Dredging The Pond To Fill In The Borrow Pit!

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and happy New Year everybody I hope everybody had a good uh New Year's Eve we're back out here bright and early this morning Robert's going down there to get the off-road truck started up I'm going to get the 220 going here and we're going to start uh digging some of the pond out hauling the mud over there to the borrow pit that I got the pond down I'm going to be digging all this out right in here I'm just going to kind of skim this down so that it's not a swampy wet mess and just kind of add a little bit to the bank right there and then most of the the dredging is going to come from down there but uh yeah I'm already over here so we're going to haul a few loads uh Robert's here to drive the truck so I'll scoop some of this out put it in the truck take it over there to fill in the borrow pit while I'm kind of working on the grading the bank but this is what it looks like before and I'll show you what it looks like [Music] after [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh h [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] for [Music] look at how nice that's shaping up so I'm probably made the pond about 10 or 12T bigger and then about 20t up there cutting that out where it kind of went out to the pond so we're loading it we got kind of rded the field up a little bit we'll flatten that out kind of giving it a more defined edge here now so that he can be able to mow right up here on the top Edge [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well we are rocking and rolling we got that whole Edge over there cleaned out and the entire pond dam so when I get back uh we're going to come back or go to lunch come back work on this Edge right here this is where the rest of the mud's going to come out to fill the pit in so let's uh check that out and see how full that is looks like I still put a fair mountain in there ended up hauling more from over there than I was expecting but oh yeah oh we got some water in there just slowly pushing it all down here that'll be Dandy it'll come out and pour out through there so all right well I know that uh I can dig a lot more I don't think it's a third of the way full yet here on the last side getting this stuff cleaned up and hauled over there to the borrow pit stuff is a little soupy here now since I'm digging it directly at the pond so trying to take this stuff right here on the edge and use that for a tailgate on the truck and then dump the wetter stuff on the other side of it and that tends to hold it in there pretty good for the most part okay just kind of dump it in there like so then I have a tailgate so this whole Pond is I would say probably 4T deep if that it's a pretty shallow pond so just Old Farm Pond and uh doing this will kind of help well for one thing fill my hole back in and also get a little deeper right here at the bank so that it hopefully it'll kind of help eliminate some of this growth [Music] I'll walk over there as he dumps this one out and we'll uh watch it splatter while there's still a pretty good hole [Music] left [Music] one more and that's going to be [Music] enough [Music] all right let's go watch him [Music] [Applause] down let's go see how much mud [Applause] splatters [Music] [Music] [Music] big splatters all right let's go to load some more making good progress let's go watch him dump another load of mud then we want to kind of cut this Cove out right here and pull whatever I need to finish the hole out off this Edge right here which appears to be right much takes a lot to fill in the uh hit with mud because you can't fill the truck up like you can dry dirt but we're getting there [Music] though it's going to be a do not enter zone for a while I leave it mounded up so you can clearly tell where it's [Music] [Applause] at yep still wet [Music] so I'm working on the little Cove here now getting this material cut [Music] out and loaded into the truck so this actually working really good with my little tailgate dirt tailgate I'm not going to complain one bit about it it is doing exactly what I want it [Music] to that is the hold this soupy stuff it is soupy stuff right here this little Cove is where it's washed in over the years so this is actually a lot of the top soil off the field oh Lord have mercy I did the whole Pond whole Pond and I Go and Spider myself like that just look at that and I'm probably out of water too just look at that mess can't have nothing I declare launched myself with mud at least I called it on video we're going to have to do a wash job here before this stuff dries let's get a big scoop of water here I know it's going to be muddy but be better better than the mud that's slaughtered all over everything I got wet why did I get wet something's leaking I got a leak somewhere I got [Music] wet something oh the windshield's not shut all the way that'll make a difference I got water in my floorboard Robert didn't shut the windshield all the way the other day now it's shut well you got to watch me uh get splattered in mud and soaked at the same [Music] time fun stuff [Music] at least they got majority of the mud off the [Music] windshield still soupy still disappearing quick too which means I got a lot more to dig but the holes working great so I'm kind of at that stage right now where it's kind of like I can almost throw it in the hole it doesn't make sense to haul it but I can't quite make it there and uh I'll end up with a bunch of goofy mud all over the bank so it's actually farther to haul it than it is to get it there but it creates the least amount of [Music] [Music] mess [Music] oh [Music] that's some hard clay I that might be a stun no that was just a hard spot of dirt all right let's let him go dump that so I made really good progress today got uh this side Dugout well the whole Far Side all the way over there and across the pond dam all that cleaned up this side Dugout all the way down here ended up pulling this whole entire Bank back like 10 or 15 ft and uh making the pond bigger and probably need another 10 loads or so obviously these are half loads so it uh doesn't add up well 3/4 of a load as much as dry dirt just to keep from running but we literally moved all of that and hardly spilt any so that uh that worked out great doing it that way uh if you don't uh Dam up the back of the truck all that ends up pouring everywhere and slick and muddy and just a God awful wet muddy mess so got a little bit of water right here I may just ditch that and let that drain back into the pond but probably dump another like I said about 10 more loads in here I want to leave this about 12 in high so as it dries out and settles down uh back next year or not uh next year it is next year but um over the summer and uh once that dries out be able to Blade all that in and blend it back in so should be able to get everything uh wrapped up tomorrow
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 153,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, cat, caterpillar, crawler, loader, farm, farmer, farming, cabin, house, lot, ford, pickup, truck, trailer, logging, logger, chainsaw, pushing, burn, pile, tree, removal, skid, steer, bobcat, grading, heavy, construction, equipment, pond, rehab, cleanup, overflow, dam, building, hauling, brush, dredging, bucket, dumping, mud, loading, borrow, pit, silt, slopes, hole, bulldozer, dozer, tractor, dump
Id: J9E2_z7QSJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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