E-40 Talks Cook Book, New Album 'Rule Of Thumb', Draymond Green, B.G. Feature + More

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wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club morning everybody it's DJ Envy shamine the guy we are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building the legendary E40 what's happening welcome back right on man you know what I Be Wondering E40 do you cook for Thanksgiving or do you let somebody else do it my mother-in-law my father-in-law my wife and my son iron skillet master so you take the break on Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving I'll take the break I provide all the beverages okay okay okay M why well why do you take a a back seed on Thanksgiving they cook better than me bro really yeah I go I go crazy but you know when it come to Thanksgiving foods like you know dressing and my mother-in-law make these um these them you know the yams over at um Ruth Chris yeah the sweet potato casserole with the marshmallow in it she do better than she it has what is it walnuts is it walnuts on there peon she do it better than that like she do it better than the roof crisp sweet potato cast yeah so stuff like that wifey do potato salad and all that and chicken spaghetti and not your normal chicken spaghetti too we'll talk about all that but um I'm hungry right now talk about all cuz you think it's red sauce but it's not it's not red sauce nah n can't you can't give out the secret ingredient I can't cuz I'm a C- packet it's already emotion like the ocean okay okay Jesus that with the spoon we got go with the spoon in the book you you and uh Snoop are on the cover so you and uh Snoop did this together can snoop cook uh Snoop can cook he got his little you know what I'm saying his little o Wiles now what that what what does he cook I see he like to do fried chicken and stuff like that you know I'm just all over the place like space with mine I'm Li to do um you know some orange ruffy or something with some uh pan seared orange ruffy with some almond almonds and some butter and some uh white white wine I saw you do the the other day I saw you do a a mozzarella stuffed turkey meatloaf yeah it go crazy I don't even eat cheese but I'm like man I would have to taste some of that it's delicious brother yes when you even come up with these com recipes and ideas from um just being um just being greedy just being greedy straight up you know I've been cooking for many moons um I used to work at this restaurant in uh banisha California um called the common house restaurant I started off working in the this when I was a teenager um started off working in the kitchen washing dishes in the pantry next thing you know a guy by the name of lwis he was the main Chef there and this place was like a to me it was like a Michelin star restaurant a lot of rich people go there but it was they wasn't giving out Michelin stars at that time but if they was that definitely would have been it because dude taught me how to make orange uh I told you about Orange ruffy um chicken Gordon Blue um a Scargo you understand me um London London broal you know just all kind of just elegant stuff you you know and so uh but you know along with Magazine Street you know I top ramen noodles with eggs and stuff like that you understand me um I I just go crazy I just do what what I feel tastes best you know what I'm saying I love making oxtails and a power pressure cooker oxtails short ribs you gumbo things of that nature so this is interesting cuz you know I've wondered where the cuz I love watching you I've been telling you this for years I love watching you on Instagram and seeing you cook so your family you got come from a family of cooks and you worked in a restaurant absolutely wow yeah absolutely are you surprised with the receptiveness that you get from the cooking cuz I almost seem like it like I I see more people loving more the cooking than some of the music at times hey you know people people love music and but they love food more than music I think period don't you think so when you wake up in the morning you trying to hear music or you want to eat kind of both you know what I'm saying yeah you kind of yeah they kind of go hand in hand little bit so you know I so in 2014 um I had got a power pressure cooker M so that's when I started making all all the meals and stuff like that and then you know what I'm saying uh me and be legit got a song where we where he be legit said uh the Goon with the spoon you know what I'm saying and we said it on a couple of songs and whatnot and um I was like you know what I start I start hashtagging goon with the spoon and then I told my boy cousin Fe to have his guy go make the logo so he went and made the logo and so I feel like you know how you got McDonald's and you got RBS and you got Jack In The Box and so on and so forth you know those logos they they subliminally in your head that's what I wanted to do when I got the vector I put a the vector on the um on every post that I did when I made the when I did the cooking so you would always see goon with the spoon down at the bottom right hand corner and so I knew what I was doing because I knew I was going to go into co-packing MH so now the go with the spoon is just not just me just on Instagram I'm a it's a brand like co-ack like I got go with the spoon Ice Cream six different flavors I got go with the spoon sausages chicken teriyaki pineapple um Philly chicken cheese steak and Mild beef and hot beef um I got goon with spoon burritos you understand me and many more to come so now we got the book and Snoop Dogg was like he say uh nephew come on man let's well un I'm you know he call about his nephew but he man let's go let's do something man cuz he was already in the um he already got his own book it's a bestseller too and um so he had the outlet and I was like you know it's only right I you know I don't have no Pride problem you know that's the problem with people they got Pride they you know what I'm saying put your pride to the Sid you know what I mean I'm like what better person to let you know what I'm saying put it out on the platform it's everywhere now so it's out now that's right the Goon with the spoon and and goon with the spoon you weren't be legit wasn't talking about uh cooking it's a double anandra but it's a good way to turn a a so-called negative into a positive that's right so check game so I feel like you know how when you play basketball a lot of people like say like say for instance we got um when we got uh mcaffrey on our team the 49ers my cousin he Dallas cowo boy fan smart man yeah he was oh for real you think so and he was like you know we talk big Bronco to each other and I ain't talking about Denver Broncos that's just a phrase I said and uh he was like I ain't going to lie mcaffrey a dog right so that the dog is not a dog in a bad way it's like you know I'm saying like that's just like being a beast so you know why can't be a goon with a spoon cookie that's right yeah so that's right now now you did mention basketball can we talk Warriors a little bit you want to talk Warriors Draymond Green just just you know grabed the poor light-skinned brother out of his damn near out of his shoes man what you what you want me to say what you want you talking to me you know I'm not going to go against Draymond first and foremost he's sharper than a porcupine spine and he observes everything and most of the time when he say rewind rewind the tape when they call some bad stuff on him he he right most of the time so I'm just rocking with draym because when he when he react on something I take his opinion I I know I'm rocking with Draymond most of the time he's real he's holding out a team and he should that is my favorite NBA player let nobody do nothing to none of his team that's right especially CL stuff absolutely and you don't win championships without uh a Draymond Green type player tough play absolutely protected C CZ C was robman robman was a fool with it huh with robman was a was a fool with itak yeah they was they was with it you need enforc the Pistons back there were they they were fools with it absolutely now now there was an incident that happened in Sacramento when you were out at at the playoff game what happened during that time um man I just was just being me man I was just sit in Courtside like I always do I just so happened to go to Sacramento I just did a successful bottle sign in that total wine with all my liquor Brands line was wrapped around the building I know Sacramento loved me dearly and just a Heckler in the background and um you know just was drunk or whatever and I just I just was like tell me to sit down I was I what I'm at the basketball I'm front row you like behind me like three rows up or whatever you can't tell you new to this I've been doing this since Mo dick was a goldfish you dig M and so she was like told me to sit down again and I look back and I didn't cuss her out or nothing I said hey and next thing you know the security came and we just put it this way man we got it straight because I know that Sacramento loves me I know Sacramento King fans love me and the owner got big love for me I'm matter of fact I'll be at the gold one Center um what December December got a big show there so they on that building so we rocking okay I know I know you here to talk about your your 27th solo album ruler but you know we can't way more than that I don't know why they keep putting 2 how many is it it's more than that 30 30 something damn Jesus cuz you got to put my EPS up in that thing you know what I'm saying yeah my solo EPS Mr flamboyan came out in 1989 do you count the compilations too like um no no compil I a't even counting the compilations or the the albums with the click yeah I've been doing this [ __ ] since uh C the Frog was a pow but you know a couple weeks ago November I'm November 9th 1993 Federal album drop it really was 1992 we used to put it up a year cuz we was in we when you say when we when you talk about independent we was the real independent okay like you understand me I'm talking about using City Hall records as our main Hub and uh music people we didn't have a big distribution deal you know until like 94 When J Records and every label that that did rap music they had a big bid war on me and uh they wanted you know they wanted me stick with the records they wanted us you know and uh I went ahead and went with Jive but n they they put the um we used to always put it up a year because it would take some time to get to other states and when it did get to other states we wanted it to soak in we didn't want them to think the album the album or the EP is old that was just our method my uncle St Charles I'm sure y'all heard me speak of Uncle St Charles that's my mother's brother blood so you know everybody say uncle this Uncle that's my that's my bloodline and he you know helped you know what I'm saying uh the boy Master P and many of us you know what I mean from the beginning because Master P used to be out there with us in the Bay Area in Richmond California so pcing how I was doing it he was doing his thing too but he wasn't doing it on the level that he was doing it when he once he got to with St Charles and then he just took it to Big Heights so and that's my brother right now to this day so it's been 31 years since Federal then not yeah 1992 damn damn what where did your mind go when you think about that it was going to start off as an EP because that's what we was doing when you do solo stuff back then it was and I I just had too much gas and uh I was like man let me you know what I'm saying let me just go on and add some more songs to to make it an album and that's the mind frame I had a lot to say um being fresh from the soil M and uh way ahead of my time do you remember the impact it had on yeah woke the game up yeah I'm the dopest bro only only suckers and clowns can't see it you you know what I'm saying I'm I'm above I'm I'm beyond what they think you know you go back and listen to all my old stuff you listen to my new slaps right now Ru of thumb you understand I'm the epitome of Mob music I I've been in every era from the you understand me the black fist in the air with the you know with the with the African Medallion and the late 80s to you know understanding to the Mob music era to the G Funk to the South music with cash money and and and abon and MJG and all all these casts you understand me Master P um I'm the hyy movement I'm just everything all in one you think with the with them celebrating 50 Years of Hip Hop they celebrated you the right way yeah I was I was part of a lot of it I was part of all they they invited me to pretty much everything everything you think they celebrated the beta Right Way um I think they reached out to me and short was there and they reached out to um you know Hammer Hammer already said he he you know a lot of them reached out to him people didn't know that but you know Hammer chose to do what hammer do he he he OG I got nothing but love for him you know Hammer wasn't even tripping I don't know why but I didn't ask him but that's my big bro you know what's interesting when you say about how you've been able to transcend through every genre it's because your flow and Rhymes have always been so unorthodox they don't fit a time period anyway absolutely it's no time limit that's real bro and nobody could bite it nobody I don't even know what I'mma do when I get in the vocal boo I don't know what pattern I'mma do I don't know none of that I just do it um I'm a professional beat picker and I know I'm ahead of my time you know because I like to do things that's innovating I like to do what everybody else don't even my slaps I like them to be Up Tempo I like them to be slow I do it all so I'm just I love to talk about the you know the hard times the struggle climb up the ladder trying to climb up the ladder and climb up and you know get over the fence of the ghetto you know what I'm saying um because that's what we all that's what we all work hard for is to you know provide our family with uh you know with a better life what's the difference between E40 that did federal and E40 that did rule of thumb the difference between E4 that did federal and the E4 that did rule of thumb is now I the things I would have said back then I think things out you know what I mean like back then I was just a young hard-headed managed little dude you know what I'm saying just just spitting what I spit now I'm more of a uh I'm more of a teacher mhm you know and when I did talk about like trigger play and sliding and you know what I'm saying and all that whole spinning the block and all that stuff it was it was never um like glorifying it it was never glorifying it was I'm a Storyteller I'm a poet you know I got a verbal paintbrush I paint pictures with my lyrics so that's one thing I've always did and I talk about the consequences and repercussions about the situation a lot of casts don't you know what I mean if you do this this could happen you can lose a love one you know they go take it out on somebody else you know what I'm saying this this is how this thing go I I spit all that you know so you know we had uh COK Jones up here one time and she was talking about the one of the first times she ran into you do you remember I don't remember bro all right well I don't I I know what you're talking about but I don't remember and I wasn't drunk she said at the Rock Nation right Rock Nation BR she said she walked up to you and she just started rapping Bust Around I don't I don't I just you know I just don't I don't I don't remember that bro cuz she cuz I I seen her saying something about um what she say she say she she said I said shorty was it shorty I don't even that ain't even in my vocabulary too basic for yeah that's too basic for FY water that ain't in my you know what I'm saying I say something way slicker than that so you know maybe she was just I don't know maybe she thought I was somebody else I don't know me and Buster we got we rap different we two of the most creative rappers on Earth and you know maybe she thought that or something but we don't look alike or nothing you know but that's my guy you know um but I don't recall that MH but hey it is what it is it's you know she everybody don't know me cuz I've been around like I say ever since you know Yogi Bear was a teddy bear you know the the late 80s you feel me and so you know maybe she didn't know me really on you know I I don't I don't get offended it's gravity what what what what advice would you well first of all I want to say congratulations to you too for uh having your childhood Street renamed after you yeah that's dope and you got the key to the City of Vallejo how how did that feel man that's a dream come true cuz I think think that was the only the second time that they gave somebody the key to the city in what 100 years what wow 70 years 170 70 years yep I got the key to the city bro I deserve it man I put Val on the map hands down you have you had Sly the Family Stone you had good function which I love dearly Michael Cooper and them and filon pilot um and then you far as rap e 4 put Val on the map straight up Nationwide who debating that nobody suckers for real suckers suckers that you understand me I'm too much man I'm too much but I'm very I'm very humble but I'm just telling the truth I really deserve the key to the city the street everything Magazine Street I talked about there for my whole career M the other day I seen you SM down Magazine with some old sucking your car look at at me me and I stopped in the middle of street under my seat and grab my heat man that the same that got into it with the at the club last week that's Captain St ho right but I'm just saying that was 1993 when I did this i' I've been talking about it for many moons Magazine Street that's why you know I'm saying you know what I'm saying learned all my street knowledge and everything I had a front row seat there that's when that's where it all unfolded at who called you how was that called on um so you know i' one two years three years ago I called one of the old Mayors and uh I was like and I didn't follow up with it you know and so I I talked to um I seen a short had his I'm like so I talk my I said I said how do you so I talked to my publicist dider I said man hey man see how how we can do that you know what I'm saying oh two sh got a street too yeah sure got a street in in the town Oakland two short way right yeah wow so I called my publicist Didier and Didier and my man gayen they put it together like the weather they put the request in and what was it uh they the whole city council voted me in no not one person said no I mean it was given I this I've done a lot for the community a lot of things I don't say I've done but I've done a lot for the community when you speak of valo when you speak of the bay you who do you say E40 and two two short yeah E40 and two short that's right you you also have the title of having the most Chen albums in billboard history top 200 album entries okay yeah I mean with 30 33 33 damn somebody about to beat me though who who NBA young boy really young boy putting out album every damn month he did four he did four this year already yeah yeah you know I'm back on my know you know cuz I you know so I'm I'm putting out four within the next uh eight months okay so you gonna have rul of thumb one that's coming out tonight at 9 o00 West Coast time you got rule of thumb 2 coming out in January rule of thumb three coming out in March rule of thumb four coming out in May are they done already I mean rule not rule of thumb four I'm sorry I have so it's two on each each one yeah they they they done but you know we record all the way until the day that we really F to dang there you know about a week before we really F to just drop it drop it because I might come with a slap out of newhar you feel me so um so here we go here it is it's rule of thumb one rule of thumb two then I'm coming with songs for every emotion one and songs for every emotion two and that's what I do I got songs for every emotion so why not do it what does the CH what does the entry thing mean to you like when you get records like that do you does that mean something to you what the um to have the 33 what is it 33 most oh yeah that mean some I mean that's dope that mean you know what I'm saying consistency and you know what I mean just to be able to you know make those charts billboard is a big deal you know billboard is a big deal I see BG's on the album yeah that's my guy how' you hook up with BG since he been home I'm assuming oh you know I stayed you know rocking with him you know um on Instagram and whatnot and then through Birdman that's my guy m and um when he came home say Birdman I hit him on the DM I say Birdman tell BG I love him and tell him tell tell him I say what's up and he was like 40 he asked about you and um he was he did time with my brother-in-law ma Russ too you know what I'm saying boss Mack and so um but I've been knowing BG since he was a young mustache you know him Lil Wayne all of them they was on um my album Charlie hustle we had a song called look at me we did it over at Bosco con house my boy the producer and um it was me Lil Wayne Birdman BG Juvenile and Turk all of us together in this this Nudo right so I was the first one that cash money was featured on another person's rapper album they wasn't doing that back then and I was the first one to be on featured on their album they wasn't letting anybody in like that so we've been rocking me and Birdman and slim been rocking since 1998 damn yeah you didn't seen at all you know want to ask you for have you did you ever have a relationship with e i I really didn't bro and I had love for him I met him a couple times he's kind of quiet when I seen him but not disrespectful he was just he was a businessman he was handling his business have big love for E grew up on his music as well you know he was older than me you know I'm an old head he he was older than me and uh real real boss mode you know but no I didn't man mhm cube is my guy I know Cube I did the mount westore absolutely how did you feel about that the cube every day every text or phone yeah okay yeah when did y'all first meet maybe 92 93 somewhere around there but he had been around way before that you know what I'm saying but Cube has always showed me love we got records together I mean one time I had called him and I said Cube can you get on this song he was um he was in Sacramento he had a show out there and I said since you in town can you come through to my my sodio at the coffee table I send a car service he said let me check my schedule let me see what time I got to go on and he was like send the car sent me the address he was in Sacramento came to the house my sister's Nudo at knocked out a song called behind Gates I didn't I didn't have a title or nothing he was like he he had the title and him and uh MC Ren came came and knocked it out went back and did his show about a month later I said can we do a video to this and he say of course I say how much you going to charge me you know what he said nothing just show me when to come just tell me tell tell me when to be there and I'm there and he showed up did the video so y'all can look up behind Gates me me and Cube on that thing wow did you did you like the reception to mount Westmore do you feel like it was like too late to do that project I mean it's never too late to do something late you feel like y'all would have had a lot more impact if y'all did it early in your careers you know I just you know I take you know we just got a lot let nature take it course cuz I don't think we would even did it because we even though we love each other and everything but it was the right time to do it the plan the pandemic was uh you know in motion like the ocean so we was all in in in in the house you know what I'm saying everybody got their own access to Studios and you know what I mean and uh we just send this [ __ ] back and forth and we made it happen we recorded over 50 songs we going to continue to do it we all you know Snoop Dogg is the busiest of all of us you know that boy everywhere like air you dig so how did you get into the business of all of this though like you know you you hear about there's a lot of rappers that get into the liquor but the the the C- packing what do you call it co- packing co-ack the food industry how do you get into the food industry um like I say I've always wanted to do it I got seasonings and sauces and all kind of stuff going to come bro but it's a brand and it's just it all comes hand in hand music food and beverages started off selling wine online Earl Steven selections mango scato you know what I'm saying function red blend and muscato those are the first three skus that I had don't let me go down the line now that's just I can fill up this whole room with all my liquor I love it different brands and and it's 100% black own did you do you have to reach out to people to make those the products happen like as far as the food or somebody came to you n you know you just you it it all once you in it you in it you just one thing leads to another you find you get your connections this that third you know you get your Consultants you hire make sure you have your lawyers the lawyers is for the paperwork because it's a lot of Licensing and all kind of stuff that goes with everything for us food and beverage uh especially your alcohol I make it look easy but it's not that easy and my wife do all the compliance and not the logistics and all that and um we we familyowned bro we black own business for real from the ground up man I'm talking about no investors no nothing man it's all you understand me to Stevens M you another one of the brothers man always look to and I be like man you got that's why having a great woman is is is so important you know cuz You' had a great woman for a long time been with her for a long time how important is having that that's my backbone that's my that's my soulmate you know it's no secret I love her and you know we came up you know living off of love you know when I was just Earl before I was E40 you feel me it was you know so since since Teenage life you know here we is together all these many moons many moons living off of love that's right we was just living off of love making it happen man you know now I I got to ask these on liners that you have 40 do you write them down cuz you have a oneliner for everything I I swe you must if you had to count how many one line is you do it has to be thousands a day I just got memory like a spelling be see you see what I'm saying you don't write them down to nothing you just I just I just you know log it in you know I heard porcupine spine I heard something like a tad pole this morning I said he was young as a mustache I didn't heard so many got plenty if you sit down with me man you you hear a whole bunch of stuff it just come out natural like a afro see yeah I was looking at the uh the the the genius when you did the definitive guide the E40 slang M like it be them Bootsy [ __ ] in your town that's always dying first one talking about booty so when I say booty you ain't talking about the raer no not not booy no yeah I know that's my guy um I'm talking about booy Collins but booy Collins is a legend he's booy only time booy really should be somebody should be called Bootsy like that's booty Collins he the only one when I say booty it's like if you ever look at how he dressed he overd does it he dresses flamboyant but he do it in his way it's it's he can he the only one who can do it you know what I'm saying him and maybe Elton John and maybe I don't know liac and you know people like that you know they dress different and so Bootsy was really cuz I had a song in 19 oh shoot look this a trip let me tell yall how how how long I've been putting Bootsy the name the word Bootsy on uh you know in the atmosphere in 1989 on Mr flamboy and I said meanwhile Bootsy was coming around a corner on two shoes I mean Wheels scatting in a 76 cutless oos mobile you know what I'm saying so two shoes what what I mean by two shoes I was think I was thinking rims I was the first one talking about shoes calling calling rims shes M and Toes gold tippy toes all that you understand me so booy that's 1989 how many years is that now that's I'm terrible that math long that's what I'm saying so booy is just somebody that overdoes it you know or just do just do some old loud stuff like just just over they kind of Twisted the around the word around like oh he h one time somebody called me oh he hella Boosy you can't call me some something that I point the hell wrong with these fools man I the first rapper Holland hel oh absolutely yeah what I'mma do one day I'mma come back right maybe one of the the second rulle of thumb if y'all if y'all have me or um or either the um songs for every emotion and we gonna break it down let's break it down and let's and we have the song play I'll tell you what year we play the little line of we go all the way back to 88 I was trying to figure out did you did you coin the terms save a ho or Captain Save ho you save a ho the first rapper screaming Save a Ho people everybody say you can't save these ho but did you start that yeah because what it is save a hoes that's a a so listen a cap sa ho is a dude that like come to the rescue and try to make a hoe into a housewife that's what it is that's not like treating your wife you know buying her stuff like that A Hoe is a a bat that you know that got more miles on them than Spears Airline you know what I'm saying and you try to make that not be that no more but she a hoe going to be a hoe so you know and then there's a lot of cats out there that'll really like kill you over over actual broad that ain't cool that's you know that'll line you up in the whole Wile you feel me so that was 94 and the whole the whole 9393 that was 93 okay and the whole uh the the sheis you said Fi Fi the first time I heard fi that's from the a lot of My Words Be from the streets okay but that's what what don't most rappers words be from the streets absolutely feel me you know I'm crafty with mine I just I come with my own too my own stuff too but first time I heard fi um was um my boy twice twice Berg good friend of mine good people solid gamed up Mr tap the map himself you know what I'm saying um I was producing the record for him because I'm a I'm a composer I'm a I'm a producer too on the tuck y'all just don't know I'm a professional beat picker and a composer and um so twice I had produced a song for him and his guy and uh he was with who was he with he was one of them major labels so we at Studio tones and uh we just chopping it up drinking and [ __ ] he was like yeah e for Chey man you know what I'm saying like for show you know and uh so I was like what's that you know what I'm saying that's first time I ever heard it you know what I'm saying that's like 199 what year was that 94 maybe 94 95 somewhere around there cuz the first time it was ever said on wax fori was 1996 and that was me and Chey Too Short mhm he was like e Fey tooy man we off to easy for Shey and I said I thought youy myy whatever I said right so that was the first time it was ever said on wax but twice was the first so then I said uh so three one day before I said that though I was at um I was at uh where was I at I'm sorry let me get back in the mic I'm playing um I was at um my boy's um uh my boy dollas and Spence we was in the studio with dollas and Spence and he was putting out a group called three times crazy and uh that's the group ke the sneakers in you know what I'm saying and ke and so I said it I said but I said I said for shizzy right and the boy Bart one of the members you know Bart gamed up and whatnot he was like yeah e but it's it's fory like that right I say oh okay okay that's what that's what twice was saying the other day he was saying fory not forzy right and so I liked it so then I knew how to say it correctly cuz I'm I'm human you know what I'm saying and so we put it in the record first one ever on wax ever saying fi and fisel and all the whole Woo You Feel Me So Snoop gets a lot he gets the credit for it though he get he get the credit for for shizzel cuz he you know you know Snoop is a a fan of of uh Bay Area Music not just me you know 415 you know he easily tell you um the 415 that's Richie Rich and DJ durl you know what I'm saying um they that's why they Nam they group The 213 you feel me so he love he love us man we we rock with LA we rock with Snoop Dogg we rock with DZ and all of them we've been we've been I got a picture with droopy my son Droopy when Snoop was at our house in Fairfield California and Rancho salano playing video games RC games drupy was a little young mustache playing video games with him and Nate dog like we go way back many moons do you think your most famous slang is popo that's one of them firster the police P yeah everybody yeah movies and everything I hav seen it ien seen so much of my slang words that I've coined words that I said first on wax um really really just in crossover commercial all kind of commercials and everything yeah that was 93 said purp yes it was 92 damn I keep off a year Federal Federal okay but it's documented as 93 you know that's how that's how they remember I told you we put it up a year but you can hear me on there saying on like if you listen to some of the song I say 992 93 some stuff like that you understand me so E40 got a scad oh was whack what whatever you tried to do got he got he got he got to leave got to bust a pattern what I got to bust a pattern he got to bust a pattern that mean I got to Bust the Move I got to move I got to get up out of here I got I got to tear up out of here man you but we appreciate you for joining us the book is out right now of course be album rul of thumb is out right now man yeah tonight tonight tonight West Coast time 900 p.m. 9:00 p.m. East Coast time 12:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. make sure y'all get rulle of thumb 23 slaps backto back stop playing with water it'll be out today actually we airing it tomorrow yes it'll be out today there you have it it's E40 it's The Breakfast Club good morning wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 192,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: WU1q_91Iigo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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