Dry Pour Concrete Pad (With Steel Mesh Reinforcement)

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hey guys today we're doing a dry por concrete pad with a Twist we're in a fourseason climate so we're using a reinforced steel mesh we're going to see if this actually works cheers we're going to be attacking this from the perspective of how do we make it last the frost right and we're going to be introducing this this little stencil it gives you a design kind of like kind of like doing like paperstone okay this also gives us ability to create relief joints so we have the room for the expansion and contraction that this slab is going to see so uh I'm not a concrete guy I'm going to try the dry pour we're going to experiment with the stencil and we're going to do that so that you don't have to waste your time and money doing it if it works we'll let you know if it doesn't I'll just top it over with some other concrete and we'll call it a day cheers so what we need to do here is know the end from the beginning and the stencil is basically a 16x 16 we're looking at we've got the deck feet here so we're going to start about 4 in or so away from the deck we're going to also start the same Dimension away sorry away from the shed we're also going to start the same distance from the the deck and what we'll do is when we we're all finished here we'll finish off with some White River Rock just to clean things up all the way around plus the fence right so we get a continuity so we're going to use that measurement we're going to go to 32 in right so we marked off a little bit wider so we got room to put a set or 2x4s in there and then that White Rock will come all the way around boom down the side of the shed piece of cake we also marked off when you're using your tape it's really simple cuz the 16s are all the red squares so here's my Red Square for 64 in there you go and I'm going to get Matt to dig this out cuz he's young and strong backed but the goal here is to get rid of all the grass from frame to Corner to Corner we'll get all that out of here because we have a bit of a slope we have the advantage of having drainage that'll help but let's face it in a fourseason climate we all know what happens every once in a while every every year out of every five you're going to get a mild winter where during the day the sun is beaten down and it's causing everything Milt and it's trapped in the ice in the snow and it's just pulled there and then at night it freezes again so what we're going to do is we're going to use a reinforcement system in this pad so it'll last the [Music] ages [Music] cool all right um so let me build the Box we'll stick it in that corner is going to be high if you want to dig that one out so this is the framing in which we're going to pour the concrete into right so we want the top to be level yep and then whatever happens underneath we can just build out and pour it doesn't matter once the Organics are out of the way Matt we can push the rock into the middle it won't matter okay there we go level please I like that corner to corner that's still a little high we'll have to dig that one out and that one could use a bit of a lift so why don't you shovel that corner out and throw it over here Remember You Can level on a tamped spot you can't level on loose dirt okay just does not work in Four Season climate it's going to get wet it's going to freeze and if you don't have it tamped it'll all end up settling you're guaranteed to get cracks right there we go yeah all right so this isn't perfectly level but honestly it's not a bad idea to have a little bit of slope on your pad the water will be running this way away from it it's about 1° Angle now all we got to do is uh pour a bunch of concrete in there scre it off okay so let's bring it on over as you can see being from Canada we got different products than what you've seen in a lot of other shows uh end of the day up here we've got three different quality levels we've got one with with the rock we've got a product that has a fiberglass mesh in it and then we have a high strength 6000 PSI product that gets up to about $35 a bag so we're going to work with the $1 stuff with the Aggregate and we're going to be just fine the secret here of course is to fill it in about halfway and then you want to Tamp the base and then we're going to put in our structural reinforcement okay now we just want to make sure that this covers in the whole bed and it doesn't get near the edges all right the reason for that is we don't want to risk exposure to air cuz then it will Rust you'll lose your strength so we're going to go about 2 in in using side Cutters to cut this if you're looking for an easier method you could get a grinder with a metal cutting disc but these side Cutters work really well in this situation what we're doing is we're adding reinforcement which makes this entire monolithic slab one piece so one one chunk can't break away from the next chunk because it's bonded by Steel okay all you could use rebar if you want to it's a much more expensive version this is just a walking patio and as such we're not as concerned about PSI this product here goes to about 3500 which is plenty now if you're wondering about four season climate sidewalks patio walkways the secret really is is all in the drainage and in the compaction of the ground underneath most construction that's done especially with sidewalks they don't take the time to do the right kind of packing okay that's why sidewalks fail and generally speaking um in a lot of cases they're not using wire mesh they're just pouring the concrete okay so this is a much better version than what you're going to see out on out in a boat when you're walking down the street now we're just going to fill this all up to the top ni nice and flush okay we'll get the screeding going we're almost ready to start the water and while we're at it we're going to give a shout out to the cadon country living folks uh they've been doing dry PO for about 3 years now on their Channel and they've had a lot of success and they've been able to follow it up what they haven't done is a fourseason climate with any kind of History um so that's why we're doing this just to give you an idea of what the availability is as far as technique technology okay we need another back amazing huh so the way this is supposed to work is you put more material in what you need so when you screed it pushes down the rocks and then the powder comes to the surface oh yeah that's the way this is supposed to work there you [Music] go [Music] next half of this is you take a/ inch nap roller okay and then you roll the surface make it nice and smooth no pressure just the weight of the paint stick get rid of all those lines now that surface looks more like concrete Pap surface now right okay done next step yeah and that's it any more than that it's too much this is not production construction this is this is Art little press off we go to the races and we'll just soften up the edges with the roller yeah it's kind of almost a shame cuz we had such a perfect flat slab now now now we're fussing around and you know but that's all right cuz every job that's done like this has imperfections so what I'll do is uh I'll just roll the front side a little bit soften up those edges I mean that looks fine to me right and then spray it yeah I think we're I think we're going to call it for the next step we need a light dusting and I do not have a garden hose spigot at this property so I picked up was the Scott uh weed and feed uh this nozzle we use it for staining decks and surfaces and we're looking for just a nice light pass like a mist and what you do is you create pressure the more pressure the finer the water molecules will come out the job is to get the moisture on there without having heavy drops creating craters and when it's all changed to the same color o I liking that that's the goal just get it wet wet and forget it's been an hour time for another spray guys another Mist now I'm going to do this on camera but look watch this my thumb depression it's it's no longer just powder to the surface but it depresses it's powder underneath so the idea of this of this misting is supposed to be enough water to help the surface get hard without coming in drops that cause damage to the surface so you maintain that texture that the roller put on there so this time around we're going to go with a nice little bit of water here to help get a thicker crust then we're going to wait another hour and then we're going to add a lot more water because it's still a porous Stone regardless this is going to work awesome okay guys it's hour three so we've given it a couple of really good Miss uh it's really hot and sunny out here today so the truth is it's not as crispy and crusty as I'd like it to be but it's more than strong enough now to pour water on and it's not going to create any damage to the surface so now I'm going to just kind of flood it out give it a good bath let that water soak right in all right and we're going to come back in about 2 hours and do that again H all right yeah it soaks it up pretty quick I'm going to double check the bag to see how much water is supposed to mix with each bag make sure in total we're putting that much water into the pad and that is really the key because the amount of water that we need on this to activate it is already listed on the bag so double check how many liters I get out of this thing maybe I have to soak it at least one more time might have to come by on the weekend to give it one more dosing all right cheers okay guys here we are we are what a week later we've had this here for a while so it's had lots of opportunity it's hot outside uh we're like almost 90° which means when it's hot outside you get higher levels of moisture closer to the surface okay so you know that that's just the way life is in the winter time the moisture level drops down but in the summertime it comes right up the top so this has been getting moisture from the ground as well we're going to take this thing apart now I can't get a drill bit in that bottom one okay there we [Applause] go okay that's okay Matt come over here let's have a look at the face you just you can lift it up there we go oh I don't have my hammer on me can I have your hammer it looks like it really the water saturated all the way to the bottom okay okay here we go so we got is this this edge here is a little rough but it looks like that can be tooled way too easily make it look pretty look at that man oh that got some damage because when you lifted the wood okay this is fascinating now why is that the whole top layer look at that it's separating from the from the rest how much stronger is the top layer it seems to me like something has happened during the screeing process yeah right and we got a top layer that's more br than the rest so maybe the way that we were screeing it isn't the best way to go about this yeah it might have that might have been an us problem cuz this looks like it's not really concrete we've even got the wire mesh in there oh it's still dust yeah all right well okay fail I'm not a this needs more water yeah it's uh it's not ready wow maybe it didn't get enough water cuz it is pretty thick I mean we followed the directions on the bag we even got more we got a little bit of rain we got rain we got groundw we it's just kind of odd yeah okay well what we're going to do now Matt we're going to put the Decorative Stone around we're going to clean this up and we're going to keep on hosing it hopefully it streng strengthens up over time I don't want to have to lose it at least we got our Decorative Stone to kind of close it up and make it look pretty it seems to handle foot traffic just fine them right but uh I'm not putting a whole lot of faith in that to last through the Four Seasons and frost so we're going to continue to hose this down and hopefully it'll last got nothing else to say um I won't be doing that again
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 222,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, dry pour concrete, concrete pad, how to mix concrete, how to pour a concrete patio slab, landscaping, diy, do it yourself, cement pad, concrete step, dry pour concrete technique, dry pour concrete with steel mesh, backyard shed, diy shed, patio stone, patio slab
Id: c0Z1fR8m3tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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