Josh Hutcherson Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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I'm Josh Hutcherson and this is the wired autocomplete [Music] interview did I do something [Music] probably what is Josh Hutcherson known for I'm known for making movies and now I'm a meme I'm happy about that but I'm excited to get back to being known for movies as well how did Josh Hutcherson become an actor I was a young boy uh The Ripe young age of age of 9 years old I got out of foone book which many of you might not be familiar with I called an agency in Cincinnati and said that I want to be an actor and they were like let's talk to your parents and I was like well they're at work then my parents were like this kid will not stop and they got behind me and then we drove to California stayed in the motel and uh started making movies Josh Hutcherson new movie yeah I have The Beekeeper which is coming out now January 12th this guy Derek that I play in beekeeper is like completely unhinged he's a crypto bro multi-billionaire privileged if I may say so just kind of getting to play something that out there in Wild was uh it's a lot of fun where has Josh Hutcherson been I've been taking it easy recharged my batteries fallen in love again with being on set and working hard and you're not going to have to ask this one what Josh Hutcherson character are you I'm not Derek Danforth from The Beekeeper I'm not Peta because I don't have blonde hair anymore I might be closest to like Mike from Five Nights at Freddy's in a way he's like from a smaller town salt of the earth kind of guy I connect with that kid Josh Hutcherson Hometown I am from Union Kentucky it's a lovely place when I drink bourbon that's when the Kentucky really comes out the accent starts to slip and then all of a sudden it's like rber Derber and then it just all goes downhill Josh Hutson mullet I would love to rock a mullet my guy who cuts my hair he's always like do you want to do the mullet thing and I'm always like yeah but I'm scared is this a sign I mean this is a sign but like maybe I should go for it Josh Hutson siblings yes I have my little brother Connor he's the best we're super close our parents always made it very important that like the family had to be together like maximum like two weeks apart 3 weeks apart kind of thing and whatever film that I was making we would have it in my contract as like an 11-year-old that they would get extra plane tickets for my dad and brother to be able to come out and see us we've maintained a very very good relationship over the years is Josh Hutcherson a Libra got a tattooed in case I forget I was 16 when I got this tattoo I'm actually a double Libra Libra main one and Libra Rising so I'm very uh in search of the balance so they say I'm happy with it is Josh Hutson fluent and Spanish so basically why Josh Hutcherson became a meme I know my girlfriend like I guess she posted something on Instagram and then the comments just became people like with this Meme and this meme looked into it and she was like baby there's some meme of you from 2014 whistle video and I was like I don't know what this is and then I found out and it's like a thing why was Josh Hutcherson dancing cuz I was dancing why aren't you dancing why was anybody ever dancing because dancing is great Josh Hutson Ultram man I dubbed this really cool show uh for Netflix called Ultram man it's like a a Japanese anime type show and they came to me to do a season of this like a few years ago but it's a really cool show and and then they actually had me come back and do another season of it and hopefully more they had the original in Japanese they've done a translation and you're trying to match basically the syll in the translation but it doesn't always fit so it's like a fun creative challenge of like how can I rewrite this line to fit with the syllables and match what the character is trying to say how old was Josh Hutcherson in Bridge 2 I'm going to guess is going to say Terabithia Terabithia I think I was 12 I guess I have a little bit of a knack for finding like beloved books and then bringing them to life because Bridget Terabithia was like a required reading book in many schools and so I think that it definitely was a great sort of Bridge to like the rest of my younger career can Josh Hutcherson draw I can't I can do like the like early 2000s s thing CU I used to write my name that way with j s h is Josh Hutcherson real yeah I'm real we're all real is Josh Hutcherson taken I have a girlfriend yes but like I'm I'm I'm me and I'm I'm I'm here for the world is Josh Hutson fit I can run a fair distance and I've been on like a new like Health kick lately but overall I'd say I'm I'm fit did Josh Hutcherson audition for Spider-Man yeah I did the Andrew Garfield version one of my friends who had been my stunt double for a few movies he and I went down to this like stunt training gym called 8711 and we decided to shoot me doing some Spider-Man stunts I didn't it but the crazy thing is like I think a month after that I got cast in Hunger Games does Josh Hutcherson have tattoos one here one here a huge one on my back that I forget about because I never see it and then when I see it in a picture I'm like oh Jesus that's so big and colorful why I don't know man I just went through a phase where I thought I was kind of like maybe a pirate or something and so I just would go and get these like Sailor Jerry massive anchors and boats and stuff and regrets not the right word because they remind me of who I was but it also when I sit down and have to do like an extra 2 hours of makeup to cover these tattoos it's like I don't think it's worth it does Josh Hutcherson sing no I do not sing one of my biggest this is a regret is that I never like learned music or singing or any kind of lessons like that and they say it's like never too late to learn something I feel that like learning instruments and stuff I can maybe do but singing my voice doesn't listen to what the note needs to be does Josh Hutcherson still play baseball well there's a thing that us older people do it's called softball and it's similar but it's way less risky the ball is large and soft and I I do play some softball from time to time with a bunch of dads like in Echo Park and it's very uh it's very chill but I did actually get a softball injury a few months back and I couldn't run for like 2 weeks and I was like this is where I'm at who does Josh Hutcherson play in Hunger Games Peter malar in the Hunger Games I always say it was kind of like my college experience cuz I didn't go to college it's a weird University it was a time of my life you know we were all over the world me Jen Liam Woody Jenna all had such like a a great tight group of of like a little family it was the best man I I miss it I miss it dearly it was a lot of fun who does Josh huderson play and FNAF that's Five Nights at Freddy's for those who don't know I play Mike Schmidt and I am the night guard and if you're familiar with the game you know that that is kind of the character that you're playing I have no patience when it comes to video games so if I'm like especially in the first iteration of the game if I'm sitting there I just I need to move and do stuff and I just kept dying so I'm just going to live it out in the in the movies and let you guys keep beating the games does Josh Hutson know the FNAF lore Piper Rubio who plays my little sister in five nights she is hardcore fanatic and last time I saw her she gave me like a 2hour breakdown of like the lore of every game with the characters who come in and they go and this character is there because of this and that it was a lot to retain and I I didn't retain it so I'm not super familiar with the lore which means I'm very excited to read the next script and see where they take it when did Josh Hutcherson host SNL I've never done theater or like live performances of any sort so my first ever like live audience performance was was hosting Saturday Night Live it was a lot of fun and just how hard they work in their process is absolutely mind-blowing one of the things that that messed me up the most is they were like whatever you do do not try to memorize anything that's like what I do I memorize and then they're like no because even after you do the first live run through they're going to change the jokes it's got to be on your feet on your feet and just go for it oh I would happily do it again well those are all the boards Google's a weird place you guys have a lot of interesting Minds out there yeah it's been [Music] fun
Channel: WIRED
Views: 1,280,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autocomplete, autocomplete interview, google interview, hunger games, josh hutcherson, josh hutcherson autocomplete, josh hutcherson beekeeper, josh hutcherson funny, josh hutcherson google interview, josh hutcherson hunger games, josh hutcherson interview, josh hutcherson peeta, josh hutcherson peta, josh hutcherson the beekeeper, josh hutcherson wired, josh hutcherson wired interview, peeta mellark, the beekeeper, wired, wired autocomplete, wired autocomplete interview
Id: Yj-3ECizqmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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