3 Murphy Bed & Roof Deck Skoolie Build ~ Fully Detailed Tiny Home Tour

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[Music] [Music] we're the Buzzy's I'm Missy Adam dusty Souls is the name of our set up we were living at the beach and just like that would be an awesome name and we call it the bus dusty and dusty souls to sound like people who travel full-time so that's what we do I'm still in uh I'm still arguing the fact of I want to name it but see the bus see I see he wants to call it busted definitely well the kitchen counters this whole setup was something at one piece we bought from the restore and then we just this is pallet wood that he broke down and added epoxy to to seal it and then all of these were built out into drawers and instead of doors so that you can get to the back of it you know anything we didn't do a stove or an oven because it was so hot in here when we used it in our RV that we decided we wanted everything to be electric we plug everything in here it's our skillet in our George Foreman our crock-pot and we can set it up here use it on the battery while we're parked yeah we live full time and we've lived in a bunch of different homes we live basically whatever our dreams were we decided to go get it we want to live in a log cabin so we did that we wanted a really big home so we went and did that we went to live at the beach so we went and looked at the beach for four months oceanfront loved that and just knew that we wanted to keep traveling we already owned a travel trailer so we lived in it for a while and it just kept having issues so we decided to go to buses yeah we really wanted it at our own design - and with the travel trailer you they give you floor plans to pick from but you're still missing your own customization whether it's a lot of Browns here or Browns there and we just like what we like and we didn't wanna be put in a box and so I was like let's do a bus and he/she had a list of things she wanted me to Bill and she wanted me to do it - the RV yeah construction a long time you don't start a project in there and start adding to cardboard and a plastic and so I attempted a few changes we put a desk in it we converted a few other things but after replacing AC units and toilets and water leaks and I was like I do this work on a regular home all the time and I would just want it I wanted the decor of the structure to be a whole lot stronger yeah so I'm like we're gonna have to start with a better base he said make a list of all the things that you want in it as if it was your home and so I did and like the shiplap and the farmhouse sinks and some of the things you see and he executed it best he could given the space we have yeah so on the countertops we were we tossed around a whole lot of ideas but she had to farm sink so it was like bring about the farm idea and if you go to buy regular countertops for a regular kitchen they're all 24 inches deep so I couldn't I didn't have the option of just ordering specific countertops for this so we were like just tossed around a lot of different woods so originally I put cut up some pallets and glued them to a piece of plywood right whole piece of plywood on top and I glued it on in full widths moisture or not sure what happened but it all curled up on me so the tiny boards that you see here is because after it all curled up and peeled off of there it got put into a table saw and I ripped it all down to something that wouldn't curl up and then I glued it down on there again and so part of the reason why we use pallet was because we wanted to recycle and use as much cool old stuff as we could get and so we built those out of pallets ripped it down three different times it messed up one was the curling on the thing and then twice with the epoxy one was the epoxy went on too hot and it all froze on there like a big mountain of ice chisel that off for three days and then once I realized it has a certain temperature has to be I put it on there and that time it all poured through the cracks so then we sealed the bottom so wouldn't pour it through and then we did another layer and that was my education on epoxy these cabinets here came from the restore it was a old entertainment center torn out of a house that someone had custom-built him in there and I picked them because they were only 18 inches deep and in a bus you don't have big slides where you could push full-size cabinets out away and give you space so we found those they're a lot more narrow even though it was hard to find a sink and a fridge that would fit into that space we ended up finding them and we cut that it was a long 18-foot section and I cut it up into pieces and turned it into a L and had to build it one more piece right there because that one's modified especially for our our circuit panel and our switchboard that's all down in that cabinet behind a spice rack that she needed the fridge here is definitely was a labor of love we picked up we went through a lot of RV refrigerators that were propane can't want a propane one lots of different reasons why you don't yeah that was me having the travel trailer either Freeza in the back of it we lived in a full time and travel trailers are not designed for full-time living it's that weekend where you take them home and they thought it sounds great but when you're in it full-time the freezer would freeze up and I know you could add spins and things you can always add stuff to that so we just were done with that so with the freezer we knew we didn't want a big huge over/under she said cover no windows so it had to be low yeah yeah and then the fridge we just went with something that it was basically the same size as the bottom half of our RV fridge without the top on it and it seemed to work for us a family of three and so we went with that one cuz it fit under the counters and then he hooked it up so that it does run off our batteries hope we can't run it while we're driving down the road and we're still not connected to propane says yes no propane took to the batteries and it'll last about I'll just say three days three days yeah and so it was hard to find one that was shallow most of them were too deep we had a final one that would fit in 18 inches that I have on this cabinet here so but it plugged in it was actually a really cheap one - I think so we could buy five of them and you still wouldn't catch up with the price of norm or the cost of the RV refrigerators I haven't thought about putting one in storage in case that one broke but making that model because that's the only ones gonna fit plenty where you have whole gallons of milk all your condiments are in there it's got different layers for like meat cheese and things like that and then once about once a week we go to the grocery store and then we also have a DC plug in the bag for a freezer so we have another option back there that runs on battery if we wanted to take a bunch of meat in the freezer or things like that we can do that it was another reason that we did that separate the fridge and the freezer was because I didn't want to give up a window and over under we still have the freezer capabilities but it's not blocking my window or giving us any crowded space up here okay so all of the power that we ran in here was of course the source is down in the box underneath with our four golf cart batteries and a 3000 watt inverter and so it's able to transfer that power into 110 everything in here is 110 with the exception of our AC units and a few receptacles so the inverter converts all of that power to 110 even our lights under here even though they're 24 volts you might be a couple of them that came in at 12 volts but most of them are 24 volts they plug into a 110 outlet so don't really use any power to speak of but I plugged them into 110 being inverted from you know the DC power so that's what I did there the power comes from the box below in the storage bin I didn't want to do any story underneath so I cheated and used the stories it was already under the bus but all my stuff in it came up through the floor on this side with a conduit and on that side in different areas but all the power into as a 2 by 4 over here and then this 1 by 12 that's ripped down on my angle and all the power is in there and I did it with hinges that are just screwed to this board and pop riveted with this access because we weren't sure what else we'd want to add to it in the future so I was building to modify the RV yes what's your help with that in mind these are accessible and worked out good convene up at an AC later and I was able just open them up put the wires in there and run everything so all the power is run from the front of the bus to the back of the bus up in these boxes but it originally originates in the box below the LED lights came about we wanted something we didn't want to do regular residential lighting those are too big and we had got this height of this bus specified too for us because we didn't want anything sure six-foot-six it was part of the decision we bought one so we wouldn't have to do a roof rates even though we're really cool but we did if you put any lights in here we would have to put them offset or do the battery RV lights which we had already tried and they just weren't bright enough maybe they were yellow or we just didn't like anything we didn't want anything up here we wanted to keep it extreme last possible so he rounded out the hole along the strip of it and he added LED lights that plug in yes there's a 2x4 that's under there and I rather just a 1/2 inch slot in it and then the LED lights just came in a cuttable strip plug him in on one end they run off of a switch flip the switch on and those things just stick it was just an adhesive strip a 3m strip and they stuck in this slot underneath here so then run it down each section that we wanted to turn on the switch we cut it to length and that's what section turns on could have run him for the front to the back I'll turn on with one switch but we bought a few different sections so it would break up the lighting through here but it made good light even though it's low in the evenings it's welded in here and we had it a few extras these are IKEA lights these were like desk mount lamps that wired all three of these together in one section I don't know when they turn on with a switch at the end of the counter these turn on separate these turn on separate and then this one just is right here because for like when you're at the sink washing dishes so the curtains came about I I wanted to reuse everything we could possibly use it's already in the environment let's reuse it it's enough people buying and consuming so our own concept was if we could find it if we needed it if we could find it let's use it so we went to while he was doing the build-out I was going to the thrift store every day trying to find these are just shy of yeah sheets what publications up it was all crazy like this is placemats yeah those are placemats and no we just cut them but these are whatever sheets we could find shaking solo cakes baby blankets whatever we could find that I thought was cute and then like he said these are just burlap placemats well then we put all of this on a table and cut squares for days and then him and his mom sewed it together he laid it out we measured it and they sewed it with the machine and come on most of the sewing I was just a layup guy like what where I wanted it to fit and then he hung a copper rod here that is all slides you know we have the open feel of all of our windows but yet we can close off when we have the lights on at night you don't want people seeing in so you can pull your curtains but and then they come down they're washable yeah Lucas clip-on so yeah when we drive down the road if you drop the windows all the curtains are flying like crazy so it was cool that they unclipped was glad that they did because now we can grab with the windows open and enjoy the scenery you know all that stuff and we just fold them up we she told me when we built this bus she said I want all the windows we were living at the beach at the time when we decided to build a bus and the house had all open windows all the way around she said I want all the windows to be open so that was the biggest hurdle because that means like no walls no nothing over three foot really proposed the problem so I was like well I got an idea if all the windows are open and we're parked somewhere and I want to throw my pillows against the window or leaning the broom up here or whatever I don't want someone to be able to see all of our junk in case we want to live sloppy for an hour - or whatever so I was like I'm gonna use a vehicle wrap that they wrap cars with because when they wrap the car as they have on the window sections they'll just make this stuff with the pin holes you can still see out of it so come up with the funky design I wanted lime she said it has to be Carolina blue Emily I pushed lime all the way till the day I went down to the places that I really thought he's coming back with my window coverings so we ended up switching to Carolina Blue that's one again and we faded it up it has on the outside maybe good to show you later it's like a bubble that just fades from the top to the bottom but we're able to see out it blurs the vision a little bit but for what we get during the day in privacy and I actually think it helps a little with the Sun you know because all your windows can actually cause a huge problem when the sun's beating in from one side to the other so you get rid of a whole bunch of windows you only have one or two it's a better insulation thing so it was a little bit of sacrifice to keep the bus windows thru-out and not still important to definitely design the pattern with the bubbles to match the blue and kind of go along with what we were trying to do we like to fade up option and he actually cut and applied them all himself which you'll see on the outside the price of the wrap was one and then for them to apply it was if the exact price of the actual product itself so to save that amount they come on a roll and he just cut each one of them to size and applied it that was it was cool they actually printed a line onto our print that was the size of my windows so it actually made the cutting process a little simpler than you would think everyone individually by Tbk that's our fades from blue into the white that we did on the top which is pretty cool the kitchen sink is actually a bathroom sink that we found at IKEA we shopped for we knew the dimension we wanted we didn't want it to be deep because we wanted to walk through space we wanted as much as we needed but no more than that the only sink that would fit this was a bathroom sink from Ikea we kind of stumbled upon it by shopping online based on the dimensions that he said he needed it works great the this thing swivels so it's good if you have a big pan you know you can kind of put it in the corner because it does get a little it's a little shallow you have to be careful because with a big pot yeah you get sloshing around in there you gotta be a little bit careful but the saving of the space and year I think it changed the whole thing yeah I would say one thing about the depth of the cabinets even though like we had to go with a small sink you notice in your house the 24 inch cabinets most people if you walk in there the back twelve inches is all their appliances that are left out so let's stuff that they're not necessary as you have the crock-pot electric skillet and George Foreman that's and that's it and they go in the cabinet below when you need one you get out you use it you put it away yeah so the cooking space I mean all the houses we ever had it's pretty awesome because the cabinets are clear you get out you got the whole workspace yeah a lot of prep space without feeling like you lost me absolutely a lot of prep space and I'm having the plug in there's great you can cook while you're going down the road because it does run off of our batteries and anybody can use it we can also take the electric skillet George for my stuff outside as well so it still leaves us our counter space so when we're done your people can come over we can use this as a stand up bar and eat at and you don't have all your appliances in the way man to build easy feel they didn't have to give propane to the kitchen yeah but yeah we just didn't want to use it we have propane outside I just didn't want to run everything here I just didn't find it necessary after living in the RV we knew what we use we knew what we didn't use and just kind of put that into what we wanted in this and got rid of everything else but everything else was good you know the the sink does good is back to that it was a little bit of a challenge washing dishes but this is our coffee pot area I guess this is our coffee bar the whole thing summed up in one when I first got rolling with the bus we had it sitting over there at the end of the counter and every time we drove off we would just put it all away and you know she's got her French press and coffee cream and cups and everything that goes with it so I got to be a little aggravating putting it all away I was like that into the counter originally I was gonna run water to it too but you know you gotta quit somewhere so I added this little thing which just has a flip down counter it braces against there and you can make your coffee here these are concrete nails that I thought looked cool but they just pinned to the side hold the door up and everything nothing is screwed down in there it all just sits there and there's a plug along the backside that you need you can plug in even other stuff if you want yeah that plug still runs while we're driving down the road we can make coffee it's the same plug that runs to this one I'll running off the batteries and in the bus these cool cool hooks here she was like I want you to make him out of silverware cuz I think it's great well I actually worked out really good because I was like I'm gonna make him really long so when you're going down the road and you get those really big bumps they're still hanging they stay what they do make a lot of racket so a lot of times we're gonna put them down again we could you know you don't need to find a place to put ten coffee cups there's three of us there's three coffee cups we were used didn't want to use paper we didn't want to we wanted to eliminate all that stuff that comes out of a residential home it just end up with you know two dozen coffee cups it's not necessary so we each have our coffee cup and when you're done you wash it and rehang it and that we don't need less areas less stuff down here so coffee bar is great and then the this is Cameron's bed our son's bed we wanted everything to be able to fold up kind of like this you want to get it out of the way everything has to be dual purpose and a bus because you are dealing with so much only so much space we wanted to be able to fold this bed up more people can come in have coffee hang out and we have plenty of space the bed does fold down and then on the inside you can see he has all of his little shelving all his storage stuff his bear his books and and whatnot and then it can also be used like basically as a couch for people to come in and sit on it and not a real comfortable couch but again it works oh and again having a multi-purpose is probably the most important thing and a bus you know so it gives us the couch without having to have just a couch because we contemplated the couch but there was no storage it left us lacking that sword for him and we wanted him to have his own designated place in the bus as well yeah we did not want to be folding up bedding and putting it away and we talked about a futon type couch but during the day if we wanted to anybody use it as a couch that bedding had to go somewhere so with this everything folds up in it or we can sit on the bedding and it works great and plus it you know the AC unit here is kind of not in the way of anybody walking past because you know it's out of the way it's under his bed works out is what the bed went this side and not that side this air is the air that was in the bus when we bought it and so we used it as our driving AC ahead to the other one I tried to keep them both because I'm like that's gonna be cool to have air when we're driving it was a plus I didn't know the bus had it and it came from Phoenix Arizona so I guess out there was hot enough where they were like we should put some Erinyes so that was a plus when I got it but then they were so big they took up so much room that messed up my planning from the get-go Oh for a while all of my layouts where everything was in the wrong place for him and so I ended up reworking all the layouts because of it but we decided to keep one of them we took the one out and we kept this one because we're like while we're driving we are gonna need air based on where we wanted to go and it works really good it's really cold air and you can also stream out I will show you later you can actually shut that wall up and actually just keep the air yes in the back closed off and that kind of happened after the fact we were just gonna have it just here in the front but it worked out where the back closes off and it cools the front no nice driving yeah and then we have that runs off the engine and we have other AC units no regular Barbie AC that runs to keep the rest of it cool one more part so this is the bed and then this is the front of the RV this is where me and my son ride while we're traveling and then this is also backseat drivers yeah and this is a workspace because we do have to do work on the road space for that the cheers came out of a conversion van he bought a conversion van while we were in our build-out I had these chairs and that were specified they were comfortable they had the pockets on the back and he wanted chairs very expensive when you go shopping for chairs unless she just find somebody who's giving away chairs and you're that lucky you're gonna find it it's really expensive so we were like all over the place we even bought him out of some old car and they were really short and he didn't look right and we didn't swivel and I was trying to build stuff to go swivels they sat there for two weeks of me staring at him like I don't know what I'm gonna do with those chairs so she took those to the goodwill and one of my coolest story as well as I got to drive an old 70s van about 50 miles and smoking heat yeah with no a/c good I found the conversion van based on the c-team on it so it was a head two seats and he goes out makes an offer we draw about 60 miles in the other direction by this take the seats out and then he sells the van to another individual without the seats in it for the same price I paid for the van yeah I've got the seats for free but the person who bought the van didn't want to see thin it because they I want to put turn this into an RV back at the back for everybody these here are just little tables that we put in here for when we're riding and when we're sitting the front of that table flips down flip that down it's fairly simple it just gives you more space when you're riding and you're not using the base and and then this one flips down as well this board it goes back to the wall and then it drops just gives you I guess more space when you're use it she usually has her phone clipped here giving me backseat direction that's what we're driving I'm in a v8 and then you put these little pockets on the sides of both e-boat they're similar to like a magazine rack they hold pencils pens maps things I'm gonna travel and then you put plugins on each side as well so we're driving we need to plug in our phones or you know computer iPad whatnot for navigation we have power that runs off the batteries as well yeah so it was cool I just dropped a single line down from the power source that's up here I bought him on Amazon they were they had two outlets and three USB plugs I cut the end of them off and put like the flat not electrician but flat wire problems that just I just put the ends on there and wired them straight to the back of my receptacles so they're wired and direct on the other end and they work actually worked really well everybody plugging all their stuff without having to have all the guardians they have the USBs right on up here is the captain's chair this is where I try to drive this big beast we chose the front engine for I don't really know what reason now but at the time I thought it might be easier to work on if you have to work on them it's hard that's general consensus working on your bus is that what you want to do but sometimes you have to but over there in that seat it can get a little bit warm around this engine so a lot of times I have a fan running up here in the front and I'm trying to get some of this AC from the back where everybody's telling me how wonderful it is appear to this hot seat at the front I bought an air ride seat thinking I was going to be riding in comfort and beat them with their chairs and all their comfort back here ends up it's a rocket launcher when you hit bumps if you have it cut a sloshy and the wheels are behind you so if you drive it down the road you hit a big bump it just like through the ceiling you go but I have a seat belt so I stay in my seasons just pulls your legs off so that's great but I ended up putting the seat all the way to full pressure at the top so it doesn't bounce so I just sit there and enjoy my hot seat and driving without air ride it's a lot of fun done this is a curtain that we made afterwards we had we rolled out without it originally and then through having sunshine and a lot of heat and I guess just privacy issues when we went camping different campgrounds I was like I want something that's gonna cover the front so we ride to grandmother's house that she was having a yard sale and she's like I'm getting written all these old tablecloths and I was like can I have those she said yes so we cut him up and made these went to Ikea and bought for these is a cable that we bought - it's like a curtain and I had it sewn rods of hangers that went on it we got rid of those and just put the curtain on the rod itself so it actually pulls back pretty easy and gets out of the way and then we just clip it so it actually works really well really fast to close things up and give you some privacy and then in morning taking coffee I can look at the front window and watch then over here from Ikea this comes from Ikea so they have after you bolt those two in then you hook everything together adjust your cable to the right length cut it and then it has this little diode thing here that you just spin and it tightens the cable up tight and then that's it's pretty tight you can play a guitar like so or it's pretty good this is just another specified area for our son other than his babe we wanted him to have his own area let's play video games this chair was the original driver chair so once he bought his air ride chair we had a spare chair and so he built a box underneath it put a seat belt on it and then my son puts his xbox under there and he can play video games his his TV mounted and he has a box here with all of his you know games and everything in his box good storage unit for him and it serves as a secondary chair for people who travel with this it's built a seat belted and everything so put the seat belt on that chair so we would have another space for another rider I could use a seat belt just I guess some people of issues with it being secured that was a double piece of plywood that was mounted onto the rail that the original chairs were mounted to so it's bolted along the rail to the original rail you come out here and then it's I put a board around on the floor bolted that to the floor and then nailed everything to that perimeter that was on the floor so it's not going anywhere if there was an accident so it is built on a wooden box but I built it in a way that it wouldn't unless it pulls one-inch washers through two layers of 3/4 inch plywood that's not going anywhere the back of it is for his shoes cuz he doesn't have a shoe drawer like you'll see in the back he his shoes go back here and his xbox plugs into this plug in this plug is not one of the ones that runs off the DC it is one of the ones it does have to be it's short power only so it does have to wait till we park like that the emergency window so he's never traveling that was another that's talking about the emergency window that's one of the cool things that I realized about 10-percent into the build you can move them and put them where you want you're building this thing if you're leaving your windows and you don't like where the emergency had just take it out and put it in a location you know where you want it so I'd already built over there was one and a half windows that got lost in the build that was against the rules but it got lost to the shower and one of our emergency windows is behind that shower I wish I'd have taken it out because we've got another emergency window moved to a location where it would have been usable still but I'd already built over it when I realized hey you can pull it out and put them wherever you want but the rest of them got moved to a location once by his seat there once by this seat here and the other one is in the back over the chair so it's pretty cool we were able to just rearrange them in a way that they'd still be functional yeah I did not want another wall here another wall I gave up this wall was one thing I had to have because the bathroom but I did not want a wall here so he kept saying we need a space we can close off we need like a master something separate from our son so he came up with an idea to create a wall if in the moment you need one he has this cool invention yes so we had hashed out a couple different ways of having a wall where originally it was gonna be this door swung around all the way over here and close to a all I wanted was a one foot wall here and she wouldn't let me even put that in so no walls so I'm like well and then I was gonna put a flip-up wall and my brother talked me out of that he said that it was gonna be horrible because every time she sat something on it someone would want to flip the wall up and there would be stuff sitting here so he said once you put it at the end which was a great idea other than it was really complicated out so it runs on I took an eight-foot ladder stepladder and chopped it all up and made these cool runners that I mounted to the wall so it's the back legs of an 8-foot aluminum ladder which is just basically aluminum channel so there's a piece of aluminum channel that goes down both sides and then I cut slots into an old door so this is a just a regular in the interior door that I just cut down and made into this shape so it runs on this rail slides up it's not the smoothest transition but it does go up real nice it cut to fit all of that craziness over there and as long as everything's lined up right take the pin on the top and put the pin on the side and it latches it here so it's all cut to fit then it had to have a stopper that you couldn't see through and then when the doors open there's a crack here so that's actually filled with a vinyl I got a pollster a vinyl then I stuck in the door there to show you that and then this door just door knob is a dummy door knob it just clicks over here and it clicks over there and if you actually want to lock it we have slide locks that lock it into the ceiling here or into the wall if you're in the bathroom so this is the bathroom door that duels as the bedroom door and this door and it just closes here and then just have this wall down but shits down the majority of the time but if you wanted to go back and have a your actual bedroom back here where you know he's up there playing the games to do whatever he's doing it yeah let's just sighs if you need to change your clothes or anything that you know may come about we have company that comes and stays like a grandmother my mom and dad pay us to come stay with us it'd be nice to be able to you know give them their own option too so it's not just for us but looking forward to like other people that want to come travel with us and cousins and whatnot they can actually close this off they have a space and you know we can sleep outside on the deck or upright so this is an addition out of necessity that still has we arguing about what color we're gonna paint it so that's why it's still natural they might stay that way leaving it so it was built because we needed extra storage for like towels and things like that and just extra bathroom stuff that didn't fit in the bathroom oh honey it was bars so toothpaste but there's apparently other things that you need and don't buy it until you've used all the other one like I don't like six soap containers or six lotion containers they don't bind the next one until you've used that one but we like certain products from certain stores and they are not available across the u.s. so when we go to their certain stores we so he built this so we could put it here instead of it being in the back if you needed a extra bar soap or toothpaste it was originally in the tub at the back and it was just yeah we don't these beds flip up but we don't actually usually flip them up because you know you're living in here and that's you know it works great like it is so ended up being the perfect place to put some more stuff yeah and and the open shoppings like the chicken wire behind it and everything was designed because I did not want another wall this still gives you that open feeling and a lot of people put like uppers in an RV where they're rounded on the back they have the door on the front we had those in the camper trailer said no uppers uppers allowed in the bus I just didn't want that because again it that that doors gonna close the wall off and when you're standing behind it it's gonna limit your view when you're standing in front it's gonna limit your view and I just wanted it to be the 360 windows was something I wanted to make sure we got to take advantage of all the time so having this up first can kind of make things close in and it is amazing out my stuff we squeezed in here and it's all low and because your arms can swing I guess or you feel more open from the waist up it actually made the space feel pretty big yeah because I have travel trailer when you look down the wall as in most of Mart you have walls on both sides when you're looking down the hallway you're gonna see walls and I think it limits your view I think it limits your personalization and for me I just did not want another wall one something different that I hadn't seen before and this is what we can work out pretty cool and having three in a bus it does kind of you know so a dresser this was the dresser I kind of came up with these we were looking for something to put in here and we have been shopping for used dressers used chest of drawers full furniture yeah I was gonna put runners and make us all stay close like a statement piece we were looking for something that we both loved that was functional and but the problem with just furniture in general is when you travel keep in mind everything moves so if you buy residential furniture the drawers can fall out things can happen so I need some kind of latches or straps everything was going to be strapped down plus mounting the cabinet to the wall and plus it was gonna be you know I don't know why most dresser drawers seem like they only hold four shirts and it's full yeah they don't fully extend so I just was like you know if it has to say considering all the components if it has to lock fast to have room if it has to be accessible but about file cabinets and at that moment we were all like oh yeah so we went and shot the file cabinet these are all file cabinets and they pull out the distance like you can really get to the back of your drawer fully extends these flats no more driving down the road they don't nothing's coming out of these guys so we have three sets everybody has their own and then we left one in the middle for like a laundry basket for dirty clothes we needed a topper to keep to kind of mount them all together because their sets of two so this was another door from the restore the holida way that you mounted to it it gives us a surface so we keep our iron up here we can iron on this we can fold laundry on it you know put extra paper products or whatever we you know have that we need when people come to visit they've tend to put their luggage here this is like their extra space you know cuz you gotta think that far in advance some people come to visit they're gonna bring stuff too yeah and then we have another strip outlet that runs on the DC back here so we can pull your iron into this outlet and I'm going down the road if you need to but that's how that was it just came out it takes up some of the room over the engine over the tires sorry nothing in the tires it kind of built that over that he built it up on a box to get it high enough to it and you know make it accessible for us and then there's another one over here as well because I have more one fourth one to go over there but trying to squeeze the mechanism for the door to open and close this room off and still get her our seat here the fourth one wouldn't fit so it got tucked in the hole over here and actually worked out really good it's a nice was one of them accidents that happen in a good way I have my own spacing this is nothing like we laid it out to be moving at the beach and we drew the layout by the time we got home put our hands on the bus the whole floor plan changed if not two or three times during the boat out it definitely changed let's meet later originally we were like we're gonna have a toilet and a shower in here and keep them really narrow and then we're gonna do open sink in the bedroom back here where someone's in the bathroom either using the bathroom or the shower someone can still get ready brush your teeth comb her hair all that so that was great it was going right here well well I was all I was trying to keep everything to one side and when you put the third item in the bathroom the bathroom gets fatter wider across the room so the bathroom now has a little jog in the wall if angle because of that because the sink and the toilet sit beside each other but um we ended up not putting anything where it jets out is just Cameron's seat that he plays games in so it actually is very narrow very unobstructed of the walkway through there so I mean the hallway feel big yeah so when you come down the hallway it does kind of go it branches out and it gives you that room where you're not like following this narrow path all the way around yes think about to feel crowded but sure that was one of the things that was on the list of when he said name the things you wanted the farmhouse think was one the shiplap was another and a couple of things that I'll point out but that was one of the things I said I had to have and he incorporated that in the build as well when the sink was supposed to go here I was up there in the bathroom trying to save her windows in the bathroom and when I built this laid out the shower and then I went to put in the toilet the toilet was landing splitting a window so the wall was going behind the window was splitting one of the windows down the center which is gonna make it now let's say I block any view but it's gonna make it so that window wouldn't open so it was either like shriek the bathroom another foot and make it a really small space so where you sitting on a toilet your feet were in the shower or it was go another two and a half feet a whole window and a half the other direction into the kitchen it messed up a lot of other designs up that way but we ended up going with a really big bathroom that we love yeah move the seats across to the seats were gonna be too deep on the one side and anyway changed a lot of designs up there being in an RV the bathroom we knew was one thing that had to be a certain way it had to be roomy the shower was non-negotiable it had to have her and we're both six but he's over and it just we're both big people and that was a little RV tubs easy wait we just couldn't use the RV stuff because it was just not working for us it just felt so closed in and it didn't work so we knew we needed a bigger bathroom we live in it full-time so we kind of kept that in mind all along was can you live with it every day do you love this this is how it's gonna be I mean you can always rearrange but keeping those things in my psyche what do you love about your home if you have one or what don't you like about your travel trailer if you have one of those and make sure you incorporate that you're real the beds there was something that we just kind of another thing I had to have I wanted the bed to fold up we wanted extra room everything in the bus has to do two things so I'm following with that these beds are just like Cameron's made up front they both fold into themselves but both being six-foot we wanted a king-size bed for being in construction he didn't want to put the mattresses up against the windows or anything because of humidity so he built these frames to allow them to fold up into them kind of his own Murphy bed concept we couldn't buy a kit because a lot of the market beds go straight up and down and I wouldn't forget my windows so he had a really tall hurdle too he only covered half of them which was still a big discussion I didn't want it covered at all but to get the mattresses to fold up into it they had to go he built shelves in all of these so that we all have our own you know book shelving it's just extra stuff that you have you're personable stuff you know have a place to put all that but still be able to close it up when we want to close it have people in you can also do it like a David one goes up and use it as a capped if you want it's also the access to the back like storage area back there most of the time I just run across the bed and then you built these seats in the back these are extra seats for us to serve as additional passenger seating but they are shoe boxes they lift up and you can put your shoes in the bottom we each have one for extra stuff everything he wanted everything to have home so there wasn't falling when we were moved you have to pack it away and move it two or three times if there was a movie to store where you kept it I mean I don't want to put it in a different place after you know now we're moving down the road so we're gonna put all of our stuff in a different place so like put it where it can go and stay all the time we move it more than once we're girls who are building something for it yeah or get rid of it and that's kind of how it went yeah and everything is kind of that way you buy a shirt you donate a shirt you know because you don't have it so much I mentioned the construction one of the things I lived in a bus and when I was a kid and I just remember you know my blankets were against the windows and depending on how you're heating and cooling the windows can condensate like crazy and anyway it's been anyone who can attest to that so I was like nothing can have some wood touch the windows it's probably wouldn't they're not gonna rot them because it's not that much water but you don't want to be curling up in your blankets at night and all of a sudden you got a big soggy spot on your blanket so none of the bedding I knew I knew that none of the bedding could touch any of the windows or walls then how you insulate that probably changes significantly I left all of the panels in this bus and didn't take any of them out we built everything on the inside like I said built electrical in the boxes above and kind of do it down and I didn't do any extra insulation so technically it's not insulated well it's just what it was when it was manufactured it took the windows you did go back through and still everyone pulled all the windows out and put a it's called a backer rod like a half inch backer rod I stuffed a half inch backer rod 360 degrees around all the windows every because the windows were just straight drafty AC units working on a fan suction concept so the efficiency of these is basically really dependent on even though insulation matters AC units really depend on how well you sealed just drafty cracks so if you have a lot of cracks it pulls from the easiest place it can get air from and if you have cracks everywhere it's literally when it turns on it pulls hot air into the room right in and makes it run inefficiently so the more cracks you can seal the more efficient your your rig is going to be for sure so I seal all of those windows and we put any kind of sealer we could around the doors and made a huge change in how these things run they really work good even though I cheated and didn't sleep as a wind up with the vinyl within the vinyl because of the heating and air I guess the temperature difference is it started to strength well we put the furniture on top of it which is a no-no we did it anyways and then so now that it's shrinking it's starting to pull apart and so now we're facing either replacing it with it's the top end of whatever they have it blows the highest beam vinyl that they have and the guy gave us a great deal on it because we were sick up to the first purchase but so now we're facing but only two so this is what the beds look like without the bedding on them before we fold them up and it's really easy you just grab your side and then folds are them and these are both 6-inch memory foam mattresses the gap in the middle we don't really feel it because he fitted him and he fit them perfectly together when he was doing the build they were meant to touch exactly like they're supposed to do not have a gap in the middle but still give us a king-size bed which opens up all this space here and they also locked in place so that they don't fall down while you're driving ever this is a modified deadbolt which is questionable at best so I took the backside off of a regular deadbolt throw it away filled the hole and had to cut a little steel pin to make one of the wool as a little bar in there that makes it operate the bolt so I had to add that little bar but it's just a modification it's only one side it the other side it's not on took it off in third way because it's for the mattress that's on it it's kind of a toy hauler concept we wanted to be able to put chairs back here or have people back here just more expanded space where people are in you can basically I'm leaning on it you leaning on it's like a coffee bar type situation you can eat up here I almost felt my desk back here Jerry look out the window where they've got the word where you gonna put the chair you already have chairs up there it doesn't work twice it you can't so but then an idiot so the pallets on the back we just old pallets again reusing something and whitewash them and they serve as the headboard from the beds are down to keep the pillows from falling off and then they also serve as they hold our cleaning products in the back because they have shelves naturally in them so it holds like our broom and things out there to keep it out of the kitchen or keep it from falling again everything falls as soon as you go to move it all shows up I was gonna show just this is just 2x4 framing that's a three-quarter piece of plywood this is 2 by 6 material and it swivels I believe that's a woman quarter conduit pipe that's just mounted through the plywood ends it's all bolted to the wall with L brackets and so none of it's going anywhere it's all rock solid like the built-ins hardware wise it's probably around $100 and wood wise it was probably around $200 a little bit pricey for what they look like in my opinion but what they did for us it was worth it and if you go start buying Murphy bed parts they're really really high in that and they're kind of cheap to be honest with you the kind of flimsy and spring-loaded and their size that's specific to and then of them fit like like I said most of them go up you know maybe I'm the long bed the tall this one here if it's on that bar which is only half the bed so technically the weight of the bed you really don't feel it it's almost like it's weight distributed so it's a pretty light lift anybody can lift on my granted with one hand and pulling down it's the same way so they're very and these are regular residential door hinges even though when it sits on the floor the weight is against the hinge I was going to just do two and opted for four just because I didn't want to have something start to sag or one starts moving once it's over oh he lives in the our video we were talking about how we tried to make it something he bought this bendable Flexera to make the master bed bath basically like we've done here he did that in our travel trailer with this bending rod so he was able to come around didn't fit in the bathroom yeah comfortably to get dressed so we would open the door up and this curtain went around in the circle yeah so we just kept it on the bridge remember we already got the track so we're looking for a solution that the back here so we just was like hey we already have this track rod we took it out of the trailer when we sold it so he mounted it up here and these are just little Essex the bus door a lot of people asked about how do you lock it how do things like that I didn't want black or anything it I don't wanna be watching the outside and not be able to get out that was my main concern and then we looked at a lot of other options with deadbolt and whatnot but he came up with this solution that's uh just a u-bolt and I just got some rubber tubing and I lined the u-bolt on it so it would rattle if it was just hanging there and I used double nuts to lock it in place tighten it all the way down it just slips over the so it can't be lifted we can't clean the outside but if whatever emergency something wasn't happen literally just slip it up and then you can open the door so and then I didn't want to paint the door I left a vintage door because I thought it was cool we did the front too goes out like this and then you get a nice you know it holds it latches right there and you get a nice cross-breeze the reason that we didn't put the bed all the way back was because we wanted to be we have a washer/dryer hookup back here and then we have the DC for the fridge or the freezer so we wanted to make sure right now it just has like you know extra stuff and tubs we just wanted to make sure that was at the back of the bus something we were walking past everyday so and it gives us room we can sit right here we could sit on the end and it creates a nice breeze back in she mentioned the shelves that are in here all I did was just cut the pallets side off we mounted up here and made it so it would give us a nice opening there mounted to the floor and to the beds and then I just added one board in the back along the bottom so anything put in there can being stuck on the shelves and you can store anything in it it's good for just holding this the most important thing in the buses everything is going to move make sure it's latched all these little containers on top the better lochte but she hasn't got any on her side because she's protesting them these are just little cases that I found there's one screw in the bottom that mount each one of these so they turn to kind of look natural but they're mounted so I got a lot of different things belts in there socks on that one but they're mounted to the top of this thing here these two are glued together but they function they sit there why that thing rides there all the time I'll never know it's never moved so that's a little plant Rad's at the corner yeah but then like more stuff like the hangers for the hats because again it takes up more drawer space the more stuff you have if all that was to go in a drawer you've lost stuff for clothes and when you travel full time you need clothes for pretty much every season you know having the hats up here kind of out of the door either way you know it kind of just adds more organization to you know what it's a tight space to do that so there's no roof space in this bus it's about an inch and a half inch and 3/4 is all the depth that you have between the two layers so when you go to put the AC unit in there's no room for your wiring or any of the controller that goes in here all that stuff so I actually went outside and built a box around the hole that I cut and then trimmed it out with some flashing and sealed it in and then set the unit on top what's the unit when the set on top actually is now on a flat surface because the the box that I built I cut it to the curve of the roof so it's ended up sealing really nice and then you mount that just like normal just screw everything through still have the curve inside here but I couldn't eliminate really I could have but it would have just took some modification but technically all that air just flows into the room and this is the return which is sealed to the plate that's on the inside so my inspiration for building a bus was because I was going to have a deck on the roof and nobody else has a deck on their RV well not know but I'm sure a lot of people do yes I didn't have more than I wanted one so this was the one thing he was like even he let me make it this and then he was like this is my non-negotiable yeah so where to put the ladder was is always the thing because you want to hang one it's removable mount one up the back it all looked to standard so I was for safety reasons yeah yeah these things don't last normally you'd have to really modify dual latches for both sides because it's made to pop up from either side and someone can just pull the latch to rescue you in a car accident so they're made to pop from the outside so I'm like I'm not gonna put a bus to the ground all right and put a ladder to the ground outside for someone at this climb up in here so we kept all my emergency rations as well these are the originals thankfully they did not leak and we did not have to replace them and we did not paint them either because they like the original did you color really if they were to start to leak I guess we'd have to shop to find new ones these words because we talked about doing like I'm sky lighting in them if they're but and if they're working we're gonna just leave on my list so these uh you have to have clearance above you because this is a full ladder yeah but and a little bit tall because it's kind of we have an AC unit for the drivable AC that mounts on tops of the decals or the taller [Music] so one of the cool features about this this is an extension ladder ladders I have two pieces that normally would extend to taller and I took the back half and cut it into like two feet and then left it on the back of the ladder so the last two feet is mounted to the top of the deck through a bar but just swivels this ladder up here I just put bolts through it where the two ladders connected and let's put a bolt through here and the other ladder just stops it so you pull this down the weight of the ladder you could literally climb it without it touching the floor so it's not going to slip out from underneath you then the weight doesn't go on our flooring in here and then I put a little wood block in the wall just to keep it from scarring up the floor and we can also drop it down a bit yeah that's pretty cool and then that goes up to the Oasis on the top put a head no thanks the deck was a really cool concept that I could not live without this was a rack off of an old trailer my dad had where he used to do vinyl siding so we cut it down to fit and put it up here so we made the rails on it because she tried to tell me she didn't want rails at first but get up here without I mean anybody's walking around it kind of gets a little squirrely you could feel everything rocking so like I get more people to go up and visit the deck if I put rails up so they just fold up they have a removable bar that we velcro over here to the side and then you can see here we just hinged them to the floor those four by fours and this just folds down to the floor that folds down to the floor and the reason it's so short it's because there's a ladder in the middle that has to lay here so originally they were taller tried to fold it all up and my ladder was in the way so we had to cut them down until they fit where all three of them lay flat on the deck when we're driving so but the rails do help and make it feel fairly safe when you're up here we have an extra hatch here at the front that I have a small rope ladder I can throw up here and climb up from the kitchen if you want to sneak up without going up the back so when we mounted this deck up here on the roof we had to make sure that it landed on the actual trusses of the original bus body the build so we lined the post up on those and then bolted it through the roof all the way through the roof so it would be secure you know if it was to to roll or we were to get into some kind of accident I don't want it to come flying off or start to come loose at any point and to be safe when we were up here so it's bolted all the way through the roof and into the inside if you look inside you can actually see the bolts are still on the ceiling they don't really stand out that much we use the RV roof sealant we use the dicor to actually the steel brackets to the roof where the bolts go through so we seal the bolts themselves and all the way around the brackets and haven't had any leaks out of that at all so it's been good the decking on here that's a self-tapping wood screw is what it is so they go through the metal and then they actually sink into the wood i pre stained this whole thing because you from the underneath you can see the deck so it's gonna be a little tough to do the second bit of stain on here but I stained the whole thing every individual board was stained 360 before it was installed so I cut them all laid them all out on the ground stain them all all the way around and then put them down so it would look good from underneath as well because you can see up under this deck from the ground again these are don't buy the steel this is conduit it's a whole lot cheaper than most I used it in a couple different places in here the conduit was cool and it's just drilled through the ends and these are recycled volleyball net poles yeah once once I pull it back to here I'm able to grab it and then just pull it down into the room close the hatch when I'm traveling I pull it back here right there and then I'm bungee cord it right there and this keeps it from from lifting yeah you can throw it back up so the TV a lot of people asked do you have a TV mounted because we don't have one in the front we did Malian we never use it but it also it has a pin in the back to keep it from flying out while we're driving down the road everything secured again and then I like to defuse the oles they can't keep everybody calm and just add moisture back in here especially here in the hotter temperatures that kind of dries out so I have this diffuser and it kept falling off the counter and spilling water everywhere so I asked them to build me something to put my diffuser in so it's just a little penny and this whole wall comes off and then the diffuser is in side and it just comes out the little side and it goes up again so when it's diffusing it looks like smoke come and had the chimney of the little house and that's just a way that we can use it but still not have to worry you know when you pull off you're like oh no did we take the diffuser down or anything like that so that just goes in like that and then and in the front there's routed out holes for the power and then the back is rounded out as well so it just that was important for us to happen I didn't want to keep making a mess with it so he solved it from all the curtains in the back half of us unlike the front the Front's all sewed in patches these are all ragtag curtains that me and my son Cameron made more fabric from the thrift store we just bought and washed it several times and then just cut them into sections and tied them and we tied every single strain of these by hand throughout the whole back half of the bus and then whenever you want to pull them back you just grab a bunch I usually divide the windows in half because it kind of works that way you just grab a piece and it kind of goes around and you just latch it in that holds and that's our curtain sake here we just didn't want full curtains like the front because we kind of wanted the privacy still something a little different in the back different in the front we didn't want to get any more sewing because that was a lot so we just know that was a lot it was a lot we ate too weak I built half of us whatever you really did I focus my societies and then of course you would tie them thinking you know this is how far we need to go and time we would tally material it would shorten or lengthen so we were in here modifying that and in these longer windows where you know the cabinet's aren't had to be adjusted so there was no set pattern of how many inches to tie these curtains so it was constantly changing but it was fun and I love it it's probably my favorite things in the Batcopter bus it's just part about seconds don't forward them through the hallway you um through the bathroom and the bathroom was actually built a little bit over the will well too so it kind of gave us a little bit bigger space the door that watches is just really great because you can make it everybody then this is something I've never happened in our RV bathroom there's both two adults in one bathroom never happens in our RV so he went with the towel shower I wouldn't subway tile that was the last thing on my list was the subway tile shower so he did all that and he built me a seat in there because girls need a seat you need to shave and all that stuff so he built that over the wheel belt so we actually were able to incorporate that of more dead space basically he was able to use it for some good functioning and then in the bottom of the shower when we lived at the beach we collected a bunch of sea glass and we didn't know what you're collecting it for at the time once we started to build out we were like we have to incorporate this if it went from like the countertops to difference everywhere bathroom sink kitchen it ended up as the flooring in the shower and I love it because every day when I get in there and makes me think a moment at the beach and just other adventures it's something that we were able to take with us so that's probably my favorite thing in the bathroom he built the wall up to make sure that the water stays in it sampling up room LED lights that he ran the same strip that's throughout the rest of the bus is also in the shower because it gets still dark in there so he rained the strip in there and covered it with silicone so not to be waterproofed my favorite is my restore suitcase that I cut in town yeah we needed extra storage for like wash rags and q-tips and things like that so he just in case I cut it in half of the table-saw mounted a piece of wood in the back and screwed it to the wall one thing we did there we want the residential toilet for us right now which is we can actually swap it out if we ever decide to do boondocking or off grade it has the flexibility of going to an RV toilet or a composting toilet which is easy swap out but for us we knew at the time we were gonna be parked in traveling and parking in places with full hookup so we went with the larger toilet just because it's nice to have you know no other no other reason other than the convenience of having the larger toilet it does you know the holding tank will hold it but you only get around four to five flushes maybe a little bit more of a 20 gallon tank so don't even flush it away yeah so definitely not something to do for roon duckling but we knew that going and I was part of our plane going in that was something we were not gonna be doing right away but we can't swap it out when we get to that this is another sink from Ikea it's a bathroom sink it's the same sink is the one in front just a little bit smaller yeah if they cut in half but um this one worked we had to have it as shallow as possible because you only have so much room this was also a cabinet built with the palette and the epoxy on the top of it as well all of the drawers our pallet wood and then these are just regular plain knobs that I mod polished part of our fabric from our curtains is just Mod Podge to the front of them just to kind of tie them in with the curtains as well and then the lighting has that has its own fixture turn on/off on that one and then there's a fixture on this one that runs the one in the shower and then the we didn't want a big mirror we have the full length on the side didn't want a big mirror just wanted something small and I just didn't want too much too many things too the flexible mirror was something that we went with so you can pull it near you you can turn it around it's magnifying so you don't have to have that stuff extra taking up space in your drawer and then you have the hand rack and then he built toothbrush tracks for us to put our toothbrush I mean everything has to have a home or it's going to be everywhere with you it's going to fall when you first you move it you gotta put it somewhere yeah and then he built a box where all these essential oils that I use in the diffuse they're all up there because if not being a drawer surrounds them all of the drawers open here but they're not as deep as you think that you would be but behind that is all of his plumbing so he put these tracks on it to pull them out and you can actually get to your plumbing if he needs Larry's want to come out so far as cuz that's the shortest drawer runners I could find so otherwise it would have just been pulled out this far but the reason why the drawer so short because all plumbing in the back like she said is built behind it so that's the problem for the kitchen sink and for this sink all meet in the middle and goes behind on those dollars all of the self closing runners so we wouldn't have to put anything to hold the drawers closed so they stay closed while we're driving yeah I was thinkin all that would be in the floor it's not a bit a little bit more expensive but it just made it so much easier for the I mean for the length that we own the bus those are gonna stay closed and I have to latch every time you try to move I have to forget you get forget one thing and then everything is in the floor you've made a mess you won't forget it twice and then for our bathroom fan this is actually we had a local camera shop that our computer stuff that had these fans I guess for a computer yeah so this is a fan out of the whole computer piece of PVC pipe and one of the old speaker covers from the bus speakers in the intercom system and in that button right there it says camera on that's a little creepy when you're in the shower but you do turn the camera on to turn on the fan that was a button I stole off of the bus had cameras in it before so I stole the button and put it back here I just want to I guess I'll show you real quick what this does inside here we're built that fan out the big fans with the button and the crank and all that and you're cutting a hole in the top of the bus this was a single hole through the side and those are velcro down as well but that's a piece of PVC pipe and the computer fan that I just glued to that and screwed to it the little button it's a 12-volt computer fans are 12 volt or make sure you find the 12 volt computer but um and then it's just a hole that goes out the side of the bus we can show you that outside it doesn't link I put a little dab of liquid nail in the bottom just so if water ran in it wouldn't run all the way in it stops at the little dam in there it keeps it in the sides of this tub I did with its 1 by 4 PVC so it's not painted I didn't wanna have to paint next to the shower because if you paint makes those showers not gonna be paint it very long you can put wood here rot and I wanted to have a rim so if you shot water this direction it actually stops here it doesn't shoot out into the room the face alone the bottom shower all of the grout underneath it is built up so it runs back the other direction so you haven't had one of my son just sticking the thing out this shower I'm spraying the floor we haven't had any water in the floor and then mounting the shower curtain we get asked a lot how do you catch a shower curtain it's just a copper rod that you board the hole out of stuck it in there and I cut the exact length to where it's too long to come out and I bent it just enough to get it in I just kept trimming it a little shorter a little shorter until it fit it actually moves back and forth but it doesn't fall out just the right length so it fit in there and so there's no obstruction and nothing to hold it in it doesn't fall to use they it's like a water saver head yeah anybody boondocking probably should figure out what that actually is but it like uses no water and it has a lot of pressure yeah it's a little bit pricey for a showerhead to go just the showerhead and the thing and actually you can put your finger over and it'll quit spring but it feels like it's dumping a ton of water on you but it's not none of these are RV pickets or you know faucets or anything at all everything's residential just because we had one break and then like the place breaks and dry rot by the nozzle dry rotted and broke off and so if we just went with real residential tiling so the door was something that I was not negotiable about either I guess I have said that a lot of times um I was all right I was I had rules so anyway I wanted to keep the original door I was a little upset I really wanted it to open mouth he'll hit the air in there and open the door yeah it was cool I wanted to open naturally like a school bus door would but for safety reasons and putting a different latches on it we looked at so many different latches I just couldn't agree on anything safety wise so he said I'll keep the door but we're gonna do in a certain way so yeah so before I had an air piston at the top that you hit it in the door village and they would just fire and it was awesome you could eject people or let anybody on it you wanted but it was impossible to lock from the outside when you were leaving had a thing up there I guess was to lock the air piston on it but it just wasn't functional if you pull over to gas station you run in to grab something you can pull out your keys and deadbolt the door wasn't practical so I wanted to keypad and I wanted a door to swing and latch behind us so it was cool we described the two panels together they're bolted in the center I took it off its hinge over here bolted it there filled in the space on this side and mounted a regular residential knob drilled a hole into the steel panel on this side and then it latches and it locks there and we can go we don't even carry any keys we just come in and punch in the pin and unlock it it has this knob if you haven't seen one before has a switch inside when I flip it it makes it not work you know when we were going a gas station stuff that's how we leave it if we're here hanging out all day we'll unlock it on the inside and then you can walk up and it'll actually function without typing in the pen so that every time we don't have to type in a pin code every time and it also has the availability for a deadbolt to from the outside or the inside every day we keep it dead bolded at night but when we leave just for extra security if we want to use a Dibble we have that option as well what that particular set up I put one of those foam backer rods like around the windows inside of this just because it was getting wind from the top and bottom yeah just hanging out right there at the top but it kept some of the draft down around that door on the door you definitely talk about like the vinyl wrap you can see on the outside it's got the picture on it but from the inside you know you can see out really well but driving another reason we kept the glasses is because when you drive see you now this window is so important you know we originally put the vinyl over that window we first left we got about five miles down the road and he was out here exacto knife in the vinyl off of the window because you just couldn't see this curtain does pull back and we drive with just that exposed so you can see out of all of that but the vinyl he applied to every single window and that's our design that we wanted it to blend and kind of go up all the way down kind of look the same as it goes so the guy that did the bubbles for me I just point this out he actually made this he measured this so the size of these bubbles actually matched across here and you can see it actually gets smaller down here I was appreciative for him taking the time to do that but then Adam cut and applied every single one of these per window and it's not like one piece for both it was one piece here and one piece there and it went all the way down you know and they had just like adhesive that I put around the border is supposed to keep it from rolling up it's one of the downsides this might be that the lifespan of the color is only about three years and it's a little bit pricey probably could borrow machine and did it myself for the what they charged me but I saved somebody installing it myself and there's all different grades of this stuff that you can buy they have like a six year and a ten year if you're willing to spend the money you can get it on the paint we actually did a we wanted black and I knew this was gonna be a more active area around the bus you know where we're getting in and out of the bins maybe throwing your bikes up against it we actually did a bedliner at the bottom because I was going to do a matte black anyway so we did a bed liner this is automotive paint without hardener in it this also is automotive paint up here we got a defective batch which made it a really fun project on the white they replaced it for me but they didn't repair my bus after I painted it with their bubbly paint but um it's painted up about 10 inches above the curve with automotive paint without hardener on the white as well and then the roof we did with a white cool seal that they say reflects the heat off of the top we did it without a hardener because the guy at the automotive place said I wasn't ready to paint it at the time and he said it had like a certain amount it was a certain life time or a life expectancy in the shelf life yeah Thank You shelf life for the can and also I think because I was rolling it I'm not a painter know nothing about it but I rolled this on in 100 degree heat and he said my timing I think would have been less on the drying and I can't imagine less than instant because that's what I had and I did it yeah as soon as we painted it on here it was drying faster than he could roll it and then after you if you came back over it was peeling off what you had already covered cooler temperatures for painting this and the bed liner both applicable drive up north and then paint it do something don't paint it in Alabama this is my only box that actually is storage and I just painted I slap some paint in here just so this wouldn't be all yellow the back of the box is still yellow you can see some bus keep some of the yellow in there you know a minute except on the things these have just these latches we kept all same hardware that was on and then on the other side and at the back is where we built in all of our RV components I guess the tanks water heater we hit all of our plumbing in it unless it was actually extended out to actual appliance this is actually on the bus when we bought it this was one of the things two of the things he I guess well three he wanted a specific height inside for us cuz we're taller he wanted the deck and then he one of these bins already on the bus he shop for these already on it because comparing cost of a bus that already had them versus having somebody to build them to specification plus you know weld mount them and everything he wanted to just go ahead and get him on the bus so they actually came on our bus then we kind of just used the space that we had to fill in what we needed him for the grille the grille is something that it kind of expands our kitchen we didn't do propane in the kitchen I didn't do a ready to killer stovetop a lot of people ask about that and the reason we didn't is because we had so many electrical appliances already I didn't want to be buying stuff I didn't need trying to reuse what I already had so when they go out maybe we'll consider a different option but this hooks to our propane tank that we used for our tankless hot water heater so Adam found this at I guess a yard sale it was somebody's RV they had sold their RV but forgot to put their RV camper or RV grill back into it and so he just was selling it so it came with the grill in the stand and then Adam added these to our bus the the holder stainless pipe this was the original bus handle that she used to the bus though they're real I cut it up it's stainless it won't rust oh that's so cool brackets out of it to hang it on yeah and no stay on the bus while we're traveling and then to take this off you just lift the stove off and then he has a quick-connect here that he just unhooked the hose to and this whole frame just lifts right off the bolts stay on and then he cut out a hole this is a RV power port that I pulled the gas line through so I just drilled a hole in the box and pop riveted that RV power port to the side of it so then it comes through there and then and here is a tank I bought on Craigslist I got a heck of a deal on it's like a 5-1 in our tank I gave 110 for it I think was and I took it down and had it certified and they were like eh it's great so it was really ugly when I bought it kind of scary-looking so I sanded it down painted it really old and put it in there but it's a regulator it goes out this steel line goes straight out there I have an extra port case I want to put something else on it then it goes straight across the bus it's mounted to the frame and goes to our hot water heater on the other side the only thing this thing runs is the gas grill continuous hot water heater for the other side that was another thing living in a travel trailer was we knew we did not want a regular tank because we would run out of hot water in about 6 minutes 10 if you did a military shower and went three of us showering washing dishes living full-time in it that was one thing was we knew we wanted a tankless hot water heater the propane in this tank the size of this tank we can go I think we're filling up around 45 days now on that tank doesn't cost much to fill it up but if we run this this tends to use significant amount of gas when we're grilling but the shower uses like little to none I mean we really could go a long ways on just the shower on the hot tankless hot water heater hot water another thing about the paint too was since we tow the Jeep he wanted it to match basically the colors the wheel wells are similar and he kind of went we you want to when you're going down the road you want to be as seamless as possible when you come into campgrounds you don't want to be that sore thumb so yeah there was you know we wanted to do the the bus could not be as pretty as some of the other RVs and I didn't want to get turned away from all of the RV parks so we were like let's make it look a little bit nicer if we can so that was some of the reason why we did some of the stuff that was a covering for the windows like I said before so we could throw stuff against it and not paper to make people look like or say things like yeah we took other people in consideration yeah you can't see our bedding you can't see our beds it doesn't matter what we have to store in here what we have to stuff in here it's not an eyesore to anybody else and I think when you're living a little different that was one thing we kept in mind was going to be different but we don't people stare like what is that or it looks messy we wanted to yeah make school people proud so that's why we that's how we were like clean it up as best we can and then towing we knew we wanted to vehicles because once you get to where you're going we like to go out we don't necessarily park right where we're touring we want to like have the ability to drive up an hour drive back an hour do whatever we wanted to do so we wanted to tow this did not have any of this on it when we bought it it did have a hitch on it already of some sort one had mounted one before kind of lucky with that because the wiring for trailer lights was back here so that was definitely I felt like I was cheating because all I did was just wire that up right under there I was like aw man I'm not gonna tell anybody well I just told everybody and then we just bought this off a Craigslist I mean everything we tried about everything we could use I'm telling you if we could buy it used we shop for it and then tow hitch you had to buy locally most people tell me they spend about thirty five hundred dollars rigging up their RVs or bus whatever by putting a hitch the tow bar I can't remember that call but the bar that goes on in front of the Jeep and the wiring energy and of course had to do all the work and YouTube how to do all the work but at about 800 in the so that was huge savings for us for the time it took me to hit up YouTube already like pre used stuff you know use whatever we could use find it you know until and then he just mounted that up there and use the screws or the washers not what come in the kids yeah we got it's a 10,000 pound one also that's only 4500 so it was overrated but I was like for 200 yes this is what it didn't have this is the power cord that hooks it up so maybe I'm a little cheap but these two ends came from O'Reilly and that is a stretchy water hose I took the four wires that that you need to wire up a trailer with there's normally a flat four wire and I just cut them in half and laid I laid them like this and then we stretch this thing out straight pull the wire through it and hooked it up I think these sell for another over 100 145 maybe 150 yeah this is our second one I got thirty dollars in it and then it just plugs in here poison to the front of the G and it stays coiled which keeps it out of the way of you know everything else huh the only I mean this thing was beast that thing is the only problem we had was the original bolts that came with it and then they gave they come loose and you know then we almost lost the whole thing but after switching it out two washers lock washers it made a huge difference and it tows great yeah I know love this guy our first RV we bought was one that someone had stolen off of a lot and drove it off in the mountains and then the cops found it finally and then pulled it brought it back the tank I knew nothing about RVs I do nothing and when we yeah bring it home well there's a half tank or maybe even a full tank of dried sewage in it the thing he never worked I didn't know how they were supposed to work but it didn't work and that was probably that was before YouTube but before I do to go there what are the other yeah we fought that the meter kept saying full full you know or half full we were like we just pulled the thing so finally one day he's up there it would like drain a little Harmon hoses inside I finally figured out this thing was dried up inside so worked on working on work on and then we finally ended up dropping the tank but this side just one of the reasons why I bought all these boxes was to put all my stuff in so I didn't have to build all the brackets because I'm not a welder and I didn't want to learn because I'm partially lazy so in here all the stuff I went shopping for on Amazon and on eBay and anywhere else I could find it had to fit in this box so I'd get my dimensions and in order to get my dimensions and order it and then trust the listing that it was right a few things had to be sent back because it wasn't accurate but this is our freshwater tank it's our heated hose we store our other hose right on top of that this little board right here is mounted from underneath it just keeps that tank from vibrating out but basically it has water in it now you drain the tank you can just disconnect the lines and just lift the tank right out of there it's just sitting in there supported by this and then obviously by the door when it's when it's closed that is a 40 gallon tank which will last you two days three days depending on how you use is of course this side here this is the gerard tankless hot water heater it fits in just like a normal RV this is an RV hot water heater and we put that in here I bought the cover for it originally and was gonna put the whole thing on the front of the door but you can see the door mechanisms we're all here so I ended up just cutting a single piece off of the front that fit around here this is a steel door anyway and I cut the front of the box back a little bit probably not factory specs but I made sure that it was vented and events to the front this closes and goes right around that and I cut it back so I could pull it out farther so this was stick out of the door farther than normal so I trimmed back the front of that metal cage which didn't seem like it was doing anything other than just you know the size of the box a fresh water pump in here a bladder there to keep the flow steady I have hot water outside and a cold water so if you need to rinse something off or if you wanted to hang up a little outdoor shower thing you could so I put all that in there just overkill I guess it was I do have the bypass if you wanted to switch this tank to the regular tank 1 and winterize it this thing doesn't have to be winterized the same way as a normal one you don't have to close it off and drain it you just blow the lines out and it cleans it out this is a strainer everything plumbing wise water pump this how you fill the tank is all right in that box and goes out the back of the box and throughout the bus we went to a surplus store that had rolls of this pipe insulation so every pipe that I ran under there I shoved that PEX pipe through that 2 inch foam sleeve and ran everything in foam sleeves so I'm probably ready for some winter weather but uh I don't want to test it either go drive to where it's warm this one here is probably where I had the most complex challenges hold it out several times put it back in several times I put two that is my black water tank and my gray water tank built in on bunkbeds essentially so this tank is angled that way they're just regular RV tanks that went down into a they sat on the floor joist in your RV down through the floor probably turned crossways but I mounted two boards across the back set them up on the shelf and then put these across the front but the toilet dreams into this one which is two layers of steel the top floor in the bus plus the top of the box very little room to do anything with and navigate in this gap but I built them marked them from the top took them back out cut them stuck them back in but they can be removed pretty easy everything is screwed together you can take the screws out and drop it all pull it all out with the exception of the drain lines that go down this is my gray water tank the shower comes in through the top comes down and comes out the bottom and then it comes out the other end and then I have a dual drain I can drain the gray or the black water separately which is kind of cool I guess wish these were a little bit bigger thought they were 40s best guess is their 20s get about 15 20 flushes and it's and it's full but wish they were bigger but I wanted to build him in the box like I said I didn't want to do any welding bigger tanks definitely would come in handy that's what we got that's what we did and yeah I was here for a few days as well all of this is mounted down with clamps but none of this is PVC pipe that I ducted all of my power up into the bus with but it's not glued it's just fitted together and then mounted down pull all the wiring into here I have two circuits that run off of the inverter this is an inverter charger a trip light 3000 watts and I think it even boost up to six thousand starting watts or something that's pretty gnarly thing but instant I can pull the plug over there and it doesn't even glitch inside the RV everything stays on that was on with the exception of our AC units so we turn the AC units off unplug everything else still works and we're running on six golf cart batteries and this just has a cover on it and then again I can pull these screws out these are permanent on the sides but those batteries can pull out 250 amps dual breakers back there that's tripped a few times don't know what makes them trip I'll be honest with you so I'm not an electrician they've just popped off during the switch during the conversion I don't know it's not ready or what but glad we have those because without those a reason that trip could have been something getting hot or whatever so glad we have that to trip back there even though you're like what the heck was that turn it back on everything's been fine this is a surge guard our power comes in we have 50 amps it comes in this protects you from electrical surge from lightning and also a lot of RV parks which we've had to happen three times now where we pull in and the voltage on the pole is too high if it's over 132 I'm not gonna start quota numbers if it's too high or too low it won't turn on how about that read your manual but it protects you from low voltage or high high voltage and it also protects you from lightning storm so my power comes in here through the end comes around goes through that goes in goes up to the bus and then I got two lines to come back down and run two of the circuits through the inverter that power most of our outlets through the bus which in a bus you know two circuits is a lot you can do six or seven each one whatever Tim however many so that was fun that's built on a little shelf so those two could stack so I could access everything here at the front if anything happened to any of it and a lot of wiring made all our own wires all our own ends I'm trying to buy that stuff customers it's not going to happen so you know in order to fit in your type of space you know what you're working with the inverter came off of Craigslist again I think they sell for about 1200 we found that one for 250 200 250 guy said he gave him my money back if it didn't work I'm like ok it's worth the shot first hooked it up I didn't know how it worked I actually don't remember what I did wrong but it wasn't working called the guy back he said hey that thing I'm pretty sure at work he wasn't gonna give him my money back so what's more YouTube videos and voila it actually did work it was my fault no problems yeah it's been great and we saved a bunch of money on that save where you can and spend where you have to that's kind of been our motto throughout the whole bus and you know well thanks for tuning in and check us out on dusty souls bus and we're on Instagram Facebook all the social media platforms because that on YouTube and follow us if you see us on the road make sure to wave and honk and we love meeting new people and that's why we do this to people that you know you don't need the home you don't need the job it necessarily you can go chase your dreams whatever they might be just go make it happen live your life right build yourself a bus [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 2,166,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny home, tiny house, tiny home on wheels, van life, camper van, shipping container, design, tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, skoolie, family travel, homeschool, home schooling, un schooling, un school, off the grid, full time travel
Id: P8qKtU0i_o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 19sec (5779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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