Why NOT To Do DRY POUR CONCRETE | Dry Pour Concrete Slab Start to Finish

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hey everybody so in today's video I'm going to do a drive for concrete slab now I've seen a bunch of other people doing this in some videos and I just wanted to try it out myself I'll be honest with you I'm a little bit skeptical about it having always done mixed concrete and mostly Ready Mix Concrete I'm just not really sure how pouring concrete on the ground dry and then misting it with some water is going to give you a strong slab but I'm willing to try and give you guys my honest opinion so first thing we're going to do is I'm just going to make a slab I'm just going to go the width of the door and bring it out four feet that's mookie in case you guys are wondering he loves being on the camera so we're gonna do about a four foot by four foot pad three inches thick now I'm only making it three inches just to see how strong that's going to be and then plus if I want to have to bust it out after I don't want it too thick either so I'm gonna rake this out this is gravel here now I'll get my forms up get it ready to go and then we'll pour the dry Concrete in oh [Music] foreign so that looks pretty good that's pretty hard actually that's that gravel's been there a long time I'm gonna go flush with the door stoop right there and I'm gonna slope it out probably about an inch and four feet just to give it a little bit of slope all right now I'm going to cut my two buys get them screwed together get them staked in place and then just get ready for the pour [Applause] all right [Music] in order to square it I'm just gonna go corner to corner I just want to get the exact same measurement each way I know I'm four feet out and I'm actually 42 and a half inches this way so we want to make sure we have the right Square I do that just by putting this in the same spot 63 and a half inches 63 and a quarter so I'm going to move it an eighth of an inch this way to be square 63 and 3 8 63 and 3 8 good Square now we can stake it set it to grade same thing about a half inch of slope nice and level I'm going to go with that that's pretty good foreign squid set the grade next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to cut myself a little bit of rebound reinforcement get a mat tied so we can put that in uh get my hose out get my bags dry pour concrete and we'll be ready to go here in a minute all right I'm going to cut my Reebok and just have the mat all made and what I'm going to do is when I do the dry pour concrete I'll pour half the thickness up set the rebuy mat in and then pour the rest of the dry pour concrete over the rebar so at least that way the pad will have some reinforcement in it right now I'm just going to get it cut to length and get it tied and get it ready to go I'm using dewalts threaded Rod cutter it works good for cutting 3 8 rebar uh steel Reebok but it also works good for cutting this fiberglass rebar so that's what we use it for mostly just slide the rebar right in this little thing right here I want to keep the rebar about two or three inches away from the perimeter so I cut it a little bit shorter than the actual slab dimensions I'll just slide it in like that get my leg pull the trigger cuts it right off see how that works cuts it right off right in those teeth all right the way I tie rebound together is I use this little thing it's called a yo-yo and I use these Loop ties they got these loops on each end so I'll just bend that around the rebar like that I hook that in there then I just spin it and it ties it really tight here we go all tied together one nice thing about the fiberglass rebar is it won't rust and it's really lightweight so we can just set that here get our dry POI Concrete in there set it down cover it over all right we'll be back with the concrete all right so we're ready to pour we're ready to do our dry pour concrete now if you had to put gravel inside your base you may want to Tamp it with one of these tampers that'll ensure that your gravel is packed down really really well give you a good stable base for your dry pour concrete this gravel here was existing so it was really packed well now first thing I'm going to do I've got my bags of concrete here I figured the four by four by three inches thick they get about seven bags of 80 pound concrete bags I'll have a calculator here and a link down below so you can figure the bags of concrete you need or you can calculate the bags of concrete you need for your pour um but I'm going to start with seven I do have a couple extras if I need them one thing I did want to mention first is because I'm a I'm a concrete guy and I pour Ready Mix Concrete all the time I'm so used to the concrete being pre-mixed you know we're all ready to go with having mixed water in the concrete that creates hydration so the concrete carries and sets properly with with pouring it dry like I said I'm a little bit skeptical the concrete is going to cure properly and Harden so what I recommend is I would dampen the sub base so some moisture from the sub base will get Wicked up into the concrete and that'll help Harden the bottom of the concrete and then we're gonna Mist water over the surface to help heart Harden the rest of the concrete so I would just slightly moisten the the sub base first then we can dump it in [Applause] I'm using 4000 psi concrete mix you can use uh any of the concrete mix that says it's good for concrete slabs you could use I like the 4000 because it has a little bit more cement in it so it's going to be a little stronger [Applause] I'm going to do a layer on the bottom first then I'm going to put my rebar in then I'm going to do a layer on top all right thing about the 80 pound bags is they are pretty heavy but they do they do cover quite a bit of area [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] out the dry forest concrete thank you all right I'm about halfway filled up I'm going to put my rebar in I'm gonna just tap that down just a little bit all right that's good we just don't want it too close to the surface now we'll just put our fill it up to the top all right I'm going to get my screed all right I'm just going to screed that level I'm using just a regular squeegee board you could use a 2x4 if you don't have one of these foreign dry versus pouring wet is definitely a lot of difference in the street definitely pulls down a little bit dry all right looks like we're going to need some of this last bag in there one thing I noticed with these bag mixes is there's a lot of aggregate in it a lot of stone in it which might make it quite make it stronger but it makes it a little more difficult to finish sometimes too when you have all that stone in there versus wet concrete mix concrete has a nice paste to it already it makes it a little easier to finish foreign this is a MAG float this is what we use to mag the surface a little bit smoother we're gonna need a couple more scoops of concrete in there all right that's it for the screed now we've got to see if we can fill in some pockets some little bit some low pockets in here just from screeding see if we can just sprinkle some dry Concrete in there and smooth that out then we're going to miss the surface let's see what happens all right really want to settle those those rocks down below the surface just a little bit so we can get some type of finish on it later we're going to put a light broom finish on this one laughs a little rocky on the edges we're gonna see if we can get a little bit more a little bit more cement in there so we can we can clean that up kind of like the middle is looking pretty good right now all right so what I'm noticing is it's pretty Rocky it's pretty tough to get a really smooth finish so what I'm going to do is I think this is what you're going to run into when you do it too so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to miss the surface get it a little moist uh let it hydrate for a little bit let some of that moisture soak down into the concrete and we'll see if we can work up a paste afterwards and try to fill in some of this aggregate all right let's give that a few minutes let that soak in a little bit see what that feels like maybe we can work that rock up bring a little bit of paste to the surface if not we can Mist it again and see what happens so we'll give it a minute and see what happens all right so that's been a few minutes it's soaked down in there I'm gonna give it just a little bit more water on the top and then see if we can smooth this out with my mag a little bit get a little bit better finish on it laughs you see the with the aggregate right at the surface it makes it pretty difficult to get a finish on it compared especially compared to already mixed concrete foreign foreign to work up enough paste using bag mix to really get a smooth finish you know I'm going to try I'm going to try sprinkling on a little bit more bag mix to fill in that stone see if I can rub it out a little bit smoother thank you I don't know guys I don't know it's just not enough there's not enough cement to get to the surface to make them rocks go away you know don't let these other videos fool you I don't know if they're giving you close-ups or not but it uh I mean with some more work we could probably get it we can try sprinkling on some more I might have to sift sift some of the stone out in order just to get the cement to mix in with these rocks right here that might be what I do foreign I don't know guys it doesn't seem to want to smoothen out where all those rocks are I guess you know if you're going to do something like this if you're going to do dry pole concrete you got to make the surfaces make sure the surface is perfectly smooth before you add water to it which is difficult because there's so much Stone in these mixes um I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction perfectly honestly I think I do mixed concrete I think I'd mix the bag up you know like it says on the instructions and then pour the slab this way just going to get a lot better product a lot better finished product after you're done that is starting to harden up I mean it will harden up but as far as the surface goes it's real difficult to work with the surface when there's no cream in there there's no paste so hopefully this will help you make a decision on which way you want to go dry plug concrete versus you know wet Mix Concrete all right guys so that's going to be it for today we're going to let that sit overnight you can see the surface right there not what I would call acceptable or even a do-it-yourselfer I don't think you're gonna like it I think you're going to be better off mixing the concrete first and then pouring it in there but we'll come back tomorrow we'll take a sledgehammer to it just see how strong it is at least and if it compares to the strength of mixing the concrete hey everybody so it's 24 hours later we're back here to see just how hard this dry pour concrete is just by misting water on top now it feels pretty hard so it definitely hardens up but just how strong is it you see how rocky how rocky this top looks right here where we couldn't bring much of the powder up to the surface I don't think that's going to be an acceptable finish for anybody you know even if you try this yourself so that part of it I'm really not happy with I can't really suggest that you go out and try this and have a finish like this but let's take a sledge Hammer to it and just see how strong it is all right so I've got them all here we're gonna bang it I'm gonna give it a good hard bang with them all just to see if it'll hold up I mean normal mixed concrete might crack on the first hit but you might see a hairline crack um or it might just bounce off on the first hit so let's see what this does not too bad that's actually pretty solid more solid than I thought it was going to be let's take a couple more and see what it does uh definitely hard all the way through from top to bottom so just misting water on top and having some of that moisture Wick up from the ground does hydrate the concrete enough to harden there's our rebar in there foreign wasn't very strong and that broke off pretty easy yeah I would say for the most part that's that's pretty that's pretty firm all the way through the hole three to three and a half inches it's kind of breaking up breaking up pretty easy actually that was soft right there it is still a lot of powder a lot of unhydrated concrete right there on that little part that wouldn't have lasted very long it's just breaking apart even the rebar keeping the rebar is not holding it together very good because it's just there's no strength in here in the middle of this this is just all powder probably the hardest part is this piece right here where the rocks are showing that feels like the hardest part of the concrete no strength in there that's all just on that's just powder still just like we put it in it's all powder right there guys that never even got hard in there just a little bit on the surface that was the only pot that got hard so I don't know what these other guys are doing but for the most part the surface might be hard but it's not going to last very long look at that it's just all powder right there just like when I dumped it in there definitely don't recommend doing this guys don't do dry pore concrete so I'm gonna say guys this is an epic failure definitely I don't recommend doing dry pork concrete you know the bags it says right on the bag mixed with water so you're gonna pour a pad for yourself I would just mix it with water thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next one foreign
Channel: Mike Day Concrete
Views: 224,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, how to concrete, diy concrete, how to pour concrete, how to form concrete, concrete finishing techniques, concrete skills, concrete floor, concrete slab, stamped concrete, how to, concrete tools, how to pour a concrete slab, how to pour a concrete floor, how to pour a concrete driveway, how to pour a concrete patio, how to build concrete steps, how to form concrete stairs, pouring concrete, finishing concrete, dry pour concrete, dry pour concrete slab, dry pour
Id: i2QYo7cC81M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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