Drunk Painting from Memory

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[Music] you must draw from memory i knew this was coming a pen on the end of it what the i'm bigger than you you have to accept simba except that hi there and welcome to another video we're gonna paint for you a very calming fitting matter shut up what are we drawing what do we do i we drink lots liquor now we paint funny your first task is a classic painting cruiser please why would you start us off with something like that you have to paint the mona lisa and whoever does the better job just to survive this video is going to suck we're doing 30 minutes per painting and then at the end i judge whose is better and the winner gets to sign a drink yeah so i want the back layer to be a bluish green color so i need a blue and a green uh yeah these clothing are rags yeah just okay i'm going to start with a simple back layer to complement the mona lisa's background just a back layer sugar cube what the [ __ ] enough of that sorry [Laughter] i got one i got one here max you gotta get some paint on the canvas bro chad's way ahead of you shut up is this what the background looks like more green where's that dark green that's the color i'm looking for just go with the stroke like my grandfather always said life is like a paintbrush yeah i did but this is suck sir this sucks guys 24 minutes left what time limit yeah there is 30 minutes time on that 24 minutes it's about creativity max it's not about replicating an image okay let's wait until you try to draw a figure on a wet [ __ ] canvas well she has a neck what a thick neck like markiplier look at that nice head are you kidding me she looks sexy i [ __ ] this that's such a chin if anything she has big titties gotta draw them big plump ones you're right there see that titty line mine's looking kind of like haven't added anything but an outline max bob ross isn't about negativity it's about doing some artwork and having fun while you do it isn't that right guys yeah max is being an elitist snob i'm just saying you can't mix wet paint with red paint i'm doing it and mine looks great yours is one color sure she looks like a smurf now she's still a sexy smurf is this toxic paint ew ew it shouldn't matter about time mate you should just judge the time you spend with me just joking now he's being toxic that was a friendly prank that's what brass mates do what else can i add to this masterpiece just a classic vb you can't really tell unless you've watched the video but like you know what video this video oh wait we're in a video right now we're trapped in a video press white to free us give your face chad come on there's a face it's like carved it in with this extra laser paint looks good how do you draw a face he must have cheated yeah i think he cheated i think he brought it in from home got one minute 50 left yeah i reckon i'll finish the background nobody be online though obviously it's minus points for novb oh chad's is looking good you're in trouble max she has a poopy line [Music] five four three two one all right drop your brushes drop your brushes no i don't want to see any painting why does it say gauge on it all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't look don't look don't look yet okay so gentlemen turn your easels to the front rotate them so we can see them so max tell us about your piece i'll just go for the painting that we would tell the paint to grab my best this paint was pretty wet yeah they kind of do it on a thick so it didn't mix with the background time crunch was difficult but there you guys that's the mona lisa all right chad tell us about your work well i was going for the modern day theme but i remembered bob ross always said just do what you want and i thought she'd look better green as the she-hulk so she's part of the avengers yes i was gonna write gang on her chest because she's in the marvel gang but i forgot the end and i was already too far through so it's gage now it's modern day women have tattoos you both did a good job but i think the clear winner is max why of course he's jumping he has an art degree wait spell gang real quick g-a-n-g no there's no may rest in peace this time you will have to paint a pikachu so no prompt this time just your brain i honestly don't know what pikachu looks like all right the timer starts now [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this what are you going for try to go for an outline first yeah i'm gonna go for the outline first i think i've already [ __ ] it to be honest with you you're gonna love that sound oh that sounds like me after taco bell mate i used to be able to draw a really good pikachu back in primary school what's your plan talk me through what you're what you're doing listen that jager bomb tipped me over the edge i'm really just having a crack at this point i'll just let mine dry that's fine for you that's not gonna do anything all right that's cooking it it's an led it's cooking all right now i'm gonna add things to mine to make it more like a dalty that makes sense fat [ __ ] fine here bringing those pokey drugs rare candy rare candy is a driver finally loose bristles max your pikachu kinda looks like hitler at the moment it's not a mustache hey no hitler's we agreed up that at the start of the video chad you got to fill out the canvas bro i'm about to after this it'll take me the shortest amount of time coloring this sucker in that's the hardest hey google what color of pikachu's eyes he's cheating dark brown dark brown thank you oh those are the whites of his eyes i just want to do the pupil brown yeah you're going to hold pupils it looks like he has a [ __ ] tumor hog yeah the legs look [ __ ] i'm gonna do some of these splats all right max is doing splats i'll do splats how much longer scott one minute fifty i'm just gonna enjoy a nice drink i reckon he's confident that definitely has paint water in it oh it looks like he's murdered someone i guess he also looks like that too i don't know yours looks like that too [Laughter] [Music] 20 seconds left are we just calling it all right let's go let's go reveal turn it to the front okay wow what's with its ankles yeah that's [ __ ] good i like that it's crackhead pikachu he's addicted to cracking rare candies that's a lot better than the mona lisa i have to say you guys did a great job this round yeah i think i'll give the winner to chad love his basquiat inspired i like your background i like your background a lot max you definitely killed it as well those flats are yeah the splatters really actually that was good what's it got like [ __ ] schoolteacher thighs good job good job chad let's have a drink together what the [ __ ] you guys are artists what can we say we're modern day mozart we don't need that much oh my god it went on the ground how about i do feel like i'm at this again doing crafts we're in the meme category now you must draw from memory a troll face i [ __ ] knew this was coming i've been preparing for this that's not true 30 minutes to a troll face yes all right timer start uh it's now okay i'm for a sideways canvas i really can't think of what it looks like though besides the extended draw you know bob ross he just says go with it just do what you want you want a little bit of color up here you want a background so [ __ ] drunk how'd you get aggressive chad your painting looks like the toilet paper of a man with hemorrhoids maybe that's what i'm going for scott you ever think that yes [ __ ] i don't know what the [ __ ] a troll face looks like i haven't seen that in 10 years pretty sure max has sent it to the group chat probably like a hundred times he's back in fashion no it's not yeah underground wise our group chatter for people is not underground is max's looking better than mine yes yeah can i get a picture for reference how can you have such a warped idea of what a troll face looks cause i seriously don't know [Music] okay i like what you're doing chad someone this ugly can't be evil he's got to be a combatant of evil so that's why he is now what are you saying [Music] stop i don't think whatever i do is ever going to look like troll face at this point just make it look good and maybe the judge will be kind to you you never know get a new one you keep drying it on that really dark spot on your chest put a pen on the end of it 15 minutes okay purple is a horrible idea does not go with black this is just this 5 a.m shadow max have some yellow nah purple's good finish the purple i can't because how do i fill in his details with that dark purple what details it's eyes it's just really cute stop top coaching he wants to feel the eyes let the man fill his eyes in yeah man fill your eyes in you're having a crack max you need more wrinkles does he have more wrinkles he has a lot of wrinkles i'm just going to coach you both equally i just want the best art max come towards me and turn around this was the challenge i would have [ __ ] won two o'clock it's still six and a half minutes left well i'm sorry i'm a quick painter i'll do his eyes i'm just saying you got time your mum's got time on my [ __ ] that's how i said that she's actually a really nice lady like bob ross always said may he rest his piece my man said just do what you want to do have fun with the canvas you know okay i like that more of that you know what mozart always said you know just about the journey i should give him a [ __ ] nah it's too late trolls enough [ __ ] you have three minutes to give him a [ __ ] nah susan while gunky won't like it all right max tell us about your piece uh troll face pretty uninspired just tried to remember what he looked like really these nerds got him all right chad well i was going for the troll face outline and then i completely went blank and i started drawing a bit of a goblin from the hobbit that's nice i like that part is that what you should keep doing yeah you know i don't want to be a bad guy just because he's a troll so i added the halo let people know he's on the good side i'm gonna have to go with max's on this one i like what chad's done but it's just a truer representation of the the troll face i actually like chad's more personally chad yeah i nominate you to do a big [ __ ] drink give me the jager bottle man or i'll show you a drink mate yeah oh oh yeah oh [ __ ] i'm gonna sleep well tonight i might not wake up my buddy hurts a man we're really putting the pain and painting we're all artists we're all winners isn't that right max yes yeah for your last painting you must paint each other wow what a twist i'm going to paint a robust 2012 max mofo i'm painting bob ross oh yeah this canvas is [ __ ] huge where's the white where'd the white go can you grab it for me stop stop no you don't get to say when you start okay but i guess you do max what's your uh technique here ah though uh i don't know where that went look at his face he's covered in [ __ ] oh you got pain on my [ __ ] thing bro that was you i'm not even i can't i'm not even well i'm not even brown on here how did i get [ __ ] brown on my when you did that that's gold this is brown [ __ ] we're three minutes in chad still hasn't painted anything we have not been 20 minutes in three yeah painting of max literally right up there that a fan sent in i got some respect for those paintings why didn't you guys respect them before because i just looked at i was like man i could do that that [ __ ] is hard as bob ross would say just have a crack once he said i'm gonna put a happy bush here remember this hairstyle mike used to have what is that what's shaved on one side and then just sticking out to the edge 20 minutes left 21. stupid all right 21. stop i wonder what that kid's doing right now crap eyes have a crack you have a skin color we mean skin color not true this sucks nothing like him mexican mofo i reckon just lean into that i mean i'm not coaching you we need a bit more time on the final one it is the final one no look the canvas is a bit bigger maybe could give you an extra five minutes look like mexican mofo a little bit mine is not coming along pretty well we have to add something right here i forgot you gained a few pounds for a big canvas [Laughter] where's his neck there somewhere well it does look like he's wearing one of those ponchos at mexican people yeah that's what i'm trying to do this looks nothing like you max i'm gonna be honest you're getting cancelled why i'm not mexican doesn't matter i'm just i'm just bad at drawing i'm going with it look chad maybe some hey scott shut up cactus ah four minutes we have a little more time we already got extra time look i kind of want to see what max is working towards no i have nothing else to do no you could add more i reckon another five would be good five more extra minutes okay all right it might be a demon perhaps perhaps a demon is that a little dicky throw me into the bucket oh no i might have a crack one yeah i'm done simba i'm stronger than you i'm bigger than you you have to accept simba exactly she bears the mark so chad you're just completely satisfied with what you've got there i like what i'm hearing from the commentators the extra five minutes wasn't gonna save me there's no coming back from that pikachu i peeked there five four three two one paint down all right there we go what the [ __ ] is that he feels like a fridge right no you're wearing a poncho ah i do like pokemon that is fat i think the clear winner is max well because he's better at drawing but it looks nothing like me that is true that is true in terms of looking likeness i would say that looks more like max put it on stand next to it and make that face with your teeth yeah look okay maybe yeah but we call it a draw and we both drink [ __ ] so overall winner max you may kill who you want yes make sure you buy my arm on patreon it's free cost five dollars if you're a patron we're just gonna select people at random and we're gonna send the artwork out artwork out to people and the clothing cover and paint if you want this do people want that i hope you enjoyed this video i had fun painting with my good friend chad i had fun painting with my good mate max i feel like we destroyed this office first so that's a wrap i'm anything for views and i'm max my clothes and this is the disney channel this count
Channel: Cold Ones
Views: 2,442,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drunk painting, drunk drawing, recreating famous paintings, recreating famous photos, mona lisa, painting the mona lisa, recreating paintings, maxmoefoe, anything4views, cold ones, bob ross, bob ross tutorial, funny paintings, painting for beginners, acrylic painting, cold ones podcast, drawing from memory, drawing pokemon from memory, drunk drawing pokemon, funny painting, funny painting video, painting fails, paint, drunk painting challenge, drunk painting class, pikachu
Id: 4ypMJzeNooo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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