We Aren't Ready For This! | Diversity 3 (Ep.5)

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last time on diversity three is that just the orange wool block down there tiff this is a momentous scientific discovery i'm calling it the zombo we killed gagarin he took the zombo prawn from the lab here take it and throw it back into the crater to be destroyed no it chose to leave everyone to die for a chunk of water [Applause] adventure complete okay so we are back in front of the monument and tiff we've completed the adventure branch wu indeed we killed everybody i mean yeah i'm curious to know what it would have been like if we didn't i really am too but honestly i was in the ship already okay right before i got to read it i was in the ship with the wool but yeah i wonder what would have happened if we had chosen differently but where are we gonna go next is the more important question i don't know we can choose whatever we want and you know what we forgot to do what not pink not pink it's part is do the advancements oh right so this is this is exciting though because it there is an escape branch and there is a survival branch now we know yes um but the bad news is that we did not get either advancement in the adventure branch we did not repair the network grid without any mistakes and we didn't go to the top of the communication tower i mean that would have been so easy to do we wouldn't have even known to have done that so we really should read these before we go yeah so today we want to try is it the puzzle one maybe yeah so pink is parkour what is oh wait what's this one this one's oh i don't even know what that one is over there look there's like not a thing here telling us what it is there's just a blue lever here for the blue one no over here behind you cyan like um you see me here so like that island down there is cyan and this is a lever although nothing happens until we step on the pressure plate right so like we could hit this lever it's not going to lock us into anything right okay i don't think so oh it just opens something there's a ladder here what where what yeah it opened this trap door oh what does it do maybe this is like the elytra branch and you have to like elytra over to the island or whoa what what are we doing this way no it takes us down here it is the [Laughter] that's hard let's save it for the end i mean i'll do whatever you want tip i just want to see like what the other like that was exciting i hadn't even seen that before how do you get to the dark blue area it's like over here what's the blue so okay drop the red is the puzzle one oh oh and remember we couldn't even figure out how to get over there because we have to solve the puzzle right oh right and they actually reset so if you want to see it before okay yeah i do i do i do i'm coming i mean if we can't even solve this puzzle maybe we shouldn't even do the fossil french i mean you're not wrong there's no lover here so we definitely have to solve it carrot coal horse armor snowball chorus fruit coal it starts with the sea carrot starts with the c chorus fruit starts with the c but then snowball and horse armor i don't know what the puzzle would be no idea like i mean well actually look look look look look yeah oh good point oh that's it it's it's perper blocks then pumpkins then coal okay so it's i think it's like coarse fruit then carrot carrot then coal and then armor and then snow okay that's um that's it that's it is there anything that unlocked wait also though why are there like two of the purple blocks and then like five of the orange and then one of the coal well maybe that's the the order the coal is number one oh the the purple you know what this is yeah it's it's chorus iron horse armor oh that's what it is but that's diamond horse armor so i don't understand that and then four pieces of ice so that would be the snow and then five carrots which would be the orange pumpkins wait that had to have been right tiff that was such a good guess but hold on why like why is carrot pumpkin just because it's an orange block okay maybe we shouldn't do the puzzle i want to figure this out what the heck i also want to figure it out i don't get it maybe the iron and the snowball need to be mixed because the colors like it's it's going based off of color not what it's made out of because it carries yeah but that was so that would be that and then that we did it we did it look i knew that it shouldn't have been iron horse armor but why didn't they use diamond blocks why'd they use ice because it's not the material it's the color but i have a texture pack on tiff so they're not those colors oh well also like you can't have diamond horse armor and then just not use diamond blocks okay leave me alone leave me alone it's a puzzle stacy i didn't make the rules i should have taken my texture pack off tiff are you ready i am ready here we go okay more puzzle fun yay [Music] this looks so familiar there's a pumpkin there's a pumpkin this does look really familiar uh okay so like what in the world how would we figure this out from there's nothing else pumpkin what black is it like simon says wait why are you saying black now which is oh cause the walls what's happening yeah it's like simon says [Music] you get it yeah but it's do you get it yeah yeah i get it i get it i like simon says okay oh my gosh oh my gosh my brain is that capacity let me try let me let me try okay [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] okay oh my gosh how long is this gonna go [Music] both sides opened yeah what do you want to do purple or yellow oh i don't know i mean i think you would want to do purple [Laughter] do the honors okay i got another star whoa wait a minute uh oh the nether's gone i got it now okay so it matters what's part you step on i think so wait a minute oh how'd you do that wait when i have the star maybe can i get a spoiler oh yeah did i just take your star now i took it oh do you have to light the whole thing up okay oh there you go now what we might have to do the whole thing purple wait you're not going to be able to get out i didn't think that through just jump up go crazy ah it's stupid ah i'm not stupid no you're not [Applause] it's not what i meant wait a minute hold on hold up what just happened something just came up uh on top of this and and what just made everything disappear hold on you gotta go slow why oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait sometimes above that look look look is this the pattern when did that happen that's just happened right now when you stepped on that block [Music] okay hold on i think that's the pattern that this one has to be why is it gone because it stays for a little while and then um okay try it try turning this one and then i'm gonna keep an eye out for and i'll tell you when to wait stop where is it what happened see i didn't see it i need to stand in the corner okay let's try this again stop what stand on this block right here take the star take the star i don't want the star okay okay okay okay okay let's try this again okay i'll keep an eye out i'll keep an eye out stop stop stop okay okay look look look so the two the two on the edge need to be black and then a little l shape right here or like a little music note the the corner and then one so i'm gonna step on those the corner and then one it's like a lot more than that is it not the corner the four four in the corner and then one and then two on the okay i'm gonna go do that then okay do it or what if you do that well i'm just standing here like with this oh take the star away from you oh it's gone dang it okay so it was like okay it was like this four in the corner and then that one no no it was it was did i do that yes i did that yeah cause you walked on it but i don't have a star right i think if you're not holding a star and you walk on it then it deletes everything oh okay then those two right there that yes like that nothing happened are you sure those were purple and not brown i feel like these are inverted now oh yeah it's inverted it's inverted so so i have to make it all purple and then it's this and that and then that that that that and that oh wait hold on wait oh what stop stop stay right there yeah this one pulled up this one pulled up okay perfect so this one is a black line and then two little corners i can't really see it from this angle so it's like okay so yeah black line or no purple line actually yeah let's do purple line on the second one and then two diagonally okay can i like jump out of here nope step on that there you go okay so purple lime yeah and then you might have to you might have to jump stop it stop it hold on wait wait wait it's pulling okay it's pulling up the other one but it matches so it shouldn't i did it okay i think we're missing i think that's wrong is that wrong how can that be wrong that was right i think i think um oh is it going i think that way yeah these two here need to be flipped there you go oh nope oh okay and then yeah there you go cool it's right oh okay so so this that last guy that the first one that we did is right because the little stuff came above it and it didn't disappear do you want the star i feel like a lot of responsibility oh there there there it's up go over to the button and press the button because it'll take the star wait no wait hold on i gotta look at the pattern oh yeah i'm looking at the pattern okay purple purple and then it's kind of horrible that's that's not that bad so it's the whole right i'm scared if i get the star is it going to reset no no you should take the star like press the button do you remember it no i don't corner so four corner okay okay i think i got it okay what was it it's okay so so four corner the whole right side was brown right no i think it was um oh no wait this is harder than it looks once you're on it and you just jump straight up and down it'll change it that's it right was it i think so okay let's see here let me fill this one let me start stepping okay let's make the thing show up yeah yeah yeah oh wait so that one's there now so we can see it now is it right it's right okay great yay do you have to mess that one up to get this one i think i do i think i do no wait which one i don't know which one is connected to this one i think they're diagonal i think it's the one you just did you have to mess up and get this one to show up dang it here let me just mess up a row yeah okay seriously yeah oh it is okay so okay so this one's a little row i'm just looking at the it's easy brown so it's like it's just like the three in the corner the one in the corner and then two down the side yeah i know it okay so you're looking at the brown i'm looking at the purple trying to make things more complicated well there's less of the brown and it's all purple to begin with i know i just make things so complicated okay okay wait so then i gotta remember this one should i get the star now and do this other one then yeah okay here here you take the star or push the button [Music] and then [Music] oh we got it we did it we did it on we the next okay okay what is this do you think should we press the button we should all right i'm gonna push it press it ready yeah oh so some of them came up and oh oh are we supposed to get all of them up i don't know it's either all of them up or all of them down do it again i didn't i think wait it's activated oh so depending on which one we jump on it puts down certain ones so we just got to do it in the correct order to get them all up or to get them all down all of them down yeah i think so okay so let's see i'm gonna see what the blue one does okay okay [Music] it made the blue one come up i mean the blue and the teal one and the black one and it didn't touch the yellow one so we gotta see which one is connected to the yellow one you want me to try like the green one try i hit the yellow one hey step on it again um okay so maybe step on the green one jump on the green one see what it does whoa that's a lot that's a lot does the green one put down all of them because it puts down the blue hold on can i try something yeah yeah i'm going to step on this one oh it puts down the pink and the green one too i want to try the orange one now okay try the orange i didn't love that what about the purple one we're putting all of them up now yeah which could be what we need to do we don't actually know we don't know what i'm just waiting to see what you're doing do you have a method to no no it's just not like oh she really knows what she's doing i'm gonna let her go no i just had the same thought of like this is just like the lights all over again where i'm just liking to step on things and i'm gonna stand in the corner here and think about this i'm not sensing like the pattern yeah it's like i don't know we might have to write it down because it's a lot to remember well i know that the blue one over here puts down uh the pink and the black and brings up the green so step one yellow takes down okay and blue but puts up black and it brings up black it controlled the two that were like next to it kind of and doesn't the blue one control the two that are next to it is it all the ones that it's touching that's what i'm wondering yeah because it does it does all the ones that it's touching literally [Music] that's no but the green ones oh but that one was already up it can it changes the ones that it's depending on it's either up or down but depending on what it was before if that's correct the black one should do the blue the pink the green and the yellow yep okay so we gotta move like diagonal right so like your next move now should be the blue no because then the black will go up so it should be the pink the pink and the black is still going to go up though oh diagonally it will oh my bad undo this is giving me flashbacks but i'm not mad what you okay i'm fine i'm totally fine i'll do whatever you want to do i don't know the answer here i don't really either what about the yellow room yeah we can go there we gotta get this one there has to be a solution an easy solution i don't know tiff yeah i don't get it i don't either this is like if it were to be like say we were to have the blue and be last right this cyan one would have to be up and the green one would have to be up and if those were up when i stepped on it all of them would go down this is boggling my brain ah i don't what if i put this oh god well what did i even do i don't know but it was nice thanks you're welcome it was an accident no good moves tiff you think so cause i don't i mean that whole side is down now there has to be an easy way to figure this out and i'm just not seeing it i don't really understand it either at all so okay if i do this one oh my gosh yeah how'd you step on the cyan one this one how did that happen no the sun this is light blue that's cyan or the light blue how did that happen but if i step on the light blue it's gonna raise orange and purple i just stepped on the blue and it didn't raise anything that's i know that was weird try the yellow one what the heck just happened then i don't know how that i don't get what i saw what you're talking about why wouldn't the pink have risen should i step on it again sure that's what should have happened yeah but why didn't that happen before so these are the ones that we need to be up in order for them all to go down yeah so if we could figure out a way to get yellow and this light blue color down what about stepping on green right now no no no no don't step on the green we need all of these to be on the same one if all of these are on the same one then all of these could be on the same one we need to get it so that the two that are up or one of those two like the didn't we have the blue and black up as the only ones once we did how did we do this how did you get all of those to be controlled i have no idea i don't know how to get those two down because if you step on the blue i don't know stacy i feel like we're so close i don't understand how you did that i feel like something didn't go up when i stepped on it should we step on pink now hold on well something's going on underneath these blocks sinking more than just the ones that touch whoa no it's touching all of them right all those ones step on step on step on cyan step on cyan step on cyan what [Laughter] i don't even know next time on diversity three oh we got some stuff that spawned whoa whoa whoa it's so cute what is happening oh the cat took a step closer to the bird so once the cat reaches the bird it's game over [Music]
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 188,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Staceyplays, Stacyplace, Stacysays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs, Kid Friendly, Minecraft show, Minecraft movie, Minecraft for girls
Id: dhGvxIlwWAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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