Drew Lynch Stand-Up: Going Vegan Improved My Sex Life

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i watched a documentary recently on on netflix called the game changers okay it's about the vegan diet yes you guys what you guys watched it yeah you saw it yeah right are you vegans no okay at least you soaked it all in you know um yeah i watched it now you remember there's there's a part in the documentary where they actually measured the duration of men's erections you remember this yes they measured men's erections once after having a meat-based meal and then once after having a a plant-based meal and the guys after having a plant-based meal had directions that lasted up to 50 percent longer now my issue is girth but they but they don't have a diet for girth okay they definitely don't they definitely don't have a documentary for it i have searched and 50 you know what i'm saying sir 50 that is game-changing numbers that takes me from from from from 20 to 30 seconds are you kidding me do you know how many more pumps i can do in 10 that's not that's not exactly how it goes but that was pretty close so i'm uh i'm all nap [Music] [Applause] now i told you that part to tell you this part i saw the documentary i got so inspired by that at that moment i was like i can't wait to try this over to the bedroom where my girlfriend sleeps and she wasn't there but that is that is where it happens so i don't know i was like i was waiting on a bus i was like this is where it comes so i don't know um so here's my hair here's what happened my girlfriend and i we are doing we're doing that we're we're doing the d dad they're doing the nasty i don't know what you call it here we're in the [Music] whatever you call it slap shot in lebretsky i don't know what you say i'm in it i'm in this i'm in the sets we're doing it i'm i'm in the pumps so this this is what happened okay we're in it i was like i'm gonna say a dirty talk i'm gonna say it and it is going to go so good and i don't know what happened right before i went to say it the vegetables they they took the truth and then you can judge it for her for what it is having sex and i was like this is what i said i was like do you want that vegan dick [Applause] it turns out it turns out she does not she does not um want that and if she does she does she she or she doesn't want you to ask her that really kills the mood she was like she was like what did you like to turn into my dad she was like what did what why she was like where's that i was like no i'm sorry i feel like i was acting like i was just trying to i was doing a dirty talk she's like by asking if i want that vegan dick like what does that mean like no no new animals were harmed in the making of your dick do you see how off-putting that that that is true can you imagine if we were having sex and i was like yeah you want to do you have this gluten-free [ __ ] or whatever would you like that would that be something you would like i was like no obviously not everyone i mean everything is better branded but i think like is this a yeast thing what do you say and she's like no this is about this is about your vegan dick i was like okay all right she's like why are you why are why are you saying this i was like i watched this documentary it had and it had men's erections and she's like well this got worse that's exciting and i was like no they had no they they went these guys went vegan and it actually measured the duration of the erection which which lasted up to 50 longer and she was like okay but but your issue is girth i was like i know my issue is hurt but they don't have the diet i'll try keto i don't know what i don't know i i i i don't know what's to be said after that moment all i know is that argument that lasted five minutes and my penis was hard the entire time so you you you tell me who lost
Channel: Drew Lynch
Views: 408,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Comedian, Drew Lynch, Stutter, America's Got Talent, Howie Mandel, Golden Buzzer, Finalist, Stand up, Service Dog, Vizsla, Speech Impediment, funny, AGT, drew lynch stand up, vegan, sex life, healthy, food, diet, girlfriend, relationship
Id: 6VCc5ANAAn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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