Dreamy & Rym 🌈 Best Friends | BFF πŸ’œ Cartoons for Kids in English | Long Video | Never-Ending Fun

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cry cry babies cry magic tears the world of Friendship and Magic adventur cies you know the GU the limit it is time to dream it is time to dance and we always will be truly truly friends truly truly friends B big dream the TV [Applause] show look this is from when Crystal had a fever and her Igloo was melting it's starting our BFFs are in the talent show Welcome to Big Dreams the BFF talent show in this show the contestants will show off their skills Sydney looks just the same Gallow by Gallow will see each of their performances at the end of the contest only one will win you will also be able to follow them every day thank thanks to the cameras recording them 24 hours a day we will be right back Big Dreams the PFF talent show oh my what are they doing [Music] now my my I love your whole look you look great too happy first day in the Big Dreams contest selfie oh girl what a face delete it now hey give me back my phone it's so good to be together again you are my favorite ingredient just that I love you come on I can't wait oh what's it going to be like wow that's amazing it's even cooler than I expected I love it how cute my desserts will look great here I can't believe we're on Big Dreams together nothing can ruin my day today hello testing testing did I overdo with the suding tear or is that the voice of Miss collect the director of fig dreams all contestant a requested to attend the rehearsal class oh we'll never get rid of her there they are the best friends and I'm here alone as usual while I'm going to ruin their contest let's see if they are as best friends as they say they are what was it like I believe in magic maybe it was the magic of friendship G how corny wow there's a stage in CL class TR practice my best poses in this mirror welcome to Big Dreams I'm the director Miss collect and this is niceta your teacher how nice to meet you it's cool that you're here we're going to make your talents shine you'll see that there are cameras everywhere they will always record you so that the people can watch you from home they'll record every rehearsal your every move wow it's going to be great yes it is all contestants are what about that one it rings a bell don't you remember that's princess elodi we met as babies Wow Girls relax I can't hear word they're saying those are the times when you will present your talents to people watching from home good luck what did she say what were the times you guys haven't stopped blabbing come on let's go hi loie do you remember us we used to play babies with you and your brother sky in your Palace that's right we had a blast I wish the palace was closer I'm not going to be able to present my talent as a designer because I left my special fabric there a at the palace can I take you there please I mean if you want I can do you the favor and give you a ride on my motorbike real quick would you do that for me of course where are they going they have to present their talent relax they're the last ones I'm sure they'll be back in time portal portal open up a little bit if I go on like this I'll puke ah H torn heart no no no no no winged heart let me get to the other side don't tell me I have to do the little dance winged heart let me get to the other side they're going to see get off these jellies [Music] we are back and ready for the talent presentation with all of you Crystal hi I'm Crystal and I love modern dance and now with all of you Connie I'm Connie and I love to cook yummy huh they have a secret ingredient lots of love you can follow me on my channel cooking with Connie ladies and gentlemen Jenna oh no I can't take this anymore I can't I'm an actress and I love drama I'm Jenna lady and El Loi aren't here and ladies up in 10 minutes I'm like pressure cooker about to explode whose turn is it now now it's Sydney's turn hello Sydney it's time for your ballet number are you nervous I like ballet well a little bit but whatever I love to dance hello and who's that oh how strange it's been a long time since our necklace has shown could something be wrong it is time to Dre it is time to dance and now our ballet star Sydney and me sh Shannon uh yes Shannon Shannon I don't have you on the list how unprofessional you can't make those mistakes we're live uh yes Sydney and Shannon uh go ahead and who's [Music] that and now a future Top Model lady uh where is Lady Lady Lady hold this run good luck [Music] wow she's the best she did it and finally the designer princess elodi you can do [Music] it wow thank you for joining us see you next week at our first Big Dreams the BFF talent show Galla presentation I love it what stress I didn't think we were going to make it through our first [Applause] [Music] day you know that gu a limit it is a dream it is down a Dan and we always will be truly truly friends truly truly friends BFF welcome to Big Dreams the BFF talent show in this show the contestants will show off their skills I'm going to ruin their contest let's see if they are as best friends as they say they are vote for Rim come rim this way I love that you're with us but no one must see you watch out camera don't move stay still stay still thank you so much for helping me I just don't want rim to be home alone you're welcome we care for Rim you'll be fine here don't go out or draw attention to yourself I don't want to imagine how Miss collect might get if she sees [Music] you I'm so sleepy the cameras come on you've been caught huh check out the big dreams chat room but but how who posted this they discovered Rim someone wants to mess with us yes but who could it be what a crazy post who would want you to get caught it is such a cute animal H oh what do we do now I have to go get him before they find him thing again I'm calling the principal to get it out of the Academy I have to find Rim now we have class but we'll think of something I'll help you dreamie come on and me hello hey look it's the prince my brother's finally here hey you're late for the Academy but it's okay sis Sky come to class with us okay where is he gone Rim oh it's so windy look out a [Music] camera let's go rim rim rim rim rim thank goodness you're here we have to think of something so that Rim can stay what if we dress him up as a big dog or hide him in the camera room relax no one's going to lock you up what if we kidnap Mis collect and don't release her until she accepts Rim wait wait wait things are getting out of hand I hope the girls have come up with a solution because [Music] we today's class is about representation with gestures come on all at once once sad tormented happy happy happier it's the best day of your [Music] life I've been thinking this whole time about how to change this Injustice but I can't think of anything me neither and I can't have any more blood in my head don't worry narvi you'll do better next time Skye are you okay you've been very absent-minded in class I just get get bored what you're bored but this is the best time of your life if you want to talk I'm here to help you in any way I can thanks I'll keep that in mind nicoleta is it true that you're here to help us with anything yes you have to help us with Rim what's happening to him is super unfair let's see I can't do much if Miss collect says he can't stay please he's a very cuddly animal and he needs to be with us well maybe I can defend him to the program director at the next meeting oh which actually starts now let's see what they say yes yes director an animal on the premises I'm going to call Pest Control I'm sure it has fleas but horses don't have fleas and besides it's a super cute animal that monster will scare the audience on the contrary it will attract more who doesn't like animals enough arguing we can see what the public thinks let the audience decide you have until tomorrow at noon to find out yes Mr director hi they're coming I guarantee it will'll be gone tomorrow we have to get the public to love rim and get the ratings up I have an idea get the cell [Music] phone Miss collect I've seen that nasty animal leaving its tracks everywhere H I know Shannon soon that animal will be out of the academy ready set recording I'm princess elodi have you seen this wonderful creature do you want him to stay at the Academy well by sending a comment with the # strim you can make him stay and also participate in the raffle of this super dress he's been my best friend since I was a baby please don't let them separate us come on Sydney it's your turn oops sorry how close clumsy that looked more like karate than ballet oh no the wind blew the sign away what are we going to do now please Skye can you juggle we need more videos ah it's impossible with so much wind I'll pass come on it's for a good cause it's 12:00 the deadline is over I just called the shelter you can't take him it's unfair I need Rim by my side watch out niceta Miss collect huh watch out good you're a hero you saved her s tell me you got it on tape everyone wants rim to stay good good I've uploaded the video and the people want rim to stay [Music] huh if the audience wants it so be it of course you have to find a place where he can stay he won't sleep inside the academy good you can stay we did it Ram is staying with [Music] us and that's it Rim now has a place to [Music] stay thanks for helping me BFFs you are the best yes for Rim what's going on NE now you're really part of the BS back [Applause] [Music] woo nothing goes right for me and they are as friends as ever [Applause] [Music] huh
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 258,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, videos for kids, kids videos, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies english full episodes, toys for kids, kids channel, animation for kids, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, bff, bff compilation, bff video full, bff in english, full episode bff, bff new, halloween
Id: kT5wtMgKGjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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