DRY-POUR Big concrete patio slab- step-by-step

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all right family so we doing here we got a 16 by 16 foot patio as a previous earlier in the video you can see it was rotted wood thought about replacing that but now we just going to do concrete which is way better me and my wife doing this and as I said earlier we had one contractor come told me to do this was 2700 another one came said 2500 another ridiculous one came said $3,300 that's crazy we bought all this concrete it cost us barely over $800 and we doing it ourselves so what we doing is a dry pour you know obviously if you do your regular traditional wet pour you don't got much time to play around but the the good thing about the dry por is that you have plenty of time to set it up screet it screet just mean the leveling side to side uh you got plenty of time Li set it up SC it go eat lunch if you want you get get tired you know when you're doing the wet concrete you don't got time to play like that so here we go come already you got to really push it as you pull it push as you push you got P all right [Music] really heavy always keep higher than your frame that's how you get Smo I know see couple Pockets go over there don't worry it's going smoo out it's definitely going to smooth out wo ready as you can see you see how smoo already TR bring a little bit more as you can see starting to level out this a definitely workout like I said video no reason no need to hit the gem hit the that should work out I just smoo out as I said I'm you can see this pocket right there on the edge over there as well couple little rough things that's Min that's nothing all you do still more cement in that and you go back over it again and smooth it out let's do that real quick just to show right inside the that up ready back go back again [Music] back all right family like I always say the old saying you heard plenty times before wise men learns from their mistakes but are even wiser men meaning you viewing audience learn from another person mistake I made a big boo boo theyy right here I'm sure you can see we're doing dry pour this time done cement plenty time to doing dry pour I normally only did a little slab but this time we doing 16 by 16 as you can see right here see how it's nice and smooth we had did about a quarter all the way to here to the to the steak we had smooth it all the way out looks really really nice yeah you see how smooth it looks this big dummy right here now he remembers yeah all this time I said I forgot to put the rebar ah dad so now I got to scrape this halfway back off and put the rebar and start from scratch you know where scratches you know where scratch is when you're screwing up you got to start all over again that's where scratches I be working like an animal making me work like an animal look me get all this learn from my mistake put half your cement put your rebar then put the other cement it's a dog on Shan we got to break up this you have something good to cut your rebar a good Sal with the cut that would be great you got the tool for it to be great as well [Music] but all right as a lot you want to expl as a lot you can see see how smooth we got it back here we did the right thing we had to smooth it out put the rear as you can see at the end there put the rear all in there put the cement re then put the C back on and then start speeding now we going to see how we actually do it in the process ready back for now you can see you going to have little imperfection there that's fine that's just go back more fill it in you got some on your side all ready then just go right back over it ready back to the house that's all it takes yeah you go two or three times more but until you find that smooth and it's but it's worth it absolutely not much of a big head but it's worth it all right this thing of it so as you know we always do it like this but we get towards the end kind of cheat a little ready yeah there you go all right all right so now we all way at the end now start our water process all right folks so now got it all poured got it compacted although you see a nice finished Edge if you look here now it looks like a little ocean a little swivel I mean you can keep it that way but another thing after watching so many videos on the internet you know you got to get credit we credit to do I've seen so many guys do such a good job with this stuff you know use this broke this uh paint roller at the end just slly go over it it don't have to be wet just simply go over a couple rocks right there over nice and light and then you start your water process all right folks so here we go we at the end of the process see there we already did we leveled it and then we uh did the paint brush thing there over it so now she's going to put it on a mist uh start over here at the top you going to start at this you just want to lightly soak it as all the videos I've been seing said uh missed it for 30 to 60 seconds for the first half hour then do it again another half hour and then the third time that's when you shower it for every inch when we did four Ines what is it every inch every half hour you're going to do two showers every half hour eight times got it looks nice right beautiful remember that what was there right the rotted wood okay yeah what's good though all right this is our fourth showering as you said you do it about 30 to 60 seconds obviously when they say 30 to 60 seconds that's normally a much smaller uh slab obviously this a much bigger slab so we going to do more than 60 seconds you know but yeah this is our fourth showering let Miss Miss 30 to 60 seconds and an hour later another Miss and then it's showering eight times if you're doing four it's two showering per inch so we got 4 in slab so 2 * 4 that's 8 that's what we doing here now that's your showering here and see how nice the slab look like I said we got a nice picture in here this other half here we're going to do it two days from now all right everybody this is halfway done we got one side done we going to do that side later in the week as you can see look at that we've done me and my wife yeah we work we do things together finally we did have teamw work Makes the Dream Work right look at these muscle yeah we did half that look at that don't it look pretty yeah forget that call remember I told y'all one contractor told me 2700 another told me 25 another one told me 3,300 you crazy I was like man you know what babe we going to do this ourselves I mean like we do most our work anyone anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it and save their money put your money in your pocket look at that look how nice it got a nice slope on it you know what I'm saying we'll finish that other one later in the week we're going to let this one dry and by by the way this is called the dry pour so we got to spray it again we got to spray like eight more times yeah every what every three um every hour yeah every other be good to go all right this was the one side that's finished so today we doing this side here of the dry poor concrete as you can see right there that square box in the middle that is where my septic tank inlet part is so what I'm going to do with this part here is I'll build it up so I could do the cement all around it and I'm going to make a actual uh cap for it out of cement to match the cement perfectly but I just want to also show you I pulled like I said I pulled my frames up this Frame here comes from over here and you can see how nice and smooth it looks totally dry pour there's no no uh dust see how that is nice and hard got little chips there when I pulled it off not pull it off too hard you see how all that is nice and solid look at this okay we got to look hey let's be honest with the video here got a little dust on the part here maybe I didn't get enough water there but that's going to harden more cuz it's moist right now that's going to harden more me go all the way around same thing matter of fact I left this one so I can show you nice smooth edge come over here you see how that looks I know someone say hey what about the top yeah that's a little moisture that's going to dry you see how that nice and smooth nice and solid all the way through yep so like I said we going to get on to this part today woo like I'm out of breath folks as you can see here we already did this side this slab of the concrete but we're making a full PA of concrete so the way you get a nice smooth transition from the already one to the new existing one that you got to do you use first of all you got to use a level second of all you get you a 2x4 that's longer than the actual designated area you're doing that way it crosses over and real simple I already leveled this out you make sure that bubble right there smack in the middle boom see that's how you get your leveler like I said then that way you have a nice transition from one to the other without it being a dent in the middle you do that you work it all the way down you make sure that's level all the way down you get your nice pitch I already got it pitched okay peace all right so what we got right here is me and my wife or my wife all we doing here is leveling out the first layer when we did this one I was hard-headed as my wife said I forgot to put the mesh the metal mesh and I had to dat it all back up after I had it smooth it was ridiculous um so we're just leveling this out now and then we're going to put the the metal mesh sheet and then put the second layer on top to make it even transition as I said from there to a from there to there that's why we use the leveler and the 2x4 that goes across the whole thing to make sure it's nice and level as I said that's what she's doing now just leveling it out nice maybe about a inch and a half an inch of cement then we put the mesh and then we put the rest of the cement on top of that on the M all right [Music] then all right this is the finished product we even did our joint line right there this side on the right is completely dry this side on the left we're getting ready to start our water and like I said this is a dry pore mix this side on the right and we did this three three and a half days again almost 4 days ago now that's completely dry it I know it seems like it's a little longer but no I made sure it's totally even if you look right there that's why I put the 2x4 right up along line this so that way when I take it off it'll be transition will be even yeah finally finish smooth surface all the way around like I said we had the treated wood it was all rotted I thought about replacing then it was just so rot I said n we're going to do concrete but remember this piece the square in the middle I have a separate tank so that's the inlet right here in the dirt is the outlet so if you're going to do concrete I know I said it before sometime I need to be redundant to keep reminding people if you're going to do concrete over your septic tank make sure you leave a access point now when this whole thing dries what I'm going to do I'm going to make a lid equivalent to this concrete here and I'm going to uh take this the wood box out and put a lid a concrete lid and it's going to match perfect with the finished job what's up family today we going to pull off our frames it's been already past two days that it's totally dry as you know this side we done it first and as I said before you see totally dry I'm not going to damage my stuff but you hear that solid this side is all the way done you look all the way over there now over here this is our framing I took all my sticks where the sticks was you pick them up oh all right I already tapped all this took all my steaks up now let's see how this looks look at the edge real nice I do the same thing we got little sh got a little moisture still so it's a little drying still you see nice rain this is a dry P tapped over here already nice smooth dry pour you can see a little little Dusty there a little bit but that's fine I'm just going to tap that with some water trust me it'll be real real solid cuz it still got some moisture in it but come around this way as you can see the finished product I never did a Big Slab this big with a dry pour but it came out phom what I'm going to do now I'm this is where my set tank is I'm going to do a small video of that and I'm going to show you how to make that piece I'm going to make two separate so that way you ain't picking up a big heavy slab if you got to get access to that I'm going make it two slabs and put a Connect con pull it up that's it folks this this is the finished job this what it all looks like in the uh this ran me about $800 of CIT uh like I said one contractor told me 27 I found another contractor told me$ 2500 and one ridiculous one told me $3,300 this cost me $800 and some elbow brease me and my wife we did it ourselves save this like $1,500 you can do it yourself peace
Channel: Spinks4Integrity
Views: 361,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CDfGo21W7j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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