DrZzs Home Automation Live Stream (Holiday LEDs)

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all right we're live good morning everybody happy Sunday how's it going let's see where's my chat nobody's home yet all right coming up here we go I wish I could get this hey Martin Pat how's it going first fellas awesome morning everybody yo good morning Chris Thomas Joe how's it going guys awesome Wow here we come here we go boom boom boom everybody's here nice good morning happy Sunday happy Sunday Wow you guys are awesome ahoy nice Jordan Martin Andre asked you look at everybody hello from Greece Buffalo oh I'll bet you freezing up there aren't you you guys are always freezing up there Belgium awesome I'm not a star you're a star hey it's me how you been man like I haven't seen you in a while all right guys well I wish I keep making my chat bigger cuz it's gonna hurt my eyes I can just tell you right now but we will work on that another time let's get it going we got some fun stuff today so start off I'm gonna start off again with just a couple seconds of product stuff and what I wanted to talk about this morning is any kind of light or plug that runs the tuya app you guys everybody got to you app raise your hand if you have if you have some kind of product that runs the - yeah app the what I'm finding and I think you guys have all seen this already in in your own experience I would expect is that there are a ton of different devices and different brand names that all still use the to you app or something else can you not do ctrl + oh let's try ctrl + I don't think I can because this is inside stream laughs but let's try now ctrl + doesn't do it what I could do is open up another window and I could probably use it straight from straight from YouTube so maybe I'll do that maybe I will do that anyways I was gonna say so I've found here now another brand of this one is called tick lock this one is called looming man looming man and that's a great name this one is called zeusie these are all different crazy brands but the and they're a little bit different right in their designs don't know how well you can see but this one's got kind of a bolt this sort of pops up a little bit this button and it's not it's a little bit thinner this one is a little bit thicker and the button is flat but they're all about the same and they all they all have many of them have their own apps but they all will allow setup through to you and there's a component for to you in home assistance so it's making these really cheap bulbs really easy like super super easy to use with home assistant and the plugs so I was really happy with this bulb actually I should tell you this bulb the Lummi man and the tick lock they came with an app that was called plus minus and it's actually not a bad name to ye is not a bad app either but the nice thing about the plus/minus app was that they you could do automations kind of like automations in their in their app so that's kind of nice the others you don't really have quite that kind of freedom but anyway so watch out for that plus/minus app and then what I was gonna say was this bulb works really well in home assistant right out of the chute like as soon as you set it up in the - yup and then you know it's all available in home assistant you can do all kinds of colors and everything else so anyways these are awesome these are awesome might as well get you a link to those plugs real quick-like and then we'll work on getting the chat bigger so my eyes don't start screaming at me I know I could just wear glasses I know I know I know oh and I was gonna say too that these plugs are getting a lot cheaper they used to be you know about ten dollars a piece those ones I got those Uzi ones they were there they've got them for for $35 right now so that's awesome hi Daddy oh one of the kids is downstairs watching hello kids alright so there you go there's these plugs right here I like them the other ones the the Lummi man and the tick lock ones um somebody just sent me those I didn't I mean I don't have a link for those just yet I'm not even sure they were available yet they probably are by now but anyways how's it going Darrin Kent or all right how we doing everybody good good good all right let's get let's pop up the YouTube and the chat here look at that we're on the verge of 22,000 can't believe that crazy crazy alright let's go to this it's probably gonna kind of freak out on me I have to watch a commercial let's pop out the chat pop out chat and then we can crow close that now maybe with this maybe I can do control + huh oh yeah oh yeah very good much better suck it - yeah that's funny Pat actually that's funny alright now we can - the chat just a little bit perfect so somebody's just down the road in Saratoga awesome we need to do some kind of Meetup that'd be fun alright now now next important thing great plugs similar ones a comparable price yeah I'm expecting that there's just gonna be tons of these brands but as long as they work with the two Yap they are so easy to to use in home assistant Nigel hey man I see you been waving at me on Facebook I just get I get that notice I don't know how long ago you hit that button but it says Nigel is waving at you and I waved back but anyways alright so the next important thing we need to do is we need to do the giveaway right so we did we had a great stream if you guys I think most of you guys were probably there mostly guys were probably there last week when we did the stream for the a chase which plate very fun very good we had luma here and it was fantastic so now we're gonna do the giveaway for the a chase which plate all right so we had 195 people enter and it's gonna let me now draw a winner are you ready don't attempt little done draw one winner right now and the winner is gel Peters je ll e Peters from the Netherlands alright I won't show his email but he's in the Netherlands and Dale Peters I got his email here will be contact pick up we have right pick luma is so you can turn around and ship it back out so you don't have to build another one oh man boo boo me me not me I'll tell you what guys what do you say I've got a couple more of these should we do another should we do another giveaway for another a chase which plate I got I got a couple extra still let's do it again alright well I'll start it back up again and we'll we'll do it again we'll give away another one for the next one so alright that's awesome so Joe is how you say that de yellowy I guess nobody can tell me that but it's worth noting this probably won't work in not if you're not in North America oh really oh okay we'll have to talk about that one we might have to see about about what that switch boxes are different sizes from the rest of the world oh right yeah yeah okay well fortunately I'm not printing I'm not 3d printing the case for my 3d printers on it's not on fine print mode it's on large print mode so I didn't print a box for him but yeah that is kind of a bummer and their boxes are really small yeah over there in the EU aren't they but but as far as functionality it'll work and so jelly you'll just have to put it in some kind of a custom box you have to come up with a custom box of your own and that'll that'll have to do the trick for you alright so fun times we got we got the giveaway and we talked about to you products which is good and now we are on to the topic of the day and the topic of the day I can't remember the easiest way to find the topic of the day but I'll double-check triple-check here but the Le holiday LEDs was winning by a lot so we're gonna do some holiday LED stuff today let's find yeah I think it's on discord yeah somewhere in here isn't it you guys are in here chatting about in discord chatting about when's he coming on when's it going to turn it on let's see where'd it go where'd it go where to go poll livestream poll oh we have a whole place just for of course we do because Aliannah is awesome takes care of that stuff for us here we go let's see oh wait it's not there you sit there where's the other ones Oh yep sure enough here it is okay so the winner is holiday LEDs followed by security and encryption and then more ya know automation so man oh man alright let's do some holiday LED so I've been thinking about this and what would be the best way to kind of present the LED topic and I think what we'll do is we'll kind of go through how I just made my chat really big will kind of go through in different levels of difficulty all right we'll start with something easy and then we'll move to something a little more complicated and then we'll start talking about some very complicated stuff discord link Oh discord link you want just the regular general discord link here's here's all the discord link over here let's find let's just I think you can get to pretty much any one of these texe channels I should this is why I need a bot I need a bot to just say discord link and then you know and it would just pop in right oh there you go looma had it thank you all right now so let me make sure let me look at see some of these things just to check on the chat need something cheap to replace 18 - 18 switches whoo shelli's availability is a problem yeah they need to make them faster and crank them out faster so the son offs are new did you guys see that the digit did you see the Facebook post about that we'll do that real quick oh man look at this here's look at trying to shrink that I don't know how to shrink that all right Tony who's out of the hospital yay for Tony doing better he he got a ton of these Shelley's in the mail look at that guy oh my goodness yeah all right so what I wanted to say oh yeah sure let's approve some people oops nope not that button that button yeah yeah well looks great awesome prove those fellas welcome aboard now in the group here tyson posted a picture about about the new model does not match oh oh Oh wonder if you got the wrong one anyways so knobs here we go so the sewn offs they've changed some things quite a bit this is a sawn-off basic these are now the mains lines instead of being a part of the board they've they've made them wire out here it doesn't look nice but it I guess it's functionally better honestly because then you don't have high voltage bear tracks on the back of the board so this is nice it's a little more isolated they put a fuse here but this fuse is actually just for the low voltage stuff so it's kind of silly but there it is and then they took away GPIO 14 right here so we'll have to figure out what to do about using that as an external button so I have I don't have any of these in my possession yet but they've changed them and yeah it's it's I think it I think you're right Lou my I agree with you I think it's better it just take a little getting used to on our end and it probably won't just plug and play with taz Mota as it is but we'll figure it out and I won't have to flow solder on them yeah that's right a little less likely to catch your house on fire destroying everything you like who's not a fan not a fan of the song offs okay so now where are we gonna start with hey Frank how's it going hello from the Netherlands Frank's with us how's it going man alright so we're gonna start with what I think is probably one of the simplest ways to get some fancy LED effects and that is the ones that come with tez Mota has anybody raised again raise your hand if you have used the led effects from Taz Mota anyone anyone they're actually not bad I mean they're actually they're decent I wish there was more of them but as far as as far as ease goes it's not too bad let's let's get to a page where we can show some stuff so what I've got over here you can see on my little desk camera here stick that back down alright I've got a couple things here this little board here make that a little bigger can I do that from that screen nope it's not letting me if it's because I locked it down if I go to this page it'll let me make this bigger yeah I like that a little bigger a little more the focus right now okay now so this this board here has Taz mode on it no big deal and I'm not gonna need to go through the flashing process with you everybody's hopefully done that enough times but what I've got is connected to let's see we'll go to the 150 all right so if you go to Taz mota and configure module you can set one of the pins and I did this on a video a long time ago but not everybody's seen every video and I can't I can't blame you for that but right here you can set one of the pins to be LEDs so I've got this one this d5 is set as the ws2812 that's the only option that there is but the only difference between that and the 28 11s usually is going to be your RGB stuff so the RGB part will be probably reversed because I'm using these are 28 11 s so let's see do I have that on the right pan there I don't think I have it on d5 1 2 3 4 go all right so now this you know live testing we'll see how it goes all right so with that there we can go to the main page here and we should be able to turn it on oh there they go oh I'll try and dim it down a little bit for you guys ok great so now what we can do in the console we can change the colors and it's as easy as let's move it where you can see it it's easy as simply having a few numbered colors oh my gosh sorry about the brightness guys let me see what am I gonna do about the brightness I'll have to change this so it's not quite so bright let's see we're gonna go to properties change this video to be a little less exposed and then we're gonna go back here make it a little less bright okay there goes that tolerable that's better right since we're gonna be showing a lot of LED effects all right all right let's see simple way to use LED effects what are we working on working on simple way to use LED effects all right so in desmona you also have schemes there are 12 if you go to the all the available commands page which is where exactly we'll just do it this way des Mota commands and you can scroll down here and when you get to Y by Q DT should have been easier to find oh my goodness they've added a lot okay here we go so here's all of the ws2812 things I just keep everybody's comments without seeing what they are I'm sure everybody's good I don't want you to miss somebody's somebody's wanted to share something good so alright for matching LEDs to video oh do I oh my goodness I probably do need to look at that you are so right oh this greens new messed up the green screen all right so here's the colors okay and usually so like I just did you just put color whatever into the console and that will come up and I'll show you to do it with mqtt and home assistant to in a minute because I've got it all set up to do that then you can do schemes and this only shows the first four but this part down here when you're talking about specific for Strings you can do they've got in here set up 1212 schemes and so you just go through the schemes and you can say well scheme one is just a solid color scheme to it kind of fades in between all the different colors scheme three oops scheme I think scheme three does the same kind of thing they start getting good when you get to four so they kind of flash everywhere 505 is a clock so this is really cool so if you had these in a ring if you had them in a circle you can do you can have a clock and you see the the blue one or the white one I guess it is is the second hand I'd remember which one is green or red is the is the hours and minutes but anyways one of those two and then and then you can do a clock if you put him in a ring so if you think about like I was looking at robbed from the hook up he's got a wreath on the front of his house he could do that if he leaves it up all year he could make it a clock part of the time with this right here so that's cool alright so six is yeah it's kind of a nice little just tinkering thing seven sevens pretty just a bunch of stuff I know it looks horrible on the stream I apologize I don't know how best to get to capture those and then they start getting into some holiday ones I don't know what holiday that's supposed to be this one I believe is the Hanukkah one there's Christmas one of these is that's cool too and then this one's just kind of yelling green no that's it alright so we're gonna just do now we're gonna just put these we're gonna turn these back to off real quick so that's just I want to show you quick what some of those were and let's look at how we put those into home assistant ok because I think that's important anybody would want to know if if you wanted to go the simplest route and just use Tazz Mota on a d1 mini or a note MCU and get some get some basic designs like those and you want them to be controlled by home assistant let's go through the home assistant set up for those alright so what I've got over here you guys are gonna love my front page Oh do I hear about it I hear about the badges every time I pull this up I go somebody says oh my gosh dude holy do something about that now this is just and then now that I've got three so far so far three switch plates look at all those automations oh brother gotta do something to hide all that okay but what I did do was a light so I set up a light that's the node MCU that's just this one I just have her here and I could turn it on and I click this and I can get a color wheel now you can see the colors are backwards so if I hit red it turns on green and if I hit green it turns on red the blue is correct and the yellow is correct but you just would have to be mindful that if you're using these lights these are in 28 11 s not 28 12 so if you're using these yeah let's see luma he was the one that they say holy badges Batman do something about that anyway so those will be switched so I did that I'll show you how to set that up real quick it's you know setting up a light no big deal and then I did something fun here where I set up a how did I end up doing it I thought I had it on not on an input select I must have put it on I put it on an input number input number input number here we go okay so because we had 12 effects or 12 schemes I put 12 schemes on here so if I just move this slider you can go you can toggle through the schemes pretty cool right and then it also has a speed built-in I didn't do a dimmer because the dimmers on the light but with this slider here you can go fast which in has motive for some reason lower numbers are fast so if you go one is the fastest blinking and then if you go all the way out of 20 it's like super slow barely moving along okay so you want to see what I did for that let's just show you real quickly what that looks like in the configuration and automations and by the way just as a just as a backup from a couple of weeks ago as far as security and stuff goes I have since just shut down all external access except VPN so I'm not even worried right now about passwords or anything that somebody might see as it really isn't anything you get to can you set it to be art DRB I don't think so Frank I mean you probably you potentially could if you got into we could open up Tazz Mota in the Arduino IDE and see if if we could do that but I don't think you can there's no option for it yeah smart VPN yes you can oh cool okay great then let's do it well anyways let me show you this first and then we'll get to that because that would be nice if we could change that to RGB and G whatever you should configure used when it's a new GRB oh okay so is that that okay we'll get in there huh that's interesting yeah okay so we're gonna go to we'll start with the configuration and we'll look at what we did for the light real quick alright so it's as simple as this it's a light entry yeah the platform is MQTT it's got a name and then the the state and command topics just have the name that I gave in Tezz mota to this board so that's when I go to when I go to configuration oh geez going crazy with the clicking configuration configure a meaty T here's my here's the topic okay so I set that topic that is the topic that goes right here in the middle and everything else is the same everything else you can you can leave so a stat it gives you the state then there's an RGB can I make this GRB that would be nice if I could do that code oh cool thanks Frank so that's where I need to change it okay well somebody said dimming dimming an AC light use it to you dimmer thank you all Ian all right bros code would be awesome to try tez mode instead so you're gonna be you what you saw for effects is all you're gonna have we'll look at it we'll look at the Taz mode of code in a minute because since we've got Frank here and probably some other guys that are pretty smart about this stuff maybe we can maybe we can poke through there and see if there's ways to add more effects that's what I was really hoping to do to be able to just add more effects to it as mota cuz it's so easy and the interface is so quick but the way they do the effects I don't know that that's gonna be possible to add much it's like when you go to the bra effects and you've got you know you've got chasing and you've got sine line and you've got you've got the back-and-forth of beats per minute thing you've got a lot of options for really cool effects that you don't have with tez Mota so alright so I set that up there that's the other thing I did was I need to look at the input I want to show you guys how to do the input number alright so the input numbers are pretty simple this is what it looks like the input number for the speed it just has a name you have to have an initial value and I've set 5 as initial and the minimum and the maximum required and then ever and then the steps that you take and then I just put a fancy little icon on it for fun and then the to do the schemes it was the same thing initial was zero which remember is just the solid and then from 0 to 12 are the potential options every time you take a step and that's it so now we can go to the automations and ah my automations I did an automation I was giving an example to somebody and and so I used the automations editor and now it took away all my categorizing things and stuff so the ws2812 FX library yes Frank and we're going to get to that next because next thing we're gonna do right after we finish kind of going through this a little bit is the makai ting dump bomb we're gonna do make lighting next and I'm pretty sure that that ws2812 FX library is part of that I believe tell me if I'm wrong but I think it is Bros code has the presets in the actual light pop out and home assistant UI not in a separate input select not sure how he did that but I like it yeah yeah that was a pretty nice that's a pretty nice pretty nice setup there he did a good job with that okay so what I've got here this is the automation to select the scene or scheme sorry so when I when I select a scheme here's the trigger anytime that the input number note MCU scheme from back here this guy anytime that one changes state anytime it changes state that's what this trigger says anytime it changes state it will go to this action and the action will publish an mqtt message to the command note MCU scheme topic and then this is the important part the payload template so we're gonna put in we're gonna send a message to this topic the payload of that topic is going to be derived from the number that actually got selected so if you look at and this is probably pretty basic for some people but I'm doing it I think there's a lot of people that could benefit still so bear with me if this is remedial or really basic stuff for you so when you when you do a template like this I don't know what this part I don't think you can do too many other things what are you doing is we're gonna look at the state's page I don't know if that's really what that's referencing but we're gonna look at the state's page and then we're gonna look at the input number note MCU scheme entity and then we're gonna read its state okay so if we go to the state's page and we go to input number uh-uh I've got 50 and put number note MCU that's better okay so if we go to input number note MCU scheme right here so we're on the state's page input number note MCU scheme we're gonna read the state that's what this column is and it's eight now it's eight point zero and I didn't know if that was gonna work or not so I put this part at the end to make it an integer so that it's only eight instead of eight point zero I didn't know if that was gonna mess it up or not but I put that in there just to make sure that it worked and it worked now if you're if you're writing a template like this and you think wow I don't know if that's gonna work and I often don't know if it's gonna work you can go to this page over here if you look at this little symbol that looks like this guy and templates you can just delete all this stuff that's over here and you could put in what you thought was gonna be the right thing for your template and it will tell you over here it'll give you the output so if you had something wrong like if I take this integer thing off the end then it's gonna say now it's eight point zero okay and if I wanted to look at the node MCU speed instead I can see the speed is 14 and then I can do that same integer thing here again but see and if it's messed up it will tell you oh your template doesn't work fix it okay so there you go so that was a couple minutes on on how to make a template what do you think so with those two let's see was that all that I had in here I think that was all that I had for for this I've got the node MCU speed and the input and those two templates so that was it okay so now let's get in a minute do you guys have questions about specifically about taz mota as far as LEDs let's watch who was the winner of the giveaway greet it was gel and what was his last name you still got it here oh no that was not it well I think I did delete it it was a buddy from the Netherlands hey Bri geesh from India yeah it was a guy from the Netherlands jell Peterson or something Wei des Mota is overrated ah ha Frank I love desmona that's okay we're still friends alright anything else so Mik lighting actually can do with MQTT as well as json by the look of it yeah it's creative for so nafse but everybody's using it for everything these days yeah I use it for way more stuff than that it's here's the here's the benefit of it for guys like me it you have the ability to to really have a lot of control over a Wi-Fi device like this hey max thanks for subscribing you have a you have the ability to have a lot of control over these Wi-Fi devices just even like a known MCU and stuff without getting into Arduino and really tinkering around and for me maybe maybe for somebody who's done it for a long time it's no problem getting into the Arduino and and the Arduino code and messing with things but for me it's bad I mean it just it's hard so well yeah about Frank Mota yeah I like that travesty you bet you all right speaking of though let's do let's do look for a minute at the Arduino code for tez moded you guys want to do that what blocking access okay alright this was mcknight unless see if we can open up probably have Tazz Mota in here no I don't and I don't know if I have it downloaded um you gotta have it in here somewhere so why this instead of Mick lighting yeah you know what let's bag this Mick lighting is McClay ting has a lot of advantages over Tazz Mota for sure most of all oh my gosh thanks Joaquim Johansson thanks man appreciate that buy yourself a coffee thanks brother that's awesome thank you so taking the state of the input number subtracting from 15 oh really Oh lettuce that's us thank you ought to try that so you do it backwards you subtract from 15 oh ok awesome for me the ability to easily get back into it via HTTP control is super helpful you mean with with DES Mota so you're talking about Graham alright so that was Taz Mota I think tez mode is simple tez Mona has it's kind of like an afterthought like oh you can do all these things with Taz mota and you can do some LED light control great but that's not the primary purpose obviously like Frank said it's made to go on so nafse and we just you know I've been using it for everything else and requesting more features and and Theo and the gang just keep adding cool things to it so so there's that but make lighting on the other hand make lighting is built for is built for LEDs that's like what it's all about so the fellow that did the fellow that did this I tried to get a hold of him yesterday I don't can find an email for him but Tobias Tobias is the guy behind Mik lighting and McClay ting he kind of see here is a started out I think he is main purpose was just to have an HTTP like a web interface that you could use to control some LEDs he has since added some MQTT ability although I I'll show you I struggled to get the mqtt part to work but it's really been pretty it's pretty cool so the process if you want to use Mik lighting the process is not super simple for a newbie okay remember me newbie right not not the smartest guy not the most experienced guy with this stuff so getting it set up took some time there is a nice wiki here and I'll just post that for everybody to see use McClay ting in a project added to PIR s and the code and Dallas temperature sensor works great awesome Travis that's awesome how to configure node-red for 4:33 movement sensors I don't Harold I'm sorry I don't but I bet somebody else does somebody could could start pointing Harold in the right direction scroll up there a bit Harold and there's the discord channel and you can I bet you find somebody in there that is better with node-red than I am yes what's the issues with mqtt we'll get there we'll get there so the the reason that this was difficult is it uses a lot of unique libraries so some of those parts not so not such a big deal you have to have the esp8266 board managers every need that for all of our stuff he gives you pretty good instructions here this is where it gets hairy right here's where it gets bad so the libraries that you need to use some of them are available when you go to you know include libraries and manage libraries you can find a lot of them here but not all of them so when you get you start getting down here and there are several probably three or four at least where you need to go to the github page here's C it is 28:12 FX oh there you go Oh open MQTT gateway oh cool thanks luma so the 20 the yes ws2812 FX library Frank was talking about so he does use that here so this is one that's not going to be available if you just go through sketch and and put it in here well it might show up now because I've loaded it I don't know 28:12 FX type that right yeah so I installed it so it's here but this was one I believe I had to go and download yeah you have to go to the github page download the zip and then load it up okay so going through and when you've got all these different libraries to add and their different versions and things you can you can run into errors and it did take me a few attempts before I got it and then once you've got that done then you need to go into the code itself and to his definitions page and you need to change a few things really what you need to change is the number of LEDs that's been one thing cool Thank You zmaj so you need to do this number of LEDs neither change you can change what pin you want it on and then there were some options down here so some of the stuff that have people have been requesting from Tobias is to add a home assistant integration that's awesome right and MQTT ok and those work together um so he's got here's some some capability of doing that but when I tried and I tried several times he's got a couple different you can either use Thank You Thomas for subscribing yeah we're looking at McLean Rob I looked at yours too we can talk about yours next for a minute but yours I need I need to spend some time you're like over my head on that one I need to spend some time to really and how yours worked super cool I loved it and I want to tackle it and master it but I'm not there yet and my and maybe it's not maybe I'm missing the easy part it's probably easy I'm just missing it okay so anyways he's got a couple of different MQTT libraries you could use async versus just the pub/sub client one but when I when I tried to use these I got it compiled fine and I would load it onto my board but within 30 seconds or a minute or so I would get stopped using the Arduino IDE I need some lessons from Frank on what do I need to use Frank platform IO probably right but when I got a wdt watchdog time stamp is not what it's called err right it was just like something's wrong when I looked up the the exception I got was exception 28 and I looked that up and it was like you have a function that you've assigned a load that doesn't doesn't take loads animal that was it you know was up here for me so what I had to do was just take out the MQTT part which is unfortunate because that would be the easy way to control it with home assistant for me but I don't think it's the only way I think there's I think there's other ways that we could probably get working with with home assistant but for now that's what it is so anyways I got all this set up and then what I did is to make it well and then you compile you compile and you upload so now we'll go back to my little board over here and we'll hook up this other board so this other board over here is the one that's got make lightning on it so let me just tinker here for a second disconnect this one will connect to d4 right there and then we'll connect this ground right there and then we'll connect it five volts right there okay now hopefully it doesn't make me set it up again but it looks like it mine I don't know maybe it's good okay so now what was the number of this 192 okay so we're gonna go to oh there was one other step I want to show you on the setup that was hard though so here's the mick lighting done turn it on alright but back up for just a second because this was important and and it got a lot of people confuse so I think a lot of times when you when you okay you should modify your code I would look I wish I could follow the chat better you got to figure out a way to do that so I can I can participate because there you guys are teaching me things and I would like to learn okay so anyways when you get back here you get done and I think what we're used to doing what the first thing that I did as soon as I got the got the board with McFly ting loaded and it got it connected to my network the first thing I did was put in the IP address and I was like okay here we go and there was nothing there so there's a step the last step that you have to do so you configure your Wi-Fi no big deal but the last step you have to do is you have to actually load the index dot HTM file which is the actual website right and if you don't you don't get anything so to do that you have to go to this upload page right here and then you choose the file and you you have to dig into into several folders in Mik lighting to get this okay so what I've got and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna post the and already done and already compiled binary we can change the number of LEDs before I do so we can you know make sure we could chat about what how many LEDs II think should be on there and then but this part about loading the index you have to do regardless yeah even if you have a compiled binary you have to worry about the libraries with a compiled binary but you but you still need to do this I don't let me go back there we go you still need to do that upload of that HTM things so alright okay so let's look at McLaggen so here we go oh I got it it's backwards again and then again this is that's interesting because those are twenty eight eleven lights his are supposed to be they're supposed to be set for twenty eleven lights did I miss something in here you guys would have used my lighting is there a way to change the RGB order MQTT control holiday LED project yes I'm missing your promise wait wait I need to back up what MQTT holiday and web control and configuration for next year all right you know what so here's a promise here we go holiday season is now almost there so I can't do this before this season but let's clap on the ultimate LED strip controller oh should I reveal it now we've yes Frank we need to we I'll show you what we've been trying to do so I've been trying to do something like that let's just do it now I've been trying to do something like that and I'm getting a lot of help from guys but we need we need more help and I think if it sounds like you've got the know-how and I'm sure a lot of people do that that's gonna be I here's what I was I described this a couple weeks ago right the what I think would be the ultimate easiest LED controller you guys can type in if you have other wish list requests since Frank's making us a promise for next year but it's got to be obviously usable with homelessness than mqtt okay great customizable effects you know when you get in the code and tinker around a little bit that's great another big key is controllable through your phone or something for people who don't have home assistant so what's great about make lighting is that you don't have to have anything else right so I've got sisters neighbors friends people who want to do something cool with lights outside but they don't have they don't have home assistant they don't want to set up home assistant they're not gonna they're just not gonna do all that stuff and if you do that for them then you become their full-time tech support for the rest of your life okay so and maybe that's okay maybe it's not you know this depends but I know I have a good friend who had his lights and had home assistant and everything and then his neighbors like all that's cool can you help me do that and now it's just been like every Saturday for weeks is my friends been doing this you know for the buddy across the street so but with something like this with McClay ting you can do a lot of these things that are pretty easy and you don't have you don't have to have a lot of know how they are I felt like even though there are gosh what is this 59 effects custom I don't know I don't dog gone in and tinkered with what custom can do but anyways that they're they're not again they're missing some of the things you can do with the bra code and I think that that has to do with the fast LED library having some other some other things mixed in that you can do that you can't do with with this with this library with the FX library so a standalone or simple remote option maybe an app yeah well you know when they when it works like this when it works like this this is as good as an app to me like when you when you pull this up on your phone it looks really good so as long as it's formatted to be an app it's perfect all right yeah yeah you guys are talking with yeah all right so um let me show you let's let's go to all right Paul you're here okay so what we started working on so I what I thought would be that ultimate LED controller a couple weeks ago and a couple guys mark and Paul and Travis and and G Botha who has done like 90 plus percent of the work started working on on taking the breast sketch and turning it into something with these features like McLaggen has where you've got a standalone that you don't have to have home assistant to use but you could still have MQTT control so you could use it in home assistant so this is where we're at this is where we're at we've cut we're calling it LED easy what do you think that's not a good base to start off to be honest yeah it's probably true and I think we're finding that we're finding that out Frank we're finding that out we've we've we hit a lot of snags recently we're like we keep getting super close and you know we'll have it actually I've got a board here I can kind of show you what what we've got but it'll it gets closed you know where the where the effects will work or some of them will mostly work and then some of them totally don't work and then and it's a little bit sluggish so what we'll probably need is I hate that like redo everything or start over but we might you know might be whatever's best but anyways this you could look at this if you guys if you want to check this out and and start telling me if it's worth salvaging or if it just needs to be chucked in and we start over that's okay too what do you got here this is your current playground oh let's look at this Oh awesome I you know what Rob I knew you'd be a guy to that that would have some good input when you said you spit I was watching yours again the other day and you said I spent five hours going back over it and making sure that it's as user or easy user friendly as possible so um this is what you've been working on what do you got here Frank is this a o le D controller awesome okay well you have to I have to make it work somehow here and where do I even start probably can't not live not right now a sink non-blocking MQTT and wife i'ma gliding has has has integration yeah Chris toad did you get that to work cuz I was having trouble with home sister auto-discovery Frank you you are you're singing a beautiful song to me I am loving what you're saying all those things you're talking about it perfect so ESP 32 and async okay sounds like yet did you oh you did have trouble Bristow I had trouble oh I've had trouble trying to get that thing to work let's look at let's look at Rob's - I wanted to look at Rob's if you guys all seen hook up Rob's sketch and such Rob shoot us the shoot us the link to your repo real quick that would probably be the quickest way to get there so I tried I try the ESP pixel stick is that firmware has to be using as a drop-in replacement also use your DMX controlling yeah this is a pretty bad day but apparently the author hasn't died oh that's the fork in the eye guy okay there we go should we watch Rob's show for the year oh wait it's showing it there can you guys see that I don't think you can let's let's back that up what is happening what's happening my chat disappeared okay there we go when I clicked on that link it opened it up in OBS instead of in a web browser what the heck let's not do that again come on I don't understand yeah that's crazy I can't do all that so that's that's another point to is another point to make here is oh I wanted to show you the Facebook page so you can go crazy with your lights and Crazy's cool people like crazy when it comes to Christmas lights right and that is fun no doubt we we drive around neighborhoods and we look for those houses like Rob's and I'm sure several other of you guys that just have the most amazing shows if you want to do that you can do that it's gonna cost you potentially not not always but some of these guys spend a lot of money on doing that and so part of what I want to do too is make it accessible right so you don't have to spend these guys are cool as heck and I'm gonna I'll link this group if you're really into you know yeah if you're really into the holiday lights thing and you really want to be one of those guys that wins the neighborhood awards and stuff like that jump in this group and start picking these guys brains cuz these guys know a lot of stuff and and they've got they've got some really cool really crazy things that they that they do so this is where you go if you really want to get up there but I don't think you have to get up there I think the there's plenty of middle ground where you could do something really cool on a decent budget with a decent amount of knowledge that doesn't become something that you work on all year long you know it's on a note MCU so it's only about you know I started looking at ESP pixel Stix pixel stick and I guess I I got confused by cuz I thought he needed I thought you needed some other hardware's just a note MCU huh wow that's awesome okay so this utilizes the ESP 0-1 module okay well we'll have to do a to be continued on some of this because there's obviously this one I need to look into I wanted to check this one out but I just ran out of time I did I started to but didn't get that far I read where he supplies just as the logic level shifter and makes a 12 volt okay okay maybe that's what it was I did see some extra hardware that he had so that was it girls are considering champagne on my tab need to get them under control John get to it man watch out for that do you have fancy lights there John if you have five volt likes it works right out of the box oh I do I have some 5 volt likes hey addy how's it going keepalive discovery true prefixes so Risto are you in discord let's chat let's chat in discord in a bit and well probably be able to today but I'd like to I'd like to give the details from you in a way that I can have some time to think about him so I don't think I did keep alive I don't think I did discovery true and I didn't so I didn't set those things maybe that was part of my problem that's probably my problem where do I add that where that's awesome alright how to automate some of the lights in the club that's what I'm saying you should automate some of the lights in the club and you can do them with music and stuff this ESP pixel stick this thing works with music right Rob doesn't this one have a music integration feature oh and then paul was talking about another one okay is that your handle Risto in discord so I can find you Paul was mentioning another one too what was that other one Paul Oh exlights so I've looked at some of those and and and that's again I I was looking at if correct me if I'm wrong but something like exlights you need some other kind of I mean that's higher-end again it's not like it's expensive right because I think this one's free but you can but you need to you do a lot of programming of your effects which is cool maybe that's what I need to make that make that step right but for this you need some kind of you know bigger bigger machine to set it up and get it running and then what are these there's another kind of controllers like a this here II won 3-1 Ethernet controller I mean that that's what a lot of people use but I don't know I don't I don't have one I have about one [Music] yeah John's would be xxx lights microphone integration so they can change based on any music which ones Paul oh yes this one fast led demos oh wait that's what ESP pixel stick is the e one three one oh really use X lights with the Queen Mary plug in and it will do a lot of sequencing for you oh cool man so once again here we are on a live stream to learn about LEDs and I don't know a ton I know this much in the world of what's available so I'm glad to have so many of you guys here that know with a lot more about this than I do new message okay cool thanks I'll check it all right only with the our Channel John maybe they don't know what you do John maybe not everybody knows what you do totally blown away I'm chatting with Doc disease in the hookup and Frank so it's a it's a great little community we got here alright so what else let's see I don't know what else what do you want me to look at as far as these as far as LEDs go do you guys want me to pull up something else do you want to try and fumble through something together because all I have oh I was going to show you my you've seen my LED things the the bra sketch is what I use and it works and I and I like it and it's good for me as it is I love what we're gonna do I love where we're going here with you know what G Botha done and and Frank coming on board and and some of this stuff is gonna really and Rob it's gonna be you know we could have I don't think there ever is gonna be one let me say that I don't think there's ever going to be just one ultimate LED controller I think there's good there's enough differences in what you can do with some things which you can't do with others and what people's preferences are so once again just like in a lot of these things that we do and do-it-yourself projects having more options and more choices is just better we're going to be able to to do more and have more options available so I don't see what your take on the do you want to use multiple outputs instead of using them in parallel yeah yeah I want to do that too and that would be you know something that maybe maybe put that down to Frank if we can put that in there but that's what Rob's had us right Rob where you have you have you can change different pins yeah so I need to do you have a MCU customized configure which one should I try which one should I open here Rob increases the amount of you can tenfold and it's yeah and you know it's cheap just ticked you you ready to control using brush sketch check out your fork of it Oh which adds MQTT topics use it to sync multiple controllers link at BK link it to me okay let's open up this so when we get in here let's let's tinker let's tinker but should I like how much time you guys have you guys have enough time we can do a little bit more you or maybe what we can do let's let's do this mmm it's 11 I do have a little more time I have a little more time but I want to let me let me tell you my idea about what I'm calling the twelve streams of Christmas huh yeah so you got 45 minutes okay great let's give it a try well so what I want to do between now and probably Christmas Eve is do 12 streams that will mean almost every day all right thanks BK that will mean almost every day I'll be doing a stream so Wow right that's that's my hopefully a very Christmas to all of you guys for supporting and and showing up and being here for the streams I thought what can I do I mean I can't what would be what would be a really fun thing that everybody would enjoy myself included and so that's what we're gonna do so it'll be different times a day it'll be in the evenings during the weekdays they'll probably be a couple days where I'm on call and I can't do it so that's why I said twelve days between now and and Christmas Eve I think I can probably swing that so we'll do it what do you think sounds fun all right excellent I need to I need to check into this let's do let's do right now let's do Rob's real quick ok Rob since you're here and you got 45 minutes let's do it but fast Ellie elite library doesn't play with it yep holy crap 12 streams of Christmas hey Christian how's it going great idea I'll say this good thank you alright let's do this I'm gonna download I'm gonna download Rob's real quick and now we're gonna open it so this is this is live from scratch whoops I have not messed with Rob's sketch in real life so here we go huh 230 oh cool did that what happened awesome alright so here we go we're gonna open up this one how's that pretty going warlock thanks for coming by man oh yes it needs that we'll do that hello use Google Hangouts and have a co-host yes I will do that oh thanks Bill I want refund if you don't do the live stream sir okay all right now it's on okay you know what and I thought about doing that today too did Joel hey Joel Joel was that you we were chatting on discord so yes and I will have guests I will have guests what's happening everything oh yeah you got a sign out a Leon you got a sign out and back in yeah yeah be careful with that thanks Ken okay so here we go so what don't I have as far as let's just see I'm gonna I'm gonna fumble through this so I've just hit I just hit compile and it's like oh I don't have a library okay let's go find this library is this sleep simple timer library available here Rob is this one I got to go grab you probably have instructions on this and I'm just not reading them simple timer no I don't have simple timer yep simple timer yep I gotta grab it okay so let's find it Rob do you have a link for simple timer oh dear that's great how you change colors an LED effects in my config oh thank you Chris thank you thank you download okay sweet so if you don't have a library this is for all of you guys like me that are not Arduino geniuses when you if you don't have the right library you just need to download it put it somewhere and then go here and when you say include library add zip library and then where did I just put it though did I put it I didn't put it here did I let's download in the right place let's put it yeah not there there okay now here include library add zip Arduino come on come on simple timer I don't know why it's called master one probably cuz it was already one did it download it okay so now that should be there let's try it again alright and like on the Hale effect oh oh how do you change the colors on the Hale effect oh yeah we can do that I could show you how to do that I'm popular person smart home community Oh big man the the smart home community is an awesome place and I'm just a dude with a camera but thank you yeah it would be neat to mix them all that's kind of what we're talking about Chris we're talking about trying to do my okay so it compiled great but what do I need to change what do I need to change I've got a strip here of 40 LEDs there five volt I can just plug in whatever here I didn't change anything so I just wanted to chest and see that I've got all of the libraries and so it compiled so that's fine so now let me put in my information here we'll compile it my SSID not that I care anymore not that I've cared in the past obviously if anybody has my password if you guys come over to my house it's not like I won't give you the Wi-Fi password to login and check your emails and stuff anyways but alright my MQTT server address yeah so these are the things to that we're trying to make like putting in the MQTT stuff trying to make that and all of this trying to make it so you can do it you know through a compiled file in a yeah you know when it pops up and you can put things in your phone again just trying to make it so that so that you know my neighbours or brother-in-law or somebody can easily do it you know light em see you okay what else I need to change define the number of LEDs and that's for all these different pins are you that change the first floor forty at the top okay great got it okay okay did it on a stepper motor sketch it's pretty simple yeah okay we'll do that troll save that compile again really create a separate Network for IOT devices yeah that wouldn't be a bad idea okay so now I've got another MCU here I'm gonna well I'm gonna do is a d1 mini D what minis are a bit more my jam you know so I'm gonna use a d1 mini is that gonna be alright is that gonna mess this up Rob if I use a d1 mini instead of a note MCU I probably could grab a note at MCU from somewhere can I do a voice call with the hookup Rob do you want to come on real quick can we do a discord and get you on you can walk us through that's a great idea oh yeah let's do it okay got that plugged in all right I got a blank got children running around like crazy at the moment all right let's see so now we're gonna go back over here I'm just gonna scroll past my all my login stuff alright we're gonna go here d1 mini this all look good upload speeds okay that's all okay we want higher bandwidth everything looked fine there in the middle of the family room alright well we will get you on though at some point during the 12 streams of Christmas there's several of you guys that we need to get on here alright so let's let's just try uploading it am I missing anything let's do it okay have I played with flashing any smart plugs other than so noff was trying to find some simple plugs that could flash desmona on to control things like Christmas tree lights you know I haven't at the beginning I was talking about some of these warlock these are so cheap they're mean they're down to about $8 now a piece and there's a ton of different brands you can buy and you don't have to flash them I know that means you still have to use somebody else's servers to use it to use them you don't have to flash them they are a pain to try and flash those though most of them I mean they probably have some differences on the inside but I did tear one of these apart one time and it was really painful to try and find the ports and stuff yeah my favorite if you want to do it as mode up plug my favorite one is the s 31 the Taz mode the sawn-off s 31 with Taz Mota is my favorite has motive smart plug yeah I had to get out of the cloud yeah I don't know until somebody figures out maybe somebody can maybe somebody can take the you know we had the Sonata right the sawn-off over the air Taz moto flash if we could do that with the to you app if we could if we could trick the to you app this the firmware that all of these plugs have almost if we could if we could trick that into letting us replace its firmware with Tazz Mota over the air that would be genius but I don't even know if that's possible all right how about for a wall switch so enough basic is too big Hector Shelley Rob can tell you all about the Shelley's okay it looks like I've done uploading next step do is it gonna broadcast me is it gonna broadcast me a Wi-Fi Rob that's probably the next step right I'll just look here and see if there's a new Wi-Fi available not seeing it yet Shelley is hard to get your that's true that's true no have your oh I do have up my Wi-Fi already and uh duh what's the best method of creating a mains light switch that it's reversible we're use a bulb use a bulb that probably be the easiest cuz if you're in a rental like if I'm renting my house to somebody I don't want them pulling in the light switch out and doing anything with it but if you screw in a light bulb that's your own you take it out when you leave so then you just leave the light switch on and you just control the bulb that would be my best that would be my recommendation for renters that want a smart light okay so now I'm gonna go to my network and I'm gonna find my new hookup led Sketch d1 mini hey bud alright there's it's not just caught it's not called LED strip what's it gonna be called just an MQTT topic okay can use ZigBee stick and zone off without a cloud or Wi-Fi in these yummy devices cheap and fast ish all their lights hooked up to it know what pin is a d4 alright let's see okay yes do you want to eat - okay okay now there's lights on d1 is it plugged in tech support help me can you plug unplug it and plug it back in try turning it off and back on yeah sorry not even one reply from your basic question sorry Lokesh what was your question took up a basic wall switch so it is not possible to hook up basic wall switch with the noose on off basic yeah it probably is it would be I don't have one physically so I can't try it yet but I'm sure we'll find a way those are pretty new so so if I just publish with the message BPM oh okay I see what it's gonna do then it'll should flash huh oops now maybe I need to be on d2 instead no stop acting entitled whoops okay I would have thought I could find it here Rob Holliday effects BPM where to be delivered hang on so there's nothing that's going to trigger it to ground Oh have you talking about your lights oh yeah yeah Eric spin on the new basic oh man I'm getting lost in the Chatham lost in the Chatham lost in Chatham halfway through trying to hook these lights up okay so it should have Julian it's still hooked up to USB the computer check this your monitor output I got dots oh oh there we go there's the IP address thank you rob that is that'll be an interesting part of the twelve streams of Christmases to see how well I can maintain my focus and my sanity oh no so oh there's not a web there's not a web hosting on it right Rob that's there's not a site then said that mqt message got it let's do it holiday lights slash effect BPM publish I must be on the wrong pin I must be on the wrong pin I didn't let's go back to the sketch I know I know I know why go back to the monitor okay oh it says it arrived yeah so it must be the wrong pin didn't check this but device name correct with capital letter at the L Oh No what are we doing I don't know what are we doing you did all this last night troubles with Wi-Fi in my building because there's too many routers yeah but I would like to say I learned a lot from you well thank you Mustafa thank you I I'm glad to hear that that's why I do it look at his eyes mine alright well this is probably one of the downsides of trying to do this live right you get the message the device mqtt configuration I mean is Right live tinkering is hard kudos that you're even trying thanks Pat that's funny the hookup is chatting with doctors these through YouTube livestream chat uh total nightmare no all right let's see reliable if they have a solid converted from openhab to home assistant just recently have a ton of devices good we'll come back to Rob's thing is that okay I don't know I guess it's probably just like it's getting that the message has arrived right yeah likely the wrong pin sharing a ground the lights working what other pin should I try I could just try them all it's probably signal coming through somewhere right just trying them all no nothing's coming nothing on any of them and your kids are yelling yeah I agree okay these are five volt lights what pin am i using I had it on d1 it's on d1 right now whenever I do automation your wife hitting me with the broomstick body armor Lokesh body armor that's the only way all right I think what we'll probably have to do guys let's let's call it for today all right this is the D one mini and using d3 oh okay so d3 and then we'll just let's see if we can send this message again oh man that's just odd don't know why it should there be a light on the d1 mini there's no light you change the colors like the Hale effect your sketch so you can support your own team yes let's do that real quick we'll have to come back to this try holiday lights power all that's probably that's probably it I don't know I don't know but anyways let's do let's quickly do how you change your colors for your own team in the brush sketch and then and then oh oh it's Luis working it's working ok so it ended up being d2 d2 was the right one I'm on D - okay yeah there goes ok alright so now let's do what did you say to do BPM that's probably what it's doing right oops effect I tried to do that's what that is what it's doing what I tried to do Rob you know you did you did your switches as your lights as MQTT JSON and then you could have the drop down list of effects and I tried to do that but I think I tried to do it with the with me now I tried to do it with tez Mota and it didn't work and if when I made it an effect if I said effect true and put an effect list I got no response from the switch so try twinkle oh yes I always hit enter and it doesn't enter o pretty-pretty can we do dancing lights we're gonna try and do dancing lights pin 5 is d1 oh I'm on I'm on d2 so going to have to try out the breast sketch for my pantry lights will it Oh TA on top of Taz mota ooh I don't know I don't know probably not bill that would be that would be a that would be a tricky one I for sure let's pull up let's pull up the we're gonna pull up the brush sketch and go to the part with the and go to the part with the sort of the team effects and we'll go through how you change that I did video about it but a while back it's been a long time but let's do it again alright take me as your assistant lo guys I like you all right let's find Hale okay so a few things that you need to do one is you're gonna need to define your like a new palette right here so just take one of these lines and copy it and then what's this I use this site for LED RGB values for various team sports modified the Hale all cool team color codes calm awesome okay search for a team let's pick a team guys let's do a team we'll do it we'll just we'll just go through the process real quick what team should we use make an OTA update can get it to work always tell me if it's been it'll be a five-minute job for our marathon yes you are not alone PBJ Buffalo Bills Michigan I got the Michigan ones go blue Cowboys blue and white hey hey Tony's here yes say Tony thanks for coming man thanks for saying hi I hope you doing well I love seeing you posting on Facebook I know you're doing good Seahawks Seahawks would be cool let's let's do Seahawks Seahawks have interesting colors NFL Seattle Seahawks okay cool alright so we're gonna use we'll do this you know Navy's gonna be kind of hard to get to show up but we'll try it we'll try it again and and ATL United that would be awesome we just long as there's no scarlet we're just not gonna do scarlet and gray that's all for sure no scarlet and gray here alright not cool if you're a Cowboys fan okay well so this one I'm gonna do so I'm just gonna copy this I'm gonna paste this line down here oops I pasted the wrong one I'm gonna copy this and paste it right here and then we're gonna just change it from Hale pallet to a Hawks Hawks pallet okay all right then honestly it's been so long since I did this I'm just gonna search for the next one that is halo okay so what we're gonna have to do is the hue on these right so we need to do we need to define one that is this hue and that's gonna be one of our colors Oh gravy forgotten how what it takes what all it takes to do this it's been a while since I've done this okay so now you have to copy this line and paste it down here and then for our this hue oh goodness where did I where was that color there's a color picker thing oh it's the hue colors yeah not easy Oh gravy right yeah too bad about the OSU colors all right if we let's let's there's color color hue color hue picker alright so when I did gosh where was I how was I doing that yeah it's not easy is it in my sketch you can select the colors and home assistant could I do that probably can't do that right now okay red you okay oh we have to put some of these in here don't we I thought so there's a way to just pick the hue color okay gosh this is gonna be the starting color and sixty-four oh my gosh you color this this is what the twelve streams at Christmas is gonna be like it's gonna be just crazy garbage codify red feet okay okay great so then if I'd what if I just do 64 here what I'm trying to do is oh no I just hit the wrong button okay so 64 gave me a blue is that what it did I don't know oh okay okay I see what you're doing I see what you're doing so now I can take these colors I can take the RGB so I can go 0:34 68 and if I go here I can go zero was it 34 and 68 okay great and now the hue is that mean the hue is not that I don't know what that means I know that means it's 58 12 seems of Christmas garbage catch it I'll do a whole video on this place okay I did what I'll do is I'll have to off the researcher guys I don't want to I don't want to struggle you through this but I will show you that the video does exist if you go way back here in the long ago past and I did cover all the parts and I ate and I would have to go back honestly and watch the video to be able to do it smoothly because I haven't changed it in forever but it's way back here I actually have a playlist that's just LEDs playlists created playlists LEDs okay oh this is actually it no overloading jumping yep no it's the other custom colors it's this one I'm not surprised that nobody's seen it because it doesn't have that many views so but now wait what am I doing here I want to share this introducing a new way to share I just want the link give me a break whatever this is just I don't know it's crazy talk it's crazy time dr. Zee's has been on too long and he's losing his mind so check that one out that'll get to your team colors sorry the life the live demo failed on that one anyways let's let's get ready to wrap up here so we did a what we did today we did simple Tazz Mota LED effects if you if you can get Tazz Mota on a d1 mini or you could even do it on off of a sawn-off or something else you could just use the pin that's why he loved me good odo I can because I can I can do this all right this is easy I can't pretend like I know stuff I don't know I can fail at stuff no problem thank you so anyways if any pin that that comes off of a sawn-off or do you want many or anything if you got Taz mode on it there's a way to get led effects they're super simple there's not very many of them but they're very easy to use in which bored are you specialized anesthesia I put people to sleep not just during live streams but in real life too okay then the next thing we did was we did make lighting and we went through the whole setup formic lighting and I'm happy to if you want if you don't want to struggle through the the compiling part you have to just go step by step through his instructions and if you do go step by step through his instructions you can get Makai ting set up if you struggle with getting the libraries and all that stuff let me know I'm happy to compile a binary and post it somewhere the only trick is how many LEDs do you have that'll be a problem so but anyways I'm happy to do that if anybody wants to try make lightning we tried Rob's we got Rob's to work I'm still got a lot of tinkering to do with this one we identified that Frank and others are gonna help us to create well maybe even take what we want is the automations that you can get or the effects that you can get with bruh sketch but we want them with up with a few other features like being able to access it through your phone through just a website hosted on the on the chip you know but also able to use through mqtt and a few other things we've got a wishlist and we've got a decent start but that may you know we'll have to do have to see with some real masters if we get it working but big thing if you guys CG Botha that dude has worked so hard this last two weeks to get it to where it is and I am grateful so G Botha thank you a ton brother oh we also did the we also did the the contest we did the d1 the H a switch plate giveaway and we given it to gel in the Netherlands and I will be emailing him and getting his address and getting that shipped out very soon and then we decided we're gonna do another AJ switch play giveaway should we do it for next week I guess we'll probably let's do that we're gonna do let's do the giveaway I'll stop at next Saturday but in the meantime we're starting the twelve streams of Christmas garbage and so will we will all be streaming twelve times between now and Christmas Eve and it'll be a bunch of different topics hey babies it'd be a bunch of different topics that we've been meaning to get to that I just haven't had time to get to we'll have I don't even know well maybe just in the in the in the discord in the discord channel that has to do with live streams let's just put it right there where is it there's a live stream channel live stream polls let's put it right in live stream polls so ideas that you want what's the next stream gonna be about I'm gonna come up with a list of 12 things that have been on the list put me on the calendar for a day of streaming yes lock myself away in the spare bedroom with a webcam awesome all right we'll pick a day we'll pick a day Rob and others other guys too we want to have some guests too during the 12 streams of Christmas but anyways I'm gonna do some things on easy way to get you asp working home assistant total garbage the streams of Christmas past okay sorry we're gonna do I want to do some more a chase which plate because I I delved deep into a chase which plate and got it working and got it got it really looking good and having fun so I want to do something on that we obviously have more led work to do we've got Rob's sketch to do we've got pixel stick to do we've got some other things I know they love watching themselves to you don't you can you get in there great how you're not even in there get down here so you can see you don't want to be in there yes you were yes you do okay we'll also do I want to do like the Alexa text-to-speech thing again and media player without LexA I want to do how to set up Alexa and home assistant as the developer instead of H a cloud even though I think H a cloud is a great idea e oh yes ESP home yeah Mille with 12 topics the way I think it's gonna have to go is we're gonna do a stream almost every day so I will just have to pick a topic based on a lot of these suggestions I've got a long list and of people things people have been suggesting on these polls and I'll just make sure I'm capable of talking about it and then we'll just we'll just go live and we'll do it for whatever an hour plus and and get something done so do a poll on the topics we'll set up we'll set up another poll to Allium eilean we'll set up another poll for us and then we'll just kind of leave it open for a while and maybe we can maybe once we do a topic we'll take it off the poll and then the poll can just keep going so Alexa going crazy I'll replace yeah sorry I keep saying her name okay fellas thanks for being here today happy Sunday to you that was fun Rob thanks for your help and Frank thanks for your offering looma thanks for being here Paul all you guys keep both oh thanks for doing what you did man on this led sketch all week it has been fantastic appreciate it Travis you too thanks for being here thanks for helping out I love it guys a lot of the information is way out of date yeah which which information buddy on that on that video it might be but changing the way you change the sketch is gonna be is still gonna be say Christopher how's it going brother good to see it right before the end thanks have a nice evening guys all right you guys ready and Tony hey best wishes to Tony and a speedy recovery glad to see that you're doing well brother glad to see you're doing well okay you guys remember what to do okay okay happy Sunday guys we'll see again probably tomorrow hmm we got 12 streams to do in 14 days so all right take care of brothers see
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 16,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Automation, Home Assistant, Sonoff, DIY, Electronics, Tasmota, Arduino, 3d printing
Id: b28A4L0Qyj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 42sec (6282 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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