LATE START! Home Automation Hangout 2021-12-19

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place [Music] and here we go i think hopefully that transition worked that was kind of dodgy i've got a a laptop sitting beside me with hdmi out going into a second input on the atm and i was playing a full screen video on it and then transitioned hooray i think it worked i think it worked all right i acknowledge the traditional owners of this land i pay my respects to their elders past and present and to aboriginal elders and peoples from other communities who may be taking part in this live stream today good morning everybody and i um i'm sorry for the late start i just saw some mention of project binky i haven't watched any project binky videos for a little while it's pretty cool hang on c2 john's oh right yes that's because um on the atem it has i'm just hit that that should go away it had um picture in picture turned on because i was messing around with it and i forgot to turn it off uh yeah so project binky is a cool project to build a um a race car and drink lots and lots of tea along the way i think it's going to be a t-powered race car all right what does atem stand for i have no idea atem there's probably some background to it but what it actually is if that's what the question is is a video switching device so it's got multiple hdmi inputs and multiple audio inputs and then you can do fades between video sources and those sorts of things and it does some things really well it's not a brand it's made by black magic design here in melbourne so blackmagic is a company that makes lots of high-end video equipment and the atem is like one of their bottom of the range consumer things most of the stuff they make are you know like 10 000 devices used by pros and they make this little thing called atem mini pro which is a tiny little box for a few hundred dollars that is like a super cut down version of one of their uh like five thousand dollar video switches that are rack mounted and used in professional yeah video studios and things all right so i only want audio look for another copy of video running i i don't know what that means okay all right you have two audio streams running with a delayed sound i think i know what that is just give me a second i think okay hopefully that has made that second one go away let's see if the audio is better now i think what was happening was that audio was coming in through obs which is anyway all sorts of stuff i'm messing around i was messing around this morning with my whole video streaming set up so it's a total mess right now all right there should be only one right now yeah i need to do some more fixing now what are we going to do today i don't know uh so i've been doing a few different things recently now i took my son to the station this morning which is why i'm late and on the way back i was trying to remember i was talking about something at the end of the live stream last time and ended up going way over time and peter decided not to enforce the lunch restriction on the lunch like cut off on me because i was talking about something interesting and i can't even try i can't even remember what it was maybe someone can remind me of it ah mako says can you show it uh probably let's see this is gonna be very meta now before i do this i'm just making sure that i don't have any um anything visible like passwords and stuff i don't think so but no i don't have anything visible all right so i have my phone here and it's running droid cam i'm going to switch to phone and now we should be able to see from the phone's point of view and i'll back up a little bit there is the ridiculous 49-inch widescreen monitor there is the i think that's a 25-inch monitor above it we've got a real inception infinity thing going on there over to the left there is the laptop that was running that intro video behind that is a monitor that is connected to the atm and it is showing all of the uh the video switcher outputs and audio levels and those sorts of things and then the atem is this little device down here so it's got four hdmi inputs at the back there is an hdmi output this hdmi output is what is going to you know this is really really jerky trying to do video through the phone like this so that hdmi output goes to this monitor and that is what showing the video preview and overlays and all of the inputs and things so this is basically a little video broadcast studio in a box and it's got so you take the inputs from all the different things it's got multiple audio inputs so at the moment it's got a receiver for my radio mic and then you can turn the change the levels for the inputs and do mixing and things it streams directly it's got an encoder in it so at the moment it says on-air because it's streaming to youtube and it's configured with my stream key and all of that sort of thing so it can do uh yeah i can do all sorts of things like uh if i hit that you'll see that i've got i turn it on is that doing anything yes you'll see that i've got two videos because it's got a picture in picture i'll turn picture-in-picture off and you can do transitions and wipes and overlays and all sorts of things anyway i'm going to get off this camera because it is making me seasick and i'm sure it is making you seasick as well so let's get out of that now all right um so mike o'connor said our standard camcorders from the last eight years or so any good as capture devices [Music] now um kind of i have my original camera when i started this channel was a canon hv30 i'm trying to remember the model it was a long time ago and i still have it in fact you can see it it is it is right there on that shelf there are two there's one there and there is another one right there there is a canon hv30 and a canon hv40 uh and oh henrik just sent me two euros thank you looking discord lighting channel i send pictures cool um yeah scott says i need a camera on top of the 3d printer cabinet there is a camera inside it see that move my head that gray thing right there that is a webcam pointing at the 3d printer so that i can watch it in octoprint but yes a camera up the top pointing in this direction covering the room i thought about doing that and it's um the issue is how to get the cabling around and the capture so what i could do is put an ip camera up there and then capture the ip stream i didn't intend it for this to be a conversation about my streaming setup all right discord discord let's have a look in discord and let's see if it opens on the other screen and hopefully it won't because that will mess up the obs preview window it has it has opened on the wrong screen all right i'm going to change that and then do that and then switch back to there and it looks it looks like it has killed the obs preview hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna switch something all right i'm gonna go no it has killed my front camera capture i'm just gonna switch to the side camera okay so my side camera is still working my front camera capture has stopped i'm going to kill that and bring it back is my front camera going to recover yes yeah what i re what i really need is a computer running obs and nothing else so that all of the things that i run uh just on a separate computer and then that is captured and pulled into obs it would make things so much simpler and it would also fix my fusion 360 problems because i was wanting to show you something in fusion 360 today and that's going to cause me problems now lighting channel let's have a look in the lighting channel discord is taking a while catching itself up and um who was it henrik said to look in the lighting channel where old lsd board okay i'm looking for henrik's pictures uh i don't henrik as in henry k in uh in youtube are you also henry k henrik in uh in discord or are you a different user because that always throws me okay this has been so random so far uh okay grumpy john is grumpy when am i grumpy sparky wants to know when we're going to show the credit card details um uh scott says time for another computer fundraiser uh no it's not i at some point i will replace the m1 mac mini when apple brings out a new like an m1 max or pro or m2 or whatever the the upgraded mac mini is but this one does me just fine the problem is rosetta 2 and the real issue is that a whole lot of programs are not yet compiled natively to run on the m1 architecture and that includes fusion 360 and obs the two critical things when i'm doing live streams and because they both run through rosetta and the way they do their graphics display like the way they set up the canvas on the screen it conflicts so if you're running obs and you try to launch fusion it usually freaks out and you can't run fusion 360. i think if you launch fusion360 first and then you launch obs it generally works but not always and it can cause problems in obs so basically at the moment i can't run fusion 360 on my computer while it's also running obs but apart from that it's fine it's good i use it all the time every day so and i'm very happy with it it's really cool so the way around that is to have a second computer which is running obs and i have hdmi output from my main computer being captured just as another video stream like a it's a bit essentially like another camera and that way i can run all of my programs on the desktop computer and have them captured on the computer that is dedicated to running obs so i'm probably going to do some kind of a setup like that maybe using my old laptop because my old laptop an i7 it's a 2 but what year is it it's a 2011 2000 yeah i think it's a 2011 macbook pro it's the original retina macbook pro and uh yeah when it's running obs it spins its fans and it sounds like a jet engine taking off but yeah all right so henrik said photosynthesis i'll have to wait a while okay i have did right i have discord open oh yeah what about ndi broadcasting software yeah i've tried that as well so ndi is what does ndi stand for something like networked network blah blah and yeah i've used mdi before i've got ndi tools i've had ndi tools installed on my old computer when i was using the old imac so that was for basically for sharing uh videos video over the network so you can set up an ndi source in obs and then you share something from a computer over the network using ndi and then you can capture that that video stream into obs as another input yes i have done that in the past and it was kind of janky it sort of worked so anyway there is no real easy solution to all of this i just need to mess around with it and experiment more with getting the atm mini working i think the a10 mini will do most of what i want if i get all the macros set up so what i really need the big problem i've got is if i switch if i go to say picture in picture and then i switch the location of the picture in picture like that which i can do through the atm anytime you change anything it resets the size so if i customize the size of the picture in picture or customize the location and then i turn i change anyway i press a button it loses all the settings and also [Music] it doesn't turn it on and off so for example i'm going between the front camera and then i switch to capturing my desktop via hdmi i want to turn picture and picture on automatically and then switching back i want to turn it off automatically all of that stuff can be done with macros anyway now is not the time to be really talking about that so i'm waiting to see these pictures from henrik hopefully they will get there eventually yes a non-disclosure eye agreement yes michael um that's what it is you gotta sign the apple eye contract uh just one second okay i think i need this to clear my throat uh henrik says look now oh i'm in the wrong channel that's why i was in the oxrs general channel i need to be in the lighting channel lighting lighting lighting so previously we have had episodes of watch john buy stuff on aliexpress and then we had last week it was watched john do something else this week it is watch john read discord oh lighting there is a lot of stuff in the lighting channel that i have not looked at for a while oh lots of um hang on i'm going to switch to where am i going to do this switch to screen sharing so this is um this is discord yeah uh yes it is working all right so looking in discord this is really cool look at this very christmassy lights and so there's some plastic channel with leds in it mounted up under the eaves oh i see so the channel is angled so that the leds then shine onto this surface rather than down that's cool nicely done so that is something that carl s was doing now where are these pictures oh mayna okay here we go so this is this is a throwback to the conversation from a couple of weeks ago where i was talking about garden lighting and that was the watch john order stuff on aliexpress episode where i disclosed part of my credit card details and my delivery address so i went back and blurred that part of the video out later but i kind of doxed myself i have a habit of doing that anyway this is photos of the internals i think of the uh of that garden light the one that i ended up ordering so this is the interesting thing open original let's have a look at this and i'll bring this over here and oh nice can i zoom out can i drag it around no why can't i move this oh i can move it okay okay so what have we got we got a single honking great rgb led in the middle and power comes in from there there looks like a zero ohm resistor there just judging by the number on that we've got a couple of chips off to the right don't know what they are and there might be stuff on the other side of the pcb i don't know usually for cost saving these things are done as single-sided loads because doing a double-sided load in a pcb adds to the cost that looks like the receiver that's an infrared receiver like it's like an infrared photo transistor it's got three leads and 102 resistors so that's a 1k resistor that's probably a bias resistor on one of the leads for this and then some transistors and other miscellaneous stuff alrighty cool so it looks like the um yeah down here we've got the three leads for controlling the led there is the common up here and you can see that the red lead comes in and goes to all three of these so that's a common anode setup and then it's being switched on the low side here so these three in fact you can see these three transistors will be the low side switches that control the three colors and so we've got 330 ohm 330 there's a 120 120 what is the 7r5 [Music] i can't quite read what that says 7r not sure so we've got three transistors down here and they seem like piddly little transistors considering that they are switching this led which would be doing a 12 volts it would have to be doing a couple of hundred milliamps per color and it's got these tiny little i guess their mosfets which will be doing the low side switching so they'll be like n-channel mosfets i can't read anything on this so i don't really know what they are um the last picture is better okay so there's another picture let's see and have i missed one the last bit oh yes cool okay let's open original on this one bring this back over here and oh yes that's a better picture thanks henry and what i'm really interested to know is what these chips are because what i would like to do with this what i mentioned on the previous live stream is probably replace the control logic with something like an esp8266 now we've got there are a couple of ways i could do that actually one way would be to fake the input to the infrared photo transistor so if we did a if i did a bit stream recording of commands coming from the transmitter what i could then do is remove this photo transistor put it put something like a wemos d1 mini mounted in the back of this find somewhere to put it in and put a digital pin like a data line from the d1 mini coming to the one of the pins here on this photo transistor so i'd have to figure out what the pin out is of this transistor and then do a replay of the infrared signal so basically fake it make it think that it's receiving an infrared signal when in fact it started being sent by the d1 mini and then the d1 mini could uh so it would be the same sort of thing as if you got a wemos d1 mini with an infrared led on it in fact let's um let's have a look at esp8266 ir blaster i've done projects with like this sort of thing in the past how to make a diy ir blaster using a nodemcu board cool so in this case let's just skip down a whole bunch of stuff there's a lot of software set up oh yeah there's this library ir remote esp8266 so what this allows you to do is receive and i say capture the signals that are sent by an infrared transmitter and then you can replay them so do all of that stuff and here what you can see is the receiver so it even looks similar to the one in here so if we look at this look at this here so that is that thing there it looks identical look it's got the little dog leg on the the pins and everything so it's maybe could this infrared photo transistor could actually be something like a tsop1738 and what you can see here is that it's got a connection to ground a connection to 3.3 volts and then there is the output from it which is going to the data pin so d5 on the node um yeah on the node mcu board and then you load the code and then you point the remote and you press a button and you get this coming out of it and you can record the raw data so you can capture the the hex codes and then you can send those same hex codes later if you want to uh control it so what we've got here i think this would actually make an interesting project to do a video about so what we do here is the opposite of it so we're doing the ir blaster side so it's got an infrared led and a transistor it's got a 2n triple two in this case which i think is just a sim uh what is a two and triple two i think it's just a like a basic npn transistor like a bjt i can't remember then one of the other examples is the transmitter side of it i'll just blah blah blah through this zippity doo because i don't want to spend too much time on this right now and then you can basically the point of this is that you are capturing the signals that are sent by the infrared transmitter and recording them and then you can send those signals whenever you want so what i'm what i'm proposing here in my kind of roundabout way is building a circuit like this except that instead of putting in the transistor and the infrared led i would just take the data so where we've got here going to the base of the transistor we've got digital pin 2. so d2 is the output pin and it might need an inverter so it might still need a transistor in there but the idea is that you would take the output that you would be using to drive the led and connect that digital pin directly to the pad here that the output of the receiver comes from so it's like being an ir blaster without any infrared just drive the data straight into the receiver so that's probably the minimally invasive way to take control of this device uh yes uh i just i haven't been looking at the chat but i just saw scott miller said ralph bacon recently learned not to trust libraries while building an ir controller in arduino what's that about um i haven't heard of ralph bacon is this someone i should know about and is there a link so scott if you can drop a link or something in that that would be really really cool mr pixel says have i seen the device that turns an ir blaster into a radio blaster by replacing the batteries in your ir handset uh no that sounds interesting and curious hmm ah oh okay so dodgy says before i get lost in squirrels you're going to talk about shelley pm4 pro from last week yeah uh i don't there's nothing really to add to that i haven't heard anything from alteco at all so okay [Music] just search for the name and ir controller it says mike okay so who am i looking for i've lost that i've lost that it's scrolled off my screen where is the name where is the name that i need to look at for uh yeah uh following the traces the first soy chip is doing the ir receiving and the second one is controlling the mosfets that would be my guess so that's what austin's creation said yes so my guess is actually that this chip here is most likely a w uh i think it's from that semi the ws 2811 or if they were going really old school something like a ws2809 so that is a um a a low side rgb pwm controller which is addressable and it's the chip so if you get a a ws2812 series chip you know the little addressable rgb leds that is an a regular rgb led with a driver chip inside it like actually physically inside the package and the chip that they put in it is the same core that is in the ws2811 so that is probably just a ws2811 with its outputs coming down through here you can see the traces coming through in fact let's um i'm i'm jumping around here ah ralph bacon all right i am going before i get into that i'm going to look up ralph bacon ir blaster and forget buttons use infrared all right let's go let's go ralph i'm going to come along to this channel this is my channel i'm going to stop that and then hit subscribe and i'm going to leave that open and come back to that later in the day so what was i looking for okay just to see if that is a ws2811 ws2811 pin out i i use these chips on a few of my devices they're really cool so this is the pin out so we've got out red out green out blue and that is starting from pin one so if we come back to here pin one is there and we got one two three that does not match up with my expectations and what have we got on this side so we've got uh pins six and seven other ones that come down here pins six and seven are d in and set so that does not look like what i expected so it's quite likely that i'm wrong i often am so that that may not be a ws2811 because the um the other way to do this would be to simply take control of these um of these transistors directly so that would be probably not as cool i kind of like the idea of removing the photo transistor and sending ir codes directly into that digital line just for the hell of it it would be kind of funny and of course the other thing is that if you're talking about really minimally invasive the other way to do it would be to actually make an ir blaster and physically mount it inside so you can see here that this receiver i don't know about the mechanical construction but it looks to me like this is sitting in a slot in the pcb which means it is probably exposed on the back side as well as on the front side so if there is enough room in here i could possibly just make a an ir blaster stuff it in the back and have it transmit ir and control the lights that might work but yeah i do like the idea of faking ir codes and sending them straight into that pin we'll get to that so okay in order of least invasive to most invasive least invasive would be make an ir blaster and physically stick it inside the case somewhere next is make an ir blaster without the infrared led and send the output directly into the pin here so override this receiver next most invasive would be if this is actually something like a ws2811 then cut the track that is its data in and sends data to it directly so that way what you could do is use something like the fast led library or adafruit's neopixel library run it on the esp8266 and just treat this whole thing as if it's a single neopixel and just drive the ws2811 now that is if this is a ws2811 i don't know if it is and those pins don't seem to match so uh yeah i can't see where that one goes or maybe that one goes to there what is pin five on here d out yeah the pins on the ws2811 really do not make sense looking at this so i suspect it's not a ws2811 and my initial guess was wrong so yeah if it is 2811 cut the data in track and feed data to it directly now if that fails working back along the chain the next thing to try is whatever is controlling these transistors so you can see there's a trace that comes there are traces that come down along here and it's probably one two where is the other one being controlled from i don't know it's probably the other side of the pcb if there's a there might be a via or something here so or is that it no that looks like it's a ground plane anyway the point is find the tracks cut them and use three outputs from the esp8266 and drive those three transistors directly and then they can be pwms you can do you know color blending and all of that sort of thing so that's another way to do it just drive these transistors so it looks like there are plenty of options and even the most invasive ones aren't that particularly difficult in terms of modifications to the board provided there is physical space to put something else in the back of this like a a d1 mini or or uh a tiny pico uh which is significantly smaller so the ceon's tiny pickos are you know you need a microscope to see them they're so small so what we could do is put something like a tiny pico in there and run wires through and connect it in one of those locations in any case i'm pretty confident that i can take control of this i should be able to do something that will allow me to link it in via wi-fi and have control of it so that should be pretty cool now i am going to have to go at the normal time today in fact i'm going to have to go pretty much on 12 because i have a commitment after this live stream as well so it's going to be a short live stream today now what are we up to henry keeps sending me two euro comments is that just a way to get my attention because i just scrolled back down through the chat messages and i saw uh another euros so um henrik's latest comment was it remembers the function so maybe a memory chip yeah all right yes ah johnny said johnny has linked to modifying hang on what sensor is it using this is getting slightly off topic but this is the air sensor hang on opening another window here all right uh air sensor that did not seem to be the most recent one uh let's try the hackaday link okay yeah so this is is this the tread fog rye thing where is it yeah the vin vind cr how do you say this ikea vindrit ning it's a 12 sensor yeah that does i think it's got a laser scattering sensor built into it so this is a uh yeah the fan speed change is part of the sensor's cleaning cycle disabling is eventually going to how about yeah okay uh track it's an esp board so i can broadcast sensor readings yeah a similar sort of idea i can't this is quite a fun sort of project and concept in general taking something that is like a standalone device and this is the sort of thing i've been doing for as long as i can remember taking a device which is intended to be standalone and then you hack some microcontroller inside it so that you can either take data off it or you can send commands to it like simulate button presses and control it over a network and that is exactly what i'm talking about doing with this taking an existing garden lighting system and putting an esp8266 in it so that i can control it over wi-fi and [Music] where were we and this is taking a standalone air quality sensor which just it takes readings and then it changes its color so it gives you warnings when you've got a bad environment oh johnny says vindrickting vindra i don't know why but my brain is just um it blanks out on that word vindricting i think that's it means wind direction yeah so uh yes and as scott says like the original steve board for the ut61e yeah take something add a microcontroller to it and make it more useful by giving it some connectivity wind drifting it actually it even sounds like now that i know that it means wind direction it even sounds like that vin directing v wind for wind and ricketing for direction vin drifting wind direction it makes sense yes all right now where are we going where are we going i don't know where we're going i think i um uh i need a drink once again um dodgy says i wonder if that would work on the new smoke alarms adding uh okay a warning modifying smoke alarms that are required by your building regulations will probably render them non-compliant there is your warning beyond that yes so up in there now when we had this house made building regulations in australia now require you to have mains hard-wired smoke detectors in certain locations like they have to be within a certain uh certain distance from the doors of bedrooms and those sorts of things anyway there are rules about it and when we did this big renovation we had new smoke detectors put in throughout the house they're all hardwired and they are linked together which means that if one smoke detector goes off all of them go off and um sorry i was just distracted because henrik keeps sending me two euros my last two euro today watch again in dc i send new stuff okay i will check in discord thanks henrik um so the yeah when one smoke alarm is triggered it uh all of your smoke alarms make noise so if you've got a smoke alarm in a distant part of the building and it's going off maybe it's at night and you're deep asleep and you it may not wake you up so if the smoke alarms throughout the building are activated then it'll wake up everybody everywhere anyway um in there is a smoke detector right there inside the enclosure for the 3d printer and i just went down to bunnings and i bought a cheap smoke detector and i stuck it in there because i was getting a little bit paranoid and i have had one heated bed catch on fire well when i say catch on fire it caught on fire to the extent that the connection of the cable where it comes into the bed and because the bed of the printer moves the cable flexes and the joint where it attaches to the bed got frayed it ended up high resistance and it got stinking hot and burned through and actually went open circuit and so the heated bed went cold and the controller detected thermal runaway which is when it is trying to run the heater and it is trying to heat up and it's not the sensor is not showing it that it's getting any hotter and there's a safety thing in it that says there is either a problem with the sensor or a problem with the heated bed because it's not behaving the way it's expected to it's not responding to the power being applied to it and the printer goes into a safety shutdown mode and it turned itself off so that's what happened but it was um it was probably only just thinking about what would have happened with that no that situation would not have caused a fire if the printer had failed to detect it it would have kept printing it's just that the bed would have gone cold and that would have been the only danger but then with the wires sort of moving around maybe there would have been some arcing i don't know anyway when that happened i became a bit paranoid and so hang on let me just switch to front camera here so right there you can just barely see it there is a smoke detector mounted inside the enclosure but that smoke detector is not connected to anything it's not connected to all of the rest of the smoke detectors in the house i'm sitting in the lab right now which is behind the behind the garage if i leave a 3d printer running here and it catches fire and that smoke detector goes off and i'm in the house i'm not going to hear that smoke detector so being able to send stuff from that like send broadcast a signal saying that it's gone off that would be a really really useful thing and i have been thinking in the past that what i really should do is open it up and stick something like a d1 mini inside it and have the output the so the output of the smoke detector which goes to the piezo element or whatever it is that makes all of the screaming noise and blows your eardrums basically detect that and use that to publish to mqtt so there is an event that happens when the smoke detector goes off and then that can be used for whatever purpose like you can have it raise alarms elsewhere in the house or send me an sms or a you know an im sort of notification or whatever but yeah adding a device to the smoke detector however there is a power issue it would need to be powered and the smoke detector at the moment runs on battery so there is just a 9-volt battery in it there's nothing else connected to it there's no power cord going to it and having a device that needs to run for a very long time and connect to wi-fi could be a problem so another way to do it would be to use something like a zigbee device so here we've got this is a zigbee door sensor and i already have zigbee coordinators around the place i've got zb coordinators in the house and so what this one does is this is a zigbee transmitter and it's got a read switch in it and then this is a magnet that goes on the door so as the door opens the magnet moves away and this then transmits a signal over zigbee saying that the door has been opened or you know the switch has been opened and then it sends another signal when it's been closed so probably an interesting way to do it would be instead of putting something like an esp8266 in it get something like a zigbee sensor these are where they the um uh acara yeah so these are the these are acara range zigbee sensors open this up i've been meaning to do a video about this as well because i've done this and it's actually really really cool if you open let's switch to overhead camera and that's from when i was messing around with the fit and place machine yesterday oh this is something that i'm making a video about right now this is a mount an adapter mounting bracket for a laser diode so this bracket screws into my laser cutter in place of the lens mechanism in my carbon dioxide laser these holes are the same mounts as the existing head and then this screw it's got heat set nuts in the back here and then this screws into that using some m2 bolts and then a laser diode assembly goes on that so that's a way of retrofitting a laser diode into my k40 laser anyway that's a whole other subject let's get this open so this is come on i'd have to pull it open more to get into the the guts so taking the back off you can only get to the battery but inside here is a read switch your read switch is just a magnetically activated switch and that is why when this comes near it which side that side when this comes near it it activates the reed switch so what you can do is open these up unsolder the red switch and then you have a battery powered transmitter that'll run for like a year or two years on a single coin cell battery and that will transmit events when that input is triggered so what you can do is then you take a couple of wires out from that where the read switch used to be wired and you can then trigger it with whatever you like it could be triggered using a say a read relay you could have a read relay output wired across where the the read switch is and then the input to the relay could go to something else like the smoke detector so that way whenever the smoke detector is activated the reed relay would fire and this would receive a signal and then it would transmit and then your automation system could deal with it so yeah that is a fun little project as well yes all right uh so mutton this bisser all shiny and johnny's distracted yes now uh i got another two euros from henrik in order to make me look at discord again so let's go back to here and let's see all right here's a little project i want to show last weekend okay easy eda hang on let me just back up a bit arduino mega inside weather station shield okay open original let's have a look at this and zoom in what have we got bh 1750 i have no idea what that is i assume that that pin is not meant to be soldered um so we've got an esp-01 module an esp8266 and there it's in a mega form factor so it goes on to an arduino looks like a usb socket there a reset button and a display and something loops down oh okay that's a connection for the display is that another usb socket is that two different types of usb socket looks like it might be usb a maybe i don't know uh what have we got bmp 180 so that's a um uh temperature and humidity sensor or is it atmospheric pressure as well i can't remember so that's an environmental sensor module and uh yes michael says i think john is being trained pavlogs pavlov's dog style to look at discord yes each time someone sends me money i look at discord yeah the um the outcome of that if that works michael the outcome is that every time someone sends me money i will just look at discord as a reflex okay cool so uh interesting environmental sensor um yeah yes uh oh david howe said i've used those for a mailbox sensor with a micro switch and a tipping bucket type rainfall sensor nice yeah that's very cool oh johnny says bh 1750 is a light sensor oh right okay so we're getting um we're getting light level and we're getting some atmospheric information and a display so what i'm curious about is why this is in an arduino mega form factor with an esp-01 on it let's see what other [Music] clues we can get and or we just have a look at here look at this easy eda um arduino mega inside weather station shield all right so it goes on to an arduino mega and uh what do yeah all right so my question is why is it in a mega form factor is it using an arduino mega as well for something and then using the esp-01 maybe it's just using the esp-01 so that the mega can read the sensors i should be able to see it from here open in editor let's see do i have an account on this i don't know all right so the it looks like so we'll have a ground connection we'll have a where's 3.3 volts is that 3.3 volts looks like it is okay so that is 3.3 volts and then what have we got um connections to yeah just using the asp for wi-fi yeah oh scott says espn it's originally designed to act like a modem for wi-fi connectivity yes that's right so that's what i'm just trying to find here so there should be where are the extra hardware serial ports it's there and there okay there it is yeah so that but why does that come to there um on the arduino mega the extra serial ports are up here now how do i use this program can i zoom in i can hurry now can i how do i pan can i drag two thing double drag no two fingers just zooms oh wait no sorry i'm not trying to change anything here i just want to move this thing is there a tool that i can use view uh zoom is there a uh okay maybe it's a bit like keycard and there is no just grab and pan tool oh hang on no what's that pcb tools there it is no that's for moving stuff and you've got to zoom out and zoom in that's that is actually one of the things that drives me nuts about keycad the fact that you can't just scroll sideways in designs you have to zoom out you've got to relocate yourself zoom out relocate yourself and zoom in so when all i want to do is click right there drag sideways and just move my view a little bit anyway yes so that i'm pretty sure is these connections are serial oh the embedded hobby says i'm a bit late so i thought i'd check out the stream live welcome thanks for coming along uh right click maybe and hold let's see if that works oh yes right click that is the magic haha thank you so going just going back to here and it uploads data into thingspeak oh nice hang on i already had that open i've got to switch back to [Music] here there no not there there yes there all right so there's a resistor there yeah it is tx and rx uh oh aaron says john given this is your last stream of the year what no surely not are we that close to christmas what's your top project from this year that you're proud of and what project do you most want to achieve in 2022 um hmm uh i don't know i'll have to think about that um okay so yes um before i go off on that tangent i just wanted to say thank you for sharing this project um going back yeah henrik um thank you for showing this project this is cool and um uh yeah the fact that you got photos of i'm gonna close that the fact that you got photos of um of the real thing shows that it's not just an idea you've actually built it which is awesome and it pushes things up to things speak all right now no i didn't not want to save that change yeah close that now projects projects i've got a couple of things i could show you i was one of the reasons that i was messing around this morning with getting the uh with getting the atem mini working and messing around with the with my other laptop to be able to feed into it as a second source was so that i could use fusion 360 because i wanted to show you my pcb conveyor project and what do i show you i'm going to grab some stuff here and also tool changer which i'm going to add to the ko pick and place machines now chucking stuff on the bench so i can show you what have i got that that let's go to overhead camera overhead okay then or what else am i looking for i want one that's open linear rails um this one this is the open linear rail let's take that one away that's a a nozzle holder for a fujiki nozzles and i don't have any jinky nozzles in here um i have 60 dukey pick and place nozzles out in the garage so i can go and grab some now what is this all about what is going on here oh look there are multiples of me how has that happened oh it's because i've got the overhead camera and the side the front camera and the side camera so i'm going to turn off hdmi front camera that one can go away oh and i've got this which is a nozzle changer mechanism and this slides along like that so i've been having pick and place fun recently and that and i've also been rebuilding my laser cutter that's another thing so this is messing around with an idea for a conveyor belt system to link the pick and place machines together because the problem is that the output of the pick and place machine so the ko pick and place machines have conveyor belts in them and you can feed a board in from one side it does all the placements and then feeds it out again and it has ready in and ready out signals so that you can chain devices together and the conveyor belt stops until there is a matching ready in and ready out on the two adjacent machines and then both conveyor belts start at the same time and then it moves stuff along so what i've been looking at doing is designing a conveyor belt that has an automatically adjustable width in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to jump across to my laptop and see if i can launch fusion 360 on that because then i can show you that screen uh so yeah the idea is that i've just been messing around with some ideas for making a conveyor belt and i've got some gt2 timing belt this is a continuous belt and the idea is that it goes around it like that and this is not cut to length yet this is just a scrap piece of aluminium tube that i had and it was short so i just grabbed it so that's why the belt actually doesn't go to the end and then there is this piece which has the wheel on it with an n20 motor in it and if i let's fire up the power supply and where am i going power supply i need a power supply i need a lead with some alligator clips maybe that one that'll do so which one am i on power supply 2 set to 12 volts yes and the idea is that if this tube was cut to the correct length this would be inserted in the other end and then that would go around it so imagine that the tube was actually cut to right about there and then this was inserted in the end and then there would be a little tensioner that like a spring loader tensioner that comes in and pushes on this to keep it tensioned up but i don't have the tensioner mechanism there so i'm just gonna grab this i can't even get the whole thing in the field of view so grab that and power supply i'll chuck that on there and hit go and the belt is running you can probably just see there oh yeah you can see the mark there on the timing belt so the that will be a conveyor belt and there'll be two of these so one on the front side like this and then a mirror image on the back and the pcb will travel along on the conveyor belt between the pick and place machines and there will be a sensor so it knows when the board has arrived that's kind of loud and annoying so um yeah it'll have a sensor so it knows when the board has arrived and there the sensors for that are somewhere around here they're in the box and [Music] then the front rail will be mounted ah fusion360 wants me to sign in so i'm just glancing across my laptop so i'm not going to bother with that but i've got this pretty well all designed out in fusion 360. so the front rail will be in a fixed position oh and also when this is in in the correct location if you're looking down on it from the top you can see that there is an overlap there so the pcb will sit on top of this timing belt and it will be constrained by the edge of this square section so it will sit if i grab a pcb it'll sit like that the the edges of it will sit again and then it will slide along the inside here although there'll be just a little bit of clearance and that should be okay so there'll be another one of these mirror image for on the other side now the front one will be in a fixed position the back one will be adjustable so it moves backwards and forwards depending on the size of the pcb so that is what these linear rails are for and uh these are all cn7 or whatever it is oops i don't want that to fall off these little cn7 rails will be on the frame running front to back and they will slide like that so this will be mounted on two of these one on each side and it will slide backwards and forwards to adjust the width of the conveyor belt and then there'll be a stepper with another timing belt and a like a homing switch so it can home itself and the idea is that i want to be able to send a command to it to tell it what width it needs to be like um say i'm running a a 50 millimeter wide pcb then when the pick and place machines are configured and i tell it what size pcb is being loaded it'll automatically adjust the conveyor belt in the pick and place machine and also adjust the can the external conveyor belts that link the pick and place machines so yeah if i say i'm loading a 50 millimeter pcb i'll have this move so it goes to like 51 or 52 millimeters or something whatever ends up being a reasonable clearance for that to be able to move nicely down there and not fall in the hole in the middle so the the conveyor belt will go and automatically adjust its width and then pcbs can be fed along it so i'm going to need a little g-code type controller that goes in there oh and this is the nozzle changer i was talking about so this is for changing nozzles in the pick and place machine because the kos do not have nozzle changes they have you have to manually put the nozzles in i'm going to go for a little walk you'll be able to hear me but not see me a little walk out into the garage because i need to grab some nozzles i've got a a wheeled cabinet out here which has heaps and heaps of nozzles in it and [Music] then i can check out how they fit into this [Music] little adapter so this thing came from delta printer i'm not sure where they are but anyway um this is this tool changer is actually intended for use with their rapid star pick and place machine and you can buy all the different parts for their pick and place machine individually so i just bought the tool changer this is a small one how many is this 10. so this is a 10 nozzle changer they also make the same thing but in a 20 nozzle version which is obviously twice as long minus the extra bit on the end so for pick and place nozzles oop what happens is you load a bunch of your nozzles all the different sizes and have them indexed so you know which one is in which slot and in normal use uh is it going to move what have i done wrong what have i done wrong if i jammed something in here oh i think i just i hadn't put one of the nozzles in properly okay so in normal use it's like that and these are fixed so they can't come out and then this is the nozzle holder that is attached to the pick and place machine and it's got little retention ball bearings in there which are held in by this rubber thing and the idea is that this is a press fit you can see the collar on here so it normally what happens is that manually when you want to change nozzles you grab the nozzle you pull the old one out and it just clips in and out you can see that you push it in it goes in and then it's accurately indexed so that there is minimal run out and run out is eccentricity so as this rotates you want the nozzle tip to remain in the same position they can't you know wander around and you just pop it out now the way this nozzle changer works is you have a nozzle loaded and the machine i'm going to try doing it sideways so that you can kind of see imagine you're looking at the machine from the side so the nozzle comes along and it goes to a clear location and it descends into it and then a motor which gets mounted under here pulls this across and that lat locks the nozzle in place and then the machine just retracts the nozzle well it tries to retract the nozzle in the z-axis and it pops out so then it comes along goes to the nozzle that it wants to load descends onto it it locks into place then the mechanism opens and it lifts it out and when it wants to unload reverse the process so this is a really cool little mechanism for loading and unloading nozzles automatically and yeah as i said it's intended for their rapid star pick and place machine but i'm going to use this mechanism and adapt it to go onto the ko a4 pick and place machine so the ko has four it can have four nozzles loaded at once it's a four a single head four nozzle machine and that is kind of annoying that you can't do automatic changes because often what you'll want is to have say four nozzles the same loaded for say o603 parts and you want to be able to load a whole bunch of 603 parts but then at some point of the job you want to be able to load maybe an ic so then you pull in a bigger nozzle and then one of the nozzles might get swapped for a larger size or you might want a smaller one or you know for a 402 parts or whatever so it's got all these different size nozzles depending on what you want to pick up and with fixed position with fixed nozzles you're kind of limited so normally what would happen is that you know people would leave a couple of their most common nozzles loaded like say two nozzles that will do o603 parts in my case and then you might have two other nozzles loaded like a large nozzle for larger ics and then you might have a nozzle loaded that'll do like i don't know um capacitors or like larger capacitors or you know ws2812s or something so you'll end up with a mix of nozzles loaded but that mix is not always optimal in terms of the job so being able to change nozzles is really important and with this mechanism i should be able to mount this inside the frame of the ko and program it so that i can load and unload nozzles now the factory software can't do that but open pnp can so i'm going to be retrofitting open pnp i think into onto the ko that's my plan anyway i don't know if it's going to work so oh and this so this other belt i'm going to make two different types of conveyors one is oops one is going to be a little linking conveyor and that's going to use these short belts so this is going to be a short where can you get an idea of the length of it don't really know yeah so you can get this will be a short conveyor that will only be used for joining between two pick and place machines it's going to be about 300 millimeters long about 280 millimeters long basically long enough that the machines don't end up jammed up hard against each other because their own conveyors don't really protrude very far they just sort of end at the end of the machine and this way i can daisy chain the pick and place machines with a 280 millimeter gap between them which is enough room that you can reach in if there are any problems like machine boards coming out of one machine into the next or you need to do something on the machine you don't want them jammed up hard against each other so this will be a little transitional conveyor belt but then this is the conveyor off a rapid star pick and place machine and it's longer uh it's um how long is it i think it it's about 800 millimeters or something when it's doubled over like this so what i'll do is use this longer belt to make an inspection station so when pcbs come off it's pretty common on smt production lines that when pcbs come out of one machine you might have a station which is wide enough for someone to sit at and typically there is like a small bit of bench area in front of them and so the pcb can come in on the conveyor and you can pick it off the conveyor put it down on the bench in front of you do inspection or rework or manually loading parts before it proceeds for example if you want to load parts before it goes through the reflow oven and you need to do it manually what you can do is have this inspection station where the board stops in front of you you take it off the conveyor put the parts on by hand using tweezers or whatever put it back on the conveyor and then it continues along so that conveyor needs to be wide enough for a person to sit there with some tools and that is what this bit of belt is for it's wide enough that i can sit comfortably and i could have a machine on each side and a bit of working area in front of me so one of the projects that i'm going to be talking about in the future is building this conveyor system it's one of those things that you know building a conveyor system sounds like it should be really simple and it's not really that complicated but there is a lot more to it than you might first think it's not as simple as a couple of belts and a couple of motors you need to you need ready in and ready out signals you need the motor controller it's going to need the y-axis auto adjustment for the width and there is speed control and yeah it just keeps going on and on it's one of those projects that i thought i'll have this done in no time and then i started designing it in fusion 360 and it just kept becoming more and more complicated than the more i got into it alrighty where are we at aha johnny says alert three minutes okay we are getting down on um down on time oh scott says technically he has four pnp machines um where yeah uh yes technically i do so i've got three now i actually decided that i would never admit ever that i had more than two kas i bought two and it's machine zero machine one and machine two so i've got two ko pick and place machines and then i've still got mickel make it which is my existing pick and place machine so one thing i have actually been thinking about and i was thinking about this before getting the kos was retrofitting a conveyor belt onto mickel make it so that i could just feed pcbs and have them move in stop do the job and then feed them out at the end but uh yeah there is a geometry problem with it there is a drag chain on one side that runs exactly through where the boards would need to pass so that would be a real problem i could fix that by relocating the drag chain i could move the whole thing down lower no i'd have to move it up higher it could be done but i don't think that's really all that relevant now once i've got the kos up and running now ah he says urgent alert three minutes um oh mr fixit says where can i buy the nozzle changer okay that is actually a um a really important thing so i am going to take you to smt assembly um oh and the other thing is at this same place so delta printer are also about to release some electric feeders and i'm going to try to retrofit these electric feeders onto the ko all right this is the nozzle they call it the nozzle magazine one minute warning okay so this is the nozzle holder mechanism that i just showed you and in fact why don't i i've dropped it into the chat but i will also go to desktop view so this is it on delta printer without an e in the printer dot com and this is their nozzle changer for their uh their rapid thing medium or large it's like take away places that um that have three sizes for their drinks large extra large and super sized just call them small medium and large all right so yeah medium and large i got i got one of the medium because i was thinking of fitting this onto mick or make it actually i'm not sure if i'm going to end up fitting the the 10 the 20 nozzle or the 10 nozzle version onto the kos it's um i don't really know how much clearance there is and because i don't have physical access to them right now they're at lockland's factory i can't just walk over and measure stuff and figure out where things can things are going to fit and uh yeah if you are playing around with pick and place machines check out what delta printer have because they have some cool stuff they do these nozzle holders as well i've got two of their nozzle holders and also a bunch of the ko nozzle holders but uh and their vacuum sensor board i've got one of those rapid feeder mini main board oh and this is the conveyor board with the sensor this is where they like the smt conveyor belts they've got here and check these out rapid feeder this is what i'm really excited about and these have been coming for a while look at this it says pre-order only ships 2021 they're actually not quite ready yet but these feeders uh look like they're going to be amazing they are electric feeders that are that will be quite capable of doing 0 402 parts and i think in testing they've also got o2o1 working and they are only where is it if we go to eight millimeter feeder yeah it's 59 usd which is amazing and they're very compact so it doesn't mount the reel directly on the feeder the reel has to be mounted separately but they are pluggable they've got qr codes on them so what you can do is load a bunch of feeders and have your machine auto detect what you have loaded they can use the down camera on the head to move along and scan all of your feeders and go i've got 10k resistors and i have you know 100 nanofarad capacitors just by scanning all the qr codes which it then looks up to match to what those qr codes are so very very cool minus two okay i am going to have to go soon because i've got to um to take my daughter somewhere so these things like basically these are equivalent to something like the yamaha electric feeder but the yamaha electric feeders are like 250 to 300 us dollars and these are 59 so that price there the 1 399 that's for a pack like if we go to value pack the value pack comes with the motherboard that controls them 19 8 millimeter feeders 3 12 millimeter 216 millimeter and a 24 millimeter feeder that is a big set of feeders that will do most things for 1400 so yeah these things are really cool and they've been developed in public on the open pnp mailing list so shai who has been working on this has keeps he's been posting photos of internals and all of their progress of um of designing the mechanicals and how it works and the problems that they face doing it so yeah i'm really excited about these rapid feeders i want to buy these once they come out and retrofit these onto the kos because it'll give the advantage of the electric feeders without paying 250 bucks each for like yamaha electric feeders so all right i am going to have to go because as scott says never disappoint a daughter all right now first i'm going to getting out of this live stream is now going to be a bit of an exercise because of the way i've got this set up with the external thing so hang on i've got to stop that i've got to full screen that and now how do i get out of here first front camera all right i'm lost how do i get out of this live stream first thank you for coming along and sorry i'm rushing off like this i've got so much to talk about so many projects but i am going to hang on i've got to hit play on that i think that is playing now and i have to switch to it bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i know your life is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] i know hard for so many years
Channel: SuperHouseTV
Views: 2,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LS4w-aTpqEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 2sec (5222 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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