say it's like 5% chance ish feels like it could be less I don't know the thing is it's not even just one spell that kills you there's like five spells that can kill you there's probably I could probably I'm not sure you might be able to edit the script to just remove the the projectiles that instantly kill you or at least reduce whoa how did I damage him how did I knock [Music] nice okay we did it yeah yeah what what does that spell you just like shoot water [Music] [Music] well 99 might as well just be infinite you're never going to be able to cast the spell 99 times without dying anyways we got one of them down yeah [Music] I can finish tomorrow [Music] all we need is one really good spell and we can kill all of them not damaging Oh Oh one more one more come on don't do it I like this game thank you [Music] you go level up a bit I lose my souls I've been using so many [ __ ] life gems it's ridiculous you yo black shirt blast thank you for the sub man thank you do [Music] my own big damage holy [ __ ] [Music] like I said all it takes is one good cast and you'll do like a million damage yeah I don't know what that was a million damage 2,900 damage sink same did the same thing 2800 whatever [Music] you [Music] Jesus I hate these rats please oh my god orangey this is the run come on I can't see anything don't forget about the DLCs I haven't I might switch the soundhole for soon and finish this this mod up tomorrow I remember playing the crackdown games they're actually kind of fun just jumping around from building to building and I don't know what the hell that was seem get though when do I get the black dragon home why is everything just lighting on fire damn dude I'm [ __ ] all pee everything's just dying yeah this is [ __ ] I'm just [ __ ] deaf [Music] you hey math logic Department thank you for the 20113 sub welcome back man thank you very much the last time I talked I don't know he's not going down very quick here yeah [Music] huh there [Music] alright I think I'm gonna take a break from doing this mod I think I can I'll finish this mod tomorrow finish doing all bosses I'm gonna do some sound home for for like an hour or two now so yeah I'm gonna switch over to that alright happy nights now you
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 62,158
Rating: 4.8026123 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, DS2, Magic, Mod, Randomizer, Spells
Id: DWyivcJYfZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 50sec (12950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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