Secret's Out! How Much Do We CHARGE For An Off-Road Recovery?

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we get lots of comments about what do you guys charge to tow people out this stuff's terrible isn't it do enjoy this so before we get this video started let you guys know about a car show we're headed to July jamere it's in Cedar City Utah it is July 13th from 400 p.m. to 10: p.m. right down historic Main Street in Cedar City they shut the road down Park some cool cars in it and we're going to be there so if you want to come visit with us say hi to us see some of our stuff we built we'll have a few Vehicles there so stop by and say hi all right Sunday afternoon and uh Jas and I are headed out to Peekaboo we got a it's like a mini vanish kind of thing stuck in the sand out there so take Jace with me we'll take the old uh Rat Rod recer and we'll go pull it out of the sand we're out of here we'll go see what we can [Music] do all right we got on exp loaded into our map we're going to track down the black line until we find the people at the other end of it so here we [Music] go all right so they're not out on the peekaboo Road they're on the the back road to Peekaboo is what it would be so they're right up here we'll cruise up they're not very far off the road you I pretty much love this truck this thing's so freaking awesome this one's going to be an easy one man no big deal oh yeah pull them out all right let's uh this shouldn't be a big deal should be pretty easy over there okay this stuff's terrible isn't it do you enjoy this oh some days when it's this hot I don't you guys headed to Peekaboo is that where you're going so if you'll go down where the big parking lot was take that road into it it's still going to be Sandy you won't want to take this car in there that was four-wheel drive yeah if you keep your speed up you'll make it in that one all right the hardest part about this is hooking onto this car where there's nowh just going to pull up from the front now I'm going to go through the wheel just I just want you to put it in neutral and I'll just pull you back to where it hooks up and then you [Music] dri yeah I'll just pull you back to here wherever you get traction again I'll stop and unhook it okay [Applause] turn the wheel all the way this way just put it neutral okay [Applause] I don't know if it'll do it what back out yeah back up it's Full Throttle go turn that way and park it down there [Applause] see you later good vacation thank you this is one of my dream cars I don't know why this is one of my dream cars right here not the GT though you got a hook set that on the seat in there till we get it out [Applause] okay I looked weird I don't think you'll need much of a bump I don't think so either [Music] but just don't run me over cuz I'm in reverse and I can't go very fast okay try not to all right way we go Tu these guys out good out the Budd there you are all right there you guys go you're welcome yep who won't build your car for anything oh yeah oh I [Music] [Applause] [Music] our rental company will be happy that's right yep so you'll see yourself on YouTube One Day check out Fab rats you'll see a little piece of this on there so thank you you're welcome have a good vacation all right so that wasn't a big deal to them it was a big deal because they were stuck and they couldn't go to us that was a walk in the park right wasn't even hard we in charge of anything we're just uh we're heading home we get lots of comments about what do you guys charge to tow people out so basically I take their credit card information because a lot of times we get here and someone's already pulled them out and I wasted my day so most of the time I get here I pulled them out and I let them go because I tried to make my money off the YouTube side of it they already had a bad day I let them go so the most I've ever charged anyone was 500 bucks that was my snow recovery because we were there all day all of us I had to pay my guys so that's the that's the gist of it let you guys know that uh I'm not in the toe business to make money me to make videos so you guys can see it so thanks for watching we're out of here we're back home you guys watching our videos make it so I don't have to charge these guys when I pull them out all right so onx L us to them again mean now that we couldn't have found those people cuz they were literally on the side of the road but onx never lets us down we can get a GPS coordinates from them we can always find who we're looking for so if you guys are interested in purchasing onx and happening for yourself make sure you use code B rats 20 save yourself a little money and uh go check the trails out not only just cuz not to get lost but find out where all the cool trails are and it tells you the ratings on the trails tells you if your vehicle can go there or not so check them out it's the late night shift currently so it's Derby season and uh this kid wants to Derby so we worked on the onx build all day it's quitting time so late night shift here we go we're going to run down to the cars and see if we can find a motor for this car a transmission some random parts that we need so we'll take you along let's go all right we are looking for a motor that came out of uh Chevy and Paula I have a stash somewhere I don't remember where thought it was in here oh look there's bees in there J there I'm going to go look in the van I think maybe it's over here in this van hey it's in the back right there perfect that'll be easy to get to that is the one we're after it's missing a distributor so we'll get some stuff moved we'll go get the tow truck and pick that thing up and get out of there we are out of here we got some parts Jason can come back with a tow truck and get the motor we've tracked it down so uh these kids lined out and they can start building I'm leaving these boys to work on their cars tonight I got to take Michelle run to St George so my late night shift is not as late as these guys this is going to be so we'll see what they get done we got parts for them this is how you professionally get a gas tank out of a car [Music] we didn't even leak that much oh look how disgusting that looks at that okay gas tank removed take one uh we are currently going to the cars to get the motor and me and my dad just went look that and we're taking the tow truck cuz it's a recovery yep we have made it wa I just said wo because it sounded cool we need to move some stuff beforehand grab it and slide it backwards I going to slide it backwards it's off the front yeah you grab hold that take the camera I'll show you all right lift it up a little bit more what I thought that's a fly oh I'm scared yeah just keep yep yep she's out boys here here's your camera dang head about to fix that good we hook that one onto it so it can't swing we can just hook that right through there little more one more got a knife pring me oh is it on there yet yeah motor we have acquired now we'll go home and I'll pressure wash it off and we will have ourselves an engine so it's uh it's late3 I've got Hadley in the shop helping me and we have a motor setting in the Grand Marquee it is not in there yet it's not permanent but we got to push the firewall we got to push a lot of stuff cuz the distributor caps right here which is not there yeah real fun the next day all right I made it back to the shop finally and uh Landon and Jace I guess last night went and got the motor right here so they've hooked a to it they've had it setting in the car they've got all kinds of stuff going I just threw distributor in it we're going to pour a little gas in it and see if it runs all right so it has oil in it we know that it hasn't ran what year was that six or seven years ago we don't have any manifolds on it we don't have a lot of stuff on it but we'll fill it full of fuel all the accelerator squirter Works bonus little two barrel all right who knows if the timing's even close I just I estimated I'm like H yeah that's good um all [Music] right it was like first crank seems like she started she wants to run Jay [Music] oh yeah she's ready run it's a runner I told you it' still run yeah now with those headers on it it'll be good we'll get it all put together you'll have yourself a derby car so run like a scalded dog all right we are uh night shifting it right here these kids are going to put this here motor in this car so with any luck tonight we'll have motor mounted maybe some shifter I don't know we've got we've got Spectators down here tonight sker made her back Michelle she's even supervising so and and Ivan I don't know if Ivan's ever been introduced or not but I don't think so Ivan grew up here basically he's one of these guys' brothers basically so he's been at our house forever I know he's all crippled up foot crippled on my right foot so he works for Joseph doing Canyon tours and he broke his ankle the other day so we might see a bunch of him tell he can move again pretty good start all right so we had to move the firewall back so the distributor doesn't get broken off when the car bends up CU it's going to bend out for sure so we got some room we may have to pour the power here Jay we got to get that stuff up in there you go that's that'll probably work we'll see we'll see if that'll do it C down it's on the jack now it's fine it's fine watch that distributor all right I think the motor is pretty much where it needs to be in the car right now so we can tack well it in here we'll get it situated and then we can lift it up on the horse and put so a lot of you guys have asked what we do for fun when we're not working on stuff well here it is this is what we do for fun we build more stuff so we worked on the onx build all day and now we're working on this most of the night cuz August 10th is coming right up and we got three of them to get running so the thing about this car is we're not building it to make it look I mean to make it look pretty for about 10 minutes it's going to look pretty for about 10 minutes won't even look that good for 10 minutes mine's going to look better you're like a professional welder not even close let's see that it won't fall out that's way better than Hunter welds so you're good way better that Hunter he's not here we can make fun of him now we made fun of him when he was here what am I saying all right motor is dangling here by its by its own little threads he got that all welded in go looks good if this kid stays after it he may make a welder look at that the test will be when he hits somebody see if the motor shoots out the front of the car now process is we'll lift it up and this for the stock show that we're running it needs a stock crossmember in it so he's going to bolt the crossmember back in it lift the trans up and then he can go to hooking things up on this oh front bumper he's got lots of welding to do up here we won't bore you with all the ins and outs of all the welding cuz there's lots of welding that's going to happen in the next few days and then we'll pull Landon's car in and do the same thing it tomorrow all right Jace took a little break from his Derby car cuz Parts showed up for his truck so he's stuffing the axle back in it we'll come out here and check on him looks like he's pretty much got her back together look at that you're winning oh yeah go just like that yeah tighten her up you got it and then pull it over and put some o drain it clean the all the oil out put some new oil in it and you should be good to go Cherry truck's back in business we got a little Mel today this is from Steve Woo Steve hooked a brother up look at that goodness oh we've had a Milk Dud blow out Whoppers you want one no they're pretty good thanks Steve this stuff will not go to waste we will eat this stuff dude I'll wear that look at that it's got a Ford on it so I drive that Ford too I would drive both of those the Dodge and the Ford so cool thank you Joseph it said it's a printer a Canon printer oh no this is candy too cuz some got out Kory sticks oh this got to be from Canada oh they popped try one it's a ketchup potato chip try you love ketchup dude that ain't it you're not about that no I don't mind them thank you man Trey sends us this this is the I believe this is the guy that we helped down at uh glamas yeah yeah this is this is a guy I helped weld his tire rod up and we got the grease hot it blew the end of it out pretty cool thank you very much what did we get from send us some seasonings I don't know I'm intrigued now oohoo that looks good jalapenos Texas Peppers bread and butter those are going to be so good on a hamburger I can't even can't even tell you how good they're going to be Texas more Matador that's a good looking knife this one must be the O honey honey honey you don't even know that song you do know this song look at that pure honey these guys hooked us up we got the best fans in the world by far so thank you guys very much for all this stuff you will not like any of this stuff Carmel look at that those are going to be good fancy don't tell your mom thank you guys very much for all the stuff we'll uh eat it and get fat and Sassy we're back at this car we're uh we've done a whole bunch of random stuff today got Jason's truck fixed and uh he's on the car so let me show you what he's got done we uh boled a drive line in he is currently building transmount so he's pretty much got it handled he's going to he's got these plates all cut out right here realistically just like that cool he'll get this all folded in and then weld that in and then I'm going to go ahead and gut the rear end put 410 in it weld the differential up in it make it a py traction and uh at that point we should be ready to let it down and wire the car and front bumper and all that stuff so he started last night Ivan was welding on the bumper getting it all put in here so we got to get all of this seam welded still then I can go ahead and mount the c or Mount the bumper because till it's welded there's no point in mounting it jce just got her welded in oh looks good that ain't coming out of there look at that you got a real live motor transmission combo in here dude and a drive line yeah it's got all the stuff okay let's gut this reare end so I'm letting Jace do most of the wrenching on this when he decided he want to build a derby car I don't need the practice building derby cars I think you need the practice to take the end Department I'll help you put it back together you tear it apart that's the deal I'll help him set this thing up he'll be a rearend builder in no time so we'll gut that thing put it together what gears are those bad boys that's a really thin ring gear I'm betting two somethings not good we're going to put 410 in it and she will uh she'll be a ripper all right Jay is trying to get a lug nut off with a locking nut let's see yachy Taco Bob custom lug got it all right we got carried away working I forgot to film Jas is getting his bumper all handled over here me on the other hand I have got rear end scattered for days in here everything's pour apart going to put this bearing back on that so look at the size difference from 270s to 410 pretty crazy size difference there so we'll have this thing put back together in no [Music] time what does that feel like oh perfect amounts of slop this thing's going to be Min I'm going to charge you for this killer rear end job that I have done Jay all right we will go ahead tighten this up put some silicone oh that poked me right in my ear hole right there then I hit my head I kind of hurt it was I got stabbed and smacked my head all at the same time all right stuff that axelin I'll put C clip on it c clips are not the best rear ends for derbyan but they're the rear end we got so there you go now spin it okay hold on let me put this back in so you may have seen me install this just a second ago don't worry I took it back out so that I could put it in the right place oh okay she's there now the rear end's built all right if any of you guys have ever heard the term linol Locker that's what we're putting in this right now other than this one's a Hobart Locker currently CU that's what this welder is so we're going to weld the side gears to the case the spider gears to the side gears all that just going to be a welded blob in there in a minute and then turn both [Music] tires all right show them what a Lincoln Locker looks like drive line is going in sure amount of concentration going on in L's face right now Jace is just holding this up like he's a tank oh yeah how many rats does it take to put in a drive line three currently so these Drive lines have got like uh 24 in of slip in them so cars are going to bend a long ways before things go sideways I'll hold these bolts for you Jay thanks some of them are smooth and some of them are uh I lined them up with the yeah not right ones there we go I was beginning to wonder if I should go get your mom have her put this drive line in for you oh yeah yeah well you might have to I'm I'm wondering still [Music] bolts I could really get used to this whole cameraman gig you guys just take over builds cool stuff and I'll drive it all right okay now you got your shifter bolt your shifter piece on here and onto that and uh we can run your cable all right that's about all we're going to get done on this car today we got a lot done we got a bunch left to do on it but I got him pointed in the right direction motor's in it Trans in it rear end's done he's got controls to hook up now and this car is actually going to go do burnouts I think so stay tuned we're going to get it done thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 296,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offroad, fabrication, welding, hotrods, ratrods, diy, fabrats, metalworking, engines, building, horsepower, burnouts, offroading, recovery, rescue, fab rats, vicegripgarage, demolitionderby, offroadrecovery
Id: R9npgb9gJJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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