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[Music] oh every day will bring me something [Music] new guys this has been very long overdue today me and claudy are doing a riding de and it's probably going to be the most spici the most spiciest riding D ever Popkin hasn't been rid for a week I mean I have we've had Hoy so monkey's actually not been properly jumped for about 2 weeks poon is on one I just had a trop around the arena and he has not stopped bronking but yeah jumps are ready mainly yep should we have a counter don't get too close no I'm staying [Music] away oh my God po calm down [Music] bro o [Music] oh my god oh the back end oh my [Music] go oh my God he's doing his bouncy caner monkey is so strong [Music] oh oh my God was that fad I [Music] rain [Music] oh good [Music] boy we're Bing same hit good boy oh [Music] nice jeez Louise Pap right I'm going to do that blue one next to you man good boy good Bo we going to do the water tray hold on a second steady oh my God all right oh oh my God W Bo that's good boy p on you can't just charge it for the jump face that's really nice good boy I think I might take my jumper off now yeah it's getting warm um being very good boy monkey a lot of fun thank you no not Teddy I don't think poon's ever been this spicy everything's very exciting Panda if you're spicy my body protector come back on not going around with this right guys it's time for the jar of death I'm crying inside look got a nice little sticker I know that's really cute for not making the fact any better than it's got their in it and popcorn pop very spicy I mean the label's cute so they're nice STS yeah um would you like to um um they're not nice STS Mom thank you PO on PO on PO on no babes no no no no no right I think it was a dare ride in popcorn yeah let alone this jar what have we got she picked one and then I pick one and then we'll open at the same time okay oh do chot Poes and chot riding backwards you're having a laugh for the first one you're having a laugh are these Des you're fans you're trying to kill us guys oh my what you doing right there you go I'm a bit nervous now jump with long stups oh I can do that that's a fine one that's easy that's Ser going to be like down here what happens he refuses I'm going to go well it doesn't say height though does it no any height we want right cross can I go from here yeah oh my gosh whoa and wao oh my bum hurts my bum hurts okay stand Standing good boy can I on hold on let me get out the way oh my God wait hold on CH well I cheated though I didn't try I need to go straight that's all right good boy oh no wait sec I think you need a more of a run up CLS okay not funny imagine this is how you like actually ride horses could you imagine right monkey that way we're doing it so the next one is ride with your syrups as long as you can over up my syrups actually can't grow any longer because they're like toddler syrups so yeah that's some oh my god when I was doing that no stups my butt like bounced on the Pomo and now my butt really hurts these are so long right oh my God popcorn Chill Out Boy right oh my God popcorn calm down down oh nice I can't pull this this is I was actually jumping no syrups okay I think I can't go any longer I'm that's my jumping that's my dress Ashley is it wait no this probably my jumping Lane oh gosh right which one you doing claudy I'll do the blue as oh my gosh C rise you do look really they look really long like for you I like riding short got my lower legs going to be awful it's actually really good o oh good boy done a she want to one more success on then steady good boy right next dare have I got one how many I got how many I got right there you go thank you no no right apply lipstick whilst countering when then to see who looks best that'll be fun right mine is I'm going to be like having the whole face paint s going race oh my gosh we are doing that one that's going to be so fun which one we do first I'm thinking as a warmup do the lipstick because after if we gallop and we trying to apply lipstick they're going to be wearing to go am I going with this one yeah the bright pink one oh you got brown thank you oh matching oh H I got the easy one you're having a laugh H I got the easy one what don't put it on yet I'm going to get much off the stick as I can do we have to undo it whilst we're on them or you or you have no I feel like that'll be really difficult yeah we don't get on the outfit right should I take this can you take the lid as well please oh yeah thank you well I like this can you take my whip M oh my God yeah I've given mine to Dad who's going first Charles right I can go first what if you like charges at a jump or I just got to like go with the flow [Music] right PO on [Music] sett oh pretty that's not [Applause] bad I'm never using that lipstick again are we ready come then monkey oh [Music] gosh I don't think this one's too [Music] bad it I know I'm was like how am I going to be able to stop this thing oh right what do we [Music] think good or bad um it's um I thought I did a good I thought I did a good job it's Unique what I thought I did a good job your teeth you look beautiful comments Down Below guys very gorgeous pink Mi wink exactly claud's had a pony swap she's on little teddy Wy now yeah t Ted she's on tedric it's tedric go a Ted Teddy Ted thought that was a whole lap Teddy good boy whoa that's like jump we jump we jump now that is so silly who won that that was pretty close yeah good Bo no no cuz if you squeal your legs are long enough that you will might strike him like a bowling ball like a bowling bow right Mom can you just be on like holding Pokemon Patrol just let this rain otherwise he will bowling ball dead thank am I doing this on Panda this day well they just see what it is I'm doing it on Panda this day I dib I haven't see the yeah but I did Panda right you go first high five each other whilst countering no you got okay and what's yours jump nice sad little Bridal I think you might need a bridal for Ted I'm going to do it on Ted in a bridal cuz obviously I had no breaks so let's going to let's just do that we're going to cheat a little bit here guys because I think that's a little bit we might be in a for a couple nights after this we might moved house after this yeah that will not work so we'll do saddle no saddle um high five each other whil jumping jumping jumping or countering jumping jumping was jumping uh which one should we do that one I feel like we should do the blue again oh no countering off you about to say I'm just going to give Pander a quick warm up [Applause] is my G okay it's swinging I think my sy's need to go up two as well well maybe one good Boye good boy he looks so good thank you I love this little sitting truck so comfy isn't it I know sit here sitting Chopped all day every day cuz he goes on the bridal really nicely and soft as well yeah right are you ready are you ready I think so hang on oh no what if we just like who's going on the inside oh yeah I guess we could do whip high five no it's got to be hand okay did Ted kick okay no Ted doesn't kick okay do you teddy BR should I go on the outside so I don't squash you yeah I think we should come down don't you we'll caner in this next Corner [Music] yeah [Music] Bo yeah we will I asked have the C and he took it a bit too seriously right if you go ahead a bit [Music] whoa you keep going don't worry about me I'll catch up easily do it down the lock down the lock [Music] side yes dy I haven't got my bra the [Music] bus stey boy boy okay good boy I think Teddy's telling me he wants to be a racing Pony right so it's time to jump ted bear back um we taking off his saddle obviously but me and holl are both going to do it on Ted because Ted's very cool to do bear back on and I think he's the most comfiest aren't you teddy did you want to do bear back on Pand or or Teddy bit too big right Ted Ted wood tedrick I like to call them Ted Woods we've got Ted wood tedric no darling darling that's acceptable is it got Ted what can you hold tedel thank you these two are literally like little and large gentle gentle gentle good boy can you vote claudy I can well partly he's quite quite he's had a bath so he's quite smooth and silky aren't you oh no yeah oh no um excuse me Edwood tedrick babes per what it's a pheasant babe There we are right I'm going to do the blue one okay which one this one here yeah you jumping that big one yeah he jumps much bigger than that oh my God hang on practice over the cross W you want the look leg I'm scared good boy going to [Music] me up [Music] boy good boy I I'll be jump another one your turn okay he's really comfy as you know when you stole him good boy Ted yeah just hold him a bit more to it cuz he's a bit more spicy than normal um Teddy jumping um jump across first a pole uh he hasn't he doesn't SPO at that filler one so just go for that one oh my God good boy [Music] steady t Okay teddy bear good boy to be fair I think it's cuz I jumped them both in a r before oh yeah I did that on popcorn steady that was really nice good boy right time for the next STS are you ready Panda what are you doing I want to chose the dad too he says don't even get your nose in there can you should I read out now yeah don't think it's too bad not read the whole thing oh lie backwards on your horse with legs in the air doesn't say we have to walk or anything I'll do that one now did you do it on him not done it before we will he bu no right legs in the air oh but he's too short he is too short maybe how about Too Short do I'll no it's too short sorry Ted Ted you're not made for that one all right you're good with a saddle doesn't matter doesn't m i do it better back car's you'll be able to Li l back I'm going to do it on popcorn okay I'll do it on Ted I'll be able to I feel you're going to fall off the back right you stand still is she allowed to hold on I can hold him this how you do it thank you oh my fat protector hang on oh Ted that counts daddy you're a good boy eating the Des J there we go I landed on my feet house he's got a bit of fat on him so he's he's easy to hold on to I promise he will not you're you're too short Ted oh my bum hurts right legs in the air higher I can't get them any higher I'm not build like that straight leg I can't oh this that good that that passes that's fine pass you've done well Teddy Wy what was your what was your dare har oh haro's not done open her dare yet have you or have you where's your dare I've got yours got m is that my one mine um maybe you have to pick another one I can't remember if you did I don't know if I picked one mom I think I probably took the jar get the J oh Teddy oh look ask for caner with no resins and then stand up in your stup without hands wait what oh okay so you got to ask for caner so with no rains and stand up in your syrups with their hands oh that's easy money Panda who should I do that on I'll do monkey Oho monkey Panda let me go get the boy good boy babes what are you doing you saying hi to the people the people of the world I'm going to tie my veins in a knot I think all right are you going to tie your RS in a knot uh mine are quite short I'm going to tie mine in a knot mine are really short anyways so I've got I've got enough right no hands can I get like that yeah what a good boy right stand up in your stups yay love you good boy can I do a jump with no hands I if you want to but I'll have my hands going out to the jump going let go yeah okay which one are you gonna do you do you warm him up over Sam while I film claudy okay yeah I'm GNA do the whole up I think cuz I'm B going to crash yeah woo good boy good boy love y clever boy monkey Panda pool all we got poo St so he's a poo poo pant uh uh oh my God I feel like he ever jump that good boy good boy boy hold on I'm going to do it [Music] again I'll do that once more I a good thumbnail it's her face expression you keeps on over jumping it good boy good boy oh Panda good boy time for another dayare out of the very cute jar get on each other's ponies without touching the ground say what now we got to get on each other oh my gosh you want to do Ted or monkey I don't know cuz of the height difference what do you mean we not touching the ground we're actually getting soaked guys I don't know if you can see but give a good sh right give a good Shake right stand on two ponies at the same time one foot on each horse huh you're having a laugh right a different one okay right jump no stups and no hands stand one leg on your Pony I could do that what is it stand on your pony with leg I don't understand it do you got to stand on your pony with one leg like you're doing a yoga position oh okay okay yeah right you do it are you going to do that yes I will there the D's jamama me I'm taking my boots off there because I don't want to get my saddle ruined good boy panda that count yeah yeah that counts you're on one leg right I'm done one more time I can get now there okay hold on my S was a bit wonky why have I taking both my boots off ah monkey why smelling my toes good boy good boy right oh oh God these stups are so spiky I know oh you've got a nice knee roll my toes are cold saddle huh no we've got like a similar saddle cuz this is a show one too are you ready Jordy maybe I I should race like this you know good boy no I'm so going to slip do not move I put my foot on my candle like that like rested it up oh and then just okay show off horse yoga to a new level goodbye I need to actually like come off the other side a minute don't think he seems too impressed to you boy oh yeah yes claudy exactly I cannot do no hands like you is it no hands yeah wait was the D no hands yeah so got a position right d I mean you're being good it again yeah no again the Dare is no hands isn't it my grippers is no hands just one leg I think it was I will just do one leg cuz of you know there we go ballerina well done um guess other's ponies without touching the ground okay can we have Ted Ted's T yeah that's fine hold on that's fine oh hang on stand on my boot why am I kicking panda say don't kick right how POG on no how's this going to work so are you copping on his bum so if you put your foot so if we put each other's feet in each other syrups so then if you hold done other way other way yeah and then no wait is this going to work and then if you hold wait wait I need to get that over there I can't reach who good boy pop come on I for get should I um yes like that let me get at least half on Panda Panda's like what the blue and hell are they doing he's like no I'm wait a sec come on wait don't B my toes this is good forward come on good boy I know how [Music] poppy right you go on his so I feel like you need to get on him and then I you go on his wither a little bit don't bite hold I I don't think this is going to work man so your foot needs to be in this St and my needs to be in that Sy and we get on each other's ponies like at the same time you just don't you need to get on his weather cuz you're not allowed to touch ground bed that wait wait a sec and if [Music] you don't judge don't judge me how about one sec I'm killing that's one way to do it house sauce Panda and then you get on popcorn popcorn you get on popcorn so then like if you do what if you no get on his get on his wither a sec no no no no no no so then you get you do like what I'm doing yeah that won't work if one of the moves it won't move so then [Music] so we need to be like this on each other's ponies how am I meant to go on to PO on that I'm quite we've got quite short legs haven't we so then if you get your Pony okay p on no POG on no PO on no POG on pops pants nose move popcorn's just loving this isn't he right so then have you oh he's he's moving closer he's moving closer oh so then if you get like this then get your feet like no I'm moving away we need to even closer don't we cuz I can get on popcorn like like this will it work if actually you hop on his with and then I'll quickly hop on Panda that will actually work if I sit back if you hop on hop on him if you hop on him and then I can quickly hop on Panda hold on no I've I've got it okay so one leg like this on each other's ponies PO on come on wait Pops Pops Pops this is taking so long right I've got foot in ones and then if you hang on wait wait wa wait hop on you hop on you hop on him I think it'll be too much for him really yeah if you need to get your foot at the syrup you try and get on Panda yeah you try get on [Music] Panda no I can feel us moving away it's CU closer come closer closer P's like P's like swaying he is isn't he wait I need to wait a sec come come on no not backwards forward good boy eat her toes no not my grippers well stand okay right we're in the let me get right so then oh hold on I know I've got it I've got it it's going to be so easy so if you put your feet like this now I've got it don't don't don't bite him nor Nori [Music] wait we did it we did it w oh thanks good boy good boy I'm my best boy that was such hard work oh Teddy's grown Teddy's grown right I know your brother you know what this is really bad in the show ring I used to like just put my legs up like this casually just chill in the show ring in hor qualifiers Panda feels big well have you readen him before yeah at that show oh yeah when we did those pairs that wasn't the most coordinated right jump a course whilst filming a Tik Tok yes yes H lot of people today good boy oh jeez good boy all right where we going now babes right this one today we're going to get this one in good boy right huh hold on I can't steer I want turn it off good boy good boy head up oh no I've lost my brains all right oh good boy good boy that was really good pokor was such a good boy yes you were you like going man with no veins I think so I think he kind of just like took control and be in the boss really I mean he is anyways his popcorn but hello guys oh gosh Teddy's not done one-handed for a while and taking off my gloves for grip okay come [Music] then turn good [Music] boy good boy Ted gosh I didn't really get me in it did I [Music] good boy what a good boy steady I've got no control good boy for a second I thought you were jumping the rainbow bit back and the winner of the shedy Grand National is Groves and tedrick Pony pedrick the pony sorry there we go that was good he got very excited down to that one good ball hello guys hell love see good boy good boy all right where we going now babe this one a day I'm going to get this one in good boy right good boy Ste we've had to finish guys cuz our Arena hire ran out but I had such a good time I really enjoyed it and who knows we might come back for some more definitely some more day too we didn't finish them all off did we we didn't finish them all off no but what was your favorite dare lipstick mine was going over the hands with no over the jump with no hands I love the race as well that was really fun the race was really fun who won that one oh did you I liked the lipstick cuz it was quite different isn't it yeah so is mine all off think I got like a little bit around my lip don't look that bad but yeah let us know in the comments comment which was which one was your favorite dare um let us also know if you want to see another Vlog of these but yeah thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one bye bye [Music] H by azte Diamond online now
Channel: Harlow and Family
Views: 489,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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