They Call This A Hummer?!

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[Music] he out uh no not yet so we got a call for a truck that's stuck in the sand out by Sand Hollow reservoir so we're going to head out there and get it I say we cuz I got peanut with me she's pretty excited it's early Sunday morning I didn't want to bother anybody so we're just going to head out here and see if we can get them out all by ourselves good morning [Music] so when we got the banana back from Robbie I started keeping track of all the jobs that we did that little AR up there stands for after Robbie and then one day we just stopped so I'm having Caitlyn go through all of the invoices since after Robbie and we're going to catch this back up so we know how many jobs the Banana's doing and we can guess that the more is doing about the same amount I don't know how accurate it'll be but it'll be better than this [Music] the pin the customer gave me puts them right down in these [Music] trees and they shouldn't be too hard to find oh I already found them this isn't going to be too hard peanut you stay close we'll let you go play in the lake in a [Music] minute baby are you assistant yeah she's helping [Music] I'm going to have to have you off the [Music] brick that work good okay see if you can back up a little bit here [Music] all right I think I'm good bro yeah nice awesome awesome work that's there thank you Matt thank you bro you have a great day so Bobby was our lovely camera woman today and I think she did an amazing job let her know how she did in the comments thank you see Peanut it pays to be patient right that wasn't too hard we got him out of there plus peanut got a swim out of the deal I'd say it's a good morning good Monday to you all we got a call today for a Hummer that is stuck in Sand Hollow re what's the weather like I'm going to say it's about 103 out there there is not a cloud in sight blue skies it's a good day today we got Jonah swinging the camera for you glad to be out here back in the saddle [Music] I see the [Music] Hummer it only two will drive dude I bet you we can drive that thing after I don't think you can try to P it in see if you can put in reverse and saw your wheels okay I'm just GNA I'm going to go ahead hook on I'm just going to pull you around down to the way and we'll just come right back up [Music] yeah it's going to be nice got a nice receiver hitch up here I don't know if this is actually going to work can you not run it in from the top no is it going to be hard to get off I don't know yeah no we'll just use a soft sh that's go so we were close to having an easy hookup sometimes it's just the way it is all right I live for this if anything goes wrong scream really loud that's the rule sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] easy peasy lemon squeezy all right I put it together I nominate Rhett pulls it apart that's just CU we on pavement isn't it I immune to [Music] heat um so I want to talk about tires real quick so these tires have been taking a while to wear down which is a good thing and they're very sticky they're very nice but once they start getting to about this level of tread they are excellent in the sand and we're getting really close to where they're going to be perfect in the okay appreciate you brother thank you so much brother yeah for sure have a good one thank you guys appreciate you man enjoy it you guys get a great job okay job very well done they're on their way we're on ours let's go work on the Spud truck so we got a call for a truck that is stuck down in the river next to Grandpa's pond so we're going to head down there and see if we can find them and get them out of there got to wait for this gate to close I don't want anybody coming in and touching any of my stuff I'm here tonight to swing the camera it is 11:30 and it is about 89° somewhere around that it's cooling off pretty nice though beautiful evening for recovery so when this gentleman called me on the phone I believe he said that he went down to rescue somebody and he was able to get them out but then he wasn't able to get out himself i' like to say you have no reflective gear what's going to keep you from getting hit I know we get run over it's kind of weird to be out of uniform even for me I don't have anywhere to put my phone I don't know how you guys keep from losing your phones that don't have a pocket to put it in that's our road [Music] I hope we don't get stuck cuz I didn't lock the hubs in yet all right we're going to get a little bit of a run banana could not quite pull that one off but that's okay cuz we got hubs for a reason oh and they're nice and clean look at that they're not dirty or Dusty all right kimosabi you ready to roll well there's a night and day difference I didn't get to go to the gym tonight we were out helping some friends with a tire so this will be my workout for the evening I found [Music] it all right let's see here what do we got oh it actually has some hook points nice I think I'm going to use the 20 footer today that right there all right so this isn't going to take much but this truck is stuck sitting right down on the frame it is buried so out of respect for the customer they asked not to be filmed on this job so I'm not getting a lot over there right now I'm sorry about that but I will show you the pull out and I will show you the drive out which will be the cool parts please don't run over my rope [Music] he out uh no not yet [Music] he digging down let me go check so right now his front tires or his rear tires are where his front tires were they're in that hole right now are your are his front tires steered the right direction yes okay ready to go okay one more time just not as much gas go for it [Music] [Music] all right will that drive pull up a couple feet okay awesome you get some dust on him a little bit that was quite the show oh that is some soft sand soft everything everything this ground is pretty soft all right we'll follow you out up to the road how deep I am yeah like a low rider looks like my [Music] C10 that thing's loaded down heavy in the rear that truck is far too heavy to be out here in this banana was really working there for a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go what you got there oh local red jasper full a CAL c oh wow and Polished to 3,000 R awesome that well thank you welcome you have a good night one of these days we'll get some of them gauges working well we had to fog the ponies a little but get that out of there I didn't really calculate the weight of that truck the way I should have in retrospect I should have used the 30ft Rope but we got him out he's on his way I got this cool rock right here I'm going to put this on the Shelf thanks for watching as a longone ranger would say hio silver away ho silver away doesn't he say that at the beginning like before the adventure I don't remember
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 66,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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