Tay Capone Workout Interview:Play for keeps VS 6double00 pt2,Meditation,Weight loss&is he like that?

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back when I was young I used to care if they accepted me now all of they [ __ ] look at me like a celebrity they say congratulations but I still PE the jealousy I've been on my [ __ ] I just been adding to my legacy watch your grandma snort up them blows that [ __ ] affected me said I got to make it I won't let this get the best of me [ __ ] while I was raised having Glock is a necessity what shorty Reckless spark and they can't even aiming steadily and hit the innocent might take a life for in the pregnan youngest Wilding hanging in the street just like it's Sesame I just missed the cing with the spread like it's a recipe all I told this go the only thing that's in my Rey I see my brother D my mama thought I needed therapy people steady testing me say you got to chill is what they telling me I was on the Block and Sho and I ain't trying to let it be you going to catch a bullet if you ever think you checking me even when you see me by myself I got that t with me St to me drugs and killing Ops in my pedigree even when I'm chilling to The Cho of that you7 I just got the top from a new B her name was ebony SL on anybody that won't smoke and make them scar of [Music] me now like that shy take the call man what the wor sh [ __ ] Bro right just got done working out man getting to decent right now what you want BR yeah chill what was the easiest workout you did today yeah man bro I ain't going to lie you know just hey that's funny too that you asked me that cuz I was going say this bro I don't be knowing what none of my workouts be called for I don't be KN about none of that sh bro I just be look bro I swear to God my workout routine Comfort on me either like what I just did with or like just stealing it from people off social media I'm saying I see it like oh I think that' be hard do it at the June I I rarely know I probably don't even know one exercise I do outside of the treadmill like I don't know how to like yeah this the Cur of I ain't going to lie but once your body get into Norm of it you just do it I just do it I ain't going to lie just do it bro that's one of the things about going to the gym by myself is cu like you get the freedom to be like man if I'm doing it wrong I I corrected or right I ain't got nobody Brea it down by deck like oh that ain't what that's called or that ain't what you supposed to be doing I'm just trying [ __ ] doing [ __ ] whatever worked for me but that's what I do that's what I keep if you could describe what was the easiest probably the uh bail girl though what your seven set yeah the seven sets cuz that chess bro I ain't going lie when I first did that like even doing 10 I well I stood up to do the the the the curl [ __ ] and my chest was already pumping like I I do 10 damn put up that [ __ ] already hurting again I tell you that [ __ ] be hurt bro what was the hardest work out you did uh that uh what was just that that tricep that tricep C backwards yeah man no that was right facts the dumbbells the chest dumbbells man that [ __ ] just was Hur that's why he started helping me at was hard picking it up and clapping it clapping clapping is part of bro cuz I ain't going to lie when you clapping you got to come back out again extend and bring them back now you got to you overexert way more energy to bring her back when you go all the way out here with some [ __ ] Bro getting it back take them twice the strength bro yeah know with his reps he makes sure you don't overend that's why he was telling me like not that far out cuz I was I was extending too damn far and it's making the hard to bring it back you know I'm saying that's what I like about working out with people like your uncle man he going to teach you the technique a lot of a lot of [ __ ] instead of just doing it a certain way cuz that [ __ ] that [ __ ] cost like [ __ ] up a technique is putting more strain on yourbody like I I might be putting more strain on my back or my shoulders or anything overextending too much so technically matter yeah technique is everything have you ever had any health skares that made you want to get in the gym hell yeah with every hard drug I had and I don't me like hard drug like dope and Coke but I didn't did every about every drug outside of dope and Coke I I had a run not even just trying it but having a real run with it from my to Xanax peret drink all others are down I'm still fighting the battle with ecstasy right now you know saying like it' be hard letting some [ __ ] go I a't going to lie to you but I had a I had a scale off Z with my mama bro like I was outside one day and you know how zans bro you literally a blackout like you you would just be woke and you would just won't be woke or you will be right state of mind and then you just won't be like when you just finally set in you feel me like and in long story short just to say the least when I woke up the next morning bro my mama had a story for me like I didn't know who she was or like I I was asking her [ __ ] like bro my Momma at even at this point had like 15 consecutive years and I was had a whole conversation with her and I was telling like where did you get a job and like and when she bro I swear to God I woke up the next day at like 2:00 in the afternoon with all my clothes on and I F so weird I'm like what the [ __ ] cuz my last real vivid memory was like I was outside bro like Not only was I outside I was in traffic like in the car what the [ __ ] did I how the [ __ ] I end up here and with my clothes how I get in here for I wasn't even on my way home when I blacked out I was in traffic cuz back in the day we used to just if we if it was dying the hood find somebody who had a car pay put gas in their car get them something to eat and they ride you around everywhere I [ __ ] day I'm like in traffic with with the [ __ ] who I [ __ ] with that's drive me around his car with him we just getting us something to eat I know F like and then I just remember waking up the next day at the crib and it was scary to me bro because it's like good thing I was with a [ __ ] I could trust when I blacked out bro but you know that's how [ __ ] Wake Up rap or Wake Up Dead wake up in jail like you wake up bro I got homies who blacked all Jaz and woke up in jail like off for bodies doing real [ __ ] they can't real bro I'm telling you I swear to God bro this coming from personal experience them Z them [ __ ] not no joke so so do you feel like the pills make [ __ ] on the streets more dang hell yeah because bro I ain't going to lie to you most of the [ __ ] that happened in the in the in the in in our city [ __ ] Ain't in their right mind for like I ain't going to lie like a lot of [ __ ] we be having going on for we don't be in the right state of man I know I could name you 10 of my homies right now that's book for either class two the class X felonies that was if they wasn't high that day they' still be free you know what I'm saying so these [ __ ] fighting four to 15s and 6 to 30s if they would High them days they'll still be free I peeed out the pills like I Tred to F like I see why people like it cuz with weed you got to keep smoking to feel you got man bro that PE and that's a with all pills bro like you can take a couple pills a couple EGS a couple yks a couple Z and you can be fried like oh all day you know what I'm saying and that's what a lot of people fall in love with cuz it's not that high mantenance how quick how quick do you lose count of like what you takeing what you doing I mean the more your body get like bro one time I I used to do perks if for get I did the perk and end up doing more perks like [ __ ] like that bro like I you like when you body to get immune to them sometime you you get to the point where you feel like you ain't got like what the [ __ ] I po like three persons through one day in Atlanta bro and you know I did him so fast I bought them from the one of one of my homies out there that was C perks and I had popped them so fast that I forgot I popped them cuz you know you pop they so little they so little right I popped them soon as I put my money in folks hand and he put the per in my hand I put them right in my mouth but so now I'm sitting waiting for him to kick and I'm like out the blue I started doing some [ __ ] recording and all that and I noticed that I wasn't high so then I'm like why the [ __ ] I'm like did I pop the perks or did I lose them I don't know why I S I didn't remember me taking the purse cuz I took him soon this dude gave him to me I'm I'm I'm thinking this like 30 minutes later I'm like I lose my per cuz I ain't feeling like I popped it it ain't it ain't so just like a blood like you smoke you like a yeah bro so I'm like bro bro I swear to God I bought three more perks from the [ __ ] and po them soon as I fall it from them again then as soon as them [ __ ] went down my throat I realized it came right to my head right there there so you po you perch ball for in real cuz at this point bro I swear I wasn't think I lost the perks I'm like man he I bought him from him I must have set him on my lap and stood up and walked away and one of these dumb ass [ __ ] here pick my perks up like I'm I'm in that [ __ ] making all type of [ __ ] up for so you say drugs and your health scare yeah yeah for sure on bro like I'm in that b for I'm making up I'm making up all type of weird ass D [ __ ] my per school so that [ __ ] I definitely had a health scare for because it's like I as a man bro I don't want to wake up and not know what the [ __ ] happened to me last night I ain't going to lie I don't give a [ __ ] that like if it if nothing malicious or nothing never went wrong from that [ __ ] but it's like bro that's how people wake up and [ __ ] like you just want to know yeah bro like I don't know I don't want to do [ __ ] that's going to have me like real live don't know what I did last night like so with pills and drugs like do you have a hard time with aqua Sil doyo Trum with what like Sil just like sitting inside are you able to sit um silence bro is like a I don't know I got a love hate relationship with silence only because that's what when when you get too quiet or too bored that's why I try to be active you saying because when you get too quiet or too Bor folk you can think overdate you can you could think yourself into a move you don't even need to be in F like you could overthink a situation and make yourself feel bad when that situation not even that bad you know what I'm saying just come from being in silence and overthinking over you know just overdoing your part when you got too much time on your hands to think about [ __ ] you know I'm saying like I don't even like too much silence I don't like when people come around me silent or nothing cuz silent mean like you could sit around me and be silent we all sharing our problems or sharing [ __ ] with each other you just silent oh so you so you that [ __ ] you quiet yeah cuz bro if we all in this [ __ ] going through something where we all got whatever going on F don't try to sit in this [ __ ] and listen to us talk about what we got going on you ain't saying nothing you you weird as hell like you on their phone you on the phone you soaking up what we got going on and a't saying no forgot to have something on YouTube you can't be here you can't be here knowing folks girl gave him a chamia or he gave a [ __ ] chamia and you ain't telling your Comedia store yeah to get the [ __ ] out of here cuz when I start being like yeah be some [ __ ] like that happened to me I I want I want you to I don't want you knowing that if I don't know nothing about you you know what I'm saying so what your pull a tug with silence would you ever get into meditating no see and that's the thing why I say love ha relationship because I do meditate you do yes bro meditating is some [ __ ] that I took on doing Ramadan bro because it's it's like some forms of thinking is good like you can you thinking also can sooth you if if you do it right you know what I'm saying like thinking like like when when I think about meditation I don't really think about silence F because in your mind you meditating bro it's not silent bro like it's not that's you look silent to [ __ ] walking up on you meditating bro but you in your mind it's so much [ __ ] yeah bro like you not and even in meditation in your in your own body is it's not silent a [ __ ] walking up on you while you meditate that be like oh yeah he silent as hell bro it's so much [ __ ] I'm meditating for a reason [ __ ] like I ain't just over some [ __ ] going on you know say I'm meditating for something bro I ain't pissing this [ __ ] just not thinking about nothing in my head it's all that was my goal when I jumped into I was blank yeah and then when I had to accept that was no blank I start having past like moments when I was a kid when I was like when it was peace CU you know once more time before you jump out here and interact people like it's hereid his one year where it's peace peaceful as [ __ ] and I was like I got back to that moment I'm like Dam like that's what it's defin yeah that's I'm telling you bro that's that [ __ ] it ain't silence it's peace that's what it's there for it ain't it that's peaceful [ __ ] bro you know what I'm saying the silent is not always peaceful you know what I'm saying that's why I say I got a love hate relationship with cuz in meditation you can find peace in it but just being silent it's a lot of people be having ill intentions when they come around silent you I'm saying yeah I learned something too like watching somebody do you feel like people use being quiet to seem H yes I feel like people try to restake being quiet with something positive or like some that like make you better than other people bro like that's not like when I come AC people who come across as silent come across is unapproachable bro like like when you see me bro I don't give a [ __ ] about my status or nothing I want a [ __ ] to feel like they can walk up to me bro in public like I let silent weird Walky [ __ ] bro that don't make other people look at you as a as a better person that make people look at you as weird because if I don't know you bro and I and I say as [ __ ] look up to me or they [ __ ] with me been watching me rack for the last 10 years and they want to W up and the whole time they set F they might have CAU me a Chick-fil-A in the line getting something to eat and they was thinking for the last five minutes while they standing behind me like man that's that's take and the whole time where they thinking and contemplating about saying something to me I'm right there looking silent and unapproachable my body language look like I don't want nobody saying nothing to me I ain't going to say nothing back that's going to make them be like you know what I'm just he look like he but versus me sending that and the [ __ ] be like hey ain't you take long and I give him a picture I give him I want to get in that later on but like you got like a fan base where like they feel comfortable talking to you than because bro this is how I I literally make it my initiative to make people feel comfortable talking to me bro because if you was a fan from back in the day all you think ID do is shoot and kill people yeah cuz you did come out real shy bro like when I first got introduced to the world I was a different [ __ ] I had a different role bro saying people remember re F said I shoot him and hurt him and taste his H up on him and what the [ __ ] like bro I'm already known for that part like why would I keep as a almost [ __ ] who in my mid and late 20s now bro I already known for I don't got to act like that like if you know me you know what I do like that's nothing that's that's some [ __ ] you can go and do your research about you know what I'm saying my my my my initiative now is like if you not a op or you not no niggaer I don't really supposed to be on that with for video you could really come holl at me about you could be a random ass [ __ ] bro because it's all we from the r for it's already enough of that like yeah it's that other [ __ ] this already enough of that on be there not enough [ __ ] around this [ __ ] like what's up F like what's up like what you you good you straight or ain't enough [ __ ] that just no ain't on no Rah [ __ ] F like I all that I want a [ __ ] to feel like yeah I ain't going to lie cuz bro I always even when I was a bad shorty like I always been an approachable shorty I ain't never been no shorty that was like one listen to the big homies or with so you used to get that complimenting yeah the biggest C in Chicago you know key cool yeah you know that for when I swear to God and that just mean when a [ __ ] tell you that that mean whatever they heard it ain't that yeah you feel when the motherfu say you cool as here that mean before they they met you scared they scared they was worried about something bro on BD and it's like that's what I like like man hell no whatever you heard about a how I always been approachable for I was always the [ __ ] like a [ __ ] be like we can't we got to holl at T cuz other SS they don't listen or you know like I always try to have a level head fol cuz I'm be like you I bet new like that Savage [ __ ] folk like if you don't move a certain way even doing wrong for like you going you going it going to hurt you your M us cook hell yeah she's the cook we just you know com from the project you really don't we have a lot of [ __ ] to cook in like we was just [ __ ] hungry then my Daddy went to the fields and [ __ ] and you know my mom used to be like she was one of them people like we was a little more fortunate than everybody else to say the least and because my daddy saying so when my Daddy went to work went to to f end up doing like close to 10 years and my mama she she started like overly pursuing work heavy like to the point where like all them times like where people look on them B videos we at my crib what BR my mama my mama probably the whole time I stayed in my hood from 200 11 to 2013 she's probably at home like 10% of the time for like three years like two you only get three types of Miles chasing di chasing drugs or they at work bro I'm telling you me and my Super Two Sisters me and Maya man like she was working so hard for us to the point where she me and Mina had to grow up as older siblings up to the point where my Daddy went to the fed I'm the only boy now I got to be the man of the house at 12 years old Mina my mama working my sister Mina she the one like she she now we she got to walk off to school she got to make sure we get on the bus she got to cook for us you know what I'm saying like in the hood big sister yeah she she she's like exension of my mom this why I got a certain amount of respect for my sister Mina even though we only 11 months par play my mind you catch her sweeping making sure you do all of that sleep she coming out all of that all of that she had re was standing on the business when we could have something to cook cuz I couldn't cook she we had some chicken wings or some Hamburg helper you know some [ __ ] like that you feel like your Havey Journey started with poverty yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it always like that bro like I ain't going to lie probably make it you saying but probably make it you say I'm actually happy out didn't grow up a row other the way I'm saying because even when you become like somebody or you you become successful bro like if you haven't never been in poty poverty then you you like missing something like you know what I'm saying like kind of missing because if everything go bad you ain't going to know how to survive yeah cuz even in the street street spoiled is different from actra suburbs yeah like bro spoil I get the mics that come out in monthy you you still hry I'm still yeah might be spoiled cuz my mama keep me in a new M or something you spoiled cuz you had a car when you when you when you turned 14 think spoil gotow 2K the C yeah you yeah that's spoil [ __ ] you I'm spoiled if I get my own room before I'm 15 like that's spoil to me like what the [ __ ] I ain't got to sleep my sister but what we got we we got different bed same room like that was for to be bro like just have my own room as a kid that was being spored to us like so people who never been like in poverty bro cuz [ __ ] don't matter what unless you just Bill Gates them people fall off bro like I just seen millionaires do this [ __ ] like all my friend all [ __ ] they got rich and the r for rappers I know well like they lost a lot of money for had to build they [ __ ] back up you know what I'm saying but the thing they got and they the reason they know how to build back up is cuz they come poty a lot of people like certain you got trust fun babies and people who been was born and they parents had careers and had 41 K already and the type of people don't know have feel F to be down so when if any God forbid anything put them in that type of situation bro they they lost like like like a child be like the thing about us we could get rich right now and if we fall off we know how it feel to be on this level so we know how we built ourself up from this level you know what I'm saying so we always going to know how to do that again you know what I'm saying poverty going to make you f will human comfort you in poverty hell yeah I make a joke out of anything bro like I really will folk I ain't going to lie I made jokes about folk them getting shot all type of [ __ ] folk when they was alive like told La F like made a joke about him getting popped the first time cuz I was with him man I was with him when they shot him the first time G I remember him being in the street stretch we all everybody shots ring they done we looking for folks we looking for you get a shot at there a whole crown of us running for we looking for everybody make sure everybody ain't dead and [ __ ] he the last one we looking for he in the street stretched on the floor I found him be said he ah F like he was just like in the street or I'm hysterical as hell like I'm watching my homie get shot at 15 years old so I'm like [ __ ] like n you blood I'm tweaking on me he calm as hell so when he got done he got in the hospital and [ __ ] I damn BR you got shot your [ __ ] like oh I was I thought he got sh ass at first I ain't going lie like that sh funny boy he was so bad but it's like of course you ain't going to laugh you got shot what the [ __ ] I ain't cing this joke for you I'm laughing [ __ ] you well what how you speak on La you said uh you with you go to school we get on that get on all that she said he was very non shalant about ill that theity was he did he ever have a breaking point of expressing it he just kept Jame man he just I ain't going to lie he he kept a game face on it until he just really couldn't bear that type of [ __ ] he was good at keeping a game face about everything bro like La was like I would even call him a liar he just like whatever he want you to believe bro he good at making you believe that bro like we thought La birthday was on one day and it wasn't even that day for 3 years like imagine being with a [ __ ] thinking his birthday is on this day every year bro and he and he he he celebrating it and everything got his old hood believing his birthday is two weeks because birthday bro yes and [ __ ] didn't even know bro I swear to God I found this [ __ ] out like a year or two before he died bro like he had us celebrating 2010 2011 2012 bro he got us celebrating on a day not his birthday bro he get [ __ ] y we yeah we got man bro he he we we C we got we throwing parties and [ __ ] on this day all type of [ __ ] it's not even just going be that like like I swear to God he was that type of [ __ ] so whatever he wanted the [ __ ] to think or believe that's what he was going to bro I swear to God La had a had a name that he used to get locked up in and nobody knew F like he he had go to the and you know for how I work in the county I mean when you go to jail is whatever you tell them your name is that first time bro that's what your name going to be so you know the first time he ever get arrested his fingerprints not in assis him for being lenar Anderson so the first time he gave him his fingerprints they didn't have his real name and he gave him a fake name and every time he went to jail when he got his name r in their name it popped up under that name and he went and actually went like you know we we going to not jail we going to um the station and [ __ ] getting out for trespass and all that he always get out for trespassing and get out for some lordering or whatever the [ __ ] the po police you do petty [ __ ] us give us a trespass in the hood so we can spend 8 hours in the station they thinking his name the every time he kept trespass shorty name in his system something else they didn't find out his name until he actually had to go to the to the AI home they had to go to AI home now we do blood work and all that now your real name coming you feel me now you Lazar Anderson not a real [ __ ] coming out bro he didn't the police didn't even know who he was for two years what was the reaction when you caught him and like like look at him man one day one day he come to the hood and [ __ ] funny as it's his bday now B huh this actually B is fake B no no no it's it's it's his this this like right before he di this this is real be so matter of fact was it that's a good question maybe it was his fake birthday let me I'm me get back to you on that it's one of his it's one of them folk so he called and [ __ ] cuz you know when we know folks of them coming from other places and [ __ ] they'll be on the bus we'll go meet them at they bus stop so he was coming from 71st keing Drive so our Hood already on the drive so we on we on 61st of Indiana though we on Front Street [ __ ] cuz I was standing right there so he called and [ __ ] he like put up on 61st my bus pass 64th right now passing the O so we leave out we go meet him on the one on 61st Drive he getting off the bus we meet him so we walking back and [ __ ] and you know La was all he was like like his mama and them kept him in up up he was upk kept too like he was he was one of them people we had he was in a better situation even though was all yeah he was FES po exactly so we know he got the weed he got a bottle of cuz we was short we think we was off Remy and every day so we like all right bro F to do it we going to get [ __ ] up tonight that's what we all thinking so he come we meet we talk to him what's up what's the word tonight where we on get get l no it frust this sh like yeah so whole town he got us I swear to God bro we probably met folks on the bus stop we went and met him at like 6 7:00 on steeve he spent the whole night acting like it was ugly for him F and on LY when everybody left he went in his he had a black py he went in his py Coke and took out a bunch of money and a bunch of weed folk and me and him got fried he was waiting on everybody I swear to God I was with like bro imagine F we know F like we like yeah folk going to come do it big was birthdayday we he F to buy you know seven was 100 idea so anybody mind they own seven power to you bro cuz we already 15 years old we don't have $100 that we've made in in in six months we taking iPhones and doing all type of sh we breaking that down bro if you bought a seven five eight of your homies put on for that yeah at least back then we put FES and tens $100 bro ain't no s your homies put on for that I you s the Ste in what's you brain pass man F you know what's so crazy G La for a guy who was gifted like he was he kept a lot of us out of his studio session bro like I used to have to catch him in the studio like I'm looking for folks he Ain answering the phone for me I'm B he in the studio folk like he real on purpose not answering like cuz he don't even want to pick up and be like where you at I'm at the studio oh all right yeah like he know soon cuz I'm that's my dog I'm going support him if I ain't doing [ __ ] else I'm going beat St with him well he wasn't Shadow he very conf he it wasn't even like sh bro that's why I say silence and sequency just just two different things bro like he just he just he was just more private on certain [ __ ] you feel me it's like even me as his best friend bro like I used to feel like a lot of times he only told me what he wanted me to know you know what I'm saying or like not even hiding it just certain at a certain point it ain't my business like that's what he felt Bo you know like he he make the music and let us hear it but but his process like like the night he made murder right imagine this his first song with the [ __ ] get murder talk so this this the first song he about to break I'm calling folks phone this whole day he not asking the phone I'm thinking like he on 71st with JB been L because he us to be in a hood 400 e [ __ ] to a lot that was his other rightand man so whenever he was he used to be acting funny towards us when he used to be with them not even on no shady [ __ ] but this is like he get know he he he he 400 East he Ain 600 so he he over there doing that with f you feel me which was cool so it's like all right I'm like he do that 400 [ __ ] folks answer the phone right now he with Jina so whole time he on the Block we got a homie who had a little setup in his crib D folks was at his crib making murder not answering the phone for none of the guys bro so M like I say this [ __ ] who got the studio set up in his P this all he one of the 600 [ __ ] he one our guys so we just on 509 we we standing on K dve like [ __ ] let's ball and fol [ __ ] he had one of them cribs like we always knew he was there so we never had to call and be like f you over there we be thinking about SL we would just go buzz folks though and get buzz in so we Buzz folks though la ain't even told folks like oh don't let F let he don't even know we coming we folks Buzz us right in I come upstairs La must Ain heard us Buzz he had the headphones in like the music must was playing in his ear he never heard us Buzz folk folks Buzz us saying I come upstairs I'm speaking of folks I look La in the road with the headphones ain't record I walk in slap the headphones off like forck what the [ __ ] [ __ ] been calling you all day [ __ ] ass boy you feel me like what the [ __ ] is you going on game f like he and this [ __ ] ain't get Mur I say all right bet don't worry about it let me get on here like if you go listen to murder folk if you listen it's a shorty talk in the whole it's a shorty talk talking for like 20 seconds oh that's me I'm on shout out to Li shout out to M thing long L the guys man steeve drive [ __ ] that's me cuz [ __ ] I've been calling you all day now from that give me this feature now [ __ ] you talking about [ __ ] I'm calling you did he right puning see he he he both he do both like cuz I have been don't be wrong I have been in the studio with folks like you feel me I just feel like for a [ __ ] that was his best friend I don't I didn't I wasn't in there enough but that was his fault you know what I'm saying he you know how he really made like I like I seen it for myself but I just feel like like bro like if it like if it was me if it was me on the other hand I was the rapper for he would been the St me all the time like cuz I would have been like f like like I used to be in the studio with N More than him like I you think cuz y'all was very prolific y'all had a lot of cool character you think he didn't want too many cooks in the kitchen I think so you I understand that as an artist bro like right now to this day my studio sessions be a lot more quiet and they used to be and baby he was ahead of his time with that you know what I'm saying because back in the day Studio SE consist of more play it work see what I'm saying like we in this [ __ ] catching a Vibe you know you record but pH them M there like passing you Blunts and passing you licker and pass we really in this [ __ ] going to party for real like we going to record a song maybe even two songs but we in this [ __ ] popping zans and doing bling and by the time a [ __ ] make one song you really like fr like you and this [ __ ] playing around F like they get that paranoia after s May looking at too many people about the like you don't even want to play the song cuz it's like 8 12 15 [ __ ] in you don't even want to hear a [ __ ] opinion bro so like I do that now I think maybe no he was probably just ahead of his time cuz I don't really be with that cuz it do sometimes be Cooks in the kitchen for and one thing about being gifted fol you not taking no suggestions from [ __ ] you don't think gifted like a [ __ ] talking to folks about his say if you ain't on his level or you can't get on his level rap W I'm beating you disrespecting him right you been Street like to this LA game over your mouth and say nothing like you know better about this track than folks you don't know nothing I got to talk about the hood class what was to like shooting play keep doing the song is one thing to get it done in the city where we from and having enemies people what I don't like to actually get it done and to do it yeah what was the like man Play for Keeps was such a lit video like it's certain videos that I remember shooting I remember being thirsty when the text or the call came through you know sh oh he sh on the Block today and you know some s you already heard the song you know that [ __ ] going go up and you know this another song my name in it so you know I'm go and do this [ __ ] I'm front and center I'm be every time so on keyth D the DAT that this video was going to get shot I already knew the song I need this for s bucks so we all in the block and we deep as [ __ ] I ain't going to lie he had other hoods the F some from old T town all type of [ __ ] that was we was popping out cuz we knew this this this LA and N so you know I'm saying so we know like these at at this point La he like a heavy hit on the way and now like he basically a drill Legend already say so we know this [ __ ] about to clap and we know it's about to clap when he dve say broad daylight we outside and we ducking from nothing I ain't going to lie we I hope we hoping [ __ ] play that day cuz when that block was a like a man yes we right on the on on the mecca of 600 man like we we out there in the open too like we was out there gang I ain't going to lie we was having a good time and nothing happened don't F nothing happened nothing malicious or dangerous happened that day after the shoot or nothing but I remember like that day it was one of those days like you just know you had to get outside like some [ __ ] you just knew you couldn't miss like that or 6 o video you just couldn't miss it like you could you had to beat up and had where y'all used to get y shambal from bottles no shambal what oh man look so la was on that wave first right so when I used to see him with the [ __ ] I used to be like what the [ __ ] like you know I always like bro I swear to God now that I'm even talking about him to you like I'm just realizing how ahead of his time he was a lot of cool [ __ ] like [ __ ] we used to get from him first like heed to wear a lot of [ __ ] first and [ __ ] one on that probably even thought it was coring they had 6 months later to a year later this what everybody went on be so he look like one of them [ __ ] in with the rosary beads and with that he was he was on top of that and then you know at first folks was just having the ones that was just like made of wood then he start popping out with ones that was bazzle and [ __ ] H what I'm Dam what the hell he all [ __ ] was like putting on the cardio or or like if you had a baz that's you when it's fresh and you can bro and you can squeze that [ __ ] a bro I swear to God he put the like put on Roll FK put them on especially the one where they started putting the little crystals on make them shine and [ __ ] the ball shine and Sh well damn okay like I got on rolly you popping out whole sing a turn [ __ ] head all so you don't know where it got from you like no I used all the ones I have I used to steal from folks boy he I never bought one of them on my own FK I all the ones I had can't remember including the one that his mama blessed me with that he had when she he died she gave me one that he used to wear every day and I remember it was e one a pink ass I lost that [ __ ] in the airport I was sick about that F but yeah we I us to get them business from folks because I didn't like he to do so much [ __ ] that I just like it's easier just getting it from him I like oh you was moreia ke singing that little part see when I just said some videos you had to be there for I was actually referring to part one Play for Keeps but 6 part two bro was like I I might be biased cuz I'm actually on that song so I maybe you should add somebody that who uh was just a St a bystanding like I was for part one but just to answer your question bro I ain't going to lie like six part two was I would put all I would put Play for Keeps part one and part two is part of the vibe I would put them all on the same top tier like you just had to be there for all three of those videos but since I'm speaking on 6 part two uh I think that was the best one I ain't going to lie because I was jumping in that I honestly just feel like the 6 part to bro was like e went so crazy on that hook I think that's the best song he ever made and I and that's no shade no nothing bro e they got real hits like a big catalog bro but when you just think about the message and the timing of that song for like and how all of us carried the message person after person like if you listen to that song for he he telling you like [ __ ] we 600 like we big like 6 like we we we live this [ __ ] like this [ __ ] this our [ __ ] we really put this [ __ ] on this is what it is 600 like the whole Hook was just dedicated to us as a team like it was about no other hook no other situations this whole song was about 600 in particular and we all carried that message about how much we Lov our block like if you listen to any of our parts bro we all either talking about another 600 [ __ ] or we talking about the love we got for our hood or the connection with our bro that's the dma is like I you see the war coach you like oh they OT but you see the brothers of Coach you like they and they all and they happening simultaneously folk like the bad bad and the good for happening at the same time but on that song F the message and the way we was all able to carry it for and then the role that I played because at this point La was dead so I had to Not only was this this was probably my this was my definitely first biggest song like this was my biggest most serious song at this point in time bro I wasn't even really a established rapper yeah I was mean to ask what good Melodies you got La storytelling you got nine yelling you got see threatening people how hard was it you to come up with your own St it was it was rough because you always got when you come from a hood full of that it's like it's hard to stablish yourself and you already got a bunch of people established bro like I watched La try to establish itself and for them man I don't want to even say that they shunned them down with and honestly now I'm telling you this this probably one of the reasons that he used to work a lot res because he used to been trying to get in he see certain rappers from the little like Manny boa like hoodo some him that was already rapping when we first started trying to pick this [ __ ] up now was the only [ __ ] who really like put him in the sto multiple times after he realized like what La was trying to do like for them used to be like we like basically we already had the [ __ ] who was labeled as rappers so they wed with each other they wasn't really trying to hear I'm trying to get this St La had to force himself in the stool and force for to take him serious then he was able to become who he was cuz phm had to take him serious pH had to know he could stand on his own phom had to know his his [ __ ] was really hard and you ain't just a [ __ ] trying to rap cuz you see s you see what it's doing for him so he a lot of [ __ ] they ain't even take for them ain't even take him serious and it was the same way with me because we got [ __ ] who feel like they already established it's already seven rappers it's Breezy rapper it's eeday rapping this n rapping this pH them from the bezel boys my hood F Rio and H and hudo they was already a group to their own they already had their own group the best boys they already had it so you know when you got 8 to 10 established rappers bro it's hard you know what I'm saying cuz you don't want to look at no just rapping ass block we still got Ben to stand on the people to scare and make sure they know we put belt on [ __ ] you can't have everybody rapping mother think we just a click of rappers so you know it was that was the transition like in getting F them to take me serious you know what I'm saying and I felt like 62 was like a confirmation like okay I got okay you you you ready to step up to the plate this is your graduate Point like this was me 6 part two I graduated like that's when everybody that heard that song left that song asking what what what I was coming out with next you know what I'm saying and I took that serious bro I remember the day I got like when eay first um made the song of course course everybody that was on one was going to be on two so it was never point about oh is is EST going to be on this is is R going to be on this like they was already on the only reason it was a spot even left in the lir was because of La was dead bro so when it's so many [ __ ] rapping bro literally eay didn't give me I swear to God I think I think this was Christmas day or it was it was Christmas time I was sitting at La crib bro I swear to God I could drop de right now I was at La house the day folks text me and said get your verse together for this song you feel cuz we already had knew he had already sent me the song sent me the cuz all we the guys so I got the song I know somebody ver KN on here which is LA and he letting us know like he he the sole proprietor of who get on this song like and I'm thinking at the time I'm like all right okay I'm the new rapper from the Block I don't have that much of a catalog yet in and he going to do some favoritism [ __ ] he going to give it to one of the rappers that's his age like think he going to give it to e or Breezy HUD Rio one of the guys that was like old his age or like one of the guys who was already established as a rapper I'm or ceday I'm like oh he give it to CED I'm like he going to give it to his little brother I'm like if he come on some young [ __ ] like us he going to give it to C that but I always knew like mine made sense too because La was my right here like this my right here man when people think about La they think about me this is why I always get asked and still to this day I I got to talk about folks cuz they know I was right there with right there like they know that like they know anything he could speak on I was probably a witness folk like they know I could carry his Vibe because I know him better than everybody F so I knew that it was a chance that I could end up doing this cuz my my role and why what I stood for made sense but I didn't know it was going to be like I didn't know he was going to give it to I ain't going to lie so when I went I was at La cribz when La died F here when I was a shorty like I told his mama the D he got killed for like I was going to be there for her F like and I was there for that he was the only boy like I was the only boy so I knew that boy how that was going to feel bro so like when La died bro I was at his crib multiple times a week he had like a six-month old sister I was there like I was there bro like I knew I couldn't replace him but I told his mama like bro like you could count on me like as a shorty so I'm at folks crib it's around Christmas time I'm sitting on this couch they got the tree up in head there I get a text from eay he like look man he giving me a whole rundown and Sh like man going to sing you this song right this song I'mma come gra you we going to go to St Char like I ain't holding your hand he like yeah I ain't holding your hand man get your [ __ ] together company this Your Big Break like he letting me know like do what you need to do on her bro cuz don't make me regret putting you on this [ __ ] I'm just reading I skipped all that [ __ ] and realized he was telling me that I'm getting on the song and so many words that I'm just like crazy I was so happy like this wasn't even my block I was so I felt like this was an opportunity and it was a privilege honestly like he could have went so many other ways so I'm like felt like you was a fan yeah I was a fan I ain't going lie was my own [ __ ] F like I'm like cuz I knew like like bro first of all I'm a real real 600 so like it ain't even like man like H [ __ ] I'm I'm real 60 of a [ __ ] like I ain't going to let any chance to uplift or talk about my own hood some [ __ ] I'm out here putting work in for for I was going to accept that opportunity on four level so I'm like man fol damn I'm really getting on the song and I was so happy BR to being like so happy I I wrote that verse three different times the the verse y'all all heard was the third version of that song out wrot two different verses before that verse bro and that verse got made almost entirely in the studio the day he finally came and got me I was changing my whole verse I wrote a verse to that when he is in KB P I'm like cuz bro I wanted what I wanted to do was give myself the best opportunity to exceed so when I broke in the first vers I'm like that was that you know that was good that was good one let me see about that you know let me see what ways I can strong bro yes bro cuz I'm already second to last so I'm one of the last voices y'all going to hear bro I have to do this right you know what I'm saying like yeah bro I can't let a [ __ ] go listen to n and I [ __ ] up they skipped my verse they going write the folk [ __ ] you know you would get skipped I what wasn't shooting it when it was trying to split them vers it was crazy bro but I feel like my hood they they did a good job making sure that I felt like I was ready that day you know what I'm saying because they was piping me up I ain't going to lie when he got the song back I wasn't Widow all folding was together I hadn't pulled up to the shoe yet this my first time about to hear the song and when I got there all of the guys was there and they was just all talk yeah you sound like you ready like you say like you like everybody was giving me a bunch of good reviews so like they was buttering me up the whole day like bro you ready you got this [ __ ] short don't worry about it you you deserve to be on this song so when I rap F I just was rapping like [ __ ] like [ __ ] this I'm up this my lot lot of kerie in that video a lot of [ __ ] spit that [ __ ] it was it was so fun bro because like we was all just there just like really able to really like be who we was bro like do you think that's why drill Chicago drill is so connected you could tell there's not no industry playing trying to get yeah I tell people all the time try to be more famous we really we just telling our story and this is what it's cre this this is the what our story is creating for us bro like this why I say it's it's kind of the beauty of being a Trill rapper cuz you talk about all the [ __ ] you went through your whole life and that [ __ ] put you in a better position bro so have you ever walked around like I walked around like I'm make no [ __ ] about us like they care bro look when I first started um when I first started um how we been to we good yeah y'all see my I got oh twe it look when we first started um wait say the question again bro as said you ever walked around your hood like man no nobody care about us then you turn around like they C look when I first started charging FES and [ __ ] I ain't even know nothing about that so I'm thinking like you know we still just rapping trying to get to a point where we can like be like so you know what I'm saying like and you know we all in the hood and I'm seeing like the weight like she was changing bro I ain't going to lie like she was it's like nobody gave a [ __ ] at first but that [ __ ] like when s did what he did bro I seen this [ __ ] with my own eyes I'm like damn like you will go certain plac cuz you know at first we was all just Hood home bodies everybody sitting all little Corners our block radiuses and we stay there we go from the wick we go from O Block to 69ine 6 line The Front Street all day so like you know we starting to get outside of the hood a little bit because of our names like [ __ ] start like slide down like other H that wasn't in our vicinity like staring man bro go [ __ ] with we [ __ ] with y'all like that was that was weird at first you know I'm saying hity yeah like cuz you grow up your whole time oh Steve bro this [ __ ] at this point that never stepped outside of the hood like and that was normal it wasn't not normal only way only [ __ ] that have been outside of the hood for real bro was [ __ ] who families was originally from other hoods like if you got a grandma and granddaddy that was from over here you most likely never left outside of here bro like D Rose me only because like my family family like my mom and my daddy is from the low end so but my grandma always stayed in my hood so even when I wasn't in my hood I was on the low end but everybody ain't wasn't come from that type of background it's some [ __ ] who families stayed over here their whole life and never moved so it's [ __ ] like when [ __ ] reaching out from you other parts of even our city fol it was weird [ __ ] from the HS hitting us like bro [ __ ] with y'all boy [ __ ] from out west like block well we thinking this weird back no cuz we is in a lot of [ __ ] it's beef right but you de with the dma is I cutting my water shoot yeah bro it's like know this [ __ ] was just weird so I'm like we we it was a weird transition F because we had to actually get to a point we like all these [ __ ] ain't trying to get us smoke These [ __ ] Ain't trying to back door us to Jojo world or jro city or some [ __ ] these [ __ ] really [ __ ] with us you know what I'm saying or these people really [ __ ] with us bro you know we had to get out like 2012 13 we see a [ __ ] somewhere in the gas station they be watching you the whole time and you would get on their ass [ __ ] like come on F I just I'm ask him for a picture we had to get out of that like cuz bro you see a [ __ ] a [ __ ] blug you bro somewhere Fus around to [ __ ] like you you you know me like what's up but yeah these [ __ ] know you [ __ ] you on YouTube they just watch out see you got a million views like that was a transition bro like yeah [ __ ] they know he he think he know you yes you got to remember y'all not industry play so y'all don't all know the different differ from a fan in a [ __ ] just look so it's like it was a transition bro cuz I got random [ __ ] looking at me the whole time trying to buy me two cheese danishes and the [ __ ] juice you was me the whole T you trying to get killed you trying to die on be old T was ready for a picture and he ready to get on faceb with the tell [ __ ] he saying you a you was cool as hell so it was a transition bro that that was the hard part man we yall was making disrespectful sweaters what was the people who was making sweater the father man I ain't going to lie they they they they probably mad that we don't do that no more you feel me I think the people who was making them shirt so bad bro cuz that's how they stayed in business that that that that the people only went to get a shirt made to put some [ __ ] on it bro I ain't going to lie people don't even you you probably never seen a [ __ ] with a positive bazm shirt on bro it's all [ __ ] wo wo wo such and such like bro that's the only that we kept them and business getting all that [ __ ] wooo woo and all they about money I know they cuz they don't give a they our like they come we going now with the [ __ ] bro and get a well we did used to do certain [ __ ] like get a RPD thing when D got that get RP three times and don't be the [ __ ] who the to right that [ __ ] get a [ __ ] three times and they making both all [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] they CU I know it was the money they ain't never gave a [ __ ] if who came there you say [ __ ] you going to make them go and say [ __ ] your momma on the shirt they going they going to put that [ __ ] on there in charge you government name what put a whole name you can tell them put they mama name on the shirt they'll put it on there for $80 tell her go that [ __ ] ask the [ __ ] what's your mama name my mama name and anania Jackson yeah put [ __ ] her on the shirt they going to put that [ __ ] right on that they wasn't like no we don't want to do this they like come come come what hell yeah they love to see us walk with that [ __ ] cuz we getting faces we getting words we getting front end back we getting glitter sometime boy look and then you know like on the day we going to the one of the guys we we so bowled up that [ __ ] we it's like 50 [ __ ] when the G shirts made for fol FR [ __ ] they loving that they love to hear what [ __ ] just got smoke cuz they know business booming this week oh yeah you say one of y'all homies just got killed out they made 4 5,000 this week but fast boy they used to love some of the [ __ ] for what with certain [ __ ] R certain big [ __ ] die too what they oh yeah Joo just got killed I know we going to make 300y shirts what they do they was going to make $118,000 when certaint [ __ ] di they hell yeah good job like funeral like bury somebody what they happier than the [ __ ] but they know this whole block about to come over here and get them shirts made one thing I also noticed like you you don't expect nothing when give a flower I see give flowers to the biggest Ops that everybody love and you you don't expect nothing you don't expect to be label real for it you don't expect them to say nothing no like give people you went it with if they can rap you more rap yeah I don't do [ __ ] for other people bro I ain't I told people that about dissing people F like I told a [ __ ] one day stop dissing [ __ ] man he told me I told Duck this [ __ ] FBG Duck I told him this [ __ ] personally directly he made shra Legends right and he was you know giving shout outs to like other [ __ ] from his oppositions like Fredo RI and [ __ ] right so I came and I commented under the video bro I didn't I re shared the video I didn't get around other BS and be like yeah that was cool and just talk about it in private I actually went commented on the video bro my comment probably still there right now to this day on this page and shared it on my story it said something so with three weeks later when he dropped dead [ __ ] which was a song about him basically treating all the treating all the [ __ ] I I I told like what the [ __ ] was that like you know what I'm saying like you just got on here you just did some [ __ ] nobody ever did three weeks ago like then you come I guess you didn't he he didn't get the reaction what he basically told me was he didn't get the reaction he want like from the [ __ ] on our side like he thought when he came out with that song it was going to be like a peace treaty or a CP by y from it like and I told him like bro you can't do that [ __ ] for nobody else me ask you got to stop dissing people for yourself like you you you you if I stop dissing [ __ ] F because I wanted [ __ ] to stop this in my homies eyes still be this it's never going to happen like that bro you shre gin probably made less [ __ ] do it you know I'm saying or make certain [ __ ] get a m they mind right but you ain't going to change everybody man bro so like I don't do [ __ ] like bro a [ __ ] told me in jail man a whole head he was like man look I let this cuz you know we young we beding it's other option there we crashing and [ __ ] so we in I'm in a joint like f to make my bed harder trying to get on [ __ ] ass and say [ __ ] [ __ ] and all that and he like look sh you you don't even need you don't waste time talking about people who ain't around to defend their own knowledge and I'm like he he basically broke it down to me like a [ __ ] ass sneak dis [ __ ] do that type of [ __ ] and you know me as a young I ain't no [ __ ] ass [ __ ] or no sneak dis I let a [ __ ] know why he alive that's how I took it you know about to sh way he said it yeah he knew he knew how to get on my level with it though he explained it to me in a way where it really sit on my brain and I really digest it because he could have said it a certain way but I probably would have just dismissed it he said it in a way that me as a young [ __ ] I was going to be like I don't partake n of that you know what I'm saying so when he told he resonated with me though you know what I'm saying CU like [ __ ] a dead [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like he can't make a song back he can't address you back you know what I'm saying that's why I started talking about [ __ ] who was alive you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] it you right me that me add what's his name name and this [ __ ] there [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that you know what I'm saying so it's like [ __ ] like that bro like he broke it down to me like that and and because of that when I came home I just never did it for my own reasons that was seven years ago bro almost eight I still never said nothing about no [ __ ] they been dising my hood other Hood up you cring take time listen or you just accept that's who I was I mean no it's not even cringy cuz I feel like we got to graduate from certain [ __ ] bro like this just a point of your life this what was going on this what was acceptable here I don't cringe at it cuz this what it was it was in it was cool I was I was 17 18 I was still rough around edes I wasn't supposed to be all the way together that's why you get to this page bro you get get some meat on your head you start doing certain [ __ ] bro and you start you had kids you got other reasons to live for B you know what I'm saying so [ __ ] that I did now if I I I don't even think that [ __ ] a self to do right now bro like I when I see [ __ ] with kids and that was really out here and doing all that I look them them [ __ ] like goofies like I ain't going lie I don't care how involved you was in certain [ __ ] bro like like [ __ ] I used to think V dissing them [ __ ] was Goofy and he didn't did all type of [ __ ] out her but it's like Oho that that ain't no no [ __ ] about that that ain't [ __ ] on be like we really making them [ __ ] cry out here like [ __ ] [ __ ] saying you you turning them up you B you f now like every time you say they name you making them [ __ ] think like proba wake up what every time I heard him say something about toille I'm like I can't wait to H with du bro look that he he he put folks in the M even just saying we not from 63rd now you got everybody saying 63rd let's go check them out let's go do even more put even more Spotlight on T and all this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying now you giving them a platform to where when they respond they getting bigger reactions then they would have got if you never even acknowledge them [ __ ] bro like I tell [ __ ] all the time sometime even addressing certain [ __ ] or certain situations just be putting most lightlight on it sometime bro you got to leave [ __ ] in the dark we a putting them [ __ ] in a better position than they were was yesterday like I be seeing like on live dude get get on live with another dude he like man it been week since you ain't been around do you feel like once duck down they ain't been bust him n i do bro you know that when people say [ __ ] like that they just they want in the field for real like oh yeah W that it was just oh look we've been going through this [ __ ] I was outside for real the year they we turned Chicago to shra I remember I remember vividly when the murders count dropped oh yeah we killed more people in Chicago than Iraq I was I was pring for that like this [ __ ] been going on like maybe if to a [ __ ] who wasn't T toes down really active out every day [ __ ] seemed worse when certain [ __ ] die but when you been surviving this [ __ ] since 2008 n 10 bro know how bad so so there's no lesser evil n real nothing bro he feel like cuz really honestly if you think about it bro it was more people to stand on the bendes back then how's more bodies going to drop when this less [ __ ] out to even stand on the bend like so when duck got killed this was what 2020 203 so we the our beef probably took 100 Souls jail took another 200 Spirit alone Spirit did Freedom Like These [ __ ] in jail for 40 d roll in jail for in jail with 4050 years fighting bodies going to jail for robberies all that so when th got killed let's just say it was 500 people missing how is it how is it going to get worse the bodies that was that was hit from back in that then it used to be five [ __ ] on the drill back in the day bro now it's probably one or two if it's one and well [ __ ] used to be it used to be way more crazy bro back then we used to do drills on on feet we have to really walk on our house folk and get busy and walk back run back blocks in between like [ __ ] pull up on the side of you so quick and do something to you fol like that [ __ ] that ain't the same way so when the [ __ ] say oh man this [ __ ] oh that man bro it's 500 [ __ ] missing now the [ __ ] could they get worse I know 30 killers right now top dogs that's booked it ain't I know [ __ ] outside that's booked with 50 years right now it ain't no more [ __ ] left on the street like them so how could it get worse you know what I'm saying then you got [ __ ] like me who of course did a lot of [ __ ] but I'm I I'm I'm smart I'm not about to jump out of there doing no dumb [ __ ] like you know got to play me personally for brief history what was the moment where you turned the L like damn deep as hell man look ironically one day with two days man like the day La got shot that first time we we so deep we was so deep that day bro that's why he got shot I ain't going to lie cuz he was like [ __ ] there so many [ __ ] running somebody of getting this [ __ ] like we was deep as hell that day we had to spent that whole day well that day was hot as hell on the Block it was so [ __ ] hot in the hood but it was hot because it's been a lot going on like it's Sho every day so you know we 600 we sitting on 600 and [ __ ] and we debating cuz we about to walk the Front Street about to walk a couple blocks down to the front but we so deep that we know if we walk past any cars of police we we getting mik we going to have to run you know I'm saying we we I ain't going to lie this day we were just like it's too hot the police already here because of the shootings if they catch us we going to have to run with these guns like so we thought we was being smart we like [ __ ] ain't coming through here blowing today cuz it's so hot bro like we know we we them that made ourselves believe we wern't going have to worry about the Ops that day our biggest Ops was the police so we leave all our pipes 600 and we walked up front the street and when we walked the front street bro I swear to God [ __ ] was over there listen like they was waiting on us bro cuz soon as we got over there made to they [ __ ] boy shots fire and we was deep as here probably was 30 of us is it frustrating you deal with like you know we look at y'all so militant y' all together all these y always together but he died by himself he died by himself we always look at CH about how [ __ ] y y'all y'all this y'all that yeah is it frustrating people looking outside the end and thinking it's so easy to judge what it is to survive yeah it is because y'all don't know how hard it is to survive you I'm saying that's one thing I kind of hate about the internet it kind of gives off this it don't make [ __ ] is seem serious as it is a lot of times bro you know I'm saying like and it don't make [ __ ] seem as hard as it is a lot of times you know what I'm saying when is everything so quick and people just think it's a certain way like I know people who live they life right and got can like you could do everything in the book bro when it's your time sometime it's just like your time bro and like don't people look at us and think like bro you going to have a long time to yourself bro like you ain't going to spend every damn second with a bunch of people bro like even that get Ty like sometimes even in the midst of us and our highest moments it was like and sometime you need to decompose and and get away from that [ __ ] too I used to have to take a day like bro but because it's like bro it it it's straining bro like you got to run from the police every day you got to hear shots well give them out every day like I swear to God I'm not exaggerating like at one point time where we was at this [ __ ] was every day this you when you stepped outside your door you knew you going have to gr with this pipe you going had to go on the here or you going have to get shot at today this definitely like this ain't nothing nothing that's that's that's just you going to get away you spend all day outside on the hood this is was definitely happening so after doing that [ __ ] but 6 seven8 10 then you know we us to do some days where you know all the Shorties who was really bad we want to act like we grown up so we pulling 204s in the block oh yeah we ran from the police five times today for a fact got shot at twice cuz we got other John might have came through this [ __ ] at two M Mo came through at five Young Money came through at 10 and at 2:00 a.m. they topped it off and let Brick Squad come through this [ __ ] so a [ __ ] who P the 24 on the Block you got shot at four times to they been a four shootouts ran from the police four times bro sometime you just want to sit in the crib eat a pack of noodles and [ __ ] a [ __ ] or something like oh I ain't about to keep doing this [ __ ] all sometime you need to decompose bro like so when people think like it's so hard to survive bro back then it was harder to survive honestly bro because we was rapping and we were the biggest [ __ ] in the city and we we still didn't understand how big we was so we was doing certain [ __ ] that we lowkey had no business doing like if La knew who he really was he wouldn't have been that that night like that no gun no nothing he knew if he would have really understood how much of a big role he played in this [ __ ] bro that's the Dilemma is like you can tell he got a glow about him but he living it so much he don't even see the GL that's just because some [ __ ] bro like I tell you man La was one of them [ __ ] bro he he was so humble to AA like you know what I'm saying like some [ __ ] you why I try to be humble but I don't try to be too humble bro because humble make you minimize certain [ __ ] when you trying to be humble you try to be humble instead of being real bro you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] I'm being humble for for I know they going to slack me like I know if I slip this what's going to happen to me f like and I always thought like when I get caught I was going to die like I ain't going to lie that's just how I felt especially seeing it I ain't never think like if I got caught I be popped or they going to toss me like I really always believe F like if I ever get caught like the right way they going to kill me so I usually just be bro certain [ __ ] that me like I told you I was always a little smarter I think you know I'm saying I just used to be like nah I can't do that you know what I'm saying and I wasn't a studio rapper so I at at this time I was going too many places by myself though like you was more militant than yeah I us to try to be bro because I ain't going to lie like you was getting smoked like it wasn't even like I was unaware of that [ __ ] bro like we was losing homies when La got killed like it was just certain [ __ ] that I knew we couldn't do F like La was one of them [ __ ] he was a lot more like I used to he used a trash ship order me like I used to I'm the type I used to be like all right I know this what we can't do I know this what we can't go he want to he want to he want to do he want to dance yeah he want to do that bro like man f look folk he in high school at one point in time all the guys was going uh that [ __ ] like did a flip on his head bro like all four of them started dropping out and all op started coming in you would think that mean La is one of the last of the moan going to just drop out transer do something bro this man want to keep going to school every day until [ __ ] fight him and at first it was like [ __ ] yeah go what happened what's going on here man [ __ ] Ain't on [ __ ] they just working and mugging then it graduated from [ __ ] acting like they want to get into it and then graduating to him getting to directly fighting one of the [ __ ] then graduating the folks getting jumped like once every time he came back to school he'll get jumped he'll get jumped either Le go through the school the whole day get on the bus trying to come to the hood they jump or jump right after school or Jump Right In School sound like sound like he hated bullly so much he was willing to sacrifice himself yeah you know I think the thing is not even bullies just you w going to bully him like whatever way you thought what whoever you thought you was [ __ ] you want that to me you know what I'm saying like you you scar them [ __ ] bro ain't none of you [ __ ] going to move me out of this [ __ ] and I think that was his thing like he just was going to let no [ __ ] especially since he felt like n I've been going this is a freshman like i a f to get in this [ __ ] and make me go not go to school you know what I'm saying cuz F was dropping out not because of the obst it was for their own reason like I feel like all us around freshman and sore year we just started dropping on school so what year you feel like you uh got disconnected from school they say fourth grade is when you know black young men they be like man they taking this [ __ ] to see they want me to sit still I have been um School CU I always been a smart ass dude you know what I'm saying so like school was cool and [ __ ] but I used to go to school for the wrong reasons like you know you go to school when you were shorty you going to school for school but when you get past fifth grade now you going for hoes you going to show how fresh you be or show yeah show you just show you that niggaer in this [ __ ] like I'm going to school for all other [ __ ] I ain't even there for that I'm actually not in here cuz I'm in this [ __ ] getting expended suspended all the time CU I'm coming here for the wrong [ __ ] my mind soon as you try to make me sit and learn I'm get teachers not to get off topic but you know La I do you feel like in Von M you kind of saw the foresight of what could have been La cuz he hadn't had the same style bro man honestly when I when I seen s get on we all knew what was what was F for like what I mean what was what this [ __ ] came with you know what I'm saying like La knew FK like we knew I always knew that La when I seen it for Von that was kind of what was driving all of us I mean when I seen it with Sosa that's what drove La F like even when I seen it with Van van came out F like I had seen it done so many times at that point you know what I'm saying you know they Styles probably sound the similar but as far as inspiration I had seen her dirt baby juice all type of [ __ ] people come through this [ __ ] at that point but when I seen soal do it folk that's what made me and [ __ ] like la like really be like cuz bro s was one of them I we talk about like fake sport he was the opposite like he had the worst situation of a guy who can grow up in our Hood like so and at that point bro only way we knew how to get rich was to become Derrick Rose or to become some type of Gott major baseball player major basketball player major football player that's the only way at this point we know how to get rich we don't know how to get rich by continuing to smoke read and do Lane and pop perks and talk about and be Street [ __ ] like it was no lame for that bro like it was no lame to be successful like that like a movie actor and do what we do it was no blame for that we we we didn't have nobody to like point to as an example of somebody who succeeded doing that what I mean with LA was like when I look at Van when he was successful he had the head rap like did you like you know I don't know that's cuz V come from he and this what people don't know too I see a lot of LA and V because La know van know that that was his homie like me we like we was all tight typ like van don't even get a lot of credit for being as close to La as he was like a lot of people don't even know like van got locked up and La Co and La got locked up in V Co like they F them swap coats at my care F about my my my my my back door got locked up with a Glock and fol folks left by my do got locked up in this ell like la mama still got black py with the rhinestones on her crib right now did y'all buy the P we out is robing [Laughter] [ __ ] what we was look bro we us to be oh we start we thought we start to get Spar and [ __ ] you know we us all broke ass hoodies and [ __ ] so we started um you know we used have two three hoodies and [ __ ] like in 20110 and then at like 11 12 we started like man this [ __ ] ain't going to work no more I don't know what it was boy was getting them winners was getting cold as [ __ ] back in the day G like and they was on too like hoodies can't save what Bry I swear to God see back then it got the global warming and [ __ ] that boy back then the weather used to start in September like it was cold from September to April n while you walking down the street wipe your nose like bro like it was snowing in October and September bro like now it don't snow to Christmas like [ __ ] get a whole two month Head Start back in the day y'all out y'all get y'all P for about what yeah we did we did I ain't going to lie we we was robbing Rob West [ __ ] did but it's like I swear I hate to even say it like that I swear we sorry y'all we was shorties we a know no other way to get this [ __ ] we end up like we just go cuz bro our wish [ __ ] always had paper they always was ahead of us MoneyWise so they was taking care of theyel they was running them joints and they fresh you know what I'm saying like they have slide on Madison yeah well you can slide through one block and get your whole Hood your whole Hood de we used to go through F some of out west block and we come back eight B folk like real life like [ __ ] come on out there like we we made that our business for like one whole winter like then at the end of the winter F start doing dirty [ __ ] taking their robing and [ __ ] no I ain't gonna do that when you GRE when you gr up did you know it was alliz tweaking or you just thought it be outside man I really thought it was D think go F this thing ho or something like I I really blame the Ops all that sh back in the day before them used to be enticing that's some [ __ ] you don't know until you get old you know older [ __ ] be telling you [ __ ] and [ __ ] like it's still still they claim us they did this and we had to respond they get you up your rank and stop certain information become available to you you're not just a 15y little boy your little your big homies just told told you everything you short I got up to age and I just start see sh what it really was it was both sides it was everybody tweaking this [ __ ] you know that's I think this [ __ ] is just life like I tell people a [ __ ] ask me one interview like yeah you know I see the girls coming you know they doing they thing in right now do you think that they're going to be more peaceful I think they're going to be more peaceful I said man they can do the same [ __ ] either I said actually for the girls it's going to get worse cuz they canny so [ __ ] that me and you as a man bro as a man certain [ __ ] I'm just not getting into it you about as a man but as a female it's all on like [ __ ] we get to it about having the same ass like come on now me and F we ain't get into it about he got this guy cut I got myut I was trying to make your like n [ __ ] ass come on F now as a girl they do it all the time that this who the same person bro they selling multiple persons like this like if it was only meant for you to have they could call your phone directly and sold you the only one they made you want to get into it over person and that's what's going on you see them get they they came in the game like it it was it was all that's every girl can do a feature with every girl Le see when you first when they first all came out all of them was doing songs with each other everybody had a feature with each other now [ __ ] that St by theyel they Shar the bit then I thought they going keep it hi when it was making songs then Halloween hey [ __ ] out here getting Windows all type of [ __ ] St boy this shity speaking of right we going to go what you said saying got a you got a catalog you know I'm saying and your catalog is very like you got a bside catalog of like it ain't when you play you it ain't for hits it's like riding around smoking F that's crazy that you notice that you feel what I'm saying because I be it's more one it's more than one mood bro you know I'm saying like sometime bro I got songs that don't make me want to do nothing but that it's not for me to get loud or it's not even a song that if I heard in the club I probably would rotate with a less but when I'm by myself you know what I'm saying I certain songs Just heck different you know what I'm saying certain songs put you in a different mood or a different certain songs bro you he it take you back to a certain day like it ain't even a hit but it's just a song you list start smelling different F I swear to God it's this song by I forget her name like that's right this was the when I the night La got killed I remember getting in the car we was leaving in the hospital soon as we got in the carop the radio came on when they started the carop bro that was the song that was playing bro and I remember like I never thought the S was a hit or like even though lowkey was that was a hit I ain't going to lie but it wasn't with me it wasn't even that it was a hit bro I D didn't even know the words but every time I heard this song G I used to take me back to the day La got killed bro and I swear to God for the first five years he was dead every time I heard that song I cry like real tears FK like cuz I remember the night I that he died and that's what I was doing before I was hurt like I was so hurt folks so from 2014 to 2018 I was balding my eyes out every time that song came on and that was a radio song So at any given day at any moment you could pop on the radio and that [ __ ] head stop and I'm like damn my tears wouldn't stop for cuz that's that's it take me back to that moment I remember being a 15 16 year old shorty like damn her like and I that's that's what it was so like with my music you got to have certain things that take you back to certain moments or certain memories for certain Vibes it ain't always about a hit or a Miss for cuz you really can't determine we was to go for that yeah cuz one of your best records Growing Pains is one of those records like I'm not playing this nobody one of them I'm playing this for my mind yes and one of the coold things said on know he said all I told is Glock the only thing that's in my Weaponry I see my brother die my mama thought I needed there that's a real conversation yeah bro because I did and my mama bro she thoughted about that like I she didn't know any other way to get me through what I was going through you know what I'm saying like this I say it just take you back to certain moments when I hear those type of lyrics it just be like damn you know I'm saying cuz I remember you know I'm saying I don't just be talking to my ass i s bro like there some [ __ ] that I remember like having to go through you know what I'm saying like therapy was something that was like a part of my childhood not really but it was it it got through around so much when I was a kid bro because it was coming from teachers it was coming from other people it was coming from like other parents like they all thought like not even just me but us as a boot like we needed some therapy BR but they really thought of that and we then as a as shorties you know you going through these death F like I remember before in 201 some he was rapping he had made a song and some um in the beginning of it he like counting all the people like yeah 600 we got some in jail we got n lost n dead like he was basically like making that up like like saying that like [ __ ] ain't none of us dead we got a couple of jail but [ __ ] we all here and I swear to God this was probably in June or 2010 I mean of 2011 and from June of 2011 to February no no from July 2011 he made the song probably a May May June dropped it back from July 2011 to the following February we lost four womans like right the he soon a month after he was beating his chest about having no dead homies before we lost homies lost oh homies so so it's like you going from seeing having no homies to having four D year was such a transition fol like it was some [ __ ] that took getting used to folks so I Ain a lie that it was crazy you said uh you f song Strong though he says slide on anybody that want smoking making skel yeah I got to tell you the whole story got let you know anything that might go down you know got to let you know way I might from this way cuz you do you express your trauma but you in strong like I'm going through something but I I ain't going to move around for yeah I'll be going through [ __ ] all the time but I I got to I got to you know I got to I ow it to my people that's listening to to give it to him like that he said uh I just [ __ ] the thought sheep Madison left hey look talking I was locked in before I was [ __ ] man I ain't going to lie man look I was [ __ ] with Batman at the time F got me out down oh oh man said I'm like oh cheeks out here he had a little [ __ ] at the time I was [ __ ] a homie we used to had him out there together like okay you know cuz I'm a man I know I I sou chick like us hell yeah folk hell yeah they love us it's like a breath fresh a f not it's not not even like nothing wrong with y'all out west [ __ ] St just it's like when we got clicked up other the hood like when we first got clicked up with no Liv boy that was on they block every day try to [ __ ] they bites world I'm talking about every day from the point her did that song with Rees to to about 203 I was on that [ __ ] there three four times a week whaty see these hoes y got over I bet [ __ ] these old block [ __ ] and [ __ ] and since 2008 I'm ready for some new [ __ ] I ain't going to lie I was so happy we was clicked up with a new hood out that that we didn't grow up with this brand new hoes hoes we never went to school with or nothing this is hoes all the way from the old other side of town new [ __ ] hey we we got three times of [ __ ] they talk to right body you got [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's M right then you got that guy right he go with one girl but he gotta do him he's that guy right then you got dude dud don't go with nobody he cracking all the other which one is you right now right now you said what's the second name that goty I'm like a in between that guy and the dude I ain't going lie I'm be a whole you that gu I'm the God because bro I'm I'm I'm like like because I done seen [ __ ] in every form bro I just don't think that I'm allowed to unsee the [ __ ] that I've seen bro like you know women always want you to believe that oh everybody ain't like that and everybody don't you know what I always tell people is bro everybody capable of being everybody yeah like I I'm not me that that you looking at right now this not me 24 hours a day bro like you feel me like you [ __ ] they getting these moldes where they do this they getting these points of their life where they like oh that [ __ ] took me through all this and I was good then now they hurting that [ __ ] Now They Hing next [ __ ] or they [ __ ] off on the next [ __ ] or they doing this and that bro when you get to your we the late 20s you ain't finding nothing new we done all ball these hoes at this age bro so it's like [ __ ] didn't went through so much or did so much at this point bro you honestly just finding a ho you like you cussing her so you so you feel like you that guy and dude you just yeah because I don't want to believe a [ __ ] ain't doing [ __ ] that I don't think she doing all like why would I sit around and just get cheated on or if I think you doing something I'm not going to sit around trying to be a good [ __ ] to you even if I call you my [ __ ] bro I got to keep OES on the side just in case of you doing another dick I don't look Goofy and they don't even like you when you don't yeah it be like bro they hoes so weird when they think you all they got they think they got one up on you like don't got no hoes i they think about is me and they out doing them like I ain't going to be that [ __ ] like I'm I'm a cheating Casa cheat I ain't going to lie I'm going just be a I'm cheating just in case I'm cheating with other bad [ __ ] that you can't look down on I'm not cheating with no little straggler that you going to go through my phone and see I'mma I'mma cheat on you with a [ __ ] if you catch me cheating on you H you GNA hurt I'm making a [ __ ] chest hurt with the hoes I'm cheating on them way F cuz they do the same they you going to [ __ ] a [ __ ] with a q in and you going to try to do all or they going to really like you yeah you going yeah cuz that's what [ __ ] do they cheat and then be liking to [ __ ] we chea and we still be loving our [ __ ] we don't like yeah [ __ ] the come on bab you know I got a B like it never changed with y'all y'all be cheating to get the next like thr this ain't just a cheat you about to do it old job yeah now I'm through he [ __ ] your head up [ __ ] yeah it's his it's this [ __ ] that you know what I'm saying so I'mma cheat in case cuz when [ __ ] one thing I learned about [ __ ] bro when they hit the fan you going to find out everything you going to feel like a fool the find out you was even close to being thr to that [ __ ] and she was out here cuz bro one thing I think about with women and they don't understand they be so thirsty trying to like match our energy if y'all was calleded to be a boy you would have been one you know I'm saying like y'all not meant to match our energy if y'all don't like something we doing y'all supposed to move on and find a [ __ ] who fit what y'all want y'all not supposed to try to get on our level yeah like [ __ ] too much get caught on trying to get on our level fol like they want to oh yeah yeah bro they they think we cheating or they see something happen with one [ __ ] and they go on they ramp pages and think they Justified bro like we don't even say we Justified we do our dirt these [ __ ] bro they think they Justified like they think like when they do other dicks and they about what they think like yeah these [ __ ] did me how many [ __ ] did me dirty bro do you know how many [ __ ] been dead dirty too like it's some good [ __ ] walking around this [ __ ] they got caught in them jail too with these [ __ ] bro like don't act like y turnning that guy they don't want to be buddy exactly you want to be buddy [ __ ] want to be buddy and you got eight you got 10 dudes you [ __ ] with and I'm buddy this my girl this her boyfriend that's buddy right now come on you ain't even get your name saved to her phone she like dude what he don't [ __ ] stand no chance man you got to be the [ __ ] you got to be dude or at least that guy [ __ ] you talking about I'mma be that guy and veral I feel [ __ ] you too you said uh I ain't know too much about the streets but it wasn't right take this pipe shoot this [ __ ] it just was not they he say s says know a lot of [ __ ] claim be because I flipped me I did this a is this is this is this a conversation is this an agreement or is this uh just like one of them things pushing agenda I I was pushing I a going Li I was pushing the agenda cuz we was we was I was pushing the I pushing the agenda F cuz at one point it was like Detroit it was like no fly zone for a lot of [ __ ] man like so how was it like was it like yeah such such he going to come over but he be know he yeah it's kind of like that I ain't going lie so before they walk in the house they don't even know like we already had this conversation yeah bro cuz it's like when [ __ ] come it was N I ain't going to lie it was only a couple [ __ ] who like came and like tried to integrate without flipping you know what I'm saying like that [ __ ] one everybody like certain [ __ ] one going to flip like L he just one going to BBD you know what I'm saying but l i mean what is he was I don't know if he was anything bro like he never he I think he was a ebk type of [ __ ] or something cuz he it wasn't G the GDs bro he won GD and he won no he won Under the six either bro but he he he I don't think he I think he was like on some [ __ ] like I'm I ain't no game [ __ ] I am who I am cuz we tried to flip up 600 he a want to be 600 like he was on with us every day and if if God Rest [ __ ] Soul [ __ ] before he got killed he ain't claim 600 you said you want them that to uh to get put on as far as like you with us like he was with our crew bro like but and L Steve man he felt like he was already from somewhere else right like when L came our block he had already been from a hood you know what I'm saying so he even though his hood him him L his hood got into it he did some [ __ ] down there and he was a gangster he stood on his T about it to say the least and this mama got him up out of there and they Bo ey block and even though that [ __ ] happened he always felt like that's who he was that's what he was feel so he never claimed the 600 bro he never claimed it on his own I had these conversations with folks personally like bro you one of us and I had to accept it like all right well you know like you because they don't make you saying you not 600 you sold one of the members you not claiming 600 don't make you let coming in the house and you just tweaking on T like you fa to flip like an acrobat this so I mean bro us I ain't going lie a lot of [ __ ] I flip to school like you see a [ __ ] in the hallway like you know it's going to be that time right like you see a [ __ ] in the hallway at school he claiming G you like like cuz we had school used to work in my school back in the day we used to kind of it was kind of like high school a little bit we just ain't have as many periods we had like three or four different classes that we used to go to one after another so in between all our classes we used to all go to the bathroom like you see a bunch of kids lined up in the hallway going to the bathroom seventh and eighth grade and [ __ ] like that so in between them periods where we going from English to math math to history [ __ ] in the bathroom what walking to the bathroom so you know you will see a [ __ ] who ain't came home yet or who ain't got with this [ __ ] at you just I let they do like what you is I'm getting a [ __ ] Vibe like even the guys who was the guys but one flipping bro you ready cuz I ain't hang with no gd's Fu like it was even like that it was even on know just being GDK or none of that fol cuz my whole family was GD but I had that much hate for the [ __ ] I was in tour with like you have use the line DD be dead hell no that's for other people to say we do that [ __ ] they F was trying [ __ ] was trying to find something for us to say cuz the GD say GD to the world blow yeah that's they sh but that was no [ __ ] actual BD tomor way we said that [ __ ] we a to say that [ __ ] man we that's what that was all over though that was all over though like we never said that but cuz even me talking right now that's what I had to believe cuz I'm flipping [ __ ] yeah I'm flipping [ __ ] just for claiming [ __ ] like oh you got to come home like you got to come home I told Ron though this he came to my school he was a he he was GD and I I went right to lunch and I asked I said you g because I had a conversation with my little brothers that was in his class the day before and they told me he GD and I said oh look her name GD went to school the next day he had a lunch period I wasn't even in that class I wasn't even supposed to be in the lunch room but I remember like what folks told me I'm like d I'm on be okay cuz they was I'm talking that's spread like wild find somebody GD bro I swear look I swear to God I didn't believe for them cuz look CL he transferred our school like he one of the guys he ain't never really said what he was but I assumed he wasn't that you know what I'm saying but he was another [ __ ] who was coming from the hunds you know what I'm saying so I'm thinking like ly like he like they they they some [ __ ] that I don't got to worry about them being cheated cuz like I said I don't go outside my hood I don't know what the [ __ ] y'all claim out there honest be I think all you think from the same H this H all over the D his block the H like I I don't understand this yet bro so I'm like all so I'm talking little blast [ __ ] like the day before and they like man look like G they like he rade or something man this ass ain't GD man I talking to me about that sh I went to school the next day went right up on him and in school s next to him I said what you g he says she's kind of denying it but he he he agreed a little bit but he Deni like yeah I'm GD but I'm rade like [ __ ] like that like I'm GD GDK I'm like nah nah I'm that ain't going to cut it that it's not going to cut it that ain't going to cut it g cuz it's like you been said you playing both sides and I don't feel like you committed enough you know what I'm saying so it was some [ __ ] like that but that was he one of gangster [ __ ] too so it wasn't even like I was doing on no bo guard and [ __ ] it's just that me as one of those people bro I got to see what's up like I'm just go to if I if if I'm BD F it's I feel like it's my duty to try to flip another [ __ ] BD like if I'm hanging with a [ __ ] that's a that's a GD F like at least try like why wouldn't I try to flip you BD F like you even if like like come on F like even if you don't flip I at least could say I triy folk like every GD H yall got even to this day out to try to make [ __ ] come home like they real like they grown to say order to me 35 I'm ready to get with this [ __ ] like I swear to God F there ain't no Li you said uh only La I miss you bro but the rich po love my squat that six double up yep that that still mean something to this day you know what I'm saying cuz that's put on I put on for this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying craw so a lot of [ __ ] go walk you know what I'm saying include [ __ ] with my block so when I say that it's just Rich poke I I never give up in some [ __ ] I put around so that's still appli to this day you know you you got a big name with interview world do you ever get tired of telling your story or you love it that much I honestly feel like bro I'm privileged to be able to tell my story and make money or tell my story and people even care bro it's a lot of people that got to do things different ways to get what like it like I tell people all the time bro this life that soci created for us bro everybody be no matter how successful you gotten in it appreciate that we don't have to wake up and do nine to FES and do [ __ ] that other people got to do for money bro like I can make like bro if I did interviews as much as people hit me up for interviews I would be doing interviews all day every day like if I took the money that people hit me up or if I just like all I do it cuz I don't be about the money with me would be literally like about like I when you hit me up I instantly told you they was half off I have to tell you that yeah you feel me I could have just let you pay me full price I instantly told you yeah they they they they have off for all rack people right no matter what what you get me up doing you could be a a cameraman you can be a business man you can have merch anything you want to do F if you from the rack folk it's half like I ain't have to say that folk cuz it cuz but I said it because it's not about the bread bro you know what I'm saying it's not that's not what moved me folk but if it if that well cool me I can do this [ __ ] every day but even doing it every day you just got to understand bro it's so many other ways that people got to make money feel like I'm privileged to be able to wake up and people ready to pay me to tell a story I done told another time or people ready to tuned in for me to speak on [ __ ] I already spoke on for like that's like doing the same thing every day and getting paid for it like you doing it for the first time bro right you was all live Ruger he was trying to make it seem like you was a blogger but it seemed like you were a narrator and I want ask you this like glad what what if history try to called you and said y we need somebody narrate the story drill I would I would definitely be down for that and the thing about it is bro with a blogger see bloggers do [ __ ] like let me tell you what L did today I don't I don't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] about other people like bro even if you go on my YouTube bro they only about different people because these are different people that came to my life this my life story my story time is me right you I don't have a I don't have a story on there that don't involve me like you didn't do no research no this [ __ ] every time I go live boy this [ __ ] that happened in my face this these are experiences that's my own bro they not experiences personally you can't take yes bro nobody and the thing about it is with a lot of people bro they talk about blogers like they don't do same [ __ ] in interviews like what's the difference of me getting on in front of my people on my YouTube channel and speaking about a story you gave to a [ __ ] on the couch you said the same [ __ ] on the couch and you was lying when you said some [ __ ] that about it but me I'm giving a real spill I ain't incriminating nothing but I'm giving it from bird's eye view from my point bro [ __ ] I really withness you talking about [ __ ] you think you know you don't even know so what the [ __ ] is the difference so history we need you for this I'm there as long as I ain't narra no lame caption I'm BR I'm only saying facts or I'm only going to narrate facts not narrate on capping ass [ __ ] no [ __ ] but I'm definitely for a fact bro cuz I ain't going lie I hate that blog word I feel like people use bloggers or the word blogger is in a in a negative way like it's like fan yeah it's like oh it's like just you doing like bro I heard [ __ ] like I seen Breezy say some [ __ ] like that like I never be a blogger or who and it's like bro first of all I I'm not a blogger because like I told you bro bloggers focus on other people life they they rarely if ever on that [ __ ] speaking about they own self they talking about this person that got Su or this person that's going through divorce or this person yeah we good okay they talking about this person just got sued or that person just went to jail and giv a reaction to me bro I'm talking about like say [ __ ] want to hear about B I'm I'm telling you about me and V you ain't F to just hear oh yeah I remember when this supposed to happen I heard V did no I'mma tell you yeah me and V we was really right here this day woo woo woo woo and I was there when you want to hear about La I'm going to give you me and La I'm not giving you la what I heard or La what was contemplated or W about La these are real situations gang these are real memories that I go in my bank and give to people F I don't I don't give no reactions or opinions these facts a breaking up speaking of one of these stories one of your biggest going me more 600 to me bu then a part at the end he probably remember it kind of kind of went left and like talking about him and you kind of start smoking and he kind of was talking in s the way of like you didn't like that we so separated that everybody think 600 is touching right but when we was all crammed together everybody like hell no I ain't no so with that being said do you just be mad y'all into it period like [ __ ] what happened [ __ ] what said is you just Je man yeah I'm mad I mean cuz we not in it none of us is in t it no more but what I am mad about and I'm mad at us all because this is what I say bro some I'm I'll be trying to be a dude cuz a lot of [ __ ] that I looked up to ain't never gave me a lot of [ __ ] that I can use as an adult you know what I'm saying but like one thing I'm learning is about keeping a united front and I think that's real important bro because once people see like you could be married to a girl right and if y'all never put nobody in the internet on y'all business people will only go off what they get like what they could think like so if y'all never show nobody how she cheated on me or that [ __ ] went had a thre with a [ __ ] while I was in jail nobody everybody think that y'all the best couple in the world nobody know about y'all false bro they cleanly put y'all on the high good level because they don't know what y'all going through and the minut yall start getting on the Internet talking about it that [ __ ] was doing things for book you know what that's going to do folk that's going to let other people in y'all situation bro that make other people feel like they can make a comment about CH girl now you got [ __ ] DM you like man [ __ ] that either ass [ __ ] but you like BR you really can't talk to me about my [ __ ] like that but I'm giving you the power to do that because I'm putting you in my business F and I'm and I'm and I'm making it like your opinion can be add in this situation cuz I'm on the internet with fol like when you when you tweet with a person folk you make other people think they could treat with that person and anybody with the right mind would think that bro because say for instance if me and you Brothers fol if everybody know you ain't going to play about me f they ain't going to never play about me in front of you but once you start that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] T man oh me spr now [ __ ] talking about Tay the same way cuz they guard down now they see it's a crack in the in and and y'all Circle FK now they can come in and and talk down on it now they think it's free when they think when they thought when we when we gave off that we're all the N together 600 going to ride and die with each other you play with us you play with one of us play for all all for one one for all we a have these problems when people started playing with us they picked us off oh let me play with him this they play with that's cuz they know they don't have to worry about the rest of us bro they can say Meo name all day they don't got to worry about dealing with 600 cuz we separated so instead of worried about [ __ ] something happening with something and you worried about having to deal with 600 now just got to deal with me and the three [ __ ] that love him you know what I'm saying you don't got to deal with us as a whole you got to deal with him and the two three [ __ ] that he talk to on the phone every day from our block you know what I'm saying or that's for any block bro like you let that type of [ __ ] creep in people see y'all not together they know I don't got I could I could diss him and diss him alone I don't even got to worry about getting into with the rest of them and you never supposed to let nobody see that bro because one thing about this street [ __ ] is they pray on the week and people move off num so if they think you deep and they think you your hood going to ride with you they ain't going to [ __ ] with you but if they think you can be picked off or they think that you can be attacked and no real consequences com behind it as oh you have [ __ ] like what you'll be seeing on the internet [ __ ] playing with certain [ __ ] on the Block and they knowing that they can get away with it cuz everybody ain't going to ride for everybody have you ever argued with a civilian that thought you was a civilian yes [ __ ] you don't even know who I am people I argue with a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yo you better ask him about man don't tell me to ask about you man cuz I asked about you they said you was a [ __ ] you feel me that's first of all and second of all don't just don't do that g ain't gonna be cuz I ain't even trying to give out that I had a [ __ ] G I was arguing with this one person and the person that they was with knew who I was and they didn't and the person that was with them had to get out the car like like bro get off that like you stop tweaking don't bro like you better stop tweaking bro it was one day before I was in Walmart I was a Walmart dude like and it wasn't even an argument over no like Street [ __ ] or nothing it was like why don't [ __ ] bump me with my with your cart goofy ass boy like I'm in I'm a grownup arguments now I'm in Walmart shopping with B [ __ ] that b me you don't play with me bro like I'm about to whip your ass all this pieces of frozen piece of [ __ ] out bro your ass is tripping bro like you playing me in front of my son so whole time it was two [ __ ] you know what I'm saying they had to be brothers or some [ __ ] I swear to God they probably was roommates at a crib they was grocery shopping F I'm tweak with his ass and then on his top I'm about to spank his ass and that [ __ ] his his brother must came from the cereal out or some [ __ ] stop tweaking and he was a fan of me dog he was a ho man of me bro and I'm like damn bro like I when I calm down I shook hands and [ __ ] with him but it was just one of those situations where I'm like damn this [ __ ] really it made me think I wasn't turned enough and I'm like G what this [ __ ] don't know everybody know the [ __ ] I am [ __ ] [ __ ] you you feel me that sh man we got to go to the studio I gotta do more uh turn it up how did y' how did World start get over YZ y'all was shooting video no typ uh what's so crazy is R actually did both they came and shot the video and did the dentary they they we we wasn't even shooting the video they actually told they got up with Rond they got up with Rondo and told Rono like man they told him about the in of field [ __ ] but Rono had already you know he was lit at the time so they was F to do it they was trying to get up with him to do his video anyway you know that's how all the turn [ __ ] went back there real star you get on real star so real star that was actually world star that came it wasn't even like cameraman that they booked it wasn't like y'all had a camera they came I pulled up on on my block in my crib they pulled up on on us at my house so that day they had Le R know said like they was going to pull up on us and they doing a documentary but they was trying to get him a video so we end up both we shot Taliban first we shot Taliban me and La just got done fight and [ __ ] we had shot Taliban and then when we shot Taliban after Taliban was over we sat down and we did the interview and you know I remember them comment and [ __ ] I remember them doing a video and they was just like they was fans of us too I ain't going to lie they was over fan out you know what I'm saying but they rock with us hard and see so that was that was one of them things where I kind of it was it was one of those points where I'm like we T you know saying World style was like it was World style that then was everything bro like that's what all rappers or people who had a name inspired to be like on World stuff like bro cuz you know World World style or you get smack mother world stle like World style so so big back then bro like that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was like getting on cold bed [ __ ] at the time or something like it was just that big so when when that [ __ ] was happening bro I'm like damn where really here like in the flesh and then when they interviewed us and [ __ ] and they told us that who else going be in a document I'm like d I'm so the be like with they like they interviewing her them and all type of other prominent big names so I'm like okay we really that be them [ __ ] bro what did they ask you to make me say I cooking bro I really I really can't remember I ain't going to lie I just was being a hun you feel I my answer was just 100% truthful that's really all I could really just say [ __ ] I was just they really was interviewing both of I'm really like the bad ass that they these I'm not even Rapp yet like a baby man I was a kid I was probably 15 probably 15 and [ __ ] I had I think bro I had a pillow on me the whole time cuz I had a gun under there it was a pillow I had a ma it was so I had feel the whole time but I was definitely um I was just trying to uh be I ain't going to lie well you said n Chief ke you think it's ever going to be a shorty like him again deep in the streets but also Deep In The Box CU When I got old I realized he wasn't just rapping he's making the song like he knows what a snare is you know what the high in he know what the tell engine is put this right put that right bro he he was so ahead of his time and not only as just a music I bro he was making cover art he was doing graphic designs he was doing beats back when [ __ ] thought like the [ __ ] is you like that's why I appreciate s so much bro because not only did he put all of his [ __ ] on or give us the opportunity to do things that he did but he was just way ahead of his time as far as like [ __ ] that we didn't even think had money in it or was worth learning about he already knew about and knew how to do do it good like graphic designers BR imagine being s now when you can drop a sign on the beat you made and make the the the cup for it so who you paying for how much money you making though all of it you making every dime folk because I'm on the beat like think about it if he made forito right he made he he produced fito so where that money go yeah come on so you see he feel back ever since that happened he he got Plum pla with Hy and trippy red Gunner all he bro BR yes fol so it's like I'm talking about as a producer I'm I ain't even talking about as as Artist as a producer he got these fls and that's what I said like everybody looking at it now like I'm do I'mma do it now but it's like that's the thing bro that's why I said it never be another cuz some [ __ ] bro it can't be done for the first time twice you just can't you can't do something for the first time two times bro like he craw so he can walk and that's just how it's going to stay when you think about goats or [ __ ] to come to do this [ __ ] first we all going to have to revert back to 2012 when he did it bro and just give him his props and just let and and everybody use what he did and try to use that encyclopedia for to get so what you saying he cross so we can walk so now you got to just run your own down yeah bro like he just bro cuz he gave us the tools that nobody knew already like he but the day you can see the Shorties don't peep the real game that he created his sound how to just R they so far removed from see I see so this [ __ ] out there n never even seen folks walk these blocks or get real game from him personally you know what I'm saying so like yeah bro because it happened so fast they was probably seven years old now they 15 16 or you know and they now they ready to learn or they they in this [ __ ] now they went in this [ __ ] weest shorty so it's like I think it just be that F like but a lot of [ __ ] yeah bro I ain't going to lie people put a bad taste in a lot of [ __ ] mouth about soci you know what I'm saying because they wanted to like a lot of [ __ ] from where I'm from now that's coming in they look up the V yeah they don't look up the S I'm saying [ __ ] [ __ ] they look up the V now they don't look up they don't give s the clout the any question you ask right now that I'm giving you Soul as the so they going to give it to bond even though they supposed to know their history and get to soci they going to give it to V they going tell the first to do that V did it the best V was the richest he righteous you feel me he most for the most part A lot of that [ __ ] is true but you know certain [ __ ] is just you just got to give it to the guy who did it first he he did it and he did it alone for he did it and he didn't have nobody behind him to show him how to do it you got to remember for dir them sign for 6 months before him they ain't do what he did they ain't get the money he got they ain't know the worth they Ain know they wor like he do his work yeah you know what I'm saying so it ain't like he was the first to get on he was the first to put us on you know what I'm saying like he was the first to get us right he was the first like do he they got a deal way before him but he did it right you know what I'm saying when they signed for half a million he signed for 6 million they had a Jeep straight eight when they came out he had x6s and on forgies and all type of expanses they was standing in condos what I love about ke was like we gave me that feeling you know n sit in the like I my ATV drive around on my son on my son that's how he was F and you could tell that's how he was CU soon as he got on that's what he did so he was just sit around CRI by by The J Man when I do this when I get on F everything he did F his whole backyard was tow up from before Willies FK we been waiting all his life to do that he spoke it to exist hell yeah we been waiting all his they try to make it seem like you know with the blame Asbergers they try to make up like he was just slow and they sign and and he bro s was a smart [ __ ] bro he just gave a [ __ ] about what he gave a [ __ ] about bro like people be want you to apply all that ambition to [ __ ] that don't give a we don't give a [ __ ] about like even in school bro like so if you went out just what you say in the school he look like the dumbest [ __ ] we we H with I ain't going to lie folon got hell back lying the hoes telling hoes he two grades oh a boy he telling [ __ ] he a soft boy at diet man this [ __ ] still in eighth grade you feel me like he telling hoes he go to diet when he was in eighth grade then he failed eighth grade and had to come back and do another year when he supposed SOC so like or something like it was seventh or eighth grade but I was in school for that so I remember for like what was your uh upbringing like your rer passes with bully did you get P it through five minut you old the brothers get you through it homies man bro I used to have real problem with bullets because I was the only boy all I had was sisters and I was just like a group like you know I always been a I like to think I was a handsome look kid my mom and dad love me so I came from love bro a lot of bullies don't come from love that's what it really be bro like if you you really study a bully bullies probably come from broken homes they mother or father you know what I'm saying they come bring the [ __ ] to school that they get directly from people at home like they literally saying you verba them with somebody you literally you look at this child you go look at his lit environment you will find the direct answers you looking for bro this is why me as a father right now I be on soul my son cuz when you come from love you it's just in your nature to just give it out like it's so many kids bro that just bullies because they only know pain or they only know Misfortune or something like that bro when you come from love you don't even think about being a bully you don't even think about being angry or hating no other people for what they got or none of that bro I came from Little my dad and my M was over F like my whole life [ __ ] they always did nothing but take care of their kids bro that was their number one priority [ __ ] My Daddy had all that money and every Christmas [ __ ] he was out here buying pses and bikes and that what was shocked about you cuz you like when you first came out everybody calling you as the like you was the Rapp a line for the shooter and you had this real mad look about you look super like shyy but once you telling your story you the niggaer everybody came over house yeah you the [ __ ] everybody knew who to call cuz that's what it that's what I wanted folk like I'm not trying to be unapproachable un talkable un kicky wable none of that bro like I wouldn't a [ __ ] to [ __ ] with me all just know I stand over you and put you in the I deal your grade so the world so the world will never make you mad or nothing you going qu to no F cuz I I mean as a short of year but like even then they just I don't know F like I just was I just was just I just tried to be I went out my way to be different from people F like a lot of [ __ ] is the reason I'm either to still here talking to you right now F like cuz I just tried to do the certain [ __ ] when I was a kid you know what I'm saying like that [ __ ] that's all it was F like I I wasn't going to let nothing like I came from love F so even though I was doing bad [ __ ] in the streets f i i i Tred to have morals with it like I did [ __ ] the [ __ ] who had it coming like I ain't going to lie like I I was in there with the that's why could never be categorized as a robber I could never be categorized as nothing but what I was because I never did [ __ ] like I didn't like bro of course I Rob before but like [ __ ] out here that's really like they rob every year of their life or just prayed on the we I ain't never do that bro I might have snatched the iPhone here took some there but like actually waking up praying on people's and trying to I never did it bro because I I me never made a consistent habit of it cuz I only wanted to to really do [ __ ] to people who I feel had it coming which was my Ops you feel like I ain't Trier to be yeah cuz that b Chicago drill so big it was like outside looking in the [ __ ] kill you like kicking this like that's the P gag and I I want a [ __ ] to look at me andb like bro this [ __ ] actually cool as hell F like that's the coolest thing bro like cuz that's why I really like you said in the beginning my fan base I think that's really what it was bro cuz I spent these years making sure my fans and everybody that [ __ ] with me know that I [ __ ] with them too yeah before when did the chasty honey up them came to mean like you can't hold nothing in your hand they going to say I swear to God like it's like the [ __ ] whyb better [ __ ] bro like that Ruger [ __ ] is something that I just have to live with my whole life it's like being afraid of the dread they up dread like no matter what he do no matter what I do G they when I was fat tastes his honey up the burgers they I'm I'm talking about bro that they about Tas up them dumbbells since I'm in the gym the [ __ ] they crazy like you Bo they make me GL so D hard so day I read the com like they they they funny as one time about health what was your weight loss Journey like how long did it take man uh I was 250 I'm like 190 you I'm saying like 195 and that that Journey bro I feel like and and I'm I'm going to take this I been laughing I'm going to be real serious working out bro is like was was was that was that's my piece bro like even just being in a place like this bro like when you when you come in certain places like when you went to school bro they said school supposed to better you but like I say people after a certain age start going to school for the wrong reason like some people you get to fourth fifth grade It Ain't About Learning no it's about hoes or showing you fresh or your new likes or you know you coming in this [ __ ] cuz you got to come you know what I'm saying that's why when a lot of people can finally decide to go to school on their own they drop out soon as they get a chance as soon as they get the the the balls to be like I ain't doing this [ __ ] no more they do they stop it with including me cuz soon as I got to the a like I could drop out and I ain't got to worry about [ __ ] my mom do to me or I whatever she do to me ain't man mother [ __ ] look M you hit I ain't going to lie it's always I'm sorry but like when you go to the gym world even the buy about like nobody forced to be at the gym nobody is forced to feel like they need to get they like together or get their health together that man you might be fed as hell feel like you should do something about it but it's hard getting up at the gym it's hard staying committed it's hard doing [ __ ] that you don't have to do bro like this not a job this not nothing [ __ ] getting paid to do or nothing this is something you doing simply the better for yourself G like and everybody that's in the gym is bettering their there's no ill intent at the gym everybody at the gym want better forel bro everybody in this [ __ ] trying to get go up they ain't trying to go down they trying to better their s better their body better their mind Spirit they doing something but they trying to better their s bro they not trying to they not here cuz they forced to be in here they not in here for nobody else they in here for their self and they trying to get their self right bro and this it's power even being in an aura like that like walking into a place where you know everybody in here want the best for them in you cuz I ain't lie bro I made friends just from being at the gym like once other friends see you at the gym and they know you you just a [ __ ] like you ain't just a [ __ ] who here trying to work out doing a youth cap New Year's resolution and [ __ ] you ain't here just for a two three days once they get to seeing you eight 10 times or four five times a week or two three times a week and they know that you really one of us it's like a whole gang of [ __ ] be you ain't even got to say nothing to n you be in your airpods vibing out he walk past want say un yeah we in unison cuz you been in here we both been in here 3 months straight trying to do what we do for and get here we have seen the growth I watched you walking this [ __ ] at 280 and now you 240 you watch me walk here at 250 on 190 F like we see that that that growth that gain that knowing that you stayed down till you came up bro is is is is something you can't you can't get from nobody else so this just say oh yeah what's up man you know just salute a [ __ ] like you came a long wait we a even got to have a conversation we don't nothing but this yeah I see you body language it's just a body language acknowledgement bro but it's like think if I seeing you on the street [ __ ] we definitely a kid cuz I see you got the type of mind you can sit and get yourself together for so much going on right now it's hard to even find the time to stay consistent at working out fol you know what I'm saying like it's hard for [ __ ] to say I'm I'mma do it three times a week find the time to do it so much [ __ ] going on in the world there so many ways to deter you so many things that deter you from working out like so many things like even just going working out and getting s like wake up soon and be like oh hell no so we ain't got to ask you you'll be back the oh no you ain't got worry about that I'm in this B like my life depend on it bro I Ain't No Lie especially not bro like working out like I said I did it we do it for ourselves but you do notice people treat you different once you get in shape like now I'm at a point where hey I am doing it for my [ __ ] I ain't about to go back fat [ __ ] up that these [ __ ] love me like this got to Fu look these hoes like me one 190 they all be I get well look hey what say they going to call hand what well you get it shake well you think you got ho man get [ __ ] go boy look I be telling [ __ ] now you know hoes they [ __ ] so crazy they running real man we these told us being fat Bill bellies drinking lean was he in oh yeah we going to be done okay so so the [ __ ] be like man bro like you get that fat ass stomach from like de [ __ ] told us oh yeah I like Fast STS I like lean bellies let you get a sixpack these same hoes going to be eating your [ __ ] up every night acting like they never told you not to lose no weight F Like These Hoes they don't know what they like they think they like you fat till they see you skinny I but you think the uh you think Joe said the sh they had a safe handle where they can just be masing yeah about something positive even just any place where they can go that keep like bro when I was a shorty we used to hire the boys and girls club like I don't know if that's still a prominent thing now but I like you even her no rapping about the boys and girls club from when they was growing up like bro everybody when I was growing up we used to have a boys and girls club we used to call it the center and we all went there after school and we'll be there to like 6 7:00 or 8 9:00 something like bro and it's like you going there they had a court in there they had some computers upstairs you to go and play on or get on and check your accounts and [ __ ] they they have um games and cards and you can get on there and do your homework and it was a lot of [ __ ] bro when there was something for us to do so it's like I feel like any place where people can congregate come together and do other [ __ ] besides like bro as soon as you get out of school some [ __ ] in the block ain't even going to school right just soon as you get out of school you go to a center or even a gym like this I'm bro it it'll definitely say CU you ain't going to have enough t speaking of places one second and last question we got our we got East we got South know North first second third what's your last place okay so we doing like cuz we going north south east west so we doing over East out South like because up north really I mean upth okay so I'm out South [ __ ] so of course out South is my first number one but two might say out west I ain't going to lie that's I'm G say out west because out west that's what I can do the same [ __ ] I can do out South I ain't got to come out west just to go get nothing to eat go out west po stuff [ __ ] old out west cuz that's the same [ __ ] going on outside you know you go D unless you go like wolf like I could go up wolf and gangang bang too you know I got [ __ ] from up North Polo them and [ __ ] but that just it's just yeah that' be third you saying that then you will have over East which is I hate over East that's I East bro because it's so like the over East it's police everywhere I I think over East the hottest part of the sit in they blocks long bro in they blocks like like I feel like over East the only part of the rack that ain't been gentrified yet like they haven't haven't even that [ __ ] over there haven't even been gentrified yet like if you move over East bro you're nine times out of 10 moving in the crib with a radiator and that old ass wood on the floor they still got the fireplaces built in the wall and [ __ ] like the brick cement it's like a straight 1990 ass career bro like they ain't even came and them [ __ ] and read they still got the old bokish carpet in the hallways from back in the 80s like it feel like the block like over East feel like one big ass block bro like that [ __ ] feel like it's that's where you could still go and see all the junkies outside on the corner like bro like they still got drunk still [ __ ] slot right on 79th Cas right on 79th in and Stony [ __ ] stretched out right on the we damn this crack ass everywhere over this [ __ ] like d was we in [ __ ] New York and [ __ ] like what's going on you get pass St FK and it just turn into a whole another city F I swear it's crazy so I definitely think it's out South out west out north it need it's East Side e South let me say let me say this too though cuz a lot of people going hate on me that's from the r over East I look it's real [ __ ] over East and there some bad [ __ ] over East I'm just speaking about the the the police part and and and and y'all know y'all [ __ ] know that's from Over East know y'all know y'all sh old school and odd as hell man don't be in the com like oh really no y'all know we all from the rack me and folks from the rack we agreeing to this [ __ ] over East hot as hell y'all be having a whole bunch of dirty [ __ ] going on but y'all got some real [ __ ] and some [ __ ] they get money but like when they say beef up the street it's up the street now don't turn it on video over East boy it's up the street man for like it's right there for a fact man oh yeah you said New York let's show you D thing when you saw his name what was your response you know what's so crazy they admitted that they got that from us yeah like I and and this is why I love New York rappers bro because they really uh pay the homage they ain't like people always like New York ra they took this from the right they took that from the right it a like they claiming it I would have a problem with [ __ ] stealing sh was acting like they didn't like if you're going to pay the respect and pay for I swear to God [ __ ] I swear to God I don't have no EV intent if you're going to say my name come from this what the [ __ ] is on bro I swear to God that [ __ ] that's like a lot of [ __ ] are looking at that that's dick like yeah he said it wasn't him he said one dude just genely was running around the block he looked at you and he came he said one of the names yeah like come on fol like you can't be mad at no [ __ ] that do that cuz people try to look at [ __ ] like that as a form of dick riding but he letting you know to his for itself like [ __ ] this what this what we was doing we was coming up watching them and we got that [ __ ] from for them like you got [ __ ] we was in t with F that swell ra n and D Rose got that n that number [ __ ] from them like we steal some [ __ ] from y'all dude like why we ever get take anything from the oby we thought we was [ __ ] y'all up and we was [ __ ] on y'all we would never do no steal no blatant ass [ __ ] like come on folk like they take stuff or they they do what they do and they they pay their respect for and I can't hate or minimize no [ __ ] that do [ __ ] and pay it for it bro pay the respect for it that's what he that for real last question before we get out of here is you really like nothing no I'm not like that AC like I'm uh I'm I'm I'm retired [ __ ] that's like I'm retired I'm I'm like that if you if you come if you if you come on my radar some bading rapping team I ain't lie but as far as a lot of [ __ ] fol I I'm not like that and and I categorize being like that it's just being free to make all type of mistakes with no consequences like right now bro I'm 27 years old if I trip out bounce out [ __ ] block and get caught everybody going to say I through my life with see when I was 16 everybody would have been like oh yeah t stand on that business if I do it right now who I am and the point of my life I'm at people going to say that I'm stupid you know what I'm saying they going the the world my son going to have to answer for that like I'm going be in jail for let setting myself up the river doing some [ __ ] I ain't I Ain got to do no you know what I'm saying so I'm not like that in that sense because I'm not a a shorty with nothing to lose I feel like [ __ ] that don't have nothing to lose them the [ __ ] that's like that because one thing about it f I think if you got something to lose it's always going to be that Consciousness bro that's in the back of your mind bro that's even if it's not stopping you for doing certain [ __ ] it's definitely making you think certain [ __ ] or do certain [ __ ] a better way than you would have did it like when I was shorty I just could do a lot of seeit different I didn't have to worry about who I was leaving I you know what I'm saying like now I have a son bro and I swear I think I owe everything in the world to him like that's just not even no facade or nothing like I think I owed it to him I got locked up for my son after doing almost a year in jail before he got locked up I mean before he was born I had got came home got off the road got my baby M pregnant with him and then had him and I swear to God bro I went to jail and I was in jail for seven days man I just had did like almost a year right before I got out of half I got it with to jail I was in the county for seven days bro when I say F di that was the worst seven days of my whole life I just did almost 12 full months in this [ __ ] when I say I couldn't do seven days F like every day I was waking up in that [ __ ] bro my son was four weeks old I got locked up on the Tuesday if I'm not mistaken he he was turn he was born on the Tuesday so every Tuesday he was another week older I got locked up on the fourth week of his b come being born and I got out on the twoth day at the fifth week of him being born and I swear to God when they they dropped me out I was in house arrest up Marshalls took me home at like 3 in the morning and my baby mama answered the door with my son like she answered the door for me with my son when I healed I picked him up g i it was like a whole another baby and I remember like bro hell no G like my son grew up in a low week that I was in jail like I couldn't imagine watching him birthdays and going through certain [ __ ] and I'm not being enough my son bro like I see like for that seven days I'm like h no I couldn't do a year away from my kid I couldn't do and it like you know I'mma get other [ __ ] in jail booked us tell them the [ __ ] to get out the tool or something but it's like I'm not going to put myself in the situation to be away from him you know what I'm saying I got to be in a better I got to make better decisions for my son bro cuz I can't be I can't not be here for him you know what saying I got to be in his life I got to make sure that he don't even go down the path I did when I was a shorty like I don't want that [ __ ] for my son bro like and now don't get me wrong it's cool like if you for like being and my daddy he another Super Street ass [ __ ] and me and him we relate on a different level cuz we was in the streets F but I want to be able to relate to my son on different levels F like I don't want to have to relate to him because we so you believe in the saying that you supposed to be better hell yeah bro and and it's it's not even like my daddy did nothing bogus F cuz I was just a project baby like I was born into poverty like I was born I witnessed this [ __ ] I was around bad [ __ ] before I knew what it was so that was always no like but now I got a position and a chance to not my son was born in the project F my son was born in a small ass apartment my son was born in a big ass house like my son we 50 down mon I buy him a mon every year like certain [ __ ] my son know that's what I want him to know for the rest of his life I don't want him to know nothing outside of what I'm trying to teach te him cuz I want him to get to a certain age it's time to him to make decisions on his own and he going to make decisions based off how his parents Gro him already he not going to get in this field like it might be he might turn 12 or 13 and when we was all growing up jumping in the streets at 12 13 he going to do something else cuz he was raised to do something else so with that being said you not like that that's no I'm not hey I'm not like that I'm not like that because of my son but don't get me wrong I'll bust when [ __ ] ass still to this date I ain't going to leave that out t love your story man we appreciate you tell that can't wait and man shout out to my people shorty not
Channel: Unotevenlikethat
Views: 33,473
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Id: FmRmVlo5FlE
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Length: 134min 31sec (8071 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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