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what's up guys welcome to the vlog welcome back to my channel if you guys are doing here i'm carter share and this is the best summer ever just yesterday i drew up a gas-powered jet ski my backyard swimming pool and today we are doing a $10,000 nerf battle inside the four million dollar mansion the winner of which is going to win $10,000 in this chrome Gold dream team of money gun with $10,000 inside [Applause] here at all the Nerf blasters we're gonna be using today we got the best of the best here's how today's $10,000 nerf battle is going to work we have four contestants we got deep front seats game team Lizzie Jeepster and of course yours truly team Carter so this is how it's going to work out there is going to be one hunter who's gonna grab a nerf blaster of their choice and then three hiders it's gonna be a little bit like hide-and-seek or like flashlight tag the three hiders are gonna have 30-second head start to kind of go off and run away it's a one shot one kill so if you get hit by a Nerf dart you're out and you're eliminated the hunter that can eliminate the three hiders the fastest will be the winner of today's challenge and the winner of the $10,000 and the chrome gold money gun guys these money guns are coming to Carter sure calm very very soon so you guys a little bit of get your very own awesome money good whoo yeah we can't be doing that you look like you might want to go first I think who's gonna ask who's going first you know I'm ready for it you think you're ready I think I am ready guys so let's get you to pick your Nerf blaster Oh since you're first up you get to get first pick I like that I like that and we have a lot of us I've got some little mini dual wheels here you can pick two of the small ones or any one big one honestly I do really like this blue one right here I think I'm gonna take that it looks like it has a lot of ammo so I think full auto so I'll recover with having all the ammo in here all right the thing is huge let's see how it goes whoa okay okay that's a lot of darts that was quick I don't know if this is actually gonna be no take-backs how do I love this I have a perfect run in high heels and a dress that's like great here we go guys round number one we got Ryan up he's got his full auto nerf blaster in finis stove Liz and myself are the hiders we have a 30-second head start are you ready Ryan yep the timer is in my hand you guys ready to go all right give us a countdown I had 30 seconds to run and then he's coming to hunt us one one nerf start is an elimination if we get hit it's we have to be very careful ready three two one start here we go they're time it's beginning right now at 30 seconds I get to run after them Oh get away from me I'm trying to figure out where I want to go three two one zero here we go let's get them how did they lock the door all they did fighting on the pass without a guide let's get had no time no time to hide on that one because that was those embarrassing guys I think stove is out I hear something I think stove is out anywhere not in here though hiding behind this barbecue oh man that could be him where it's going from the gates open I don't know where they are this is crazy oh I see okay [Laughter] Ryan's up top Ryder well how much time you I eat where is Liz right you can't find her I have no idea where Liz what you gonna tap out no no I got a fine I use I I saw both of you I fell and I don't know where she went I don't know where she went either I actually don't know where she is I saw her you know where she is she went upstairs stop was Arnie in here no took me 8 minutes 15 seconds oh oh that was a good run guys thanks for not telling Ryan where I hid okay round one is over time for round two I really thought I was gonna do better than that but Liz turned on the Jets and sprinted away from me I couldn't find her for like four or five minutes and she's in heels no one could find you I don't think my time is good enough to win but my votes relays this time what is your time eight minutes 15 seconds all right let's move on to round number two we found okay your last we found so you're up next yes I get to shoots gun yep wish nerf blaster do you choose this hmm if you go a little to get to pick two oh really yeah I want these to be nice yeah yeah we are up for round number two the time to beat is 8 minutes and 15 seconds is up you got your weapons yeah they're double blasters oh you got some extra ammo in your belt I'm ready to go all right you think you can beat 8 minutes and 15 seconds yeah okay 30-second head start all right ready wait let me boys safety goggles on okay in three kids 30 seconds too high I was way too slow absolutely the only way that I can win is if I make Liz not be able to find me for the entire time I think was this coming my goal is the pass buyer somehow get back up on the roof because I think when she comes down she's not gonna go all the way back up to look back up there that's gonna be the way that it's just gonna take forever for her to find me the ground is really hot I'm hiding on the balcony the door closed and behind the traction right now out front [Music] okay she went into the garage pass I'm going back up on the roof oh that was so amazing oh oh I think she's going outside in the backyard it's hard to tell though okay I made it the plan work on the plant she must have heard me ride the stairs I have no place to go where are they no see me so did she find you she found me oh did she find you I was up on the VIP that guess you got me up here I was behind these church kids you're hiding back there she's good she's good with those little triads oh man these are guarantees not with it and I should have just run away I'm Citroen you got too cocky oh man we gonna do alright let's go back upstairs I beat Ryan stone his dog got his hands he doesn't even know how to run and Carter I have a really good hiding spot alright guys moving into round three we got Liz in first place with a time of 6 minutes and a second place we got Ryan with a time of 8 minutes and 15 seconds round three I'm up next let's do this thing let's go I got the fortnight golden scar the time to beat is Liz with six minutes let's get 30 seconds on the clock and give them a 30-second Head Start are you guys ready yeah I'm ready for you to not get any of us alright well you better run fast you have 30 seconds starting in 3 2 1 go 30-second head start alright here we go I always like the first floor because I don't know where to go 25 26 27 it's going to eight twenty nine thirty let's roll I don't see him I've realized if you are in a good hiding spot and they find you you can't go anywhere I'm a minute 48 let's do this thing they're never gonna find me in here this closet is such a good outing spot it's right by the front door you can't give me though Rizzy is in the help I lost them a lot guys comment down below if you guys think I'm gonna beat Liz's time because I think Carter is gonna be more than six minutes I'm gonna move somewhere else and save his hiding spot for next round wow he is really bad like really really bad at this this is what we call hiding in plain sight he just hang out you look so casual if they don't even know that you're doing it oh man I didn't see him at all Wow okay he got me quick a little reload coming for you [Applause] [Laughter] one more person oh great I'm just gonna stand right here no no that's gonna be a no wide open he finds me finds me because at this point it's getting kind of ridiculous one person left its stove let's go find a stove come out come out wherever you are and I think they found me okay time right okay let's go back up on the roof round three came to a complete I got a time of 7 minutes and 30 seconds was pushed me in second place right behind Liz still a first place Liz is in third place or Ryan's at third place 8 minutes 15 seconds we're moving on to the last and final round this is where it's gonna be determined at everything it's gonna be crazy we got Stowe boo so minutes is the time to beat so if you wanna go grab your weapon of choice yeah let's do it all right guys I'm up for the final round and you already know what I'm going for I'm going for it a big boy big big boy so they better get ready here we go final round stove you're up there you go you guys ready yeah all right timer starts in three two one go all right so I think my strategy is I have to be really quiet cuz what I learned is we're not hear them coming I start swarming and I'm gonna run so if they don't hear me coming I'm gonna sneak up on him this I haven't done the first floor yet so that's my goal we've been running hard for $10,000 if so can get us all eliminated super quick he wins $10,000 cash and chrome gold money good so let's see how it goes that's high in the hammock I don't think he'll be able to see me in here if I do it right three two one let's go oh my gosh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] one down Oh it's looking like we're gonna be here for a while so honestly I might just take a nap I tried to hide under the water because the Nerf darts can't shoot through the water but he hit me right before I jumped in it so completely backfired good for you stuff [Applause] [Laughter] the stove has only one minute to find the last person otherwise she loses alright so I just finished my final round thank you thank you you guys replay that shot of me getting Carter in the pool mmm oh so sweet and I unloaded a clip on on to Ryan and then Liz she had a really good hiding spot but you can't fool stove so whoo all right guys the results are in for the $10,000 nerf battle in last place is drumroll please alright and moving on to third place it is yours truly Carter sure alright now we're getting into the good stuff guys because the winner is going to win $10,000 and this gold Dream Team money Gunn in second place which means in first place alright guys well that was the $10,000 dirt battle coverage down below if you love it smash that like button turn on post notifications and hit that subscribe button I'll automatically enter you to win and then it tempest let's get away and I'll see you guys in the next vlog bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 3,311,707
Rating: 4.7636499 out of 5
Id: c2wf_eYnbk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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