πŸš” For the THIEF! πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’¨ BFF πŸ¦‹ NEW Episode πŸ™ŒπŸ» NEW SERIES! πŸ¦‹ CARTOONS for KIDS in ENGLISH πŸ’₯

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[Music] is [Music] [Music] i was looking for you here i made it myself in a cooking class and all the ingredients are organic you like it huh i'll bring you more [Music] no rim you know you can't come they can't see you here or miss collect will kick you off camp as soon as i can i'll bring you more it's too late see you tomorrow rim [Music] wow hey [Music] good morning tomorrow is visiting day everything has to be perfect the food that i've prepared for the visitors is spectacular uh-huh remember to keep the food fresh in the cafeteria fridge and the most important check that the fridge is at the right temperature and the food is kept perfectly fresh for our guests three two one eat healthy to be strong [Applause] hi girls have you seen any apples i haven't found any for days yes and that's not the only thing missing some of my freshly baked cupcakes have disappeared too well i think someone is spying on me through the window someone with colorful hair [Music] how's someone going to spy on you but how can you explain the shadows through the window a fan of yours oh so you like to keep secrets from your friends huh i think i'm gonna have some fun i'll make sure that horse gets kicked out and you'll go after him [Music] huh [Music] my cupcakes have disappeared has anyone seen my strawberries where are my apples someone is stealing from us come on girls i think we're gonna catch the feet [Music] it's time to find out who the thief is let's form three groups team a will go to the food truck team b to the dorms and team c that's us food is in good hands yeah okay but don't mess it up guys i i i have to go to set some traps for the thief rim rim oh poor thing but you have to hide there looking for the thief who ate everything and they'll find out it's you team a with me the thief has to be hiding somewhere team b i'm sure we'll find the thief over there i'm sorry it's just for a while i'll take these apple cores to make a trail for them to follow and it'll leave them to the wrong place then we'll think of a good hideout so they can't find you come on girls i'm sure the thief is over here oh no they're here already hey look apple cores come on girls the thief has to be inside let's go they won't find me here [Music] that's what you think it's so dark in here look the trail leads inside that's where the thief must be but there we can't get in there it's not allowed the beast must be inside come on let's go help me oh no they're gonna come in i have to do something come on girl dreamy let there be darkness oh great the lights are out dreamy are you the thief did you steal the apples what about my cookies no wait it wasn't me i can explain wait a minute if there's no light that also means that the fridge is not working the food is going to rot this is the thing hold on girls let me see what's happening the generator is not broken it's just unplugged yes we made it but how can we lift the generator hmm that's a good question how rim is it you wow you're so big what are you doing here that's why i took the apples to give them to rim but i know nothing about the rest don't be mad at me but why didn't you tell us about rim i thought that you would make him go back and that's why i tried to hide him but dreamy rim is great there's nothing wrong about you two staying together really girls yes you're the best come on rin lift the generator [Applause] darkness will rule the camp and you won't stop you again that horse won't ruin my plans he's a unicorn the strongest one and the most beautiful and he has a hearty appetite rim stays with us because he's our friend the power of friendship i'm sure shadow was the one who stole all our things we're sorry dreamy it's okay don't worry but remember we have to hide him well miss collect can't find out he's here on camp the food for the visitors hmm everything was so good the food is safe in our bellies at least look it's working again do you think we'll get in trouble for eating everything attention students i hope everything's ready because visitors are coming in 15 minutes [Music]
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 1,183,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, videos for kids, kids videos, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies english full episodes, cry babies new, toys for kids, kids channel, animation for kids, Full episodes, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, crybabies, cry baby, cry, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, bloopies, shellies, bloopies babies
Id: cH5Kxt5Qek4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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