Drunk Minecraft #1 | A NEW HOPE

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hello everybody and welcome to drunk minecraft with me Bob and Wade oh oh man shut up shut up zombie you busted it out way too early I've got nothing now all right do your throw I'll shut up I just I'll turn my mic off no that was it we just did it we're not live streaming doing again no we're recording now what do you are you William Shatner you don't do more than one take no I don't Bob I'm drinking beer Bob's drinking what are you doing gin and mostly chin dinna gin Wade obviously a double Long Island double double Long Island you have to pay extra for that I made it myself so I hope not can I eat glass I'm already starving to death this is not going WAP here fine take some bread how do you have bread mark I lost everything shut up Shh I stole bread don't take my bread no I like an hour to get just some wooden tools and from all gone I'm the only one with bread you perv me or you starve should we build a house or something then let's build an underwater house no more sand in my inventory I've got 52 glass blocks Oh hold on hold on hold on hold on we're like The Naked toilets that are serving mold your tits oh oh this tits oh yeah whatever just hold on an underwater house who can build the gayest house you how to play mark [Laughter] Goodson you should pick better teammates for this mark we're just gonna hang up on you yeah we are I have zombie on my side I could get him to smite so I'll be able to go for us over you zombie mold because you guys didn't know zombie mold for the people watching this later not right now let me mold is owner of the server castle in the sky cactus maze some crap with redstone diamond race it means fine who finds for you you know giant chair mansion a spaceship penis what kill you know a spaceship penis except its penis okay hey who did cuz I ain't your chair who wouldn't fight it that guy shut up it's like I don't know people like think it's my thing I don't know kill NPC villages with lava build a row like a giant statue of me I like that one Vito build the best murder machine wait you know we could do two birds with one stone and do a giant penis spaceship statue and then put a big sign in front of it that says this is also mark get it what would be my name is with me a tiny penis I don't know all right us drunk to this I see two Eiffel Towers and then you jump off the Eiffel Towers in two giant pits I don't know that one was confusing - oh we all say happy birthday - Jen is like fur Pam we gotta say happy birthday to Jennifer yeah no that's her name Jen a fur also known as cheap Oh what the [ __ ] zombie how what the [ __ ] happy for killing some with bridge happy birthday Jennifer what the [ __ ] her name precisely no her name was like chibi sugar on the live stream or whatever I don't know on in the chat she comments a lot on my videos my name is chibi sugar kill happy birthday chibi sugar Jennifer yeah Jen no it's Jen Jen one word one word fur what are you doing digging in the sand I'm making a castle out of sand it's a sand castle dick are you building a moat in there too I just could see here I got more on my list shut up Minnie y'all's build a mini golf court and Lord bursts the last one shut up the last one burned down villages in forests while taunting Smokey the Bear and making inappropriate jokes about Colorado I like that one you like that one because we have to start off by making a statue of Smokey the Bear that's big enough to see from where we're burning down villages before we could just trap a bear and call him smokey no that's too easy I want to Smokey the Bear statue with the yellow fireman's hat and the overalls and the shovel or whatever the [ __ ] he has zombie we need a Smokey the Bear a costume there's no statue with the yellow hat and overalls one of us could be so I'll give it there we should put a smaller than their costume on mark and then we can just do what we were gonna do anyway it's not conducive to good minecraft behavior okay don't even know what's not even mean you're not minecraft pros like I am I know I'm not a Minecraft pro you could tell because I'm ticking sand with sand all right I'm taking a long sip of this drink so I'm gonna need it to last through this we're going for a 45 minute episode here so this is gonna be a six-hour episode then no I got it it's were like five minutes five minutes we've not even done anything besides read what we might do you it takes a while yeah you're gonna have to cut some of this out mark this Emily you uh it's all staying in yeah this is a non censored episode completely uncut this is LA let's go swim with the squids again that Kardashian show I don't know how many are there I mean the one where they leave all the pointless stuff in and you know don't I am the squid king I've never watched it so I wouldn't know what you're talking about I'm gonna build something useful by the way okay I'm gonna be a sugar cone but by useful I mean I'm gonna build a crafting table I mean it was what what I'm gonna get some wood so we can make tools I got it and I got I've got a hundred and some-odd wood right here wooden place how I was cutting down trees the whole time bob was digging his sand fort and you were talking Shh shut your face and I was [ __ ] ask me how much I give a [ __ ] about what how much do you give a [ __ ] about what you didn't finish whatever you were gonna say shut up this is my show and you all I what hello everybody and welcome to Bob and Wade's show where we invited mark very generous of Marty thinking about breaking down on our personal server that we host here we allow some people to come in and be our mod our personal man slave zombie mole here he's here he likes it yeah he does likes it usually he's am I even recording in Skype though I hope so I am okay I am so that's good that's good I need more it's needing more to drink what huh suddenly I found myself digging sand see that's awesome it's just something to do like I don't know well get some wood if you need something to do I got I got some wood I need it cobble about 58 wooden planks everybody needs any no one gives [ __ ] I've got 15 or I say [ __ ] you from this sure say it loud and say it proud hey can I say ass rape [ __ ] anyway other day really though rape isn't funny no it's not it's not unless there's a god unless what unless it happens to guy apparently wait and then it's hilarious what really I mean unless you're really ugly can you really rape a guy no I'm Dave Chappelle you know what I'm talking about right Dave Chappelle had a great bit about it was Dave Chappelle oh boy I am the joking bunch okay what what okay you know the joking the jokey joke King he's the joke Kings what he's trying to say oh that's Koresh grass over here is this dirt no it's grass wait what was this dirt there was a sale this is dirt the green stuff is dirt grass damn it came out up where the big yellow one is the Sun what hey there's rock under war did you make a crafting table say that's over here it's er it's right here dope which ones real and which ones mine what I got a cobble stop making cobblestone I'm uh I'm with mark on this one I don't think we're I don't think I intended it for us just like start this early in the game because this is like ya know a new thing going on there's nothing happening it is just starting out new but I don't care Oh give a [ __ ] right now cuz I got stone tools so [ __ ] all you you suck your dick I do well I got sandstone no one gives a [ __ ] about your hand stone I do then that's no one I am NOT I wish what I wish I didn't have shitty tools zombie give us 15 diamonds not mark though well I have diamonds I have diamond take away Mark's diamond I have don't take my diamonds I have diamonds hey wait I know how we could get marks diamonds ah no you bugger oh the [ __ ] I don't got a wooden sword of zombie make it no wooden sword of godliness damn it come on [ __ ] diamond [ __ ] the diamonds in the middle of the ocean yeah oh [ __ ] you didn't stop me from gig to any more beer I still have diamonds Tommy is zombie mold still here could you be hi Maurice you're here say hello hey it worked huh still here there is not moving where'd you guys go oh there you're here suck it yep don't tempt me men zombie take away my diamond tools I dig I'm being poignant there they're gone poignant poignant I don't know what that means poignant does that mean smelly what I mean yeah yeah it means smelly and gay it means both of those things that's a really offensive word I didn't think that's I wouldn't expect that sort of word to exist huh what yeah it does weird so are we gonna complete an objective or what we got a large look what I found don't give a [ __ ] what hey you're a son of a [ __ ] so I mean take away take away Lord minion 777s also known as Wade's a zombie you don't want to do that no no we're going back [Laughter] damn it hey I got coal isn't that incredible are you mining yeah mining where are you my name is this is just a little tiny hole that what cobblestone down here Shh I got a cobblestone Oh sand barking where are you I made a hole yeah I'm a little too well hey you where's where's with what yeah we got our own hole this is sorry you can't come in we're girls allow me [ __ ] you well were you gonna say ow you Oh lagging get used to it all right anyway are we gonna do one of the objectives or what I don't know I don't give a [ __ ] whatever I make it's another drink alone all right mark pick one you're the leader here pick one what I gave you all the choices pick one I thought you were the big bad boss man statue of me okay Bob pick one statue of mark but yeah this one that I was talking about before is a tiny penis in a chair for blue represent mark fog larks Mark's favorite things [ __ ] I shouldn't be laughing at that you know laughing indicates acceptance I shouldn't laugh at that but uh-oh cuff way why cos tiny penises aren't funny no serious epidemic the fact that you and I walk around our boxers while Mark has his own skins a little bed yeah I don't know why you think you're in your boxers because you're totally wearing a shirt at pants on my screen yeah well that's because Bob doesn't have a custom okay I'm good the same thing mark ed what's it called Sphinx banks you don't have smacks now you have um police say it's called Spanky do I think it's called Spanky do I believe Spanky do texturepack yes I believe yes this um custom for zombies no no it's no it means you're gay oh okay hey Mark I think I know what we should do what we should make an incinerator that works Wow we always we always want to make an incinerator and it's always shitty and burns our house down yeah remember how that happens yes doesn't do that oh well then we need lava I better dig straight down where my feathers go I'm a zombie you took everything yes they're gonna be I'll be take everything he has again take everything take everything debit whatever he has I don't care if it's wooden sticks take it away take it away oh I found I found good thing I found lava I love it I found freaking diamonds I would not go in the right way I don't I would I was right here take I found it hang on I got get ant torches hand I don't even have an iron tools I can't get it but I found it I'm afraid to get anything because nothing everything's gonna disappear don't cross me man do we have any torches I do this I'm gonna do some work and get some torches if you were invited here just across you you know this yes I know but don't cross me anyway I don't want this growls not it iron here we go oh this is like the best ever [ __ ] only two I need are you mark I'm in a hole which hole my hole you know um Xue Jian pageant nur Oh oh crap I found the [ __ ] zombie Lourdes you you didn't even notice them made it mom joke ice no I totally totally blocked you out for a while right okay that's like my favorite sound the best birds we can't see what's going on you could all see you like here what are we doing I don't know I'm digging for no reason yeah I gotta cross off find the first diamond because I won that one I didn't know that was a thing I think we should turn this into an epic have to finish all of the things Pepa sewed really that's good all of the things in 45 minutes the idea was have multiple episodes of this but if we're just gonna have one I suppose it can happen we should definitely have multiple oh that was the idea but bob says we should only have one well I'm funny I did to the next ones oh oh I think people might disagree with that Bob I think I just fighter I'm scared down here can you guys like you know anything of Cole I'm good I can't help you I got it oh yeah I'm gonna die why haven't I make stone tools yet see this is drunk is a terrible idea I'm still using wooden tool I'm on fire sounds like a personal problem in a good way or a bad way I'm tied oh so bad lawyer tried to swim in a pool of lava shut up oh okay I'm apparently Bob and I should be recording so that people can actually watch some quality playing oh my god I'm killing a huge thing of zombies I'll get them down here cuz I have my back's turned I'm gonna push them in your hole damn it why did I even say anything if you know I was like I had thought of that is that code push them in my hole nevermind oh no oh oh no wow lord minion found one Cole hey what I've got 16 Cole you found one oh god damn it my chunks aren't loaded where's blue mark needs Cho he's got plenty of them that's why he needs to work out what chunks shut up oh shut up hey light can I have a torch to - I know you're gonna say no so I'm not gonna finish asking zombie gear Bob drops into one torch you're the best one torch alone here your dick all my stuff burned it on fire again oh this is my favorite uh you know I have to say mark I was trying to avoid being all fanboy while we were recording this but why did my whoa why did my minecraft avatar turn into some Asian guy you isn't it I swear my thing turned into some asian guy like you I know but on mine it looks like some Asian guy that's why mark I hate to point this out man but that's you hey I need food mark trust me bread I don't have any bread anymore I died twice it's a pig kill it wait mark you interrupted I was being a fan huh oh yeah say that video of yours where the what the [ __ ] that on the lake whatever that was huh that game to Jerris like Panera bread's two numbers that one yeah that that scare you've had that was like the most epic scare of all time yeah that was [ __ ] great oh no girl walks in out of nowhere a girl I don't know some zombie crazy zombie slicey thing all right scared the piss out of me it was I'm tossing someone's charcoal on the ground here someone go pick it up oh hey that's mine and stuff I'm cooking this what why am i cold whole pork chop idiot we need we're gonna die there's like Enderman everywhere I need to we we didn't even build a house what is wrong with us you have nothing we have no food the process using wooden tools for summary is our leader apparently that's working out we're sitting it shut your face I don't want any of your salad leader is the Dead Guy I need more beer I'll go get my loaf and Ernest great leader hang on I'm gonna get more beer you guys be entertaining for a bit I stolen Oh stolen four pickaxes stolen Oh what now what now oh yeah okay don't kill me I'm gonna go away for a bit don't don't kill me hey wait what man how's it going oh it's going good how are you doing I'm good who the hell is over here I thought this was you know who is this what is this is this is ami or something I don't know I'm gonna leave it alone you uh case man I hope so I hope it's something not creepy wait come back me up orchids what we're talking about so I guess no one I want to attack it oh yeah sand let's get him over here in front of all my god what's happening I don't know it's looking at me Oh we're digging your own grave we're not this is like that community episode where what what is this thing that's a villager why would you do it I don't know because it's a village I don't know Oh No is that oh that Latin goddess where's that zombie I hope it's one of the two cuz it's just kind of staring at us hey I've got one heart and no food no one gives a [ __ ] hey save me I've got some bread wait do you want some yes I'll give you torches torches you're gonna have to do better than that I find this acceptable good enough worm I want to do that Sunday in real life okay we're like what do you give me for this chop chop chop we're going we're like 25 minutes in and we've not done shits we haven't done [ __ ] so we got let's go all right what you doing we need a house build a giant chair [ __ ] the house build a chair sand chair out of wood got ass and I'd be amazed class chair yes all right we need we have a fungal fan we need more coal use wood yeah charcoal yeah that hold advanced minecraft recipe of charcoal hey it is advanced shut your mouth I'm gonna make like three more furnaces why so we can make a fuckload of glass all at once do we have coal I've got some coal and a bunch of wood ok then I'm going to make cobblestone pick us after I lost all my [ __ ] after I lost my iron because I was on I just did stuff at you here mark hold no no this wood crap get this out of here it's for you I'm tossing it in the ocean good I want your viewers to watch you mindlessly throw crap in the water I will oh this is why you can't have nice things just so you know shut up these aren't nice things I know but this is why you can't have them I got a complete set of whatever alright we're gonna make this chair epic I'm gonna start off with dirt that sounds so epic man so epic indeed that villager is still there he's creepy as hell yeah it's like got bangs different for your texture pack he looks like a job jump from Star Wars a jump job you know the you know a chop job you know the traitor thingies ja wohl yeah that nothing job job you could see the relation oh shut up hey Jason Star Wars at least once in your life you know it's not a job job I've seen it many many times I thought it we've enough first I thought it was a job job I'm questioning my subscription all of a sudden you can leave anytime you want done marry me I'm busy I'm helping on our villager here through there there sir blur ah shut up wait furnaces now well isn't this fantastic there's nothing to put in them I have a fuckload of sand all we need is some wood what the hell he's digging his way out you okay over there Wade you okay good you okay don't mind this I don't mind that okay zombie can I get a full stack of TNT enough flint and steel well here goes the chair before get please yes please yes full stack of TNT Flint steel oh my lord minion I do think he's listing heya flint and steel what no give it to ball zombie can we get marks surrounded by TNT cut if you just give it to me I'll do it can we dot I have the power please dear turn God hold on for Bob and I please no just just me just Bob I don't even care if I I just Bob all right what the [ __ ] kind of chair is this happening four legs wait who let we decide the chair hey Mark you I see something funny what a bag whatever whatever just do it I don't care my body's lived I live [ __ ] yeah 49 TNT I didn't get [ __ ] we should justly should do we should just mine like this with TNT and got it I got it and I picked up someone's corpse hey zombie like oh no P I do it right like I did I found this TNT fair and square so I'll be gave me thirty two teen teen I used it all on mark he gave you 30 200 how do you say mark where's Bob at you should take a look at it oh no zombie this is what I thought I have why am i dying you're on fire why did she just light me on fire zombie why did you give them the tools and not me you wanna see something scary what Bob that's our stuff Bob that's our furnaces Bob what the hell why are you both on fire burning objectiveness we're supposed to be doing something for oh hey guys oh hey come here come here I'm building myself a house good beer what can't I do anything like it I can't do them zombie nabe it's not working here we go how did that not blow by TNT house oh you ass bag oh no did someone pick up the did someone pick up the creeper stuff oh [ __ ] who got him no one god I mean just blew up all that TNT that I said okay where's marker I'm back now he died a little bit I'm back oh can I get more of those things so he took of all I picked them up he took them away yeah it's the first one it's not supposed to be productive I tried to hug a creeper because I love creepers there might [ __ ] where am I how do you get back I'm the greatest you can't kill me Bob zombie kill pop kill him dead no zombie can kill me you can't oh okay ass bag down here this TNT blows anybody have any tools I have to and the Flint and stuff there's iron down in that pit yes there's tons oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh what's that you seem to be in pain no I can't I kill you I can't I quit you I cannot quit you bambam yapple well viewers I apologize for Marc's lack of leadership wait don't apologize Marc sucks hey I apologize for Martin I'm leaving Marcus the best it's sucking your weight I'm gonna help you mine okay all right wait wait wait wait I don't like this I have an idea of how you might be helping me MA Oh get out I don't think these creepers are as useful as TNT but I better sponge them anyway oh no I can't make my tea and tea light anymore I break my flint and steel no it still works nowhere you guys are a demon am i dying I killed Bob I killed him dead i herded him because anybody actually gonna watch this crap why are you not buried what what do you mean are people gonna watch this everyone's gonna watch maybe I don't know all right if anybody actually likes this you gotta like and favorite and comment that this was awesome yeah all right I challenge you to a duel what with what I'm right behind you a creeper duel oh no I killed it that's not good good job there are two more boom dress I pushed you to death I punch you too dear okay anyway um we're we um doing anything no we do anything we're gonna make a chair that turned into this pit I don't know who did that hey no I am NOT streaming a zombie can we import it somewhere else we kind of destroyed this place no zombie we're good just give us all TNT shut up we're gonna go somewhere where we can actually start a legit we're destroying his entire server hello I got ported 10 feet away what the hell is [ __ ] zombie does entertainment better than you do more shut up I'm it's my youtube channel it's alright oh man more beer oh yeah yeah we need to get more drunk this is this is good you all want to go to be Tubbs after this who's driving oh yeah that's right actually you know what we're probably good Tyler to drive me oh that's too much trouble and we got a record more after this or something I don't know I probably shouldn't be telling all my viewers this this is supposed to be behind the scenes stuff Zack I'm busy Zack oh well I'm playing Minecraft you need a drink I need a drink Zack it's gonna have to wait a while brother no no I'm not making drinks for you before you drive I'll get you one later Zack Zack oh [ __ ] whoa yay whoa I'm on a mountain aha we got porn okay now we're gonna be serious all right I'm gonna build the house on the top of the mountain you guys get some torches you got like all minutes left we're gods and Mark episode 1 get to be extended we're gonna be serious I got iron to mark you should release extended cuts of these episodes what's to be extended you know all the good stuff that we're gonna do later would I don't have any would I have one block of sand it's that helpful yeah I've got 64 blocks of sand while someone [ __ ] killed me I've got 22 gold coal 64 sand and 9 iron you've cold cold cold cold holy always I'm closed wasteful to burn that we need I'm gonna go get some wood he wipes his ass with diamonds which hurts really bad apparently is awesome for me okay anyway we're gonna be totes serious totemic goats votes okay what are we doing well you know what I want to do oh god I want to blow up my town I'll blow it all up we should can we just like what are you doing all right try to get wood and I've got swarmed with what I receive are you bastard what do I have good stuff what is wrong iron boar beer oh why don't I have good stuff anymore I need food I keep randomly getting and then loosing things I am starving to death this is a really weird Minecraft thing shut up it's fine okay where there you are Wade I need five okay I'm digging build a farm get bone meeting would get bone meal in a crafting table I'm gonna get bone meal I'm gone I had a bone I think somebody took it cuz you can't do [ __ ] I'm gonna get I'm gonna kill these skeletons and then Hey look this but where's your footy ad what I'm on top of the mountain building our house oh I don't even know what mountain you're on now I'm gonna climb this one I hope it's the right one what just so you know our house is really shitty it's only two blocks wide inside yeah well I didn't have a lot to work with oh it's just at least it's nice in length Tribune oh it's doesn't that much in girth but you know it makes well hey it's how you use it mark yeah it does true very everybody have cobblestone ah I just gave away my cobblestone I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get the cobblestone hand well we need um wha complete your sentences I don't remember my father mark we made it we did it why don't get it I'm getting it what are you getting luck I know it we need it yeah we're so well-prepared we've got a list of objectives that we're just ignoring working on a house so that we could build a chair I don't even think I should have the webcam in here this is this is ridiculous I I think I better remove your leg Kim I don't know why would you remove your webcam I don't know everyone wants to see how stupid you look while you play that sounded meaner than it did in my head I will shove a rake up your anus oh my god I know my prey that service entire rate up Uranus you know normally you've got to pay for stuff like that yeah I heard you the first time okay copy cotton hot from dodgeball I thought you were never mind no oh I like I dunno I like cotton I didn't think of him cotton the guy in the wheelchair no that's Pachamama tater patches is the guy in the wheelchair I thought chuck norris was a commentator no he's a judge idiot how do you not know these things oh oh [ __ ] me then okay crafting table right here the worst house I've ever seen it's gonna be a flag house okay we're gonna have a hovering dirt house no it's gonna be glass I'm putting a furnace and making glass oh that's good what does that sound Oh creeper exploded my bone Julian creepers what's going on Bobby don't give them food no zombie come on Latin goddess I need food shut up I'm gosh can't help you gummy bear I need food and can't help you somebody give me food shut up zombie give me TNT zombie give him nothing give me a stack of TNT and flint and steel so I can blow up this travesty of a house Marc did you even see the house that you made I'm looking at it no this is the house that I made I mean the house that you made so stupid and awful it didn't have a roof it's like the house I grew up in really that's so sad for you that is so depressing if my parents are subscribers to your YouTube channel they are gonna be so confused okay anyway gummybear I need food please Lord minion 777 needs food Lord minion 777 eat [ __ ] I you gave me one TNT one that's too much take it away it'll have to do go boom [ __ ] oh [ __ ] your house just one what's so pathetic what's like the most anymore ow what the [ __ ] I thought that was mark that's my bad no there's a creeper God are you almost dead of hunger you dick burn in hell burn in hell I can't thank God Mode I think I did good god mo zombie take oh yeah I've got mode disabled what the hell yes oh not fair not fair I still eat all what we just spawned in the middle of death okay don't care I don't care hey zombie Bob and I need lots of diamond equipment and TNT and food I shut up we're I can't believe the sapling isn't killing that spider sadly maybe we shouldn't play a Minecraft we should do like ah a game where we can't kill each other shut up oh wait you're actually trying to kill me no oh it's no later oh no oh no you yes that's right I'm dead iron stuff and I [ __ ] your [ __ ] up yep I'm the winner I'm the best I'll be not listening to us cuz I'll be not never gonna listen to you I just ate rotten flesh it was all my glass not me what all the stuff I dropped by I died somebody gives it about you and anything you do well that's kind of depressing it is isn't it I know all of your viewers care about me mm-hmm zombies what huh I'll be your in this Skype call what are you talking about what are you talking about missing okay anyway um we're actually almost out of time for this yeah we're I think we're out of time actually yeah I think we're done I think that's it for the first episode Bob this is the worst first episode of all time Bob are you there yeah we might be done oh I'm too frayed for a second [Music] I'm drinking to this I couldn't even see what was happening I still can't see what's happening I'm so dead oh yeah cuz I died and all I see are pretty colors why do I keep spawning here I don't like this place oh man climbing the waterfall one frame per second I'm attacking this apartment building good for you oh wow zombie can I join them did I get banned my band no you're you're on you're on you might a gun okay Oh Magda holy [ __ ] what the hell how is something where did the water come from exist was it anyway that's gonna do it for this episode thank you all so much for watching if you like drunk minecraft let us know let us know what you think of the comments below and if you want more guess what you didn't Bob and Mark like yeah this has been me my friends Bob and Wade here entertaining you so if you liked it let us know in the comments and if you want more let us know so thank you all so much for watching and as always we'll see you in the next part Hey say bye-bye everybody there we go I refuse [ __ ] you Bob bye bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 10,162,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drunk Minecraft, Markiplier Minecraft, Lets Play Minecraft, Minecraft Adventures, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft Survival Island, Minecraft SMP, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Hunger Games, Minecraft Yogscast, Minecraft Drunk, Minecraft Playthrough Part 1, Drunk Minecraft Part 1, Minecraft Markiplier, Vox Populi, Minecraft Bukkit, Bukkit Server, Server Mods, Bukkit, Drunk, Minecraft, Markiplier, MarkiplierGAME, Drunk Adventures, Best Minecraft Lets Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2012
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