DRINK CHAMPS: Episode 31 w/ E-40 | Talks Bay Area Hip Hop, Business Ventures, + more

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hang-hang sequía hope you salvia this is your boy na arrow what up this DJ efn it is dream chance [ __ ] ball cast um no not broken on boots on butch butch pause yeah well butch was sleeping in my room now that's very out of line so I'll put that in his ear and it was over after that so that's one of the people know right now drink champs are me with the first podcast that travels we traveled huh we came that uh uh California hey but we had to see one of the kings hmm we had to see a man that not only has a wine he also has a slur Akane the 2016 version of Alizee he also has a goddamn malt liquor [ __ ] a nice drink eat food he is he's been raping jive records independent and he's still killing it the DA gets older and younger every year you old younger he's all the more rational stir Mike and the people has been requesting this man from the beginning of the show because when it comes to slang and and when the people try to put me on the same level as him I always say that's my og that's my big homie because he he got on before me and he made people say his sling before me so I always like to respect that it and it doesn't take nothing away from me it adds on to me cuz Oh dad is the slang listen we call it the slang with sticks did you just make that a printer sometimes but the slang twist is when it comes to the slang at some point in your life you said something that this man said from you smell me so uh we be here for 17 days but right now introduce you to the people we have the one the only the legend I was right the man who with the big area on his back for up teen years hey now there's only a couple of people in this industry I've been in the industry since 1997 my first album it's only a couple of people in this industry irfan that can say they drunk me under the table I need to hit the first time I met a 40 it was in the MGM Grand Hotel that sounds overly like it's horrible so it was doing it was that it was the impact Convention yeah it was it wasn't it wasn't it was Reno no was a Reno it would Reno now was it was Vegas that was Vegas no no that's right it was MGM yeah I'm buggin I sent you it down a Reno Commission - right yes it this is the first thing he came to me say listen Ben you said come come over here you know we eat 40 fans but the way he did it was it was not he was not an industry [ __ ] he said walk me past he said yo give me a couple more more wishes all right so I'm sitting there drinking moly she's right hmm yeah I think it's gotta be quiet we drink him Oasis I have about nine of them shits and then I asked him to go say yo what the [ __ ] is emotion he says straight brandy beer I had never drink brandy in my life honey yeah with brandy I think we mixed it with some a little bit of sprite of some at the top and it's dis my sprite Nicole yeah just low [ __ ] is crevice hair just you have you been in this game so long you looking young you having fun all the young [ __ ] from Big Sean they respect ya ha ha how do you maintain your love for the industry man you know I love frat man I love rap but um I [ __ ] with toes and [ __ ] with me those are [ __ ] me now and I rock with the youngsters about it announcers you know I mean they call me up and um Foley boji I need you understand say will send it to me ah [ __ ] were you gonna be able we hook up lot times were in the studio together sometime you know they just sent it right everybody got business yeah you feel what I'm saying mm-hmm so yeah that's how I do it man I've ripped off the grip don't quit with me may another memory I had of you was you came to my studio I needed you on a wreck yeah yeah yeah and you did you do the crazy [ __ ] is two people who did the crazy [ __ ] in our studio I for those who that no no we had a studio on 32nd at Madison between 331st and Madison and that's the rich neighborhood in Manhattan but we never cleaned up because we just want to keep it hood came to the studio and you wrote your own yeah we don't clean I said I told you our maid was fired for nine years and you still say is that how you really crack most of time I do but I do but it wouldn't want to buy more [ __ ] [ __ ] to hurting this [ __ ] and I get my watch in you know kick my feet up and again yesterday and we get to that thang yeah especially back then I was always on the floor right and it's just yeah it's a peace of mind for me to lay on my billion right get the [ __ ] out you know I love fun because uh man I don't know just just being just drunk all the time right man just get out Oh Oh blimey by the way let me keep it real that night in Vegas I'll never throw up that much in my life now I wanted a rematch right I wanted in my life so when we hit the studio while we're drinking we drink no you killed me again at least miss Lulu smoke me out and then I smoked him out so it's 1:1 I've never got a four-year mom I came to my mind I'm not gonna keep trying oh I'm just leaving but the second time was you came to the studio and I'm looking you got a big gallon and then you are like so so II 40 very um you're known as a drinker how does this happen that you cuz you're first thing was the wine correct yeah so how does this happen cuz you're in the Bay Area nah nah man let me taste her so you know Mars raised raised four of us right I was the oldest of four and it was three boys one girl so mom's working two and three jobs so on the weekends she had come home she have her some Rossi it was called Rossi it's called collar aussi wine right that's the way yeah that's the one good year so Dan so I just see her you know she'll play old school jams and whatnot not going that chop it up with her man you know she's going through it you know pops and pops had her pops had divorce from I was eight years old so you know tell them all so we move over to the hillside and uh so we dare manage teensy just drinking it so just I just bought getting it you know sneaking in it Layton you know I was like what why is kids listen to this she kept a deer yeah you know why he wants you going to work saw something like this so you know so as I got older I just kept drinking it and then I go to the liquor store and go get the burgundy one in the jugs and you know today it's enough for the host like a couple of jugs of rossi tarp for like $20 but here so they're not manda you know just just uh just didn't the grit didn't quit Dan I got the name 8:40 on Magazine Street drinking 40 ounces of Old English so I'm upon the dear Jones he out there with me and uh we got there we go dare you shout to Derrick Jones main and I'm up there and we used to down and [ __ ] like have a drinking contest like hookahs down at the fascist inside out there more [ __ ] these vari already call me Ethan my first name Earl once I doubt that she he just he Foley nothing of the name first alcohol company was Earl Stevens correct yeah that's the first one that launched uh the oil Stevens why you know I'm out there in white country I'm in a 7x7 Leicester area code can you say seven or seven backwards yeah that's what so you in so you in wine country yeah so we it's right next to I'm from Vallejo well they how yeah soon as you leave out of Vallejo so you know it's right there so you know we after we got to wine the reason all that stuff up there so one of my pilots he was like forty man I got some people that can you know bottle up your wine and wobbu right so I said [ __ ] it so I want to go visit them and I was like okay I'd let me taste a few little things I put a little twist with this and this then the third and then I start selling it online mmm and so the demand was real big everybody's like man well you can get it at the store so it was just one store in Venetia which is right next to Vallejo to then we'll go get the cases and take it to a Stewart's are selling it so Dan I said [ __ ] we feel to go talk to the distributor so the distributor of Southern Wine of spirits which is now southern Blazers in spirits you know the biggest big distributors ain't not now they are big not a huge issue in Costco yes in Costco you know yeah and so he which sought to distribute yes I want to distribute and they [ __ ] with it they've seen the demand I showed them all the papers and all that and all you know went online and all that the paper working all that and so that's how it all started man I mean I love the wine first and yes yeah just a success yes so then what happened how did you go and say I'm gonna bring Alizee back out now you know what it just a color is just the color valas a it's not even the color if you really but what is this cuz I don't like doing like a headache though it's not this is a known this is a known drink this is a really know drink I didn't make it up this is just up under slurry change that about kamikaze and I cannot there's a 20% this 20% alcohol was just 40 proof oh you feel what I'm saying write that down for the okay so this is vaca base oh you know I mean this is rocket base for the blue care so like rocker already mixed yes yes yes this is what they call an RTD a premix cocktail drink ready to drink premix cocktail drink and this was already know so you know I'm talking about so I'll put it up under the e-40 slur akane the robber came was out already slurring I'm break it down to you break first one was the slur akane to real with that was my first one for my real one yeah we need the wrestling that button and one of these boxes so the railing was the first one this is it so let me break this down break it down okay 19 the fall of 1986 87 I'm at Grandma State University me and be legit that grandma state I went to college for one year then I have to give back to the grid right but I went today I'll [ __ ] do I don't regret it I love it I'm glad I did I feel what I'm saying I'm life so much it's so low times a young mustache right you know talking about we hung on you said a young must be I was a young so damn so maybe legit out there so we used to go to this lesser probability that's my cousin yeah my brother's Dee shot okay I'm ready click to be shot the more muscular one you know no no he won't hear last night big old easy okay oh you'd be shot look-alike okay that's not I'll totally out here family some kind of wait for 20-some years right but anyway to make a long story short a short story long main so I'll make drama State University up we can make some noise yes sir listen whenever somebody tell me live like y'all you may call the slag in hip-hop I says nah man 40 confirms you know why you mangy Swank make the world go round say some slick you know the crazy [ __ ] people ask me because you know slam slam you whenever a [ __ ] say slam out of the first person on hip-hop to say slam my [ __ ] yes sir I'll haterade all there's other things people always like why you ain't packing that [ __ ] I said go slang yeah yeah yeah so okay so I'm so we used to go to a spot called the village some in the village you can be 18 and still buy liquor at the time a girl in Louisiana grabs are you so I'll show my ID I'm 18 years old they had these slush form like daiquiris you know say that you can buy playing wet willies in my end right it was hurricane it was not her there's a real perk ain't been around before probably before I was born alcohol and Hasnain they don't go together you got the tails yeah so check game so damn so I'm a pinup tank and I and I ordered so I'm drinking that in class cuz I get your stuff on covered it with the top end and a straw so I'm up in class drinking that thing you feel me Perkin like in the class in the class player you feel me oh wow big ass doesn't appreciate it lay it out for you my dear money that's Walkman donors that's the [ __ ] with the bubbles I mean to hit somebody [ __ ] carbonation and so anyway my soul years later so we drought and drinking that so that's when the first time I heard a hurricane hi Ricki so Dan we go to me and Vila and Andy shot sugar tea we out there in Arkansas we go to this uh this club out there and we were drinking booze on a little lightweight to of like about three weeks or some and we go to UM we go up in it in the club we feel to perform we have been drinking gin and juice mcdhh and gin and juice was the [ __ ] it was like that's our everybody drunk we drinking that [ __ ] for like three weeks straight non-stop every day so if you drink something so long you should get to you you don't get you hang on so we got go to the park I say excuse me uh you got something there to get us you still me worked right so warped ESP do work she was like I got the perfect thing for you and she made us a hurricane hurricanes right we drunk that motherf er we didn't know what was I know tasted familiar but I never had it in the liquid form I'm listening you feel what I'm saying so we drunk that [ __ ] toe the whole house down with the show came back to our say excuse me what the [ __ ] was that you gave us she just it was called hurricane right so I'll say it I knew I that taste helmet familiar can you give me the recipe so we started drinking at eight you know that's how we did it we wrote the whole I got five on it remix all of the pearls all hurricane just so I we couldn't have it get you so talk has got the hurricane got 150 151 in it that we get you [ __ ] up so we that's when I start calling a slur Akane you feel what I'm saying so anyway that's when I came with that the slurry okay then I came with this yellow bird [ __ ] right here this should have a tasty - of this run base mmm you know Tommy's different at galeano of that reading a grandma a flavor in it as well I so there's a long maca base this rumba the yellow one is runs bums a Swiss one based wrong yeah this run base too but I did all that different flavor dude is real real drinks just at the board's you can really go ax4 they already the mom yeah I was up and put it up under my thang my twist to it this Laura cannot written I made up the nan slurry K you feel me okay from Hurricane of slur Akane so okay so now don't beat the why you hit the wine we hit the slower game and you know but then you went for the market and nobody else's mmm mmm target it malt liquor says st. us this make some noise for him to know Seto and Bob what's mr. malt liquor you drink grenades huh Mickey gonna get you right just 10% this [ __ ] he's got a hint of honey it's good everything that I do I do it from the flow up man you feel me I'm part of the packaging and anything I would I would reveal my uh my my tequila my Baca and my uh my whiskey that I got coming yeah but I'm not gonna do it just yet I'm gonna come back on the show if you'll let me and we're gonna drink all your [ __ ] - lets go right on I'm gonna skate store Brussels you know this is I would even call it's a mob but it's a craft mark cuz it's a different taste it tastes good I'm drinking out that is [ __ ] so now a 40 minute sir it's not a lot of people who could say they hung out with Tupac yeah there's not a lot of people who could say - block was my friend yeah and even if they can say it Tupac didn't say it back right Tupac really claimed you you really [ __ ] with him how was it mean super like lose the first time [ __ ] was a product of the bay - yes okay I first heard him shot me I don't know um what was that the negative [ __ ] album uh the first one strictly for my [ __ ] mmm he's shot he's a shot he forty in the click I'm at Tupac with young we just said you know we up-and-coming great he already on college you know Sam but we like we we ain't mainstream we had a net like with the world the world nor the soils all of whose [ __ ] they know but it was like we was just rising up so it was real independent even we what I'd have my distribution deal with Jive and then they're here right and that was 1991-92 so when he did that it just you know I mean that was a good feeling at dinner my boy double our Richie Rich off me Oh Richie Rich had called me say man cuz he was already cool pocket you know Sam and he was like rich I mean he's a phony man pop want me to give you his number you want to [ __ ] with you man gave me his number we connected XS then it was it was all love right yes that's so um y'all connected and then like how many records I did to go let's see I got I got an unreleased track that ain't they'll be working on right now and then uh we did working on you still talk at all we almost know because we were still thinking a lot of your talk was really you don't think it hit me today was a lot of me but I'll say here sit up here stand for this sucka [ __ ] you'll meet that you follow that is that I honor you drink this beer you'll need it yeah so um yeah yeah recorded my records together and we asked uncle Luke this I think we asked us snoop this yeah um but what was the park that you you you enjoyed more the pot and look at an interesting take on rollin Hennessy drinkin puck but he was the same with me you don't say it was all love man if he [ __ ] what you need [ __ ] this you don't [ __ ] with you he'll call you out here say your name and anything all right he that's what that's what he specialized in he going he say [ __ ] that I'm saying names ain't none of that yes it's me distant [ __ ] you feel me so I had to give it to him on that but he had a reason for all the [ __ ] he you know he was he was saying he went crazy what's crazy is not brilliant so what's your favorite Tupac Louie you tell me how bad your favorite time being around par I got a few in budget I know y'all probably seen it on um on YouTube in 1993 we have my practice looking horror video shoot and um he endure through the whole video like this you know just you know you know he had min here at - that's not cheap option [ __ ] you good the thing is at that um he showed [ __ ] hotter this one Bronx wasn't really y'all had been [ __ ] with blinds New York he said you know cut off my partner from New Jersey when I was at ground state university night to fall 8687 he uh this [ __ ] take a Philly blunt mm-hm and and the way he did it it was a full blunt I'm saying here good it here just take all the [ __ ] out of it and just stuff it with some booboo weed right because that's all we had it grandma some boo-boo-boo that stuff that [ __ ] the end and tidy it up like that you know I mean wet it up and that's how they did it back then well that's the first time I've ever seen a blunt roll right so Pike you know I'm saying he only had my video shoot and he's sitting on the little bench weed I'm over there smoking a beat here with a roll he saw he got they got the camera on him he just showing him how to smoke roll a blunt and [ __ ] and got some fingernails any ten paper important you know sandy say so black for black I wanna see y'all smoking that white [ __ ] you swirl black with black don't look at the footage y'all to pull it up not run on a blunt 840 videos it was just classic [ __ ] you know is just one of many but Delta my [ __ ] man I wish he was alive but I trust me to be some turned around [ __ ] around here let's make some more so you also have a biggie smalls because um this is a famous rumor that biggie had you a big let's have props out a rumor that's real right tell us the story I do that probably like that something like that well that's like every time I talk about it it seemed like that you know what you know biggie had a lot of my [ __ ] love them to write big fans you know mean that [ __ ] was a great rapper right alright so um it's like every time we talk about it's like I'm telling people to bring it up the fans oh I'm Bruce winner is about it getting me like man why you gotta green it up be with you I'll never bring it up I never money I never brought up - nobody ever in life period I'm not even a [ __ ] that's on YouTube talking about this you got that [ __ ] I said I'll be I'll talk like this it's all hush mouth full meal you feel me I know braggin none of this [ __ ] but I don't know personally oh well yeah ooh and God but what happened like um he came to the pay he wanted he was in sacrament I didn't even know you got him out the writing like y'all bro nah it wasn't people I knew but I didn't know I didn't know no [ __ ] a team out there but they didn't promote it right uh some [ __ ] but it was a him LLL never clock something like that knighting like man I got to first walk with the weight I said I've had nothing against him me I know proc had issues cousin pop really knew him I didn't know my buddy had gotten it was after the park [ __ ] the [ __ ] that happened at quartz to know this is what Ray before this was uh this was what year was this man I don't know forgot man but anyway even do you do tell him just as all that [ __ ] yeah yeah anyway so the thing is is that would he do he awesome magazine was a magazine a Canadian magazine do head did interviews in and he dates it they said they got him drunk just like you love on a scale from one to ten from you know from one to ten who do you you know who you rate this like he said spy swans and Ice Cube well like everybody an industry there was somebody all right and he got to my name and he's our man big boo-boo he's whack man get he got he give her get him a zero you know Tom my you I mean without tangles in high school I'm almost 49 years old dude had to kind of same cover swag I had like you know kuji-shi shirts was Ian Musashi author we've just you know that was the [ __ ] when you attack cool are you [ __ ] with it you know I said he was just on the west he was on the east cause I'm on the west coast so I don't know if that's we've had him saying the [ __ ] zero but my Styles unorthodox so [ __ ] I think they can't catch it they catch it later because I say a lot of [ __ ] dead it ain't just slang just the [ __ ] I say you know it was kind of head of his time you know Denny love me cuz his fans that I hate got right now that's die horse that didn't understand when I was younger I just thought she was white but as I started listening more and more and begin living the life and going through this Denethor I'm like my new you the best inside right so that to make a long story short man so dude um I saw this [ __ ] everybody had got wind of the [ __ ] you know I'm talking about and that's what far as him dissing me in that magazine so my little dude's a bizarre hot [ __ ] - so they just so happened to sneak up the second you know you don't talk about the hair gets to do days through the show he was out there they call me at 11:00 Sun midnight party what you want me to do with this [ __ ] walkie whoo and I told you put put put then they gonna fall you feel me all right like that so I put him on the phone in wooden iron we chopped it up but he was like man phony you know man look man I was drunk man but I [ __ ] with you Duke you know I'm saying I [ __ ] Foley y'all heard the story before and all that I'm so glad nothing happened to him you know I mean I don't want it on so you aren't even there physical wouldn't even if I would have seen that when they tried to knock him down it wasn't then and I seen him later all week we chopped it up that effect I was supposed to be on this last album Wow life after death Wow yeah if you go if we if we find that the actual physical copy back then we did shoutouts we shout out we shout out people things and go look in there let's go say shout out to e-40 Wow you feel what I'm saying so that [ __ ] was done with man ah you feel me like that yeah let's make some noise actually to take the true from a 40 I actually never actually heard the story I heard the Roma like room murder oh wait I didn't set it up I'm in to say that I definitely out there and that's on this on everything I love right and I don't like that now don't play with God right there you didn't set that over the rumors oh it's not a claim this [ __ ] right he wasn't he was Northern California yeah let me see oh there's a team hold the Child Jesus they probably got a scale in my mind I'm like this go back chain it's just one of one God listen listen let me tell you something all you guys who bought fake jury you cannot you cannot write fake jury and put this on this is rails go booyah what is this what is this that's all G best team you don't tell me off from way back in the days like kind of like in the same as we back each category is uh like um who's actually we use the rock Turkish we should rock the Turkish back in the days those out here on the west coast real heavy so I just you know King John II know my push out the Iceman Nick you know I'm nice man yeah and we've come about King me come on Johnny shout to him too but um oh TV now King not TV Jack okay King giant at being John you know you know is this originated in the Bay Area don't know you know we don't want to claim in either contradict to people that there's only two places that crack can actually arrived in in this New York or California and is that correct to say California cuz that's the whole thing had to probably hated California for you first that's really people century thing not California was I am some of the people tell me the Haida nation hi Dominicans in the Bay Area that's what go decide underway I want to throw this out there my two brothers might boof and chick Bing and start the hang-hang rosette lamb or calves hey you know I'm saying we're gonna head I'm gonna drink champs later and we're gonna keep doing we're doing this with my brothers and they starting all progress I'm so proud of them we gonna give Earl Stevens you know all you aunt in the mug this mother that's mango Scott oh right man proof wine is wasting but s Moscato what is this angle yes sir mango I was 18 - alcohol almost cattles be like five or six percent that's an 18 the liquor my license right now for the week most of you in the East Coast inviting us you know I made certain requirements and we're not the only but surely I'm getting my [ __ ] everywhere you feel me so were you at right now what states are you in there sue it's a place up so the wine isn't a lot of different ones are deer so I mean I'm gonna Costas with your wine right yes sir I'm in a lot of the popsicles let's not say that like that's lightly no that's Costco man yeah by that by the craziest [ __ ] this is my [ __ ] I got his phone number I just got this I know what Nicholas telling [ __ ] Costco's it make some noise associate on 57 1/2 or 1 5 7 injure on their problem and now I know [ __ ] that sells to Costco you push away so I did a bottle sign this year in Sacramento at Costco that [ __ ] went day was it's on YouTube go to eat 40 TV and you see all that [ __ ] man you feel me cuz I'm a bigger than a Costco I just had two truckloads of the beer delivery right so Kansas City often to go crazy with the beer I just did a bottle signing out there they already had to slur all my wines and in the slur Akane Blue Lagoon yellow bird and a slur Akane hurricane right think it's good yeah yeah yes yeah man let me tell you something man - this is worse that bruh I bought the ax you do let go or hip-hop both cuz it both pay me I'm independent my deal is question yeah yeah yeah my deal was 83 17 so 83 percent of my bread of the bread comes to me 17 music music okay oh I'm just saying wait tell me who's not if you hey when you into pin it see ya we got slow it down did you just say you get paid eighty three eighty three eighty even heard that it's a person a distribution deal you know Tom money you make your own product you you met anything you give it today precedent and any precedent they press it up and I make the I'll make it and I deliver it Anil that's another gap in D all the fees for president distribution here that piastres out their PMD made precedent distribution let's make some noise for the biggest breaker to jail which was your man drinking one so it's been a normal room when at the Bay Area was the first like independent companies that's where Master P came you know get this [ __ ] started Kyle develop that mind frame of just first of all I want to shout out Master P cuz you know the boy staying in bel-air and she died saying some [ __ ] a movie walking through the neighborhood he comes straight from what we had you know me we come from the baby well you know by Tristan California right here he's you know he from New Orleans right but I think his mama or his daddy standard yeah family few record shops and wouldn't I know how he did but the boy you know I'm saying he always was solid with me and he was always he stayed focused you know the one and he he come here he got a lot of his game for my uncle st. Charles just as well as I did and we all work together you know I've said him and the JT bigger the bigger figures on world and stuff like we all come up under the same little umbrella what not Pete went out there and got this South man he got them he went to the sticks was untapped territory man and got them voice there was so many talented people out there and got them to get on that down south hustlers and you don't tell him how he did that bout it bout it in the ice cream man who any blue any blue man and man Dennis nice he can knock a man's hustle so I want to shine half of that you know said and you know what's the independent thing baby from the baby and he he I don't think you have any problem saying yeah yeah most dirty also he also uh yesterday me was a innovator in it too as well because he took it to bigger hikes God got levels when he blesses you so you know you just got to know when you blessed you know some people he might have you know two three hundred million so people might be five hundred thousand some 30,000 might be rich - who guys just never know so you just got to just keep moving man and don't don't hate you know I'm saying don't never never hate man cuz it'll come back on you but America how did the Bay Area actually develop being indicas all y'all was independent in the beer we didn't have no choice because in New York New York yeah anyway and then New York only one to invest in like LA felt like it was the underdog yeah work for us make them [ __ ] Phyllis man right you feel me we really had to go in there we did the real independent grip and this without a dude distance where we had up small we had one stop so so long yeah music people okay also we had we just it was a defunct right now but but now we have they also have city city hall records shine on to water and that's like a one-stop distributor to so they was our main hub so we will send out packages one sheets and whatnot and once she's just so haven't I said one-stop in one sheet so one sheet is with all the information on it you know what Eddie is lying of course mark ordinary thing so you send them out with the cassette on a CD at the time and you send it out to all the to all the mom-and-pop stores because mom-and-pop stores was big that was the hard soil you feel me so you send them out to all over the place I'm talking about to Nebraska Atlanta Oklahoma it's a Kansas City a where you feel me and you put your music in that [ __ ] a DNA and you said we used to give them five tapes here take these and just sell them y'all could have the money and did let us know when you want to order many [ __ ] all watered right - they flew and they ordered from the one stop from our one stop so that was our main hub and that's how the whole [ __ ] start you know I'm saying cooking my mouth will say child had a book this big of distributors just before computers was you know tell my internet and [ __ ] so he has made his own manually decimals yeah the diligence that got all the mom-and-pop stores all of the spirit of everything oh you had that prior to John this we thought this what made you I've come out to meet okay yeah they came out to us they came out very wise and pranks came to me because he was to show it's already on loans Johnny my rich [ __ ] rex is a legendary fella platinum plastered all there's a lot of work with two too short and myself and a whole bunch it was seven the job first it was sure it was too short he was first a side to him when I think 88-89 I've had the crazy lobster yeah you got son son I did my distribution deal with you them in 1994 March let's make some noise for 1994 being rich [ __ ] give me an hour bills then [ __ ] ain't yeah yeah right now naca see we my thing is this he was disagree I was the first one to have a so-called million dollar deal like that on that page like like Calabria like well good to see the thing is I want the graduation units independent correct yes oh my thing without selling between 150 to 200 thousand independent and solo which is right on your own each project on my own without he is again self one for a small distributor 150 stream he was doing that in the beginning I was doing there's no late at the beginning with no label so when we did I deal with Jive then I was paid on two hundred thousand what a depressing a distribution deal so I'll spend that's the first one dinner to kick into higher royalty after that cuz I wasn't treatment I was like okay kicking the machine after that - and thunka this would I've been getting anyway so kicking the machine so they kick in a machine yes and they took it to the gold and platinum status you feel me so that's how that thing oh man you the grit don't quit no just so y'all know he 40 been a lot of money for a long time let's make some noise and get a lot of money made my Gary Payton yep you live next to Gary please I live mr. Joe rule with mmm I live next to Jose I still got my brother and I live mr. Birdman one point did you yeah that Birdman came to my house won't tie right game this bird may safely pull up right yeah all the boys can't pull it was uh they had a little show it in Oakland and so they came out saying it's gonna be a tour bus coming I called the main gate I say there's gonna be a tour bus coming here this mission I am living in a community here some permit come up I made one for myself man I told my neighborhood say it's gonna be a big ass bus and she told me it's gonna be burning birdman the birdman' he was I let him in the gate in my other gate he came in just other day yeah Maggie say he said quote it look like you eating motive beans and rice up in this party like you are like I'm not gonna lie that's why whenever a person gives me credit for like people like every Coast [ __ ] with me yeah again I say love you bro I say forty was the first one cuz you you like I remember hanging out with you you said listen I don't wanna go to strip club yeah that's true I don't want to do that I'm married to yah didn't let you I'm married to you for 25 years I take you to strip club I thought you give me you eat drunk as [ __ ] with in you go to the [ __ ] room definitely your wife gotta hear this man cuz you're a good guy man you aspiration for me I try to get you to have some time all type of fuzzy in the world office you have you Asian Filipino Mongolian Mongolian I hope you like sex is just got a beautiful wife this oh god backbone she the rib mice you hired on that [ __ ] man come definitely we look up to you you was early would it like nah nah nah y'all homie first let me tell you something I remember that day well there was Reno Vegas I don't remember but I remember it was dad's there's Carabas back 10 and he was the only [ __ ] out to all the West Coast people when I walk through and you say you listen man [ __ ] [ __ ] with you but they all know how to approach you buddy you come over here walk with me man and then you got me [ __ ] oh yeah yeah malicious Moishe sometimes sometimes when I want to get all the way right cuz you know Brandi hey Toby listen because I don't drink brandy I've never drink brandy in my life right but mind you I'm all night at him at this point he said this was this must go loss right if it hit he would like this he was like this dad what was the word you use a crevice here man from the moment I ever met you what do you always be real with me and I've always been real back with you I think we did like my records together and never charged each other you know with real maker.com man real [ __ ] oh and let me tell you something the fans told me this one day I was like yo if I ever did an album with another person and the fancy you know every bliss for people I don't know me and Cameron have an album recorded called Starsky and Hutch our entertainment has this album now as a completed no it's not it's a fact one three seven records remember you can just a hang of each other but the only of the person that I ever considered doing an album with will be you because I - EEP EEP I'm gonna tell you right now we need to run it through oh no now with um with a care line because of people Caroline you a cup music big up the LA we how they put up checking name I don't get checked but they did they would make a wire my account every month goddammit being so noisy you know that what happened to the to the slang book I shout it to the left it's just so you know it's together man you I had a Norwegian ignore we should be a part of the album you get the book time comes with it we got a record together you I swear to God I stopped playing for a boy I got its go give my slang cuz remember this is a time and I've blown up right now for everybody oh if you ever heard me say you smell me I got it from e-40 then first night I met you you kept saying did he say you feel me say you smell me think I go like that in my mind I don't even know came out of that no and then you smell me and then figured ale meat comes from that well you smell me is way it started and I always gave him his props for that and I always want people to know that I got that from him the first day I am forty he say you smell me and I I actually did do you want me to smell you East Coast and Jim Jones picked it up it's other people who picked it up but I was the perimeters for healthy life it's gravity main ground I never been one to just you know gripe about the [ __ ] you know say about any the whole industry to use my [ __ ] they just talk llama folks just don't know all my song in 1989 called mr. Flamm boy and I say I say I say become a sandwich boat once I say get I think become a savage guess whoa boat once 20 inch arms established do y'all know what boat ones is no you do how much what once is 20 his arms like this bit of history time so I'll say become a savage I'm putting oh guess whoa boat once 20 inch arms establish yeah I mean one hitter quitter it's the whole get down never run upon me now but I you know this is everybody says Savage I say you know you know of course caps a beholder most use learn Emma and hip-hop probably you feeling a little phrase you feel me that say you made that up to 40 now this is some fantasy now I went ahead and done trademark that [ __ ] I had to do that y'all I'm gonna do a movie and [ __ ] would call captain save-a-ho some comedy [ __ ] I did try to save manholes was I not as we would say you know what he said what is that he said forty you made that song for me I'm gonna save so many [ __ ] huh you hold the [ __ ] up I'll marry the saved you back a day I'm sorry am i alive for that before the old man's you got to eat you song tease his own but you definitely like trying to bring you to the club you didn't go but you did write vows on your belly [ __ ] you don't give a [ __ ] and you look I'm a down and dirty a smug man yo listen man if what if we really really [ __ ] with you the fans been yeah from the given David tweeting me saying maybe you need to get on the drink champ Nora may why you feel me right yes so then we got the pedi you have a pen we made a record called they told me right they like May you you and y'all gonna do a remix alright you know listen this what we're gonna do is I'm gonna set up our right we're gonna do the green mr. petty it's gonna be both part here and what put it through your system bring it to my suite whatever it is it's not Rory featuring a 40 or 840 features noise go say um no nori any forty no we got it we got to make up the group remember 40 no we got dwell on the $40 right Nonaka they go hold it for 30-40 nor 4000 basically make it working 16 jobs all my Mexican people that's my [ __ ] Tito m5 here am 57 are calm he's about to take over to drink champs are coming to bring it to where we got to do it we missed you Tito and I'm gonna also say Tito excellent job you was stressed out because we've come 25 34 people to LA because 40 people and Tito I want to say you know besides the fact that we made money I'm gonna say I'm proud of you and thank you for maintaining your your intelligence ness and your professionalism cuz you got all my people in begin unlike legends they can't say no we got a legend right oh yeah yeah sometimes we interview [ __ ] name like that League ain't a legend there's no way we're gonna have that with you know there's no way so short came off first then you came and then the bay area is cracked yeah sure was before me sure there's my big brother man I love short liked by the fact will you just talk Michael with me and Shorty the album that [ __ ] dude pretty damn good I think I saw the hundred thousand and at the same time the game now budget and turn it in two hours to three hours you know saying so there's how we did it he so he died I have shot him some good at other day right we serve our cheese come on so so you know he's I sent you up the other day he say man we need to go ahead and just knock one out real quick another how right we just not cuz you know cuz it's good bread you feel me I you know the whole thing is he told me does he say man just don't start rapping that's what we can't do one is right there's no I'm not gonna stop any [ __ ] that love the part of hip-hop and you know STEMI and understand this your occupation but also it's what you love to do you're not gonna stop until they tell you stop if y'all keep buying that I'm gonna keep supplying did you feel more hello honey will make noise for that I won't do something do it charts every time I've ever done it charts yeah but listen I'm talking on top 20 top easy honey you've been through every generation what I mean by that is like you swap decades right and now how did it feel like for the new generation to embrace look I gotta be looking man first of all shout out to big shine [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with you years to me I'll make a [ __ ] Stan I thought forever like the Statue of Liberty yeah my [ __ ] song the [ __ ] hood I don't [ __ ] with you three three full times platinum being a [ __ ] oh yeah yeah so that's album visit the singles three times platinum I think the album is platinum I just won't go with you know I have mine I just had to go down a goal single just recently choices the choice is yup nope that one demo [ __ ] with me go independent look independent job you just wings oh yes this might make a big mistake yeah I went got my gold you a noise and yes sir Fat Joe you you second yeah no Joe on the case told you work this thing goes platinum there wait am i right mope right dog hey Fat Joe is my brother fish he's won a double platinum hit me definitely you guys ibaka warrior elite he got him one he is a hard worker I got number love for him just like you you know girl always been straight with me man like is I just is this me you fat yo I'm 40 because I've been girl yeah yeah and I did hip-hop I'm like in my mind I'm 38 to the [ __ ] though yeah he baton yeah brilliant [ __ ] yeah and we also have a gross on a tea drinkers on Ross drink I know what the difference between 50 and Ross is they had they brought one liquor three deep on Evan Ross sprung Bel Air Rose are you Bronk why you run I'll run bass mousseline y'all wanna be just one base yes sir in his love babies one is from wrong base wanna base and then you brung beer and you drinkin yo [ __ ] and I'm artists we had I'll be trying to get them to drink more I know I gotta do it is my og like at the end of the day you ain't even drink and dog wouldn't so my rate is that that's why they're like water an awesome your poor taste everyone with the sister water you want a fig diet a big Jew some weed using no more juice moving in a bottle now skip this if we grab suji key what I'm gonna be careful of the juices in the body you're some of them be there too long right I don't look at the date every time I call you every day yeah yeah I did this guy he comes in and what I like to drink my thumb back in my shoes but just so you know the zero carbs were here would you do vodka into seltzer water you can keep it going here but that Schlemmer cane you got this okay you went short me the album mm-hmm and then earlier you just said well you said something about when the looneys me five huh the remix the results let me let me break the down first was sure it took me I like I'm telling all the youngsters man you know don't go make a diss record just because a dude that's established didn't get back with you running to cuz you major diss record he mated this no no no no this means short time talking about made sure we talked about this on there he said that first you had a little problems no never never had a problem he just never know cuz all his all the people he [ __ ] with before before rap man I [ __ ] with he's gonna be our before rap people you don't say you're flat out my anything out you say another [ __ ] y'all so now it's always be love it's just he with Channel three now check game company so slow it took it took it easy he was established it took him in and he was on Joshy off stealing the pin number in the climbing up the ladder you don't talk about um and so I worked so we didn't we knew each other in the eighties but I couldn't I never did a song with him until like 1996 so when we did the song and guess what do that whole time you know I [ __ ] be bitching and bickering and [ __ ] young rappers and [ __ ] if you ain't did none woman in uh he always watched me but he had to pay my dues I had to do I did it on my own I had to show him see I'm like I'm not from the show-me-state Missouri and I can show you better than I could tell you so we ended up doing a song called rappers ball shout out to amp brands cuz he he made it unfold he brought me to beat me y'all want to do and it was a playoff short so this was made it really be genuinely you know there's real game cuz it's a play over of Schwartz long play boy short so we did that my father we got Casey from Joseon their mother in a diamond sword eight hundred ninety thousand records like will pass gold love he's going on it sound like the podcast no you know those numbers right and ever since then we've been rocked we got a gold and platinum [ __ ] together and all kind of [ __ ] that's not that's my big brother and I salute him because I watched how he got out you don't stand because he was making tapes when I was 15 years old my cousin I'm used to cutting out from Oakland there's a little dub tastes like this that short [ __ ] yeah it's just it is the beginning number you know you 45 when you're 14 15 it's the beginning of your mannish this you know Thomas life you don't get mannish with it so I'm knowing all a little you know I'm living the life that he talking and all that [ __ ] you find so that's not that I'm Ford pickup no snap cats when I was in the building we saw he came here with $100 for dates right now 90 40 we've been rocking up okay listen ma'am you told me we saw my son mill focus on it oh and by the way on my videos on worldstar did you shoot a video to your petty rocket yet no money shot you trying to beat me I gotta beat you to video it was your Rimi cuz I'm gonna do it listen listen I ain't got explain [ __ ] it's enough money out there very big homie hey that's my big all week come on man Rihanna tonight look what I'm saying okay so that's the five only remix let's do it my mom definitely go view that uh that video video you let's talk about this let's talk about the UM the five or the soul yeah shout out to Mike do this for the burial you know saying good people man you know I'm very talented been doing legendary you know so um we uh Chris Hicks shout to critics he came and Scooby at my house and Rancho Solano I said might come get me cuz I got a hangover I'm not driving you can't that near Rancho Cucamonga but he gave her Scooby so uh whoa he did I'm tell you this let me tell you story let's tell the story please so uh we have Mike Denton's in Alameda Mike didn't is a legendary of engineer slash producers like he has a studio way although everybody somebody go to you know talk about to this day he makes it master all my [ __ ] he's mixing mastering my two albums right now the D boy diary book one and two right now if we speak that has to be turned in on September 15th that's coming out November 11th you don't have to plug that the amount of Christ we're gonna plug I'm gonna get good go off message but I was the first rapper ever say a plug we could do some documentation and listen to our screamin it plug simple beam scale drought season all that [ __ ] my [ __ ] this all on wax and it's all documented late eighties and early nineties anyway so we're Mike their studio we man we got we got [ __ ] humpty-hump a dead [ __ ] right we got we got here we got shot genome there we got [ __ ] up all somebody everybody there's only a [ __ ] right huh so we we and their [ __ ] main I say I say I'm gonna be the bartender [ __ ] so I said I think caps a boho with my boy Kevin Dixon we called cap save all cuz in the video he's the one who played Captain save-a-ho so I Simpsons to us they may go get this go get this so it comes to I said you so we got the big jobs a arrow here water right we empty those so I'm marrow hair Warner hey why are you needed because you just needed to be judged okay where the water out and put the bang in there so we saw twisted it up you know after came to mix I was you saw put I made these same everybody didn't want with uh with a 151 Bacardi right so I had to hold [ __ ] my he was a pipe out 30 overs at one house like everybody perk him up was all in the front you're throwing up and all kind of [ __ ] my [ __ ] don't throw up in if you go listener I got five on it you might want to you know you know saying go put that thing up when we do when you post on this is this life we all know I do it okay we're not that rich okay just people that don't know if you listen this is first time drink chance come off the legends come on on Friday for we do these surprise episodes on Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays at Friday man no no you're you about this your name by hitting me my followers I shot the drinks have zombie but so do you because at the end of the day the people always because I'm the slaying guys oh yeah of the east coast yeah and and and and people always try to compare me to you and I always and i'ma say it again it's my third or fourth time I'm like you'll eat 41 cuz I stole your slang you know exam it's okay I'm saying a good game recognize game good way it's read your [ __ ] so that's registered on the East Coast and and you know what and as I had jump off and I and jump wolf came out here but you know II forty men you're one of the most genuine people genuine I've ever met you always been the same from the exact moment I met you to the exact moment right now wherever you say is your word yes sir and your world already your word is everything man I tell my [ __ ] man from when I was a little young mustache I tell my [ __ ] money ain't changed me it just changed the way people think about me calling you even a fully goatee explained in slang we keep saying perk obviously mean drunk I don't talk to but get him and there's a de boi bonus you slap hard to another word I coin slapping whenever you know folks that's just slap that's just happy forty came nobody ever say it [Applause] perkiness before people start taking Ferguson's right right Bergen is like put like coffee perc like you just like yeah we call it drink there's some drinking just drinking so he perfect man that enough like a bit perfect we better can wait to but I so all that remains I'm not talking about popping a percocet right I'll talk about Perkin rough liquor that's right you got it I was like making does a lot of percocets I don't know I got on the sauce but I played my position and talked about liquor that's what I that's what I started off saying from Perkin Perkin in the Bay Area and on the west coast that mean you know we Perkin off drink you know I'm not gonna claim that I'm gonna give that to I will say keep the sneak and recipes Mac Dre rest in peace the jacket Mac Dre back my city they go to night dreams from my city he's from the crest out in front of hillside r.i.p Mac Dre one of the greatest MCS there was everybody slip off president didn't when he passed hey by trying to get out get on but we was [ __ ] with him I even know me and him we was from different soils we've both taken it for our hoods we respected each other my foxes don't know that [ __ ] don't you feel me yeah yes sir Oh buddy Mac Dre bang mag drink now um didn't odd Drake just like sample something imaginary or what the back drive too short oh oh you know short whoa-oh-oh-oh know which one i think ii thought was nodosum embryo take yeah you see gravity laughs no I even know that was right before tell you last yeah I don't see him like you know I was lad I see you neither yeah also knows not outting wannabe unless bigger than 40 feet of clothes I'm here to tell you man ain't no no - I'm humbles ever been man I always been humble and hungry man hungry and humble man wanted to be laughs right I don't like me in laughs me too sir talk about this all the time I [ __ ] all that oh oh whoo whoo the headline at this hour everyone how do you need I don't like because when you laughs you leave them with the traffic right so you get in your car though not with you you feel me but didn't it is just I'll be trippin man I just want to just do my [ __ ] and get out of there make us sincere real [ __ ] you'll do anything and we always but oh all right so the second time I drank with 8:40 the first time I drink nine Brandy's yeah you had my weekend that day yeah about ten we're going in like it was literally the first West Coast person I love you were staying at the MGM and I was tending to envy us all we have to do you go to your room I go we didn't have nowhere we want to drive in that we just got to towed let's just get perkiness just ain't drinkin threw up so crazy the next morning like that's how you know what I know you [ __ ] up you don't throw up that night you throw up the next thing so dig Paul's cousin was horrible his beard was [ __ ] up oh so then now you come to the hood laughs did you did you plan that she was gonna [ __ ] me up in my own studio tonight I plan a plan whoa okay tell me I can't to get [ __ ] up with you okay you know but you [ __ ] me that's my duty band right man and this outlaw man we gonna drink right look at teaspoon all right you give it like a teaspoon - drink right well you feel me so let me ask you this this ever moment in your life you was drunk and you you got embarrassed [ __ ] yeah others think let me think man kind of duo so many times cos you know sometime I forget that energetic [ __ ] you not know imma get and throw up and I'll go right now and go throw up if I had healthy energy so I'm gonna throw up and be right back drinking machine ain't the kind were you just a room spinning this [ __ ] look dumb like that I was a kid when I got butcher whoa older teenager [Applause] I'll tell people who top and quit then you're not a drink can yeah exactly if you throw up and keep it moving you got your drink bra you got keep cool so just for the record wonder that wasn't a dick selector right is it dream cam but I'm gonna be honest you all only [ __ ] with a drink chat we're gonna make you a real trophy yes sir because you guys you are part of the drink chair you definitely are in blood your fans your fans your not your drink chance baby we'll take that cup with you please Shaka's we retire let's go let's go listen and for the people inside you and listen there's one person that bothered me cuz I use the word [ __ ] I am NOT talking about you know here you know in my able people I have so many to say I'm sad to say yeah I'm not talking about them so my us so you know the same people I have disabled people in my family directly you know I'm saying directly like I'm talking about my first blood so that's not what we're talking about we wanna do this we're talking me this is good work we love the disabled distant it's not what we do we know down nobody if you gay if you [ __ ] white if you [ __ ] yellow if you that will drink champs if you could be a drink champ this is not thugged-out militina thugged-out matatini you needed a personal membership crazy hood you need to personal membership drink three champs is not that you could be whatever baby drink responsibly let's just drink responsibly and so what's next for Eve forty before you did every [ __ ] thing and I can't believe you still got the love for the game like no energy I guess I just can't like I hate the game like do you know I'm having fun not have fun I love wrapping breath I got a lot of good spiel for the ass that's why I can't wait to drop the D boy diary blood on it too they gonna say that [ __ ] that's a rapping after [ __ ] you really do they wanna hear it cuz you know there's a lot of [ __ ] that don't understand that this [ __ ] be going over there here like a shower nozzle I'm a big thing goes with this one because they shower now there's game involved that's what it's called the shower dolls I said oh we should just [ __ ] on be a Hitler shouting out the thing walking wolf I had no idea of learning yeah what a party man you got you got the liquor business you got rap and I asked you what you would choose pick and you said both yeah now what's the big you've got the album you said coming this October you said November November yeah November 11 can't believe yeah two hours yeah two hours I drop that's another thing I dropped multiple albums at one time I do dual albums at one time so I take one budget and drop to two hours at the same time and that's that's a slick way of doing this [ __ ] man because you know what it's giving the fans more songs right right and you understand me you get you get to let out a lot of [ __ ] you know I'm saying you're good to say a lot of [ __ ] and I got a mob my fanbase is locked into that they don't have no problem I can't say everybody can do that I can I've been doing it for the last seven years not a double album and I was one of the first ones we wanted I'm back with all eyes on me and all this should I have one call element of surprise it came out on job records I thought I mean that's a gold record you feel with your laces have a job now no all right so my man if you go look at my song yeah oh you [ __ ] look so young go look at our song I had very wise which is the guy who signed me from the drive records loss he spoke highly about me man to this day where is he at me on France he has a record label call records and he just put out he I put out uh he got he got about three or four gold records upon him right and he just did it recently gold singles I know he got to Nelly dinelli record with the Marvin Gaye sample that went through there hmm that went gold it's uh what's the other dude there's a few people this that has some good you know he'd been doing mostly singles but he owned the case stuff but he spoke highly about me told him you know you know I can easily run a label if I need it if I wanted to and whatnot you know Tombaugh you know he came to Vallejo and signed me main but is did nobody in the world has anything bad to say about you forty people of course you know hey me I'm gonna take him with the plate it's definitely [ __ ] that don't sit but you know what it ain't because I [ __ ] them over nothing it's because you see the [ __ ] want to be in my position or I didn't pay attention to him mmm like a lot of times most folks just ask you know you're right they just once you only they just want you the people mouth like you know miss Benatar I'm off of here me on Twitter say some and I get at them personally like I find somebody that knowing like what's up with this [ __ ] my [ __ ] and it nah for that's what to grab your attention man what it was was just bad I'm glad I'm glad you got back at me though man cuz I just won you know I'm saying let people know I got my crafted I'm trying to get it out there you know [ __ ] like that but I never did nothing dirty to nobody man you feel me yeah so but you know for the most part man I'm solid dude man I'm solid not potato salad man I love people man NHA trang's I'm not in the materialistic things I love people right you know they I got this big-ass channel with it because I can do it and I'm a rapper this rap [ __ ] well you feel just part of my occupation man you feel me huh she can't hit like a square main live next to Gary P yes sir he live next to me out there before he'll okay Birdman I lived in that I lived in far okay that's the reason why I would like to do a he p come on we we we well we're like like the same people but we're different you in LA right now I'm in LA we collette [ __ ] in LA we go snoops to don't do it you're gonna snoop studio no but listen let's break down cuz then you a snoop at one point uh what was it over like he kept saying he kept saying a word that you made up it doesn't matter I never said anything about it you definitely did never because that's my folks they're my family but I don't like I don't care about that who made up this dead the third I'm not I said when I tell people I just want to lay stay boots and like I'm griping everybody use my [ __ ] it don't matter you feel me right griping this [ __ ] [ __ ] I in this you know type of shoes wet they game up you know guys make them aware yeah every time I think I was lame again that's why I go is give it to you cuz I'll be like this biggish it's crazy because describe spaghetti in slang is close to this one that's really our loved one that's opportunity you know that's Newton been the Vallejo kicked it with us several days and in weeks to Dell Dolph I just ran into Derek rub we learned like a fair long Union last night you - that's my grain of sand come on Mesa love down everyone to like ruffle King you remember watch Snoop you howleen a doll each other look big a big a big a big a big a last night I couldn't even grab them I'm sorry but yo you know what this is the thing that I wanted to say on stage last night because last night is a lot of Mexicans yeah I assume they came out for me I'm not sure hey but when I played that Spanish music they [ __ ] came up with it or every combo and all the Mexican people in the world all the Puerto Rican people in the world all the Cuban people in the world all the Salvadorians you know m83 say my favorite game is inveteracy and I was like that one thing that's one thing if you Spanish if you Latino I just want to tell you something we are black we all are come from the same region we come this should not be no no separation no and also if you are from the west coast if you are from the east coast if you are from down south are you from up north let me tell you something that is something that they set up to divide us yeah it's the same [ __ ] in Compton the same [ __ ] on Fillmore same [ __ ] don't feel more the same [ __ ] on 57 1/2 same [ __ ] on 57 I was in Kendall same [ __ ] in Kendall is in [ __ ] we are all the same people we gotta stop letting people divide us right cuz we are loud for it to happen and sometimes when you represent your hood and you say I'm from left wrap it yourself from Queensbridge you devise something because we're all from human I felt by with a quarter of the brains that a quartet caught them yeah we are from in Maine yeah cuz I might use a cord off my brain knobbly 40 so listen you got what made you want to even say liqueur period cuz if that's all I've been talking about all my life all my life and rap music and that's what I really do and I know that you can drink when you're down and out alright and you can drink when it's a celebration mmm you feel me so through the good times and the bad times alcohol will be here buddy mmm you know talk about immeasurably said America was built on boobs yeah Wow I don't know if y'all know yeah yeah prohibition up some billionaires be lazy yeah yeah so you did the liquor you did the album's a 40-long put on new artists yeah man I just recently um do I'm doing business with my guide nefta Farrell he's uh he from I'm from Magazine Street and in the hillside he's from Magazine Street at South Side only thing that separated hillside from South Side is the overpass mmm right it's just a little overpass you know talking about but he likes Sherwood and you from left right right you know talk about yeah and neptr fears of talented young me y'all go check him out man after fair uh you can go to this Instagram he's the verified on on Instagram Twitter all that [ __ ] okay and I'd avoid make it he's seeing a song called big time with puffy nothing they didn't had Italy only snapchat she's singing it and like all the celebrities like he they [ __ ] with it like okay I'm saying that I'm very happy about that that they're signing right there seasick what it might all right so you putting out a new artist you got to lift up is e-40 hope your television do some television shame I do love a hip hop California no I'm not doing no reality shows okay I'm not gonna that [ __ ] man but why explain why this is a super positive is about if it about some entrepreneurial [ __ ] I am but if it's all that messy [ __ ] I I'm cool cuz a little regret - in the future you don't talk about like you look back and be like man that played itself man I'm cool yeah but to each his own my people got it they trying to get their money and get the Instagram followers and Facebook followers and all that [ __ ] and like name just a business I'm not mad about the bay area is this would you do would you play a role like like you know with mr. fab justice my brother I just needed a new bigger mop like I will pop up on it on something like my whole thing is okay I can't say I'm not gonna do anything over this part I'm not doing no messy [ __ ] yeah nothing that's gonna be hella messy and just just for ratings and [ __ ] throwing glasses if [ __ ] are funkin and all this I'm - now I'm a grown-ass [ __ ] man man I'm not in all that [ __ ] man okay see 40 what what you gotta tell the people before we get up out of this we love you man yes sir I just want to say this in front of everybody whoever's listening you always know you been straight up and down like sales o'clock with me from the moment I met you and you kept it the same way I love you I love your peoples I love Ayden you represent all right I support you I'm always you know continue to I don't care I'll have the palm ball I've been chilling for you forever and I'm gonna continue to that because that's what you did to me yes sir and and the first record we ever did you maybe come to your studio battery studios like drinking oh [ __ ] and I try to give you this through club you wouldn't go there I mean yeah why I want your wife to hear this cuz you're good go here and you know person I look up to so I wanted to be a good man like you one day right I took me down about 15 years yeah cuz I was come back then yeah that's okay okay I want to say you wanted a stripper to suck my dick back then there you go and I'm not mad I never notice trim your nails in I feel me back then coming around this is before I met you baby but I try to get you to do that and you did he didn't do it yeah and I said this is this is the Platinum this when I was platinum yeah yes sir I was the hottest nicking a member here and you you still was like you know I smoked with you I'll drink with you yes sir but I'm gonna go home to my wife and your wife was in the bear and and I took that for the rest of my life yes sir I took that and I said you know what I want to be like a 40 and I'm not I'm not gonna lie there's only one other brother did I invited them to some [ __ ] and they ain't take it was that a Yankee but then I realized you're not flagrant [ __ ] I'm just trying to padding myself as my granddaddy no man you know the older folks what about me the first book I read was Malcolm X yeah in the second book I read was Horace son by Donald Goines Donald Goines is from the Bay Area correct is he now I think Donna point for the bay I he like for Detroit as something even more likely a state though he games but then he wrote something about film Wall Street in his rightful I'm sure he did what if what is film was an iceberg slim probably as Iceland yeah but it was all Donald Goines eyes were slim money was always to me at my office but they do you know I have books and [ __ ] it was gamed up so break down from Wall Street to me okay cuz I'm not from oh I just know the moat full of game you know I mean it's a bunch of [ __ ] from film or that that's gamed up and you know Fillmore slim I don't know him I'm never met I never met him all my old G's on my pilot's biology my pond the hose you stomp down chop the old you stump down let me tell you all about how did you stomp down this is oh you stop down to sand Queens daddy-san Queen you know the legendary snack cause aunt Quinn from for the film oh he fulfill mom is so old you stop damn assist daddy okay oh gee stop down lace me with the word sprinkle me sprinkle boom he lays because he that will you do this yeah yeah cuz he say he say phony man I'd like to sprinkle the kids man you know just game a month you know yeah so that's one lace me with that mmm you feel me yeah I'm anything I'm just a ganged up individual I keep my ear to the soil like and I kind of big up/down Liese Timbo that's how I got a lot of my you you have a you a you're given what [ __ ] a just as doing you know he got to go you got to platinum out and the whole thing I said I said yeah you know I just want to sprinkle a how much me you're gonna lash it from my plan to oh gee mugs over there that's my angle with you blood come over you come on a angle with us you know you got sick with a Cheney probably in Inglewood being a blood you gotta be a bloody angle with you don't you don't have to partake a member this is the Crips angle yeah yeah buddy some man this is super blood gang in Inglewood correct the big gang what families that's not again what gang are you apart no gay he's a tamale man only make some noise yeah yeah Maxine your little one yeah that's mine you know as well it's a cover car car yeah that's a that's a that's a click of the unit the family a car we called the car yeah you know you got the trip card a black card the I car that's one from that car oh yeah the whole Englewood car yeah cork RCL more ciear for you whenever we in New York he go to Freddy Fox house that's my thing I love that [ __ ] man we have problems for two seconds and then we make today did we made it right and every night she really never assume that you're getting a BM dude w Dilla I was like then I ain't got my gun and this thing is huge they gotta let you Freddy Fox you know that and um wait 40 man I can't thank you enough because you know what I'm not thank you for just being on this podcast my partner DJ here friendly Thank You Ben but you know what you know what I want to thank you for not just for doing a podcast I want to thank you for being a real person not a real [ __ ] an icon and I call this game yes thank you always been a real person to me your word has always been your born to me I swear to god you came a little late today no sweat I'm the rapper man I know you like this kind of [ __ ] like business [ __ ] we got the reason why is because I had like when a rapper come late talk [ __ ] we sit back and we acts each other and say is it gonna still happen yeah and we had no conversation about that because you like night we knew you stay before I said that's a stand up he straight up and down like 6 o'clock yes sir he hang hang sangria off the yells ball he do what he got to do like you got a do percolate to percolating around on fire hydrant yeah you do we said that's my [ __ ] deli hopping man I think I'm gonna show up all the time he's gonna pop up do what you gotta do like that do it yeah this my [ __ ] Mike both him inching bang got their own podcast popping off hang-hang rosie land but let me tell you something I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna keep y'all [ __ ] real don't want hang Garbo Mike both drink he will might move drink then again never gained weight as long as the same weight for 18 years you want some bro you got you got you know you got yo drink beer man LeFrak City we got T be drinking [ __ ] ahead of it look at that man that's real boy all right you [ __ ] up we're gonna [ __ ] around y'all really city boy D you're [ __ ] up yeah here not here hi-yah here nah hey man Manny from Boston [ __ ] heavy I wanna dream I drove it in me look at you for this this is a great listen for people I don't know I'm gonna tell you how you you measure a great CEO we went to Puff Daddy career I didn't hit you because you and Kendall you don't leave her this guy Laurie's Ilia by Hugh they're like now let's go that's the wine Thank You Miami Google Miami we drink 846 look we'll just set up hold up first thing you got to do is smoke wait wait wait what the corpse a on it you are all stevia selection okay say that that's my government name bottle who wants some of this mango Scott alright bang go yes sir not only are you drinking for the yeah drinking eat food smells just like mangoes planters ain't this ain't no [ __ ] you just put your name on this [ __ ] is from the ground up from the gravel everything I've done is match it's too good from the ground the cameras come check this home cuz I wanna be I wanna be constructive criticism whatever that should be critical to [ __ ] good no no I'm sittin at home yes all right well this what I'm gonna do eat 40 I'm gonna break it down hold on they can't be hold on me I got this on my snapchat oh oh don't work we can't believe can't believe it's not butter I'm drinking mango great chefs man I can't believe you made a Moscato I love 18% I team what you may ask you me hold on you know you're not gonna get my [ __ ] hood again do it again second I said you're wrong not in cash - he heard the Scala okay we further are you ready ready this is my big homie - smart way we doing a drop look on the podcast here we go ready go ice my big homie I can't believe yeah I knew he had a flavor Moscato say [ __ ] on someone that tasted that's it DISA [ __ ] smarter than me table save my 18% man hold on I got you pink yeah there you go there you go boy you got apologize low because I didn't think he underestimated how an estimated did you I thought because first open this mango Moscato here watered down and [ __ ] like I was just the most we [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Lester just one of the ones that's what's in the kitchen its own lane good that's one of them one that's one the once it's in this only you got you Costco's - it's in some of the COS coasters and some of the safe ways it's an all to you let me explain to you that it's all premises and off-premise so on premise is when it's in like some of the bars restaurants hotels and clubs and it's off premise which is the general market the general market is the mom-and-pop stores all the stores out there the corner store if it was there to why you family I just want to game y'all up right quick okay so before we get up out of here do you didn't see rapper Forte yesterday I didn't get a chance to see my guy yeah did you know that was in when I came later so huh he threatened upon these crazy City yeah that's my loved one oh I see if I was able to talk to him I say tell you could come on love wonder we pulled up now looked at them and I gave him a five yeah I make a bigger bar for tape we love you definitely flip on the police yes they almost could have been trash yeah rotate whatever's going on in your life we love you at drink chaps in our DJ Irfan we love you before tea love you yeah I love what we want you to get it right because we don't want you out there flipping on a police no more because it's not gonna work every time rapid change your ass we love you listen we gotta use the word love ha we love you but let's get it together because we don't need you out there flipping on the police no more because they're gonna kill they don't kill us yeah just pull it up I don't see it I pulled up laughing Oh cuz you're the headliner is all you Hollywood [ __ ] let's keep it real I don't like here like his trainer was Anna we are the drama god damn it god they're this mix-up lorry 40 yo you Alyssa in 40 I am a holiness but before these anything you want to say before you get up out of here cuz you I know you got 17,000 ventures I just want to tell the youngsters man state money motivated mmm yes tell me uh we say paper and inspirated you know sand and then wear socks and wear socks a man wear socks these people out there with a song I got a lot to make your friends like I say man you know just um you know dude dude don't sound like trust I'm trying to not sound like everybody else it's hard for me to distinguish who owned the auto-tune and who not in this Denethor just be uke so you can carve your own identity and no matter what they think at the end of the day you'll win because he was an innovator created that is all right so before we get up out of here like we said we gotta hang hanging of Rosedale and I want Mike booth and I'm watching being the say what's up chicken being is still here you left come on Jane Frank J he's sleeping you got a working bang Chang man what are you doing safe safe and 20 stable I'm like uptown tonight yeah yo Mike come or you'll come with chick bang just live this the e-40 episode but please wait yeah yeah are you coming out with your podcast Bing Bing and my boob come over here what the [ __ ] you're doing Rose hang-hang Rosie Lancome Tom chambering yeah you know shout out to drink champs right you know nor be given as a platform that the podcast right well no I'm just gonna be me change being anybody know what it is on orbit am i orbit child over check or global I got boo for the building it's my boat for a long time I you know you're gonna take this to well but we could take it and we're gonna grow as a clue as a family right you know San drink champs in hangover rosette land you know gonna do what we're gonna do we're here to give y'all what it is oh yes sir yes sir I just want to figure out you know I know you know I'm saying in the drink champs you don't laugh for men's right efore tea coming through my hair I love yo we gonna bring this the big and better things uh yeah yeah so listen um I call you our own is that way yeah that's my hand oh that's my rule a rule a so listen we taking all your liquor you 40 I'm keeping everybody by the word I brought to the table I don't mean to comment on a tailor 1989 I was burnt twisted full up in a drunk so we just are you saying 40 ain't no punk on a [ __ ] call it the song's called the [ __ ] that a [ __ ] with your brain left side was the EP to click 1989 cuz I was miles I could let you here we go on and I want to keep going okay cuz you were real negative rule is you know now I want you to use borrow my work for one of our worlds well one of my work yeah we might got super gonna lords go here we go Delia Rickard Delia what there may the utmost of realists any no rig there no but is it like it's really like ridiculously cheap OC so look so but you gotta use that word before you guys that work with Delia that linger burgers earlier I use a Rick Adele bring it down take it over so you know everything has its low way against you've been working this way hot going your twisted little writings over you know so we've you know for sheezy right easy so did we have for shizzle for session we have for sugar Dale which is me sit down with sugar Dale so you just twist the [ __ ] up you feel me and it's just and then make the world go around slam make the world go right that's right yeah all right ain't no need for griping oh who did this then the third grab you mean griping me you know complaining yeah like a plain old man it was me but I'm about to fall out with you over words I'm but if you up if you official pioneer you got we all you know flame with the world or just what we do we go deadly you feel me you're bigger than ringing Delhi yes friggin Delhi I'd like that law is the most of the craziest [ __ ] I want to be got some new [ __ ] - I just don't want to just play my [ __ ] Diego or Latino you wonder if I want a bigger they say it should go big dream big dreams big drainage rich Blanco I want also big up twin he you know he came out here $100 he 40 he's the brokers [ __ ] we know but he began he make it his riches [ __ ] there you go he came out hey Luke dog Tony's all be fine I know I pop so my mom's you know oh you baby I see you you in a Ralph's man or make a story you said with EMS sorry there's too much my chili 40 snoop dog totally gonna be somebody would you go out you gonna give him he came out here with a hard-on no he had 40 I gave him a holler give me 40 what's your name get out to pick some up [Applause] - [ __ ] marinated - born like you're stuck hey did your wolf in this [ __ ] we had a high-class a [ __ ] hotel get your room for there's no [ __ ] and marinade just fifties batches there's just Mac or Mac one down don't pay them Mac them damn batches the batches of [ __ ] you marinate known that this marinade may say you don't know me this is my god Charles he'd been in every podcast he'd been too heavy to say he pays his own flight this is a [ __ ] who hurt his heart cuz he hate [ __ ] matches yeah I thought you said badger Zephyrs like that animal yeah I should drink drink badger milk back in the day cuz i watch some what's that story else that says show i'm animal alright so I'm going downstairs we try to still know you Bing yo 40 water there we take it pictures during the smoke at this [ __ ] has gone wrong thank you once again you see how because I love my wife wherever you ask you the pool area pick up my sister Michelle pick up my sister very sweet church right now buddy help pick up Wando see you double-o wife bring up all you know I'm big in a ball my [ __ ] was your wife's name I forgot my public life is private and my private is that so my thing is this way there's only seven real [ __ ] of life on this earth me you DMX is coffees [ __ ] overall yeah for sure I'm at the top of the [ __ ] yeah I'm right behind right and if you want to I'm definitely okay I agree with that okay you won and and then whoever else they need to identify yourself then me there's only five left all right so listen what's happen you name one if dead or alive if we had to leave and they say it's gossip you got to pick a real [ __ ] to get they have it and not me because we already won no yeah one named Muhammad Ali Newton's Nick now you gonna give me going into political space more that's it go then one more you don't matter Julio crapola how about that Oh rapper rapper hmm ha ha ha ha you know that was anything you wanted oh you another one another one yeah a little like you about the gay lover now I was just gonna say pop I mean I just I can't like I don't I miss a lot of them in this one I'm gonna Chuck you name it I'm 40 40 we you said political and we've is some hot [ __ ] going on right now we in the we in the presidential seal yeah for real what do you think like what you know people are they don't know what to do didn't got me started with this [ __ ] huh oh they go this well everybody's guys I know everybody's like you know we got problems in this political season man and people need to vote cuz be [ __ ] don't want to go either going info will your heart you know go with your heart and your gut I'm gonna vote for Hillary oh yeah that's what I'm gonna do Donald Trump to me I made a song people don't even know I made a song called Trump change no cuz more my brother D shot was on ye see why is it a positive Trump song at that time making Brady bottle young [ __ ] in the hood young youngsters make making bread in the hood I'm gonna be a tycoon like Donald Trump right you know I was there and so I didn't even know since I heard I'm like I always liked him all of it all the way but to just recently I'm like and then he seems real a whole bunch of racist [ __ ] on my person what's all this [ __ ] about you know I don't even know that divided my country like a [ __ ] yeah my brother was telling me about Mensa real estate tycoon his name is down the Trump who was I mean it's all called Trump change she was called shrub chain he was on the players on a gold album right now element of surprise double album and the song is called sub change and on that song I mentioned I even said it it was like instead you know more folks a chump change instead of chump shade on my truck change so on the thing the first one of the things I see it hey let's check game y'all we're reporting the one of the things I say it was I see it up chump change and to begin I say Tom Schaad yeah Donald Trump change dig I'm big Annie muffin anything you feeling I didn't know dude to me I don't know if it's really humorous I don't know what the [ __ ] but it seemed like this is I don't think he's the right guy is WWF here what are you doing right now yes like he said a lot of really I think mainly it's just any in here he got a temper problem or something like like he quickly he might push that button that thing to make us go to war right away do be trimming I'm sorry gazelles not woods these right here these no these are cartier buff this Detroit surely 5000 Detroit real heavy just what they [ __ ] are these 15 above not it's just 27 you got glasses mornin niggars changes all right everybody who wrapping it up 8:40 I can't thank you all enough we want you to take that glass not me before we leave can you want from me oh oh shallot army oh yes it listen cuz listen let's just keep it real Donald Trump touring politics into a smack DVD so in order for us to make Kanye West president cuz that's what I'm doing I'm trying to make Kanye West president cuz I'm [ __ ] and this is my we're talking me Mahmut argument is [ __ ] argument okay so my wrote argument is I want to make our US president in 20 whatever this is but in order for us to do that we need David Banner to be mayor of Mississippi we need one be to be may of oh I think David Banner I gotta tell y'all some about David Banner he wanted the most just like news that I ever met he wanted to realize out of the 7 out summer he wanted him on the phone and I want to say this I knew is it really is he really running for men so I want to see shoe he said man no II should be polished definitely yes Tammy be behind a misses it before today and Eddie from Mississippi oh I'll say my daddy rusty was he from Mississippi goddam you feel saying so I love de semana or the year me person I don't know just my positions how one thing I do one thing I do is it let me tell you live it's not community that's what I do and to tell you why you at the perfect candidate because you've been with your wife for 20 years real dad's it alone makes you for these [ __ ] can't be what I looked at what they do to Obama and I feel like he's a great president nobody when he first came into the game the [ __ ] was [ __ ] up 9/11 all this she was already there he stuck issues and some [ __ ] did his fingers and some [ __ ] that he just can't wipe off like he just minute it was already bad tides in 30 40 is the main enemy Oda area then we're gonna put game and Snoop going run California um a little sense I'm from an area called Vallejo a small city in the Bay Area no no but listen once you take over mister baby we gotta make mr. fab they're gonna be too short to go sound might come through yeah yeah I'm from Vallejo the mother house it is that we got - we got sank waters s the Bay Area so we Vallejo so we the Bay Area but what I'm saying is that's not the whole Bay Area so well I can't be the mayor of the whole Bay Area trick daddy 40 in my opinion I want hip hoppers eco-park of politics so in order for us to put Kanye West in office what we need to do is have everybody take care I'm running for mayor left frac and then we may have a mayor because I got a DuPont politicking all the what was their goal politic holes politician [ __ ] so we need you to run for them you went to shore and then we're gonna have the lonely's as your cabinet partners partners and we're gonna change politics we change hip-hop we change life and listen and you know you know you know why it's gonna work for you because you've been a respectful do for over 20 years you're still out here bill young do you respect you the older [ __ ] respect you and everybody in between respect you so I just ask you as a friend I need you to get into policy so we could make Kanye West for preggers that I want to get pre easy then I want every school whatever man I will definitely back somebody that respect MCM don't tumble MCM I think he Omega gamma would be great anyway speedos no more that's my [ __ ] hey never take some that mayorship being a mayor shot to my mayor in Vallejo you know you know if this is a lot more to this year so me personally I just want to play my position and my hip-hop you have to go politics keep it real ah if we take all politics nothing looks a check get some people we can you made a circus yeah we show a bit of [ __ ] right they come for the circus oh you know talk about they know real politicians that care about they comfort if they want to see the [ __ ] they want to see they want a lad I want to have they want to do you know they want to do I want I believe in unity my whole thing is you lose e over separation yep you know about I grew up with all walks of life in my neighborhood and the hillsides Cambodian Guamanian Philippine alone and I get one of your weights meiosis mango Sammy the tongue is my you know like all walks of life what I'm saying in the hillside where I grew up that man wasn't just all you know just all blacks you doing and I was special I respect us all I'm good at all and if we can't make it different this world God didn't put all of us on here to make it a separate thing you feel me yes that's all I'm saying man god damn this recently forty breaking it down No 340 I can't thank you enough I'm the best drinker holding three champions ol vena Troy I've cheated one night one day I drink with them [ __ ] and they put patrol in a Rosie didn't tell you didn't tell my father I was how about six bottles in and I was like no it's something in the our [ __ ] oh we mix it with Patrol so I do what I do I was like a throw of like a two of an accusation I ate sushi after that New York Summer Jam yes sir we wish you the best respect and in the trials and tribulations you're going to big up to a whole vein for y'all [ __ ] set me up that night but 8:40 I'll take them I can't take the liquor you got your liquor my liquor we've been drunk already man we taking yeah thank you so much the party man anything else you want to say to your fans can you up listen litigation I give all the website so let see the favor raise your fans was relentless your fans with something from the first episode we ever drop your fans was like if you don't keep 40 water on it and in my mind yeah every time your fans tweeted I pop the collar yeah that's nothing you know seeing me by me and my family that you started to the year to come popping the collar come on man mohawk ain't say nothing about I didn't do that man they came like holding them didn't do that man go look at all the footage and all the earlier days and all this [ __ ] that was always documented I'm not trying to Amarista but anyway that [ __ ] man you know I sound like I'm hella you know which I'm not I'm a very humble guy but yes I mean I want to say shout to all my fans cuz ya'll believed in me that serious fan and y'all know I'm gained up and y'all know where we from I don't know how we get out y'all live it y'all know what I speak is real these squares [ __ ] they gain goofy and me [ __ ] in me by out there cardinal back [ __ ] you wave sucker you feel me you got your [ __ ] mix yeah I mean you gave me yup so before we can you describe a pimp life in a Bay Area just that's real quick a pimp in the bay you don't say they're gonna be a big day live in the bay no no he'll know okay but no I'm a man I bet I shout to the piece man the P des filles that's a pimp uh-huh okay push out to the peas cuz a day ding you know that's it back in there being a cut like bad is the [ __ ] yesterday be sending them holes like a test message me camouflaged even dressed just like me you my leg it never be over - just just like me and you [ __ ] just yeah getting money yeah that's not a bigot Air Force Base ring up the bed you know 40 I'll owe you money get your back - yes thank you so much do drop it is do it yes
Channel: Drink Champs
Views: 199,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drink champs, dj efn, nore, noreaga, e40, e-40, e 40
Id: 3XzTLYgxeQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 28sec (7468 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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