Driving cattle down the Mother Road- Route 66!

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well good morning guys it's about eight o'clock this morning 72 degrees it's a really nice day so far um i've got easy settled up here she's gonna help me gather up some cows and um we're gonna move pastures today we've got henson um reeves and jasper and i think one of henson's buddies is visiting today his name is owen um we're just gonna move some cows to a different pasture we like to rotate our cows into different pastures every couple weeks or so so that's what we're going to do today so we're glad to have you along i forgot to mention that i had a dental appointment this morning so the guys left me behind can see their tracks on this road here well we're gonna go find them well we started riding from the pasture that we're bringing the cows to so i'm going through this tunnel to go out and then we'll bring them through this tunnel to come back into this pasture so i think easy's been through a tunnel once before she's a pretty level-headed colt so she does just fine with me trying to video and everything you can hear the the cars on the highway above us so i need to ride all the way straight back to the back of the pasture and then start pushing them forward but we ran into these guys we ran into these two gildings and they just want to follow us so i guess they're just going to get some exercise and we're going to push them all the way back silly guys this is the back part of the pasture and we got our first group of cows on the move the bulls are like oh we'll just go this way see guys this is what they do and we gotta play hide and seek these cows don't want to move today it's 12 o'clock now finally got a good group of cows henson's riding jag today lincoln is super tired [Music] [Applause] uh um [Music] [Music] yep yep [Music] um [Music] hey you got some water in there [Music] damn hey jasper what's up [Music] long ride yeah a couple hours so far a few hours so far let's get all them rossi's got me some water oh my gosh that looks so good oh man we need this huh easy oh lincoln needs some too we don't drive on roof [Music] oh i don't i ride on hmm jack tired we're almost there guys [Music] remember those two gildings that were following me there they are jasper we're gonna go like this to the truck drivers we're gonna go like this can you do that they'll honk their horn okay let's stand right here and see who if we can get a truck driver to honk it nope try again sweet huh he's like all right i'll go back to the cows we reached the water guys they're all gathered around that drinker over there we're gonna let them drink and then we're gonna get our horses a drink hi baby um right well here's this tunnel again these cows are able to go in and out of here when they're in this pasture ross left us a stash of water under this bush thank goodness oh so this is one of our river pastures this is where the cows will be for the next week or two some of them have already made it all the way down over here this past week we had uh reeves go down the whole fence line and the water gap and repair the fence so a lot of preparation goes into moving pastures you got to make sure the water is ready the water's full the fences are all good the gates are all shut so everything's in here now and we'll probably go through that pasture tomorrow again and clean it out we might have missed a cow or two but that was a long ride i think my watch says 14 miles it's 1 30 now we'll grab some lunch and just ride colts all evening easy did a good job today so henson went to take care of some of the calves that got left behind and he asked me to check some of these mirrors to see if they're ready to be bred i'm going to set up my little tripod here and see if i can get some footage for you guys she doesn't seem real interested she even kind of pinned her ears right there [Music] ah [Music] [Music] well she's not really showing any signs either um none of them are ready so we'll just keep teasing them every day until they are czar's ready well it's time to ride we've got czar amigo mr arizona fancy stellar [Music] and ghost i guess that's it for today see you next time see you next time you
Channel: Painted Desert Ranch
Views: 53,960
Rating: 4.9051232 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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