Drowning in Redstone | Diversity 3 (Ep.20)

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last time on diversity three you might do well at the community section we're really bad at looking for things that's what we've learned about ourselves in this episode look an armor stand follow it this is cool we're ending the episode just like we started [Music] listen i'm a super technical minecraft player you know if people watch my let's plays they know oh stacy she brings the she brings the commands maybe we'll surprise ourselves also i have a feeling that if we get one wrong it's going to be really difficult like what we have to do you know what i mean hope not tiff it's been an hour you should stop looking at them [Laughter] [Music] yeah come on we gotta get out of here we're slowly going mad this is like we haven't even done the escape branch and this is like literally like the escape branch get me out of here come on listen technical is going to be so we saved the easiest for last it's going to be such a we're going to breathe for sure let's go it's common knowledge redstone dust can be powered up to 15 blocks but do you know the max length of a tripwire line to power a signal no i do not stacy it's common knowledge it's really not i would say i would guess 20. that's what i would guess tripwire how could a tripwire go more than 20. one two oh gosh four five six seven eight and eight is not even an option yeah it can go more than eight i just don't i don't know maybe 36 maybe 20. 20 sounds nice and rounded okay let's do 20. it wasn't 20. [Music] oh you have slow falling looks like you'll have to pull an impossible mission and avoid the 20 levels of security wires to get to the bottom this thing should help tim this is cool [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's not um it's not long enough if i'm scared i'm scared i'm about to go through oh it's starting to play tricks on me what other mission impossible song is there oh no i think that's kind of the one skyfall impossible that's james bond i know but it's kind of similar movie types right oh jeff oh no oh no oh no tiff do it don't no we can't tip tiff do it did it you did it i did it press the button what just happened tiff i let go of the feather tiff you did not tip i was past the trip wires now why didn't do that okay i did it i did it i'm here i have the button why would i do that i wasn't sneaky enough no i guess not okay so i'm gonna go 36 or 40. maybe 40 maybe it's 40. you're just going it's 48. oh my gosh the maximum length of a tripwire can be uh can let's go again the maximum length a tripwire can be to power a signal is 40 blocks now why would you ever need that 40 blocks yeah i didn't know that that's a lot i didn't know something we're learning so much what's that is this jurassic park music now no it's the more you know oh i missed it okay got it what's the basic redstone mechanism commonly known as what does it mean this one input oh output a not gate an and gate an x-o-r oh geez we know nothing jon snow um we know nothing i'm gonna go with an and i mean it's an input and output so maybe and gate it was okay logic that was not an and gate an and gate has multiple inputs that are all required to be powered to turn on the output so just turn on that dispenser is there like a lever that's not down or up do you feel like they look like they're it looks like they're all up do we have to just do all of them no that's going to turn off all the redstone isn't it is that what we're doing are we turning them all off i guess so should we just i don't know what else to do though but we're supposed to turn it on i know i i don't i didn't think that this was the right thing to do i just decided to do it and if this is not the answer we gotta turn them all back on sure right yeah yeah that's true okay one last one hey we did it [Music] tedious but right so okay so it's not an and gate because it didn't have multiple inputs it just has one so i wonder if it's an or gate because it's like in order to maybe power this only one of these has to be selected like that one has to be off or something and that see then it powered so it's like this either or exactly sure let's try that yeah wow i really thought i worked it out an or gate has multiple inputs where any can turn on the output but all inputs must be unpowered for the output to be off but you get to choose which input you'd like to turn on but that wasn't stacey none of this makes sense to me wait this does not work like this yeah we're creatives tiff it's okay it's all right so what are we supposed to do this looks like parkour we have to hit a choose which is it is parkour you can't say that one i'll try to i have to try this one okay i'll switch you then let's switch really yeah okay i have a wooden pickaxe bargain bin pickaxe the one thing worse than mining obsidian unbreakable can break and oh tiff i don't this one's boring tiff you knew it too didn't you i did not i did not you gotta make up your mind stacy oh my gosh wow well let's see if you can mine it by the time i when you get to a place where you're frustrated tap out and then you can just mine some obsidian for a while it's really therapeutic so just let me know if you're okay let me try just one more okay oh okay wait one more yeah no no no that didn't sound like the right one you can do it okay hey okay all right switch oh i think you just you should get one pick it up yeah okay i instantly died okay you know the trick with parkour with me i think is just to like not think about it too much and then i end up doing it if i'm just like yeah because once you get in your head it's like oh well you got you got far yeah no no it got in my head tiffany well i was like wondering if i could hit the lever like while i was jumping you know got two more to go so well yeah is it one or the other like is it is it like that what's the one that you do if you can't do this one i did it i did it i did it yay [Music] okay so our logic so just is the weird one azor gate maybe it's a not okay not not it sure is not not a not gate requires the input to be powered so the output turns off now just turn off that lamp and you'll be good to go um wait i can't wait look at the floor can we only oh do we have to what's happening we can only walk on the redstone yeah but it's like appearing as we're going oh here we go here i'm finding that oh it's a maze you just gotta wow the wind you're doing it well look i'm doing it you're doing it wherever the wind takes you stacy i must reach button no i got it dave why you're there no no you have to go all the way around probably no no but why are we there yet wait wait tiff ah we're here we did it well we got everyone wrong in this room okay everyone we did this circuit is commonly known as the xor logic gate or the i don't care thing by people who have no interest in redstone yeah that's us that is us welp oh i'm sorry i started it you missed the animation which of these blocks will not be pulled alongside slime blocks to attach to a piston ooh what is not attached to a sticky piston i feel like glazed terracotta would absolutely attach to a sticky piston same with the lantern yeah probably yeah same with the lantern my guess would be a sponge or ice just because of the water i think my guess would be ice ice actually i don't know yeah my guess would be ice well i mean ice is kind of stickier than a sponge okay should we get sponge i'm good with that i think so blind blocks can grab wet sponge tiff see that button above the red room press it above the red room oh jump tiff jump i'm trying this is not because what's this button do there like that oh it's a piston it's the okay so now what do i do i don't know what to do after this oh how did you just do that you just jumped onto this i launched my hair myself press the button and jump at the same time when you're on the block what oh i get it where are you trying to get to above it you gotta time it right i guess i don't i don't know is it supposed to push you to the other room oh you gotta time it and then jump oh i see i say yeah you gotta yeah here i'll give you like a countdown okay oh no not then okay go hit it hit it hit it can you open this door for me awesome okay you try this one okay okay tell me when to press the button and go go oh no i'm bad at timing okay did you time it like before i just listened to it for a couple of times and then i got it go okay you do it you try i'm not good at this okay now okay i gotta go a little earlier okay all right we got this stuff all right okay now now now okay oh that was close that was it yeah do you go forward when you jump or do you just go do you just jump yeah i run forward nice you got it did it all right what's this one this one's pretty delayed here i'm gonna hit the button for you okay should i just continuously jump i don't think you have to jump at all dang it dang it oh i did it too soon okay cool got it i got it yes all right tiff last one yay i think and then we gotta hit this oh do we just hit that button right up there yeah you should hit that button tiff hit it huh i can't oh god hit the button i'm trying you try okay go oh i missed i see how that's hard i did it nice okay let's guess ice okay okay watch it's the sea lantern dang it wow slime blocks do grab ice whoa look how cool this looks now get your feathered friend through this icy death trap oh no where's the chicken how do we do it how do we do it he's gonna die it's a button oh whoa oh you gotta push them okay you do this because you're good at timing and do this one too yeah okay i just focus on that you see him he's stuck what he got stuck get the other chicken to help him oh maybe that's what we have to do yeah all right oh my gosh [Music] wow go oh my gosh oh here we go okay [Music] do i let him go through all i did i did it oh good phew oh man okay no i i think sea lantern i really do think sea lantern i do okay okay okay oh my gosh why can't sticky pistons grab glazed terracotta that makes no sense because it's glazed just light up that lamp hanging from the ceiling to leave oh whoa oh it's one of those things going to take oh yeah yeah now stand on it yeah stay keep stay on it stay on and stay on it good job okay and then oh this launches you up okay there you go launch me [Music] not sleeping very large you have to light these up beforehand [Music] no it just takes you back [Music] all right you stay here i'll go back why are you going back i don't know because i can't figure this out [Music] oh i did it how'd you do that i just pushed the button and oh my gosh all right all right glazed terracotta is terracotta what are you in a block uh no i'm stuck in a block tiff jeff i can't [Music] are you dying at all no like i have resistance okay just teleport my what what'd you do i pushed this button no thanks glazed terracotta will not be grabbed by a slime block attached to a piston curious if glazed donuts do or do not oh my gosh tiff oh this looks like a cool room cruising on through we are cruising that's us in the technical branch just cruising yep what is not a purpose of an activator rail when powered repeatedly executes command block mine carts ejects a writer from stationary mine cart disables hopper mine carts from picking up items toggles corner rail directions what does that even mean toggles corner rail directions real directions oh i see i see i see i see i think it does toggle corner rail directions and i think it does probably execute command block minecarts ejects a writer from a stationary minecart i think it does that too does it i think so i'm gonna i'm gonna say this labels hopper minecraft yeah how do you feel i feel great [Laughter] when activated rails are powered they disable hopper minecarts from picking up items unpowered uh unpowered activator rails reset a hopper mine cart to pick up items again now clean up your mess and you can go play with your friends you may want to take your time on this one you may want to take your time on this one what does that mean oh i don't know but i pushed something already you should have maybe ridden in that yeah i'm trying to get in it it's a vacuum what is it a hopper it's a vacuum it's a hopper but it's not picking up it's not picking up our friends you may want to take your time with this what does that even mean wait there's another one over here too there's another lever let me just push this guy back oh so that that collected a head right then it's collecting the heads now oh that it's going backwards oh is it gonna put it down when we hit it again uh oh go over to the other side now and hit that one are you able to push it back up what's gonna happen now here oh there's nothing like anything that's happening okay so i think we got to get it all the way over here and then make it go backwards uh no clue all right it's getting q magnet tag yeah it got it so i think it'll just pick up the heads and then we're good to go we kind of i think we over thought this one just it's just a problem just overthinking probably wait there's a head right there how'd that happen uh oh push it back def what the heck is it full is the vacuum full and can you take it out it doesn't it's empty where did that head come from what the heck why maybe it just needs to try it now we try going over now no i fell get away dumb head do you think it has anything to do with the lever being being down i do but i don't understand this vacuum sucks what brand vacuum is this was that intentional yes okay okay all right no it wasn't but it wasn't you didn't mean to say this vacuum sucks [Laughter] come on activated rails are stupid picked it up okay i don't understand what just happened does it eject writers maybe not i thought it would okay i'm gonna do this one oh okay oh activator rails do eject the writer now go ahead and eject the diversity three map team oh oh button queen button queen button queen is back button queen is back why can't i get this one there we go you did it that one wasn't too bad i feel like it does this so i'm gonna go with repeatedly executes command block mine carts all right thank everyone activated rails repeatedly execute commands command block minecarts will run commands every four game ticks if the mine cart is on an activator rail like this whoa cool bye tiff i don't have to do anything just kill me hey guess what tiff did you want to know something what activator rails um they don't toggle rail corner directions yeah yeah neato i don't know if you knew that i knew that neat they do a few things but they do not toggle rail corner directions they also definitely hand inventory the one that you said that you thought it did i don't want to talk about it something does that oh it's a cute little stage which of these blocks prevents a skeleton from burning in the sunlight when placed over its head carpet prevents them from entering a room doesn't it i would say a daylight sensor yeah yeah okay it's like getting the sun i think it's carpet it's burning as you can see the daylight sensor doesn't prevent the skeleton from burning in sunlight look really mesa i'm glad we did this i'm glad that we got oh my gosh oh skeleton mean skeleton oh all right tiff i'm not gonna influence you but i'm gonna guess i i guess carpet but you can choose whatever you want um i mean yeah it's like putting a blanket oh was like yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm on fire still oh you're not to me i'm burning okay do you wanna wrestle carpet yeah okay let's try the carpet all right carpet it's a transparent block oh so that's what it means so like maybe it's the hopper because believe it or not carpet does not prevent a skeleton from burning in sunlight well it's just the only other one that's like wouldn't be maybe considered transparent because it's like fully fully a block maybe i don't know how do we die i'm not oh slain flaming bone hey look they can't get me because i jumped up here tiff this is great i'll jump down stay over there and start a new life welcome to my let's play hopper oh my gosh oh my god stacey i think we should just choose the one that we think yeah yeah let's do it let's choose the opposite i think we should choose the opposite oh my gosh we're so bad have a closer look whoa what's happening to me i'm whoa i'm jiggling what's going on make it stop please make it stop just kill me i just i just can't believe we're getting all of them bro hey it's a cobweb which makes no sense cobwebs block sunlight surprisingly don't tell mojang or they might change that clever trick in future releases tiff don't cry let's relax at the beach okay yes ah great oh gosh what does nbt stand for name binary tag kind of sounds native bite type nested byte type or network boolean all right i don't think it would be a network boolean type so should we guess that i don't think it'll be that one too so it's probably that okay it's not i'm sorry look it's a teenage mutant ninja turtles it doesn't stand for ninja beard trimmer either but these four are waiting for a shave oh my gosh i'm sorry tiff it's okay all right shaving the ninja turtles beard is the normal thing that's happening trimming a beard turtles can't grow beards they're not ninjas either but i mean oh fair ah we missed those did that grow back i don't think it grew back tiff no it grew back you wanted to go with named binary tag i feel like name binary but also there's two bites in this i'm gonna guess nested bite tag so you shouldn't go with that one [Music] with this one yeah i felt good about it so yeah it's wrong incorrect it doesn't stand for noisy buried treasure either but maybe you can find one oh my gosh i'm just gonna dig straight down oh i hear something over here it's noisy it must be noisy did you hear it too i do not but it did say it was supposed to be noisy oh i found it i found it you did you got it tiff i got the daddy [Applause] did you take it from the box i took it what am i supposed [Applause] [Laughter] nested [Laughter] oh next customer please we're in line oh my gosh wait we don't have to wait no no sir no sir this is an emergency sir wait are you kidding no please not this not this wait this is are you wait you want to go out like this daisy i hate lines this is like the worst wall like you should take a break and and like go to the bathroom or something i'm gonna keep this whole line waiting segment in the video oh really because people love to wait in lines you know i just love a good line i just love a good people love to wait in lines but if there's something people love more i think it's just watching youtube videos of people waiting in line yeah you're right this is the quality content that they subscribe for we're almost next do it do it do it do it oh my gosh i hope that they don't close right when we get to the window that would be cruel why why are they taking so long yeah they're taking forever tiff what no oh my gosh what are you gonna choose this one name binary tag oh tiff look we've still got one two three four what should we do if we don't get this one right on the first try yeah i'm gonna end this episode and flip some tables yep okay what does the exclamation symbol indicate in a command uh [Music] that means multiple mobs in one command creates an inverted selector argument or forces a command to run without repeat you've used that command before right exclamation i don't know i don't know or is this like coding stuff i don't know i like my first guess would be forced as a command to run without repeat like your exclamation point you're like that's the final command i don't know tiff create an inverted selector argument you know what what i left just kidding i'm back i think i'm gonna do this one okay creates an inverted selector argument i don't know what that means but okay the exclamation symbol is a handy syntax digit that allows excluding targets meaning we could give a cake to everyone excluding you if we wanted oh but we won you were right oh my gosh continue your streak continue your streak look is it a it's a bunny it's a scary looking bunny it's a bunny what syntax is required to summon the killer rabbit killer rabbits yeah there's a killer rabbit it's like such a rare variant i feel like it could be rabbit type 99 or variant six or anger one there could be six variants of rabbits yeah there's like this black one there's the white one there's the black and white spotted one there's the sand colored one there's the brown one that's five six yeah six yeah but are you sure i mean i think i'm sure that those are all the rabbits i can think of and it was five it's a good game i don't want to do it yes no it's a good guess def variant six isn't actually the proper tag but it will typically summon the brown rabbit oh hi brown rabbit the killer bunny it's the killer bunny tiff the killer bunny is here no well so listen the way that you would normally do a command i feel like would be like maybe putting in the type of rabbit i don't know like you if you do like a game rule then it's like you put true but i don't know i think it's this one rabbit type 99 that sounds like cool and ominous okay oh my gosh yes okay i'm not playing anymore tiff's just answering them if you want to play with killer bunnies you can summon with rabbit type 99 and wow and begin with your all right tiff i'm useless i'll just press the button out of the way you're not even doing it oh look at how cute this room is though what sound file type do resource packs require for custom sounds to work oh my gosh i should know this oh i think i do but i'm not saying anything you pick um okay so we know a wave is audio right yeah [Music] midi i know is a type of audio and i don't know what the other two are i think it's midi you think it's midi i kind of do i do too because a wave is like music files right i don't know but i think that's what it is i know that you can make like midi sounds like do it tip do it do it do it do it tip i made you it's all me i hope you have your musical hat on for this one tiff just leave me be there's a baby sheep here do we have to make a song it's mary had a little lamb so we have to space out like the the repeaters i think oh oh to make it be mary had a little lamb i can't if i i would rather die i can't hear it though no wait oh no that's not it at all you just have to hit it in the right order i think they all sound the same yeah they all sound the same join us next time when stacey and tiff play mary had a little lamb wait no you gotta change the tune you gotta change the room you gotta change the tune stacy i get it okay so this is the first one right i think i got it right yeah what do you do just play it this bottom one the top one [Music] i got the first two wait i might have the first three can't you just do it based off the color oh my gosh tiff are you kidding oh my gosh tiff are you kidding the fourth one is it's like a light pink these are all right you could check it by pressing the button okay so then it's just this then it's done the sheep is so happy look yay oh no i hate this what do we quit now tiff aren't the minecraft song the music are they og sounds though i don't know i never looked at the file was it music or was it sound effects i think they said sound effects custom what sound file type do resource packs require for custom sounds to work i don't know i don't know tiff it has to be you i can't okay i'll do it yay [Music] the last one wait a min i don't recall that opening in the back of the cell whoa whoa whoa which command is the insertion listener event restricted to what listener event restricted tim i have no idea what that is it's all you tiff it's all you i don't freaking i'm going you're going with what in the toilet what's a listener event there's multiple different kinds of listener events and there's an insertion type of a listener invent and it's restricted to one of these commands i don't think it's scoreboard i don't think it's scoreboard either so it's probably scoreboard it wouldn't make sense though all right not has anything made sense tiff [Applause] right you're out so scoreboard sure okay let's do it ah scoreboard doesn't use insertion now slam dunk that thing before the time runs out okay um oh i can't run very fast how do you slam dunk it i'm slow i'm dunking it the time's running out i'm trying to dunk it how do you tif how do you i don't get it i think we're supposed to die tiff i'm duncan tiff no one's guarding me i'm dunk how do you dunk do you have the ball do you wanna i mean i don't know how to drink a dunk try to dunk okay let me whoa oh i think you have to just maybe jump from farther back maybe like run and jump uh but i can't run yeah oh you have a bigger jump boost i think at the very very edge of it like run like jump right when you hit the edge jump now like michael jordan yeah what happened it's one second left we've had one second for this whole time okay ball hand me the ball pass me the ball oh pass me the ball no one can catch me okay and jump i'm just gonna see what happened they kill me can they kill me can you guys kill me hello oh my gosh tiff do you know how tiff do you know how i like we pass each other the ball what if we have to like go up and then throw it tiff nothing but net but that is not a slam dunk no it was a lob it it was a lob okay tiff listen i don't know if there's any way to really get this tell raw just sounds so weird that maybe that's it [Laughter] this is an insertion listener event put your name over oh wait hold on put your name over that and shift-click it can only be i'm sorry it's happening i didn't care so i left this the string is going tiff i'm sorry okay i'm leaving it's going it's out yeah oh it's going i'm sorry it's going here we go here we go i was impatient tiff all right it's about to happen what happens tiff would you have an armor stand uh lime dye and string you get the lime wool um maybe we gotta press this button no wait no don't press that button oh my gosh q magnet happens oh give us the wool well done you passed barely incorrect 48 and correct 30. give it to me give it to me give me it cute ship it yeah i got it putting it in the chest stiff putting it in the chest tiff guess what you get to choose the next branch yay [Music] we did it i feel so accomplished well which one are you gonna choose i wonder
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 538,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Staceyplays, Stacyplace, Stacysays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs, Kid Friendly, Minecraft show, Minecraft movie, Minecraft for girls
Id: qbr-jain62A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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